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>Starmer says UK 'isn’t working’ as he announces jobs push

>More flooding expected after Storm Bert hits UK

>Russia confirms capture of British man accused of fighting for Ukraine

>MPs brand UK financial regulator 'incompetent'

>Major incident declared at hospital over cyber issue

>Nothing changed before Novichok death - spy widow
lockheed is where the good stuff is at (read: F35s)
*Blink blink*
100% convinced ‘argie/bogdan’ is the same person as the ‘montenigger’ who posted years ago and was obsessed with Russel brand
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Someone make a real thread this polish retard is doing my fucking head in.
Every single one of his posts is fucking stupid.
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>Today, I attended the funeral of Peter Lynch. The atmosphere was deeply emotional, as we gathered to honor a fallen soldier.
Imagine being murdered by the state and some illegal wog comes to your funeral for content
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You've been done again, boggo
noel fielding is an insufferable twat, the mighty boosh is dogshit and if you like it I hope you die
it amazes me this guy isn't a nonce because he definitely looks, talks and acts like one
boosh is quality mate Noel just got too big for his boots and started acting like vince in real life
Mental how he got his yarmulke in a twist just because someone mentioned having a few pints with their mates, he really is a lonely bitter kike.
He just comes in and seethes at anything and anyone. Never posts anything interesting, funny or political.
I dunno what the fuck his problem is.
Fucking twat basically.
I reject communism and all its abhorrent manifestations
I swear an oath to oppose it, To the old country
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Take a deep breath and readjust your yarmulke boggo, you're seething too much. You lonely, saggy titted bitch.
india has better air defence than the UK
Nah boggo I don't seethe.
I do laugh at your crippling loneliness though, you saggy titted bitch.
what are they going to fire shit at the missile?
Sad life of a broke bogscrubber in a HMO, all he has is his echolalia and pubeless ace combat lobby.
>We have just announced a new project with @Morrisons, @Tesco and @AldiUK to trial the use of feed additive, Bovaer® on ~30 Arla farms. Bovaer® can reduce emissions from cows by 27%, and this represents an amazing chance to reduce emissions on farm. #agriculture #climate
Ah sweet, something new to give you super cancer/aids
Its time to reinstate Honour
First we should understand it
Publess in more than one way I bet.
thought muller did Tesco milk
Same reason as Josh: brit/pol/ is the closest thing they've got to mates.
Fuck off you sad little like I'm not talking to you
The only way to do that would be to enforce conscription and get a sergeant to shout in the face of a lazy little shit
fucker wouldn't have a choice but to have honour
Kek, would explain a lot.
Why do you seethe that I'm rich and successful and you're a toilet cleaner that lives in a HMO?
You're one little little sad bitter loser, aren't you?
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Nah I'm not jnonce
Why do you seethe that I'm rich and successful and you're a toilet cleaner that lives in a HMO?
You're one little little sad bitter loser, aren't you?
>Lives in Zoliborz
echolalia moment
echolalia moment
>There are no dedicated anti air missile batteries protecting the eastern side of the UK
Vishpoo is a gay little loser
He thought he had his first pube until piss came out the end.
that last guy has his liver completely fucked
That is not Honour.
Im talking about personal weight of responsibility in acknowledging who we are historically. First we'll have to reinstate the family unit, this in turn requires we reform the current laws to instead favor families. Its going to be a long road in rediscovered honour but im confident we can do it collectively
Vishpoo is a gay little loser
yeah, women prefer it shaved
not that you'd know though being a virgin and all
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The fuck is that thing?
echolalia moment
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Does the army let u have a boyfriend?
History shows even the most stable nations eventually undergo radical change
We just have to wait
Must really pain him to have a nose bigger than his knob, no wonder he's always seething.
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ESL moment
Why do you seethe that I'm rich and successful and you're a toilet cleaner that lives in a HMO?
yeah, a 8" nose would be quite painful I guess
yeah no shit, have done for the past 15 years or more. They even have designated barracks femboy cumdumps now.
You're one little little sad bitter loser, aren't you?
echolalia moment
Most blacks have yellow eyes
Its ends violently that much is certain. Thus my interest in rediscovering honour.

If dark times are indeed ahead, it would be nice to remember key virtues now while we can.
Are the recently dumped Pajeet Hordes even human? Anyone else not notice their demented behaviour? I'm more open to demon possessed, vaxx mind controlled, some other science experiment, or aliens trying to pass themselves off as humans than to believe the Pajeets are even human.
they don't even need to go nuclear to fuck us hard.
> No fags, no trannies, no women, no illegals
> Also straight men refuse to fight
Must pain him to be him.
>Low iq
>No friends
>Can't cook
>Can't drive
>Lives in a flat
>Women don't respond to him even if he blinks at them
>No pube
>No pubes
>Low t
>Mogged by a literal jeet
>Crying all the time
I cant wait to go on Holiday for Christmas
can't believe boggo is fantasising about my cock.
he's really one sad little pakistani gayboy.
Why do you seethe that I'm rich and successful and you're a toilet cleaner that lives in a HMO?
all the typhoons (less than 100) in the uk are stationed at 2 airfields lol
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Why are you posting your autobiography bud? You're one sad bitter little tosser, aren't you?
echolalia moment
do you reckon a single bolivian farmer with a rusty fork could take over all the UK?
Stop saying "de lids". You sound like fucking mongoloids.
>Gets extremely angry when people thread split his beloved titanic sub general
echolalia moment
>even if he blinks at them
>no pube
>no pubes
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stop posting that
That's scouse/wannabe scouse (wools) talk so they are mongoloids
All it would take would be two precise strikes and our home defence capability would be ruined
Russian air power would be free to rain terror upon us
We learnt nothing from what made us survive the Adlerangriff
Nah I'm not jewish
I do understand why a yarmulke wearing paedophile like yourself would accuse me of being one though.
A thief believes everybody steals
yeah tbf I do shave my balls.
can't be shagging women every weekend while looking like a troglodyte.
not that you'd know being a virgin.
>Gets worked up over someone threadsplitting his beloved general
Top kek
u can't stop a nuke if someone wants to fire one
there will be 100s and only one needs to get through
I love how I'm so overwhelmingly superior he's just flinging shit to see if something sticks lmfao
I'm more scouse than you.
The Greys can and will
Cunt has nothing going on in his life so he comes to a general about a country thousands of miles away to seethe.
Imagine thinking anyone believes that you're not a fat incel if you spend your life doing that.
my life's great. good job, good shags.
sounds like you're jealous because you're a complete fucking loser.
Just completely fucks with my mind that he's been at the same seethe for well over a year now.
boggo seethes about me 16 hours a day every single day lmfao
Doesn't matter what time you come here, he's always kvetching, every single day without fail for well over a year.
Nah mate his life is so great he's sitting here on a british politics general at 2am on a Tuesday seething at some brown guy
Im 0% scouse fortunately

>Cunt has nothing going on in his life
What do you mean mate? You can put baker of "Titanic Sub General" on your CV surely?
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Cheeky projection considering you're kvetching 24/7
but you're seething at me. notice how you started talking about me, not the other way around.
>100% convinced ‘argie/bogdan’ is the same person as the ‘montenigger’ who posted years ago
You sound incredibly triggered about these things to the point I believe you may be schizophrenic.
>Im 0% scouse fortunately
Same, I just like taking the piss sometimes.

He's a genuinely nutcase, he's got to be to seethe for this long.
Are you the mong who couldn't figure out how to enable the developer options?
I wish I was fulfilled and had a great life with friends.

IF I was rich with a billion friends and a billion quid I'd spend all day on a polish forum shouting at a romanian from the other side of the fucking continent.
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what did they mean by this?
You definitely struck a nerve, he's samefagging now.
The bogwog things every single person that calls him a retard is me samefagging.
That's because he actually spends all day samefagging he's a complete loser with no friends.
Can't wait to be successful and have friends so I can finally be fulfilled in life.
I just want to go into foreign political forums, never post anything of worth, and seethe all day because I'm so fulfilled.
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The dumb wanker really needs to leave his dingy little flat and meet some fellow 70IQ polish retards to hang out with.
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>Can't wait to be successful and have friends so I can finally be fulfilled in life
Good look since you're a handicapped pajeet
Why are you talking to yourself at 2AM bud? You'll never be successful and have friends like this. Not even with fellow 62ish IQ bogwogs.
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u don't have any frens
and ur on drugs
Seriously what's your fucking problem? It's 2AM and you're malding while talking to yourself.
Proper tragic, but unsurprising from a brown retard.
>he doesn't understand timezones
Add that one to the list.
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3 million WHEN
That implies you won't be seething and samefagging in 1 hour.
You will absolutely be.
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Every one of the border constituencies is labour and its looking like 6%+ have signed kek
ESL moment
no u r
no u r
no you are
my 5 yr old could beat u in an argument
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tbf to boggo he still hasn't reached the IQ of a 5 year old
>doesn't know that IQ is normalised by age
Add another to the list.
Lol, he's coping because he has the practical IQ of a 5 year old
All this over and md5
S m H
Morning you bunch of labour voting cunts, I hope you huffed enough of your farts so you can burn that shit for winter, for next year the ducks at the park are free.
Slavs ate all the swans near me.
Only 40 mins til 2AM
Wonder what your excuse will be then you sad little low IQ loser.
>huffing farts
Boggy's pastime, Poles invented Jenkem after all.
Poles go down the canals at 3am High on meth fishing eels
They piss EVERYWHERE too, smells like an open sewer on the tow paths near me.
I made a meme out of your ESL moment >>489772735
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why is a pajeet complaining about pissing? lmfao
He's doing the thing where he conflates everyone that hates him into a single person so he can feel like he's won.
Meanwhile, no one knows what the fuck he's going on about.
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But you're a pajeet though
Jewish schizophrenia.
Right, bed time for me.
Hopefully when boggy finishes kvetching at 4am, he'll sleep for a few hours and we'll get some peaceful comfy non-foren politics talk in the morning.
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I take you won't be posting then, boggo?
lmfao, you've done >>489773595
Night, I know he's still going because the post count updates but no posts appear, he must be seriously assblasted.
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Do you wipe your own ass like in the hollywood movies, saar?
Yep. By me they go by carrying a boombox playing euro trash every other night at 3am. And an hour later they're back with a big bag of eels. Absolute munters
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>a big bag of eels
Assblasted poorfag
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So that's how Polish women get into the UK to be coalburners, bit like Boggy's mum if he had one instead of two dads.
love watching the whinging on /r/badunitedkingdom. Fuck me, they love it.

Whispers of a Dominic Cummings party about to emerge. His first grift is to #crushcrime

>the word "pajeet" is used

Are the mods sleeping?
Why isn't he banned yet?
Kier Starmer, supports child harmers. Hates farmers, loves immigrants from Ghana. Nan's gonna vote for him again... I tried to warn her - too late, he's embalmed her. Don't call me an "alarmer", just read my palmer. For it was written, in the book of psalmer.
>if he had one instead of two dads.
True that you were nonced as a child, no wonder you're a flamboyant brown homosexual.

By the way it's already 2AM, why are you still seething? >>489772129
Other rhymes:
>greaet yarmou(th)
>pc palmer
>geoffrey darmah
>lip balmer
>post count +1
>no post
Your kvetching won't get you out of that HMO, Boggo. Try another IP, but given you can only afford four you better make it count.
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Boggo, do you spend all night awake and seething in your wog filled HMO at the memory of your dad abusing you? No wonder you're kvetching all the time.
2AM btw. I would've guessed a toilet cleaner like yourself would've logged off by now?
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No, poos aren't human. Try to talk casually to a libtard about them. Unlike with other types of niggers, I promise you'll be pleasantly surprised.
I just want to see some European armed forces get splattered in Ukraine is that too much to ask?
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