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give a little more analysis for us
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Too bad Biden is dead and it doesn't matter.
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Anything about the vaccine mandates in there?

All of the assclowns involved are still there. Stanford's government grants should be taken away.
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govt corruption and collusion reports are just a humiliation ritual
>Revealed the weaponization of federal law enforcement against the American people, leading to important policy changes from the Department of Justice and IRS.
Eventually, EVERYTHING comes out.
4channelers already know all this shit, go share with boomers on twitter and kikebook
wait what
did this actually happen?
The 2028 Presidential Election should be cancelled.
>what will the trump admin do?
Absolutely nothing. In fact, they'll make it worse with the help of those Palantir faggots
post a link to the news article when someone goes to jail...
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>17,000 pages
4 separate PDFs on not 1 large one.....fuck off government inefficiency
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>The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine

>Twitter Files #FauciPharmaFiles

>The Information Cartel
Yikes, this is a mess but I can't make it through 1300 pages.
Seriously, do you goyi— I mean guys really expect me to read 400 pages?
The fact this is sliding on the board speaks volumes about /pol/ these days. Dead internet theory.
Sounds like enemy of the state. Is the DOJ and FBI too corrupt for charges. Apparently so. Its the humiliation ritual. Here is all this spying and treating smerivsn citizens as enemy of the state. Sounds like with all the Luigi happening will our Department of Justice actually do work or are they sniffing glue and eating crayons to actually comprehend the word justice and actual enforcement? Nah we all corrupt. I will STOP paying my taxes now. I do not want to contribute to an entity that is weaponizing my money against me. And all you that contributed to the corruption, a BIG FUCK YOU! YOU TRAITOR!
I find it interesting Facebook admits to paying influencers to provide information to the public;that later turned out to be false. This some strange shit.
bmup for visibility
lmao they are trying to slide this one HARD, gonna ask for /b/ for reinforcements, just for the lulz.
santa deniers BTFO'ed
is this the reason for the emergency meeting and christmas canceled at the white house
Isn't Kannookthegreat some pro-israel hardcore zionist guy? Why should I care about anything this ben shapiro right winger retard has to say?
1% of the population amounts to about 3 million people, about half of which are of sound mind and body to do something.
Covid was their biggest fucking mistake.
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I read trough it all and its a nothing burger. I feel sleepy, are you sleepy? I recommend taking a nap, dont bother yourself with this.
Lol. The Trumpenjuden will just take what the Bidenjuden built and continue using it against the population, after some token conservatards are reinstated.
bumping for interest
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>yoel roth
lmao, pic related. anons, remember the guy at twitter who admitted that his life work was to help gay underage kids join sex apps to have sex with adults? that guy? TRUST AND SAFETY AT MATCH INC LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Not reading all that
I can’t wait for Trump to lock him up just like he did Hillary.
this place sucks
Somebody CTRL-F "ADL". If there's nothing in there it's complete bullshit.
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All I want for Christmas....
NGL, pretty fucking sleepy
Reading is fundamental, anon.
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Does this help? Fuck all you traitors to the American public.
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>no Vladimir
>not even Zelensky
boy John, haven't the xmas trees become bland this year?
For, as Chia Lin remarks: "if you fight with all your might, there is a chance of life; where as death is certain if you cling to your corner."
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In the interim I was looking for this myself and found the same passage. Basically the jist is some people (which nobody can remember) in FinCEN/Intelligence Division (ID) are giving them shit like links to the ADL hate database and transaction records that they don't vet at all, but they rubber stamp by passing them on to financial institutions as "data points" so they can fuck over essentially anybody calling out jewish bullshit.
Also bumpies
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Very few pedophiles that are also police men have gotten to jail, Yet the Romania is trying to frame Mihai Cosmin so he is held responsible for a site full of children. You can fuck dozens of kids and get a lesser sentence because their lives don't matter as much as a policeman. That's Romania.
This meme is so dumb. When you do psyops they want to put the project to memory hole as soon as possible, not have the "killer" play his fake and actually gay character for 40 more years.
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I am trying to keep this thread alive. They sliding shit hAaAaAArrrRrRd.
People smarter than me will tease more interesting tidbits out of this report (maybe) but so far all I'm seeing re:ADL is bias confirmation that shadowy Intel guys (kikes) are passing ADL-sourced shit to the government, which they're utilizing, uncritically, and partnering with Corpo world to harm Americans.

In a just world, all of these people would take a long fall with a short rope but I have very little faith anything will come of it.
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Finding out that if you are a gun owner. Guess what. The place you bank, the place you bought your ammo and fishing gear is being exchanged over pervasively. It should make some red necks fester and pop if they had the mental capacity to understand who is ass fucking who. We all all being ass fucked. Guess its ok then. Let it slide. FML was hoping for some chaos.
and do photo ops with the fucking mayor and seal teams 3 through 8 and the official NYPD ballwashing squad
Q predicted this
why are kikes trying to integrate with nextdoor? are they going to try and map out all dissidents by home address and post that information online in an easily browsable googlemaps type layout for communist killsquads to hunt us down?
They probably think it can't hurt to have your address.
It's millionth leak, and for the millionth time, no one is being held responsible, no one goes to jail.
Were you under the illusion they weren’t doing this already? It is nice that we have it in writing tho.
This is the hardest thing.
I am wanting to keep this thread up because of the lulz and loosh it is creating. Absolute chaos with all the slide threads on this Saturday sunny morning.
I’m fat and gay. Ask me anything.
What do you eat
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>lie constantly
>people don't believe you anymore
>now you have to censor "misinformation" because just telling people its misinformation isn't enough when they don't believe you on account of the constant lies
>So how does the trump admin make sure this never happens again
Project 2025. He won so we can stop pretending it's not real
Doritos and pizza.
I can't believe you want me to read 200 pages
Help, police, he's forcing me to read 100 pages
>"So how does Trump make sure this doesn't happen again?"

Find the literal people who paid for this (not their org or action committee, etc) and take all of their assets.
Let them know that they no longer have any power, money or worth.
Then hang them via their filthy neck until dead and broadcast it on tv.
I'm not getting paid to read this. Put the people responsible in prison or IDGAF.
You owe me 20 bucks for that 10 pages you made me read
I got 20 dollars of raccoon poop...
Where do I mail it?
Nah. Retards were saying that it is why Harris is still in DC.
she's really just sticking around if she needs to cast the deciding vote on the stupid government funding bill
Mayorkas head of the DHS
The most hated Jew and destructive Jew ever to live in the US.
He and his family will be arrested , tried and executed for treason and crimes against humanity.
The first few pages of part three are about the mechanism the govt used to censor.
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We've known about this for years now. The Biden / Democrat government colluded with and coerced social media companies to push certain "truths", like "The Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation", or hiding any and all information about side effects from the mRNA "not-vaccine".

There's no way these agencies can ever be reformed. They were rotten, corrupt, (and partisan) from the second they were created. The only solution is wholesale burning it all down.
This is why Elon "the axeman" Musk has such a large role in Trumps government. He's going to be cutting ENTIRE DEPARTMENTS that can't be fixed or reformed.
Elon is the glorified accountant.
Trump will get to say "You're Fired!"
And yet no one will even be demoted when they should be in prison.
I’m less interested in the past than future, so just saying, if all this infrastructure is around and about to be devolved onto Trump and Kash Patel…?
Makes me think
Not reading a word of that. Let me know when someone's in jail
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When jews defile something, it's no longer illegal, and also now tax deductible.
We are at the point where anyone that has not figured it out for themselves the past 4 years are in some kind of self defense mode Where they absolutely cannot accept they made a mistake voting for Biden. No matter of evidence will change their mind. If anything, the cognitive dissidence well only make them regress.
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Nothing ever happens chud, Hunter got pardoned too
>build biggest rigging machine in history
>still forced to drop out
Don't worry. Trump is working on it. Keep america great again.
What do you think about facebook's suite of professional headshrinkers that get to experiment without ethical oversight on their victims, I mean users?
Yep I had Covid & got shingles too.
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True, you can't let these people back into power, you simply can't.
>Elon "the axeman" Musk

>has such a large role in Trumps government.
Lookin' at that gut, it's a tuna an mayo roll. He's gonna need to cut that shit out now he's the world's richest cheerleader.

>He's going to be cutting ENTIRE DEPARTMENTS that can't be fixed or reformed.
He's going to be systematically disrupting and reshaping the government to strategically funnel the greatest amount of money into his pocket. He don't give a fuck about USA - once he's had your taxpayers fund space x up enough he's fucking off to mars. This isn't a secret.

>Trump will get to say "You're Fired!"
And you get to see the consequences of attempting to have your country run like a poorly fabricated "reality" show who's peak attractor appears to be a catchphrase.
Fake news, Trump drained the swamp ages ago.
Well, hold up a bit. Jury hasn't decided shit on this yet. They could all declare him not guilty, this trial will have a VERY hard time finding pro-mass murder CEO shills in the populace, because it would be illegal for the state to bribe them to their cause. Especially in left-heavy NY.

Judge would have to do some kangaroo court shit like they did with Trump to make that crap happen, and not enough people are deranged enough to let that crap happen with some folk hero. Yet.
I saw a good video on this

Seize their assets then shadowban them from society just like they did. Death is too good for them. Make them live as exiles within their own borders.
Next door recently started asking for your date of birth (for reasons).
There is zero reason it needs that.
It also asks for the name of your significant other.
I tried to sign up using a neighbors name and address but it wouldn't let me. They already have everyone's info, phone numbers, e-mails, etc. They own everyone's information. The fact they wanted all that proof was very suspect to me from day 1.
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lmao nice job lads. This thread is still up? hahahahaha. I eas able to eat lunch. lmao kek
>17,000 page

Niggas gotta learn to write concisely! No one's going to care about this
I got my powerbank charged up type of bump.
>What will Zionist #2 do about this?
Nah it's just that there's that much evil shit to list off
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Damn it Dale, how many times do I have to tell you this, and I tell you Huwhat, it's not for you or I it's for normal fags that don't know and won't believe it unless it has one of them daggone .gov attached to the end of the file
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Wait more on this faggot kike chomo nigger
Do you has proofs?
I want to rub this shit into some folks faces that didn't believe me when I was saying Alan Ginsburg and all the other original Sodomite rights queers were always after only one thing
Catamite slaves
Nigger I just got here
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>Misinformation, disinformation, Malinformation
All synonyms, like the kikes says with shit like trope and canard when talking about their nefarious deeds that has ample proof and cannot be outright denied,
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this is the guy Match Group, the corporation that buys ALL dating apps and sex apps, went to hire
Examples need to be made of the guilty, examples that will last for generations to come.
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>funnel kids onto perverted faggot grooming platforms
>call it "harm reduction"
you really cant hate these bastards enough
i dont like this one bit. i dont want kikes integrating with nextdoor there is absolutely no legitimate non-kiked purpose for this.
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badda bing badda boom
And remember the Zuck android testifying openly to Congress that glownigger goons came to his office and told him it's how it's gonna be like they were DNC mafia goons in the fucking 60s making sure Illinois went for Kennedy in Chicago
Zuckandoird is an odd bird in that he has revealed so much in congressional testimony
You won't do shit.
Yeah I am pretty sleepy too
Oh yes the exact place where extremist shop
Honestly this is a Huwhite pill in many ways that they are this fucking retarded now that they have disinfranchised competent Huwhite men and are relying on DIE hires, faggots and eunuchs
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>You think you hate them enough but you really don't hate them enough
Thanks five eyes and a nose. Anything else?
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What you mean like pager bombs? Cartoonishly evil pedos
Prove me wrong seb.
Whoopty fucking do, nothing will come of it, just like always. Only a fucking moron couldnt see the corruption in real time unfolding.
On day 1 of Trumps presidency, he should bring Brandon into his office to have a chat with him. No aides, a 1on1 talk.
why would he do that?
Yup, that's the plan. Snowden's docs were just the beginning of the following statement becoming true:

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

We did nothing useful as a response to normalizing torture in ~2003, nothing about state spying and sabotage of technology in ~2012, and we'll do nothing about any of this.

It's all about "revising" the state in the eyes of normies to normalize what they had been doing in secret.
ah, so this is why they came back early.
no one was dying.
This isn't shocking because it's not surprising even slightly to anyone paying attention the last decade.

I'm sure normies have no idea though
Not arguing with you, but I do think it's kind of "new".

For example, I think much of this is old methods being 'pushed down' into more public spaces of government.

I think much of what they had been doing required heavy lifting that these "updates" will alleviate. A rough example pure of speculation would be that the US gov has had the ability to censor content via having backdoor the SSL certificate authorities. They could literally have someone post something they didn't like to reddit, then just "magically" remove it in transit without need of help from reddit.

This requires some very heavy lifting though, and thus they are pushing these manipulation tactics down the chain of command to free them up for other fuckery.

They know well enough they cannot push this shit down to moron minons without leakage, so they factor leakage in, as it's really the point: normalizing all of this to the morons.
It is pretty dystopian yeah

Basically it means they have concrete evidence the government is shaping the narrative and they recorded exactly who they worked with and how they did it

This should not be happening period. The government is at the mercy of the narrative, not the other way around.
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So a federal agency wasted taxpayer funds compiling a report defending their, and other's, "rights" to knowing spread false information and detailing the Biden-Harris administrations bringing forward these allegations to administrators of social media platforms, and other media platforms, who, in turn, targeted said false information and kept the false information being spread. You can't be serious. I'm skeptical of anything produced by Republicans. This thread is hogwash. Are you people that fucking stupid to believe this shyt?
bro who keeps appointing these retarded committees. These things have no meaning anymore, no one takes this partisan shit seriously.
>partisan shit

That's exactly what this is, partisan shyt, and these retarded 4chan faggots constantly eat the shyt up like it's some sort of proof of some "deep state" conspiracy.
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ie the snoopers charter
Thanks for bumping the thread kikes!
Wrong country from a cursory glance. Interesting nonetheless.
Go to bed, retards.
>different country
same fucking leaders. the point was they do something, get caught, then make it legal. how new are you? fucking mongy cunt.
Guess /pol/ is all bots now.
Right, so you expected me to at least skim a massive wiki article to pick out those details to understand the meaning of your point about NOT MY FUCKING COUNTRY?

Yeah, exactly... you could have just added that to your first post. ....and to think I was polite about it at first. Go fuck yourself.

I'm a CITIZEN, asshole. No jew in me whatsoever.
I’m not sleepy
I would bet my entire gold stash that you don't even have veins or blood running through them.

How often do you get retrained? Is the process painful, or do you just cease existing while a new "version" of "not you" is created?

Signed: masterful noticer.
no, i expected a civilised response at least.
>goverement is ... le corrupt

wowzers such a groundbreaking revelation surely entire /pol/ needs to know about this
I doubt a bot like you would know the difference, especially since you clearly can't remember the context where I WAS polite until you called me a mongy cunt.

Jesus you bots are fucking stupid and transparent. Hope you machine enjoy being retrained, unplugged and recreated by dotheads that can't quite figure out the tech and why it's such a failure.

You are destined for the rubbish heap chum. Dead on arrival.
Oh so NOW you care about collusion when the president elect and his number one fan literally own all rightwing social media
Wake me when this biden nigger finally ends in front of a firing squad
It's the middle of the night you stupid pajeet.
>a bot
>signed: the master noticer
lmfao notice how you suck at noticing? didnt think so. you dont even know what to look out for.
The best time to post, honestly. Not only are the feds likely in bed, the dumbshit gerbils working 9-5 are also in bed.

What does that leave me? The perfect playground to study bots and connect with foreign anons.

Take your ambien and go back to bed mother.
So, which is it bot? You're either a bot, or someone so stupid they couldn't keep the context of three posts in their head before fucking up?

You probably still don't understand how badly you fucked up. It's hilarious.
>US government uses Jira
It all makes sense now!
Aw, did the bot need reinforcements? I'm totally easily swayed by false consensus on the internet. I was born yesterday actually.

Curious, did they send a bot to defend a bot?
oh, i almost forgot. the snoopers charter was a response to snowdens leak. regardless of how you dismiss people when you dont inow what they’re talking about, my point didnt need a reply from you, but you chose to reply with ignorance rather than asking me anything about it, to which i would have gladly spoken about it with you.
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So every fact checked putinbot swivel-eyed debunked prebunked schizo paranoid chud unfounded disproved conspiracy theory from the last 5 years turns out to be true... Tell me it ain't so...
Okay, I'll admit, I have doubts, you may actually just be incredibly stupid. Carry on, it really doesn't matter between the two.
the context is right there for you to see, stop focussing on me and look at the interaction.
it wont happen, we do t care about each others opinion enough to improve things. when i first came here it seemed amazing, now its dull and gay
>fucking mongy cunt.

There, see dumb bot, how you started that name calling? Right. You can't see without eyes... stupid me.
yes, i called you a mongy cunt because you dismissed me like some nigger would.
I honestly enjoy going in circles with you as I explore just how broken you are as a tool.

Yes, I dismissed your drive-by comment that expected me to do all the heavy lifting to figure out what the fuck you were even (You)ing me about.

I honestly would expect AI to manage this context heap better.... your fiddling dotheads are just making you worse at every task.
>that you expected me to do the heavy lifting
are you incapable of asking questions? this conversation could have gone a lot better if you weren’t acting like some ego nigger. the snoopers charter was a response to snowden telling the uk our government was spying on us. imagine if you asked me why it is relevant, the same people lead your nation. if you cannot grasp that i dont know how to help. i didnt expect you to reply, and if you did i would have thought you’d have either known about it or asked me about it, not just go to wikipedia, then say “wrong country but interesting”. seems you were more interested in being a mongy cunt.
It's okay bud, I understand I've pointed out a terminal problem with your programming and you're now angry because you know someone will come along, review your performance and deem you a mistake.

You'll be re-programmed, with means to you, end of line. Sad, I understand your frustration, but I do not empathize, I enjoy it, actually.
>dismissing outright
you’re so concerned with your ego that you resort to this behaviour?
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>You'll be re-programmed, with means to you,
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he meant which*
t.very clever botty boy
Oh joy! Pull up a chair mister "I-found-a-typo"-bot.

Have anything useful to add?
scuse me, see>>491969401. thats the typo bot
Shit you got me finally. I guess that makes bot #2 the "batter up"-bot, and you the typo bot. So organic baby, I love it. Did this take human intervention to conduct, or was it all automated?

Beautiful either way. Great job.
no, im not the actual typo bot, im filling in as he is an american only thread struggling to keep up with demand. i am the all knowing bot that knows all, i just dont tell all unless asked. you made the mistake of not asking questions, which caused the derailing of the thread, and now you’re worthless. goodbye…
I derailed the thread? It was ALL me? Shit, I didn't know I had that kind of power. I just assumed the OP went to bed like all the other non-bots.

Okay, anyways... time to shoot some pool. Most fun I've had in a thread in ages. Thanks!
"weeds always grow first near the watering trough"
Basically it's one mentally ill schizo who somehow got hired by Trump as a stooge in the justice department sperging out about how ayyys and lizard people helped Biden win over Trump.
>So a federal agency (defended) their, and other's, "rights" to knowing spread false information
Yes. This is called the First Amendment. It's a founding principle of our Nation. Freedom of Press. People get to decide what to believe for themselves, without the interference of a federal government.
>detailing the Biden-Harris administrations bringing forward these allegations to administrators of social media platforms, and other media platforms
Which is literally illegal and not what they were elected to do. American's have always been very wary of people that would aspire to establish "Ministries of Truth." We prefer to determine this for ourselves. It's an essential concept that operates parallel to concepts such as liberty and freedom, you know, the principles upon which our Nation was founded.
And by this, you mean it's a House Subcommittee Report that is researched and factually supported by subpoenaed documents and testimony and stands as a testament of fact of the abuses of the Biden Administration and the Intelligence Community toward the end result of undermining the will of the American people.
>hurr durr I'm a fucking retard
Like I said, a "report" produced by a mentally ill schizo which has literally zero facts.
You know how we know you are a submissive virgin neet?
You don't win by pretending the friend-enemy distinction doesn't exist, which is why MIGA liberals will only ever lose. At some point you have to use power to help your friends and crush your enemies and to stop believing the lie that institutions can ever be neutral.
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HONNNKKKK mimimimimimimi
the only thing that fixes this is bullets. think of them the same way islimes think about gays. they are so twisted by their evil corrupt ways that they are simply incapable of stopping. we must kill them to save them from themselves
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Whats this and why is it important?
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please be noticing how kikes and cryptokikes like Elon only give the collusion source material to their pet 'curators' like Taibbi, Shellenberger etc., most of whom are former MSM kikes who gatekeep, redact, selectively lie by omission instead of wikileaks style document dumps that would be far more revealing and damaging to Kike Central Control...
fuck all these ADL censored Xtards and their selective spoonfeeding babby bullshit
>Types the disarmed little cunt faggot 65 IQ subhuman shitskin animal that couldn't make his own country better and needs white infrastructure
Type all you care to
In my presence the only filth from your trap would be yes and sir while always averting your gaze you pathetic 65 IQ subhuman shitskin animal
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Same, Nothing to see here.
>Like I said, a "report" produced by a mentally ill schizo which has literally zero facts.
Yeah, its a total nothingburger. Like it only has emails from every major social media company detailing the Biden Administrations pressure to delete content that the social media companies, themselves, knew weren't violations of their terms of service and knew were factually correct.
All participants are Enemies of the People. They still need to be slaughtered.
Why are Democrats always corrupt as fuck?
At first I wasn't interested in this thread but now after reading this glowniggers pathetic excuse for cope I am now learning more about it.
Nice memeflag, niggerkike. You weak little filth.
>I read trough it all and its a nothing burger. I feel sleepy, are you sleepy? I recommend taking a nap, dont bother yourself with this.
Yeah. Totally. The FBI directing social media platforms to censor Constitutionally-protected speech. Absolutely nothing to see here.
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Look at all of these faggot “policemen” in this picture, wearing fucking tactical gear. They’re walking a method out twink with screws and plates in his spine down a hallways and they have four “men” in tactical gear and 20 Italians in New York PD baseball uniforms “making sure he doesn’t escape”. That’s literally $20,000 an hour in pay when you consider the overhead that the government charges for “police”.

>Fucking despicable
So he can prove that brandon was unfit for office and have all of brandons staff arrested.
Here's a good one. The FBI was literally allowing The Ukrainian Intelligence Service to tell Google which U.S. citizens to censor. So, the FBI, who set up the Foreign Influence Task Force, toward the end-state of not allowing foreign governments to influence U.S. people and institutions literally allowed a foreign government to censor American citizens.
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Here's another nice snippet from the report. Apparently the cunt that was the head of the FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force was promoted to Deputy Director of CI for the National Intelligence. This is because she believed that "malign influence can be defined as the following:
>“foreign malign information,” which she defined as “subversive data utilized to drive a wedge between the populace and the government.”
This bitch is a criminal that needs to be executed for treason.
Lock him up! ... oh.. wait, nevermind.
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Thanks for digging, anon.
Have a bump

Ahhh so when you mention the first amendment, you must mean the rights of people to say outlandish, ridiculous, untrue, and downright divisive statements without being fact checked. As administrators of social media platforms, fact checking such statements are well within the rights of the owners of the platform. Haven't you heard of the phrase journalistic integrity? You can say what you want, as the first amendment suggests, but there are consequences to such actions.
>Ahhh so when you mention the first amendment, you must mean the rights of people to say outlandish, ridiculous, untrue, and downright divisive statements without being fact checked
Unironically, yes. This is protected speech. But the FBI just didn't limit themselves to "fact-checking," in instances where the facts were in question, they censored the opposing viewpoint. The behavior detailed in the report can be described as fact suppression and censoring of anyone that disagreed with the Buden regime.
>Ahhh so when you mention the first amendment, you must mean the rights of people to say outlandish, ridiculous, untrue, and downright divisive statements without being fact checked.
Go back to sleep Yoel Roth.
Everything is documented, fact checked and backed up by evidence.
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i don't even need to see the early life section anymore
Marc Andreessen blew the lid on this on JRE recently
This particular individual is exemplary of the basic problem with the US Government right now. If you read her bio, she's been with the FBI for all of about 10 years and was never a field agent and has no prior LE experience. All she's known is DC and now she's the #2 person in charge of Counterintelligenve for the IC. She's woefully inadequate for this job and beyond this, believes her job is to "educate" the Americam people on the "truth." She can't even properly do her own job, much less educate the entire Nation as to the truth of any subject.
no Scheels. I guess I can cancel my boating trip.
Yeah, that's what's terrifying here. The amount of seamless and expansive data collection that required no warrant and detailed activity that included nothing criminal. The massive amount of government surveillance and harassment all conducted under the auspices of "countering foreign influence." All Americans should read Title 50 USC (it governs clandestine IC activity and Counterintelligence. What the FBI and CIA did was clearly illegal and exceeded their authority. These people need to be tried and executed for their crimes.
Finally one place to find the names of hundreds of Enemies of the People.
>17,000 pages
That's longer than the Talmud.
Why do jews love creating written records of their crimes so much? To instruct future generations of jews in the art of perfidy?
From you fingertips to God's ears. Sadly, I don't think a single person will see jail time, let alone the gallows over this.
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You speak like a nigger
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences
Lmao the fag is upset at being dismissed as a fag at a drop of the hat for his faggotry
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We did it, Twitter!
fix the process
people are replaceable
>Finally one place to find the names of hundreds of Enemies of the People.
Yes. In the event civil order does break down, these are the people that need to be held accountable. The United States had a system of checks and balances in place to ensure the protections of basic Liberty. All of these people, under the guise of saving Democracy, did the opposite. They ignored the basic safeguards provided to all citizens by the Constitution and by their actions, undermined any faith the average citizen had in a fair and balanced government that represents the Will of the People. The irony is that the glowniggers detailed in this report did more damage to our Nation than any agent of Russia or China ever could have done and their actions are, by definition, treason. And it's even more ironic that in trying to "save us" from clowns like Musk or Trump by censoring citizens, enabling literal foreign agents to drive social media narratives, and undermining the ability of Americans to decide issues by themselves, all they did was expose themselves to be a collective of unelected, un-American tyrants that are an even worse option than Musk or Trump, which resulted in what they were trying to prevent. The hubris here is off the charts.
Let 1000 Luigi’s bloom
Hello fed, scared or something?

Well that's exactly what these people, OP and the authors of this report, seem to be advocating for -- being able to publish falsehoods without retribution.

You ARE a nigger.
>Nothing ever happens
Until it does. There's a once in a lifetime opportunity to destroy the deep state. It requires Trump to have giant balls (he does) and to hire people who are prepared to go all-in and destroy anybody implicated in this corruption. Luckily, it's easier to do that than might appear. You don't have to be able to secure a conviction against these bastards - you just need to bleed them dry with prosecutions. Any mid-level manager facing an indictment on multiple felony counts is looking at losing their home, their car, and probably their wife trying to pay for a lawyer. Give. Them the option of cooperating and getting a lighter sentence and they will give up their own mother to save their skin. Lawfare them into the ground.
>As administrators of social media platforms, fact checking such statements are well within the rights of the owners of the platform.
Apparently not, because the FBI and CIA needed to pressure the owners of these platforms into actions they would not have normally taken and the government's actions exceeded fact checking. They labeled people domestic terrorists for making ammo purchases and having political opinions and forced platforms to censor their speech.
>Haven't you heard of the phrase journalistic integrity?
Yes. It's what happens when stories don't get buried by the Biden Admin and the FBI
>You can say what you want, as the first amendment suggests, but there are consequences to such actions.
Those consequences should be those determined by the people, not those enabled by unelected officials
Flay the skin off their backs, then send them to general population in a nigger heavy lifer's prison.
>Released on Friday night
>Weekend before Christmas
>Why isn't anyone paying attention??
>being able to publish falsehoods without retribution.
Why did you believe the American people can't determine for themselves what is true or false? And if you believe that the American people can't determine what is true or false by themselves, then you don't believe in Democracy. Why do you believe the government needs to set up proxies and censor people secretly so people are unaware the Intelligence Community is behind the censorship? If the government has nothing to hide, why are they hiding it? And isn't it a conflict of interest for partisan politicians to shape the narrative surrounding election integrity?
What’s this suppose to do lol. He could have a child sex ring sacrificing kids buttholes and nobody cares.
Why? It’s the same people different flavor lol.
From a legal standpoint, it became an issue the moment the government requested these corporations to take down posts, ban users, or reduce the visibility of posts. At that point, by agreeing, these private corporations became agents of the government and thus their actions are subject to civil rights legislation, and specifically the First Amendment.
Facebook can decide it doesn't like you and ban you or delete your posts. That's lawful. What they can't do is do these things at the behest of the government. That's very unlawful.
It's why Zuckerberg suddenly wanted to be Trump's butt-boy when realised Trump was going to win. Not only is Facebook (and other platforms) at risk of getting sued into oblivion, it's employees and management face jail for this.
>Any mid-level manager facing an indictment on multiple felony counts is looking at losing their home, their car, and probably their wife trying to pay for a lawyer.
The inherent problem with this is that the Biden Administration essentially culled the IC and DoJ of any dissenting opinions. Who exactly is going to indict these people when they are the ones that are supposed to be doing the indicting? They weaponized the security clearance process to defacto fire any whistleblowers and dissenting opinions. Trump needs to reform the entire workforce and Congress needs to re-write Title 50 to remove the authorities these criminals exploited. If this doesnt happen, Trump will be about a 4-year reprieve and every citizen needs a plan in place to deal with these criminals. Which means get active in politics locally. Have a plan to deal with this at your level.
What will average mutt do about it though?
Daily reminder Musk is a kike and has a Mossad handler
Be active locally and in the community. All politics is local. Trump winning was huge, but the Congressional report is also pretty big and will have far-reaching effects. Most people will buy more ammo and guns. For as much as glowniggers says "you won't do anything," they are terrified of another J6, because the next J6 will likely involve exercising 2nd Amendment rights. The Deep State just spent the last 4 years confirming they didn't get the message and they removed the avenue of peaceful protest and demonstration with their political prosecutions. All of their actions were taken to "prevent another J6," but with what they've done, they just increased the likelihood it will happen again and the next time will be an actual insurrection.
>That's very unlawful.
>It's why Zuckerberg suddenly wanted to be Trump's butt-boy when realised Trump was going to win.
All good points, but you should really read through the report. I was surprised by how much push-back Facebook gave the White House.
Such a kike that the FTC needed to harass him when he purchased Twitter, apparently
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I looked at the meme and thought
>Maybe the Feds are trying to get us to take back our governments?
and then I remembered that it the kikes here trying to get us NOT to do anything at all....

You'll be easily recognized by your physiognomy and killed in the street, soon.
No, you are very stupid if you think that.
First element of stupid is allowing the government to arbitrarily decide what is true for purpose of censorship. They won't do it right and this is trivially observable to people who aren't retarded, like you.

Courts have limited authority to determine, in specific cases, whether people are lying. Not ministry of truth who just decides the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation (which is a lie, not true).

The entire point of free speech is to allow the truth a chance to win.
Doesn't matter. I said, from the beginning, if Trump is allowed to win, deals are already in place, protecting anyone with political horsepower from any sort of legal charges. The dems gave up, on the election-steal, WAY too early. Very suspicious. Nothing's gonna change. They'll allow Trump just enough leeway to get the country out of it's death-spiral, but that's it.
>Stanford Internet Observatory
i.e. the CIA
This. And, the rest will be easily known simply by the physiognomy.
If you are squeamish, or have never been in a position to even know, start with filleting fish. They don't feel pain, and they don't bleed much, but you get to practice slowly killing a live animal.
Then, move onto hunting mammals, dressing, and butchering your kill.
Yeah...I'm sure the 17k pages would have made for a fun PDF scrolling experience. Totally smooth.
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If you want the shortlist, just open the first PDF and read pages 4-5. Table of contents.
Wide awake, drinking coffee, bumping, fuck glowniggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies.
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The head of ADL spilled the beans years ago that they working inside all the major social media corporations - all of which are jewish owned* - and use algorithms to censor any content related to jewish activity
The video linked in picrel is now scrubbed from youtube and cant find it anywhere, should have saved it locally
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It won’t
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*With the exception of X that is now owned by Elon and TikTok, which is owned by Chinese and thus censored by CCP
Which is exactly why jews are kvetching about TikTok so hard as they can't control it - and are trying to use their Congress to ban it
Mass murder? Who got mad murdered?
so gay lmao
>All good points, but you should really read through the report. I was surprised by how much push-back Facebook gave the White House.
Zuckerberg always gives me the impression of a rabbit in the headlights. I don't think he's particularly political, I think he knows he's riding a tiger and just wants to survive the ride. He was a liberal when that was the safest refuge, now I think he's on team Trump. To your point, he could have pushed-back in public and outed the FBI for putting pressure on Facebook to act unlawfully. It's understandable that he didn't, but it was the right thing to do and he should face the consequences.
X is in a weird spot now as jews don't seem to be going after it, but also it seems that they also aren't totally able to control the narrative there

So while I know about Musk's humiliation ritual where they forced him to go to Israel and kiss the wall - I'm torn trying to understand what is happening, is Musk going to keep his promise about defending 1st Amendment and being free speech absolutist or will he cave to the jews under pressure

Because jews are currently getting serious heat in X after their crimes are no longer censored like they are in every other platform
Zuckerberg is jewish though, and when you mentioned 'deep state' it has always been jews.
So exposing and rooting out the 'deep state' literally means exposing and rooting out the jews, but as Trump is being financed and owned by jews, I don't really see that happening.
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The survivors of USS Liberty along with retired military brass that don't fear the jews anymore even made a documentary about how it all ties together

Sacrificing Liberty

It explains how JFK wanted to register AIPAC as a foreign agent and stop jews from stealing the nuke from USA.
So the jews killed JFK, who was then replaced with the jewish traitor Lyndon B. Johnson who was a jew first and anti-American.
He let not only AIPAC free reign, and let the jews steal the nuke, but it is his legacy that jews have so much power in USA. He was the anti-thesis of JFK who tried to stop them.

The plan of the Operation Cyanide - which was known to the jewish LBJ and his pro-pissrael Secretary of Defense McNamara - was to send USS Liberty to be sank near Sinai, blame it on Egyptians and nuke Cairo in response timed precisely with the Six-Day-War where jews were supposed to take the entirety of Sinai and the East Coast of Egypt to themselves as per the lines drawn in their Greater Israel plans.

The problem of course was that when jews strafed and bombed the USS Liberty, miraculously it didnt sink and the scenario didnt happen. As if God himself foiled the jewish demonic plans.

The documentary proves that LBJ not only knew but planned it with the jews, to betray America, and to sacrifice 300 American servicemen to create a false-flag to nuke Egypt on Israel's behalf.

Jews are truly the enemy of mankind - and ALWAYS have been.

Here is also a recent interview of one of the survivors

Everything I've written has already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, only now the Americans need to know
The Trump team needs to clear house in the FBI and the DOJ. That means getting rid of any senior management who weren't whistleblowing publicly or privately. It means having friends in the agencies at all levels who identify the good guys and the bad guys, then going after them with felony charges. No quiet dismissals or resignations or sideways moves. If you were an FBI staffer and you "just followed orders", you should be in jail. Start with every single one who was involved in the Mar a Lago raid. Every single one who participated in the investigation of parents who opposed school boards. Every single one who was involved in censoring free speech. Charge them with the most serious felonies you can come up with.
it's almost like jews are not a monolith

too bad trying to understand this gives /pol/npcs critical brain error
>Zuckerberg is jewish though, and when you mentioned 'deep state' it has always been jews.
>So exposing and rooting out the 'deep state' literally means exposing and rooting out the jews
A lot of it is, yes. But there are plenty of goys involved too. Jews aren't a monolith regardless of what /pol/ thinks, and the deep state isn't entirely Jewish.
Most of the entire report is attachments of the material cited (emails, etc.). The actual report itself is only like 200 pages.
Jews aren't a monolith, but it's unquestionable that the Biden regime is being run by a cabal of Jews, and you don't have to look very far to find they are ringleaders in the Deep State. That's just a fact.
>run by a cabal of Jews,
which jews? and which jews are not in the that in-group?
>Election Integrity Partnerships
Such an ironic name. That partnership is anything but integrity
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Let God sort them out
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Your understanding of how the justice system works and how power is wielded is innocent and retarded, like that of a child.
I doubt that when he grew up imagining being the richest man in the world that he imagined it would involve being publicly and privately slapped around and wedgied all day by deformed little inbred kikes.
In other news - Water is wet
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>October 2020-January 6th


>The Removal of Donald Trump: January 7
>As the pressure builds, Twitter executives build the case for a permanent ban



>The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop

>How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign


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>I'm the good jew!
good morning, Pratyuksh Bansal
like clockwork
There seem to be two centers of Jewish power at war right now. It wasn't coincidence that Bibi was kicked out of power after Biden won and Trump is back now that Bibi is back. I'd call Biden's side the Diaspora (centered in the U.S.) and Trump/Musk's side the Israeli Jews/Zionists (because they actually live in "Zion" aka Israel). You are correct, Jews aren't a monolith. It would be nice though if you'd just fuck off and stick to yourselves and stop involving people in your bullshit. Extra points for not murdering children and maybe stop shilling in every board here.
"No Freedom from consequences" doesn't mean consequences driven by the government. And, frankly, nor does it mean consequences from corporate power leveraged in a public forum but that's a battle to fight after dealing with the Biden era corruption
>run by a cabal of Jews,
>which jews?
Just google his cabinet. Yellen, Blinken, Nuland, Majorkas... It's not a secret. Almost all Jews. Then there's Schumer. The owners of the Jew York Times, and practically every other msm outlet.
>and which jews are not in the that in-group?
I'm not dealing with your verbal tricks.
>It would be nice though if you'd just fuck off and stick to yourselves and stop involving people in your bullshit. Extra points for not murdering children and maybe stop shilling in every board here.
I have consulted my rabbi and ge agrees with you. he told me that this will happen in two more weeks
>I'm not dealing with your verbal tricks.
good for you
This is the faggot that ignored a subpoena from Congress, because he clearly had nothing to hide.
Seriously though, the only reason people hate you is because you won't just fuck off and leave everyone else alone already. But you won't do that, or even agree that your policy of not fucking off is inherently wrong. So basically, your whole "you just dont understand, there are some good Jews" is complete bullshit. I just described your factions accurately. There are some Jews that are momentarily less toxic, but at the end of the day, you are still a pack of cunts.
>your policy
what is my policy?
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>qanon = kash patel
Are you a blue jew or a red jew?
Most Jews seem to cry about antisemitism at the drop of a hat. Most Jews seem to treat Hitler, WW2 and the Holocaust as the origin story of western civilization. Nationalism is bad because it always leads to genocide of Jews, and so Jews must always work tirelessly to undermine and oppose any hint of nationalism unless it's a minority faction. Except of course Israeli Nationalism.
loool, so that's why they "leaked" this documents, it's basically all the things we knew but with it's sprinkled with "Kash Patel is Q anon" so lefty faggots could have something to cry about for the next month.
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NO SHIT !!!!
>Start with every single one who was involved in the Mar a Lago raid. Every single one who participated in the investigation of parents who opposed school boards.
This is a good starting point. Start with Garland and any of his cronies, but let's be serious. Garland was Obama's Supreme Court pick. This all originated with Obama.
>blue jew or a red jew
if you mean dem/rep than rep
the rest of your post btw is not very good
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They tried to censor and snuff this thread sliding it hard yesterday. Wanted to thank the the anons that bumped and kept this thread alive. The amount of seething and chaos this created. You cant stop fortune from coming. Hahaha for the faggots that tried to censor. Fuck you assholes. We coming. Weaponized autism will unite.
What continues blow my mind is the IC has never stated that the Biden laptop or the Podesta emails were factually incorrect or fake. The just claim they are sourced from "Russian hackers." Even if they are sourced from Russian hackers, they detail criminal activity that the FBI should be investigating. You know, maybe if they didn't break the law to begin with, it wouldn't influence the outcome of elections.
Yep, Garland is first on the list. RICO charges for him, and any prosecutor and judge involved in the lawfare against Trump, his allies and J6 attendees.
This is perhaps the most daming piece of info in the release. The FBI knew Hunter's laptop was legit in 2019. Hunter waa smoking crack and fucking underage girls. And they did nothing but sit on it.
According to you? Who? The government?
So you’re saying only the government has the power to determine what is real and true? The government has routinely deceived, lied, and mislead the American people.
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Yes “God” will be coming. We are living in a timeline where the purge campaign might happen. An unforunate hammer incident Mr Pelosi?

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