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>The lion of Dam-AAACKus
glowniggers seething about Assad today
what are the Jews doing in Syria this time?
jews killed so many hezbollah higher ups that maybe the defensive position in Syria is less tenable now
I think. not sure
What the FUCK is this guy's problem?

Why doesn't Israel, USA, or NATO just kill him already?
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I love that guy
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I knew this mothertrucker looked familiar.
The ASSADS have run Syria in an unbroken line, father-to-son for 50+ years
there is no (((resistance))) to them, there are no (((rebels))) to Assads, its all 100% filthy rat-fink jews

die jew rat die
why is this funny? explain
a leppo status?

> no refunds

:^) whose house was attacked by terrorists?
Damn he looks old
>hear knock on door
>see assad
>he didn't even call you beforehand
what do?
That's not true, anon.
Come on...
Ah yes, let’s kill the one man in the middle east that actively protects christians. Meanwhile, in the ukraine, orthodoxy has been criminalized.
It's like this, you have mossad, and they are mostly a kind of like retarded jew that doesn't actually study the Bible.So, what they are referring to comes out of talmudic and incestuous cultural ideas.

The essences is power status.

Assad, by seeking help, isn't the hotshot.

ofc Benji bent the knee to Trump, so whatever, they make no sense, they have no consistency whatsoever, but that's their idea.

Because they have a kind of mental disorder, they couldn't possibly understand any other kind of social organizational system.

And that's because it's robust, if you have a might makes right conception of reality, like mossad, it eats into everything - they actually think that's the fundamental to all things. might makes right or you're a loser retard, that's it. There's terminology for that stuff in Hebrew, and I forgot it, like slang.

Bottom line, jews care more about power/domination/appearances than winning, and that principle extends pretty far, it's a broader problem in the mideast, and explains Hamas attacking at such a poor time, like the stupidest possible time, and the Hezbollah attacked not to aid, but to seem a hotshot too, and then Iran has to attack to show they are big doggest. There may be something next from another mideast country to be big dogestestest.

bottom line, Assad = not the big dog, that's the message of op.
How come all Kremlin allies are getting cucked lately ? Hamas , Hezbollah , Iran and now Syria
u mad christcuck?
Burn in hell ukropidor kike
Look how close his eyes are together and how thin his lips are. Wh*t0ids are demons, they look like freaks
>Vlad we had a deal
>i will not let kikes build dat pipleline in syria for guns an protection
what are Putin going to do now?
Russia already exhausted in Ukraine
i doubt they have manpower and supply for Assad as well
if he won't help Assad he will get Gadaffed 100% and the pipeline will be built no more monopoly for cheap oil/gas
it's unironically over for Russia and Putin
Thank god that Putin volunteered your entire genetic line for "Babushka's funniest war crime videos".
things arent looking good
What did this faggot do exactly to deserve all this hate? The groups that oppose him are basically radical islamitic sandniggers, like ISIS. How's it in our interest to have them in power in Syria?
>What did this faggot do exactly to deserve all this hate?

How about killing 200,000 of his own people with barrel bombs and chemical weapons?
Face of Cuckold
>What did this faggot do exactly to deserve all this hate?
Look up what he did with protesters back in 2011, I know you weren't alive back then so I tell you
Tick lock, 18 years old plus to be sent to the Frontline per Biden's orders
Qatar kike pipeline project includes Syria
>What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
Pretty sure his problem is the same problem everyone else has ie a bunch of evil rat faced kikes.
He's white.
Assyrians were shemites afaik
He looks like that dysgenic nazi guy
Go away, son of satan!
Go die in a ditch like your peasants.
fuck you
jews are too strong
it's over
Can't Mossad the Assad.
Why aren't you in Kursk Hohol?
Arab Spring fallout. Syria was one of the few governments that werent ousted during the revolts
Assad is not a "dictator". He is the avatar of the ancient Syrian/Assyrian middle classes. Syria was the manufacturing center of the ancient Mediterranean world. Think of "Damascus steel". Yes history has passed them by but they still are aware of who and what they are. They still have pride in themselves. This is intolerable to the piratical child fucking slave trading Zionist jews. The USA, a Cromwellian nation is enslaved to these piratical slave trading child fucking jews and it's immense force has been used to destroy them and him. He has survived. The jews have been defeated, as is their puppets, ISIS. Bibi has put Israel on the path to destruction in the immediate future. Kissinger said it years ago; Israel is doomed.
kek you're retarded if you're still buying into this "chemical weapons" narrative.
You mean those chemical attacks that were quickly proven to be "moderate" rebels gassing themselves to provoke an international response?
me too
hes a good dude
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Red heiffers ain't gonna save you even if you build your third temple and sacrifice all your first born sons to your Caananite demon Yahweh.
> Meanwhile, in the ukraine, orthodoxy has been criminalized.
Years old bullshit form RT. Bring something more fresh next time.
>Kissinger said it years ago; Israel is doomed.
Wait what? Can you elaborate?
I’ve seen niggers UNIRONICALLY shill this talking point nine times for the last 24 hours. ALWAYS filter ukie flags
You forgot your memeflag faggot
>orthodoxy has been criminalized
You do realize Ukrainians are majority Orthodox themselves in the Ukrainian Orthodox church, and it was the Russian Orthodox church that was banned due to *obvious* reasons. Dumbass mutt
>killing 200,000 of his own people
Were these people by chance rebel terrorist faggots on the Mossad/via paybook?
>Meanwhile, in the ukraine, orthodoxy has been criminalized.
Fake news.
Yeh he said that a few years before he died. He also once said that if he hadnt been born a jew, he'd be antisemitic. Kissinger didn't like israel or jews. He was still a cunt though.
>due to *obvious* reasons
Yes (((obvious))) reasons.
Banning actual Orthodox Church in favour of Mickey Mouse state church founded by a Jew is equivalent to banning Orthodoxy in Ukraine.
Such as the Russian church been subverted by the KGB first and then the FSB, and actively working against the Ukrainian state in favor of Russia during the war. What is there to not understand?
Putin is a zionist and a ftiend of Netanyahu. They are playing him like a fiddle, that's what happens when you try to normalize relations with zionists.
Can’t let those pesky christians have the wrong opinions and stuff. We need to ban them for the benefit of the state. But Assad bad. Kill him.
one that isn't globohomo ecumenist church was and is being actively oppressed
The part where they condemned Russian invasion but it didn’t help much cause Jews want to destroy Orthodox Christianity, they harboured centuries of hatred towards it.
They tried same here but people actually fought back and stopped it, half the country was on the street at one point.
They’re trying to do the same everywhere.
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He's is Sovereign
Oh I get that but you fail to mention one important detail.
Such as the entire Ukrainian state apparatus and economy being in the hands of the jewish mafia.

>Putin is a zionist and a friend of Netanyahu.

And guess who else? Assad is now in over his head, should not have trusted the zionist. Lord have mercy.
Why you simping for jews, Finnish guy?
>Why can't we just fucking mossad the Assad
Fucking kek!
He’s a Ukrainian Jew.

This is international zionism.

The world is just now waking up.

Because of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.
Nah, jews are regrouping from Gaze and Lebanon. They're probably planning another 9/11 but a ton of Israeli kikes seem confident that Trump will be intervening in Iran after he takes office. The pivot to Syria is to both soften them up and put pressure on Russia to support them whilst dealing with Ukraine. Trump will try to offer Putin peace in Ukraine in exchange for sitting out when the US invades Iran.
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Who must go?
they've tried, they try to kill everyone who isn't globohomo. so far the most they can get on him is that he flirts with his wife via email sometimes
Moscow Orthodox church is such Mickey Mouse state church now. They have no Orthodox Church Head blessings.
Kikes will definitely do that
it's been a well known reality that the USA has been funding anti-assad anything for decades. they've tried to commit terror attacks and blame him but that didn't work, tried to kill him but the people close to him actually want to serve him, face it, globohomo has to wait until he dies to assfuck syria
It seems the whole eastern alphabet division is at work
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Why are Russia and the US enemies then? Why does Russia back Iran and Syria while America backs Israel? Are you implying all of these world leaders are controlled by jews and are only pretending to fight wars with each other?
Jews have exemption
They did. I know a Lebanese Christian guy who still maintains ties back there. He’s thrilled the Israelis have basically liquidated Hezbollah. He’s putting his money where his mouth is and finally comfortable buying some property for his family back there.
They are trying to overthrow Assad using literal Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists once again.
Who has ever claimed that Assad was the big dog of the Middle East?
He's in the way.
Henry Kissinger, a global geopolitical eminence, issued a startling statement in 2012: “In 10 years, Israel will no longer exist.” The statesman did not provide any additional commentary beyond the concise declaration. The fact that it came from a Jewish politician, who, one would expect, would be making every effort to ensure Israel’s survival and prosperity, further intensified the shock. It is important to note that Kissinger’s statement was dispassionate, resembling the composed pronouncement of an astronomer regarding the extinction of a distant star in the universe. Kissinger’s diplomatic skill in concealing his emotions likely contributed to his lack of emotion.

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Half true.
THe US has been bad, sure.
But most of Syria would like Assad go.
Most Sunnis want him out.
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>Fake news
Jews kill both Christians and Muslims. They don’t distinguish between the two and never have. If you’re so called Christian friend is doing great in Lebanon while it’s under a blockade to suffocate the whole nation then he’s probably an Israeli asset.
Explain your pic.
Why am I so notorious?
What does he think about the IDF desecrating this church in Lebanon?

I can't wait until the last hohol is exterminated and we never have to hear or see any of your bullshit again.


>You can have a state run church that doesn't dare question globohomo
>That means your religion isn't criminalised
ISIS is Mossad
>My friend is a Christian who's happy that kikes have been murdering people, because it means he might profit from it
Some Christian your friend is.
That's not fake news.
Jewlensky banned the Orthodox Church and created another jew church and called it "Ukrainian Orthodox".
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I would care about this if their people were white Europeans, or at least a good portion of them like in Ukraine, but in Syria most of them are sand niggers. Any supposed whites they show us of them are purely token whites.
Like most Americans...
If kikes and the US want Assad to go then any Syrian who sides with them are traitors. There is no siding with jewry. They are agreement incapable. You fight them or they kill you. The US has no right to judge how democratic another country is when ours is ran by a cabal of jewish oligarchs.
I think you missed the nuance of what i was saying. The CIA Radio Free Europe even says he banned it. Zelinsky is a greasy little jew rat with a bad nose candy habit.
>sorry bashar i have full hands of that hohol problem, ask kim for help, maybe he will send you few mig17 kits in a shipping box
You know its a fucking kike samefagging not even pissraelis are happy satanyahu went through with this shit and they had to wet the diapers.
you're not understanding the world fully if you don't can't comprehend that all leaders are compromised that hate their subjects
>kill the arabic dictator
as if that ever worked in a positive manner
if assad would be gone, syria would turn 10x worse.
You should think more deeply, anon...
Can't mossad the assad nigger.
I understand what you're saying but I bet it looks differently for people on the ground. Especially the common folk.
From the view of the matchmakers that is just yet another angle of dividing them more.
The average joe Ukranian isn't to blame for that.
>Russian orthodox church
And nothing of value was lost.
>On 5 January 2019, Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, signed the official decree (tomos) that granted autocephaly (independence) to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and officially established the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
In some aspects, sure. The guys doing the fighting are usually disenfranchised men who are given a stipend and weapons training by CIA and Mossad agents who bankroll their terrorist operations. It’s been this way since the Muhadajeen in Afghanistan were radicalized to fight a proxy war with the Russians.
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As a mednigger yourself, you are very obviously perfectly happy to see slavs literally genocide each other, ruin their civilizations and their assets being stolen by BlackRock either way.
They fear the curse of Assad.
cia vs kgb network. sad to see the church caught up in this, desu
he should've never shaved that mustache
why are ukies always the dumbest NPCs here
It's more likely that you're a pro-US/Israel shill and you know you're around antisemites. Your goal is to decrease support of ZOG's enemies. Even if your schizo theory were true and all countries are secret allies, it's still in the best interests of White Americans to oppose our government and remove them from power. You're afraid of revolutionary dissident groups from getting outside support and collapsing the regime. My government claims Russia, China and Iran are their enemies just like they claim White people are their enemies. They certainly aren't lying about the latter.
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the guy needs neck & chin work
the stache will grow again anyways
Calling the war against Ukraine a Holy War is not just a controversial opinion.
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Assad and Putin will get Gaddafi'ed eventually, they deserve it.
Trust the plan.
God willing
Nigger we have been murdering all the christians and arabs who like him while funding the muslims who don't. Just how brown are spaniards holy fuck.
It's under the rightful authority of Constantinople Patriarchate.
Because they're fucking incompetent, just like you, your father, your grandfather, your great-grandfather, and every fucking hohol that ever lived
most of syria hasn't given their opnion on anything in their life, stop pretending polls are real lol, nobody has asked syrians. USA supplies money/weapons to the "rebels" over in other countries then calls anyone who doesn't want faggot dick sucking nigger shit in the USA terrorists, who are just rebels in your own country

jews aren't smart enough to play this shit and win, that's why every cycle they lose their genes. only 20% more to go before the neanderthal menace is no more
better yet why don't you kill yourself, nigger?
The optometrist…
Jews love to project & demonize like there is no internet & people can’t just watch leaders like Assad & Putin actually speak.

Anyone with an IQ over 88 can watch them discuss politics and policy thoroughly & decide if they are horrible despotic dictators, or completely competent, well educated, well spoken statesmen who are simply looking out for the best interests of their people.

Jews cannot tolerate any information outside their control.
world leaders don't fight in shit you retard. they're telling others to die so yeah, if they're paid to kill their whitest and best, they'll do it, no skin off their backs until the people go after them and we're not there yet

when that shit starts happening, they'll kill most global internet so it doesn't spread any faster than it is going to anyway
assuming russia can't do both ukraine and syria at the same time, which is more important? could the assault be a plot backed by the US to bring putin to the negotiating table in ukraine so he can divert resources back to syria?
He riles them up. Cant get rid of him forcefully so they make fun of how he's old now. lmao. Still standing.
I miss him bros
Well obviously, but jews know this, which is why their shitty memes and jew fear porn of Russians murdering 500 civilians a minute and raping people to death is what they thrive on, competent people see past the fear porn and agitprop, but most redditards are only capable of absorbing information from screens where people tell them what to think, or reading hate filed paragraphs from clickbait articles
Yes I'm sure CIA color revolution experts have tricked some people into wanting to side with Israel and the US so they can have ps4's, buffalo wild wings and pride parades like Tel-Aviv. Most of those types emigrated to Europe though. The Syrians need a strong leader who can remind them what happens after America decapitates your government like Iraq and Libya. If jews had their way, all of their Arab neighbors would live like the Palestinians in Gaza. They want the land for themselves and no negotiating can stop them. Jews only understand force.
because Israel hates him.
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Yeah well, why shouldn't he?
Russia is the only one that actually helped against yet another army of moderate rebels that were funded and armed by the US in the Middle East.
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It was easy with Gadaffi because he purposely kept a weak state to divide and rule. This makes you more resistant to internal coups, but more vulnerable to foreign gay ops. He also tried to go independent (rejecting both America and Russia). You can't do that. You have to pick a side.

Assad kept a strong, professional army. This made him more resistant to foreign gay ops, but more vulnerable to internal coups. He survived. He picked a side (in this case Russia) and stuck with it.
Obviously Ukraine brainlet. If Putin fucks Ukraine he will be lynched kek
All I can tell you is he hates Hezbollah and all they’ve done to his country. I don’t think he has any love for Israel, but to him Hezbollah are nothing but bandits and gangsters who have raped his home country and he’s glad to see them get fucked up.
Absolutely. Jews also seem to be convinced that pulling out of Lebanon and Gaza is to prepare for US intervention in Iran. The US will want to diplomatically isolate Iran from Russia by using Ukraine. The problem for them is that Russia is winning. Anyone that backs out of the Axis of Resistance is just decreasing their chances of shaking off ZOG when it's obvious that they'll still come for you later.
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> Russia is winning
Yes, absolutely. Strong President — Strong Russia! Thanks for your service, comrade.
What is?
Anon, huge swaths of Syria support toppling Assad.
They are retards most likely who think that without Assad they will get everything they want because they project their shitty situation in life into le bad Assad.

It's all too human.
If there was nothing to capitalise on, the Ameriglowiekikes couldn't capitalise on anything...
They'd be eating pastéis de nada.
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Dude looks exactly like picrel
This will never happen to Putin.
You sick fuck.
>How about killing 200,000 of his own people
Oh the left of self-irony
Legal Ukrainian Church is under Constantinople. It has way more legitimacy than the Moscow patriarchate. And it's not subverted by the state. The Patriarch is residing in Ukraine, they have no power over him, he's practically independent. While in Moscow the puppet Patriarch does whatever he is told by authorities.
> The Patriarch is NOT residing in Ukraine
filtering memeflags, hohols, kikes and portorikers makes this site 98% more enjoyable to use
>It has way more legitimacy than the Moscow patriarchate.

Is this because muh authorities as you said later?

Anyway, I doubt it.
>Who has ever claimed that Assad was the big dog of the Middle East?
It's not like that, the default assumption of the mentality of mossad and israelis is "everyone big dogs"

Assad lost face is the assetion.

You are operating under rules, it's not like "I say, I prove", it's like you never act to lower status.

Very hard for Westerners to get.
>The optometrist…

Assad is actually an ophthalmologist trained in London. His older brother was being groomed to succeed his father but he died so Assad had to take over the family business.
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>You do realize Ukrainians are majority Orthodox themselves in the Ukrainian Orthodox chur
meanwhile ukrainians
What do you doubt? There's no independent religion is Russia, all the heretics were banned or taken over, it's all tightly controlled now. Moscow patriarchate has no right for Ukraine anymore, they were granted it back then and now it is revoked. They can seethe however it won't change the fact.

As for Moscow Patriarch being a puppet of state, it didn't happen during Putin or even under bolsheviks, but way back to Peter the Great, when he established the Holy Synod.
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what the hell is that
This is normal. These play acts are casually performed in churches. Whole concerts are held in big cathedrals. You never attended one?
Why are eastern europeans posting in this site? Go shill for the CIA elsewhere, niggers
Said the macaco. How did you get out of the bowl anyway?
they're here to shill against Russia, faggot. kys.
>What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
You dumbfucks should have been asking this NEARLY 3 YEARS AGO about Zelensky.

Goddamn you.
One million of your brothers are dead.
Dumbass Dupe.
kek based vlad bullying the simp
Most people in Lebanon hate Hezbollah for what they've done to the country. /pol/ is retarded and thinks the citizens of these places like being used as an Iranian battering ram.
if we want to call each other faggots, trannies, shills, glowniggers, etc we will do so you are outsider its not your place
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kill yourself
Doubt it
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i will not
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lmao, not true
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Your place is Reddit, butthurt belter. Go back.
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Why is the jewkraine flag demanding that Assad be killed? What has Assad done exactly? Everyone always tells me they hate Assad but they can't tell me WHY they hate him.
maybe he was a Ass
Assad is definitely a good guy. Back when my dad was in college, they had an Syrian international student, who later turned out to be his nephew. He stayed with us when I was 14. Good guy.
>Back when my dad was in college, they had an Syrian international student
flag checks out
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How is your "Catholic State" doing these days?
he's going to beg for help again, but russia is caught up in year 3 of the 3-Day Special Denazification Operation and their economy is collapsing. the gravy train for assad is over
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This is awful.
This is desecration.
All the concerts in Cathedrals are of sacred music, in a Christian concept.

>How did you get out of the bowl anyway?

and they were brainwashed the same way trannies, trump voters, fags, niggers, etc all were. if you want to do something that makes your life worse, you are not thinking clearly, it is mental illness i.e., brain washing

you'll never know most of the people of ANY country's opinion on something though, and it will never be split between 2 options. polls are fake, this info came from polls ran by the people who want to remove him to globohomtize syria
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So it seems
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you just can't
It's not 2018 anymore, faggot.
You Poles have revealed yourselves to the entire world as the biggest cucks there is.
Jesus, what kind of subhuman psychopath would do that?

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Ukrainian women are being trafficked, fucked silly and then harvested for organs when they expire at 24. How does that make you feel? I'm learning to be fine with it.
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this is my experience
Okay anon, one doesn't need to rely on polls to know most Syrians want Assad out.
whats the qrd on the situation i forgot syria had a war until i saw some threads today
>swiftly crushing US and Israeli backed rebels in your own country
>entire world is watching
>victory is closing in
you niggers have nothing on assad. Go ahead, kill him and create another islamist shithole power vacuum state. The more you destabilize this region, the more it will slip from your fingers.
Well said.
"Both sides jewed, fellow tinfoil chud", is their fallback position when they can't convince you their enemies are "the real globohomo".
IDF clearly using the Ukie flag these days.
If there was any justice in the world it would be our entire government that got that treatment
What proof do you have of this? The world order has done everything it can to give Syria a fighting chance to beat Assad. Instead they accidentally created the biggest terrorist organization in history. If Syrians wanted him gone he would be, they had millions of dollars if arms and money floating around to help anyone who opposed him.
If only...
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You're welcome!
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What is his refugee status?
You don't have a single redeeming quality lmao
>the gravy train for assad is over
There is zero chance Russia doesn’t give them aid.
one of these girls fucked a horse
oldfags know
probably on way to sweden! XD
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kek i wish i knew that story
>Don't shoot!
>Don't shoot!
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The best part was when Jews did Jewish mitosis and pretended to be 2 sets of Jews, the Israelis and Ukrainians, just so they could double the American tax dollars they collected from one set of blackmail on our government.

As if Israeli Jews and Ukrainian Jews have nothing at all to do with each other.
>hee-hee! we can be both globohomo fag-lovers and patriotic nationalist allies of Christians at the same time! Those pesky Goyim will never know it's all us!
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I came to those pics so hard back in the day, good times
The elites in Damascus, the people in the coast (Alawites), Christians and such... 30% of the country? Maybe more?
These did not want Assad to leave.

He only stands there because of Russia. Do not fool yourself.
I support Assad simply because the alternative is worse. But if Syrians could vote he'd be in his way out.
how do you think it will be like in syria in 20 years from now
The idea of Greater Israel in effect confirms that the jews derived from the Sea People and Hyksos, who did a lot of damage in BCE1400 and earlier.
They were the only one besides Egypt to ever hold the East bank of the Nile until the various semitic countries arose, after which Egypt fell to the Greeks.
At the peak of destruction in the Levant this is roughly the territories they reached, although only for a short time before being defeated and fracturing along tribal lines.
20 years is a lot.
But I think in 20 years the Assad dynasty is out.
The country either turns democratic (doubt, but maybe, it's 20 years) or it falls for Sunni extremists as Obama wanted.

With good luck Turkey intervenes and allows for an Alawite puppet state to be created in the coast so the Turks can play Otomans again.

But Turks probably are not that sharp.
I hope Russia kills every last one of you
Don't mind that macaco, I've seen him multiple times on pol, he is a atheist/pagan larper, God loves him even though he sneeds all the time about "christcuck"
The Jews are attacking Christians again, like always.
i mention 20 years because the current generation of world political leaders will likely be dead or in retirement. so the "shift" is going to happen one way or the other i think, but syria will be in interesting position.
>bashar in russia
according a random guy on twitter
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thats ok fren i dont take 4chan seriously
Fuck u
lol get fucked
They banned the Ukrainian one too. Are European brains just pure reddit?
no they didnt lol
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>the ask project
i love the fact that this channel unironically redpilled many more normies compared to actual "far right" sources kek
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>20 years later
>he old now
>still can't mossad him
are (they) that incompetent?
He’s being fitted with a chin?
Tired of you state shills. You’re every bit as loathsome as jew shills. Take your war shilling and fuck off.
That is the best way to use 4chan, take care fren, have a good day and God bless you
>He’s being fitted with a chin?
>Take your war shilling and fuck off.
dama-ack-us is funny
Khazarian kike
I think in 20 years or so we'll be really really fucked.
Shit is unsustainable and a major shake is in the cards.

That's why I wanna place in Southern Brazil, probably really Uruguay.
A place in the fields rather large. And I wanna be friends with the locals too.

I also expect NATO to crumble before it.
There will be a short lived Euro Alliance which will then be divided into a few.
u mad American men are refusing to fight your war faggot?
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happy thanksgibbings
May Allah send you and your kike rat ways to the deepest pit of hell Moshie
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just a cohencidence
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When he's right, he's right.
I believe in objective truth and reality
I thought they killed this guy some years ago during the revolution or whatever. Our local jews are at it again
it’s illegal to be christian in the middle east
you can bribe your way out of punishment but it’s still illegal
Fuck Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.
My tax dollars went to teach kids to be gay and bomb other countries.
that was gaddafi
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>glowniggers seething about Assad today
cant win without russian support kek
Juden rats are at it again.
Greater Israel in the making.

Looking at the reports from the ground. It's no good. Seems like Jewhadists have a good chance of breaking Syria.
American imperialists never seem to learn how the world works over there.
Every foreign policy success there is ultimately two steps back.
hop in the trench, nigger
your sandnigger buddies are already there
saying you want to kill assad is like posting candlejack. you jus
We love Assad. Id walk down the street with him any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
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> 2nd post
> already admits to being a jew
That didn’t take long, lmao. There truly is no organic opposition to Putin or Based Assad, is there?
Since everyone in UKR over 18 has been arrested and forced into the meat grinder, anyone posting under a UKR flag is either under 18 (against T&C) or using a VPN (against T&C)
Basically mods should wholesale ban these fucking niggers.
Anyone notice how during the civil war ISIS supporters were posting gore in a similar manner to how Ukraine supporters post gore these days? Same Mossad operation maybe?
"I'm getting too old for this"-face
Truly, it's been 13+ years
Most reasonable explanation.
You're literally the guys fighting Assad and occupying his country yet you still try to blame the jews.
Retarded glownigger
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Putin is probably going to demand soldiers from Syria.
At least we don’t leave in a country that soon will cease to exist
They tried and failed miserably kek.

Can't Mossad the Assad.
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Ugh! Where's my central bank already. Oy vey!
Assad and Putin planning final moves before WW3, isn't Syria mentioned with Russia in Revelations?
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Based blue-eyed ophthalmologist.
Putin will ask for him to join in his retarded and unnecessary war.
Isaiah 17:1-3
he looks like liam neeson, if liam neeson lost his chin, charisma and used sarin gas on the syrian population.
You're here in Germany because of him mohamad, be grateful
the cocksucker deliberately flooded Europe with his trash.
Luv Assad, simple as
>and used sarin gas on the syrian population.

Except those were the saudi&western backed "rebels"

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