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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Jews at it again

No shit.
Screenshot this. Tomorrow the media is going to write dozens of articles and speak on the news about his "links to AfD" and nothing about his support of Israel. They will call him a German citizen They will spin this against Germans.
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> Random Twitter post
> OmG gUyS
Keys faggot
Why is this narrative being pushed by browns on this board?
Why are you shilling for kikes?
Kek the terrorist wasn't a Muslim? Cmon now
Did you read what he wrote? He said parts of Syria were lucky enough to be invaded by Israel.
Sunnis are the biggest jew cockgobbler on the planet
What? Are you stupid or just jewish? What a pathetic lie
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There are zionist muslims. Unfortunately there are traitors in every race
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oy vey
that statement would be proof, but how do we know it's him?
I'm quite sure the jews are involved, it's close to elections here (2 more months kek) and antisemitic sentiment is on the rise in the underground (lmao thanks Elon?). We also know ISIS was founded by Israel, we had people in the media 10 years ago outright just state that shit without getting shot.
So where's the proof that's him? If we have that, I'll make sure that shit is plastered throughout my city for 1.8 million people to se.
Because it's super convenient, coincidental, and jewy
Is he wrong though? The Druze said they'd rather be under Israeli rule than SSG rule.
The House of Saud is descended from Jews and Arabs.
There is no such thing retard. Islam is not a race. You can pull your no true scotsman card but that will only signal that you have low iq. No true scotsman is a fallacy because being a scotsman is not a belief system. Is he a traitor to his people? Sure, but if hes publicly claiming to be a zionist, noone would accept him or refer to him as a muslim, and he likely doesn’t consider himself one either. Hes basically an arab that loves to suck jew cock likely because he’s gay and muslims reject gays, thats the story of almost every ex muslim. Ex muslims are basically 90% faggots and closet faggots.


>anyone who thinks browns are doing damage control is a kike
Interesting tactic shitskin.
Bumping for total kike death
Vast majority of this board is jidf and kikes. Sorry to tell you but the rest of us who arent subhumans are not falling for your rhetoric you worthless faggot. There is no motive for this attack, its a tale as old as time with kikes, do some act in the name of your enemy.
It's all so tiresome.
why not deport them and feed you, a little jew to the nigger horde? filthy heeb
The other thing is that he was a Saudi and then ISIS took responsibility for the attacks. ISIS was created by Israel and never attacks them, only their enemies while Saudi Arabia is an ally of Israel.

Mudshits still subhuman though, afterall, a mudshit did it.
Both need to go. Badly.
So no evidence. As I thought
OF course the terrorist was a muslim, the question is if Israel had a hand in it and exploited this for propaganda gain. At the same time Israelis posting threads about how we should support Israel now, but Israel destabilizing the middle east, creating ISIS and sending jihadists to Europe (by creating the conditions and controlling politicians who open the borders) is the reason these subhumans are there in the first place.
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Kek. The perpetrator is an ex muslim who’s fed up with German govt importing muslim refugees.
never let a crisis go to waste
>stochastic violence against a crowd of random people

it's you, /pol/, it's always you
oy vey stop noticing you stupid goy, cmon now believe my shilling goy, newfags believe me israel is super based KEK LOLMAO i am one of you goyim
>board is mostly jewss
>the proof of this is that jews are on pol blaming themselves
Famous subhuman iq at work
>yes it was a muslim but obviously jews made him do it. Muslims are not violent normally.
but who is to say that the bible is the goat of all religion especially when its fear based and a a religion that falls within the pillars of abrahmic religions? Remember Sophia shitted out YVWH
>be amerimutt
>call others shitskin
Jews killing Germans again.
>jews wouldnt actually blame themselves you fucking stupid goy KEKLAMOO!!!!
it wouldnt be out of the ordinary if jews threw eachother under the bus so that the other one may survive, like rats, little jew. keep posting so that the newfags can pick up on spotting jews faster
That's one of my preferred interpretations of gnostic beliefs. I think they need a good amount of mix and matching to get it right; starting with the Abrahamic god being a baby penis sucker... And ending with Christ rejecting his offer to rule the world as if it were the only way to do so... Sophia and Christ being reminiscent of ghost in the shell.
>jews come here to blame other jews instead of just not bringing jews up at all
Sounds good machmood im sure whites will just let you stay dont sweat it.
I don't remember hearing about that happening. Probably fake news.
No retard.
The narrative is we SHOULD deport ALL foreigners whether they are muslims or anti muslims

This. Islam critic drives into Christmas market to support the AFD, just hours after Musk's tweet. Depending on what this idiot says when interrogated, this could end up catastrophic.
Imagine if he was merely pretending to love Israel to frame the zionists. This would be level 100 genius.

Outkikeing the kikes
sure thing rabbi
>Obese Arab terminally online/terminally ill lunatic plows into Christians
Hello, rabbi!
>just hours after Musk's tweet.
why is this our fault why didnt this shitskin stay in his own country to fight?
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Alright, just who is jewing whom here?
Civnats love this guy.
Het this heckin based muslim-hating western brown brother 20 white aryan wives!
>deport all foreigners
>If you're anti-Israel you are a Jew
What a fucking retard

>Why is this narrative being pushed by browns on this board?
>>Obese Arab terminally online/terminally ill lunatic plows into Christians
Samefagging or JIDF raid
Sunnis love Israeli cock like no other
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>conveniently forgets all the MUH KIKE ON A STICK JEWISH SPACE ZOMBIE seething by shills
oh boy jew boy do the voices in your neurotic head speak in currentgolem turning against you?
It was a car dumb ass
Israel and immigrants discredited both at once
Yeah, did you miss it? Musk tweeted that only the AFD could save Germany. Yesterday was the anniversary of the Breitscheidplatz attack, which was a big talking point for the AFD. Good chance this retard thought he'd help the AFD by doing another such attack.
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>but who is to say that the bible is the goat of all religion especially when its fear based and a a religion that falls within the pillars of abrahmic religions?
>just make schizo shit up as you go
Fucking idiot. What the hell happened to this place? Go back to preddit.
Afd are shabbos goyim and Breishplack attack was an attack on pro Israelis (not that I condone it).
What I meant, however, is that Musk's tweet doesn't trigger people to commit terrorist attacks in a few hours, this was planned a few days ahead.
>be a Jew
>try to larp as a burger
>can’t help but Jew
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kikes aren't based for killing Christians you stupid fucking hindu curry nigger subhuman. KYS
yids fuck kids
he's confirmed an ex muslim pro israeli.
Muslims are normally violent. Thats one reason jews want them in europe.
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wait what? i said this earlier as a throwaway and it was an actual zionist? no way
Zionist Jews are the root cause of all of today's problems since the early 20th century.

The Jew wants OTHERS in Europe and America because without it the JEW becomes the OTHER. Every time.

They create the problem just so they can position themselves as the solution or the defense. They do this to all sides involved.

See also, the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack, the ADL spying scandal, "A Clean Break" report, and the Dancing Israelis.

nuff said.
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White muslims can stay, brown zionists can leave.
blessed redpills, the global war on terror is a fucking farce, a pony show for the boomers who danced around with jews back when they were fixing to fuck everything up. in the perfect world we would of flattened tel aviv with jdams and it would be called the global war on jews, actually getting rid of terrorism
somebody go and put a david star on the car riding over the people like a gif
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yeah i'm not sure what people thought they were advocating for every time they post "accelerate!"
It's incredible how many 75IQ pajeet retards think the entire world sits around reading Elon Musk's tweets
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The other narrative doesn’t make sense either:
>the Jews did this so we will accept more refugees.

For me, this is part and parcel with allowing nonwhites to exist.
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Who the fuck cares what he larped on twitter. Someone willing to drive into a crowd is surely willing to lie and deceive. Honest to god some of you are truly redditors. This dirty shitskin should have been never allowed to set foot on european soil anything else beside this point is diversion from the issue.
If you thought either this guy was an Islamist, or the school shooter from a few days ago was trans, that's alright, we all make mistakes.
But if you jumped on the culture war bandwagon for both of them, I'm sorry but you just don't have a brain for politics. That's fine, there's plenty of other boards on this site, but you just lack the critical reasoning for politics.
Sloppy job mossad
Put a gun to your skull and pull the trigger, you disgusting kike
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ISIS are literally pro-Israeli so it tracks
No wonder Saudi wanted to
Kill him
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cute webm
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Yeah... Whatever. Just like picrel I'm sure.
This webm always gets conpliments. It really must be speciaI.
>we support kike exterminate the moslem
>but we won't do shit about moslem living in our home
>moslem will direct all of their hate into us and we'll be totaly fine with it, in fact we want more moslem, jesus is kangz
Just kill the christian already, they are retarded.
So he's literally an arab cryptojew?
wipe out all abrahamism (jews, christians and muslims)
there has been nothing worse to ever happen to humanity than what has been inflicted on it collectively by that umbrella of beliefs
Funny innit, nobody knows who Baruch Goldstein was, but anybody with a half a brain can tell you about sandnigger terror attacks. Really makes one think.

>On February 25, 1994, that year's Purim day, Goldstein entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a mosque, wearing an Israeli army uniform "with the insignia of rank, creating the image of a reserve officer on active duty".[7][21] He then opened fire, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125.[22] Mosque guard Mohammad Suleiman Abu Saleh said he thought that Goldstein was trying to kill as many people as possible, and described how there were "bodies and blood everywhere".[23] Eventually, Goldstein was overcome and beaten to death by survivors of the massacre.[24] According to Ian Lustick, "By mowing down Arabs he believed wanted to kill Jews, Goldstein was re-enacting part of the Purim story.
>(((memeflag))) cheering for Muslims to kill Christian’s
As long as they don’t hurt the Jews, right rabbi?
christians let them in
christians love being murdered
wipe them out except the jews just like how (((isis))) conveniently avoids hurting jews right rabbi?
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As long as they don’t hurt the Jews, right rabbi?
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Job Status: sloppy
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>Job Status: sloppy
finaly a canadian flag said something right
So he is a gay muslim psychiatrist that turned zionist and was brainwashed by Isis afterwards? He was mentally fried to begin with
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No shit, kikes and sandniggers are one the same.
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>no webm
Does Hans hate immigrants now?
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Posting the actual footage and not claiming it was just a car is probably illegal in germany
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even if the hatred was at the complete behest and benefit of israel they would find ways to give repercussions for it, its truly the nature of the jew to cause as much suffering possible
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Cortana... Means short sword...
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>please call 117
- Terminator 3 intercom announcer in the background -11:27s into movie...
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Diversion being? Didn;t everyone literally say there's going to be false flag attacks when Israel is stealing land and creating more refugees to pollute Europe?
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>pushed by browns on this board?
Which ones?
Israel funds, supports, and sometimes even runs ISIS and al Qaeda, to use as proxy forces in false-flag operations.

ISIS attacked Israel only once, and that was by accident. As soon as it realized what it had done, ISIS apologized profusely to Israel.


Israel provides medical aid to wounded ISIS and al Qaeda guerilla fighters:


In at least one case, it was discovered that an ISIS leader was actually an Israeli jew Mossad agent:


Do you really think Mossad wouldn't get some brainwashed Arab patsy to commit some massacre of White Christians to get us to sympathize with Israel and send it financial and military support?
Jews will shut it down and not speak of Zionist terror attack
the attacker was likely lying to hide his intentions
muslims do that
Remember: Israel is a master of false-flag operations, like 9/11:



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

And the USS Liberty:



Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug, and the crew of the Liberty was threatened with court martial if they spoke to the press about what happened.

Here are some of the people who helped plan the 9/11 false-flag operation and carry it out: Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Ehud Olmert, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush, along with the scores of Israeli operatives arrested by the FBI but ordered released by Chertoff and returned to Israel where they were lionized.

Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11 and give what's left of "Israel" back to the Palestinians.
I like to keep it simple: fuck Jews and fuck Muslims. Get the fuck off my planet.
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>Be lucky enough to have your corner of the world join israel
>get kicked out to make room for jews
Exactly how dumb was this fucking sandnigger?
He's a Saudi, camel jockey, shit skin fuck. Who cares what his "religion" is?
I can’t wait for libsoftiktok to share this..
The Muslim damage control is retarded
>highly skilled specialist
>against islamisation, pro AfD
>in East Germany
>goes nuts
that's a given
Islam is full of faggotry. Muhammad did a lot of gay shot and his prescribed punishment for homosexuality was spanking with a sandal.
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That is sarcasm you fucking idiots.
yid fucking kids must be top notch jewish sarcasm, witty jew humor, unfathomable to the goys am i right, rabbi?
>unfathomable to the goys
Except for the Muslims, who codify it into law and constantly defend it.
and whos bringing them into europe again, rabbi? is it white christians? say it for the crowd here
The Quran and hadiths tell Muslims to conquer Europe. No one will believe you're white by calling everyone rabbi when you're defending Islamic terror attacks against whites.
Muslims need to be deported, but the jewish connection of terrorism in White countries must be addressed.
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A.jew never.....
And it's the jews.
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and yet you wont let anybody else kill them en masse like how you are, little filthy jew. let alone deport them. nobody is going to support israel especially when you picked up the turd in the toilet that is the middle east, slathered it all over the kitchen that is europe in your benefit when you spent the last fucking decade seething islamaphobia, rabbi. while you keep at it, explain why the holocaust was bad, jew
I want both of you sandniggers deported and nuked. The Christian holy land should be reserved for European Christians when the radiation subsides and the West purged of Abrahamism.
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>And the jews answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did.
>Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father.
say it again rabbi, as long as jews don't get hurt right rabbi? in the deeds of cain?
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Hahaha literally sloppy job mossad
I already addressed this, Abdul: Kill you Muslims and Jews, then send European Christians to the Middle East so we no longer have to deal with the bullshit.
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roll for total demise of antichrist controlled oposition
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done lol. Germany shall heal
>capitalizes jew
>send European Christians to the Middle East to die for israel
>purged of Abrahamism
>uhhhh- goyyy!!! i mean so (((we))) no longer have to deal with this bullshit!!!!
nuh uh, rabbi. say the fun part you always wanted to say, dont shroud it vaguely
> Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
>And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
They even ran their glass of juice psy op, a classic
Why are sunnis like this? Ummahbros????
I mean who gives a fuck what he said though? Regardless all Arabs should be deported
All you've done in this thread is defend Muslims. You say Muslims aren't responsible for their attacks against Europeans or for their mass migration into European countries. No defense of Europeans or even Christians. The closest you got was to say that Jews aren't Christians -- what a revelation -- and you did it indirectly by quoting a couple Bible verse that Muslims often use. Now, you're trying to pretend you're Christian, while never addressing the Christians that were targeted.
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>all you've done in this thread is defend jews. You say Christians aren't responsible for their attacks against jews and that it's clearly the Christians fault, not the jews for the mass nigger horde flooding into Europe as a result of israel being babied by globohomo. No defense of jews or even shills like me goy. The closest you got was that I am a filthy fucking jew and that I am actually not descended of israelites and you caught me pretending to be chosen -- what a revelation goy -- and you did it directly by quoting a verse that my controlled opposition often uses. Now you're pretending you're of the birthright I was promised by my depraved brass bull idol 6000 years ago after sacrificing children to it, while never addressing that one jew could of been the actual victim of my false flag attack, goy.
jeez germany should ban guns or something
So it's no longer a terrorist attack, it's someone pre-emptively protecting themselves from antisemitic hate attacks
>doubles down on defending Muslims
At least you're consistent, Abdul. On a side note, I'm glad your "Palestinian" brothers are getting blown to pieces.
>I'm glad you told me where turds belong goy, I couldn't personally figure out what a toilet is as I drink out of one, I thought I was the same kind of turd I keep projecting abou- wait goy-
i accept your concession that christ is king after all, little heeb
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Because they are retarded, or fellow jihadist sandnigger lovers. They think Islam and 2 billion Jihadist sandniggers are just a poor sweet religion controlled by the evil 20 million jews.
glow in the dark muzzposters btfo
>says innocuous "Christ is King" to appear Christian while avoiding shirk
>no capitalization
>not a single reference ITT to divinity or the Son
>totally a Christian
>neatly arranged successive posts
>sudden influx of 1pbti
>its not the jews, goy
sure smells like kike here
The only time the word "king" is used to describe Jesus in the Bible is when pilate puts "king of the jews" on the cross. Unbiblical refrain.
you already fucked up the disguise, moishe. so thank you for showing the newfags what to look for. the word jew wasnt in the new testament until recently
Nothing to look here at
Keep moving goy
I'm an atheist and know that Jesus refers to His kingdom and is referred to as King of Kings & Lord of Lords.
Don’t fall for their shit mexibro.
As a White American that wants to deport illegals, and is as right-wing as you can get: It was a filthy sandnigger, which is 1,000x worse than any South American.
They are as bad as Jews. I can’t believe you dumbasses elected a Jew. She will definitely give you diversity. But back to the original point - yes he is a Muslim, and they do this shit every year at Christmas.
A jihadist sandnigger doing a jew op saying he is an ex muslim. KEK. Whatever math one uses or bullshit they believe, he is a Jihadist sandnigger by birth, by religion, and by action.
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would of been fucking comical if we were on the same page, while i make up for it, watch me deal with the false dichotomy meme flag
it didnt come across me that you forgot to swap out your fucking vpn, jew. there should be a happy merchant meme with a fake great helm mask tied to its rat face, trying to swap for a fedora mid conversation
King of kings =/= king

He wasn't just any old "king"
Then whatever word they used before jew? You didn't make any arguments here against what I'm saying, just called me a jew
for me, it's the Show more
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Any1 notice earlier how the kikes of /pol/ started pushing their tarrant Christ church shooter idolization as soon as the ((((ISIS))) attacks were being reported

Its already getting censored HARD on X, literally the hour that people reposted that he was a zionist they took down his X account which is something X NEVER does since Elon is a supposed free speech absolutist but I guess this is a special case !
When I thought their PSYOPs couldn't get cruel enough. Remember. This is their idea of trolling you. They think it's funny to psychologically torment you and toy with your perception like this.
This is a huge win for Wahabism. Israel's actual ally. It's a huge blow to their right wing populist secular useful idiot.
There is so much malice behind several different proxies around this event. They are clever. Vile. But clever.
This is Zionist terrorism against Germans hidden behind a secular right wing anti-muslim veneer. And they find it funny to get away with it.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are actual allies. All the secularists in the middle east are being led on by Israel. Everything secular in the middle east has since the 1950s consistently gotten the knife twisted on them by Israel or gotten regime changed.
This attack discredits right wing populism in Europe and Secularism in the middle east. Two birds in one stone for Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Bibi Netanyahu has an IQ of around 150 I have heard. He is gangster scum. But he is clever.
My first question is: is it going to be deemed fake in a day or two to make people look dumb? If not, then elong must have some jewish activities going on at X...
What else do you expect from the guy that gets hosed by Ari Emmanuel?
he's ex-shia
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the full manifesto he published before the attack (4 parts) :
>part 1 :
>part 2
>part 3
>video he's referring to :
>part 4
Who cares? Just more obfuscation that he's a Mossad sleeper. And it plays into Israeli anti-Iran and anti-Assad narratives anyway.
Why would he kill Christians because he's against islam?
he explains his twisted motives in the manifesto
Can i get a qrd? I hate watching actors talking
This is like a 2020 teir narrative. Wtf type of down syndrome is this?! Should i put on a mask or something now?
Im gonna go shoot up a synagogue for zionism causes. Hold on. Back in ten. Kek
Because he's a Mossad misdirection agent that wants to instill the notion that le nazi germany fourth reich is teaming up with Islam against his fellow le classical liberals and secularists.
Wouldn't surprise me if there's a lolbertardian bent to this clown as well.
tldr: he's a semi-famous anti-muslim activist, decided to run into a crowd because he thinks germany is fighting against his NGO that smuggles athiests from gulf countries, apparently what made him snap was some saudi women getting sexually harassed by some public servants
qrd, I aint watching 4 videos of a towelhead
Sorry, I did not see this.
Ok i get it.
Nothing made this clown snap. He was activated by Mossad. Everything else that already has and still will come out about this is already and will be obfuscation and misdirection.
Idk it sounds like even muslims are losing it over immigration in Germany. He probably nailed some towel heads.
Idk, hasbara pretending in some of your post to be a fellow auntie semite. Stop wasting my time with hair splitting.
This psychotic clown was activated by Mossad to do both Israel and Saudi Arabia a favor and discredit both Secularism in the Arab world and right wing populism in Europe. If you are three digit IQ you already know this.
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kek. Many Jihadist sandniggers and African niggers, using muh jew memes to kek so many retards that have never heard of Taqiyya. To convince retards 2 billion jihadist sandniggers are a okay, and its 20 million jews that are the problem. And a literal muslim by birth, religion, and action, is not a muslim.
>Taqiyya. Taqiyya.
>ISIS was founded by Israel, we had people in the media 10 years ago outright just state that shit without getting shot
You got any Info on that? Maybe a link
ISIS always worked for Israel. The whole network was recruited & answers to the Mossad. They just drove Assad out of Syria so that Israel could landgrab more Syrian clay, and the ISIS zogbots will continue to serve Netanyahu by attacking Kurds & Turks. They never touch Israel, though, weird how that works.
And the lugenpresse will naturally blame the attacks on native Germans instead of blaming it on the muslim terrorists working for jews.
everytime, still the average poltard falling for their jewish psyop as always
>Scholz loses confidence
>Govt collapses
>New elections scheduled
>Afd just need a little push
>Elon endorses afd
>Elon pays brown afd supporter to do a new Reichstag
>Retard forgets to delete his account
>Elon deletes his account for him
Sloppy job, elon
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Zionism is indeed a very dangerous ideology and Germany loves to suck jew dicks so they reap what they sow.
Not our guy, not our problem

Owning a bible is like a having a jew in your bookshelf.
syrian jews did 911, keep digging, same jews also put trump in office
>Jihadist sandnigger spotted.
I can literally smell the falafel and hummus on you.
Its a Mossad sleeper that was activated to do both Zionism and Wahabism a favor and discredit arab Secularism and european Nationalism.
Essentially its Jews and Muslims working together to discredit arab Secularism and european Nationalism.
And you already know this, hasbara.
And Israel will also continue to pretend they care oh so deeply about secular kurds, druze, yazidi, all the christian minorities in the middle east etc. etc.
Its a protection racket basically.
Your government is like Saudi Arabia and UAE and other gulf states for all intents and purposes already allied with Israel despite relations not having been officially normalized yet.
>Not our guy, not our problem
The muslems and kikes are the same fucking race you moron.
hope you didn't click away yet, I actually do
from a german TV apparance of all fucking things, in 2015
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>The muslems and kikes are the same fucking race you moron.
>ideologies = race
from 5 mins but the whole thing is worth watching (use 1.5x to 2x for anything political in general)
He Said syria and Israel wanted a Peace Deal and Something about the golan heights. I heard some of that from syrian Friends.
But he didnt say anything about ISIS
But he talked about American, british and french spec ops which is a bit confusing. Thought they were jewish golems
nah, the towel heads rarely visit alcohol mecca a.k.a. christmas markets.
they come out when the rockets fly because it reminds them of home, then they go rape women (see cologne)
those spec ops basically led to ISIS
ever wondered why they never attacked Israel if they're so fundamentally muslim extremist?
nothing you said is wrong, I just want to point out RARE
>They're already deflecting
english is a stupid language.
Because its supposed to be confusing and misdirecting.
Something poltards will never relay is also how Putin played a key role in everything. He basically shoved a bunch of Chechens into Syria during the Sochi olympics and used that as a pretext to then intervene.
Basically Russia/Iran/China and USA/Israel/Britain/France/Turkey/Saudis actually coordinated and cooperated between the lines beyond the east vs west kayfabe in order to grind Syria down to dust slowly and painfully. For profit of course. Its all business. Assad was in on it too. Thats why he is in Moscow now and not dead with a knife shoved up his ass like Gadaffi (whom Putin and Medvedev also snaked very badly).
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>Im not a muslim, I hate Islam, but I will kill Christians in their Western countries,
>its muh jeeeewwws!
You guys might all be literally retarded. The only excuse is that there might be a lot of literal African niggers on 4chains now.
Everyone foreign to Europe needs to go, jews included. Simple as.
i have no idea what you are talking about anon
it doesn't help that you gave zero QRD and you are a 1PBTID at 243 posts in
I'm sure some Israel hating anons know what you're talking about, but they're too busy posting schizo memes to be bothered explaining this on a normie level to me when I'm busy having a pretty nice life
What most simple minded fags don't realise is that there are 2 billion jihadist sandniggers. There are less than 20 million jews. Some retards just have jews coming out of their ass as islamic jihadist mouth fuck them every day in every way.
Ok then this was a genuine Israeli psyop.
what the fuck.
I hate all the middle east so fucking much.
You are getting stale and repetitive, hasbara.
So I will be stale and repetitive right back at you until your shift ends.
Its a Mossad sleeper that was activated to do both Zionism and Wahabism a favor and discredit arab Secularism and european Nationalism.
Essentially its Jews and Muslims working together to discredit arab Secularism and european Nationalism.
And you already know this, hasbara.
And there are about as many christians as there are muslims in the world. Thats the biggest problem of them all. Without christians neither jews or muslims would be a problem or threat.
Vocal AfD supporter, goes on a killing rampage just after Musk states that AfD is needed to save Germany. Supports the fascists in Israel, like a lot of other far right tards. Well that blew up in the face of the far right.
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lol his account is already nuked huh?
kikes are so bad at blending in.
>like a lot of other far right tards.
you post on 4chan anon
you're far right.
Of course it is, because he was an AfD supporter, just like Elon Musk is. He wanted to remove tht shit from Twitter as fast as possible. Bad luck vocally stating that AfD was needed to save Germany, right before an AfD supporter attacked children.
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You are going to hell my jihadist sandnigger. And 72 virgins to rape with Mohammad do NOT await. You might get a camel.
But Jesus Christ is the true Prophet of God. And you still have time to repent and reject the prophet of Satan. For Jesus Christ was and is the light of the world. Merry Christmas and good health to you.
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>Of course it is, because he was an AfD supporter, just like Elon Musk is.
work little kike damage control agent work
Nah, I'm just a perv. Politically I'm rather centrist. Not a socialist of course.
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what is it with fucking kikes and rape?
you can't go 2 seconds without thinking about it.
>Nah, I'm just a perv.
yeah I know I called a jew already.
Kek, the MAGA copium. You do realize that the Musk/Trump admin is very pro Israel right? Just like the AfD terrorist was.
There's pretty much no jews in my country, you retard. They got gassed during WW2.
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>You do realize that the Musk/Trump admin is very pro Israel right?
so why are you, a kike damage control agent, counter signaling them?
>They got gassed during WW2.
kikes are rife with fleas.
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I see we are going around in circles.

Anyways, any good American beers you can recommend?
why do kikes keep brute forcing this retarded word?
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>I see we are going around in circles.
yeah its hard to argue kikes want trump when they're the ones MIGA posting
Rape is the language of the Indian, and the Jihadist sandnigger. You should know that, since you are a product of your daddy probably raping your mommy. Of course, you don't like your daddy, which is understandable. Since he brought you and your beliefs into the world. And those beliefs obviously do not make you happy.
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>Rape is the language of the Indian,
The indians only like rape because their heros the Israelis are the rapiest people in history.
If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, you're trapped in your own self-made echo chamber.
Irrelevant if he is. Nothing will be done about it except lay the hammer down on the AFD.
Tell me, window licker: When I take my dog to a Christmas market, does that make her a Christian too?
kek kek. Why don't you quote me some shit from the Koran telling me "Islam is the religion of peace" next. Reminder, you and the jew are kissing cousins my jihadist sandnigger.
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>he actually a jooooo
yes yes and the southport stabber was a Christian or something lmao
as if that shit matters when you brain is on multiple generations of incest and shit genetics.
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>kek kek. Why don't you quote me some shit from the Koran telling me "Islam is the religion of peace" next. Reminder, you and the jew are kissing cousins my jihadist sandnigger.
that would make me the only Semite here you turkic larper.
Also i'm extremely hu-white.

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