In 30 years, South Korea will be a multicultural shithole filled with niggers, pajeets; and other brown subhumans.North Korea meanwhile will still be inhabited by pure ethnic Koreans, as they do not have a JEWISH central bank that enforces globohomo. Western media (controlled by JEWS) lies about how terrible North Korea is becauss they do not have a JEWISH bank of North Korea occupying them.
>>489792843Isn't Kim's best friend a basketball nigger from America?
>>489792843Korean unification would save the Korean people.>Cheap labor to SK from the north >Large new population of young people to solve the population problem >Massive opportunity for capital and the economy to grow>Same ethnicity so no racial replacement
I hate indians so fucking much, disgusting little race of 50 IQ poomen, the word subhuman gets thrown around a lot but I think it really only fits with indians.
>>489792843Having jeets in your country may not be a negative thing, people don't hate them, people like them.
>>489793233Fkn abo lover, You refer to the supreme leader as>The Supremes Leaderand don't question who he hangs out with, keeping me n mind he wasted his own faggot brother
>>489793740I thought Dear Leader was in talks with Trump to import a bunch of the gimmigrants that are going to be booted from Burgerland?
>>489793740Very true. Indian labor is the only thing preventing the West from collapsing.
>>489792843it makes south whorean niggerlovers seethe that Best Korea controls the Holy Mountain of gooks.
>>489793740>>489794065show flag with pride if it not negative