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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Biden pardons Hunter
what a cock!
what a fucking nigger
Fuckin hell kek
If the GOP had balls, they'd fucking impeach him next congress.
Nice link nigger.
How could white women do this?
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rightoids on suicide watch
fucking BAAAASED biden
Honesty surprised he just didn’t have trump do it lol
Ha, just had to do it
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i actually like hunter anons, he's just living the life with he curse of being a politician's son, i'd hate it if he was actively making himself part of the system but instead seems like someone i could smoke crack with. hunter if you're reading this hit me up, i know a place where you can actually buy them girls, kudos
sure but imagine being president and not pardoning your son. this seems like close to the bottom of the list of things to be pissed at biden about
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It's over
nice separation of powers you've got there
It's church and state, not family and state.
Well duh. As if you wouldn't do it.
Quod licet kike, non licet goy
imagine allowing this. not a real country. in jail for questioning election, yet hes pardonning literal guilty son that plead guilty and is convicted. if you dont kill every last politician for this, just surrender your guns you fucking cucks. you will never do anything.
He's old as shit and doesn't care either way. Zion Don pardoned a bunch of criminals and niggers, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. I'd do the same if I were in his position
Natalie will be so happy she gets to have her unca stick around.
trump pardons jareds dad as he walks out the door in 2020 and then appoints him to a position a couple of days ago. j6 niggers are still locked up. plus... biden and tara reade...
as if Trump wouldn't do the exact same thing
Dude gets to fuck funny cunny and get away with it, he's a modern day demigod
>j6 niggers are still locked up
Did anybody ever ask him if he was going to pardon those
how does that make it any better
It's real
Trump did and so did Obama. Every president pardons a bunch of treasonous kikes on their way out of office.
Wow how completely unsurprising.
Hunter is based and his Dad used him for all the corruption because he was the throwaway son.
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this is why people call /pol a bunch of niggers
Family should be excluded from the list they can pardon
it just seems like small potatoes. the covid niggers are still running loose. the immigration niggers are still running loose. the people sending billions to other countries are still on the loose.

>not wanting to hit the crack pipe and go beat on your 911 turbo s
>dong hang push ups
he sorta is in a way
Checked and this. I believe hunter is the only decent Biden, as his drug addiction is probably due to him having actually having some morality and coping with the horrible shit he’s done.
Based Biden pardoning his own instead of a bunch of jewish rabbis and nigger rappers.
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Whaaaaat? There's political prosecution going on???? Why have I never heard of such a thing? Am I living in a bubble by surrounding myself with highly ethical and morally scrupulous paragons of virtue?
We need a proper kino about the Biden crime family.
Would have more respect if he said "I'm doing this because I can, and all of you faggots would do the same."
But it's not and it's not Biden's fault.
Family members should also be barred from running for a president but here you are

reddit showing their true faces
um I was told the American Justice system was perfect and can't be used for politics?
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Democrats are so fucking based.
They just do whatever they want and don't give a shit about muh principles or muh optics like cucks on the right.
I sometimes wish Communism was a viable economic system, simply so I can join them and be based too.
I am only begrudgingly right wing because there's no viable alternative atm.
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lmao faggot redditors REEEEEE'd on me and called me a loser for saying that daddy would bail out his piece of shit ne'er do well d bag son YET AGAIN like he has throughout 5 decades of Hunter's stupid life and sure enough I was right!

they all said he would never pardon him because Diamond Joe is a 'good man'

Redditors...NOT EVEN ONCE!!!
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>use crackhead son to launder money from east europe
>when laptop leaks call it a conspiracy theory and get ex intel glowies to support you and bury the story
>when laptop is confirmed Joe is already in office
>Hunter still manages to fuck it up by not paying taxes on the money they got "legally"
>Hunter then writes a dumb book about doing crack while purchasing firearms
>Gets convicted of both
>Sweep the millions of dollars under the rug by making the pardon focus on just the gun charge
It's a smart play but I wish they would have stuck with the original game plan to have Trump offer a pardon for Hunter in a single hole of golf and then Trump throws the hole and then they hug after Biden putts in a double bogey.
honestly pretty based
the state is a sledgehammer to be wielded against your enemies, nothing more
From the bottom of my being, I wish the worst illnesses and tragedies upon the Biden family.
I think you overestimate Biden’s ability to double bogey, let alone pick up and swing a club.
Hunter don't listen to this spic hit me up instead. I can hang bro on God I can go line for line
Wait, what? Guns? What about the 16cousins cunny? we good to go now?
good. jacking off and doing coke is in the constitution, everyone should be allowed to do it
yet another laughably bad and hypocritical decision justified with
>b-b-but they made me do iiiiiiiiit
>b-b-but they would have done woooorse
leftoids are the lowest form of life on earth, perhaps in the universe
So lefties will never complain about trump using his powers for self-interests again, right?
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and Whitehouse link
But he didn't. He hasn't.
What you're doing is called projection. You *think* that's what he'd do, because you're corrupt and immoral too. You have no backbone, no Soul, no fortitude, no balls and conviction.

You are part of the corruption, cunt.
biden isn't a lefty
you'd suck a dog's dick if someone told you to
fucking faggot
Well how much is he offering?
based as fuck
trump dicksuckers are seething like manchildren
It would be fun if it didnt fuck us this hard.
Do whatever you want, but dont cross me.
The EU and America finance a war that should have been concluded years ago so they can cover up the sins of 1 family.
I want him convicted and imprisoned for that shit.

Like i understand all the drugs and hookers escapates and natty sexo, but why all that greed?
He coud have kept it like that, but he just had to take the bait by whatever country and do some shady shit for $.
Without even thinking it could be hold against him AND his Family.

See, this is the consequence of lifting the mafia to power, and them using the power to exploit sociaty.
Mafia has retards in its ranks too, but atleast they cant just pardon them.
They have to plan ahead und displine family members to cover up the business.
Hunter just did shit, filmed it and handed out the evidence to some rando cause its not his problem, its daddys.

Even as a criminal he is and was a total failure.
How does this not have a sticky kek
the democrat machine is wayyy more effective than the republican machine and it really makes you wonder why thats the case
The love bombing from Biden was a clear sign he didn't want him killing himself, for various reasons.
ok so that settles it right hunter did nothing wrong
Even trump said he was considering it too
Nothing ever happens
>pedo criminal pardons pedo criminal son

What a surprise
>I know a place where you can actually buy them girls
You don't pay a whore for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards
>some criminal drug addict is a demigod because he's allowed by other men to do things i'm not
pathetic monkey brain
>commit crime
>get pardoned
I wish I was part of the 1%
Good. Now let the old guy retire and rest
>The sweeping pardon covers not just those offenses, but also any other “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”
Trump pardoned Jewish criminals so does anyone actually care that Biden pardoned his own son?
You can't put artists in jail!
kill yourself nigger
look at every single pardon Trump gave out during his last term and then shut the fuck up.
Its not surprising but he did just say that he wouldnt do it like about a week ago. lol
Trump pardoned the father of Jared Kushner, who brought and filmed a prostitute sleeping with his brother-in-law to he could blackmail his family.
You think Donald wouldn't do the same with his son? Lol fuck off
i would be fine with it if he just came out like "im the president i can do what i want lmao" but the whiny "wahh they are unfair" bullshit is a huge turn off
>Raping kids
>Federal firearms crimes
>Peddling influence
>Illegal drug use
>Malicious prosecution
>Dereliction of sworn federal duties
>Negligent homicide
>Facilitating illegal immigration
>Human trafficking
Fellow Democrats, we should be celebrating our ability to simply ignore laws and ethics.
Hypothetically speaking can you unpardon a pardon?
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>Biden pardons Hunter
based, Trump will do the same once Barron reaches his drug fueled degen arc
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>i actually like hunter anons, he's just living the life with he curse of being a politician's son, i'd hate it if he was actively making himself part of the system but instead seems like someone i could smoke crack with. hunter if you're reading this hit me up, i know a place where you can actually buy them girls, kudos
also check't
he fucked his niece and her mom (his dead brothers widow) and knocked the niece up.
Dark Brandon strikes again
They realize we want Trump to pardon himself right? Biden is setting good precedent for that.
>He only mentions the gun charge, but gives a blanket pardon, absolving him of everything he's done in the last ten years.
One thing I'll give Joe credit on, he knows how to be corrupt.
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>i actually like hunter anons, he's just living the life with he curse of being a politician's son, i'd hate it if he was actively making himself part of the system but instead seems like someone i could smoke crack with.
>he fucked his niece and her mom (his dead brothers widow) and knocked the niece up.
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Barron is going to be President in 2050.
Weaker neck, brow, and chin
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>wears a MAGA hat and smiles for the camera
>tells trump's aides he hates Kamala
I would've respected that pussy Biden more if he pardoned Hunter during the elections and not after Kamala lost
>not a real country

And yet it's the best we've got. Welcome to clown world.
>imagine not pardoning your son for the crimes he committed
Yeah, I can imagine not pardoning my son or daughter for being a piece of shit that did crime. Shame liberals and Biden couldn't. Every libshit who supports this is an immoral cunt.
>>he fucked his niece and her mom (his dead brothers widow) and knocked the niece up.
Biden should go scorched earth. Execute jan 6 mutaneers, transfer half of US military budget to Ukraine in cash, open the borders completely and issue a free citizenship to all who apply

Republicans made it into a war, give them war
It's just a gotcha that Dems are also above the law with Jews. People called that this would happen, Dems were like "no, no Biden is better than that" and whoops here we are, Biden is actually no better than that.

It's a shame we have no justice here in America, but until people have enough of this shit and take up arms, it won't be changing.
you'd basically be not wanting to pardon him for crimes that you enabled him to be doing in the first place?
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>no one else caught smoking crack with hookers and illegal guns would go to jail
>they're just singling him out
>>Republicans made it into a war, give them war

Interesting. What made you hate America, Cyprus?
He's not "posing over the remains" dumbass
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"No one is above the law"
>Except me and my family
he should be eligible for 2044 actually, since the minimum age is 35
Good, let them take the mask off so the general public can see there is no peaceful solution.
Part of me was hoping they'd leave well enough alone, leaving Hunter to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court and get self-incrimination banned from the gun forms, but so much for that.
Also of note this pardon isn't just for that gun charge, it's for any crimes Hunter committed during the decade between 2014 and 2024. Just like his original sweetheart deal.
He should be pardoning jewish criminals like Trump!
kek, but also the nigger criminals
seething without an argument
irl you'd be going
>fuckhoo talking about
over and over right about now
I dont think he would, no. Trump did absolutely nothing to help those who helped him last time
for what?
The statement just mentions his gun charge. I think he filed paperwork incorrectly idk. But after the statement the details are mentioned. He gets a pardon on everything he's done in the last decade.
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He committed the most egregious possible treason in Ukraine, taking carefully documented and recorded bribes on behalf of lobbying the "big guy" to push foreign powers energy interests over the interests of the United States. These crimes are all in black and white in emails, regardless of whether or not the sitting VP and President that was deeply involved is ever charged, Hunter will never face prosecutorial scrutiny for these crimes now.
Lmao, he just set the precedent for Trump to bulletproof his entire family against the law.
You happy cuz you sell him the merca, hombre!
>trump literally pardoned an old lady on death row
>trump rescued a Iran/ISIS hostage

How the hell did Dems get such a moral highground?
>we thought he was gonna do it
>so we did it
God I fucking hate leftists
What's the politically correct term for this?
that's literally exactly what he's doing
He also took a pic of 28 grams of crack on a scale, possessing an ounce of crack is an instant felony in every state. I hate this motherfucker, you can tell by his face that he isn't happy at all despite all the drugs, whores and money, hope he has a heart attack.
oh great more untouchable jewish criminals...
>pardoned a bunch of criminals and niggers

That's pretty much what is expected though.
Obama pardoned almost 2,000 people, including some who were court martial, lied to Congress, a number of murders, and many convicted of trafficking guns or pounds of cocaine, crack, heroin, or other hard drugs.
Biden pushed the bill that got his son charged.
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Actually illegal, constitutionally. Joe will either be ganked or sent to prison for this abuse of power, among many examples throughout his shitty career of fucking people over. I wouldn't bat an eyelash if people began sieging the White House right now and burning it to the ground, this country is pure globalist garbage. My flag will be upside-down in the morning and it's never coming back down until these people are dead.
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biden dodged his crimes
trump dodged his crimes

the rich get away Scott free, while the poor go to jail
There is no doubt about it. Biden will hands down go down as greatest single term president this country has ever had. I kneel.
It was total bullshit how all that went down.

Shit tier criminal system
At the risk of sounding like one of those R*ddit faggots, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
Fucking checking those blessed digits. In the butt, 5x5.
get a betsy ross or gadsden flag

differentiates you from braindead boomers while still showing patriotism
So THIS is why they leaked the zestiny tape
Nah, this makes more of an impact and pisses off cops.
I don't blame Biden for doing so, but you'll never see Trump pardon FPSRussia
Honestly he's a Chad.
Fucks the highest end hookers, the kind you can raw dog cause they're all vetted and tested.
Slams hard drugs with them, takes pics of them sucking his cock and getting railed.
Jets around the world making multi million dollar deals, does not give a single fuck how openly corrupt it is because he knows he's untouchable. Literally laughed in reporters face and said "fuck em" in response to a question about people saying his shitty art sales were obviously money laundering.
How many times do you think he's wandered naked into the lobby of a 5* hotel off his tits on coke and/or crack waving around an illegal firearm and the Secret Service has made sure it's all hushed up? He's above the law and he knows it and lives the life of an untouchable millionaire to the max.
>hunter if you're reading this hit me up, i know a place where you can actually buy them girls, kudos
Are they White? Remember Hunter's #1 rule: no yellows

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Malia Obama is technically a high yella
The only losers who say "hurrr only betas pay for sex!!" are feminized pussies.
There are many reasons to fuck hookers.
Hookers don't talk. They respect the business.
Think about all the super rich super handsome guys who have been caught in scandals where some papparazi caught them with hookers and drugs. You think these guys are 'betas' who can't get girls? Obviously that's not the case but hookers don't go blackmailing you threatening to go to the press or accusing you of rape.
Also, and this one is maybe even more important: cocaine and hookers is just a good fucking time.
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Suggests that business was going to continue if Kamala got elected. Since she didn't, they have to tie up all the loose ends
Who cares. Not like his son did some horrendous act.
Trump pardoned Kushner's dad, so you're a fucking retard. Keep sucking Trump's cock
Based as fuck. Family trumps politics
Trump has pardoned:
I think Biden can have this one.
Holy shit, that nigger's outta control now
I deaf that he pardoned Hunter; I gaf because he specifically lied about it, waited until after the election to do it, and then made some smarmy statement about how poor little Hunter was targeted.
If he never said peep about it, before or after, and did it on his last day in office, nobody would have cared.
>trump pardons jareds dad as he walks out the door in 2020 and then appoints him to a position a couple of days ago.
Specifically Ambassador to France; a top-tier position.
MAGA about to scream “Biden Crime Family!” as Trump the fugitive appoints two in-laws with criminal records at least two sex offenders and a russian asset to his cabinet
*yawn* is that all you got?
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not based
I never would have thought the guy who used the FBI to silence social media about his sons laptop would stoop so low
I wouldn't like it ethically if Harris had won but our justice department is about to be led by a bunch of lunatics, I wouldn't trust them to treat him fairly

On the one hand, I don't like the President using the pardon to get his family members off the hook. On the other hand, prosecuting Hunter Biden for this was cruel and entirely politically motivated, so I can't quite fault Biden for using his power to protect his family.

Republicans will wail and gnash their teeth, but they do that no matter what. And what does Biden care anymore? He's done with politics and he can just retire and enjoy some well-deserved ice cream while Trump ruins everything.
Sort yourself out, Myanmar
You degenerate losers
>treat him fairly
If he was treated fairly he would have been in jail a long time ago.
We do a little abuse of power in this household

He lied for over a year saying he wouldn't. fucking asshole
Meanwhile they locked up protesters from Jan 6th who did literally nothing and was invited in by capitol police? Killing one of them who was unarmed?

Lock Joe up for using his son to take money from Ukraine. Why else would Hunter be on the energy board for Burisma? Then taking and exorting money from Chinese business partners. The Biden Crime family needs to be investigated and prosecuted. The Steele Dossier was found to be funded by Hillary and the DNC, they got a slap on the wrist by paying FINES to push out disinformation and interfere with an ELECTION. That needs to be investigated as well. Meanwhile they impeached, prosecuted and tried to assassinate their political rival. Absolutely disgusting.
Ya know vigilante justice is tye only way this shithole is ever getting better and you ALL know this.

Rope the motherfucker and livestream it.
When the cops come to collect you, send em to hell.
If nothing is legit then power is all that matters and who is willing to use it.
is there a man among you here who would not do the same in his shoes?
Guarantee every J6er is already dead.
That's why they won't release them.
The State murdered them in prison.
Ask yourself can we really trust them when they say they are JUST in prison?
Nah them motherfuckers have been killed and cremated to carbon flakes.
>Claim: Biden's pardon of his crackhead son Hunter was a conflict of interest.
>Verdict: FALSE
get those receipts before they're gone lads

Lincoln Project - https://archive.is/eF6NN - https://archive.is/sD9lH
Brooklyn Dad - https://archive.is/ROQXP
I didn't vote for him or trump
I’d like to cope and say they can still potentially find him on state charges but the scope for the majority of his shit is in the realm of federal
like clockwork
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He can pardon his own actual literal son and survive claims of corruption but Trump wont even risk medium/light flak to pardon J6 heroes
So can we finally investigate the actual evidence of hunter being the middleman for deep state corruption in Ukraine right before war mysteriously broke out?
I know that he’s president, and can do whatever he wants with pardons, but he just pardoned his foreign pay-to-play bagman. If he were pardoning his son for his tax problems and gun problem, the pardon would not have covered 2020-2024 (Joe’s 4 years as president) and it would not have covered 2014-2015 (Joe’s last years as VP).

So I don’t see this as Joe pardoning his son. I see this as Joe pardoning his bagman. All that money from Ukraine, Romania, China, etc., while VP. And Hunter’s career as an artist among other things while Joe was president.
No. It’s a blanket pardon and dates back early enough to cover Burisma and all of that other shit. Years before Hunter’s tax or gun problems.
Nope, pardons all known and unknown federal crimes. Gotta get that gravy train chugging again and what better legal cover than a sweeping pardon. Can still technically go after Biden directly though
especially in light of his laptop being a Russian disinformation campaign
I don't want to hear shit from the Right, either. You literally voted in a criminal, found to be civilly liable for rape. The Dems could dig up OJ's corpse and run it in 2028 for all that I care about MAGA's rule of fucking law or tough on crime bullshit.
We are going to kill you.
You know that right glowfag?
You are a dead man walking, or rather sitting.
>record your own criminal activities
>hackers spread it all over the internet
>waaa I'm being unfairly prosecuted
No better than niggers
This piece of shit Biden family should be summarily executed in my humble opinion
no. that's the whole point of being pardoned.
Not to mention, Blumpf pardoned israelis
Dont get it. Isnt Hunter being prosecuted by leftists? Why is he implying he was being hunted (lol) by republicans?
Between the two presidents somehow Biden has pardoned more whites. Based.
That's fucking hilarious the entire Ukraine war is hunter's fault so this puts Hunter in the number one pol HOF
pardons are retarded. why do presidents even get this power? what a joke.
Nice to see all the libtards admitting that Biden is as bad as Trump
Good for the goose, for the gander.
Trump had politically motivated charges pressed, Biden had them in the family.

Trump gets off, only right that Biden takes off too.
i mean did anyone seriously think he wouldn't?
>b-but a corrupt career uniparty politician promised he wouldn't!
no one actually believe that load.
No doubt you’re going to kill some people, schitzo, just it’ll be a bunch of school kids bcos “they had dat glow, dey in on the conspiracee”
Meanwhile everyone who’s tiers above you looks at your bullshit and doesn’t even have the energy to laugh, just roll their eyes.
Look at all the shilling in this thread trying to convince us of all people that this is somehow a good thing
>us of all people
He's a scumbag. It's understandable that brownskins admire a life like that.
>republicucks: so yeah lol the president is basically above the law heh, thanks for asking
>also republicucks: REEEEEE NOT LIKE THISS
There's more to separation of powers than the bullshit you godless freaks push under the guise of the 1st amendment.
posing next to them?
Trophy photo pose?
How would you describe it?
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you don't realize what's in store, kraut
Knew this would happen.
So how does a pardon prevent him from pleading the 5th?
>this time we're gonna get him just like the democrats got Trump
Republicans being mad about Hunter's big hog is really funny
In federal court, if you're granted immunity, you cannot plead the fifth.
>another europoor seething over Trump
lmao sucks to be you
>Hunter's big hog
did you see the pics? he's got a fucken micropenis lmao
Nah that’s was kind of sweet. What a good dad
It's actually brilliant when you think about it. Now republicucks will try to spend the next few years trying to indict hunter instead of doing politics lmfao.
Deep down you know that's true
Good. Kikes can die mad about it.
>kraut obsessed over DRUMPFFFT
lmao rent free
Any father would have
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5th Amendment means you have the right to reserve testimony if it can result in self-incrimination.
Hunter literally cannot be incriminated for anything he did in 2014-2024. He can now be forced to testify under oath about every single thing he did in the last 10 years, getting charged with perjury if he stays silent or lies.
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He is corrupt. He doesn't even speak Ukrainian and was put on the board of directors of a Ukrainian company to funnel money to his father.
>the DOJ ignored all of the serious charges and tried to sneak an unprecedented and unconstitutional global immunity clause into a diversion agreement
I really hope Trump goes on a rampage with the DOJ.
But he wasn't granted immunity, he was given a pardon. In one situation, the immunity can be withdrawn if you don't talk. In the other, you have nothing hanging over you if you stay quiet.
would have what?
raised his son to be completely debaucherous and never taken responsibility by getting him to stop it even though they are supposed to be a family in public service, then bailing him out every single time by illegal dynasty nepotism
every father would do that? no. not even if they could, they wouldnt
>But he wasn't granted immunity, he was given a pardon.
A pardon is immunity on steroids. He cannot be convicted of ANY federal crime within a 10 year period.

Wait if theres no case against him why pardon him
it means they can't make a case in the future, either
Joe Biden literally used his crackhead son as the frontman in an influence peddling operation. It isn't just that he raised a degenerate--he raised him to believe he was beyond the reach of the law and had the poor judgement of putting him in charge of the family's illicit dealings.
who didn't see this one coming.
Guarantee you the only one attempting to will be Massie.
Stop reposting Reddit shit, those are literal children.
Everytime someone says shit like that a red pill is produced and a new conservative is born.
The problem isn't so much that hunter got pardoned.

It is just how ham fisted it is.

All for all the complain about trump destroy the legitimacy of the federal government, it is shit like this that people can point to.
there is not even a layer of pretense to give cover to corruption.

They can at least broke a deal with trump and have hunter pardoned along with the J6 people.
But I think the shits Biden family wad in for the past decades would be too big of ask for blanket pardon. Like pardon for all the crimes between 2014 to 2024? How does that work?
I was wondering about that. If a pardon works as the same as immunity. Since for a pardon to work you would have to have already been prosecuted
This is how leftists have always felt, they just realize it's better marketing to say it's about muh democracy
Point remains, any other drug fucked daddy’s boy would’ve been allowed to plead out and get community service by now.
Yes, it’s shit, American justice system is fucked, it shouldn’t matter how much money you have.

Standard “justice” wasn’t executed in this case, it became political.
So doddering old fart isn’t wholly wrong, it became a miscarriage of “justice” according to the median level of justice being executed on wealthy whitebois in planet Burgerstan.
Dude fuck the economy at this point. I don't even care about that. If communists believed white people had a right to exist, sign me up with your $10,000 GDP per capita and total government reign. I am a ONE issue voter against the left, and that issue is how they view (and REFUSE to change their mind about) white men.
You can only impeach a sitting president or an ex-president.

With Hunter pardoned from any criminal investigation he can be held for contempt of Court if he tried to plead the 5th as a witness to his fathers EVIL satanic doings.

Hunter either testifies for the DOJ or Kash's FBI or Congress for any other criminal being prosecuted that was associated with Hunter
He goes to Jail for contempt
He will talk
Hunter is now Hunted
The satanic Mafia has given Hunter the kiss of death and you think its a pardon.

They will not let Hunter testify or give evidence against anyone. Its a club remember and you aint in it
Joe condemned his own son.

Its a show faggots
Pulling the father card is a load of bullshit. I would have a kid like that to begin with.
What are the stats, for neurodivergent persons… Classified as schizophrenic?
1 in 10,000?
Point being, I’m embarrassed by your flag, you’ve gone full schitzo you faggot.
Boooooo-ring, nutter.
Just make sure to harass and mock any leftist complaining about pardons now.
Take screenshots of all of their posts and Tweets where they talk about how Hunter shouldn't be pardoned a few months ago. Just make them suffer for it, really. These people have no standards and no actual opinions and it's high time that they suffer for it.
>What are the stats, for GENIUS persons… Classified as INTUITIVE?
>1 in 10,000,000?

just because you fuck roos and abos doensnt mean the rest of us dont know how the system works...
>It's a smart play
No it's fucking not, it's the most hamfisted, dumbshit thing he could've done.
At a later date it'll come out what horrific shit he did in Ukraine, but by that point he's already been accidentally pardoned for it. Oops :)
“Intuitive” isn’t a win, it places you amongst tarot readers and soccer moms who want their nails done.
Scared of facts everyone has to agree on, “le I intuited I have a passion for else other than cock”.
It doesn’t wash.
TLDR fuck “intuitive”.
Trump pardoned Kushner’s dad and now he’s going to be an ambassador. Seethe, MAGA niggers
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

This argument is like:
>haha, why wouldn't you take billions of taxpayer money in a corruption scheme while you have the chance?
Biden is in "I don't give a fuck anymore" mode. He told the Ukrainians to use long range missiles into Russian territory and even hinted at nukes. This old man is going to do as much damage as he can on his way out.
>we can destroy every single presidential norm imaginable
>can we, do one, too?
Don't care. President are immune for all official acts. I hope he goes apeshit.
Accelerate, faggots.

Give it time, Biden will pardon thousands soon.
>lawfare against thee, but not against me

But they don't because Communist Antifa types hate White People.
A gift for Trump. He has been given full moral authority to pardon whoever he wants now.
>$10,000 GDP

It's 2300 per year if you get commies in.
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>Trump pardons war criminals, cronies scum of the earth, the father of his son-in-law who lied unter testimonay
Republicans dont evenm blink

>Biden pardons his son who had to testify in fronm of congress because of minor charges
Republicans lose their shit

Republicans are worse than jews tbqh
This. There is nothing wrong with smoking crack and banging hoes.
Well we all knew he would.
And anyway who cares. Just proves that all the accusations against trump are projection.

They all protect their own. Now it's time for us to protect our own.
>Read comments about this
>"uhm actually it's ok because DRUMPF is now in office and would try and MURDER his son!"
>"It's ok because DRUMPF is a criminal as well
What the fuck is wrong with people?
So if you don't pay her she will have sex with you and then hang around afterwards?

>Demigods ever being anything more than glorified thugs
I guess you didn't read mythology
Based. Fuck the ATF. "Straw purchases" are kiked up horseshit anyway. Shall not be infringed.
They'll just charge a Trump kid with some bullshit to make it even
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Michelle us actually a man and those are not there kids. They are children provided by the Muslim Brotherhood, probably willingly and played the roles of Obama kids. They are just political family groupies now
Technically a incest baby. Does it look fucked up?
>It's a smart play
yeah you only need to be ultra rich, the CIA, and be president of the USA to make it work
Trump is now 100% justified and if Democrats complain, then Republicans will just point to this.
>I believe politics has infected the judicial system
Thanks for confirming it, Joe. You know what I really start liking him.
>i know a place where you can actually buy them girls
okay redditor
>natalie's mom names her late husband's baby Hunter Biden II
>not naming it Beau Biden II
>mfw WTF is wrong with this fucking family
>"murder is bad"
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This. Just shows he's a good father who wouldn't throw his own sun under the bus, no matter how justified he'd look for doing so. And that's more
than trying to prove any rightoid/leftard point.
>Imagine having the president of the united states around your little finger
What's stopping him from starting a drug cartel, shoot up a shopping mall and plan terrorist acts?
His dad will just pardon him..
He failed to mention this was a Russian operation and Putin loves Trump.

But he also forgot to mention Hunter was fucking his dead brothers wife, smoking crack with her, threw the gun into a dumpster near a school, had two secret service agents try to retrieve the application from the gun shop. Oh and Hunter was banging the niece.

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