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>actually thinking a wall is going to stop immigration to the USA
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Wasted fucking spic
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Script nigger
What if we man it

Correct. America doesn’t need a wall on the border. It needs a moat.
It will deter illegal immigration and people who cross over with drugs, work visa has 90% acceptance rate and a 3-7 month waiting period.
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It's not plugged in yet.
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Yes. Your digits help this to be true without irony.

>Aye Tone look at this fucking Mook would ya?
People linked your get in multiple threads before you received any comments here isn't that weird?
They do have a moat - that's why they're called wetbacks.
In reality they need a wall adorned with the corpses of other invaders and robot gatling guns every 50 ft.
Not a shitty wall without barbed wire, machine guns and surrounded by land mines.
Wait until razor wire at the top is added
watch as i magically link a future post, grasshopper
ooooooooooooo spooooooookyyyyyyy
Bitches hair looks like a 1920 pilot hat.
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>Somebody can pick your lock so you might as well remove all your doors.
Wait until they found out about the tunnels
>is that your boyfren
>no saar
>millions will climb, especially fats and women and children
Fucking RETARD. Besides the wall is monitored by the border guard
Are you retarded?
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You deserve the helicopter for wasting those digits
nice get faggot

BTW nobody fucking climbs the wall like that, this is some gay ass propaganda. they just fucking fly in
Not really, I do it in random threads to find the get all the time. Half a billion coming up fast ftw
true lets remove israels wall right now and stop funding it because it makes no sense and doesnt work anyway lolololoo
What was your point then?
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>there are grown adults with a fully developed brain who can't see the "border wall" is a movie set
I genuinely designed a way to stop fencehoppers from crossing any border fence/wall.
I'm surprised people still bother with basic vertical walls when it's clear it's no longer stopping anyone.
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>call 2 carrier groups in middle east back from defending pissreal
>park one group each at gulf and pacific coasts
>use beaners for target practice
>most accurate navy in galaxy

how many pregnant Mexican women can cross that fence in 20'minutes?:How many could cross if the fence wasn't there?
you are a stupid person
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Holy fuck how do i learn this power
It keeps the fatties out at least.
The benefit of having a wall with openings like that is that you can shoot the invaders through it.
I’m not Hispanic but Danish and French, moron.

But regardless: if people have a will to migrate, they will find a way to migrate.

I didn’t plan on that.

People find ways to cross the Rio Grande all the time. If African migrants are able to ferry across the Mediterranean into Europe you can be sure Mexicans and Central Americans will have zero issue boating into the US.

That too.

No such thing as “anchor babies”. Any baby born on American soil is an American. Plain and simple. The 14th Amendment guarantees this.

>Pablo gets shot down by spic soldier as per orders from Jewess Mexican President

Looks like you have problems getting your rope ladded up from both sides of the border now.
Couldn't tell ya mate. Just looked odd to me
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Why doesn’t Algeria have a swim team?

Because everyone who could swim is in France.
Walls are useless
oh shit, better tear all the walls down and abolish citizenship laws
based mexibro

nice digits
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It's a partially completed shitty fence.
A shitty fence won’t work, but 2000 miles of solid brick with armed guards at towers every half mile who have instructions to shoot to kill if anyone gets within 100 feet of the wall might
>is that your boyfriend
also California gets more of what it votes for lmao
There should be military snipers. Or even fuck it get the A.I. turrets they use in Gaza.

Wait, it's NOT a pilot's hat?

>clicks image

What the fuck?
>>actually thinking a wall is going to stop immigration to the USA
The plausible threat of death would stop it.
Whatever. If the (((goverment))) wanted it stopped the would stop it. They don't.
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Nothing changes until there is legal immigration quota changes

“Border defense” is just an obstacle course for illegals to cross so as to get into the labor market politicians desperately want to be as depressed as possible
Any statement to otherwise is lying
Digits lol. Trump got cucked when he decided to put in a fence instead of concrete. He said border patrol asked for a see through wall. A see through wall is not a wall. That's a fence. America needs to end federal drug prohibition and abolish the dea. It's the only way. Let people get their pain pills from the doctor not the cartels.
At least Mexico is trying to stop the caravans and maybe even try to stop the fucking crossings too (sanctioned by the cartels). Our NEW President will soon start the mass deportations so even if they slime their way in, they will most likely be deported again and again. Trump needs to deport them to Antarctica and if the countries pretend to care so much about the treatment of their citizens, they will send ships to pick up their citizens. If not, they can die in the fucking snow/ice.
>Mandatory physical fitness check before entry
I'm ok with this.
Or we could just make it legal to shoot illegal aliens. They would leave on their own.
People can break down your door so why lock it? People can break your car window to get in so why lock it?
you stick some dudes with m249s with free fire and that'll shut it down the rest of the way
Crowdsourced manned remote turrets.
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There's no doubt it makes it harder right? So one we have ICE that's staffed and can roam the wall, and truly we should electrify it, it will make it much harder. Nothing is perfect and we all know you're a faggot.
It isn't. It's more about making it harder for illegal crossings to take a knee and get a free court date.
I think we need to come up with more convenient means of delivery for these lovely guys...
Not checked
I disregard your digits, get AIDS
Europe is a super fag pro immigrants place though. You're arguing that walls don't work. Why do you have walls in your house? The cold still gets in faggot just don't have walls! Makes sense to me.
oh wait wait...now it's perfect.
In Hungary it stopped 99.9% of immigration. When there is the will, immigration dies not happen.
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One of these on each side
AI powered M240s all across the border, give border patrol IFF beacons, shoot anything human in that's in wrong place. Border patrol now just patrols for clean up and reloading
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It was never a technical issue.
Wasted digits
If they were interested in STOPPING you we'd use lethal force instead of passive barriers
They should have made it out of depleted uranium.
Europe has become increasingly hostile to immigrants, especially post-2014 with the Syrian refugee crisis.

>Why do you have walls in your house?
I live in an apartment building and usually keep my door unlocked.
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The walls force them to procure and transport ladders and other equipment, meaning that migrants must travel in b professionally guided groups which are easier to track.
Then the walls severely delay their passing. It could take hours for a group to cross instead of minutes, sufficient time for border patrol to respond.
But why has Kek blessed such ignorant and false dribble from OP with such valuable digits?
>I’m not Hispanic but Danish and French, moron

That's what they all say
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It's there to slow them down while the drone strikes come
They should spray the wall with cyanide or some other poisonous garbage. Something to remember
Post images of Hungary's wall for comparison.

Also, how desperate are immigrants to get into Hungary of all places? They've been poor as hell everywhere outside of Budapest since communism collapsed and their language is fucking impossible to learn (basically an Asian language disguised as European).
t-they mean Canada r-right?
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Hungary just has a regular fence. The difference is willpower.
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We're getting pooed quickly.
Yeah the DDR built that wall to stop West Germany from potentially invading.
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>BRICS will stop supplying lnfinity cheap labor to its "strategic" adversaries bc of my feelings and they made a pact or something idk.
Nice digits. And yes, the wall would stop them if you put snipers on top
Just put an eletrified fence up in the wall.
>Beaner space program
Make the whole thing a holocaust memorial wall like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Say that it's going on the border because never forgetting the hahahalolcaust is an international effort, and the US will build it but Mexico will pay for it. (Mexico can charge foreigners in their country trying to get here a "holocaust memorial admission fee" to help pay.) 6 gorillion names carved on it so it will take up a large part of the border. Allow anyone to submit names of "victims" without questioning the authenticity, because that would be antisemitic. Oy vey, there really were thousands of Shlomo Shekelbergs. Include paintings or etchings of stories like the bear and eagle cage. Anyone climbing over, tunneling under, or trying to destroy it to get through is committing an antisemitic hate crime and will be killed.

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