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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Recently pardoned Hunter Biden tried to pay his rent with paintings made from his own shit allegedly. lol.
My brother is the Hunter of my family, all he does is commit crimes and wave his dick around and my family bails him constantly, saying shit like
>he's just not as smart as you!
>he's going through a hard time right now
>somebody else must have instigated him

I really do think that when parents have a hung son they turn a blind eye to everything he ever does, it's like the genetic lottery in their mind.
>hung son
are you saying they get away with it because they have a big dick? wtf
yes, because the parents are "proud"
Boohoo. Fuck landlords. These scumbag want money when they contribute nothing to society
What a bizarre take. Sounds like you desire your brother in a weird way.

Hung son, lmao. That's some weird weakness coming through your words.
lol fake news
I kind of agree with you on the landlord thing but what does a multimillionaire squatting contribute?
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The more I hear about this hunter fellow the more I start to lik em.
Source for that claim? Straight out of hunter's crack pipe (which he has been pardoned for using btw)

Rightards will invent the most bizarre lies to smear good folks. Like do you seriously believe that someone with the wealth and influence of Joseph Biden won't pay measly $300k for his son?
fake news. This never happened.
Did you inspect your brother's cock to verify that he is hung? Under what circumstances? How does it compare to Hunter's?
Hunter's life is an interesting one. Pretty cool tbqh.
No its very true, I am the hung son in my family and I get away with murder. My grandmother even used to talk about how big it was when they would talk about me being born. My family would even argue over which side of the family it came from.
>I can't believe he was pardoned for the federal crime of...
>*checks notes*
>... federal failure to pay back rent
This pretty much sums up the current American experience, no?
>Rich guy jews middle class out of owed money then literally attempts to shit on them.
>Gets caught committing numerous crimes that would have seen a regular jerkoff arrested if he wasnt just shot first.
>None of that matters though because daddy is president and so he gets bailed out to do it all over again but worse until his coke ravaged heart finally throws a clot.
The flag isn’t anything but a rag these days. I love America for its culture and nature and people but fuck “america” the legal entity
>doesnt contribute anything
You are a retarded rentoid that would die of a carbon monoxide leak within a year of owning your own home. Landlords are effectively tsrd wranglers
Could you sound anymore like a rentoid? You don't have the first idea what home ownership is like. You think that just because you arent a scumbag the rest of the people arent? lol most rentoids are as irresponsible preteens, and sometimes dumber.
hunter has a pretty average sized weiner, bro, the fuck are you talking about?
heh, so thats where he lived when i met him
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Normies have been so brainwashed by the Mockingbird media that they will excuse any behavior of the people they are told to worship because "but Orange Man is bad"!.
that would be civil, pardon does not apply.
that woman is an adult prostitute with tattoos all over her body clearly visible in other pictures he took with her. i don't know why you people keep trying to post the edited picture to make her look "underage" or some shit.
BURISMA is Ukraine's national oil company.

Hunter Biden was on the board of directors alongside the sons of Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, John Kerry.

Hence, the area is now a "war zone."
My mother is the hunter of my family, she's always fucking my uncles and smoking meth.
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Boring, you are boring.
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You lie
Sounds like the kind of guy a typical /pol/ack would think is based and redpilled.
Hello? Are you familiar with niggers? Such as George Floyd?
The phone call Trump was impeached for was regarding Burisma.
Rolling Stone can roll out all the kikels (meaning "circles") that they want. Trump was impeached for his phone call asking why Biden withheld $2 billion USD in aid from Ukraine until the investigation of Hunter Biden's dealings on the board of Burisma were dropped.
Next you'll be sending photos of shrunken heads and lampshades.
Trump did nothing wrong.
You lie
>unironically citing wikipedia
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Fucking pidor
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This is the funny part about Biden's blanket pardon: He can't come out and say "It's for the Burisma kickbacks and criminal stuff too" so he HAS to make it an everything bagel. Problem is stuff like OP's pic is going to cause lawsuits and the legal questions contained in those suits could very well be something an appellate court (or possibly even the Supreme Court) would be interested in.

There is a non-zero possibility that after Biden leaves office his pardon for Hunter is invalidated.

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