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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>English language analysis

>Play a little game

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Get /fit/.
Join the metapolitical phalanx!
Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop!
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>Counter culture
>Schwarze Fahne
>Wir klären das
>EinProzent podcast
>Am Rande der Gesellschaft
>Der Schattenmacher

>Learn German script (Kurrent, Sütterlin)
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>Krautzone Podcast
>Boris von Morgenstern
>Ketzer der Neuzeit
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>Flügel TV (german)

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Die Rothschild-Bankendynastie ist über 400 Billionen Dollar wert, aber das System ist in Ordnung, Sozialismus ist schlecht und Kommunismus ist beängstigend
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>the Rothschild banking dynasty has a net-worth of 400 trillion dollars
>but the system is alright
what is that even supposed to mean?

the age of capital is over
the age of caesarism is now
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we are the good europeans
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why does he make the shills seethe so hard?
>Le Muskrat
>Milei the shabbos goy
juden peterstein is looking like hes about to cry again
did they bully him?
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you think that would be necessary for him to cry?
he makes himself cry all the time
the thuringian way
> https://www.zeit.de/2024/54/aufarbeitung-pandemie-covid-19-corona-umfrage-buergerdialog
read the comments. I really wonder who writes this crap
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Are you gonna vote for the next reichskanzler
is that Kollegah mit Seitenscheitel?
I could swear I had an infographic how Karl Lauterbach was shilling for bird-flu vaccine that turned out to have massive side effects, but somehow it must have disappeared from my hard drive I guess
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it was Schweinegrippe, my bad
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Hello German friends. So I figured the AfD's position on Israel defending itself is divided in the party, and also that our State doesn't care much for your party. Just wondering which side of the divide /pol AfD voters are on? Thank you
not a single cent of the german tax-payers goes to the middle east

not our problem
Couldnt care less about sandniggers duking it out. Israelis have the right to defend themselves, muslims have the right to fight for the land they called home for more than a millenium. Theres no right or wrong there, both muslims and jews are scum.
I like israel existing though just for the perpetual mudslim seethe it creates.
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Der muss hängen
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Don´t care. Hating Israel is an arab/muslim interest and I hate them because they are here. I oppose sending money to other countries at all times.
how many jews are there in germany today? after the cleansing of jews out of germany up to the early 2000s, has germany ever been this pro jewish nationalist/zionist as it is today?

i feel like germans for the most part weren't exposed to judeo-propaganda for decades, and that this wave of judeo-propaganda is rather recent

by that i think maybe in a couple of years anti jewish sentiments will grow again, it's really going too far

example of going too far:

>John Kirby, the White House national security spokesperson, puts on a kippah before reciting the prayer for the hostages at the Israeli embassy tonight.

>"Am Yisrael chai," he said at the end.

Alright, thank you.
Krost und Tay stehen gerade für den neuen Weinnachts-Zimt-Lebkuchen Hype-Döner Schlange.
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where are all your meme flags?
And Dago is dancing in the club.
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Zoomer ans Gewehr

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kröst, ca. 2017
Er ist guter Junge
Krusti was never that slim.
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bridcels are putting fluoridated corn syrup into haven's water supply
was bsw created solely to steal votes from afd?
Nah, the brown commie whore just has a huge ego and craves validation
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BSW was created because billionaires are parasites, and AfD is the biggest lobbyist for billionaires, even right before FDP.
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pushed for that reason, created cuz >>491897923

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Yes, I’m part of the 90% working poors. I don’t get huge apartments as a birthday present from my family nor can I call daddy for him to employ me as assistant at his private business. I also don’t own a private forest and I have no claims in East Pommerania on old knightly mansions that AfD could press for me.
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>I’m part of the 90% working poors.
Get ready to be replaced by AI and robots then, nobody will need your kind in the near future. The best case for you would be a UBI scenario but I honestly see no reason to let hundreds of millions of useless people live.
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Fun times are coming.
Bisschen Munition von A nach B tragen und laufen ist kein Problem für mich.
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>Musk retweeted Weidel
Democracy™ supporter what's your response?
I lowkey look like him
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Oh god, I love that.
>article about emigrating to the USA
>boomers in the forum try to convince others how bad the USA is because they are afraid of high paying ITlers leaving instead of paying for their boomer pensions
Geh doch.
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This is so fucking pathetic, even for FDP standards
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brdcels hate the US because American salaries brutally MOG their pity brdbux.
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I would, but unfortunately my parents are too old to take them with me and I can't leave them alone.
>>Play a little game
Can't access it.
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>starting with a lower case letter
Very dishonorable. He lost my vote with that. Habeck is my man now!
Wtf is going on with Japan?

Bad choice. You're on a list now. Set your alarm clock to 5:45 am tomorrow.
>I come from a long line of underachievers, give me more welfare
don't think so, pal


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Now show median income. USA is worse than Goymany when it comes to wealth and income disparity.
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>Wenn jetzt auch Musk mit X in den Wahlkampf eingreife, um der AfD Rückenwind zu verschaffen, sei das „ein alarmierendes Signal“, sagte der SPD-Politiker. „Rechte Netzwerke versuchen gezielt, unsere liberale Demokratie zu destabilisieren“, warnte Miersch. „Dem stellen wir uns klar entgegen: Deutschland braucht weder fremde Einflüsse noch Trumpismus. Stay out, Elon.“
>Auch Grünen-Politikerin Renate Künast äußerte Kritik. Man dürfe nicht zulassen, dass Musk, mit 200 Millionen Followern und Algorithmen im Rücken „auch in Deutschland demnächst Wahlen manipuliert“
>Reinhard Brandl, digitalpolitischer Sprecher der Unions-Bundestagsfraktion, sagte, dass Musks „politische Agenda immer unverhohlener zum Vorschein“ komme. „Es ist zu befürchten, dass diese Nachricht nur der Startschuss für weitere Aktionen ist. Eine solche Konzentration von Macht und Reichweite bei einer Person ist eine ernsthafte Gefahr für unsere Demokratie“, sagte der CSU-Politiker weiter.
>CDU-Europaabgeordnete Dennis Radtke postete auf X: „Musk, von einigen hier heftig gefeiert, sagt der Demokratie den Kampf an. Dieser Mann ist eine Bedrohung. Trump, Farage und nun die AfD.“
>SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Axel Schäfer sagte: „Wir sind den Amerikanern sehr nahe, aber jetzt ist Tapferkeit vor dem Freund gefragt. Wir verbitten uns eine Einmischung in unseren Wahlkampf“. Deutschland stehe für eine „regelbasierte, liberale Demokratie“, doch Musk wolle das Gegenteil. „Er will einen autoritär geführten, illiberalen, von Milliardären geführten Staat“, behauptete Schäfer weiter.
Is it a raffle list? Uii, I love winning prices.
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It was enjoyable to watch the reaction.
Musk also follows Weidel on X now. Lindner will be devastated.

Polenz reposts some of the insanity. Recommended.

Polenz represents everything that's wrong with the CDU
Net median income in CA is 80k. Keep coping. brdcel.
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Think he enjoys being seen by green journos and activists as the "good, sensible conservative." Similar mechanism those performatively self-hating Germans employ to be seen as nice and open-minded?
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Yeah, shit is super cheap or extremely expensive in the u.s.
A McDonalds cheeseburger I'm the US can be 30$, or 2$ depending where you are in the country.
So you’re saying that money isn’t everything? No fucking way!
No, I am saying that I will wait until my parents are dead, before emigrating to greener places.
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Both are comparable. It’s the same case all over the capitalist west and even worse in capitalist 3rd world shitholes. China is currently the only country on Earth that runs a somewhat successful and fair economy.
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Its joever
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Ban Twitter. Problem solved.
Good. How old are they and what kind of lifestyle did they have?
Okay, so how exactly did commies like you think the change from 1989 to 2016 would be when the USA was mostly flooded with cheap quasi slave laborers from the south?

In their 70s, had their own small business and have a net-worth of ca. 2m €.
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Don't come here unless you like the cold.
It's cold here unlike the tropical paradise of Germany. We can't even grow bananas here.
I'm growing my banana right now if you catch my drift.
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I bet you’re too dumb to make a smartphone on your own. Are you? Keep dreaming about times when the West extorted the entire world. Now it’s only you who will be extorted by your own billionaires.
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Yes, what is it? :)
>everyone who has a different opinion then me is a Russian asset
You just have to love boomers.
The wind current only drift from the north here. We don't get tropical wind currents from germanistan here. That's why no banana here.
That green shithole is even worse than /pol/ during American hours.
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>Denk dran: Kein deutsch
Der war sowieso Pole
I can drift something else from Germany deep into your cunt if you're picking up what I'm putting down here.
>In their 70s, had their own small business and have a net-worth of ca. 2m €.
So two decades then. There’s no point in moving to a cutthroat country like America when you’re old though. So you might unironically want to consider relocating now.
No it's pronounced vis à vis.
I might have overdosed on huperzine a, I’m way too irritable today… :(
That means something completely different alsneedit
Da hilft nur der Strick... Sorry, anon.
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No you can't. It's too cold here. Whatever you brought over would freeze and shatter into pieces.
Yeah, you're right it's more like
So vis so.
Don't worry, the friction will keep us warm, if you see where I'm coming from.
sneed à seed
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Leftists are a lost cause, but seeing Lindner engage in this parasitic sycophancy is disappointing because he could actually be based. Seems to me like everything the FDP was ever worth (liberal-libertarian capitalism and nationalism) is now at home in the AfD, and that he's desperately trying to cling to the supporters who are ditching the FDP for the AfD.
wtf is going on in germany rn.
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Why is she so hot, Krauts?
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>if you see where I'm coming from.
I can't the snowblindness got me long ago.
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>ruling-party NATO AIPAC faggot talking about keeping billionaires in check
Seems like he's trying to impress the Devil
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Fourth Reich when?
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They are afraid of the strong fertile Aryan wombman.
Wen soll ichn da aufhängen?
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Archetypal Germanic princess
Good thing my proposal exceeds the visual and offers quite the haptic experience, if you follow me.
>Ruprecht Polenz
Why does this guy need 3 gay flags?
Den, der dir die Pillen angedreht hat - oder wahlweise dich selbst, um das Leiden zu stillen.
nothing much tbdesu
we're getting a CDU chancellor again like in '49 - '69, '83 - '98 and '05 - '21
such is life in the Gerontenrepublik
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Cats are Holy.
The BRD is a gerontocracy through and through
What are the chances of the AfD getting into coalition?
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>if you follow me.
I don't think you understand the snow covers all tracks and makes it practically impossible to follow anybody. You definitely wouldn't last long here. Best stay in sunny warm humid old country and leave the harsh and cold new world to the experts.

Guess I gotta go get the blowtorch for that one ...
I’m used to black pills at this stage
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Pff. I´ve been drinking with skeletons ... keep your party drugs.
You'll be impressed how long I last, I'm quite known for my stamina, if you're on the same wavelength.
You can blow my torch, if you know what I mean.
The strategy of CDU-frontrunner Friedrich Merz has been to target specifically the AfD for potential CDU voters, to get AfD voters to vote CDU by any means necessary (throwing them bones while shitting on their party, even willing to outright ban the AfD), because the AfD is the biggest thorn in their side. Their main tactic is the "Firewall" against the AfD, the refusal to coalesce with them under any conditions, that is supposed to persuade AfD voters to give up on the AfD as having any realistic chance to implement conservative policies and "returning" to the CDU to get the job done. But, once the CDU presumably wins this election, Merz might change his tune and opt to coalesce with the conservatism-enabling AfD over the conservatism-disabling SPD and Grüne.
Bist wohl auch so ein antivaxxer?! Wenn ihr am Ruder gewesen wärt, würde die Menschheit immer noch in Höhlen leben.
Einfach mal weg mit der fraktionsdisziplin, dann kann jeder hampel mit relativer mehrheit die regierung stellen.
Ich bin beim Bund sowieso zwangsgeimpft worden, hab' mich aus der Debatte aber sonst immer schön rausgehalten.
Ich mach' auch nur Spaß, Digger, weiß nicht mal, von was für Medikamenten du da am Anfang geredet hast. Find's nur witzig, wie einem online bei jedem noch so kleinen Beschwerden gleich der nahende Tod eingeredet wird, und dachte, das parodier' ich mal. Hast wohl Recht, dass du heute echt leicht reizbar bist...
Komm' aus'm Block wo nachts die Penner in den Fahrstühlen schlafen, ans Mic, Bra

Be nice or you will get a taste of it. :)
Das ist nur ein Nootropikum zur Steigerung der Lernfähigkeit, kein Rauschmittel o.Ä. https://supplementinspektor.de/huperzin-a/ /pol/ ist ja grundsätzlich ein bisschen verrückt was Pharmaka anbetrifft. Allerdings geht es hier auch oftmals um Spinnereien wie dass die Erde eine Scheibe wäre, von daher… Nach einer Nacht erholsamen Schlafes wird‘s mir wieder besser gehen.
But I'd rather be naughty and let you have a taste of me, if you get what I'm saying.

Not really. Brb, perhaps you will make more sense attached to a car battery ...
>Spinnereien wie dass die Erde eine Scheibe wäre
Da hast du wohl noch eine lange Reise vor dir, Kollege. Erhol' dich gut.
I can hear this image
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You are in my vibe then. ^^
My touch can be electrifying if you hook me up, no need to hook me onto something, if you understand.
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danke drampf

Ah, clever clever ... trying to tempt me now ... why do you assume again this strategy, hm? New here?
Mehrheitsdiktatur ist scheiße und würde nichts tun als die CDU (und manchmal die SPD) dazu enablieren die Regierung komplett zu dominieren; unter so einem System hätte es die AfD niemals geben können. Besser wäre es Mehrheitswahlen einfach mit Konsenswahlen zu ersetzen.
I'm probably the oldest oldfag itt. I'm quite experienced in other fields too, if you read me.
You learned nothing from the Lauren Southern drama. Woman should not be weighing in on politics. Nor should they be encouraged to do so by feminine men.
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Well, then you should know me better. Are you on drugs or something?
This is good news for us because it's going to stall Germany's economy, which will pay off in the 2026 re-election after the Merz / Grüne coalition broke up.
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I don't need drugs to put you into exstacy, if you get the idea.

I was originally trying to flirt with this other anon but he seems to have left... Maybe he didn't like me hitting on two anons at once...
Looks bad

brdcels made him snap
please rate my smut fanfic with the school shooter girl x you
>https://textsaver.flap.tv/lists/6w98 (part 1)
>Besser wäre es Mehrheitswahlen einfach mit Konsenswahlen zu ersetzen.
Wir leben in einer gelenkten Demokratie. Im Ergebnis spielt es also keine Rolle, welche Farbe die Mütze vom Kasperle hat, wenn es ohnehin alles nur Theater ist. Dann lieber ein ehrlich autoritäres System wie das Chinesische, das sich um die normalen Leute kümmert und nicht um das Perzentil mit dem raffenden Finanzkapital.
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Video of the attack

not your proudest fap i assume
That'ts it? I expected more
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The problem with women in politics is that they care more about fitting in than standing out, which is biologically correct for them, but drives them much more strongly than men to adopt and support the agenda of the status quo and the media. German women 1933-1945 were DIEHARD Nazis. And the male German boomers, who were raised with either weak or no fathers because WW2 ate up many of the strong/good men, are more often of the feminine mentality of "first fit in, then stand out", which is why the BRD is as cucked as it is. Even the smarter/wiser left-wingers like George Orwell understood this.
I dont jerk off
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>Terror attack in Germany and the general is dead
The absolute state of Kraut/pol/

Stop lying
bros how do i get a cute nazi tradwife who hates jews
I am not lying
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i'm collaborating with a blue-haired femoid from work on part two. she is shadman-level sane
gewachsen auf Beton so wie BTNG
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It's times like these I'm glad I'm jewish and wouldn't get caught in things like this.
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Now that relections and thus campaigns are under way i want to introduce

>"Operation Clownworld"

It's easy, everyone get a pack of round red stickers (few bucks on amazon) and put them on the noses of every campaign poster you see, lets make them the clowns they are

Example for sticker (non tracking link):

I dont have twatter but i think its easy to get this trending as soon as the first posters are clowned, maybe get tiktok zoomers on it too
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>blue hair and shadman
Okay now you have my attention
I hope your local synagogue gets shot up like it deserves.
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surely this has nothing to do with
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The Merkel Lego failed this time
>I'm jewish
You can punish my cock, if you catch my meaning.
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you find a woman who is in general very basic and maybe not very strongly opinionated, and if she loves you enough, casually start dropping your real mask
Either she may have been hiding her real racist face or if she even loves you enough, you will turn her racist
Holy shit. That's my hometown. My fucking family was there last fucking week.
Chinese foam bricks. Usually what they build their skyscrapers with.
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Too small
>Chinese foam bricks.
I thought it was recycled corn cob concrete.
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bros how do i find a cute jewish tradwife who hates jews
Ah, a good old fashioned Truck of Peace. Was starting to wonder why there haven't been any in a while.
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Der Verkehrsminister hat angekündigt Weihnachtsmärkte zu Autoverbotszonen zu erklären.
Last one I remember was in Wisconsin.
>nb4 "grounz"
You're a jew who makes my penis BIG tho, if you... well there's not much of an insinuation here, I think you get the picture.
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>Wir leben in einer gelenkten Demokratie. Im Ergebnis spielt es also keine Rolle, welche Farbe die Mütze vom Kasperle hat, wenn es ohnehin alles nur Theater ist.
Vielleicht schon, vielleicht nicht. Wahlen sind Pascalsche Wetten insofern man es nicht absolut weiß.
>Dann lieber ein ehrlich autoritäres System wie das Chinesische, das sich um die normalen Leute kümmert und nicht um das Perzentil mit dem raffenden Finanzkapital.
Nachvollziehbar, aber Faschismus & Kommunismus haben im Status Quo nichts zu suchen und sind rechtmäßig nur in Straf- und Notfällen unter Limitationen einer guten Konstitution auszuüben. Sowohl der unverantwortliche Brauch als auch der komplette Verzicht auf sie scheinen zu Albtraumszenarien zu führen. Der atomistische Pseudoliberalismus muss weg, doch eine Regierung wie die Ostasiatischen Marxistokratien brauchen wir wirlich nicht.
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Video of the arrest:


I don't think this was a jihadist

Or the used the inflated ones like in Bochum

In your lifetime, you will only find Asian women like that.
Dashcam just dropped.
>I don't think this was a jihadist
shut up faggot
sounds like you guys need to implement a Verkehrsministerverbotszone instead
Here's the dashcam
Take a look at the fucking video, why would a jihadist stop the car that looks still functional? Why isn't he attack the police?

Remember the Karneval ramming attack 4 or 5 years ago? That was also a mentally ill German guy
Don’t look back in anger lads
Looks like one of these cases.>>491918160
By posting anything about the current situation (or even quoting your posts that mention it), I risk my home being raided and a court case that may take several years to resolve.
So yes, I will stay silent.
shut the fuck up you absolute subhuman
how I would like to fill your mouth with punches
Just punches? Nothing else :^)
>I don't think this was a jihadist
Looks like a Ronny in his 60s.
Sometimes security theater isn't only fake it's also gay.
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What cucked country are you in?
The one he stole a truck from a truckie and drove through a christmas mart? That was 100% a shitskin
Donkey punches.
The government has already declared it a terror attack.
>The one he stole a truck from a truckie and drove through a christmas mart?
I'm not talking about the Breitscheidplatz but this

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Photo of the suspect. Why is our sister taking a nap on the floor with her hands on her a-asscheeks?
Terror doesn't mean Islamic though
this video is fascinating
Yeah, sure. But who else would have had a motive?
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Diversity is our strength, amiright schnitzelbros?
>I don't think this was a jihadist
hope he was driving an EV at least
Suicidal misanthropes?
just tell me his RACE so we can wrap this shit up

i need it to be a confirmed shitskin muhammad
Well, suicidal obviously not.
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Perhaps it looked better in his imagination, then reality kicked in.
Anyway, why speculate. Wait what comes up. Can still be a Syrian. They don't all look like darkies.

Well, then you really do not know me well.
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I think he just turned the wrong way down the street.
he for sure does not look like your typical skinny, puny, ugly little shitskin syrian
hairline, nose looks like an older arab
He looks older. In his 60s?

huh.. yeah, i thought maybe 50
maybe some lighter skinned sandnigger
Kek, he's 50 and a sandnigger. You're good.

>Wie WELT aus Sicherheitskreisen erfuhr, soll es sich um einen Mann mit Geburtsjahr 1974 aus Saudi-Arabien handeln.
Bingo! It's confirmed. Thank you Santa Krost for this beautiful Christmas present!
top kek
Merry winter DaedraFest

Sieg KrampusFest!
See this is what happens when you import jeets and muslims
Are real Germans getting fed up with this shit yet or what?
Take your county back
Sieg Heil
>Lügenpresse names the origin this early

Sounds like a semi psyop, like the CDU or another party will use it to play hard against immigration to steal votes from the afd
Glühwein JIHAD
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Do you already know it was some Refugee or maybe it was regular German ?
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>Glühwein JIHAD

This type of graish hair with the whiter beard is common on that phenotype too. guy immediately jumped out as a shitskin, the fat distribution is another indicator
rope retard dyke
What are these three Arabs doing?
80% of the country will continue to take it up the ass. They're faggots and can't help it.
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>he's 50 and a sandnigger
>Link is down
>Paywall on article

Fuck it I don't care then
Since when are you into BDSM?
>>Link is down
50yo from saudi arabia
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this. anything else would be undemocratic
Holy shit
Turks have declared war on Christmas.
>huuurr why doesn't this clearly older fat dude attack the armed police after his terrorist attack instead of complying in a country with an extremely lenient justice system... must be a german!!
Dumb cunt, I will gag your stupid mouth
Yeah the CDU has been playing hardball with immigration rhetoric but they're also going to do a coalition with the open borders parties after the election. Plus you know, the CDU has a history of opening the borders since the first turkish Gastarbeiters.

It's not like you can just vote against it. For example when Merkel took office she explicitly said multiculturalism failed, we all know how that worked out in the end.
Okay Sherlock, why did he stop and leave the car in the first place?
Why is lum and cata(Swiss) chimping out on you today?
Pre-Christmas stress syndrome
if you run over 70+ people something is probably going to get stuck under and break your car
>It's not like you can just vote against it.
You can't but it would be a sign of resistance if they voted AfD and got it to 30 - 40% and then they would have to ban it. That would be a catalyst for meaningful change in this country.
Skill issue, couldn't happen to me
Nah, they will spin it as this dude was paid by Russia for the attack, to help AfD. This will serve as a pretext to ban AfD from the election due to obvious foreign meddling.

Must have rubbed off from me. About that car battery, Frollein ...
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>first Musk supports AfD
>then a sandnigger does the needful
When the weekend starts like that, that's Perfection :3
Hmm, too perfect perhaps:

Sounds far fetched

Its easier to steal votes by repeating afd points but obviously never putting anything to action afterwards
>Are real Germans getting fed up with this shit yet or what?
they will also keep taking higher taxes and social fees to feed the millions of shitskins they imported
The AfD will become the second strongest party this election, the SPD/CDU consensus is only upheld by the boomer generation. But even if we go there, then what? People were probably even more against immigration in the 1960s and the borders were still opened. Or look at America, Americans have been consistently against immigration since forever and it only keeps going up.
they dont need to spin it anymore
they can report it was a shitskin everytime
nothing can or will happen
So by the way he just tore through the crowd at top speed I assume the market was in an open area connected to the streets and not a single barrier was in place to prevent someone driving into the market while changing radio stations
>Musk supports AfD
Source? Didn't Musk get the memo that all the kosher right parties have put a giant firewall around them?
If we're lucky some Goldstücke gonna shoot up a Christmas mass next week. I doubt this is the only active cell in Germany


>In Hessen und Baden-Württemberg sind drei Anhänger der Terrororganisation IS festgenommen worden

>„Hierzu beschafften sich die jungen Männer unter anderem ein Sturmgewehr mit zugehöriger Munition, das im Rahmen des Einsatzes bei dem 22-Jährigen aufgefunden und sichergestellt werden konnte.“
The area was protected but you can see in some of the videos that the gap between the barriers was too big. Quite the deadly flaw, I doubt the guy was working alone. Someone else must have mapped out the place prior to the attack
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Manchurian MK ultra
Big Think: what if the Jews are starting to normalize Muslim hate in the west so we support a genocide of all the muzzies in the middle east and the creation of greater Israel
What Euro country do modern Germans hate the most?
He cleared that lane without tapping a single market stall, he definitely planned it and lined up for his bowling shot
It looks purely intentional, there is no attempt to stop or avoid the peds
Probably still pooland. Maybe leftists hate Russia and Hungary. Maybe UK is high up on the hate list for tankies.
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Now they gonna ban X for sure

>It looks purely intentional, there is no attempt to stop or avoid the peds
Terror attacks are usually intentional
see >>491880604 and >>491904582

>shoot up a Christmas mass
Yeah, but that won't hurt our Christmas spirit of understanding and forgiveness.
But maybe far leftists love Russia and Hungary again. It's complicated.
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kek muted him a long time ago
Hah, fun. I don't trust Musk but it riles up the shitlibs and doesn't make the situation any worse.
>Now they gonna ban X for sure
If they do now it might trigger a Streisand wave
Maddin says 34 deaths, including 4 kids


>Yeah, but that won't hurt our Christmas spirit of understanding and forgiveness.
Exactly, we are good Christians after all
Eure Bullen sollen die verfickten Sandneger einfach direkt zwecks Notwehr hinrichten und das auf X livestreamen. Wäre doch mal eine schöne Nachricht für die scheiß Terrortruppen, einen von denen so lange zu quälen bis er seinen Glauben abtritt, und ihn dann in die Muselmannhölle zu schicken
Darf nur die IDF.
Will this attack finally wake up the plebs?
Or will we see the 100th million CDU or SPD do nothing substantial government?
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>34 deaths, including 4 kids
You need to throw a thanksgiving parade down on mosque st
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>passive aggressive

What kinda horseshit is that even ... flimsy oneshots ...


Appears they did a damn well job if so ... XD
>Or will we see the 100th million CDU or SPD do nothing substantial government?
Sadly, this.
That's why I've got a 4WD with plenty of clearance.
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>Even the turbo leftist I know that would get offended about the tiniest shit is calling for deportations in this moment
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>plenty of clearance

... and a damn nice number plate or something. Howdy!! ;)
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>Deny Syrians for once
>Terror attacks resume
>What kinda horseshit is that even
Less likely to go in hot headed
More creative in their methodology, less likely to be caught as they place as much distance between the target and themselves as possible in their planning as opposed to just walking up to them in public and Sarah connor them on the spot
Hell, migration is probably the only reason why I most people vote right. I myself can't say that I'm as right-wing or neoliberal on economic and social issues as I vote but the migration issue is the most important issue for over a decade now....
Same, on most topics I'm somewhere around center left to center right but holy shit if those retards keep letting in people that would like to see most people here get fucking beheaded and simultaneously act like that's not the case there's really no other option.
If you've been voting for 10 years then you would've been there during the Merkelsommer. And no, Merz wont do a thing different, he literally worked for Blackrock.
>What Euro country do modern Germans hate the most?
Their own. Germany.
It would make a lot of sense. You destabilise the middle east, remove all the strong man arab leaders and essentially put the lowest IQ and most extreme goat fuckers in control, easy to remove. Flood Europe with these shitskins so they learn to hate them and won't object to Israel wiping them out. Might see Israeli funded RWDS that clear all the gettos.
Tried twice to attach a file and it wouldn't let me. :/
I think what you're saying is hatespeech and you should be made to watch Schindler's List!
Welp, how many % do you think that alone gave the AfD
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>Less likely to go in hot headed

Wrong. Ah wait, true!!

>More creative in their methodology

Not really. The idiots believe to be caught. Heavily restricted options. Certainly a true killer does not even mind that outcome. Almost inconceivable. :)
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Think it through again ... but yes, it would make sense.


Tried double entry already?? One way or another it is usually plugin and play ... :3


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are you the one that will raise above?
Zero point something
I don't even understand their logic or reasoning. Yes, I am for a good social security system and of course I would love to help other Germans in need. We are a nation after all, a larger family... bringing in millions of uneducated people who definitely won't help us resolve any problem but we STILL need to feed them is just sabotaging the social security systems we have and the left supposedly wants to strengthen...
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do you feal the cold heartbeat?


I am not that important ...
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Will you truly not answer when the eye is calling you?
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Oops, wrong one. :)
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What, "me" ... ??

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