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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Black men let black women live on the streets and live in squalor that's why black women don't expect them to give them shit. When it comes to women no good deed goes unpunished.
Being a simp has its benefits. You can uh you can compete with other men, uh bond with other men over that part, uhh um you can uhh talk to your bros
I may be a white incel, so this negatively affects me directly, but yes, I want to pamper a woman. I need to pamper a woman. I want her to feel relaxed and melty as I massage her shoulders and her tired feet. I want her to feel the rush of pleasure as I rub her pussy through her panties. I want her to be a snuggly bug in a rug as we coocoon ourselves in warm comfy blankets while the snow falls outside. I want her to smile as she sees the girth of the diamond necklace I buy her for our anniversary. I want her to feel like cinderella at the ball in the prettiest gowns she wants. Yes yes I want to pamper a white woman. I need to. It's like my biological imperative.
it's other fucking races that pamper white women. males of every other god damned race shower white women with money to show their hoohas online. especially jeets.

range ban India IPs, and send all "legal" indians home, if you want to fix the problem.
>India is poor
these fucking jeets send >90BN back to India every year in remittances.
>they're working for cheap
myth. where do you think that 90BN yearly comes from? they are in middle mgmt nepotistically gifting themselves fat salaries and gatekeeping our industries, effectively robbing all of our young adults (our boys) of both opportunity, experience, growth & learning, and wealth generation.

Trump plans on waging this war against us in greater intensity. The "legal" Indians need to be sent home.
You are a faggot and you ruin everything for our race. We're thought of as cuck simps.
Thrre are plenty of white bitches living on the street and as single mothers and even taking care of men instead of men taking care of women. Stop generalizing. And it literally doesn't matter how black men treat their female counterparts theyre still shit people. Both of them. I mean figuratively and literally
Bullshit. Black men just fuck White women and dump them. What the fuck are you on about deluded faggot? If white women had to live in the streets they wouldn't expect every White guy to have money and some immaculate house and car.
>Stop generalizing.
Holy shit you are a faggot. Noticing patterns is what pol does or are you a fucking woman. Of course pol is White simp central.
thanks for weighing in with your bbc obsession Rajnish. now go back to India!
Sorry. I can't help it. If it makes you feel any consolation, I never interact with women for most of my life. So I haven't technically done anything. But I need to do it anon I NEED TO DO IT ANON.
i find it hilarious how chuds are unaware that ugly women even exist and at the same time chuds seethe that women don't acknowledge their existence
we're more alike than it seems
>black women don't expect them to give them shit
You have never met a black woman. They expect you to pay for everything.
"Ugly" girls are very cute what are you even talking about? Post your definition of "ugly" I bet it's some 10/10 cutie.
Ugly women still have an elevated self worth especially in America. You might get to fuck them but it's not worth the effort.
you're the equivalent of girls who say they like nerdy guys and use some hollywood actor wearing glasses as an example
then goto South America and bring one back
Post your definition... now.
I will literally chase the fattest hog in town and she will still put me through hoops and because I'm white she will assume my dick is small thanks to Jewish propaganda.
and ugly men feel entitled to sex with hot women its the same thing
Black women have the worst attitudes of any women you retarded nigger
shut up nigger
No people even say it's worse in America than anywhere. It's probably shit in England too but they say women are the absolute worst with the highest standards here and they're all brainwashed by Jew porn to lust after niggers.
Black women will put out more easily. Even the fattest smelliest White sow wants committment.
Fuck off kike. Haven't you got a rabbi's dick to be sucking right now?
Being a whore isn't a good thing you stupid >>491899089
idk americans are weird
I want commitment too. Heck if I met a white yandere girl, I'd be enthralled. give her a cute light hair color and I'd have to stop myself from proposing immediately.
Yes. That is true.
I'm white and black women put out more easily. It's that simple.
Weird how, faggot. Doesn't your queen Adele fuck a nigger?
It's not a fact that "bbc" is in the average person's lexicon? If I were Jewish I wouldn't be saying the Jews are at fault for spreading propaganda. I'd just say blacks having bigger dicks. Women won't have casual sex with White guys anymore cause they assume we have small cocks.
>Weird how
just so extra
they're like caricatures instead of real people
>so extra
Literal nigger slang. I wish Hitler would have killed all the English in World War II. Then white women wouldn't all be nigger fucking whores.
Are you crazy? British girl accents are only second to Irish girl accents.
You're not White but you're correct that black women are disgusting whores with the highest rates of single motherhood and obesity.
Except most women don't like niggers, but keep coping monkey boy.
If Hitler killed all English faggots then there wouldn't be any nigger fuckers.
see what i mean? so extra
>so extra
More nigger slang. Broken faggot.
based is nigger slang and i bet its in your lexicon
To be fair, we are nuts here, but the UK has it's fair share of extra. In fact, everybody in the world does. Eccentricities on a societal scale just come with the territory of human interactions on a societal scale, whether they are good or bad depends on the behaviour itself.
nah we're the normal ones
maybe aussies and canadians too
im brown and a white girl wanted to eat my ass, dont ask her age
Women Are The Real Wiggers
Prove Me Wrong
Or perhaps you're simply too used to their particular eccentricies because both of those are British + ScottsIrish colonial cultures?
I mean aside from the French-Canadians
they're just more down to earth
In some ways sure.
The filthy moderation are going to delete my spam but never touch the paid spam. Ask yourself why.
4chang is not a Japanese company.
Moot didn sell 4chan to Hiro.
4chan is an American registered LLC.
The real owners of 4chan is the moderation.
>Abib principal administrator of 4chan
>RapeApe (GrapeApe) principal groomer and head moderator
>Hunter principal pedophile and glownigger (((moderating))) /b/
>Gay Irwin (with a J) He's one of the principal person reponsible for the state of 4chan
>He's the person who sold 4chan to international interests
>He's also the person who use psychological warfare to try to manipulate 4chan userbase
Them, with a handful of moderators that groom and abuse 4chan since it's inception, are the real owners of 4chan.
They're the peoples behind the spam.
The low quality of every boards.
More spam again.
They're guilty of being complicit. They are accessory to the crimes and should be jailed.
>An accessory to a crime is someone who helped commit the offence without actually taking part in it. It is similar to the crime of “aiding and abetting,” though you can be an accessory even if you were not present at the scene of the crime. Many states differentiate between helping someone after they committed the crime and helping them before committing it.
When will Hiro the pedophile be jailed with the rest of the 4chan sellout moderation?
>S c h w i m m e r @ l e a s o n e l l i s com
Pleas ask Mr. Schwimmer the jew lawyer where the money is coming from.
One Hiro was on the US for a while not like that stop that doyble nationality jew from ownibg an american company, but yeah a board of directors and everything

I heard they have the network lamp room
Canadian faggot.
>normal is putting people in jail for calling niggers monkeys on facebook
>I'm an incel
>I want to pamper women
You know, you didn't have to tell us both of these factiods. Telling us just one of those traits tells everyone that you must also have the other. You do realize that is THE REASON you're an incel, right?
... maybe...
Get out of here Lee.

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