Best PM cucknada has ever had. Unironically.
>>489765952Honk Honk
>>489766405Hello sarrrrrr
>>489766426I'm not your sarrrrr buddy
Canada is so irrelevant on every metric that they might as well have an ass hat that’s entertaining. I agree.
Canada was ranked one of the best countries on Earth for quality of life in 2023. Sure, some things are more expensive than before, but quality of life is more important than a fat wallet.
>>489765952>Best PM cucknada has ever had. Unironically.Canada went to shit from 2015 onwards. There is nothing good about Fidel castro Jr. He's just another cucked out Jew.
>>489768282Justin just signed off on $250 rebate checks for ALL cucknadians. Show some gratitude you fucking whore.
>>489768936Only for workers making less than $100 000 a year
>>489769008You're on /pol/ right now, you make $0 a year
>>489769711The $250 rebate checks will fix all that
>>489766510>>489766510Yes you are Saar.We are all Canadians here, Saar.
>>489766577Do of the needful and go of the step on Russian landmines.Sorry Saar but we can not do the standing for Ukraine when our greatest ally Israel is under attack, it is the Ukranian people who will of the ultimate sacrifice and to the last Ukranian.Do the needful.
>>489769008He excluded boomers, and now you see them crying, and the fucks and NDP are seething hard cause now their the reason those cheques aren't getting cut.Now you have the NDP fucker going on about how we need to give the working Canadian taxpayer rebate to Canadians who don't work and are in disability and welfare. - or nobody gets a cheque.
>>489770461They should, since all the white people got fired
>>489765952We know you're trolling but look at this guy's "legacy"; absolutely shameful.I can't imagine why he has done what he's done.Or what he think when he looks back on it.
>>489770157Oh man that 250$ rebate cheque really saved my ass, I thought I was going to have to "go downtown" and "hold a half full water bottle" behind the Donair shop dressed up as a cowboy, now with that 250 legal weed money I'm set and everything is taken care of, got the weed and smokes and violent first person shooter videogames, life's good buds, might go to Irving and get me some zesty mordant chips soon.
>>489770332>>489770461>>489770541>>489770554>>489770609I honestly wish he gets re-elected because Mr Chadeau is the most hilarious lolcow in all of politics and as such the epitome of leafness
>>489770541Trudeau has done more to get zoomers into the trades than the previous government.I remember when the boomers refused to teach or train and actively fucked you over any chance you get, now that Tmoney is running the show they actually pay you, and give you a viable path towards apprenticeships, versus those evil Israel loving boomers who used it as a carrot, and then gave you nothing but stick, after having two boomers use the false promises of an apprenticeship, I've basically just accepted I'm a journeyman carpenter, and nobody questions it at all in any capacity, and I even have other people introduce me as a red seal.It's called grandfathering, and something boomers all did
>>489766577Ask any Canadian real Canadian, ykwim) if they believe Trudeau had a >negative or >positive effect on this country.I doubt you'd find 1 in 1000 who'd say positive.
>>489770819fuck off
>>489765952Stop talking about our politicians like you know shit chud
>>489770805Just the absolute seethe it causes Canadians it beautiful, they genuinely deserve to starve and the taxation implications of having to give so much free money to other countries literally fucked Canadians forever, yet they know the second they go against it their labeled a racist and evil.And being able to say he's done more for lowering the cost of beer than the conservatives is fucking hilarious, one dude campaigns on buck a beer then it's 2$ a beer, then every blue fucker goes on about "sin taxes" while demanding wine is exempt
>>489765952don't care still voting Trudeau
>>489765952You guys didn't do too well during covid did you? Wasn't your government particularly tyrannical?
>>489771000Dead serious bud, third highest paid guy on site, grade 9.That's what learning how to work out west does, fucking sparkies here on the east coast are making half of the journeyman wage, spend all day talking like typical east coasters.You fuck off.
>>489771151>they're labeled a racist and evileven normal people have pretty much lost patience with this bullshit tho
>>489771325I amplify and intensify.If your pro immigration you need to welcome Indians into your house, or your a racist, prove your not a racist by handicapping your children to help out groups.I have zero sympathy for boomers who told us it's a great idea cause they pay for pensions, then shudder in fear looking towards you for protection from the flood when they start making hushed comments about how afraid they are.
>>489766577I never believed these metrics, I think whoever does these just like snow and as long as the country has snow in winter they just assume they have a quality of lifeI need a fat wallet
>>489765952why because you're a ukranian hiding in europoor and he like ukraine?
Pure cuckoldry. He's the white Obama.
>>489766577What's the deal with ukraine and canada having this pseudo gay relationship? I always see you guys being buttbuddies like russiansit's weird.
>>489771667I'm an aspiring citizen of Justin Trudeau's Canada
>>489771715Slavs and germanics built Saskatchewan and Alberta, given the contrasting work ethics it's clear to see that some Canadians are lazy and live off the backs of others.Also large settlement since the holodomor and then brother war 2, Germans and Ukranians.
>>489772161No I'm Austrian budAustrian Chadeau fan #1
Man what the fuck is going on
>>489765952He got the entire parliament to applaud an SS veteran.
>>489772824He's done more than anyone to increase awareness of the JQ, make Canadians racist again, and incite hate against Indians.The dude is literally based beyond comprehension.
>>489772824He once addressed the house speaker as "Mr Trudeau". How fucking based is that?
>>489773044Dude our speaker of the house is the black guy from John wick.
>>489768936Right.... 250 doesn't even cover a months worth of heating you nigger.
>>489773533Drink more whiskey you fucking pussy, switch to a fucking meme flag if your going to cry about the cold or go the fuck back.
>>489772824About one of the only good thing hes done>eeeee all SS were Dirlewanger : source: trust me
>>489773533Just sleep in your car retard. Do you even watch Steve Wallis?
>>489766577I don't care what some UN niggers in some office in some other country claim about my country. This place is a shell of itself and no globohomo gas lighting is going to make me think otherwise.
>>489773693Kys kike.
>>489773718Just remember who promised buck a beer then gave you 2$ a beer.And who graciously bought you beer for the entire winter, and lovingly gave you money for weed, for being a hard working Canadian, dudes for my vote, and all the guys on site agree, except the one Jeet who's being deported soon for not being sorry enough or knowing who don Cherry is.
>>489771518shitskins are vile inside and out, whitebros
>>489773614I never said a thing about the cold you illiterate poonigger. 250 dollars are goy scraps you pathetic retard. Imagine selling out your nation for literal scraps
justin the faggit nazi
>>48977407470% of Nova Scotians voted liberal for legal weed and no changes to EI, and the. Flipped in a majority to team blue cause Trudeau is creating jobs for young folks and helping them get into the trades by offering incentives, versus the bootstraps and importing mass immigration to reduce your wage, the dudes done more for Canadians than the conservatives did.Post your hand you fucking new Canadian, and if you hate the guy so much, don't buy beer this Christmas and go sip wine like the dick sucking communist faggot you are.
>>489774130Hey saudibro, I just wanted to say thanks and today I put 20$ in my tank of Saudi oil and I hope you guys don't use the money to oppress women, or throw gay people off of roofs,As a Canadian I'm proud to buy my gas from the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, and not those evil Albertan rednecks who drive lifted trucks.
>>489766577>quality of life is more important than a fat wallet.that is pretty funny from an hohol
>>489774264Holy fuck you're retarded. It's not free when you pay more in taxes they you get back. You really should get in the maids pod
>>489774885>Pay more in taxes.Just be disabled and live in subsidized housing, 10% of my on paper income in exchange for free housing, and then I get a check for being disabled on-top of having a full time job.Your literally playing a rigged game, go get your autism diagnosis or pay for a disability script like most people do.
>>489774885he's trolling every single one of you, and quite successfully
Agreed. Nice to see Canada grow up for a change.
>>489774885>Get disability >24k direct deposit.>Now quality for additional funding and support >8k less income tax a year.>Free education and upgrading.But please, work harder and be honest, And thank you for your hard work, it keeps lads like me well fed and cozy, might take a day off work cause I feel like it soon and play Vidya, life sure is hard being disabled.
>>489774456You must be a new fag. You should return to Reddit. I'm old enough to remember politicians as far back as the late 80's, and we've never had it worse.
>>489766577The only positive is he made it ok to criticize immigration. He made immigration so bad in this country, people that would have called you racist 2 years ago for saying we should slow down immigration are now on board to close the boarders. Everyone here is getting tired of jeets thanks to Trudeau and Miller.
>>489774456he's a fucking cunt and you are a liberal ass licking shill.
>>489775097You're assuming I take anything on this site seriously. You're not, at you?
>>489771715The arable land in midwestern Canada (Saskatchewan) is a lot like the top-tier soil in Ukraine. Ukrainians began immigrating there in the 1890s.
>>489771880god damn that fag is such a cuck