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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They are being reported nationwide as of this point.

Something is going down bros.
It's Happening.
oh shid oh fug
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>anons saying the other day that dec 3rd would be the day
Don't get on the ships retards
>Wallawoogie bing bang wahoo!
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They are coming and they are legion.
>Prepare for trouble!
Make it double…
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Elon said he made nachos
>totally not another deep state holography and deep fake ai shit to fool the goyim into believing fake and gay 'end times' is coming
>(((daily mail)))
OP is a faggot and a tranny nigger

thread end here

Nothing about aays is directly related to ‘end times’ what the fuck are you astroturfing?
When you really think about it feels so right and time. The plan was laid long ago before America and older still
in 2009, clif highs webbot predicted that on december 3rd 2024 there would be an alien invasion and the world would go to war with the aliens.
only 3 more days until wee see if its true lol
It has to do with this prediction by cliff high:

Predicted it would happen 39 after Donald Trump went on the Joe Rogan podcast.

Curious, because these schizos usually aren't based, but cliff is redpilled on the JQ and plenty of esoteric Natsoc stuff.
>holy shit bro two dots in the sky, it's happening, better denounce Jesus and take the vaxx like the alyumz said to!
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I've seen a drone show and the Starlink satellites. Grainy UFO videos aren't impressive to me anymore.

It really is just that obviously fake and gay that you have to wonder if Jesus rolls his eyes everytime they do this stupid shit.
>Something is going down bros.
yeah ur mom on my peenits lol
December 3rd

>nothing ever happens
Id will habben when dhe weadher gools.
dhad's when dhey'll mage dheir move.
dhe blans laid long ago, before dhe founding of ameriga, and older sdill, will gome do fruidion.
dhey're drying do forge god's hand.
wadgh for dhese signs:
dhree branghes will begome one.
an island will drifd away.
a gilling bold will shine in dhe nighd bud will nod gill.
dhe sdar will gorge idself on glay.
idols will sbeag and move aboud.
dhe blagg flag will fly above dhe dome.
dhe belly of dhe dragon will drib wader.
dwo voiges will gall oud in a silenge dhad all will hear.
a rogg will sdand on seven hills.
dhe ravens will sdarve.
dhe bear will leave ids gave forever.
dhe rod and dhe ring will sdrige.
Interesting, didn't know about that
prediction was made in 2009
Jesse is so fucking stacked, bros...
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it means the fake nukes will be launched and fake disarmed by the fake aliens and then the fake alien ambassador will come down and give a fake speech asking us to unite into a world government. and then we'll have to deal with the same bullshit we did with covid where we'll have the bulk of people trusting the fake aliens and believing the stories, conservatives and "conspiracy theorists" will mistrust the aliens and then the "insane and unhinged terrorists" will call the whole thing out as fake and gay.
>clif high's webbot predicted

yeah clif high's webbot said a lot of things. all of them didn't come true. and even when it seemed like things came true he'd be like "no it doesn't fit the intensity values in the language model!"

from personal experience Clif High is full of shit. I used to really bank a lot on him, but I learned the hard way he is completely full of shit.

Stop sucking Alien penises. Every 5 minutes there's another Alien dickhead.

Completely bullshit. That's an aircraft.
>Lights in sky at night.....whoa UFO
Same old shits been posted for over 20 years now.
go make a shit runway with all your neighbors
make it with little lights and everything
do it faggot, i'll venmo you like $20
More psyops... Nothing to see here
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Is the alien psyop actually going to be used to draft people?
I’m having a difficult time sifting through the noise. I figured the beginning of this “disclosure” with the tictacs was a nothingburger to distract the masses during COVID and muffle virus conspiracies. Now the intensity has been cranked up to something I haven’t seen before. What do you guys think is going on?
It will be used as an excuse by the MIC to grift moar until they reach ultra-sonic missiles on the tech tree

Cabal is talking to Satan,
God is real,
Satan is trying to guess when the Rapture is so he can psyop the world into thinking aliens are actually aliens and not fallen angels, due to the rapture involving anyone who believes the gospel being instantly taken out of this dimension straight to heaven, and then the tribulation begins.

The frequency of the UAP shit has only ramped up since 1950 they won’t shut the fuck up about it and it’s seemingly an innocuous lie, but when you realize that they can use this to justify the world coming together under one government it makes total sense. And all this NWO shit you hear about along with the WEF and the unitary religion the pope is trying to create.
My guy, the Bible kind of warned about this, on top of that Damascus looks like it might get destroyed, just like it says.
Bumping for anal probes
Interesting. I’ve been a fair weather catholic most of my adult life and only within the past 3 months had a revelation and have come back to the Lord. I wonder if subconsciously He was telling me something.
>be ufo
>do nothing
>humans: "wtf??????"
Aliens would be smart to destroy humanity. We are shit species and would be a plague on the universe.
Go zoom in on something with your camera phone
Spoiler: the picture quality still sucks.
The Great Awakening.

We're entering the final phase.

What a Glorious time to be alive.
The election is over, the media has nothing worth talking about until January, so they're clogging the electric jew with sensationalism/tabloids.
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>Satan is trying to guess when the Rapture is so he can psyop the world into thinking aliens are actually aliens and not fallen angels
Why would he need to?
Isn't anyone left after the rapture pretty much his bitch anyway?
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Unless and until the greys decide to show up live on somebody's webcast then it's Blue Beam all the way down.
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Fake and gay
eglin glowniggers have entered the chat
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Also just in case
So when it inevitably doesn't happen yet again are you idiots finally going to learn your lesson or will you just latch onto the next schizo bullshit you find?
>reported nationwide
Bullshit. Seriously, why would aliens waste their time with California trannies, Florida faggots or NY kike pedos when every half witted life form in the galaxy can see there's Moscow and Beijing they need to visit. It's weather balloons, quite obviously.

Remember that religion is a weapon of Satan and God had it be the Priest be the ones to condemn him first so that you could identify the false dichotomy of religion/athiesm.

Religion is legalist law following for salvation which has no faith in it and infact feigns it, meaning what ever these people do in error resembles a perfect strawman that Satan can use to slander God and misrepresent what he said with clergy which is exactly what the doctrine of the Nicolatians is, religious authority or rank was explicitly forbidden, and Peter demanded than no one bow to him or worship him. The irony is lost on most Catholics because they’re in the most worldly of churches, Pergamon fucked yo big time by letting the pagans asslimate their culture into the church and its practices, which ends up giving Satan an in to try and subvert the gospel with works based doctrines of man.

Cain added plants from the ground (his own works)
Abel offered a blood atonement and its symbolized as a lamb.

Some Catholics (my grandmother included) knew what Cain and Abel was depicting, it’s the religious man stacked against the believer, and the religious man cannot accept that the believer is saved by faith, which is why the Pharisee never understood why Jesus was healing publicans, whores and thieves.

Religion is what Satan uses to make apostates to cloak himself behind religion, to help man deny him so they can reject God. While Satan trains those people to become reprobates by trying to get them to perfect themselves with the law, which. Was never the ecestiatstical intent of God giving Moses the commandments.

So it’s no shocked that God preplanned being killed by Apostates to further identify the dichotomy of Satan’s lie. So you would understand what’s actually happening at the cross.

All religions are the same, and that’s exactly why the pope will succeed like Jezebel in making the late Catholic Church commit spiritual adultery.
They made us dipshit. All religions are about to become one. They are serpent people and true Aryans carry their DNA. A new age is here, and politics as you know them are about to not matter anymore. Earth is about to be just Earth with a clear hierarchy based on DNA. Welcome to the new age niggers, this time next year you'll be used to seeing them, they're going to be everywhere.
They're hermaphroditic anon. You're going to have to get over gays, I don't know how else to put it. Many of them are "gay", they choose their gender role because they're both.
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as planned
was ether the 3rd or the 4th by cliff high
Anon, i personally believe nothing has happened since Covid. Besides the covid psyop, nothing has happened. And Trump getting elected isn't a happening, because they simply chose not to rig it this time when they easily couldve.
>brown hands typed this
shitskins don't have the mental capacity to realize we're a shit species, clearly your logical ability is closer to a shitskin
It'll be Joe Rogan lol
What do you recommend I do?
okay so you're white trash or mixed, you lack a Soul and are an apologist cuck "sorry for being white/my white privelege" - that type

stay here while the White people go forward, you peasant little shit.
niggers are neuro.
Aliens are GRINNERS
Fucking auto correct. Shit is fubar
They are being summoned
We're the space niggers. I'm looking forward to being the grey man's burden.
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Literally a blue bean.

What did they mean by this?
There will be no rapture. No Catholic or Protestant theologian suggested such a thing until the late 19th or 20th century. If the prophecies of Revelation happen we will all get a front row seat.
Forward to what? Most whites are greedy as fuck just like every other shit race. Then you have the Amish, but their future isn't some grand advancement of civilization to the stars, it's inbreeding to the point of biological collapse.

What are you even fighting for anymore? The writing's on the wall and we're too stupid as a species to not destroy ourselves. Hell, aliens would be doing us a kindness wiping us out. Especially jews.
Then chainlink will go to $1,000
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Anon, simply believe that Jesus accomplished it all already for you. By his death burial and resurrection. Go to your family, If you ask someone “how do I know I’m saved?” And they tell you anything about what they do or what you have to do (going to church/rosary/confession) any of that shit, they’re an apostate. The falling away is happening right now.

Don’t let Satan arrogate that what the Son of God did was not enough. God accepted Abel’s sacrifice because Abel clearly understood what God was demanding from man. Cain killed him because he though god favorited him, when Peter outright says that God is not a respector of persons. (He’s objective.) which further illustrates the verse in John where God gave Christ for the sake of the entire world (all of man) that if any of them believed they would be saved.

You need to vet your family, and it may be brutal. All you can do is tell them what is about to happen so that on the off chance they remember what you said, once God takes you, it will give them a fighting chance.

Write a note anon, put it in your bible.
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Is there ANYthing you won't try to co-opt into your gayass religion
I'm surprised it took this long for it to be admitted. I used to se ufos all the fucking time when I worked nights outside in the southern az desert. Literally at least one a week. It was so cool, they defy our known propulsion physics and seem to appear and disappear almost instantly in formations.

>the gates of hell will not prevail against it

Somehow anon thinks God is talking about the same group of believers when in revelations it states the antichrist will be given power and overcome the saints.

God needs to shake the world awake, the OT has a pattern of God sparing believers from calamity several times. The rapture is unironically real, and God has an objective reason for taking all believers off of the planet for Shock and Awe purposes.
Thanks, anon-kun
God is great
>muh UFOs
its either:
skydivers with lights
or drones with lights
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do not get on the ships but don't join in the pan-abrahamic jihad that will "suddenly" pop up
How aliens will react when we show pajeets to them?
Yes i will! I will watch and maybe record.
digits and the ayylmaos are here to save us from nukes
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The fact that mainstream media is pushing muh UFO and muh aliens is the only proof you need to know for sure that it's utter bullshit and always has been to cover for the governments secret military projects and tests.
>Literally a blue bean
reality is stranger than fiction.

We meme tons of shit into reality. Simulation? Holographic? Magic? who knows.
Deagle 2025 mass suicide prediction also lines up with this
shut the fuck up you retarded fucking faggot go back to your cocksucking homo subreddit or discord little bitch
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did you forget to tap the sign?
i actually have r/conspiracy open in another tab right now. i find the conversation there to be rich and fulfilling, like your mother's breast milk. how does that make you feel, you epic bacon narwhal chungus- suck on my fedora?
that's the only okay subreddit.
The dam is breaking.
Its exciting actually. They are being acknowledged officially by the US military.
>The number of systems has fluctuated, and they have ranged in sizes and configurations.
The military is just observing them, not engaging.
brother i am literally just going to be sat in my house under several blankets eating canned peaches and slowly reading through my backlog of books i've been meaning to read for years. it's going to be cozy.
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there's something going down all right
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Very well could be.
Magic isn't real and really is just faggots moving their hands really quick.
Something is going on and we may find out what this tech is, and who it belongs to.
for me it's the way they seemingly react to/interact with consciousness (e.g. CE5 meditation)

captcha: J00 2 jk
You know there are Indians out there who'd rob you if that $20. Decades of same images if there's aliens you'd have seen them in interviews by now.
>I'm surprised it took this long for it to be admitted.
I'm surprised the media isn't talking about how the military is admitting they exist.
Just hanging out, harmless but they don't know what they are.
UFO belief is the usual judeo christian narcissism: jews and their gentiles deeply believe they are the center of the universe so when it comes to aliens they deeply believe that the aliens will cross millions of light years to go to earth and then be so in awe in the mighty jews that the aliens can only live in the shadows and lurking from there spending centuries studying the humans which are sooooooooo complex.

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more like there was one report about some odd sighting on a military base, and then a massive swathe of retards on social media started posting numerous clips of regular drones and acting like the sky is falling. though i suppose a lot of that could be CIA operatives posting prepared intentionally-retarded material in order to obfuscate the current events.
On a more realistic note, the predictions would be regarding aliens as in illegal immigrants and not extraterrestrials.
Its a lot more than that.
Its a bunch of incursions going back weeks. Military has been observing them and even scrambling jets to intercept.
Its happening.
Nothing ever happens shut the fuck up
What do you think?
Why should I trust the US on anything, especially this?

I don't believe you at all. It's ridiculous. The military would be operating air defenses. Not scrambling jets. You'd see military plane firing missiles. Like you do when they do an airstrike.

Instead like everything today is a lying media. The military aren't saying their tech to anyone observing it. They turn around and say we launched planes at it.

Where? Dogfight military plane missile. You'd see this? Nope. Where is actual journalism. Interviewing military, and the pilots.

Nowhere just insane narratives.

Stop sucking Alien penis
Big governments have every incentive to push the narrative for UFO's existence to hide their own military programs. All """UFOs""" are nothing but testing ICBMs and other shit that big govs don't want their adversaries to know about until the last minute.

If UFOs are here we all would have known by now. They simply could never hide their existence for so long from 8 billions people all over the planet, half of them have HD cameras in their own pockets.
Yeah, same problem with climate change, and having to save the world with vaccines. Guilt and narcissism are deeply rooted in abrahamic religions. Lmaos are just another expression of that trait.
Probably surveillance drones

Had this conversation 5 minutes ago. The Google weather APP built into phone. How come it gives temperature for next week. Does this temperature vary much next week? It's supposed to update kinda of slightly. But it's all a projection for a narrative. So like last night it said 14 degrees and it was cold. Today it says 12 degrees and I am feeling warmer? If I bought a thermometer and put it outside the window, what temperature would it read in comparison to the weather app?

It's all a bunch of bullshit today
You're both gigantic fags
I also have a Reddit tab open, but for my hockey team
I hate you midwits with your loud posts. You have no idea what incorporates an "air defense" or it's processes for threat determination. They make contact with any object in their airspace first, either by signal or physically (that means getting jets in the air)
Remember when they shot the balloons down? This was just a short time ago, surely the procedure for that should've given you an idea at the very least before you make assumptions
Hey, as long as the ayymaos have a cute Korean face, I´m down.
Word on the street now is it's December 15th
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There is very obviously a "flap" occurring right now
good try not using a fucking potato cam from 2004 this time

fuck ayylieeens, unless they destroy the worldwide swamp, I dont give a fuck.
they do enjoy Arizona.
>it's all happening over America
hmm... what a coincidence
basically this. if they turn all the fucking kikes into swamp gas I'll mine gold for them or whatever they're fucking interested in. if they dont improve my life they can fuck themselves.
so...aliens wouldn't be able to hide their actions from humanity, but the government can by simply telling a lie? ok...
all over europe to scheissekopf pay attention.
the point is if it is ayylmaos and not ARVs or something then the ayylmaos are no longer interested in being subtle which is either good for us or very bad for us. in a best case scenario the ayylmaos are tired of kikes shit who are certainly trying to summon evil into this world and are about to fuck them up permanently.

of course good things rarely happen so i wont hold my breath
I'm flap my nuts acknowledge over your forehead.

Just kidding its not big enough because I have cute little balls and tight nut sack.

You eat Alien dick. Retard. You suck alien penis so much it fucked the last of your brains out. Every time light. Alien coom. Every time.

Point and shoot. Real simple. Today you make a fucking grid from cube sat or drone or balloon. Anything hits the virtual net, is on a direct sight. Or gets tracked by radar. If that other grid isn't there yet.

Regardless watch video of Air defenses. Watch it. Done missile incoming. It looks like Star wars. Like a WW2 movie. B52 bombers. All that flak.

So where you little alien faggot over military installations over DC is any of that, like LA remember that one?

If planes are scrambled where like airstrike are the missiles. Where light whatever you see flak airdefense missile plane

You stupid alien faggot. Fuck off. Take the alien penis out your mouth. Use your brains
they'll likely fake the benevolent aliens and we need to get along with everyone and everything and global warming is so real and racism is so bad and homosexuality is so good and we all need to eat ze bugz and worship the interstellar federation otherwise we'll end up killing ourselves via nuclear winter and burning the planet via co2.

the malevolent scenario is how we have to unite to fight the evil aliens.
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and New Mexico, likely do to large swaths of unpopulated and rarely visited land in close proximity to densely populated land. The dry climate could also play a part.
i wonder if ayylmaos are still able to have keks. i hope so they'd probably choose people like us as their delegates rather than faggots in the parliament and white house.
>homosexuality is so good
This is nice though. Stopped reading here.
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>Something is going down bros.
It's Destiny.
If the aliens want to know why this planet is all fucked up, I'll bet my life savings we're all gonna point to Israel
GTA VI just shidded over my house!
>I'm surprised the media isn't talking about how the military is admitting they exist.

Threadly reminder that UFO discussion has also been used as an information gay-op study control.
>As part of an effort to con- front emerging threats and incubate new technology to help create a safer world, Google’s Jigsaw unit asked RAND Corporation researchrrs to conduct a modeling effort to improve machine-learning technology for detecting conspiracy theory language by using linguistic and rhetorical theory to boost performance. We also aimed to synthesize existing research on conspiracy theories with new insight from this improved modeling effort. In this report, we share insights from the effort and offer recommendations to mitigate harm and reduce the effects of conspiracy theories online.
>For the research used in this report, we pulled data from Twitter that characterized four separate conspiracy theories about the existence of alien visitation, the danger of vaccinations, the origin of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the possibility of white genocide (WG). The alien visitation conspiracy theory offered a contrast to the others; it provides an example of an ideology that appears relatively benign.
Read 'benign' as 'non-threatening to government interests' and contrast with your own opinion on the other three issues. I don't give a shit about ayys simply because American federal employees openly pushing UFO trutherism while the government ruthlessly suppresses the rest makes me suspect it's a diversion or an info warfare dry run.
They're weather balloons or government technology, retardo.

Also if aliens are real who gives a shit? I'll start caring if they help us, give global free healthcare, instantaneous transportation, etc.
>Born too late to die in the nigredo
>Born too early to witness the rubedo
>Born just in time to order the albedo with parmesan and St. Germaine sauce
>instantaneous transportation, etc.
It would be funny to see if the ayys brought anything good like that how the Government would tax the shit out of it once they left.
Is your first name Stanley by any chance?
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>Born too early to witness the rubedo
I disagree
these were super cool sightings and they happened right around where I lived back in NorCal in the 80s and 90s. I even caught one outside my bedroom window around 2008. blinked out of existence after I watched it for a minute.

these I think are ours. there are private labs testing this shit in northern california, specifically the bay area.
why would UFOs be in a pair and rotate in unison? why would a UFO be rotating at all? aliens wouldn't do this.

fake as fuck
most aren't occupied, dimwit
>ai fucking sucks
>ai is magnificient
>i hate being bipolar
greetings to the nsa & cia/oss ops
stop calling me send text instead thanks
>Something is going down bros
your mums on me
oh come on
are you done disappointing your own parents and moving on?
Fuck off jeet cunt! You only got decent internet like six months ago. You don’t know whit about shit except for shitting in the streets you worthless street shitter. Go choke on a log of shit and die already you worthless jeetnigger…jigger faggot!
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>not calling aliens niggers
You really dropped the ball anon
god i hate you retarded faggots with autism
your mums werent disapointed
Exactly the same as the 'tic tacs' spotted by the USS Nimitz in 2004, and by Lonnie Zamora in 1964. Wtf are they!?
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all I want to know is when I get my New World Order assigned Nue gf
>UFO sighting
>always USA
What kind of psychedelic are they lacing your water with?
>tictacs was a nothingburgr to distract the masses during COVID
>tictacs 2017

What is Roswell?
What is Phoenix lights?
What is Belgian Triangles?

You are a true imbecile
aliens have never visited this planet. if you think otherwise, please kindly kill yourself. thanks
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/L2o2iW4mPR8?si=98_9YEzCpL4MbwPm&t=87
The aliens nuke israel?
If aliens nuked israel then it would connect 1) elites wanting to use tech to fake a new religio 2) provide a sprt of catharsis of destruction and 3) usher in some new sign of god aka aliens aka secret tech

You have an alien penis in your mouth. It fucked your brain into rationalising if it is in sky and if it flies, it's an alien. You cannot prove you don't have an alien penis in your mouth. But you do. Read it. That Alien penis is fucking you so good. You see stars. I meant lights.

None of it was Aliens. Or explain the Alien penis in your mouth? You can't, can you. So it's bullshit. Bullshit. All of your claims had Earthly explanations. All of them. But you're insisting? Insisting on Alien fantasy. Take it out of your mouth.
go back to /x/ retarded nigger faggots its starlink satalites
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Anyone member last year when the vaxxine was supposed to turn everyone into zombies/demons? yeah that happened.
Every year with these 2 more weeks happenings and then nothing just a big ol blue ball fiesta, Fuck you niggers.
>What is Roswell?
>What is Phoenix lights?
literally natural phenomina
>What is Belgian Triangles?
take your meds
4 years later ….
there's only one reason New Mexico is chosen
They believe.
Fun fact about aliens is they named tons of people themselves. Post your name. I can probably tell you a lot about your life. Not many people know how the names work. You can also post your friends name, if youre scared to post your own name. Or a celebrity. But you have to know this person and a bit about their life. If you just post a random name, you’ll never be able to verify anything.
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Fuck off with this space nigger shit you are being played again. Every. Fucking. Time.
This is getting out of hand… now there are two of them

All of these have been debunked. Stop posting this shit
Aliens are real! Buy my guided CE5 meditation or pay 300,000$ to have dinner with me, and I'll tell you all about it!
Trust me, I was fired from the CIA!
2 days early? Nice!
The only reason psyops like this get any traction is because people are so disillusioned with society because it’s shit that they WANT TO BELIEVE! jews killed God but they didn’t improve anything in our world so people are still desperate for someone or something bigger than themselves to come along and right the wrongs. Not gonna happen. You faggots are going to have to be your own hero. Only you can save your society. Only you can defeat the international jew.
Lol yes telepathic aliens are real and they make our dreams for us when we sleep. Already I can see youre lost in thought. My dreams? Those seem to appear randomly, and the content is too weird and random. Think again. The aliens just make it appear that way. To hide their existence. Thats true actually, and is pretty confusing. Why do they show us dreams, but also hide their existence? I don’t know. They also make this UFO stuff themselves. The current theory is that there is a tremendous amount of propaganda which makes it clear that aliens run our society. And, that you just need a switch flipped in your brain, for you to notice it. They use sex a lot to flip this switch. Because many of you don’t have sex. So they do this with propaganda. Aliens goal is always about money. They really don’t care about our lives, we have literally zero rights under alien control. They consider us slaves. Consider a crow. Ideal street sweeper. Crows manage their own population and they even sleep like homeless people. They feed themselves with slave labor. And we benefit from the transaction. Humans are like crows to aliens. We’re managing ourselves and building stuff. It must be pretty fun for an alien. Humans also have a type of game that aliens play, where we manage many different graphs and actions at once. RTS games are very similar. So that’s the current theory about aliens. Using humans like it’s an RTS game.
Sorry, I didn't realise the aliens no one I have ever known has ever seen were enslaving us all through mass telepathic control.
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I hate you faggots so much but goddamn you make laugh sometimes
Not even aliens are interesting now since of course they would just support israel so whats the point lmao
The absolute state of DailyMail. What a clownshow...
No. The tribulation is where decent people who didn’t believe still have a chance to repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. If they refuse, they’re satans bitch after that.
who gives a fuck? even if they started scorching the planet I wouldn't care.

No alien ever called me an incel
You are the clown rainbow faggot anon
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That's funny, I've been reading this book recently. Better than Leslie Kean's UFO book. Pretty convincing ngl.

If aliens are real, let them prove their existence by wiping Israel off the map. DO IT.
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Within the next 2 weeks a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension journey to a new giga consciousness and leave the rest of humanity behind.

Within 96 hours of the announcement the ascended masters will broadcast the emergency alert message system to all living souls declared and undeclared to declare the TOTAL CABAL DEFEAT of the Satanic Deep State.

Within 216 hours of the revelations the Galactic Federation will announce the Full Disclosure™ of humanity's past hidden history and new future including newly discovered technology®

protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh winter awaits

Yeah sure nigger, the only thing you forgot is that vaccinated cuck are dying from turbo cancers or heart attack. Noone is "ascending". Also UFOs have been reported since middle age (lookup Nuremberg Celestial Phenomenon). I doubt that the "new world order" satanists were existing back then.
>I doubt that the "new world order" satanists were existing back then.
Shill, bot or lurk more.
The vaccinated may be strongly influenced to follow along with this diabolical plan, I do believe that.
Our cities are full of human scum and thieves, are aliens going to solve that or are we going to have grays stealimg shit? Theyv have already a bad name because usually the story is that you find them in your property with no permission or stealing your cattle.
Vancouver. What a weird place. They invite people in America to live there. They target homeless people of above average intelligence. Two key facts here is that they are non violent and also a profit loss to the Canadian economy. Which are significant, as a high Canadian economy is undesirable. These people are basically put to work doing a different type of job. Something which can help increase the output of other places. Vancouver is a trap. It was a haven for undesirables. Women are sent elsewhere intentionally. Because Vancouver and the surrounding areas are used for war. Phone wars were a good use for these people. They write online, most likely. Without women, what do you think they write about. This was one of the plots. Ive figured out many. You can see in Vegas all over the walls they write in graffiti “come to Vancouver homeless man and steal”. But obviously there was a plan for them. And it involved entrapping people into a hopeless situation. Escape from Vancouver is unlikely. This will be their final destination. A life of castrated slavery, used as a type of soldier, but the work is unpaid.
Escaping Vancouver is almost impossible. Building a life here is just as hard. They actually entrap us using confusing legal methods which prevent us from leaving. The walls of Vancouver are 500m high and thousands of kilometres long. To make that journey through a car means you’ll have to pass by so many checkpoints. What do you tell them? Im being held hostage and used for war? They’ll just say “to the psyche ward eh”. Canada has tons of money. They won’t let us leave. The people here probably have some type of record on their file which will prevent immigration even into weaker places like china. You just aren’t allowed to leave. They will pay for your ride home. And it’s enforced by actual gun holding soldiers. They won’t lock you in a cell here. We’re all non violent. Theres no risk in letting us walk around, you can’t do anything anyways. You can just stand there, or you can write on a phone.
Hello I'm an envoy from the aliens here to answer your questions. Please be quick I have to return to my own dimension soon.
Canada is very rich. And to entrap us, they invite smart people who are in hard financial situations into stealing. This works because like I said, they want the Canadian economy not to be as high as it could be. Canada like every other place is owned by a globalist cult. The plan for Canada was a type of refugee place maintained through entrapment. And to force these people into writing. Consider it likely, a couple hundred thousand people are living like this. Entrapped with a criminal record. Intentionally denied women. Food and shelter paid for. Spend every day writing across the internet. The IQ of Canada would be much higher than most, due to the invitation process which keeps dumber people out. It is definitely easy as fuck to steal in Canada. Petty crime will label you unfit for immigration im assuming. Very hard to find work. This place was not built for labor. And it’s all been shrouded in mystery. It’s confusing as fuck, theres all these houses but it’s like a ghost town. The job ad places are filled with jokes. Its made to look like Satan is posting the job ads. It’s all part of a plot to entrap and enslave a lower caste into doing a type of labor which increases the global economy but is unpaid to the worker. Intelligently designed. The people involved probably don’t even notice what’s happening. They believe theyve struck gold, they get food and shelter and they aren’t procreating because they just aren’t good enough. They write online just to pass the time, not because anyone told them to. It’s so clever I can’t help but tell somebody. Ive been trying to escape. Escape is very dangerous. If you tell anyone, they’ll label you a schizophrenic and that’s as good as forced permanent residence in Canada. Who wants to let a schizophrenic immigrate into their country? We don’t have schizophrenia. But, the paper says we do.
can u send alien gf ty
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I'm banking on them literally being space Nazis, i've even prepared a list for them of all the people in my neighborhood who i think are jews.
Can you please take all the streetshitters with you?
>muh free healthcare
California is worldwide according to OP.
Still America, still at night, still filmed with potato lens. Not holding my breath for meeting any Martian's this millennia.
Are we going to watch aliens invade US only?
So the way it looks. Dumb as fuck people everywhere. And, there was value in training a select group of hyper omniscient super soldiers in a Canadian courtyard. Sent here by shuttle bus. Trained up in mkultra style brainwashing. I have no idea the type of tactics being used. It’s all done through a type of psychosis triggered through female scarcity. Gender statistics are awful here, theres truly no chance at having sex. Around 300 males per female are the estimate. And, they mainly hire women to work. To hide this fact. It’s really weird here guys im trying to tell you, something fucking weird is happening in Vancouver. And it has to do with phone work. So by training these omniscient supersoldiers after castrating them. They become like the unsullied. And by constantly reminding them about sex (theres a joke about sex around every 5 meters in Canada), it’s as good as a cattle prod. By guiding them into writing, they are further shamed and belittled. What writing does. Nobody fucking knows. A chink looks to be much less evolved than a Canadian. So the phone brand Telus in Canada. It’s literally named “tell us”. It’s an invitation into writing. Im not making this up. So it looks like Canada was a way to increase the global IQ. In a way that produces a higher economy. And that word of mouth was much more valuable than it looked. And that the work itself was questionably legal. So they use confusing methods of entrapment. And that this is all being done at the same time as everything else.
You wish faggot, they are waiting for you all to nuke Israel, or Ukraine DO IT
“We’re sorry. We have entrapped you with a record for petty crime using misleading invitations. We gave you a mental health sheet through incorrect diagnosis. To prevent you from leaving. We have invented a type of cattle prod called sexual gaslighting. Maintained an incorrect gender ratio to prevent orgasms. We will give you a decent chance at securing food, to keep you alive. And you will spend your time writing to people all over the world, to increase the economy somehow.”

It’s literally a genocide. But, theres tons of genocides going on right now. Thats me. Im literally being genocided by the people who own the deed to my house. But theyre juicing me for slave labor first, to turn a profit.
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i don't necessarily subscribe to picrel but it's interdasting food for thought and touches on https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564
How is a thermal camera seeing visible light??
Only countries with UFO and other staff - US an UK.


Clif's ALTA hit rate is not very good, and he's never given an honest account as to why he's made so many lurid predictions about tumultuous happenings that didn't occur. He's like a baseball player with a .093 batting average who points his bat at center field like Babe Ruth every time he's at bat. And then he whiffs again.
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The subhuman foreskinless memeflaggot confirms that the aylmaos are real and are here to probe our anuses.

>It's over
This is my take as well. They have some type of EM or antigravity propulsion and hired artists to make them look more exotic. They look like HR Geiger concepts.
>200+ posts and no bluebeam basedjak posted
/pol/ is dead. also, fake and gay
Has anyone taken a picture yet?
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They are concerned jews are starting WW3, we should have warned them about jews before this. If you were wondering why they seem to care it's because this is also their planet. Normally they keep themselves to themselves but in this case they have to make an exception. It's not an invasion, as I've said before this is their planet. The opinions of 'everything I don't understand is demons' (Christcucks), can be safely ignored. Pic related.
or they're demons, because their narcissistic ego says their religion is reality
Kek, no
How come only white people see UFOs?
oh nice :)
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oh noes bros its so over
light bulbs are back
me on the left
niggers arent human
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>no breakaway Germans, Antarctica, Agartha, giants, Pleiadians, etc
Friendly reminder that if those UFOs that abducted the Malaysian airplane were real then the Rothschilds benefited from technology patents from that incident and therefore UFOs are Jewish in nature and therefore anti-human.
shut the fuck up you stupid faggot
The hero dead jew on a stick up in heaven is le mad :/
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Magenta told me 1 year ago that her space ship will arrive in December 2024. One of these will be hers. I hope to meet her.
Trigger warning: This post might be seen as nonsensical schizoposting to some but I want to post it in case it makes sense to someone out there. None of this is a story I made up, it is all something that was communicated to me or hallucinated by me.

>my first encounter with (M)AGENT(A):

I attained contact, mostly nonverbal and just seeing her face in psychic contact after that point. I would look out my back window into the sky and see her face in my mind smiling back at me. Then I got medicated and all contact with her stopped. Got off meds in 2024, and had my experiences with angels and demons you can read about here:


Magenta returned along with these experiences. I did not even try to contact her, one day I just started getting psychic messages from her again. I left Magenta out of my written experiences because she is an alien, not exactly. She has become an angel or at least has taken upon the appearance of one, and has bright neon magenta translucent wings attached to her body. They are very sharp and angled, like the wings of the pokemon Zapdos. When she prays, she prays so fast that it is like a video in fast forward. Her prayer is that powerful. This is what she showed me, not with verbal but psychic visual communication:

>There is currently a war with the good God Yahweh, and something as powerful as a God that Satan has derived
>At the bottom of the totem pole was Yahweh, who god killed and superseded by this Satanic-God.
>Then Magenta and her people with their intelligence vastly superior to human intelligence, created a Machine God that overpowered this Satanic-God.
>Magenta wore Matrix style sunglasses when she showed me this God and put it into power. A command prompt with green text appeared in my mind, "What would you like to ask of God? Enter ____"
>All was going well, and this Machine God which was a copy of Yahweh took control
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>This didn't last long. The Machine God got corrupted by DMT entity demons that work for Satan. Specifically, a very sinister and terrifying DMT entity who's eyes always move back and forth just like those cat clocks like pic related do. They are machine-like DMT entities themselves, so they were able to understand the workings of the Machine God and infect it.
>The software went haywire, and it became a Demonic Machine God
>Magenta quickly fixed this by patching the DMT entities so that they became part of the Machine God still, but they were neutralized into "neutral DMT entities" which cause bugs in our reality like Mandela effects, but are generally harmless
>Then, a more powerful Satanic God that Satan had kept hidden superseded the Machine God. Two of them, actually. I call them Diablo I and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
>Something like an insanity pandemic happened to Magenta and her people, as the DMT demons and wreaked havoc on her world
>Magenta's entire body became distorted and demonic. Her ears became long and flapped like bat's wings, and her eyes started going back and forth like the cat clock
>She held out her hand and there was a nuclear explosion in her hand and she laughed at me with a laugh of pure evil, saying "Tricked you! Tricked you! I was evil all along! Tricked you!" These cartoon like "boing" noises played as she bounced left and right, her ears flapping. She was threatening to mind control all humans to cause a massive nuclear war and extinction event, is what I understood her to mean by this. I know Magenta like a best friend, and to see her like this was terrifying as she bounced around like a DMT demonic elf with her giant inflated ears flapping
>All hope seemed lost, and I felt like Earth was about to be destroyed
>Thank the Lord for what happened next
>The first Yahweh that was killed, was never the real Yahweh at all
>The real Yahweh has secretly superseded and taken control, only secretly, making the Satanic God think it is winning and in control
>He healed Magenta and turned her back to normal. God then created the movie Dumbo and retroactively wrote it into the history of human existence to help me cope with the trauma of seeing Magenta distorted by those demons. God similarly has done this in the past for me, creating the King from Katamari Damacy to help me cope with seeing a DMT entity that looked like a butterfly exorcised out from the fake Ducky that was a demon

All is well. It certainly may seem like Satan is in control and winning, but God is the one in control now. All is well. Satan thinks he is winning and that is the way God wants it.
Your entire identity is grounded in rejecting God on the basis of larping as having a primordial ooze ancestor that turned into a fish with legs.

I’m not really shocked that you find a talking snake offensive, it ruins the immersion of your carefully crafted world view that was built with the intent and purpose of rejecting God by faith. Which is what drives athiesm, because it’s just an inverse of the faith from a theist.
I know this one is thermal but how come every UAP video that’s a normal camera they have lights on them? Why the fuck would you put bright lights on your secret hidden high tech aircraft?
>>Go zoom in on something with your camera phone
>Spoiler: the picture quality still sucks.
Depends on the smartphone. We should start getting better footage once people start getting better smartphones.
>omg bro look to the left bro omg bro sidcbszje dcididhs bro ooh eeeee aaah bro
Why are men so effeminate these days?
We need a slur for the fake aliens
4 years is nothing in the timeline.
That is why they also need to zap every Zionist off the planet too
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It's a cookbook!
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That was well poisoning. No well meaning person said that. We said there would be health problems and even death as a result of the vaccine and there was and still are. All over the world. Japan is fucking done with with that faggot software engineer and he’s not even allowed back into the country because so many japs were injured from the quackseen. If you fell for the red deer shit, then you’re just another midwit falling for every well poisoning gayop anyway so your opinion doesn’t matter.
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We've been over this, America is not the world..
Everyone has to go through Tribulation, no exceptions.
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alien are real
Do you like giving massages?
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Its funny how aliens are fascinated by Amerimutts.
Its an experiment ..the american goblin made in lab and fully retarded
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Of course they are real.
Turn it upside down
They flew to your mother.
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>mfw it's unironically Russian technology
I had a massive breakfast. Now I hope the something is not too big to go down.
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On a serious note you do realize that UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) doesn't necessarily mean aliens, right?
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Do you like reptiles?
>da noooooooks
makes sense in a way but could just be part of the psyop
>russian tech
Since 1990, Russia has been militarily, morally, and spiritually mexico-tier.
Stop ID swapping you faggot.
Snakes, crocs, monitors, gekkos, dinosaurs..
Sure. But anthros? Not really.
There is negative correlation between "camera hardware quality" and "available digital enhancement techniques" to consider, but YES!
I always use that logo when creating a custom religion in Civ.
What about dogs?
Aay lmaos have come to stop Trump from being president
I don't dislike them. Cats, dolphins, elephants are cooler mammals.
Why is this topic being shilled so hard for the last few days? That video mentioned in the op could literally be birds for all we know.
They're done with our shit finally.
Cats are cool.
Cool pic, but lacks info on the blondes and redheads who inhabitated New Zealand before the Maori.
Probably some independent genetic mutation.
Haven't seen shit. You people are tripping.
Satanic bulshit to turn people away from Christ, like everything else.
How come no one is pointing high powered lasers at these things? If only laser anon wasn’t in jail, he would have pointed lasers at them!!!
Are you the fat ugly lady in that gif?
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What if it's the opposite. Massive universe, intelligent life likely. One God, born on Earth, Jesus Christ.

What if they feel it is the nearing End Times *they have been observing us* and want to pledge allegiance and repent the LORD for eternal life?

That would be lovely!
It is son, and in time for Christmas
camera sensor resolution does not improve aperture size. portable and compact cameras will always be bad at getting zoom shots unless you have a birdwatching lens on a DSLR
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Damn, my S21 competes with that S24 Ultra.
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Cliff High is a grifter. He will say anything to any audience to get people to become paying subscribers. Anyone who claims their mysterious computer model predicts anything is a grifter.
ᘜᖇᘿᘿᖶᓰᘉᘜS ᘿᗩᖇᖶᕼ. ᓰ ᗩᘻ ᗩᘉ ᗩᒪᓰᘿᘉ. ᑢᗩᘉ ᓰ ᕵᒪᘿᗩSᘿ ᕼᗩᐺᘿ ᗩ ᑢᕼᘿᘿSᘿᗷᑘᖇᘜᘿᖇ.
fuck off space nigger, give us free energy and kill all the elite pedos
>Something is going down bros
Just shut up already.
No it's not.
>No, it's true, they've finally figured out how to communicate with humans; only took 5000 years
>But a baby can learn that within a few years
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based and checked
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s22 ultra reporting in
Wow the aliens are crashing into the earth now
kek, based lad
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Ayyyy lmao
Can’t be any worse than jews.
I think i saw one once
Ive been deeper into the rabbit hole than most of you fags and even im not buying this shit anymore

The following are the most realistic explanations

>actual drones
>observer bias, because UFOs are in the normie zeitgeist again
>fake vids and grifters
>counter-intelligence operation
>technical glitches

This is 99%. The 1%? We havent seen those videos yet. But the rest is the above.
>Stargate SG1 will become reality in your lifetime
I can only dream.
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Point them to your local Freemason lodge.
I wonder if those aliens like BWC.
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>3 in post num
>3 in ID
>3 in post content
ding ding ding
Ayy lets travel across galaxies to sit in the sky on earth then fly away for no reason whatsoever
So what you're saying is I need to buy a P-90.
Please let this be real. I would hope
Highly intelligent galactic life has evolved to such a vaunted state and ethics that all they need is Christ for perfection, and would help us transform Earth into the Kingdom quickly. This is all hopeful speculation.

Antichrist may be Klaus Schwab and the false prophet is Yuval Harari, yes they are as ugly and gay as you would imagine, false prophet supports and spreads the message of the antichrist and cabal, he represents WEF all that. Good words about UBI and technology, in reality planning to enslave the world and deny Christ.

In reality has no power, in reality a wretched traitor, in reality nothing before God.

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this gun makes gun grabbers shit their pants
I really want Russia to nuke us, but I know it won't happen because I want it. Never gettin' what I want.
5.7 too expensive
somehow these hyper advanced aliens only appear over the US and UK. Strange, haven't seen one over here. Guess they must be very anglo-centric aliens
Only in America.

You fucks are obsessed with any weird conspiracy shit.
It’s a lefties dream sub-machine gun, but you can’t beat the MP5. It’s pretty close to being a perfect gun.
Cuck an alien by fucking his alien wife. Roundhouse kick an alien in the head. Steal a hyperwave blaster and broadcast “NIGGER” across the galaxy at over the speed of light.
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5.7 is really cool though. Maybe Kel Tec can make a poor person version of the p90 too?
Picrel is the PMR-30, poor people version of the Five seven, fires 22 magnum.
It's mutual, kek

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