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Worship rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera
Pantera was a Roman archer
>its about Jesus being a jewish supremacist because... it just is okay?
What a cool name
Pretty good Metal band as well
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>cites the Talmud
>hates Jesus Christ
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Jesus said kill the kikes
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christians interpretations of the neo torah and old torah are like the kind of people who shit in their hand and then try to get you to smell it. when you tell them to get the fuck away from you they try to explain how you're just smelling it wrong.

john 4:22 is an excellent example of this.
Sad how Judeo-Nazi shills talk shit about the one man who truly cared about them.
They can't even get over the fact that their forbears sold him out for what is now a nearly demolished building that probably is only a wall of the Roman garrison.

Lol Anons
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like what the fuck man.

Lol I like that metaphor Anon
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>John 4:22
every single time
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like clock work.
Jesus was a drugged up, drug offering, human trafficking pedophile.
I worship the omnipotent God.
You mean your impotent god
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"Judeo-Nazis" I like that term too Anon... Judeo Nazis are cringe, I'm my own Nazi

An actual politically correct edgy thread in awhile, keep it coming Anons, and women hate is always good since most women are jewy garbage
the one He called a dog was a cannanite woman, and I agree, all canaanites are dogs and demons especially that chabad faggot and the whole zionist cabinet. DON'T FORGET: JEWS RAPES KIDS
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A) Hellenists and Gentiles had nothing in their religious doctrine close to the concept of Salvation.
B). "the Jews" of the Bible were Judeans or of the tribe of Judah, not Judaists who came three centuries later.
...but do go on with your absolutely retarded unhistorical takes, and we'll continue to ignore it as the retardation that it is.
Yep. I'll never stop defending Jesus Christ from your slander, golem. Never.

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ever notice not a single pisrael flag defends Jesus and worships him? if the whole rabbi Yeshua thing was true they would ban you for critize him and yet, here you are, did you notice that? no? KeK
hey look a loud retarded christkike, you're supposed to grow out of fairy tales as a child
This is a Pantera thread now.
At all times there are at least 3 threads in the catalogue denigrating Christ and Christianity. Every time I see this I laugh to myself and think, man Christianity must be the truth for them to shill so hard against it.
Thank you for strengthening my faith
“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” (Joh 15:18, KJV)
Why are you citing the talmud you weirdo
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dont care. Christ is King. i support western foreign policy in the middle east so Jesus returns to the real kingdom of Israel
Rabbi Moses Ben Ramses
The christcuck reveals his true nature
No we’re just old enough to know that anything Jewish is bullshit, your religion is no exception. We all were Christian’s once too, you know,
kek why do muslims love taking stories from the talmud so much
You are so scared shitless of anything Jewish you pussy loser needs his anonymous message board you would crumble seeing a real Christian in front of you. Keep posting trash better to do that than infest whatever videogame I enjoy playing. Poor little anon.
>the more people that hate something, the more legitimate it is
Justin Bieber must be the best musician in all of history, then
Pantera? Fuck yeah.
>you would crumble seeing a real Christian in front of you.
I come face-to-face with christians almost every day when I make business trips to my local prison.
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Only seething jews and their uneducated good goys try to attack the Lord from that angle, what are you OP ?

"The Virgin Birth of Jesus in the Talmudic Context - A Philological and Historical Analysis
This article proposes a philological and historic analysis of the Talmudic name Ben Pantera. It is suggested that this ancient expression has to be understood as corresponding to a period in which the Jews wished to think of Christianity, choosing the person of Jesus as an emblematic figure of this reality. The expression Ben Pantera expresses mockery and even scorn towards Jesus. It must be placed back in a period in which, on account of the doctrinal controversies between Jews and Christians, the two religions had consummated a Parting of the Ways and acknowledged each other as rivals. Thus, Ben Pantera appears to be the oldest mention of Jesus in the Talmudic literature."
> Ben Pantera
Show nose.
No. He never did.
Thanks for the lulz
Hello kike.
Go not to the Samaritans or the gentiles. Only to the post sheep of Israel.
In that verse he's talking about us like his puppy, as in he loves and cherishes us. You really do not understand that kind of love.
Lion of the tribe of Judah even.
i’m antisemitic but this still almost gave me a seizure
Scraps, not even worthy of scraps, you boot licking sycophant.
Ben or bin means "son of" hmmm
Jews in the context of the New Testament refers to Edomites and other Israelite practitioners of the laws of the elders (Babylonian Talmud and other extra-Torah texts). Yeshua preached a return to the original practices and teachings of the Torah and against following the laws of elders, which are the rabbinical texts outlining Jewish law and customs not enshrined in the Torah. He was a Jew, an Israelite, a Judaean, a Semite. The difference between Yeshua and the NT ‘Jews’ is one of internal Jewish disagreement.
Nope. Stop being stupid. Peter and James, also Paul, all refer to themselves as jews until the end of Acts.
Holy cope-a-moly
The fact they still pretend not all the apostles were Jewish is all I really need to know,p. They are just coping for muh heaven and larping as moralfag crusaders
They’re here to recruit free grape pickers
>Be kike damage control shill
>larp as antisemite on a mongolian basketweaving forum
>make 30 antichrist threads a day bashing the christian antisemites who tell you every thread that the reason they don't like kikes is because Jesus told them the kikes are the synagogue of satan
>corrects them with the same copy pasted damage control kike defender arguments used every thread because this is organic
>this counts as larping as an antisemite

You kikes are as bad at pretending to be antisemites as you are horrible at larping as jews.
No wonder you're the synagogue of satan. Where is your holy temple for the required sin sacrifices? Annual pilgrimages? The sanhedrin? The high priest? The lineage traced through the paternal side? All gone? Replaced with pharisee bullshit written down 500 years after Jesus died? Yet your kike "rabbis" tell you Moses played the world's longest game of uninterrupted oral telephone to pass you this oral "torah" called the talmud?

Retards, but I don't blame your kike masters, smart people wouldn't stick around to do such a ridiculous job for such low pay.
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>be christcuck
>asscheeks eternally inflamed from non stop threads completely BTFO’ing his Jew religion
>impotently seethe and project “ your all Jews!!1” and in vain effort to reassure self HES not just a kike worshipping golem
>hop back on /gif/ to jerk off to bbc threads and then cry to pastor about it in confessional Sunday morning
>pastor molest me
Such is life as a christcuck.
Thanks for giving us such a convenient platform to preach directly at kikes sitting in kike central who need to hear this message most :) no where else on the internet do we have a greater chance of having a captive audience of bonafide israeli kike defender of kikedom on the other end of the line.

"You stubborn people, with your pagan hearts and pagan ears. You are always
S2 resisting the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do. ·Can you name
a single prophet your ancestors never persecuted? In the past they killed those
who foretold the coming of the Just One, and now you have become his
S3 betrayers, his murderers. ·You who had the Law brought to you by angels are
the very ones who have not kept it."
S4 They were infuriated when they heard this, and ground their teeth at him.

Why not just admit he is the messiah? Why grind your teeth for 2000 years? Is it really paying off that much better being a child of the devil instead? I doubt it.
>continues arguing with a strawman that no one has ever really seen on 4chan
Is this synagogue of satan loving christian with us here right now anon? Go on point him out to us, where is this christian poster who loves telling you all to worship the synagogue of satan that is modern judaism? If you kike idiots are gonna keep fighting this imaginary dude can you at least pay another shill to pretend to be him every now and then too? No? Too ridiculous even for 4chan? Odd how you fight him every thread then every day :/
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didn't read
jews lie
kill the synagogue of satan
simple as
In Matthew 15:21-28, Jesus withdraws to the region of Tyre and Sidon, leaving the crowds and Pharisees behind. A Canaanite woman, identified as a Gentile, approaches him, crying out for mercy and begging Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus initially ignores her, prompting his disciples to urge him to send her away, as she is “crying out after us” (v. 23).

Jesus responds by stating that he was sent only to the “lost sheep of Israel” (v. 24), implying that his mission was focused on the Jewish people. The Canaanite woman, however, persists in her request, kneeling before Jesus and saying, “Lord, help me!” (v. 25).

Jesus then makes a seemingly dismissive comment, saying, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs” (v. 26). This statement has been interpreted in various ways, but it appears to be a reference to the Jewish people as the “children” and Gentiles as “dogs.” The woman, however, cleverly responds by saying, “Yes, Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” (v. 27).

Jesus is impressed by her faith and replies, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted” (v. 28). At that moment, her daughter is healed.
>Its actually real
I'm pissed.
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>worship like (((we))) do

y r canaanites like this tho
Someone who actually knows about religion, talk me through this.
I'm about to commit racial and religious based crimes.
Nobody makes demons seethe like Christ.
It's self evident they want us to reject him.
But it's natural and easy to reject the demon nigger faggots with their convoluted and vile spiel.
God bless the good and righteous.
Christ is King.
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>his statement has been interpreted in various ways
by whom?
remind us who owns pornhub and blacked again? Oh that's right a certain synagogue of satan, the whore of babylon who has made the whole world drunk with her debaucheries. The modern sodom and egypt all rolled into one as the book of revelation called you, a widow delusional thinking her marriage covenant with God is still valid when the bride of christ is christianity.

And what a sodom you are israel, an actual rabbi named solomon friedman owns pornhub and another kike runs blacked and lets face it you kikes own the porn industry just like kikelwood and pop music. And thanks to your law of return you're the sodomy capital of the world from where you dictate your gay agenda pushed through all our DEI mandated public corps you bought with our retirement money. Not even mentioning epstein and all the political blackmail shit.

And what an egypt you are israel, enslaving the whole world in ways not even your ancient egyptian slavemasters could dream possible. Usury on money that's not even real, just paper fiat and inflation money printing on top of it, if only your coin clipping ancestors could see you now theyd probably shed a tear of kike joy. Does the whore of babylon enjoy having enthralled all the great kings and merchants of our time? Do you feel powerful still in the luxuries and glory you lavish on yourselves as the "chosen"?

"Come here and I will show you the punishment given to the
2 famous prostitutea who rules enthroned beside abundant waters, b ·the one with
whom all the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and who has made
3 all the population of the world drunk with the wine of her adultery."

Now who does this remind you of hmmm
>On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”

>Go to "jerusalem"
>find sodom and egypt instead
>thanks whore of babylon!
>denies theyre the whore of babylon even though they follow a book literally called the babylonian talmud
Retards don't go out of their way to shill against justin bieber on /pol/ every day all day long. If they did, I would honestly go and listen to him
>3 fingers
Just like their grotesque cartoons.
damn where did all the chutzpah you kike shills had go? Synagogue of satan can't handle the bantz? Show us some of that infamous kike wit or did it all die out with the latest round of nepo babies who've had it too good spoiled by all the worldly pleasure and wealth satan provides his minions?
Western animation is jewish?
>spamming talmud
>At all times there are at least 3 threads in the catalogue denigrating Christ and Christianity
Babies first time outside his echo chamber?
>seeing a real Christian
No such thing
Kill all Synagogues of Satan Kikes and Jewdaizers
You can tell a seething jew paid a goy to make that picture because they hate Jesus so much they would never personally acknowledge him as a Hebrew.
He's talking in that verse about heretics and pagans, which is an accurate description.
Why do so many people think he's talking trash about nonjewish christians in that verse?
official church's narrative is that he uses an irony to bring attention to the lack of mercy and love of rabbinical teachers for gentile people
in my opinion he's not talking about race but rather about religion
notice how Samaritians were excluded from the lands where jesus intended to preach
if you look at biblical history there 12 tribes of Israel but throughout conflicts they split into kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom
the northern kingdom was conquered fully by Asyria and in consequence their original jewish religion has been transformed
Thus they were racially jewish from the point of view of judaism they were heretics

To put it into modern terms christian nations are his children and heretics (jews/muslims) and pagans are dog nations
walk on home, goy
Oh...yes...and current day polish "jews" are totally israelites, right?

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