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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Mount Hermon, which previously belonged to Syria, was a popular pilgrimage site for Christians in Syria and Lebanon. Every year, they would do a pilgrimage and leave items on top of the mountain.

Since Israel captured the mountain a week ago, the IDF has destroyed the cross that's 1km in elevation on top of the mountain.

the soldiers should be charged for destruction of important cultural sites
Any good Christian would give far more for the chosen people including his life
I'm sorry a jew broke the trinket you worship.
best ally
I'm just so sick of middle easterners. Yes, all of them. The christians too
It's a symbol of victory of life over death and the victory against satan. No wonder you kikes hate it.
Based christkike hater. Hope Israel destroys these gay christkike worshipping faggots.
Christians' greatest ally
>It's a symbol
You worship a symbol
Not God
Remember this is all Luther fault
Rabbi jeshua was such a faggot all jews hate him. Lol.
It's a symbol of God's victory. We don't worship the Cross only God.
Our greatest ally.

Evangelicals are the biggest cuckolds in the history of man. Didn’t even get a ride in Jerry Falwell’s Israeli funded jet.
Christians are gay as hell those faggots ain’t doing shit. Zionists will take a shit in the tomb of Jesus and his bitchass followers will turn the other cheek. They also love niggers.
jews are the worst fucking allies.
Whole decades, huh?
Doe's it destruction by the rat race diminish your faith in God?
>It's a symbol of God's victory
What victory?
The Resurrection
Of course not. Would your faith be diminished if the Wailing Wall or the Kaaba were destroyed?
jews are absolute evil
It doesn't damage any of their faiths because they have none to begin with. Every christian on this site is an atheist. "Christ is king" spam isn't meant for others to see. It's a personal affirmation for those desperately trying to convince themselves
It wouldn't change a thing for me you proto jew.
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Honestly, if kikes did that it would be based, because even after christkikes wouldn't do shit. Pathetic negro worshiping slaves.
Your words are as empty as your soul satanist.
good, for two millennia they did the same and far worse
slowly but steady they'll be put on the proverbial rack
an entire decade old?! how could they!!!
That doesn't sound very christ like.
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satanist are abrahamic demons, just like you.
Sword of Judaism, Islam, everybody give them a round of applause.
That's from a jewish desert book.

Not my problem.
Its very funny. Maybe you can see the cross that I see over my dead body.
Christ insulted jews for being soulless hypocrites to the point they murdered him so, yes, it does sound Christ like.
Why the fuck did she type Jesus PBUH? Does this retard even know why people say PBUH about Mohammed or does she simply not know the story of Jesus?
>this thread and all these disgusting, and in typical jewish fashion, underhanded baiting replies.
What, you accursed fucks need more organic anons to call you out so that you have some more IPs and IDs to add to the de-personing and kill-lists ahead of president jewnigger-lover getting into office?
Fine, it worked and you goaded this bad-goyim.

But guess what, there won't be some future only "the 11Xth county"; the next time a widescale targeting of you nation-race-and-culture-killers in what will be described as a holocaust II happens, it'll be a worldwide phenomenon after what the whole world has seen you 'people' do in Gaza and how documented it'll be that you guys tried to start multiple wars and play both sides leading into a type of WW3 for end time prophesies ushering.
You'll flee and abscond to far-away lands and bunker locations, thinking all your gold and fiat 1's and 0's will mean that the new host will have to accommodate to you and be subservient; but once you guys lose your banking leveraging power due to failed and unintended consequence filled manufactured economic collapses (to try to usher in those WEF global economic surveillance grids and CBDCs, and to syphon the last of the real money and assets out of the goyims hands), and with most grids and infrastructure being take out do to a combination of hot wars, no logistics or trade networks for replacement and maintenance, and 'environmental' factors, in every nook and corner of the earth, you'll be eaten alive by your 'hosts' just waiting in the shadows until the opportunity presents itself and you have no means of calling for transnationalist parasite back-up.
Meanwhile, if you take a fire extinguisher to some menorah that was purchased from walmart last month, you go to jail for hate crimes.
how did this place become so fucking flooded with kike lovers??? what has become of /pol/!?!?!
typical godless kikes.

TKD stfu
its actually fucking pathetic how kiked /pol/ has become. half of this thread is kikes praising other kikes for destroying Christian property.
The romans killed him.
You can't even tell the truth.
>oy vey how could the goyim retaliate against me after i've tried to enter and subvert Europe numerous times
end yourself kike and get off the white man's land while you're at it. filthy ashkenazi scum!
where the fuck is the actual /pol/ at? im so sick of seeing pro pissrael dickriders on this board. this is supposed to be a POLITICALLY INCORRECT BOARD. jews are a (((protected class))) underneath their own zog system yet newfags here keep lusting over them.
most of posts you reply are anon being sarcastic dumbretard
>i was only being sarcastic goyim relaxxx!!!!
pathetic idf tourist.
If it has been a black dildo sitting on top of the mountain the jew bois would climb the mountain naked, in chastity, and lose their fingers, toes and nuts to frost bite just to have a chance at worshiping it and licking frozen rich Palestinian cum off of it.

Just fyi for all non-Jews reading.
>24When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You bear the responsibility.” 25 All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” 26So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified.…
Not to mention all the other instances where jews sought ways to kill him throughout the Gospels. You're not getting out of this with your faggoty "well um aktually technicallyy" bullshit.
Kikes are such envious ugly rats
Did the romans also continue to attack his disciples after Jesus' Crucifixion, going as far as to stone people to death?
Jews always like to pretend it ended with the death of Jesus, but they kept acting that way. Now they kvetch endlessly that Christians returned the treatment in kind.
im not kikebot memeflag
Jealous slavkike jeet
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Kys faggot kike
So some muzzie bitch cares about Christians all of a sudden lmao.
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>Wailing Wall
Nigger wall.
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Because you’re a jealous kike or a faggot. we know you don’t hate Muslim, you just envious of the Middle East, especially the Christian ones. If anything, kikes hate the Christian middle easterner more than any group.
Is that bitch in the top right taking a shit in a shopping trolley?
>decades old
Nothing burger, be a hundred years old or I don't care
>source: russian/iranian xitter bot #20495
It comes from the Middle East. The only thing that doesn’t come from the Middle East are kike mutts which they hate with a passion. No wonder
Jews destroyed Christian symbol?
No way. This doesn't sound like the Jews I know.
You give jews so much power it's insane.
I hope you get your temple built soon so Jesus can come back and save you from the desert rats.
we came from judea, which was a kingdom, in the middle east.
i unironically and unquestionably believe that every single ridiculous relic is a shitpost taken entirely out of context by educated simpletons.
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>goy, we fake nigger jews actually care about Christianity
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>kikes hate the Christian middle easterner more than any group.
You'd be salty too if God abandoned you for being a pack of cunts.
Syrian christians are the closes thing to actual Israelites, which is why kikes hate Syrian christians with a passion. Their existence denies their deluded fantasy. Don’t you understand?
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>free the Middle East so I can freely can my faggot husband there
It simply has no evidence whatsoever. cheap propoganda for retards such as you
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You came from hell and that's where you're getting sent back to.
you jeets lost to hamas.
Victory over who? Himself?
>Where he transformed before them.
Less talking, MORE RAIDING
Let’s be honest, non of them are actual jews. The biggest identity theft of the century. Ancient jews were wack, but these new variants of kikes are monstrous.
Remember when some drunk Pooes stole the “Arbeit Macht Frei” sign and Israel chomped out?
Ancient israelites were just as evil. Just read the book of Esther.
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Kys rat even muzzies keep the churches safe.
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>muh jewish folklore
Arab lands are full of pajeets . Weird insult
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Meanwhile America continues to support Israel's war on Lebanon
The only Christian country in the middle-east
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what you gonna do crist boy, go cry to your pope, oh wait he's to busy kissing feet of fags and muslims
guess you're left with nothing
Nah, they were but not this bad. Ancient times were brutal generally.
kys kike
just like you.
It's funny because it's a negro with a gun.
Seems like I broke a christcuck. Can any Jew come fix this golem?
you kikes literally worship niggers and wish to be them. its so funny you fuckers don't even live in israel because its a disgusting shithole and flee to the white man's land of Europe.
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We know who the real fags are baby dick sucker
He didn’t. Read your own bible, the Jewish covenant is ETERNAL.

Why can’t christcucks read their own bible?
Any good Christian would gut the Christ Killers
Lmao, keep coping. It is Christian women who forgive blacks killing their husbands and sons. Because in your gay religion you HAVE TO forgive and be a cuck. Lmaoo
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>Read your own Bible
Show me your fucking nose you little hooked beak cretin
>be subhuman christcuck
>make shit up
>can’t even read your own book once
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And in your religion you put shit on your face. Why is the nigger poo even talking?
>you are Hindu reeeeee

The desperation to see me as a pajeet is halarious. You’re on the same level and intelligence as the shit eaters
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We get it. The only freedom kikes believe in is lgbt and loving niggers.
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Sorry jeetkike, God released a new rulebook and it says you're fake and gay.
Lebanon hasn't been majority Christian since the 70s unfortunately, thanks to Palestinians and Syrians flooding in and fucking everything up.
Unlike all the Iranian agents here, Lebanese Christians are thrilled to see Hezbollah finally get its ass handed to it.
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Jeet or kike, same shit different color. Both fuck little kids.
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This guy? I never actually knew his identity so I wasn't aware he got punished for it
>we know you don’t hate Muslim
my post literally began with my making fun of the gay fucking puh-buh thing muslims do, imperceptive gaylord.
>you just envious of the Middle East
Oh yeah I'm just soooo envious of a 5,000 year old 3-way conflict between a bunch of screaming brown subhumans. I'm envious of their vast expanses of hideous desert, their disgusting towns and crumbling infrastructure, their terrible food, religion, grating language.
>kikes hate the Christian middle easterner more than any group.
>these brown faggots TREMBLE before the sight of these other brown faggots (but they're slightly different)!!!!
I don't care and I hope you all die
>>Oy Vey Goy, you think we took initiative on our own? In our own land? This is an outrage
It's not like either your writings or ours try to hide it.

54 When they heard these things they were [a]cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”
57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord; 58 and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

After recalling the apostles, they had them flogged, ordered them to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, and dismissed them.
So they left the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.
And all day long, both at the temple and in their homes, they did not stop teaching and proclaiming the Messiah, Jesus.

Was this the romans too? Kikes can try to deny it as much as they want. They earned the animosity.
Keep seething Jew worshipper
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50 percent of Lebanon is Christian and half of them were send to South America to make it less Christian. Most of my friends are Lebanese christians and they hate kikes with a passion.
At least he was a real jew, not some nigger from Africa or East Europe claiming to be jews
I saw that missile arrival from Yemen in Tel Aviv on a tv at a local gyro place and instinctively applauded, along with every other zoomer in the restaurant.
You're a jew
Imagine posting spam and thinking anyone reads that shit lmao
>decades old cross
Man, fuck christcucks falling for this jewish shit.
>instinctively applauded
The everyone clapped meme is not a joke.
>he was da real Jew
>we wiz Jews n sheeeit nigga
Greatest Ally!
>>A Jew is telling everyone they killed Jesus, contrary to all kvetching in western media.
Nice lie Chaim. All the best IDF really are out Gaza soiling their standard issue diapers aren't they lol.
Kek, it's a zoomer. Post a "words words words" meme next because there was a paragraph or two.
>jesus transformed in a guy orgy
Jesus trooned out like a Freemason?! WTF
Jews could nuke every christian and islamic symbol in the world and christcucks and mudslimes still would do nothing.
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>rage ESL typing
Yea you’re not jealous at all kid diddler.
Sorry you can’t kiss your faggot boyfriend there. Isn’t Israel enough you larping mutt kike?
Imagine being older than a zoomer and believing Jewish fairytales from the Bronze Age. Nobody is reading your Jewish garbage
Kikes did it because they could and for lolz. People upset about it more than it being affront in general are guilty of idolatry.

Depends on the denomination. Any that are preaching a true word of god will never ask that of you because the truth of salvation is believing in Jesus Christ. Apart of that is trying to live by his words and teachings but we are all mortal.
You have a hook nose
All of your White ancestors did. The people who actually made Canada the country that it is. Until your "philosophies" got ahold of it, that is.
Or are you just a shitskin?
actual projection
there's not a typo in there

>destroys idol
low tier bait thread.
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I hope you don’t think these mutts are real jews?
You had one of the most sensitive parts of your dick bitten off by someone with herpies.
>Decades old
Oh no, don't tell me it was heckin 20 years old. It was a worthless POS that can be remade in a day.
What did Jesus transform into
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Envious gay kike. YUCKS
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Exploding jews should be celebrated.
Nice selfie
he transfigured into Moses and Elijah, demonstrating to his disciples that he was pure, true and sincere.

do you know what a trinket is? i swear, a lot of jews are as dumb and uneducated as negros.
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Post your foreskin or GTFO
Will you post yours? My dick has a little birth mark actually. 2 little splotches of melanin on the side. It's like a rabbi tried to bite it so the porphyria wouldn't claim him.
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>He didn’t. Read your own bible, the Jewish covenant is ETERNAL.
Jews didn't claim to be the 12 tribes of Israel until the 1860s, and nobody in North America believed they were until the Scofield Reference Bible was published in 1909.

Why are you a Zionist? Why are you repeating Zionist historical revisionism as though it were fact?

Why is it that every devoted and vocal Christ-hater is a massive Zionist? Isn't that really strange?
>do you know what a trinket is?
Big trinket bad
Small trinket good.
Ok oven dodger
>their disgusting towns and crumbling infrastructure, their terrible food, religion, grating language.

Imagine this coming from a Slavic kike. You don’t have any culture, of course ancient civilization and history enrages you, you’re not a real jew, you’re just slavnigger mutt who have been known for nothing but wars and being slaves. You’re a Slav reject.

>cheap people like kikes
>most disgusting food
>ugliest harshiest language
>zero history
>no culture

This is why you’re jealous of the Middle East because Slavs were nigger slaves to the ottoman for decades lmao
>2 little splotches of melanin on the side.
He's a nigger dick LOL at you BBC
Awful lot of Noahide Law loving kikeniggers here
because jews are fucking evil, they disrespect every nation they come into and everyone should hate them. this is really gonna be /pol/ in 2024 huh? a bunch of kike loving kikes preaching the destruction of the west to jewish tyranny?
>Imagine this coming from a Slavic kike.
I'm German and Italian, you shit-sucking homo.
More for me if that's true. It's not like your Jewesses can help themselves. They're some of the most prolific coal burners by population size.
Where dem big nose bitches be at?
Not a Zionist or a Jew. That’s just what the bible says. Most Christcucks never bother reading their OT if they even read the NT parts.

Now it’s up to you to go redefine that word into whatever you want it to mean, just like most christcucks do, lmao.

So basically your whole religion is pointless.
He's a porn jew
Forgot to mention
>biggest whores
>largest child prostitution
>highest alcoholic
>bigger wife beaters than muzzies
>not one single popular trend food
>no culture

Like I said, you’re jealous because slavniggers have no culture and never had anything. Tell your Slav man faced whores to get off my dick, I only like Latinas.
evangelicals will defend this
>>bigger wife beaters than muzzies

That would explain why slavshits love browns. It’s a huge improvement over Slav men
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Sure you are kike. That’s what every kike and Slavs says out of shame. East Europe is a shithole for a good reasons.
>I only like Latinas.
I guess when you're a brokeass burgertard living in the projects, latina gremlins probably seem like an upgrade from the 400 pound sheboons you're used to.
This lol
Anything is an improvement.
Pierogis are mildly popular, be fair.
He's a caps lock jew now.
I told you people they could shapeshift
>Reddit spacing jeetkike thinks he's convincing
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Are you mad because I reject your broad shoulder man faced women? Please tell them to fuck off, they’re cringe and desperate. They aggressively approach you and take no for an answer, like a man.
And Muslims invaded and destroyed Lebanon which used to be a prosperous Christian country, I guess having Jews and/or Muslims as your neighbors isn't good for your health.
American "christian" types are utterly satanic and amazingly pathetic. Quite possibly the single most pathetic group of people on Earth.
Lol just knock off copy dumplings.
>Are you mad
what a dumb thing to ask
this is your seethe thread, retard
With different ingredients. By that logic there can't be a dozen forms of pasta either. Nor bread.
Don't shoot any schools about homo jew
I'll make sure to teach them all about the holocaust before I kill them. There are no innocent goys!
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I just glad to find out your caps lock isn't stuck.
jewish weirdo
>oooga boooga
You Slavs are just like kikes, hate any culture superior to you which is particularly every culture.
>hates Romans
>hates Greeks
>hates Germans
>hates Christianity
>hates ancient Middle East
>hates Japan

You niggers disgust me
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Be sure you tell them about the rubber shotgun and the wanking machines so the kids know the holocaust is a fucking joke too.
Israel and the IDF should be, they do that all the time to Christian sites.
thats rich coming from a retard that never shuts the fuck up about the holohoax.
I personally think the eagle and bear would make them most sympathetic. Or Goebbels dog being forced to bite musicians. People hate animal cruelty. =(
A traitor, subverter, liar and theif pretending to be your ally so he can hurt and steal from you is not your "ally".
>the vid
The jew rat who threw herself into the fire extinguisher fumes lawyered up and claimed to have chronic respiratory problems from co2 inhalation. It was treated as a hate crime.
I can't believe there is a poster here that is more boring then the wal mart guy.
Congrats on your new low.
Yeah, jews practice idolatry hardcore
>worshiping and praying to a wall
>believing the wall has a spirit in it
So textbook idolatry.
Hey ya kike piece of shit. The whole world revolves around killin each other DOES IT?
nigger jannies
>"Holy Land"
>fill it up with nigger servants
Zionist Jews are the root cause of all of today's problems since the early 20th century.

The Jew wants OTHERS in Europe and America because without it the JEW becomes the OTHER. Every time.

They create the problem just so they can position themselves as the solution or the defense. They do this to all sides involved too.

See also: the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack, the ADL spying scandal, "A Clean Break" report, and the Dancing Israelis.

keep it up meme anon
easily digestible for social media
Funny how Noahide don't affect that....
oh no not a destruction of a roman torture device
Based man should have bopped those 2 camera cunts.
soulless slave slavniggers always hated Christianity. You need a soul to believe in Christ, they larp as Christian’s just like kikes larp as jews. Barbaric mongol blood is permanent in their blood.
Slavs and jews are some of the most inferior jealous group of people, you mix the combination, it’s a fucking disaster for every superior culture.
the line of David was broken long ago bud
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whichever sects of christians on /pol/: is there any escape from the baptists slobbering over jewish cock? isn't this the actual problem? shouldn't this be the #1 issue to discuss publicly and fix?
This shouldn't surprise anyone. When yaldabaoth realized Christ had mislead him and was actually on earth to enlighten us he sicked his chosen worshipers on him. This is the real reason jews hate Christ because they worship the demiurge ever since they made a pact with him to be his chosen people and he instructed them to destroy him.
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As mudslime would say. Idol worshipping

>jewish tyranny
You're a nigger.
It’s decades old lol just build another one no big deal
looks like a radar dish in the background...
>decades old
who gives a shit?
*huff* *huff* jerrs are gawd's cherrsen perrple. Jerrs are err greatest ally.
David stole someone wife bud, i think davis is a shit
8 different gas chambers. What a guy!
My ancestors should have worked better, at beating the shit out of your ancestors during pogroms, Ezra
Besides dirty jeets, slavniggers, faggot child fuckers, and baby duck sucking kikes.
The whole world does buddy. Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
Your ancestors were slaves you dirty slavnigger.
Coming from the shit worshipper, Hinduism is fake religion created by the anglos
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Are you going to the gay parade this year?
My ancestors pacified Europe twice, your ancestors can't even build a state,only steal one, this is the only difference between us rabbi. Gypsy like behaviour.
the holocaust only lasted a few years old, you can simply just get over it.

you literally worship feces and cows
Whats really funny is that in the bible, Israelites were punished by god with expulsion from ancient Israel.

Modern "jews" still cant put totgether the reason why Jerusalem was destroyed completely by the Romans shortly after they killed Jesus though. You really have to be blind to be a jew. Not to imply that jews are israelites, they absolutely are not. They are mixed mongrel people continually mongrelizing themselves to fit into a host nation. They are the descendants of edomites and the pharisees and dont practice the actual ancient Israelite religion, they believe in the talmud instead.
What a pathetic and jewish display.
>gods chosen people.jpg
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>Extra! Extra! Jews Hate Christianity!
We all know, now here come the useful atheist idiots to do the jew shilling and tell us..."Christianity is a desert jew religion!"
Jews shooting themselves in the foot? Hahaha yes continue exposing yourselves as the synagogue of satan, makes my job easier, just one more piece of evidence to point lost sheeps towards.

Donin's translation of statements taken from the Talmud into French changed the Christian perception about Jews. Christians had viewed the Jews as the followers of the Old Testament who honored the Law of Moses and the prophets, but the alleged blasphemies included among the Talmudic texts indicated that Jewish understandings of the Old Testament differed from the Christian understanding.[17] Louis IX stated that only skilled clerics could conduct a disputation with Jews, but that laymen should plunge a sword into those who speak ill of the Christ.
Maybe Christians should turn the other cheek harder.
they will be awarded
You believe adam was a zoophile lol crazy jews.

>Among the obscene folklore is a story that Adam copulated with each of the animals before finding Eve. Noah, according to the Talmudic legends, was castrated by his son Ham.[12] It was common for Christians to equate the religion of the Jews with the Mosaic faith of the Old Testament, so the Church was surprised to realize that the Jews had developed an authoritative Talmud to complement their understanding of the Bible.

Kikes making it easier and easier to convince people they are the devil's children. A rabbi named solomon friedman owns pornhub and another kike owns blacked did u know that peon kikeshill? Are you proud of them?
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In every county in the USA, jews have destroyed historical monuments because they contained crosses. They did this through the aclu and the judicial system. Because the people who founded this country were Christians, and they erected founding monuments on community (government) land. Jews challenged this based on a private letter Jefferson wrote where he used the phrase 'separation of Church and state'. We should erect a cross in honor of all the crosses the anti Christ jews have destroyed. That statement and symbol will strike hard into their black hearts. Don't forget they also used Islam and Communism to destroy many Churches and crosses.
Stfu christkike. Never quote me again, go wash and kiss some negro's feet.
Why would this be treated as newsworthy as if it is unprecedented?

The kikes killed Jesus Christ.

The Talmud says that Jesus Christ is boiling in urine and feces in Hell.

The Talmud says that the Virgin Mary is a whore.

Spitting on Christians is a time honored kike tradition.
>they hate me
>so i should worship them!

this is you.
all based.
Jesus is talking about your "people" here

“Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Keep kvetching kike, show the whole world how much of an angry malicious demon you kikes really are. Thanks for the help convincing everyone kikes are demons!
Even the word 'kike' itself originates from the kikes' refusal to draw an X because it resembled a cross and instead drew a circle.
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Modern western Christians are subverted cucks who are spearheading their own demise and they do not even realise it. They took the Jew as their master
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Assad protected the Christians in Syria. Not Israel will kill them all.
Shut up goy. You're supposed to blame Muslims.

The destructiveness of the Jewry is nothing new.

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

The plan of action sounds good even to this day.
We only need to execute it, and expell the Jews.
Christcucks are called christcucks for a reason. Who do you think is cucking them?
I've endured enough christers simping for Israel to laugh at this. You've earned the title christcucks--cucks for Israel.
Based jeet throttling.
Hey OP I know you are a dumb faggot but can you post a link to the pic you posted? Why is OP always a cock gobbler that doesn't know how to post links?
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True. Jews and Muslims, Semites as a whole, are invaders in that whole region of Levant.

Originally Levant was inhabited by Whites, the descendants of Yamnaya (Aryan) just like Europe when they spread from the Caucasus mountains

The canaanites, roving bands of bandits and outlaws were gypsies that came there and bred like rats, later bringing on islam and then using that to take over the region
Jews are simply arabs that raped some local women to bleach themselves, so they could then infiltrate Europe by passing as White, and the rest is history
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Canaanites, the ancestor of arabs and jews spawned in the Arabian peninsula when niggers from Africa fucked abbos from India.
Later the Canaanites split into two clans each of which wrote their own pedophile-worshipping desert tomes, Talmud=Quran.

Jews then were sent as fifth column to Christian nations like the Eastern Roman Empire, where the trojan horse inside man jews waited for their muslim cousins to come to the gates, which jews then promptly opened.
Jews and Muslims then massacred the Christian men, and muslims granted high official positions for the jews as a reward for their help.

This is why Constantinople is today called Istanbul, and why it is Islamic instead of Christian.
Jews have been the fifth column infiltrators since ancient times, who infiltrate Christian cities and then pry open the gates to their Muslim invader cousins from the inside.

After massacring the Christian men, Jews then took their wives and daughters as sex slaves to be repeatedly raped, ultimately bearing children to them.
And this is how jews bleached their skin color, by raping White women who then bore bleached mutt children to them.

Which then allowed those bleached canaanites to slither into European societies to infiltrate them further and again try to destroy them from the inside, until they were found out and kicked out.
And this happened thousands of times, what jews today call "persecution of the innocent jews".
Jewish history is nothing but infiltration and betrayal.
this is horrible, but i must turn the other cheek...
Goyim ALWAYS LIE no christcucks live in that area, and the whole region is occupied, so no way anyone would know about this anyway
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>jews did some terrible thing for no reason
another day
I like this thread, it seems like crosscucks cant choose between sucking jewish cock or defending their estrogen religion
Your torah and talmud openly say otherwise. But then again, there’s not many of you who aren’t historically illiterate
Synagogue of Satan!
No, you didn’t. You have no DNA whatsoever that backs your claims, yid
Yet another shitskin who will never explain why he left his shithole homeland. You subhumans never do
Do all history experts call everyone they disagree with a jew?
The old covenant was broken long ago, you foreign born shitskin. You can always go back to your homeland, but you never will
>Jesus was a jew
And He was such a good jew they killed Him. You shitskins never even think your own words through
Die in a fire jews
Do you set fire to jews everyday?
Let's make sure the Jews don't exist past the 21st century. Truly the mosquitos of humanoids and just fuck everyone over. Kill them all
the jew is the one who pushed the boulder retard
I’m citing your own texts which claim responsibility. You are incapable of telling the truth, all of you are.
I wish. It’s be the first time it happened to you in all history
You'd give up Christ himself to please them
Jews have curly hair that is very flammable and you can't even manage to set fire to even one??
You suck as a person.
With that kind of talk someone needs to send u to visit Moloch
that (((cross))) is a cleverly disguised mossad traffcing syrian children
Are you going to pay for the trip?
>the jew demands someone else pay for it
It will be replaced by a much better, replica cross in rainbow coloured marble, designed by a homosexual from a youthful Architecture Practice in the Israeli province in New Syria.

The important thing is that you do not notice.
If you don't hate Israel you are not human. If you don't support the total extermination of kikes you have no soul.
You think the Hebrew alphabet isn't made up of Symbols, Moiste???
State your reasoning.
>where he transformed before them
What kind of kinky shit is that hinting at?
Sound like fake news, where is the pic of the destroyed cross?

Muslims are doing Taqiyya on you and you fall for it.
Mount Hermon was the place Enoch said the fallen angels made their pact to rebel against God and have Nephilim children with human women. So it's a pretty important historical spot for the Synagogue Of Satan. It's where their rebellion began.
Mount Hermon is where the fallen angels made a pact in antediluvian days; it is said to be a portal to hell. The cross up there was for protection.
So they are again doing the work of their father.
Man by the replies in here you just know pol is filled with filthy jews pretending to be atheists.
>israeli carves boulder and pushes it down hill
>the boulder is a mossad agent
The next time I meet someone who supports Israel I'm kicking their ass or destroying their property depending on amount of witnesses.
There's only a small chance it will end up being you, but that's still a good enough chance for me
It was being anti-semitic, it deserved to be destroyed
>Jews destroyed Jew symbol
trash takes itself out
>You worship a symbol
We worship One True GOD Allmighty.
We honor His Symbol !
>Kys rat even muzzies keep the churches safe.

I'm sure the Hagia Sophia is very safe ... A a mosque ... As for your pic, Gaza was under Muslim rule when it blew up + You can't discount the fact that Hamas may have destroyed it on purpose in order to blame Israel + Things get destroyed in wars ... Don't start them if you don't want that to happen.
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Christroons invite this kind of behavior by being subservient golems for Shitrael
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stupidest psyop ever
>they know we're jews, we already hate Jesus so let's lump Him in with us! that'll show the goyim!
>Jesus PBUH
For real muslims unlike wahabi undercover kikes , Christ is a prophet.
>The romans killed him.
Upon specific and persistent jewish request and even blackmail. And only because jews had been stripped by their death penalty enforcing judicial powers.
"the romans" is a mossad psyop
Protestants aren't real Christians, they only care about the Old Testament.
And that's why the west is turning into a shithole. It's not a "trinket", it's a symbol. It stands for something. You on the other hand stand for fucking nothing, you filthy rat. The only thing you serve in life is yourself.

That was when he was a prince. His rghteousness had to exceed that of the perushim. Three years he had to teach, baseing himself at the temple, in Roman occupied 'Jerusalem'.

Just before his death, after he cursed the fig tree, he told his discipiles to sell their shirts and buy swords. Things changed. He had fullfilled the law and we were no longer subject to it. This because the Messiah came, the peopled gathered around him and the Perushim had him crucified for refusing to lead a bloody inssurection aginst Roman authority. The same authority that had to be put in place to preserve his life in the first place. (the jews had to put him before the Roamn authorities for conviction before he could be openly killed).

'No man can live by the law.'

You're welcome.
Now apply that logic to muslims.
western xtians think jesus was white and all middle easterners are muslim and they worship israel over god anyway so
who gives a fuck.
>decades old
the pile of clothes by the side of my bed is also "decades old"
They've murdered so many kids I think that's the least of their worries
I hope the entire IDF is killed. That erases most of the Israelis, and the remainder are either religious kooks or people with actual conscience.

The Israelis on this board are representative of Israelis in general. They're obnoxious, they genuinely believe they have a right to kill us and steal from us, they lie all the time and you see this not just in this thread but in every thread - they accuse Muslims of taqqiyah and Christians of anti-semitism to cover for this.

These stupid niggers don't realise that photos and videos of their crimes are circulating the English speaking internet, they're so far up their Hebrew asses, they're still trying to deny it to our faces
oh, and all those fucking memeflags with Israeli English writing styles will disappear for good. Thank god. These inbreds can pretend to be chosen in hell
Oh, no!
And old pile of junk destroyed, wow.
You can join Jesus boiling in excrement.
How dare they destroy the prob
ps of their own self-insertion ridden fanfiction and personality cult that has been bastardizing Greek/larger Indo-European mythology, philosophy and universal and geometrical/mathematical meta-physics for thr better part of atleast +300yrs and canonically +2000yrs?

Ponder the linguistic sleight of hand:
The Messiah, the avatar and personification of wishes, dreams, hopes, wants and needs of a (single) people -- some ominous figure to be waited for.
A glorious whole composed of many different parts, unity through plurality -- some thing to be worked towards.

Then contemplate the Minoan/Greeco pipeline of trade between Egypt and the European mainland. Merchants are rape babies of ex-vassals of Minoa, who have emerged from the ashes of Santorini's eruption. Yahwe -- not to be conflates with the actual Tetragrammaton -- is just onomatopoeia commemorating the eruption.

In other words: if you've subscribed to "Christianity", then you're a witless paypiggy.
Whew phonefagging.
>It's a symbol of victory of life over death and the victory against satan. No wonder you kikes hate it.

Christianity is a jewish illusion. You need to sober up.
This is why we don't hold idols. Good can't be harmed.

Christanity is a strawman representation of an an idea that spans epochs.

Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis ætas; Now comes the final era of the Sibyl's song;
Magnus ab integro sæclorum nascitur ordo. The great order of the ages is born afresh.
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna, And now justice returns, honored rules return;
iam nova progenies cælo demittitur alto. now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.
That's what atheists do.
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>Seems like I broke a christcuck. Can any Jew come fix this golem?
>faith in God
My faith is in you, anon. God doesn't need it.
Damn. That sounds like a biased judgement to me but it could just be due to me being biased against jews.
Good. The Christmas cuck shows its head again.
As a pagan waiting for VALHALLA this is something to support, anything against this desert invasive mean religion that destroyed my peoples freedom to do whatever we want to with the judgement that we're being "sinners".
I support this. Fuck christkucks. Erase it
Do so immediately, livestream it.
i would not mind if we could level holocaust museum and parry kikes with same "I'm sorry a goy broke the trinket you worship" line at them.
So many kikeflag scrambling to hide their own doing
cross is symbol of ultimate european cuckery. it is symbol of violent conversions of our people to desert cult. kikes nonchalantly break down a cross and thousands of christians are bent over to help israel. for European polytheists israel means nothing. it is not holy land, not holy prophets, not holy pilgrimages, not holy people. it is however a foreign land, foreign prophets, foreign sites, and most importantly - foreign hostile people.

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