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What aspect about Iceland promotes proper mental wellness?
Good riddance
Lack of niggers
I saw a morbidly obese American sheboon in a supermarket the other day, why are they running from America to come to Northern Europe instead of Africa?
Imagine being one of the most nordic peoples in the world, living in your 900 year oldtraditional village where everyone knows each other dripping with ancient Germanic customs and folklore, with burials containing ancient kings that are related to your family, and all of a sudden a bunch of loudmouthed gum flapping white hating American negroes move in and become half your town's population.

a fckng nggr
fat blacks returning to africa would be like a turkey walking into your oven
To discourage any white Americans from moving there..
And it works, I don't even want to visit your countries anymore, because I already know what I will find there.
Where as here, I can just move where there is other whites but nothing else in 30 miles and enjoy my ethno community in the rural Midwest.
being cold all winter is extremely hard on your mental health so i find this hard to believe
Somehow they love it though. The more isolated modern white people are the more they worship nonwhites
It doesn't. They're trying to niggerfy it.
Even niggest of nogs appreciates things like running water and electricity.
don't you need a job to move there and isn't the cost of living the highest in the world and aren't there no jobs?
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>make them disappear
>blame it on the elves
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You wouldn't say the N word in public pussy white boy
>Nigger niggers out over the nigger word
Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?
>move to white country
>mental health improves
Ooga booga, we wuz the original icelanders n sheeit!
Europe is open minded bro
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it's their rightful land
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nigger plz
Iceland has been in the upper fifth of white genocide targets for awhile now.
Mental health is mostly self imposed. They tricked themselves into being happy and spent a bunch of money on it when they could’ve done it for free
Africa has nothing.
Norf has gibs.
fuck off, we're full
iceland is for icelanders and poles
Low polulation means an easier to structure society.
Every aspect of Icelandic culture in their most populous city (Reykjavik) is degenerate. Chlamydia is rampant (and called the Reykjavik handshake). Many couples in night clubs with wedding rings cruising for dick.

Though child support is pretty based there. It's a set rate, to the point if you make 100K, you can have a few bastards and not even notice the impact on your paycheck. They can sue you for more, however.

Grocery prices are absurd, though. Chicken was $6.99 a pound (roughly, fuckin monopoly money over there). A lot more obese people than one would expect. The medical system is garbage (public) but dental care is privatized. Sugar is like crack to these people. Had a coworker who racked up a 10k bill on dental work and he just kind of shrugged.

The towns further from Reykjavik have absolute mongloids living there. Not as degenerate but dumber than a box of hammers. I remember one village dumped all their trash in the local pond. It turned into a geyser and sprayed garbage all over the town.

Everything you see in English about Iceland is HEAVILY filtered by the government. The overwhelming majority of their GDP is from tourism, after all. They owe their whole current civilization to the Marshall plan making an error with a decimal point, giving them absurd amounts of money because Americans and English fucked all their wives during WW2.

Good luck Iceland.
How are the gibs there?
The time to resist is now, Iceland.
>Sugar is like crack to these people
This is when i knew you were spitting facts
It's obvious fake jewish news.
They also have this fucking weird obsession with salty licorice. Some candies have some sort of sulfur in them with the licorice and is putrid. It's a good gag to have people try Opal though. Or that candy. Opal isn't quite as offensive but you can give the candy to everyone.

Polish people (from Poland) is ~2% of the population. The Poles make more money in Iceland in the summer plunging toilets than they would in Poland for a year-long job requiring a Master's. Ukrainians come to Poland for the same reason Polish come to Iceland.

Iceland is super pozzed though. One of the only countries in the world (Israel is another kek) that has an added inflation payment to mortgages. They also have 40 year mortgages which most people choose. A 2BR apartment is upwards from 400k in Reykjavik.
She's made Iceland slightly worse.
Nigger novelty. The icelanders are polite and welcoming the new "thing" due to it's rarity, that won't last long when the niggers show their true colors.
Access to white people is a human right chud.
any time a nigger finds a non nigger place they always have to nigger it up then have a bunch of retard nigger babies to ruin it.
Nobody loves blacks.

t. Never saw a nigger until 7 years ago.
> weird obsession with licorice
I think that’s a Finland thing, too

I doubt their ability to resist. I don't think they understand the dark plague.


I hope it's not an American nigger.
Iceland has been a feminist shithole
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Icelanders pop antidepressants like childless middle age white women, except it's the entire country doing it.
>happy means mentally healthy
What is this ridiculous idea
I've had some friends drive through "nice" places they wanted to move to and places they "didn't like"
Invariably, without fail, the nice ones are all White and the bad ones are not
I don't know if they recognize WHY the nice places were nice, or the bad ones bad
This happened in Italy on one of their islands. A population of like 600 was flooded with literally 750 niggers from Africa. It happened in a French town too, and a German town. The French town burned their mayor's cars and home, and the German mayor got killed by a "Neo-Nazi"

riots are the voice of the unheard and oppressed, after all
But, that's an African.
>Have a problem with whitey being in charge.
>Move to somewhere with whitey in charge.
Illogical doesn't even begin to describe this. I long for the day to have a bunch of white dudes just work together and be in charge of stuff and everyone else can go suck lemons.
Iceland is safer in a nuclear war. I bet a lot of the people moving there are the globohomos starting the war. They shouldnt be allowed to ever come back.

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