WTF I never thought this would pass. But they actually passed it. LMAO
>>491974933>republicans control the house>still blame democratsWhat causes this derangement syndrome?
>>491974933they just condensed it into the Israeli gibz
>>491974933where can i read it?
>>491974933>1382 pages of bullshit cut out
it still has everything dems wanted
do the 40% salary raises and perks remain?
>>491975047Probably one similar to the one where you don't know that new incoming senators don't take office until January 3rd, so the Democrats still have a majority technically
>>491975166Dangerously based
>>491975260No. It was all cut out to bare minimum.
they condensed it into a document that congressmen can now plausibly claim they actually read
>>491974933Musk absolutely BTFO
>>491975323wow is this a first? hard to believenow will the 4 perps responsible for this be brought to justice? Schumer and his nogsters
>>491975461Schumer/McConnel/Pelosi are too old to be congress tbqh. They need to be removed.
>>491974933I don’t understand who is getting paid to write two novels worth of legalese which we know must be completely erroneous, considering Disney can’t write 100 pages for a multimillion dollar movie script. Someone should track where this stuff originated because it’s either Jews or it’s Russian typewriters.
>>491976039It is typically lobbyists/think tanks
>>491976039An army of DEI-hire bureaucrats have these bills pre-written 6 months in advance before they even come to the house floor for a vote. They're constantly being updated with every kike and kike-adjacent donation of their bought congressmen.
>>491975243>everything dems wantedNo even close, all that shit was removed, no raises, no Jan 6 committee protections, no global censhorship center funding, no Baltimore bridge, no DC stadiumDemocrats got nothing, just got the debt ceiling removed so they can cry about it later under Trump
>>491976039Democrats print thousands of pages and put it on the desks of politicians and say to the republicans they have 3 hours to read it. Then right in the middle of the bill it will say something like "also we allocate $5billion to transgender surgeries in Africa" and people who can't read the bill will vote on it not knowing what's in it. It's a humiliation ritual.
>>491975400Elon stripped out a bunch of stuff that he didnt like meanwhile Trump didnt get his debt ceiling increase. Trump was the bigger loser here
>>491976768>he didnt likeIt was the American people that did not like the pay raises and censorship funding, not Elon, that's why the Dems folded so quick
>>491975047>>republicans control the house>>still blame democrats>What causes this derangement syndrome?You really that "paint chip eating" stupid?
>>491974933There should be a law of Tl;dr maxing a bill into 15 pages or be thrown back but it would be extremely horrendously absolutely anti-semetic
>>491979607>it costs 50 mil to inaugurate Orange Man Bad>this is the first item on the billNerds that actually read bills, is this normal?
>>491980473they spent over $200 million on obama's inauguration. joe biden's inaugeration cost over $100 million - and they didnt even allow anyone to go! it was all empty because of "covid". kamala blew through a BILLION dollars in 3 months on her failed campaign. donald trump's first inaugeration only cost $27 million. so $50 million to cover the costs of bringing out the national guard to keep shitskins, deepstaters, and antifa scum from disrupting the inauguration is a bargain. save your faux outrage over government spending for the billions of dollars that are actually just thrown away every day by the kikes. this is one instance where americans want something done right and safely. go back into the hole you crawled out of you pathetic little bitch.
>>491980473$50m is actually cheap for an inauguration.
>>491979777>There should be a law of Tl;dr maxing a bill into 15 pages or be thrown back but it would be extremely horrendously absolutely anti-semeticrand paul continually pushes for reform that would require 24 hours per 20 pages of any bill between bringing it to the floor and voting on it.if a bill has 200 pages, it should not be voted on for a minimum of 10 days, to give people time to read the bill. if a bill has 1000 pages, there should be 50 days between bringing the bill to the floor and voting on it, etc.not surprisingly his recommendation gets rejected by the rest of the scumbags everytime.
>>4919749331382 pages of tranny funding 118 pages of money for Israel
>>491974933Lmao they do this song and dance every fucking year, but Elon tricked a bunch of incels into thinking he did this like he's some magic negotiator lmao
>>491981507they've never cut it down 90% before. keep coping.
>>491975047ultra maga will never answer this question honestly...
>>491974933he says X cut the pork out, what did they do to make the gov dicks trim it down? or is that just terminally online cope?
>>491979777>>491981250My idea is the sponsor has to read the bill aloud in one unbroken session, and John Congressman cannot vote on it either way unless he was there to hear 95% of it. Bill too long to make that happen? Sucks to suck, make it shorter
>>491975047republicucks are 80% israel worshippers and 20% democrats in disguisethey point the finger at eachother because its how boomers learned in school to kick the can down the road
>>491975166>118 pages of bullshit left in
>>491981840every single congressman was getting blasted with tweets and phonecalls that they will be replaced if they pass the bullshit bill. there are literally videos of democrat congress women shaking in her boots in terror that elon musk is going to primary them out of office and thats its 'not fair'. elon musk, trump, and even just the CONCEPT of DOGE has woken up even normie americans to the insane government wasteful spending spree. the gravy train is over. even random fucking soccermoms and liberal retards are now following these 'budget' debates. just by simply raising awareness he has hurt them irreparably.
>>491982084Som many "upper and middle class" people are on dole of the federal government. It's insane when you actually look at how many people who live in giant million dollar mansions are taking government checks, or own businesses that are subsidized by the federal government. Even musk has billions being given to him every year by the federal government.
>>491974933From 12pt font to 1pt with no margins
Wtf was in all those other pages? How do you even come up with all of the scenarios to spend money that can fill up over 1000 pages?
>>491982084beauitful. and he's not even in office yet. he may have also successfully toppled the trudeau government with a tweet - the camelfucker in parliament who was holding out said yesterday he would vote to trigger an election here. the pendulum is gaining momentum
>>491975047>>republicans control the houseThis never happened.What are RINOs - democrat agents in the Republican party, Repubicans in the name only. They always vote as Democrats tell them. Therefore :>republicans control the housenever happened. Probably in the last 50 years.
>>491976039As other anons mentioned, Congress and Senate do not write these laws , of course (although they should be as it is THEIR DIRECT JOB). >Hillary and her famous "you need to pass this to see what's in it". >do you think a moron like AOC can understand or write any laws? It is lobbyists, think tanks and the K Street DC lawyers write all the laws. We are a banker , large companies and mafia owned banana republic.
>>491983510>>Hillary and her famous "you need to pass this to see what's in it".that was nancy pelosi
>>491975047need 2/3rds of the House to pass a spending bill & also needs to pass the Senate
>>491983716>nancy pelosiYeah true.
>>491981697you're right. its not worth explaining to a brainlet like you. we always give you sarcastic answers since you arent worth anyones time
They cut 90% of the text of the bill but I doubt they cut 90% of the pork out of it. They probably just got ChatGPT to summarize it more concisely.
>>491983266Most repubs are rinos. That's the problem.
>>491982084Dude you are a fucking faggot zoomer. This is NORMAL. it isn't new and no one is shaking in their boots, you faggot zoomer. They pass a stop gap then pass the regular dogshit bill. You stupid fucking nigger child. You should be beaten to death you faggot. What a fucking loser thinking anything is going to change. Fucking faggot kill yourself
>>491984435works for us too. ask chat gpt to summarize it as a watchdog looking for stupid shit in stupid language.'translate this to plain english' and it will.
>>491984971wew you sound MAD as FUCK boiiiiiii. you should go do some yoga, or meditate, or go for a walk or something bro. u r MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. its not that serious. we're just going to make america great again. its not that big a deal. RELAX. relax your butthole. i know its clenched. you'll develop another hemroid if you dont find a way to calm down little are MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. calm down.
>>491981507>Elon didn't do anything>I hate him
>>491981250It's insane that this isn't the normBut of course that is exactly what the jewish infiltrators wantSo they can hide stuff like picrel among the stacksAnd then their shabbos goyim have a excuse 'there was too many pages I couldn't read it all in time sorry people' as an out if they're confronted about voting on it
>>491976569>no Baltimore bridgeIt should be paid for by the shipping company that destroyed it.
>>491985590>It should be paid for by the shipping company that destroyed it.or whatever giant insurance conglomerate insured the boat and/or bridge.
>>491974933>1500 pages billBureacracy will kill any country eventually.
>>491983266So anything "good" that repbulicucks took credit for or that you wanted to happen was actually because Democrats wanted it too?
>>491974933This is just telling us that the bills that were passed in congress were filled with thousands of pages of useless shit that was probably against American interests.
>>491981976it's a very good start.
>>491979777Think of how unproductive that would be though.You expect them do actually do their job most of the year?In the end they'd game the fuck out of the system and your average bill would read like a modern day yugioh card.
>>491982765Now if only The Trump admin start an information campaign on Twitter and by other means to inform Canadians of the Commies infiltration in Canada..... That would be very helpful......
>>491986633How about that 51st state, am I right canada bros?
>>491974933the 1,500 page bill had expanded powers for new covid lockdowns mandatory vaccine passports
>>491974933Bills should be required to be summarized in 50 words or less. Anything that isn't directly addressed cannot be part of the bill.
>>491986713Our Very competent and expensive security apparatus in Canada has two choice. Either we clean our house or ....... theirs Big Brother to the South WILL do it for them. The USA will go to war with China very soon 70% chance.... Do you seriously think they will allow a commie infiltration so closse to theirs border?If you are a Canadian Patriot You want to purge our institution of such vile and dangerous foreign influence.... For Canada sake.
>>491986596>>491986859One topic, one bill. Must be understandable to the average citizen. If the sponsor had any assistance writing the bill those people must be named publicly. This: >>491981886 (me mobilefagging btw). The sponsor must write a statement of intent and the spirit of the law is more important than the literal words when it comes to enforcementHow any of this isn’t the norm yet just shows how kiked the whole system really is
>>491987206None of the political class would ever benefit from it, so they'll never pass any kind of legislation like that. They all table bullshit legalese dictionaries, they all benefit from it, they all pretend to be outraged when the opposition does it then they go ahead and do it themselves a week later.
>>491987071Do you type and use grammar like that because you're FrenchieCAN ESL or because you're brown ESL?>>491987206I second this. Regardless of anyone's political standing, this is something that should be universally agreed on and pushed for. Sadly, neither side cares unless it helps them/hurts the other, so it will never be properly fought for>>491987385Yep, maybe we should all realize rich people don't have our best interests in mind, something everyone seems to agree with but never actually agree on because they all suck off their own brand of rich people, magas suck off trump and his bought out government(drain the swamp my ass) and libs do it with the democrats and corpos that they think care about them. Not to sound too retarded, but both sides unironically agree with a lot more of these things than they would ever let each other take the time to realize or learn to communicate
They just pulled the top 1382 pages off the deck to get the legislation right.
>>491985152Kill yourself loser. You can tell this is your first shutdown. Faggot probably first heard of a government shut down during covid now thinks he knows it all! Here is an idea. Kill yourself. No one will miss you or you trying to understand politics. Fucking faggot thinking anything will change. Fucking faggot drumpf was calling for suspending the debt ceiling. How does that cut government waste you stupid faggot zoomer. I seriously hope a pack of niggers rape you and your dead corpse dude
>>491988133wew you sound MAD as FUCK boiiiiiii. you should go do some yoga, or meditate, or go for a walk or something bro. u r MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. its not that serious. we're just going to make america great again. its not that big a deal. RELAX. relax your butthole. i know its clenched. you'll develop another hemroid if you dont find a way to calm down little are MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. calm down.
>>491974933how do you still spend money when you are 34 trillion dollars in debt?
>>491985755That would be Lloyd's, right?
>>491987071OH NO THE COMMIES XDJesus if our rhetoric gets to that level. goodbye.
>>491974933How much did this cost us? Did they give themselves the payraise?
>>491976569If this is true, then that's unfathomably based
>>491975047democrats won't cross the aisle and's badman. end of republic situation
>>491988467Kill yourself you jive speaking nigger faggot. Pathetic little boy thinking anything will change in congress. Donnie is about spend like the grifter he is keeping. Kill yourself faggot.
>>491989724wew you sound MAD as FUCK boiiiiiii. you should go do some yoga, or meditate, or go for a walk or something bro. u r MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. its not that serious. we're just going to make america great again. its not that big a deal. RELAX. relax your butthole. i know its clenched. you'll develop another hemroid if you dont find a way to calm down little are MAD as FUCK boiiiii. RELAX. calm down.
>>491974933Too easy. What is the rub, here?Where is the unlubed cock going?
>>491990538The dems were defending their 1500 page bill and claiming Musk/Trump is Hitler for not passing that
>>491981886Kinda based. A truly roman experience
>>491988664Would you like to learn about the forbidden art of debt arbitrage?
>>491988664Get more debt. Duh!
>>491988664Like fat people who weight +300 pounds keep their weight. Keep on eating insane amounts
>>491975166It was DEI approved pronouns for th emost of it
>>491981077Trump's first inauguration was the most expensive ever at over $200m. You can find this out in 10 seconds of google. Why are all migatards such liars?
>118 pages117 pages of irrelevant bullshit, paid for and added by corrupt politicians>1500 pages1499 pages of bullshit, paid for and added by corrupt politiciansisn't it strange that everyone knows our politicians are broken, corrupt, bought and paid for, but it's just normal and nobody cares?
>>491975096This. You know it is this.
>>491975047The entire point of the slow count for over a month even though they already lost the majority was to stop them from passing anything with only one party needed for the next term of Congress too.
>>49199241590% reduction is good. People like Musk do care. Thats why hes pushing to cut the government bureaucracy and streamline the government so that its more efficient.There are however people that will claim 90% reduction dont mean anything and its same as not doing anything. Others will argue its worse than hitler.
>>491992328>Trump's first inauguration was the most expensive ever at over $200m. You can find this out in 10 seconds of google. Why are all migatards such liars?you stupid bitch. you are conflating the money trump and his donors raised for his inauguration versus how much tax payer money was spent on the inauguration. only 27 million tax payer dollars were spent on the inauguration in 2016. the 107/200 million number you get fed by google is how much him and his donors raised for the event, not taken from the taxpayers. you literally trusted google and fell for their biased search results. go actually read the articles. go actually look at how the 2016 inauguration was paid for. majority paid for by donors, with only the government paying for the security aspects, where they cheaped out on versus obama because they claimed 'trump isnt going to have a huge turn out cuz hes not popular'. you are a victim of the Global Engagement Center propaganda outlet that elon musk just got defunded. hopefully you will learn from this. go actually read those google search results instead of taking their headlines at face value like a retard.
>>491992960Have you read those pages? Do you know what they contain? No? Then you are just another mindless sheep obediently following your masters. Independent thinking is impossible for bootlicking chuds.
>>491975047>Trump wins election>Despite everyone hating himWhat causes this faggot anons posting logic?
>>491993081Obama's campaign cost far less taxpayer money as it mainly came from his campaign. Funny how you bootlickers are completely unable to grasp simple facts and only parrot what israel tells you to.
>>491993094>Have you read those pages? Do you know what they contain? No? Then you are just another mindless sheep obediently following your masters. Independent thinking is impossible for bootlicking chuds.nope. i havent. because the bill was put out days ago and purposely bloated and full of legalese so people cant read it before its voted on. do you think a single politician who voted on it read the whole 1500 pages? thats the exact problem you stupid fuck. we shouldnt have 1500 page bills. it should be illegal to bundle everything into giant omnibus bills. i wish they cut 99% of the funding. fuck you you stupid communist piece of shit 'oh maybe there is some good stuff in the 2 trillion dollar spending bill, maybe its not all bad' - shut the fuck up you stupid commie nigger retard.
>>491993081Obama is a god to that nigger worshipping faggot anon. Don't bother informing it.
>>491993227Kill yourself nigger lover lol
You can tell this is good by the fact that 70% of posts are seething Eglin kikes. You faggots sound like the kvetchers on NPR.
>>491993422Hopefully mass suicides soon.
>>491993094Shut up Brit bitch. Only speak when your American superiors gives you permission.
>>491993227>Obama's campaignwe're talking about the cost of inaugurations, NOT campaigns. your poor attempt at goal post switching just proves you have no argument to refute the facts i just presentedbut if you do wanna talk about campaign spending we can go into how obama's stupid retarded corrupt DNC just blew a billion dollars in 3 months - the most money in political history on a kamala's horrible failure of a campaign so lets not pretend democrats government moochers arent blackholes of money.
>>491993469 are sterilizing themselves.
>>491993422>You can tell this is good by the fact that 70% of posts are seething Eglin kikes.>>491993469>Hopefully mass suicides soon.the defunding of the Global Engagement Center is going to possibly result in more tranny suicides than election night itself did.
>>491993476What did Obama have to do with the Harris campaign and why was it corrupt? Funny how you forget that Trump's fraudulent campaign spent over $2 billion only to lose and used his campaign money for lawfare illegally. Also your numbers are wrong, the total for both Harris and Trump in 2024 was about $4.2 billion. I don't know which of your jewish masters told you this but he was lying to you. And like the obedient sheep you are you believed it. Enjoy losing even more freedoms and becoming even poorer under your new emperor, that's what you voted for.
>>491981697>>491975047you just proved to /pol/ you were a pea-brain nigger without even having to upload a picture of yourself. Neat.
>>491975461>>491975599The old guard are at death's door. Statistically speaking, this might even be Pelosi's last Christmas. I'm assuming that the knives are out and that some up-and-coming young senators are going to make some serious moves that will forever alter the course of this nation by the late 2020's.
>>491993854>What did Obama have to do with the Harris campaign and why was it corrupt?because they are members of the same political party with the exact same people managing the campaigns and administrations. obama. joe biden. kamala harris. all the same exact administration/team of people. quit being fucking dense. you are pathetic.>>491993854>Also your numbers are wrongpost evidence as i did or shut up retart. top kek. u can just claim whatever u want. post evidence like i did or shut up. delulu retart.
>>491974933Republicans need to start putting in “pork” that restores our rights. The fact they don’t even try shows how playing defense all the time makes you useless
>>491976768>No pediatric cancer research funding thanks to President Musk.Hey kiddies, don't you get cancer now
>>491976768>Trump didnt get his debt ceiling increase. >Trump was the bigger loser hereLol. Trump isn't even President abd he's forcing Congress to be fiscally responsible. And you think this isn't a win?
>>491994333>Lol. Trump isn't even President abd he's forcing Congress to be fiscally responsible. And you think this isn't a win?they have to paint it negatively somehow and thats the best they can do. its absolutely pathetic.
>>491975166This is how it has always worked, they call it pork.Because we're just fucking pigs, a livestock commodity to deal with. Pigs for the slaughter.Politics is pure fucking scum, always has been.
>>491974933>1500 pagesthat alone should be bannedthere is no way anyone in parliament has the time to fucking read this. they will have to vote on it based on a >trust me, brolevel without any idea what is actually in there
>>491994416Fun fact.There is not one elected politician that reads the bills, that is for the privately appointed committees that draft them.The craziest thing is that this is 100% true.
>>491994332What's stopping them from funding it via a standalone bill?
>>491994553>What's stopping them from funding it via a standalone bill?The Republicans. Who else?
>>491994416Yes, there should be a rule that any member who votes on a bill they have not read in full, and cannot defend if questioned, should be expelled. Anybody who votes on a 1500 pager the received 3 days before is not representing their constituents.
>>491984037Incorrect. Budget reconciliation requires 50% plus 1 in both senate and house.
>>491994692If the only way to get it funded is by hiding it in a bill longer than most novels, then it must not be that important.
>>491994392Uh, Trumps main goal with the bill wasn't about the pork, it was to get the debt ceiling raised before he gets into office. I don't think you get that Trump is going to need to raise the debt ceiling himself during his term, except now he'll have a bunch of conservative congress people voting "no" under the guise that "we're fiscally conservative!" After 4 straight years of unlimited money flowing to Biden to do whatever the hell he wants. This is bad for Trumps term, not good. He NEEDED a strong buffer of money that he could spend in order to bring back manufacturing and implement tariffs, as the increased debt ceiling would be able to give some relief to consumers while the tariffs start to take effect (it takes a bit for manufacturing in America to ramp up to offset the cost of those increased tariffs). Now, he can't do that. This is a HUGE loss for Trump, and you're a fool if you don't think it is.Congress voted on this so they could not give Trump the funds he needs during his term. Think a bit, man.
>>491975166Down with the tower of Babel
>>491994968But they raise the debt ceiling every year for the last 40 yearsOh man I wonder what will happen this year
>>491994968this narrative has already been pre-bunked and de-bunked. trump's agenda is to cut government waste. gutting the spending bill from 1500 pages down to 120ish pages helps that goal. NO AMOUNT of pilpul you spew will change this. its too simple for your weasel words and talmudic bullshit. less government spending = good. there is no spin you can change my mind - or anyone with above room temperature IQ.
>>491975047New House is sworn in on January 3rd, plus a ton of Republicans are just neocon snakes in disguise
>>491994770But, considering how ridiculous US spending is, it’s a great example of why we need the 60 vote filibuster in the senate and why mass democracy, and the idiots they elect, is stupid as fuck.
>>491992724>>4919750474 seats in New York4 in California2 in Washington2 in Oregon2 in NevadaAll stolen from republicans
>>491994215You clearly don't understand what "corrupt" means. An example is Trump embezzling hundreds of millions from his campaign funds and using it for lawfare.
>>491994314Rights can only be restored by reducing the government. Our constitution recognizes our human rights, its just the government laws that have restricted humans since then.
>>491995358>You clearly don't understand what "corrupt" means. An example is Trump embezzling hundreds of millions from his campaign funds and using it for lawfare.bro u live in a islamic fascist dictatorship. so sit down and have some humility bro.trump's campaign literally campaigned on 'donate to us to help trump fight off the lawfare against! donate 5 dollars today!' the people donating to trump WANTED their money to be used to defeat the lawfare against him to help him get re-elected. its not embezzlement if that is literally what the money was given to him for. you will not find a single trump donor who would be against him spending their donation to legally defend himself from the lawfare cases against him - all of which have now failed/been proven bullshit, justifying all trump's claims of bullshit lawfare.cope and seethe mister brit bong. trump won in a landslide. he has a mandate to make not just america great again, but to make the whole world american again. we will free you from your bondage whether you like it or not.
>>491994093Yeah this nation is about to have a huge cultural shift. As the last of the non tech natives retire things are going to change fast. Difference between the two is vast.I'm hopeful that being directly able to shit post at a congress critter will be for the best.
>>491995587bongs need a loicense to belch and fart. they dont want to be free.
>>491974933all the dems voted for the billtrump didn't get the dept ceiling increase he wanted. that's goodshows trump is not in control
>>491994859good luck making me watch your lies
>>491993081>expecting a british person >>491992328 to readBritish lost the ability to read almost fifty years ago, they just watch BBC now.
>>491974933>House passes 118 page billNow it will fail in the Senate. Mitch McConnel will do his John Mcshitstain impression and cast the deciding vote with a thumbs down.Haven't you seen this movie before ?
>>491995587Every single one of Trump's attempts to sue failed because they were bullshit. Giuliani pocketed millions. And Trump himself is a convicted felon. Funny how you literally are giving up all your freedoms to a conman who only wants to enrich israel and destroy America.
>>491995148>less government spending = good.Are you stupid? How is Trump going to bring back manufacturing and hold leverage on other countries without being able to have a large cushion of spending?Do you not understand WHY Trump was asking congress to put in the bill that they SUSPEND the debt ceiling in it's entirety for the next two years? Do you not even QUESTION why Trump asked for such a thing, if his goal is to cut gov spending? Are you THAT fucking retarded?
>>491997586By removing regulations and reducing regulations. The impediment to success in America isn't money, its regulations. You cant build anything in America anymore without 2-5 years of regulatory delays millions of cost overruns. Opportunity costs is the biggest killer
>>491997720As usual the basement-dwelling armchair economists of /pol/ believe they are the world's top experts on politics and economy. Why haven't you got a post in Trump's cabinet since you clearly are far more knowledgeable than anyone else?
>>491998384Musk is there. The most successful man in the history of the world understands the problem more than anyone else alive today.
>>491992328You goddamn kike
>>491998462Musk ran one of the world's largest companies into the ground. He doesn't understand jack shit. He will crash the US economy harder than anyone in history and the rest of the world will laugh at you for allowing an African-American become your dictator.
>>491993227You dirty bitch
>>491998721Yeah, he ran the largest company into the 1 trillion dollar ground. Woah.
>>491998797Twitter is worth 20% if what it was when Musk took over. Tesla was given hundreds of billions in government grants that Musk now hypocritically would cut.
>>491975166Yep. It's how the game is played. You put in so much bullshit so that it gets cut and not the shit you actually want. I'm not kidding. The system is optimized for overwhelming things like this. You ask for 4x+ what you actually think is needed for your function because cuts are expected. There is no correction mechanism for this and doge ain't changing shit. You'd have to fundamentally change the reward mechanism which doesn't exist in government because it ain't a corporation (a.k.a. value is subjective and not tied to something agreed upon like profits,)
>>491995506But they’re losing at that game. Restoring rights can be made by reaffirming them in writing. The amendments in the Constitution were added after the original to protect the people from government overreach. Many at the time thought they weren’t needed because “states protected rights in their own constitutions.” That was very shortsighted and fortunately for us fit failed. They need to go on the attack. Defense (conservation) is failing.
>ITT: Retards don't know supplementary discretionary spending and omnibus spending in 2025 will be trillionsGoldfish brains. You just went through 4 back-to-back administrations where this was the norm, they make a big panic out of year-end funding and pretend to cut pork, only to come back at the beginning of the next to pass everything they couldn't get in. >>491996826>felonThe case will be thrown out eventually, the "campaign finance violation" it was based on never happened and the FEC publicly stated as much but if that isn't enough, the state of NY also arbitrarily extended the statute of limitations on top of attributing ownership of Trump Organization, despite him having signed all control over to his son in 2016.
>>491999009Twitter was bought over inflated. 90% of revenue came from WEF advertisers who boycotted it out of political ideological censorship reasons. Thats not a business issue, its a political issue. With Musk buying twitter, he put Trump back in office, his xAI is worth $50 billion. His Tesla stock doubled. He's now worth $400+ billion dollars.
>>491996826>convicted felonIrrelevant. Everyone in America saw it as a political tool by the Biden admin to illegally imprison his political opponent. The most corrupt president in the history of America is what Biden's legacy will be.
>>491999163>WEF advertisersLol. Tell us more about how you are a submissive low IQ schizo.
>>491994332>President Musk
>>491999273By "everyone" you mean miga cultists right? Trump is a fraud and conman. A convicted felon. The most corrupt president ever. He is already planning on suspending the constitution and ending freedom of speech and jailing political opponents. And you sheeple are only too happy to let him take over your lives. It must be because of his loyalty to israel over America, I can't think of any other reason why you would worship him as your emperor. He is a traitor to America.
>>491975166And it’s probably still dogshit
>>492001395>By "everyone" you mean miga cultists right? Trump is a fraud and conman. A convicted felon. The most corrupt president ever. He is already planning on suspending the constitution and ending freedom of speech and jailing political opponents. And you sheeple are only too happy to let him take over your lives. It must be because of his loyalty to israel over America, I can't think of any other reason why you would worship him as your emperor. He is a traitor to America.this is a top-notch parody of what a TDS tranny would say. most people dont realize youre trolling, but i appreciate the subtley and art.
>>491993854Lying sociopath.
>>491975047all of you are retarded for thinking these people actually fight with each other lol, lmao even It's a 4 year cycle where you retards think the world will change and not go back by the end of the 4 years.. Then you complain and blame the president, who really doesn't have much power like you think
Why have people been pretending like these recent events have been some kind of political failure? The old bill was bad, so they drafted a new one, made compromises, and it passed with some bipartisan support. How is that not exactly the way things should be?
>>492001666>>492001764I will never understand why people like you are so eager to lose all your freedoms and dedicate your lives to someone who doesn't give a shit about you and would order you to go die for israel. /pol/ truly hates freedom.
>>491974933The biggest fear of Waahington D.C. is the exposing of them in the sunlight.
>>491974933Explain it to me as if i was a Woman (aka retarded) >Debt ceiling was rejected Does that means Americans must panic since their National debt will fuck em harder?
>>491999033yeah it's called the iron law of oligarchy, read up on it
>>491982084>>democrat congress women shaking in her boots in terror that elon musk is going to primary them out of office and thats its 'not fair'.Work for the will of the people and not your personal interests. There will be no need to be scared.
>>491975047This is We the People vs Old Republicans vs Old Democrats.
>>491975166Based Elon
>>491974933Was it really a victory for the GOP? The CR doesn't raise the debt ceiling like Trump wanted, I'm pretty sure it still has the disaster relief funds which is what Elon didn't want and none of the house republicans really took Trump's threats to primary them very seriously.
>>492001042 okay, WEF's GARM shutdown after lawsuit and possibly to avoid discovery issues.
>>492001042In your defense of global WEF censorship and narrative control machine, you show your face as a NPC bot.
>>492003106It's ok, submissive low IQ schizos like you don't know what WEF is, other than you're supposed to shit your pants in fear whenever you see those letters.
>>492003707You've castrated your mind as you worship the WEF god.
>>491994968>Congress voted on this so they could not give Trump the funds he needs during his termI voted for Trump and this is a good thing. He should be looking to lower the debt ceiling, not raise it. If Congress has to force him into that direction, good.
>>491988664Hold everyone at gunpoint and demand more credit aka Mongol level looting
>>491975166It's actually insane. I've never seen anything like this in my life. They've been doing 1000 page nonsense bills all my life.
>>492005489Exactly, Trump and the congress should work to cut the budget by atleast 20% per year. That would set an amazing record for his presidency.
>>491974933Massie said this back in Sept that they were going to delay it until the 20th and then force people to pass it or they keep them over the holiday. They always do this
>>492006139This time Massie won.
>>491976039Why don't they just set a word count limit on each bill?
>if we just tell the public we have a 52,329 page bill but trim it down to 4,203 at the last second, then they'll we are doing our job adequatelyit really is that easy
>>492001395>planning on suspending the constitution and ending freedom of speech and jailing political opponentsbased
>>492006961They should instead tell the public they upgraded from 50000 page bill to 5 billion page bill. Its really that easy.
>>492001395>tries to jail Trump to block Trump from election>father-son family business dealings with corrupt ukraine business that got them paid millions and h and had attorney general fired for investigating the company their family protected>pardons his son so they cant prosecute him>censors everything from covid origins to side effects to funding>censors stories about his son's laptop>gives media hundreds of million dollars to attack his political opponents>flooded the country with 15+ million illegal immigrants>uses those illegal immigrants to boost state census pop>census pop are used to determine state electoral >which is used to swing states with illegal voters>NOOOO TRUMP MAY DO IT POSSIBLY BECAUSE WE DID IT, SO HE MUST DO IT