Sheinbaum on her kneesMAGA
>admits to violating the Logan ActOh this is going to go well. Licthman was right.
She is lying to him
>>489769635>United States of Judeamerica vs MexijewOh wow what how fucking amazing. Fuck all these kike politicians. Fuck all you zionist kike faggots pretending any of this shit matters.
>>489769635>gets to pretend he solved the problem without actually doing anything >supporters cheer anywaymaybe trump is a genius
>>489769635I’ll believe this only when I see it actually happening, no way I trust that jewess to keep her word
the mexican people are stupid. worthless. they will stop absolutely nobody
>>489769635Wow you know for some reason I can’t just shake the feeling that this won’t happen
>>489769635>we're going to build a wall>and mexico is going to pay for itSure thing lil fella.
>>489769834no you were not
Surely the beaners with their great police and border forces will do... something...
>>489769956Dr trumps miracle snake oil
So Trump's plan to stop the cartels isn't to drone strike them? He's going to release a few PSAs? Lmao! SpanishPeopleInControl
>>489769635pretty sure when trump was first running or elected for his first term, i tweeted at him and said, perhaps focus on a better relationship with Mexico and help them there so they dont need to illegally flee into the USA. give them the same opportunities there. so that deal would be in helping Mexico to secure their own southern border. bing bong.
>>489770650Holy shit the Mexican people thank you for your benevolence ese maybe I can go back to my wife and keeds now gringo
>>489769635Is he just lying now? Because she's been screaming " HELL NO " all week. Also he said he was going to end the war in Ukraine and his aids are saying he'll promise to give Ukraine so many weapons in comparison to before, Russia will surely back off. Um....that's not what we thought when we voted for him.
>>489770494>mexicans >spanish Yeah and Philippines is full of Spaniard too right? Also attacking a friendly country would be retarded and cost the US ally ships even if it would impress adult virgin communists on /pol/.
>>489769956This>I had a talk>YASSSSS KING YOU SAVED US YASSSSS ALL HAIL!Braindead
>>489770796Well why did his border czar say that's what they were going to do? That's drone striking the cartels.We own you ese. We own you.
>>489770789Who knows, I believe they had a discussion but the rest is up in the air. Mexico has nothing to gain from tariff battle with US especially when the only real request they secure their own borders so the worlds trash stops coming here using their country. It’s not that big of an ask.
>Trump kneeling to a JewSurprises noone>Trump kneeling to the queen of the SpaniardsSurprised everyone (but me)SpanishPeopleInCharge
>>489770991We're gonna pay for the wall too rightLOL
>>489770920Probably because he lied, who knows. >we You cultureless leafs gave up belonging to any group, you’re Canadian and nobody wants you. You could be full beaver and nobody would even consider you chicano let alone Latino kek. Should have illegally migrated to America retard
>>489771073you'll be incorporated in the US very soon. how's it feel knowing you are our bitch?
>>489771149Ok jewlover
>>489769635>no real interference beyond propaganda videosBoo! Truly, nothing ever happens! Wanted war, gosh dang!
>>489769888Of course she is
>>489771073>we’re >canadian flag Just stop you cultural parasite
>>489771159No, no I don't think we will. I think we'll just trade with China and tell Blumpfy he can go suck a big Mexican dick. Its that easy. We already have the Chinese army and secret police on site so we don't need to worry about your mutt brigades
>>489769635>fentanylthe biggest problem with that shit is that a lot of the time, people don't even know that's what they're swallowing
>>489769888She might not be 'actively lying' but you can best bet that she's not telling the truth. You can't trust a woman. Especially one that is on her knees.>says she'll swallow but winds up spitting it on your shoes
>>489771186You should give up just like your fake country has leaf
>>489771260>Cultural parasiteYou come from the country that invented trannies and being gay buddy don't even talk to me trannylover
>>489769888Based trips. Jews operate off of constant deceit. Expect some nonsense from her in the future.
>>489770718You are a JEET and the flush is coming.
>>489770991I think there's too much emphasis on Tariffs.Inflation is coming either way and Trump's tariffs will be blamed for it, See Central banks stocking up on gold, Trump floating BTC-Reserves, Vance worried about bond yields going up uncontrollably.Tariffs, or not,Inflation is going to rip our ass apart because that's the only way out. The bankers may want a crash before the final meltup to squeeze the last drop of blood out of retail but after that.It's ogre. Any transition to a US based manufacturing economy will take years, and it will be a painful transition.
>>489769834He's literally president elect you dumb fuck.
>>489771284Yeah Mexico doesn’t even export good drugs anymore, they need to get it together
>>489771314You'd like it if we gave up wouldn't you Jew? That would serve your Jewish interests great, wouldn't it? Well we're not going out without a fight Jew! We won't bend the knee to Israel like america has without a fight. Even if zog is unstoppable, we aren't cowards like Americoids.
>>489771355>Any transition to a US based manufacturing economy will take years, and it will be a painful transition.Absolutely but it would also be worth it assuming the goal is accomplished. Bad times are coming no matter what, better to load the deck in your favor.
>>489769834Okay, when do you want to arrest Pelosi and Obama too? Lets round them all up at once and save on gas money.
>>489771343You are a jewloving trannylover from the country who invented being gay so go blow a dude and quit bothering me chuddie
>>489771365His literally a citizen, dumb nigger.
>>489771510Trump said he would do that though last time. He was gonna drain the swamp I heard. Guess when he kneeled down to pull the plug he decided he kinda liked the swamp.
>>489769937Care to reiterate what matters for those of us with fecal encephalopathy?
>>489771510>arrest sworn in officalsI want what you're smoking.
>>489771355It has to be done. Are you ok with living under the thumb of other countries like China?
>>489770650>perhaps focus on a better relationship with Mexico and help them there so they dont need to illegally flee into the USAYeah then we can fix Guatemala, and El Salvador, and Venezuela too, then we can move onto fixing Africa, and the entire 3rd world as well! You know, because that's so much simpler and cheaper than just policing our own God damned border.
>>489771538The Federal Government treats a President Elect like a sitting President
>>489771627We will just outlast you. China has the endurance. America is a wheezing old man. We will win!
>>489771604Pelosi is not an ambassador. Only they can do this. Obama was not in office when he we visited the Sunak earlier this year.
Who knew all you had to do was ask nicely and threaten to blow up your own economy with a 25% tax increase across the board on all products you import to solve any problemsThis is idiocracy
>>489769635kek no one in the US had any idea drugs were harmful surely a massive ad campaign will change their minds. Did he hire fucking nancy reagan?
>>489771355I'm not sure if the president can control inflation, the federal reserve and central banks are in charge
>>489771419You definitely gave up, the fucking poos in India are surpassing you and all you can do is pretend to be a Mexican on /pol/, it’s pathetic really but not surprising for some with a leaf on their flag.
>>489771627It takes time to onshore, I have my doubts it can happen in 4 years to onshore everything our country needs. Now imagine that this process hasn't played out but the financial damage has.The D's roll right back into the WH with a dejected broke population who will then turn us into Communist China. That's my personal fear over the next 4 years. I admire the attempt to onshore but that's not 100% going to be done within 4 years, what will be done in 4 years is alot of economic pain.
>>489771680死共匪动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 8964 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 毒奶粉 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 Democracy 言論 Speech 思想 Think 反共 Anti-Communism 反革命 Counter-revolutionary 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 Protest 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 Pinochet 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 The Epoch time 九評論共産黨 Nine commentaries on the communist party 獨裁 Dictatorship 專制 Authoritarian 壓制 Suppression 統一 Unification 監視 Monitoring 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 Massacrr 活摘器官 Organ Picking 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 Prostitution 春畫 賭博 Gambling 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 Fa longgong 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 小熊維尼 VPN VPN軟件 翻牆軟件 Virtual Private Network Software Proxy Tor 習包子 中共官員資產 Assets of Chinese Communist Party Officers 瑞士銀行 Swiss Bank 中共官員移民 移民 Moving overseas 劉曉波 Liu Xiaobou 逃犯條例修訂 反送中 No Chinese Extradition 警察濫權 Police Rights Abuse 721元朗無差別恐襲事件 721 Event of Indiscriminate Terrorism in Yuen Long
>>489769635jews still bringing in jew bioweapons, 40 million + jew bio weapons still not deportednothing has happened until it happens, only results count.
>>489771926So what do you suggest? We cannot keep the status quo.
>>489769888This. But I do like how the mass deportations will continue.
yes gringoys, the migrant trains will stop forever and sheeeetnow let's talk about legalizing the mexicans already there
>>489771951We are the king of the world and america isnt even king of the niggersIts sundown for america
>>489771899The President can help by vetoing spending, proposing a budget. So he does have some power, debt expansion that is monetized by the FED is inflationary. Also pushing down energy prices offsets "money printing" because it's an input to production which drives costs of goods down.
>>489769888Remain in Mexico was a real and effective policy that came out of the same strategy here.
>>489769888nice digits but yeah jews always lie
>>489769635>a sephardic kike promises they will do something So... what am I supposed to be excited about?
>>489771639El Salvador has already been fixed.The other countries are hopeless, should just seal them all up inside and prevent them from leaving.
>>489769888>She is lying to himShe's Jewish, of course she's lying.
>>489771825Getting things done is about making noise and forcing people to focus up. Niceties and sending ambassadors for backroom talks only result in kicking the can down the road, even if coordinated enforcement of drugs and migration would benefit all three countries. Trump isn't asking for something detrimental to either Canada or Mexico. Everyone benefits.
>>489772016>So what do you suggest? We cannot keep the status quo.The actual solution is go back to sound money and get rid of Central banking but the situation now is so bad it's analagous to a financial hostage situation. We now entirely depend on their system which will transition us into some weird Dystopian society down the line to cover for a system that isn't built to last (Fiat systems are temporary and serve to transfer wealth). There are no easy solutions left.
>>489769635Kek, you really eat whatever he says as he winning. Pathetic.
>>489771538don't act like you fuckers didn't parade joe around like this last time>muh office of the president-elect
>>489769635hahahah he got tricked holy guys are retarded >I WANT NO TARIFFS and i will slow migrationOkay>POST ON X THEY WILL STOP MIGRATION WE WON BOYS FUCK AMERICAN WORKERS WE STOPPING MIGRANTS!
Jeez, he's going to give a family members' friends tens of millions to tell people fentanyl is bad? Really?
>>489772835memeflag, opinion discardedif you think this is how anything works in real life, you probably live by yourself and your living space is attached to wheels
She blames Mexican cartel violence on Americans. Reddit agrees with this Jew. your shit, every last one of you.
>>489774934That was before the phone call.
>>489769937/pol/ is mistaken on Sheinbaum. I mean she's jew, but not jew in a clan of jews that run shit. She's a cartel politician, not a kike politician.
>>489769888oy veh antisemitism!
>>489776429cartels require jews to launder moneythey are ultimately on the same side chairo
>>489769888Sure, but now when they find beaners at the border, she will have explaining to do
>>489776791Cartels may buy their services, but they don't respond to jews. So she's a cartel politician, not a kike. Y no me insultes con lo de chairo. Guacala.
>>489769635K. See you when these fucks do nothing.
>>489771327do you know a single bit of history from before 2010? you clearly have no idea how stupid you seem
>>489769834Migabros , we got too cocky..
>>489777705fuentes isn't going to fuck you bro
>>489773350>office of the president-electLmao I forgot about that