On October 28, 1934, Reich Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick issued a decree defining the lodges as “hostile to the state”, and hence subject to having their assets confiscated. Finally, on August 17, 1935, citing the authority of the Reichstag Fire Decree, Frick ordered all remaining lodges and branches dissolved and their assets confiscated. Jewish and Masonic cultural possessions, libraries, and archives were raided on a large scale, thus providing NatSoc Germany an unprecedented insight into the inner workings and plans of World Freemasonry, never before seen in history. Der Aufbau, was a German NSDAP magazine that had a circulation of around 1,500,000 which would be huge even by today's standards. In a special edition published in 1935, the NatSoc party tried to warn the German people of what was found during their raids on the Freemasonic Lodges. We can see how thoroughly this magazine and the knowledge about the Freemasons has been censored. Not only is the knowledge today forgotten, but the information was not shared outside of Germany at the time, the history and records of this entire publication has been scrubbed from the internet. German Wikipedia does not mention its existence at all, while English Wikipedia mentions a tiny Jewish periodical in NYC, by the same name, with a meager circulation of 4,500. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aufbau_(jüdische_Zeitung)This is how one of the largest and most important information dumps in European history got scrubbed post WWII, and forgotten, showing us how thoroughly we are controlled and manipulated, and how little we can trust our media, academia and politicians.
>>491986872Front cover of "Der Aufbau".
>>491986892>Title: The Structure of World FreemasonryWith particular emphasis on the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite>The Freemason pyramid structure - Degrees 1-33 (these are grouped into 5 levels) >Level 5: Top of the Pyramid:Supreme Council - From the Brothers of the 33rd DegreeWeltpolitik (World Politics)Degrees 30-33 - Consistory, Ritter Kadosch (Knight Kadosh) [1]>Level 4:Degrees 19-29 - International - shaping with spirit of the age, humanism, new-age etc. (an example in modern society would be transnational NGOs).Principles: "Freedom - Equality - Fraternity"International HumanitarianismWorld Reformation>Level 3:Degrees 15-18 - Politics & Political Influence: Control over positions in government and ministries. Shaping domestic and foreign policies.>Level 2: Degrees 4-14 - Infiltrating & influence/control in culture, press, theatre, film (media) - influence them so they have the spirit of the age in them (i.e. Jewish symbols & influence). >Level 1: Degrees 1-3 - The lowest degrees, and these are disconnected from the rest of the pyramid. [1] The term "Kadosh" means "holy" or "consecrated" in Hebrew.
>>491986933>PREFACEThe series of articles on world Freemasonry that we published in "Aufbau", the sole official organ of the Office for Crafts and Trade in the NSDAP and the ideological-political journal of the DAF for the Reich Business Associations 17 and 18, has met with an unusually strong response from our readership. In many letters we have been asked to continue the series of articles, or to expand it in some way. In other letters we have been asked to publish our publications as a special print. We have decided to do this after receiving several thousand back issue orders for our publications, so much so that our stocks have almost completely sold out.On the other hand, we can see from this abundance of letters and follow-up orders how enormously great the interest is in trusted information, which has been able to be even more impactful due to us obtaining (for the first time) a large number of primary source documents on the nature of Freemasonry, which were previously neither known nor ever published, in some cases they considerably expand the text and make it more understandable.In its current form, this special edition is particularly suitable for educating the widest sections of the population, who have so far been uncomprehending or even hostile towards the NSDAP's fight against Freemasonry. This special edition also contains a great deal of information for Freemasons of the lower ranks about the abuses that the higher ranks of Freemasonry commit against the gullible lower ranks. At the same time this special edition can also be used for educational purposes, and we hope that it will be distributed as widely as possible, especially by the party and DAF offices.Heil Hitler!
>>491986987(Preface cont.) Publishing house and editorial staff of "Der Aufbau"Edgar Bissinger.The price per copy of this booklet is 10 Pfennig, 9 Pfennig for 25 copies or more, 8 Pfennig for 100 copies or more, 7 Pfennig for 1000 copies or more. The price scale makes this special edition particularly suitable for bulk orders. Orders should be sent to the publisher, "Der Aufbau", Berlin W 9, Linkstrasse 19, with simultaneous payment of the amounts plus postage to postal checking account no. 36777 Berlin "Der Aufbau".
intertasting..but why did the ussr ban freemasonry then if its jewish? bump
>>491987013Anyone who wants to understand and comprehend the nature of world Freemasonry must first of all acknowledge and recognise the nature of Judaism and world Jewry. Anyone who knows Judaism will understand the nature and the danger of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an international organization led by world Jewry, and completely subservient to world Jewry, with the political goal of giving Jewry world domination.Two large and powerful international organizations are fighting and contending for the political leadership of the whole world: Jesuitism, which wants to realize on earth the State of God ("civitas dei") preached by Saint Augustine, and Judaism, with its secret Jewish leadership, which wants to achieve the world empire promised by the Jewish God Jehovah to the prophet Moses.While Jesuitism sought to gain its position as a political world power through the Roman Catholic Church, Judaism took a different path; in part it set up international organizations of various kinds itself, in part it forced its way into organizations founded by Aryans, very quickly seizing control of them and converting them to its political goals.Thus the secret Jewish government today controls the Second International with its headquarters in Brussels, the Third International with its headquarters in Moscow, the World Esperanto League, the Pan-European Movement, which the bastard [bi-racial] Count Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi leads on behalf of world Jewry, the League of Nations with its headquarters in Geneva, and all the large trusts and cartels, especially the armaments industry, and not least; World Freemasonry.(to be cont.)
>>491987369(Cont.)The Jewish and Jewish-affiliated writers, who have written in the spirit of the world Freemasonry, falsely trace the origins of Freemasonry back to Biblical Judaism. They claim Noah and his three sons Japheth, Shem and Ham were all true masons, and now the Jews, with true Jewish arrogance, allege that the art of building came from Jews.In the law book of Freemasonry, the "Constitution", the bold and ridiculous claim is made that all the great wonders of architecture, such as the Seven Wonders of the World, were created under the significant influence of Jews, and that all great and brilliant architects were taught their art by the Jews.The origins of world Freemasonry can be traced very briefly and historically as follows:In the Middle Ages, builders were held in very high esteem. The guilds of stonemasons and masons were highly respected and honoured by kings, princes and the people. The guilds, which called themselves "building lodges", travelled from country to country and built certain buildings on behalf of cities, princes, kings, bishops and emperors under the leadership of their master builder ("cathedral master builder"). This is how all the great and mighty works of the Middle Ages that we still admire today were created.
>>491987286Same reason the us had an anti-mason party despite being jewish. They like to play both sides
>>491987439In the Middle Ages, countless mystical secret societies of a political, religious and other [similar] nature had emerged, such as the Templar Order, which the Freemasons consider to be their forerunner. The medieval construction lodges [Bauhütten] [2] came into contact with these societies. They gradually adopted many of the customs and traditions of these secret societies. Thus, the medieval construction lodges themselves slowly became a secret society. Externally, they had certain identifying symbols and trade [art] secrets that reminded them of their work (square, compass, trowel, hammer, apron), and also a special way of greeting that was known only to the guild members. Internally, they were filled with the dark mysticism of the Middle Ages. During the Thirty Years' War the guilds fell apart, causing the medieval construction lodges to disintegrate.(to be cont.) [2] Bauhütten, meaning "builders' huts" or medieval "construction lodges" were associated with the craft of stonemasonry and cathedral building during the Middle Ages. These were both physical structures and organizations where stonemasons, architects, and other artisans worked and lived while constructing cathedrals, churches, and other large stone buildings. The Bauhütten tradition was particularly prominent in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, and it played a key role in the Gothic architectural movement. The idea of a "mystical brotherhood" tied to these masons' guilds later inspired the Freemasons who wanted to claim a link to that history when they first emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries.
>>491987286The USSR saw the interesting phenomenon of becoming less pozzed over time to the extent that they were founded on a jew-led revolution and eventually became a rather based opposition to semitic influence. Sort of the inverse of the US starting very based and becoming pozzed.
>>491987778(Cont.) In 1717, an Englishman named Sayer, under the influence of the Presbyterian preacher Jacob Anderson, brought together four remaining lodges, and he constituted this new structure under the name "Lodge" [so the English term "lodge" was introduced into the German language as "Loge"]. Thus, the first Grand Lodge was formed. From this moment on, one can trace a tight organization of International Freemasonry. The originally good spirit of operative masonry or lodges was now replaced by the dark political goals of spiritual masonry. The writers, politicians, intellectuals and Jews who now joined the new lodge distorted the good, beautiful, and entirely commendable goal of the old operative masonry. The goal of this new alliance was world domination, and political leadership of all peoples. Freemasonry went down the path of seizing world domination with purpose and design. No means were too bad or low for it, no path too dangerous. It used all means of baseness and meanness to achieve its goal. It has camouflaged itself with religiosity, charity, and has not shied away from writing nationalism on its flag when necessary.
>>491987286>>491987639>>491987825Because Russian jews were never considered jews by any other jews, they are goyimYou have to understand that Romans in their purge already genocided every single eastern jew. Dead. Gone. So it is impossible for jews to come from Byzantine to Russia as Hitler claimedThey were arabs and tatars. Semites, but not jews. Arabs who converted to Judaism, but not ethnic jews.That is why Putin is so based despite Russia having supposedly a lot of so called jews in the governmentBecause they are not real jews! They were always goyim judaists converts
>>491987286Freemasonry was born out of an alliance between English protestants (i.e. Cromwell) and sephardic jews. Communism is wholly jewish and represents a more refined and thorough application of talmudic ideology, leaving no room for gentile subversion. Basically stage 2 cancer.
>>491987936Basically, all lodges in the world are somehow integrated into the organization of official world freemasonry, openly or covertly, and this world freemasonry and thus all lodges of the world are; firstly, international,secondly, anti-religious, especially anti-Christendom, andthirdly, the leadership lies exclusively in the hands of Talmudic Jewry.All lodges in the world are in some way subordinate to the central Jewish leadership. No lodge can be exempt from this, no matter how Christian or nationalistic it may [appear to] be. Freemasonry is more dangerous than Jewry itself precisely because the Jew has camouflaged himself in Freemasonry, and because the Aryan Jewish slaves are particularly dangerous when they use their Aryan characteristics, of courage, determination, loyalty and sacrifice, in Freemasonry to fight for world Jewry.(to be cont.)
>>491988160(Cont.) The great Masonic author Lennhoff writes in his defence work, which is recognised by all lodges: "Freemasonry is either universal or it is not." The Masonic author Gaedicke explains: "The whole world is just one lodge." The well-known free thinker and Masonic author Horneffer in Munich writes: “Freemasonry in all countries and continents forms a whole. Anyone who joins a legally constituted lodge, not matter where it may be, thereby becomes a member of the entire federation. He remains aware that he is first a human being, then a citizen." The statute book of the lodge "Zur Freundschaft" in Berlin, in the chapter "Constitution" stated: "There are no completely isolated lodges. Every individual lodge and every smaller association of lodges automatically joins the overall association of lodges of the whole world (Universal Grand Lodge). In the same way, the National (!?) Grand Lodge is subject to the laws of the Universal Grand Lodge."This alone should prove the international attitude of the so-called "national" German Grand Lodges. These few statements by important Masonic circles and organs, which can be increased at will, should suffice to prove the internationality of the lodges, which know no fatherland, and know no national borders.A certain group of the international Masonic lodges claims to be Christian oriented. Most German lodges belong to this so-called "Nordic" group. However, it is only a clever camouflage designed to deceive the "profane" (non-masons) about the true anti-Christian attitude of Freemasonry.
>>491987825You are a retard.
>>491988241>Translation from page 7 of "Der Aufbau":The Flagellation of Christ. Painting by the Frenchman Béraud. On the right a high-ranking Freemason with a leather apron mocking Christ. The image is intended to express the anti-Christian attitude of the Freemasons (see text on page 8.) >Painting catalogue note from Sotheby's auction house:In Jean Béraud’s Le Christ lié à la colonne, the central figure of Christ is depicted with all of the attributes of the Passion: the bloody reed and the crown of thorns, radiant halo and expression. The painting was a sensation when it was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1901. As one viewer reported at the time: “Jean Béraud represents Christ tied to the column by the Freemasons and Republicans. The old painters - Holbein in Basel, Fra Angelico in San Marco - showed Him scourged by the soldiers. Who should we believe??” (as translated from the French, “Les Salons de 1901,” La Revue de Paris, year 8, vol. 3, May-June 1901, p. 601). Béraud’s ambitious statement may be viewed as a response to France’s increasingly secular society, a subject that he explored in his Salon submissions of 1894 and 1912, each titled Le Chemin de Croix (1894, unlocated, Offenstadt no. 259; and 1912, unlocated, Offenstadt no. 260).The appearance of this painting marks an important rediscovery in Béraud’s oeuvre; it probably has not been exhibited since the Salon of 1901 and its location has remained unknown ever since.https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/19th-century-european-art-n09417/lot.70.html
>>491988309(Cont. from p. 6)In the former Masonic lodge "Lebanon of the Three Cedars" in Erlangen, there is a display case containing an apron of the 18th degree, "Chevalier Rose et Croix", on which there is a cross entwined with roses. This cross is in the process of falling. In the middle of the apron you can see the rising tablet of Moses. This is supposed to symbolize the victory of Judaism over Christianity (see picture on page 6).In the same lodge there is a print of the painting by the French painter Beraud, who was a Freemason, depicting the Flagellation of Christ. In the right background you can see a high-ranking Freemason, wearing a leather apron and lodge ribbon with medals, raising his hand threateningly against Christ, and urging the executioners to flagellate Him (see p. 7). This depiction in and of itself could not be sufficient proof of the lodge's hostility to Christianity, but the fact that this anti-Christian painting was displayed in the lodge is a clear indication of the anti-Christian attitude.Wherever the Freemasons gained political leadership, they used it to commit violence against Christianity, as seen in the great French Masonic Revolution in 1789, where they elevated "reason" to the status of a goddess, as did the Italian Grand Masters Garibaldi and Mazzini in Italy in the last century, as did the Jewish and Jewish-servant Freemasons Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, etc. in Russia, the Masonic governments in Mexico, Spain, Hungary (Bela Kun), Greece (Venizelos), etc.The evidence for the hostility of the lodges to religion can be multiplied at will. But anyone who is not enlightened by these authenticated statements and facts is incorrigible. The Jew, Brother Dr. Gustav Karpeles, wrote in the commemorative publication of the Bnei-Brith Order (the purely Jewish lodge group) in 1902: “The idea of Freemasonry arose from Judaism; its founder is considered to be King Solomon, who saw Israel at its highest; ... "(...to be cont.)
>>491988370(Cont.)"...an important part of its customs relates to the Solomonic temple building, the words and designations are largely taken from Hebrew."In 1914, the chairman of the German Grand Lodge Association, which included all Grand Lodges, including the so-called national ones, was the Jew Cohn. The ritual of all lodges in the world is entirely Jewish. The Protestant preacher Habicht had to declare in court: "... I must further admit that the ritual of our Grand Lodge (and this is one of the so-called national Grand Lodges of Germany. The author. [insert from the author of Der Aufbau]) contains Jewish elements." All secret words, passwords, etc. are taken from the Hebrew language.In the 9th degree of the great regional lodge of Prussia (one of the so-called national lodges), the brother must undergo the so-called blood ritual upon admission. Blood is taken from the candidate's thumb of the right hand and poured into a chalice. Drops of blood from all the brothers who have reached this degree are kept in glass prisms. The drops of blood are dried. Wine is then poured into the glass prism, the dried blood is dissolved and poured into the chalice. The person being admitted must drink some of this blood mixed with wine. He has now drunk the blood of all his brothers who have reached this high degree. Drops of blood from the President of the Illuminati Order, the Jew Weisshaupt, who prepared the French Revolution, are supposedly kept in such a glass prism. These are therefore thoroughly Jewish cult acts, to which the German Freemasons have submitted in the same way as those of the rest of the world. (See also p. 24.)(…to be cont.)
>>491988472(Cont.)The blood ritual is reminiscent of one of the songs of the Jewish prophet Joel, which was directed against Egypt. The end of the song is: "But Judah shall be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem throughout all generations, and I will not remove their blood from the blood of the LORD, and the LORD shall dwell in Zion." This song is expressly referred to when the blood ritual is performed. Several such blood prisms were confiscated during the National Socialist revolution.When the great distress signal is used, all Freemasons in the world call out: "Come to me, you children of the tribe of Naphtali." Naphtali is one of the tribes of the Jews. This means that the Freemasons refer to themselves as Jews. The leather apron worn by the Mason is reminiscent of the clothing of the high priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. The Masonic writer Gloede gives the meaning of the apron skin. In Exodus, chapter 28, verses 42 and 43 it says: “…and you shall make him linen garments to cover the flesh of his private parts from his loins to his thighs, and Aaron and his sons shall wear them when they go into the tent of meeting
>>491988537or approach the altar, to minister in the holy place, lest they bear their iniquity and die." Goede, this important and recognized Masonic writer, draws particular attention to this passage in the Book of Moses.But the fact that many lodges are run particularly by Jews is evidence of the Jewish servitude of the lodges. In the Masonic lodge "Lebanon of the Three Cedars" in Erlangen, 18 percent of the members were Jews, although there are only about ten Jewish families in the city, which has a population of 31,000.Only a few Jews will be mentioned who were zealous leaders of lodges. In Italy, the notorious Mayor of Rome "Ernesto Nathan", the Foreign Minister Sonnino, who brought Italy into the World War, in Austria, the Grand Master Dr. Karl Ornstein, the Deputy Grand Master Dr. Adolf Kapralik, the Grand Orator Dr. Emil Franke, the Grand Orator Dr. Gustav Spieler, the Grand Orator Eduard Zinner, the Grand Archivist Heinrich Glücksmann. So almost the entire official staff of the Grand Lodges are Jews.In America, the Vice President Marshall (high-ranking freemason of the Scottish Rite), the president of the American Labor League, Samuel Gompers, Morgenthau, the American Secretary of the Treasury. In Belgium, Paul Hymanns, the Belgian foreign minister and president of the League of Nations, in France, Millerand (his grandfather was called Cahen) was the French Prime Minister, the revolutionary Prime Minister Kurt Eisner, also Leviné Nissen, the hostage murderer, all the ministers of the council government in Munich. In Hungary, Bela Kun, the mass murderer, etc.(…to be cont.)
>>491988472>>491988370So what's your interest in the craft?
>>491988613(Cont.)Hardly any other political organization has understood better how to camouflage and deceive, through a tangle-web of systems, than world Freemasonry led by Jewry.In an essay that is only intended to be an introduction to the international structure of this dangerous order, it is impossible to describe the various systems and connections in detail, and so it must be done in a simplified manner giving a basic overview. According to ritual or custom, Freemasonry is divided into different systems:First, the Eclectic Rite, which was derived from Modern English;Second, the Old English with its subsystems, the Fessler Rite, Schröder Rite, and neutral systems;Third, the York Rite, the so-called American system, again with a series of subsystems, such as the ritual of New York, Ireland, England, Scotland, etc;
>>491988655Fourth, the old and accepted Scottish Rite with its subdivisions and systems; the French, English, Rectified Scottish Rite, in which the "strict observance" is particularly emphasised; Fifth, the Misraïm and Memphis Rites. In addition, there is the purely Jewish system of the B'nai B'rith lodges, and the most diverse types of lodges, such as the Druid Order [United Ancient Order of Druids], the so-called lodge of the common man, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Rechabites [Independent Order of Rechabites], a temperance order, etc.The external form of the association of Freemasonry is the lodge; usually a registered association, presented as harmless, supposedly serving charitable purposes, rejecting political discussions, in other words, the external form created to deceive the public, the non-masons, the so-called profane.The lodges are grouped into Grand Lodges and Lodge Associations. The German lodges can be divided into the following groups:The so-called Old Prussian Grand Lodges:1. The Grand National Mother Lodge "The Three Globes"2. The Grand Lodge of Prussia.3. The Great National Lodge of Freemasons of GermanyAll three Grand Lodges were based in Berlin. They all boldly claimed that they were national.(…to be cont.)
>>491988724(Cont.)The so-called humanitarian lodges:1. The Grand Lodge of Hamburg. (This Grand Lodge was the founder of the Serbian Grand Lodge, which in turn prepared the Assassination [of Archduke Franz Ferdinand] at Sarajevo that led to the World War. It was also the first Grand Lodge in Germany to accept Jews into its ranks.)2. The Grand Mother Lodge of the Eclectic Freemasonry in Frankfurt am Main. (This Grand Lodge was probably the most dangerous in Germany; it maintained the most active international relations.)3. The Grand Lodge “Zur Sonne” (Bayreuth), which also has maintained very close international relations.4. The National Grand Lodge of Saxony, at Dresden.5. The Grand Lodge ‘Concord’ at Darmstadt.6. The Grand Lodge ‘Freimauererbund’ at Nuremberg.7. The Grand Lodge ‘Chain of German Brotherhood’ at Leipzig (with five independent lodges).However, this external form is not the determining (or important) factor in Freemasonry.The secret upper degrees were particularly important; there the political leaders worked in secret. They sat in the secret higher degrees, but they also appeared in the lowest degrees as "harmless" masons. There they listened, influenced the little mason, worked quietly and inconspicuously. [3]
>>491988635“The craft” is subversion and enslavement of non-members. All people should be interested in their hostile activities and all attempts to spread awareness of such should be made.
>>491988770In the secret upper degrees, however, the great world politics were decided, the great decisions were made, causing world war and revolution, serious crimes committed, murders of opponents, princes and politicians who had become unpopular, but also the murder of traitors and disobedient people. [3]The more important and significant a Freemason is, the higher his rank is, i.e. the Freemasons have divided their brothers into different ranks!A distinction is made according to levels of rank: Johannismaurerei (St. John's Masonry or Johannes Masonry), Andreasmaurerei (St. Andrew's Masonry, or Andreas Masonry), Hochgradmaurerei (High Degree Freemasonry) and purely Jewish Freemasonry.Johannismaurerei has three degrees - Lehrling (Entered Apprentice), Geselle (Fellow Craft or Journeyman) and Meister (Master Mason); Andreasmaurerei has thirty-three degrees. The highest degree is entitled "Souveräner General Großinspekteur" (Sovereign Grand Inspector General). Walther Rathenau, the notorious Jewish-German Foreign Minister was a 33rd degree Freemason. High-grade Freemasonry has a varying number of degrees and levels; for example, the Scottish system, which was in use in Germany, has three levels. The first level is made up of the three degrees of Johannismaurerei - Lehrling, Geselle and Meister; the second level is made up of three degrees of Andreasmaurerei;(…to be cont.)
>>491988797You have been reported to the grand puba
>>491988828(Cont.)The third level is made up of enlightened or real Stewardlogen (Steward lodges) with four degrees. Above these degrees are the so-called secret degrees, whose holders were not known to the upper and lower masons by name or rank. These secret superiors were responsible for politics; they controlled the economy, religious societies, and the organs of the state. No one knew them and no one knew of their sinister work. [3]Freemasonry has been extraordinarily adept at camouflaging its superiors, and using them to influence and control the lodges. High-ranking Freemasons were active in lower-ranking lodges, as apprentices or journeymen, without the brothers knowing of their high degree, and were able to exercise their influence in secret.After the National Socialist revolution, and with it the confiscation of the masonic lodges and properties, which finally gave a large circle of 'profane' people an insight into the customs of the lower degrees of Freemasonry, these rituals were ridiculed. It was hard for the German people to believe that fellow Germans had given in to such a mummery. [3] Translators note. The author is using past tense, as the Masonic lodges in Germany at this point in time during the Third Reich had been closed, however, the Freemasonic lodges outside of Germany and German occupied Europe were, of course, still operating and continuing to plot against Europe and the White race, as they still do today.
>>491989022However, one should not only see the rituals of Freemasonry as laughable or to be ridiculed, but to also view it as an extremely serious matter. The Freemasons perfect two things in their rituals: they train their brothers to be silent, and secondly to be fearless in the face of death. They should be able to unscrupulously eliminate traitors or opponents.The rituals of each degree serve these purposes. Apart from the Jesuit Order, there is no other organization, no other secret society in the whole world, that has succeeded to such an outstanding degree in training its members to secrecy as Freemasonry, and this is the reason why Freemasonry is so dangerous. Freemasonry is a secret society that even prevents state authorities from seeing its secrets.When the candidate, the "seeker", enters a masonic lodge, and specifically the 1st degree - the apprentice degree, he has to endure strange initiation ceremonies. He is blindfolded immediately upon entry, so that he cannot orient himself about the rooms or his surroundings (and what is going on). In a semi-dark reception room, he has to take off his left shoe, bare his right knee, take off his blazer and waistcoat, remove all metal objects, expose his breast (so that no woman can sneak in) and then blindfold himself (see picture on page 32). He is then led to the temple, the meeting place of the masons; his steadfastness is tested and tried on the way. In the temple he has to undertake the so-called apprentice journey, i.e. he is led three times around a carpet on which the entrance to the temple of King Solomon and the ...
>>491989073...symbols of Freemasonry are depicted. Finally, he must kneel down in front of the altar with bare knee and take the Freemason oath. A few decades ago, the oath contained a ceremonial script according to which the candidate was threatened with death under horrific circumstances if he broke the oath (tongue ripped out, throat cut, reminiscent of the Jewish slaughter, burning, etc. See picture on page 24). As seen from the masonic lodges’ secret instructions, the state authorities were deceived that this ceremonial script was allegedly abolished as an oath. In fact, this old oath is read out to the candidate when he takes the new oath, so that this is only a formal legal safeguard. After taking the oath, the sash is removed and the dagger and sword are drawn against his chest, which in turn are intended to remind him of the danger a traitor faces. And now the brother is "accepted" into the chain of brothers that encompasses the Freemasons of the entire world. He is initiated into the secrets of his degree, i.e. he is taught in particular the secret identification symbols; secret word, secret grip, secret sign and secret password. After the Master of the Chair has finished these lengthy ceremonies, the brothers gather in the large dining room; a large fraternal meal, which usually lasts until the early hours, concludes the seeker's first night in the lodge.(…to be cont.)
>>491989132(Cont.)After half a year, he becomes a Geselle (Fellow Craft or Journeyman). The "Geselle" ceremonies are not particularly important. After three years, he can reach the degree of "Meister" (Master Mason). The "Meister" candidate must again endure eerie ceremonies that are carried out in the master lodge. He must lie down next to a coffin; in some lodges the candidate has been laid inside the coffin and the coffin lid closed, while other lodges have been known to place a skeleton inside the coffin. After two failed attempts by designated "Meisters", the "Meister" symbolically brings the candidate back to life. The "Meister" candidate is supposed to symbolize the slain builder of Solomon's Temple, Hiram Abiff. (See pictures on p. 20/21.). So, he moves through increasingly difficult ceremonies to higher degrees. He has to wander through hell, a large hall in which corpses and skeletons lie around. (Howling and gnashing of teeth are artificially created.) He must symbolically murder an opponent with a dagger; of course, the candidate does not know whether the stabbed person was a real opponent or not. The candidate was never allowed to see the victim. In most cases, a shaved lamb or a shaved ram with a bandaged mouth was carried in behind a curtain, so that the deception is well represented.
>>491989166In dark corridors, he must find the Acacia, the figure of silence. (Picture p. 16.) - Only in the secret upper degrees is he made familiar with the politics of Freemasonry. There a few men decide the fate of the entire world. In one of the secret degrees the master wears a sash, on which a double-headed eagle is embroidered, and above the eagle is written "ordo ab chao", the ultimate goal of Freemasonry. In plain English that means: "We want chaos, collapse, revolution, and in the turmoil of these times of upheaval we want to build a new empire, a new order, on a Masonic basis." (World War-World Revolution.)Freemasonry has consistently pursued this ultimate goal in a manner that astounds us, but also forces our admiration. The pathways have always been slippery, filled with blood and horror.The number of victims murdered by world Freemasonry runs into the millions. No revolution in recent centuries has taken place without the essential work of this order. The history of the French Masonic Revolution of 1789, in which the blonde nobles were slaughtered, is written in blood. 10 million deaths in the last World War [WWI] were the fault of the plague of world Jewry. The death toll from the murder of political opponents and ruling princes is enormous. The death toll of its own brothers, murdered on the orders of the secret avengers, is also enormous.(…to be cont.)
>>491989211(Cont.)Freemasonry has so much experience and practice in the destruction and murder of its opponents, and of its own brothers who have become unpopular, that such murders are rarely ever solved. Freemasonry, with the aim of establishing political world domination by the Masonic Order, should be regarded as a dangerous entity to the state for this reason alone. But since it tries to achieve this goal through wars and revolutions, through murder and sedition, the state organs have a duty to defeat Freemasonry wherever it is found. In Germany, Freemasonry, through its representatives Ebert, Scheidemann, Kurt Eisner, Fechenbach, Liebknecht, Rathenau, etc., led the revolt of 1918 and plunged the German people into immense misery; above all, it fought against National Socialism, and anyone who claims that German Freemasons did not pursue politics, is either stupid or a liar.In 1932, the Brother Grand Master of a Saxon Grand Lodge sent the following circular to the leading Masters of his Grand Lodge:Dresden, January 1932.To the Br. Masters.Will the turn of the year also bring a turning point in our destiny? Will we finally be able to find hope again or will the terrible decline continue?
>>491989252This key question arises in all of us, and is answered very differently depending on temperament and mood. No one can say anything for sure here. We are forced to keep waiting. There is no question that this waiting is extremely exhausting. A heavy burden, a deep anxiety lies on and within us today. A mood of despair breaks through in many places, and desperate steps are not rare. This is fertile ground for radicalism of every kind, for irrationality, for violence. All of this has eaten deep into our German people. Serious psychological damage is visible everywhere. As understandable as all of this is, these abnormal reactions, which threaten to destroy our national organism from within before the external disaster has completed its work, are nonetheless useless. The danger of a civil war in our over-excited country is enormous; the spectre of the powerful, anti-cultural National Socialism looms before us, threatening to destroy all the hard-won freedoms, without which there would be no true personality. The Medieval spirit and belief is about to descend upon us, it wants to force through demands that it can no longer achieve in the free play of forces. For far too long the liberal associations have hesitated to unite, and to take up with determination a fight that is not only about their existence, but in truth about humanitarian culture. Back to barbarism is the cynical slogan of these groups, who would like to see the old ideal of the power state, the old patriarchalism, the militarism in its most unspiritual form, back on the throne. In these circumstances, without prejudice to any and all party-political neutrality, it is clear what the duty of the freemason is:
>>491989337To fight with all his strength, with all his determination, and with a determination to the death for the ideals that alone make life worth living. The passage in our ritual: "Are you prepared to seal all this with your death?", which no longer seemed to fit our times, could actually become a reality, and reveals its seriousness.This will probably be less in defence of Freemasonry itself, which may require the sacrifice of one's life, and more about the defence of the universal human rights that are dear to all free and intellectual individuals. Or should the instinct-driven evil spirit, in its hysterical exaltation, be allowed to boast of the willingness of its supporters to make sacrifices? Should the good inspire less enthusiasm than the bad?Even in the most agitated times, the Brother Freemason will not commit any act of violence against political opponents, but he will participate with determination in the defence against terrorists, he will courageously stand up for his ideals where it makes sense, and fight against nonsense wherever he finds it.My brothers, our life is difficult today. But we cannot overcome it with fearfulness. The responsibility for the times to come lies in our hands. If we allow the barbarism of the Middle Ages to triumph once again, the night of ignorance and superstition will descend upon our people.(…to be cont.)
>>491989398(Cont.)We must acquire the values that we inherited from our forefathers in order to truly possess them. Only then will we become aware of their value and realize what we possessed, at the moment when we are in danger of losing everything. Freedom and humanity, my brothers, are in grave danger today! I, as your current Grand Master, give the great distress signal to all of you! Work hard and stand your ground (fulfil your duties)! Join the units to protect the constitution, to fight for freedom. The Iron Front is waiting for you, my brothers! There is still time, there is still room for determined bands of fighters! Do your duty, remember your oath, give me the Master's sign!With brotherly greetings and regards,Yours faithfully, Br. Dr. Max Seber, Grand Master.In view of all these facts, must we not admire the long-suffering and patience shown by the National Socialist state towards the Masonic lodges?
>>491988262Worthless uninteresting post that adds nothing and falls in with the rest of memeflaggotry and ragebait on this site.
Great thread. Will bookmark and read later.
>>491988262Everyone who supported NATO and west in the cold war deserves what they get now, hordes of pajeets and trannies. I for one will pass on that offer
>>491989447One should not have been surprised if the National Socialist state, realising the danger posed by Jews and Freemasonry, had permanently neutralised all the leaders of the lodges for its own safety. This is certainly what the leader of the Italian state, Duce Mussolini, did. The leaders of the lodges languish on lonely islands in the Mediterranean under almost "unbearable" conditions. The German Freemasons would be particularly grateful to the state. But anyone who knows and observes the former Freemasons, at least some of them, knows that at the decisive moment they will again be on the side of our enemies, that they will never give up their contact and ties with their international brothers.The fact that the external organization of Freemasonry in Germany is finally over is to be welcomed, because what purpose should Freemasonry serve?Charity? The National Socialist state, together with the NSDAP, created the enormous Winter Relief Fund for this purpose with far greater success. What does it mean when a lodge, whose members represented capital of many hundreds of millions of Reichsmarks, clothed several confirmands and communicant children every year?Religiosity? Don't we already have enough religious societies that ask who is to blame for so many fratricidal conflicts in Germany? Don't we have enough mysticism in these religious societies?Social activity?Isn't it time to do away with all the regulars' tables ("Stammtisch" [4]), the exclusive bourgeois and other circles and societies, that have only torn the people apart and separated them from one another. No one who seeks and wants a national community will regret that the lodge has disappeared as a social form.[4] A "Stammtisch" is a recurring, informal meeting of a group of people, often friends or colleagues, who gather at a designated table (often reserved for them) at a pub or café to talk and socialize regularly. These meetings can cover a variety of topics.
>>491989658But if the purpose of the lodge was to cultivate internationalism, love of humanity and brotherhood, secret mysticism and even pacifism, then it cannot have any right to exist in a National Socialist Germany.With the final dissolution of all former Masonic lodges, Freemasonry in Germany has of course not been destroyed, it has only lost a battle, and will learn from this defeat, will gather and continue to work in secret.Before us lies the resolution to dissolve the Grand Mother Lodge of the Eclectic Freemasonry in Frankfurt am Main. With tearful eyes, the Grand Master has recommended the dissolution of the Grand Lodge to his brother Masons, and has given them the freedom to act with regard to their individual lodges. This resolution, which looks like the dissolution of the Grand Lodge, and is viewed as such by outsiders, only mentions suspension. It is hoped and expected that the National Socialist state will also be overcome [5]. But Jews and Freemasons will never succeed in overcoming this National Socialist state, if the old party members and all those who are conscious of their German blood stand together and keep a watchful eye.Freemasonry is an international danger, particularly dangerous for National Socialist Germany, because world Jewry and Freemasonry are like fire and water to National Socialism. We are not fighting the individual Freemason, but the international organization.[5] This passage reflects a historical moment when a Masonic Grand Lodge in Frankfurt faced dissolution during the era of National Socialism in Germany. The mention of "suspension" suggests that the Masonic community hoped for a return to normalcy after the regime was gone.
>>491986872>We can see how thoroughly this magazine and the knowledge about the Freemasons has been censored. Not only is the knowledge today forgotten, but the information was not shared outside of Germany at the time, the history and records of this entire publication has been scrubbed from the internet.THIS is the silent war, that has been ongoing since at least 2001.The Internet Archive has been absolutely assaulted,and is now only a shadow of its former self.When Alex Jones made viral the phrase "Information War" he did not realize the dual meaning.1. Contemporary News and Events2. PREVIOUS News and Events from history being eradicated, by scrubbing the Source materials.Objectively, that's a crime against humanity on par with any coup, invasion or war crime.
>>491989879Regarding the pictures on pages 20 and 21: The rites of the Johannislogen (St. John's Lodge or Johannes Lodge), like the "Perfektionslogen" and "der Kapitalgrade", are based on the Jewish biblical era. They revolve around the figure of the temple builder Hiram Abiff, who was killed during the construction of Solomon's temple. The freemason to be promoted is symbolically killed and then brought back to life. All the charlatanry that was practiced in the various lodges, with certain deviations caused by the various rites, seems like carnival booth magic to people with healthy instincts. [6] The Talmud was available in almost all Freemason libraries (see also page 26, caption and front page). [6] This passage is discussing the symbolic practices within certain Masonic rituals, particularly those associated with the Johannislogen (St. John's Lodge or Johannes Lodge). It also describes these practices as exaggerated or overly theatrical to those with a more grounded perspective.
>>491989953When we warn, we warn above all against the Freemasons who try to prevent the spread of knowledge about Freemasonry by combating the National Socialists who are exposing the truth. Those who honestly stand with this new state will only welcome this information, just as the former Marxist, who feels betrayed and deceived by the old system and now stands honestly with the new state, will rejoice in the knowledge about the harmful effects of Marxism.All the alliances, associations, and organizations that arose from liberalism, such as the Pan-European movement, the League for Human Rights, etc., are nothing more than disguised Jewish shock troops. And even if the rest of the world does not recognize them as such, all associations spiritually guided by liberalism, will inevitably move towards the same Jewish ultimate goal.The largest secret society known to world history, World Freemasonry, is also nothing more than an organization that ultimately merges into the Mosaic worldview.The organization of Freemasonry may have grown out of medieval guilds, but the spirit is Jewish. Over time, Freemasonry became increasingly permeated with Jewish mythology, until it eventually became what it is today: a Jewish purpose-driven alliance, that has taken its symbolism and esotericism (secret doctrine) from Jewish biblical history and the teachings of all Jewish secret sects. In the first century AD, the Jew Simon the Wise, founded the Gnostic sect from which the Cainites emerged. In the rituals of Freemasonry, Cain plays a large role alongside the Solomonic temple builder Hiram Abiff. After the Cainites came the Jewish sect of the Ebionites, who, as "Judaized Christians", practiced circumcision, accepted the Law of Moses, and sanctified the Sabbath.
>>491990032In the third century, the Jew Mani founded the sect of the Manichaeans, which was based on the teachings of Jewish Kabbalah. Their goal was the destruction of all religions, the idea of universal equality, indifference towards all human actions, and the communal ownership of property and women. All these sects had a significant influence on subsequent alliances and secret societies. Even the Order of the Knights Templar, founded in 1118, became increasingly permeated by these teachings. The order had two sets of laws: one for lower-ranking members, who worshipped the God of idealism, the invisible God, and another for the higher-ranking members, who venerated Mammon, the materialistic god. By the early 14th century, the order had developed into a morally corrupt society. Their pernicious secret teachings became known to the people, so that Pope Clement V and King Philip the Fair had to completely eradicate the Knights Templar. The last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake on March 3, 1314. To this day, Jacques de Molay is revered by the high-degree Freemasons of the world as one of the greatest Masonic role models.All of this must be mentioned to understand the essence—or rather, the malevolence—of the global secret society. Anyone who judges Freemasonry solely by its structure and organization will always draw the wrong conclusions.(…to be cont.)
>>491990093(Cont.)Germany had a multitude of lodges. Lodges of the same teaching style or doctrine formed a Grand Lodge. There are over 150 Grand Lodges in the world, which primarily operate according to the following systems:Alter und angenommener Schottischer Ritus (Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite), Englischer Ritus (English Rite) [7], Ref. schottischer Ritus (ritus moderne) (Reformed Scottish Rite (Rite Moderne)) [8], Schwedischer Ritus (Swedish Rite), Schrödersches System (Schröder System), Feßlersches System Kombiniert mit dem Schröderschen (Combining the Fessler and Schröder Systems), Eklektisches System (Eclectic System), York-Ritus (York Rite), Neutraler Ritus (Neutral Rite), Feßlersches System (Fessler System), Rektifiziertes System (Rectified Scottish System). Additionally, there are a large number of insignificant rites.However, on closer inspection, it becomes clear that, despite the differences among lodges of the lower degrees, the entire high-degree world on earth operates under a unified system: the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. It is a singular working method, a unified teaching doctrine, and—most importantly— forms a politically unified global front.(...to be cont.)[7] The English Rite in Freemasonry refers to the Masonic practices originating in England. However, the term "English Rite" is not commonly used as a distinct system in English-speaking circles. It may instead refer to the Craft Freemasonry as practiced under the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE's) jurisdiction or Emulation Ritual.[8] The Reformed Scottish Rite (also referred to as the Rite Moderne or Modern Rite) is a Masonic system with roots in the 18th century and evolved during a period of reform in French Freemasonry and was designed to simplify and modernize rituals compared to older systems like the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
>>491990167(Cont.)While the Johannismaurerei (St. John's Masonry or Johannes Masonry), which includes only the three lowest degrees, has two loose umbrella organizations in Geneva and Basel, the high-degree Freemasonry has become a tightly organized global chain through the Lausanne Confederation (Lausanne Congress of Supreme Councils of 1875). In 1875, all the then existing Masonic Grand Powers from various countries created a constitution in Lausanne, where their guidelines and principles were laid down. The entire high-degree world there received its ideological dogma and political direction. The most important result of the Lausanne Conference can be considered the regulation that only one large body of high-degree Freemasonry may exist in each country, the "Suprême Conseil" or "Oberste Rat" (Supreme Council). Only in the United States was an exception made. Here, two 'Supreme Councils' operate: the 'Northern Jurisdiction' in Boston, and the 'Southern Jurisdiction' in Washington. The latter was founded as early as 1801; it is the oldest 'Supreme Council' in the world, which is why it is also called the 'Mother Supreme Council'!(…to be cont.)
>>491990259(Cont.)In the blue or Johannisfreimaurerei (St. John's Freemasonry or Johannes Freemasonry), the system dispute raged, especially in the 19th century. This was not only to mislead outsiders, but also to conceal the ultimate goals of world Freemasonry from all brothers of the lower degrees. For one must not forget that the Johannismaurer (Johannes masons) far outnumber the high-degree world, but their only significance lies in presenting the profane masses a false image of this dark power. The "Freimaurerzeitung" (Freemason Newspaper) of May 9, 1874, tells us what the high-degree Freemason himself thinks about Johannismaurerei (St. John's Masonry or Johannes Masonry): “The Johannisstufe (Johannes grade, Blue Lodge) is necessary as a preliminary stage to the high degrees. It is also good for carrying out works of mercy. The core of our Masonic activity is in the higher degrees. There we make progress, politics, and world history. Therefore, the Scottish Rite must be preserved unabated!”
>>491989456it wont exist later, save now or you'll sleep on it>>491989897>Events from history being eradicated, by scrubbing the Source materials.who controls the present controls the past, who controls the past controls the futurealso, rather interesting polish/norwegian collab thread
>>491990319“What do we need Johannisfreimaurerei (St. John's Freemasonry or Johannes Freemasonry) for? Nothing other than to borrow their peaceful name so that we can deceive our enemies. What is the symbol for? It is to be our shield and protection on the day of battle. Nothing more. What is the purpose of all the forms of lodges? They are to hide us from our enemies when we have misfortune or need rest and to re-collect."The Johannismaurer (Johannes masons) were good at paying, good at keeping quiet, and above all, necessary for financing all crimes against the world. They put the cloak of "Christian love" or "national dignity" over the Jewish secret serpent, and with that their purpose was fulfilled.The Johannismaurer form a secure wall, so to speak, behind which the high degrees hatch their devilish plans. The high degrees of the Prussian Grand Lodges, however, only had local significance because they only extended to a few countries. They like to call themselves "national" Freemasons. But what the Grand Master of the Bayreuth Grand Lodge "Zur Sonne", Professor Bluntschli, thinks about this lodge, he has very nicely expressed in the following sentences:"For decades, the lodges have been joining together and are increasingly taking on more and more national forms, despite their purpose being international. Why? What is the point of this? We ask; for if Freemasonry has nothing to do with the fatherland, then why dress it in national forms?That would be unnecessary and irrelevant. But the good core of this development is the need for greater solidity in order to achieve a better utilization of the power of the Masonic Association... The international significance of Freemasonry is not weakened by this, but its energy and effectiveness is enhanced and elevated."(…to be cont.)
>>491990424(Cont.)Who still wants to claim that these Grand Lodges are anything other than the shock troops of the Jewish World League?Furthermore, it must be noted that the ritual of these so-called "national" Grand Lodges also has a blood mystery in the 9th degree, where the initiate to be admitted must drink the blood of those brothers who were previously admitted to the degree of "the chosen ones". A few drops of the blood of the initiate are also poured into a triangular crystal decanter, in which the blood traces of the brothers who previously belonged to this chapter are kept.
>>491989953>symbolic practicesThe Mishnah,Talmud and Kaballah assert that these rituals grant supernatural powers.See Solomon's Ring>>491990032>In the first century AD, the Jew Simon the Wise, founded the Gnostic sect from which the Cainites emerged.Ostensibly a Spoiler Sect to discredit Gnostics as a whole.>According to Irenaeus, they claimed fellowship with Esau, Korah, the men of Sodom, and all such people, and regarded themselves as persecuted by the Creator. But they escaped injury from him, because they were protected by the goddess Sophia.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsleiter_Rosenberg_TaskforceBased on the search results provided, there is no specific information about what the Nazi infiltration of Masonic lodges revealed about Freemasonry. The search results do not contain any details about findings from the confiscated Masonic archives or documents. Instead, the information focuses on the Nazi persecution of Freemasons and the propaganda efforts against them.The Nazis did confiscate large amounts of Masonic documents and artifacts:1. Between June 1940 and February 1941, the Nazis conducted raids on Masonic lodges in France, seizing archives and historical records[3].2. The Nazis created institutions to study the confiscated Masonic materials, such as an annex to Alfred Rosenberg's institute in Frankfurt[3].3. Heinrich Himmler, who directed the SS, was particularly interested in studying Masonic materials[3].However, the search results do not provide any concrete information about what, if anything, these investigations revealed about Freemasonry. The Nazi interest in Masonic archives appears to have been driven more by their ideological beliefs and conspiracy theories rather than by actual evidence found in the documents[1][4].It's important to note that the Nazi regime's views on Freemasonry were heavily influenced by pre-existing conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic ideologies, rather than factual information[1][4]. The regime used anti-Masonic propaganda to further its political goals, often linking Freemasonry to Jews and other groups they considered enemies[4].Citations:[1] https://researchportal.vub.be/en/publications/the-conspiracy-of-freemasons-jews-and-communists-analysis-of-the-[2] https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2011-08-9993/THOMAS-DISSERTATION.pdf[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gq_xmEoxG8[4] https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/freemasonry-under-the-nazi-regime
>>491990479Since these lodges have also admitted baptized Jews, there must be mixed Jewish blood in these crystal decanters. And German men have drunk from such bastard swill! The lodges would have been better off calling themselves the "Bastard Club" than the "Christian-German Order." (p. 9.)If the high-ranking Freemason Müllendorf had not had to admit the existence of this blood ritual in court in March 1932, then such a monstrosity would never have been believed possible. At this point, the words of the [bi-racial] bastard high-ranking Freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi can be quite aptly quoted when he says:"The coming man of the future must be of mixed race. For Pan-Europe, I wish for a Eurasian-Negroid race of the future in order to bring about a diversity of personality." Any comment is superfluous! As can be seen from our drawing on the inside cover, the actual Scottish lodges only begin from the 4th degree, from the "Secret Master"! This means that the Freemason steps out of the pure tranquillity of the lower degrees into a more active world. Party politics are discussed in detail. Educational issues are diligently discussed, paying particular attention to the financial support of spiritually related associations. Press articles are advised; film, theatre and radio are not forgotten, because the importance of these educational tools is only too well known.The ritual of the "Perfektionsloge" and "Kapitalgrade", like that of the Johannislogen (St. John's Lodge or Johannes Lodge), draws from the Jewish-biblical era.The whole myth here revolves around the figure of Hiram-Abiff, the temple builder who was killed during the construction of Solomon's temple.
>>491990637The Master Word that was lost in the process is no less important. The 4th degree forms a unified block with the 18th. A brother who has completed the 4th degree embarks on the journey to the 18th degree, the "Rosenkreuzritterorden" (Knight Rose Croix). Here, Masonic activity already encompasses the area of the most current domestic political issues. Tentacles are extended to the highest Reich officials and ministerial posts. The activity also extends to foreign policy matters: questions of international alliances, League of Nations matters, international women's rights, pan-European questions, etc. are at the centre of the debates. The connection with international Freemasonry is becoming increasingly stronger. After the Jewish-liberal intellectual disintegration had borne fruit in our own country thanks to the work of the "Perfektionsloge" (Lodges of Perfection), it can be said that the most decisive break in the anti-Masonic world front begins.(...to be cont.)
>>491990721(Cont.)Since the political field of activity of the "Kapitelloge" (Chapter of Rose Croix) is very large and significant, the cult action of the last degree of the ‘Chapter of Rose Croix’, the "Rosenkreuzritterorden" (Knight Rose Croix), is briefly reproduced below:The brothers who are to be promoted to the 18th degree are led by the preparatory master into a dark lodge, lit only by three candles. (This ritual act once again alludes to the mourning for the slain Hiram, and to the Master's Word that was lost with the murder.) The "wise master", the chairman of the chapter, makes three symbolic journeys through the lodge with the Rose Croix brothers accompanying him, extinguishing the candles burning on three stands: Faith, love and hope are fleeting.The Knights of the Rose Croix leave the now completely dark temple, while the candidates remain behind. Only after some time are they led back to the preparation room, where they are introduced into the history of the symbolism of the Rose Croix by the preparatory master. Blindfolded, they are then brought before the actual chapter of the Knights Rose Croix. The ceremony is now introduced with the wise master's question as to whether they have searched for and found the lost Word. Instead of answering, the preparatory master tells of their arduous search. When they had wanted to give up the search in despair, a mysterious voice whispered a word to them, which they wrote down and put in a golden capsule.
>>491987825yeah and ironically the former USSR aka Russia is less kiked than the modern day west.Pic rel
>>491990778They now bring this to the head of the chapter so that he can verify whether this Word really is the lost one. While the capsule is opened, the wise master strikes the altar seven times with his hammer, and spells out: IN RI, explaining that this word is the correct one. However, it did not mean Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, as Christianity teaches, but rather: Igne natura renovatur integra, meaning, through fire nature is renewed to purity and cleanliness!! (See pictures on p. 25.)If we completely ignore the fact that this cult act represents an unequivocal mockery of Christianity, the first question to be examined here is what the Freemason understands by the "fire" that is supposed to renew nature to purity and cleanliness. World history gives us the right answer: the fire is the world revolution, the world chaos through which he wants to achieve Jewish world domination. All revolutions on earth, with the exception of the National Socialist and Fascist ones, are entirely the work of Freemasons. And even when a revolutionary, healthy popular movement arose, the Freemason excelled at turning it around, poisoning it with his spiritual values and thus make it serve his goals. The year 1848 is a tangible witness to this. The National Socialist revolution would also have destroyed world Freemasonry through a creeping infection if it had been able to do so. Shortly after the revolt of 1934, the French "Journal des Debats" (2 July 1934) wrote the following:
>>491990821"An understanding between Germany and France is only possible with the end of National Socialism and the rise of a radical Masonic idea, which General Schleicher was commissioned to introduce into Germany."What tremendous chaos our Führer has averted from us!The workshops from the 19th to the 30th degrees are called Areopagus. The secret is increasingly being revealed. The Areopagus have to fight against prejudices. Under this, world Freemasonry understands this to mean, primarily the fight against inherited ways and race.Even the doctrine of blood and soil is considered a prejudice according to Masonic interpretation. Instead of religion, blood, race, and people, there must arise: internationalism, cultural and religious anarchy, Bolshevik atheism, pacifism, in short, the dissolution of all organic unity, the creation of a racial stew, from which we have the corpse stench of the Almighty Architect of all worlds (that is, the Jewish idol Javeh!) and if we would distill this stench we would get the Jewish morning air [translators note: meaning that Jews are behind it and the essence of it all, figuratively speaking].In the cult act of the 30th degree, the activism of the Areopagus is most forcefully anchored. The 30th degree or "Degree of Revenge" is the peak of Red Masonry. Whoever attains it is truly enlightened. The Knight Kadosh, as this degree is also called, is already a "most enlightened brother". While the legend of the murder of the temple architect Hiram plays the main role in the ritualistic teachings of the blue, the "Perfektionslogen" (Perfection lodges) and the Chapters, a new figure appears in the cult act of the Revenge Degree: the last master of the Knights Templar, Jacob de Molay.
>>491990895Upon admission this level of understanding the candidate is required to perform three sword thrusts: against the tiara as a symbol of ecclesiastical authority, against the royal crown as a symbol of state order and against the civic crown as a symbol of the people. This is training and cultivating for international cosmopolitanism, atheism and Bolshevism. The candidate to be promoted to the final level of understanding is then led to the lodge carpet, surrounded by three pillars (Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty), where he is ordered to overthrow these pillars. He hesitates initially. Only when the "Grand Chancellor" gives him the order again, and explains to him that he will then be free from the pomp of rituals, symbols and all ceremonial theatre, and will thus become a true Freemason, does he comply. That means through chaos to the all-Jewish world empire!(to be cont.)
>>491990973(Cont.)Anyone who has the 30th degree is worthy of being admitted to the highest degree, the Suprême Conseil. The Suprême Conseil, is made up of a maximum of 33 brothers of the 33rd degree, and is also known as the "Oberster Rat". As mentioned earlier, according to the provisions (regulations?) of the Lausanne Confederation, only one Supreme Council can exist in each country, except in the United States. The Supreme Council is, of course, the most decisive political power factor in Freemasonry. It conducts world politics on the grandest scale. All 36 Supreme Councils in the world make up the 300 men, of whom Brother Rathenau once said directed the destiny of the world. Each of them knows each other, but no outsider knows a single one of these 300!!! But we know that they are the international shadowy figures who want to undermine every orderly state system.Although most of the Freemasons in the world are not Jews, this organisation is the most cunning instrument of Jewry. The fact that the Jews know how to use this secret society to capture people, and exploit them as unconscious tools of a devilish society, best characterizes the inner attitude of this despicable order. The entire Jewish morality has found its clear expression here.
>>491988028Jews weren't genocided during the Byzantine Empire, they were allowed to remain living in Roman society, but were not allowed to hold positions of power and influence.
>>491991034The internal fragility and dishonesty of Freemasonry can probably be best shown by the fact that at the lower levels in the "Johannislogen" (St. John's Lodge or Johannes Lodge), the democratic principle is preached and seemingly practiced, while in the Suprême Conseil the authoritarian principle, that is, the leadership principle, prevails. This is because the leaders of the Freemasons know very well that democratic principles inevitably lead to decay! In any case, world history has never seen a more deceitful organization than Freemasonry!Final wordAfter our series of articles were published in "Aufbau", all sorts of people who find our revelations uncomfortable have tried to dismiss them as biased or untruthful. Most often, these are former Freemasons who claim they must know better, having been involved, and they argue that this or that detail is incorrect; for example, that the journeyman being elevated to the rank of master does not wear gloves during the ritual, or that he does not have a top hat on his head, etc., etc. Because this or that detail is supposedly inaccurate, they claim that everything else must also be untrue.(to be cont.)
>>491986872It would be helpful to clarify.Did German Leadership partake in said research with the premise being that these "Jews" were Khazars (not descendants by Blood of Shem)?What, if any, was the effect upon their though process or understanding as to the NATURE of the evil that they were being forced to deal with??Lest anyone reply with:"He's an apologist for the Hebrews"NO I am not.They were spawn of the Demiurge too.
Link to pdf or something?
>>491991125(Cont.)Little friend, if you come up with such things, it is clear that you have entirely missed the point of our publication. There has never been a Masonic lodge where the ritual was practiced in exactly the same way as in other lodges. Despite the common basic features, each lodge had its own particular deviations. Our aim was not to present the ritual of a particular lodge, but to present as much as possible what was common to all. And you, little friend, cannot deny that we have presented the most important aspects, no matter how hard you try to dispute it. If you were a low-ranking Mason, you yourself did not know how you were being exploited. But if you are one of the higher-ranking members, then you have every reason to feel embarrassed by our revelations and to attempt to question our credibility.If you, the reader, are genuinely interested in gaining clarity, then don't forget that in Erlangen we have the only museum of Freemasonry in the whole world, where you can personally verify that every word written here is true and that all illustrations correspond to reality. Then you will also understand that eliminating Freemasonry in Germany was not an ill-considered or random decision, but a state-political necessity to free the German people from the secret influences of an unscrupulous international band of conspirators.Published by “Der Aufbau” Berlin W 9, Linkstraße 19. Responsible for the overall content: Sans Kröger, Press Office of the DAF. Photos by Hans Bittner, Berlin. Gravure printing: Bartholdy & Klein, Berlin SW 68. Distribution point: Berlin.
>>491991089No, but they were genocided by the Roman empire prior. And not genocided like holocaust I mean exterminated, no jew was left alive, only the ones who escaped to the west prior
The medieval construction lodges, or Bauhütten, were indeed workshop organizations that emerged during the Middle Ages on cathedral construction sites[1][3]. While they were primarily focused on the craft of building, there is no direct evidence from the provided search results to support the claim that they gradually adopted customs and traditions of secret societies or became secret societies themselves.Bauhütten were organized networks of skilled craftsmen, including stonemasons, sculptors, carpenters, and others, working under the direction of an architect[1]. They formed supra-regional networks across Germany, Austria, France, Norway, and Switzerland, focusing on transmitting and preserving their knowledge through trades, festivals, and rituals[1][3].The connection between Bauhütten and secret societies like the Freemasons appears to be more of a later development. Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders of the Middle Ages, but this transformation occurred primarily in the 17th and 18th centuries[2]. The Freemasons adopted rites and trappings of ancient religious orders and chivalric brotherhoods, which were not necessarily part of the original Bauhütten tradition[2].While Bauhütten did have specific craft techniques and customary practices, these were primarily related to their work and the transmission of knowledge rather than being associated with mysticism or secrecy[3]. The UNESCO recognition of Bauhütten practices focuses on their role in preserving and transmitting traditional building techniques and knowledge, not on any connection to secret societies[3].It's important to note that the search results do not provide information about the Bauhütten adopting customs from secret societies or becoming secret societies themselves during the Middle Ages. The connection between medieval construction lodges and later secret societies appears to be more of a historical inspiration rather than a direct evolution.
>>491991162exactly bro UPLOAD IT THIS WILL JUST BE GONE AGAIN WTFNice shit but upload the shit
>>491986872Freemasons rape kids.The blue lodge (1-3) is Christianity.The middle levels (4-29) are "Egyptian" themed "European paganism" with orisis worship (Saturn aka Satan)The upper levels are luciferianism (30-33)
>>491988262seethe harder kike.
Freemasons are the ones who decided to bring African slaves to America too, so they caused the civil war as well and are responsible for our multiracial state.
>>491988890enjoy your pedophile rituals bud
>>491991333jewish-gay-pedo-occult-mafia, So awesome they had book revealing these weird groups.They are no different to the elite eunuchs of china, a bunch of perverse but powerful weirdo's holding everyone back as they obsess over boy-anus.
Any leader of a lodge who allows prayer in jesus's name can have his lodge status revoked. High level mason ceremonies involve stabbing a real uman skull wearing a tiara (representing the 12th pope) and a skull wearing a crown (representing monarchy).The largest enemies of freemasonry are monarchy and the state. They embrace Marxism and socialism.
>>491991282>Final page.Back cover "Der Aufbau".
Sam Hyde and his MDE buddies are Freemasons. Fishtank is a torture porn who where they trauma bond zoomers to build a cult then recruit the good ones into Freemasonry.Just like Freemasonry is a secret satanic religion within a secret religion, Fishtank is the screening room for recruitment.
>The largest enemies of freemasonry are monarchy
Does the audiobook of this that used to be on audible as "World Freemasonry Unvieled" still exist anywhere?
>>491991871Freemasons befriend royalty only to dismantle them. The French revolution was fully developed and executed by Freemasons.
>>491986872Excellent work, if it isn't already, can you put it together on one document and put it on Internet Archive and other library sites?
>>491992195sure, it is just a coincidence, britain good, germany bad
>>491987286no need for the shabos goy club to continue when the country is under total jewish control
The idea of flooding and overrunning Europe with non-White, non-Christians, came from the Jews and Freemasons. The idea of destroying the two last major White, Christian, homogenous nations, Russia and Ukraine, also came from Jews and Freemasons. The Rothschild supported Coudenhove Kalergi, himself a Freemason, was the main architect and instigator behind what would later become "the EU". He openly stated his Judeo-Masonic goals:Pic, written in 1944, Jews and Masons plan for Europe:>Destruction of nation-states and open borders, so the Euraisiatic-Negroid race will be the future of Europe>However, the noble Jews are different and have already become the leading group among all people [i.e. can remain pure]>Chris Langan - The Great Replacement [Kalergi Plan]https://www.bitchute.com/video/7TZ48NmR9P0u/>The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two (2022)https://youtu.be/o8_yNDyYL74?si=WW1mfeHnAxe2K07S>Freemasonry and the Luciferian Religionhttps://youtu.be/6qzphzaOAJ0?si=5Jw0TQMm1L2Zp7OM>Freemasons are Satanic Traitors to the White Race. Literallyhttps://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/414717195/
>>491992855>>491991162Original scans will be uploaded.
Boris Johnson, former UK prime minister and mayor of London stated:>"the European Court, which is itself, and all European institutions, as everybody knows, the EU is full of masons"source: https://www.london.gov.uk/who-we-are/what-london-assembly-does/questions-mayor/find-an-answer/transparency-metropolitan-police-service-supplementary-1-0
>>491986872There was a really good deep dive in an issue of der strummer too. After posting a link here the Jews got it deleted though.
>>491986872It's a shame too. Even the writing admits that at one time the purpose and group were honorable. Which you might think, as it's based on and includes many sound principles. But it's become clear that over time they hoarded information and teachings in order to manipulate others, and that their goals changed from being builders to being controllers. They don't want people to be self sufficient. They want people dependent on them and use their knowledge to maintain their special position of privilege. It's incompatible with philanthropy. On top of that, it permeates every aspect of society, their secret influence is undeniable, and yet people get 20 years of schooling without them being mentioned once. At some level, they have a hand in why justice is never carried out publicly for many crimes which have taken place, and they were involved in 9/11 and the coverup. They hold many of the keys, and they are abusing them. They lost their honor and should be honorable. Feels bad man.
The nazis kept the prussian lodges. USSR was masons too, like stalin. This is simple stuff guys.
>>491996857I think it's much bigger than Freemasonry. They are a major player no doubt, but they are just one of many recruiting grounds for something else.
>>491997022Illuminati satanism, aka sabbatean frankism, took over masonry in the 18th and 19th centuries.There are grand lodges that oversee individual lodges in their jurisdictions. The membership is formed in a hierarchy. It really is similar to our government itself but an earlier form. Masonry was initially formed in scotland, ireland and europe. That is why the two main paths are the York Rite and Scottish Rite.
Judeo-Satanic Freemasons have always had a rabid hatred for Christianity while supporting and promoting Islam in Europe as hard as they can. More here, pic and; The religious persecution in France, 1900-1906 by Brodhead, Jane Milliken Napier (1907)https://archive.org/details/religiouspersecu0000brod/mode/2up>Illustration; Construction of the ‘great’ mosque in Paris by B. Brousset, 1922Translation: Top: A Painful ContrastBottom: While three thousand Catholic churches lie in ruins in our devastated country, a mosque is being built in Paris, at great expense, from which the muezzin will send his nasal chants to the four corners of the capital.Commentaryhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Mosque_of_Paris “The Great Mosque of Paris was funded by the French state - per the law of 19 August 1920, which accorded a subvention of 500,000 francs for the construction of a Muslim Institute. This infringed upon the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State promulgating the secular nature of the government. The Great Mosque was built on the site of the former Charity Hospital (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital). The first stone was laid in 1922” and "the Grand Mosque is the largest mosque in France and the third largest in Europe."It was inaugurated on 16 July 1926, in the presence of French President Gaston Doumergue French President Gaston Doumergue was in the Radical party & a Freemason. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_Doumergue
https://odysee.com/@CHIRHO:e/Exposing-the-illuminati-from-within-WHOLE-(OLD-VERSION):bThe link above is by a ex freemason that talks about the Royal secret which is a freemasonic secret that says that you will live forever if you rape a child. If you do t have much time watch this shorter version https://x.com/judahx_/status/1862782308136190304
>>491996857No, Russia banned masonry. Nikolai Jezhov was appointed specifically to root out the so called Judeo-Masonic fifth column
>>491986872>28 posts by ONE (1) 3rd world retard where he just screeches about some bullshit he thinks he found in a propaganda pamphlet that was approved by HECKIN HITLER (WHO WAS A GOOD BOY AND DID LITERALLY NOTHING FRIGGEN WRONG) whatanabsolutefuckingfaggoti curse the names of the the swarthy arabic rogue who impregnated your whore of a mother as well as your whore mother herself for creating a retard as gay and stupid as OP.
>>491998740Thats just blatantly false
>>491999423Stalin was a mason, jews were responsible for the bolshevik revolution, and jezhov was executed like many others
Translation:Top: A Detrimental Distraction Bottom: By which one sees what powers make our parliamentarians act against France.
>>491999674Jezhov was executed for killing too many people, not all of them jews.Otherwise masons are more of a western thing. Remember George Washington
>>491999809here is a mediocre quality translation.
>>491998457>the Royal secret which is a freemasonic secretThis is really interesting to me. Crowley boasted of being a high ranking mason in many orders who knew scores of tokens, passwords and signs. He accidentally revealed this in one of his books as he wasn't aware of it. The head of the OTOA hurriedly went to the UK to initiate him when he read it so he wouldn't print it again. I think it goes deeper still, I'm sure there's worse.
>>491998457>https://x.com/judahx_/status/1862782308136190304>>492000973Oh shit I never realised this was the reference in the vids.
>>491998457This is completely correct. Not live forever, but stealing their life essence by torturing and killing them. It's just sadism and they get a dopamine rush from it. There is no life essence stealing lol.
>>492000973Not very accurate.Crowley bought defunct orders and made them his own. First with OTO then later with the golden dawn.Crowley basically went behind the golden dawns back and grabbed the copywrites to the OTO from the holders on the continent. Once he had complete control over the copywrites he used them as collateral with others. He would travel around and sell the copywrites to people and blackmail the others by threatening copywrite infringement. All because he had a bit of money and went to the continent and bought some books from a man on his deathbed.Crowley is mostly remembered for salvaging the OTO from obscurity then he is for any of his own philosophy.Somebody may have found it without his work but I have my doubts. It's crazy what a little bit of knowledge and some coins to grease the pockets can get you in the old country.
The True Enemy of the Jews and Freemasons by Achille Lemot Text says: -Well, boss, you're happy... are they fine in the House?-Pooh! Dreyfus, the judiciary, the disoriented parliament, the dirty army... I don't care much about it; it's just a pretext..... I will only be truly happy when I have defeated that enemy!
Immediately after the Judeo-Masonic French Revolution, homosexuality [sodomy], incest, bestiality etc got legalised. When the Freemasons and Jews took control, France was flooded with Judeo-Masonic sexual perverts, and degenerates, meanwhile Christian foundations, morals and influence were continually attacked and suppressed. Pics, Paris 1920s vibrant lesbian subculture blossomed, Le Monocle - Fat Claude and her Girlfriend at Le Monocle, ca. 1932 - Brassaï Le bal des Invertis au Magic-City, rue Cognac (The Magic-City drag ball, Rue Cognac), 1932 - Two Lesbian Jews from American living in Judeo-Masonic Paris (Gertrude Stein (right) and Alice B Toklas) etc.
>Original Scans01
>>492003890Incest was common in most European monarchies and there is nothing bad about it, though. It is literally destruction of family values that opposes incest, because incest inherently creates strong families
>>492005280>incest creates strong familiesNo it doesn't. It causes sexual competition within the family which weakens it. Porn sites push incest because they want to destroy families.
>>492005360porn sites don't push incest, they push interracial, which is the opposite of incest. Incest is just popular, because it is inherently white and human to partake in it, but the jew forbids you
>>492005402translated to english
>>492006097english translation>this page talks about jesuits and freemasons subverting Aryans
>>491989166>He must lie down next to a coffin; in some lodges the candidate has been laid inside the coffin and the coffin lid closed, while other lodges have been known to place a skeleton inside the coffin;Neat. The darkbrotherhood questline is just a mason initiation tribute.
>>492006863translatedTY for posting these anon.
>>491991871english royalty is totally subverted by kikes, no wonder they caused all wars in Europe
>>492007306Agree, I think if UK didn't leave the EU we would be much browner todayI mean look at London
>>492007185Thank you for the interest and bumping the thread, anon. Pic. UK Channel 4 News: Nearly all named in pedophile ring are Freemasons and they are protected.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0dHEOMI18The Police, legal system, media, and academia in the UK are totally infested and controlled by Freemasons. One investigative reporter wrote a book about it and was killed one year later, age 33, a Masonic number.See: The Brotherhood. The Secret World of the Freemasons by Stephen Knight 1984.
>>492007624I'm going to take a nap. I'll come back to the thread later and translate everything you post.
>>492005360>competition makes you weak
>>491986872We should descend upon their lodges and have all freemason traitors burnt alive at the stake
>>492007742Why you interested?Why not go after your own swedish right?
>>491986872I have only met a couple of freemasons who arent 80 plus years old, one of the managers at a company I worked for and some office worker who was the managers friend. The manager was a smart dude, athletic, and well respected. His friend was fat and smarmy, happy to have a secret shared with the manager. Neither were particularly evil or even pro Jew.
Thanks for doing these translations
>>492011889Google Translate lets you upload images. That's how I'm doing it.>>492009002translated 06
>>492010190translated 07
>>492010876translated 08
>>492011585translated 09
why are you flipping though proxies between posts ?
>>491987286It was obviously perceived that Masonry promoted British and Protestant interests, as that was the presumed majority of its membership’s makeup.
>>491991635Denmark has had freemason kings.
I'm confused. Is the dane or the pole right or both?
You'll only get those photos if they want you to see those photos.
>>492012993translated 10
>>492013654translated 11
>>492014396translated 12
I'm reading all of these. Thanks for doing this, OP
>>492016748Thank you anon.
>>49201666913 translatedThese are really good.
>>492016913Glad you like them anon.
What this book does not include what the "god", actually are, notice "gods". This goes much deeper and is much more serious than the NSDAP ever realized, maybe only top SS officers ever learn this secret.
Christians are fooled into worshiping an alien religion, all religions are alien, and the aliens choose the jews as their best goy.
>>492016748https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Eeo-82Eac8go ahead and watch this some time too
The hexagram is the Star of Remphan. Before Judaism is was the symbol of Cronos which Phoenicians sacrificed children to in a ritual named Moloch.Rempha is the ancient Egyptian name for Saturn.It's also the sign of the beast 666. Six points, six triangles, six angles. Jews are literally the seeds of Satan.The Demon Jewshttps://files.catbox.moe/wi6y1v.mp4
>>49201774614 translated
Far Right Conspiracy Theorieshttps://files.catbox.moe/tr67dg.mp4
>>491986872Youtube videos saying the Masons are behind everything get millions of views.Videos saying the Jews are behind it all get taken off the platform. I wonder which one is true.
The "deep state", has the ability to teleport like in star trek and the freemasons likely have a secret space program, making total dominion of earth with the aliens help very easy, our only hope is rescue from imperial germans. Or total awakening.
>>492017956they are the same,, but jew is still a racial group while freemasons choose to join
>>491987369>Freemasonry is an international organization led by world Jewry, and completely subservient to world Jewry, with the political goal of giving Jewry world domination.worth repeating
There is a "Legion", that the masons work for, it is the basis for all their symbols, this legion is on earth or on the way, we are likely seeing this legion in the skies above the united states as the deep state agreement ends in 2025. The legion is only interested in trying to farm us, no negotiation is possible with the legion.
>>492017956>which is itsee >>491999809freemasonry is a jewish front for capturing gentile institutions and governments (((legally)))
>>491998917we get it, you're jewish
Thread archive>Revealed World Freemasonry - Translated (NSDAP 1935)https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/491986872/
>>492018813He was getting a stiffy typing that one out.
>>492019276> In line with the first part of this quotation is the following excerpt from an editorial by Dr. Isaac M. Wise,2 in The Israelite for August 3, 1855 :>Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from the beginning to the end, with the exception of only one by-degree and a few words in the obligation
>Hitler hated freemasonsNo... just those of the scottish rite.The york rite, and the bavarian illuminati were actually his masters.In case you didn't notice yet.. The is a rivalry between different rites
>>492018039Jews also choose to be jewish at the end of the day. They have free willSo there is no difference between a freemason and a jew
>>492019862wrong, jews are born evil, its in their blood.
>>492019717translated 15
>>492019553the FBI is jesuit though
>>492019910>jews don't have free willRetarded
>>492020994okay kike
holy fr*cking based. just ignore hitler rising to power on 1/30/1933 and ordering his followers to go to "hirschfeld"'s office and do a "book burning" on 5/6 of the year '33 to follow the script he was given because those are also 56 in numerology
>>492021041You are a jewish mason lmaoAlso>Israel calling me a kike
>>491986933>Liberty equality fraternityDirectly from the protocols. Pic very related
>>492020911translated 16
>>491987286The Bolshevik freemasons (Grand Orient) had already taken power, they were from then on in total control.
>>491988028Putin is as satanic as Soviet Russia.
>>492022914>>492022757Shut up retard. >if you ban freemasons you are controlled by them>if putin is antisemite he is obviously a jewJust shut up and go supprt ukraine in a pride parade subhuman
>>492022016Thank you.Pic>TranslationThe demolition contractors [of France] Short-sighted: -Have nerve old comrade! …[between] the two of us, we will manage to demolish this old shack, brick by brick.France: - “Yes, if I continue to let it happen! >Commentary: We see here Jews and Freemasons are working together, they are working to destroy traditional true France [the bricks being demolished are labelled]; “fortune", “faith”, “fatherland”, “discipline”, “trust”, “work”, “fraternity”, “honour”, “credit” etc. Without these foundational stones the house [France] will fall apart.
>>491986872Brilliant thread anon Thanks happy Christmas
>>492023200France has all the based political comics about Freemasons.
>>491986872BumpGreat thread and effort lads. Saved your images.
>>491988472>Blood mixed with wineThey did this after child sacrifices to the flames of moloch.They would have orgies and drink wine mixed with blood.
>>492023567>France has all the based political comics about Freemasons.Agreed anon, have a good weekend.>>492024080You're welcome, appreciate the bump fren.
>>492020911>Final page17The End. Goodnight everyone and Merry Christmas :)
>>492024570>>492024653Have a good Christmas! translated 17They really don't like women!
>>492024865another good translated freemason comic.
This is still the best and most to the point one.
>>492021222This number obsession shit is so fucking cringe. lol
>>491999855>Checks handYou have no fucking idea your countries history with masonsThey fucked you upLook at marx's hand
>>491989166>In most cases, a shaved lamb or a shaved ram with a bandaged mouth was carried in behind a curtain, so that the deception is well represented
>>492026656It’s jewish gematria, a primordial version of modern economics.
>>492026656Yeah, it seems schizo until you spend some time understanding it. The number thing is legit. It's part of "the Craft."
>>491998917Show flag.
>The Supreme Council is, of course, the most decisive political power factor in Freemasonry. It conducts world politics on the grandest scale. All 36 Supreme Councils in the world make up the 300 men, of whom Brother Rathenau once said directed the destiny of the world. Each of them knows each other, but no outsider knows a single one of these 300!!! But we know that they are the international shadowy figures who want to undermine every orderly state system.
>>492033176Religious system as well. Freemasons undermine monarchy and religious authority. They claim enlightenment but are the most base anarchist, marxist, communist socialists in existence.
>>492033383evil to the core....
>>491987639This, they knew that opposition would inevitably arise as it does for nearly everything, but if they created the opposition first and funneled all dissenters into it, they would easily control them and keep them harmless
>>492033797>game's story starts with the destruction of the statue of liberty, a freemason symbol of the success of the french revolution and defeat of the UK crown by Americans>the gray death, a disease is ravaging the world, the vaccine doesn't cure it, but halts progression>ivermectin halts spike protein (chitin) production in people who are vaccinated, which is a temporary fix for a permanent ailment. Chitin/spike protein is what is applied to soldier quick-clot bandages for gunshot woundshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6725140/:^)
>>491991192dude, no human can read whats in your pics. its some sort of third world snownigger language.
>>491987286USSR started as a Jewish revenge fantasy on the Russian people but over time it became too chaotic and they lost control, until the point where Stalin took power and executed them/exiled them if they didn’t totally submit to him.
>>491986872whatever this is you should be putting it up on archive.org instead of posting it on 4chan where it'll disappear in a sea of shit in under an hour
bump again, this is an important thread and must be kept alive.
>>492035215>archive.orgpee to poo
>>492035327There's a good song about the Seychelles Islands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahwx9evnrdo
>>491988472>In 1914, the chairman of the German Grand Lodge Association, which included all Grand Lodges, including the so-called national ones, was the Jew CohnCan anyone decipher which Cohn this refers to? a first name?
>>492036125>CohnIt's anuddah Cohen
Don't forget the Astor family.One of THE ThirteenAlso a high ranking mason.
Where is the Hiram Abiff schizo idiot ,is he still here? (I havent read the thread yet)
>>492016913>>492017848>>492019940>>492022084>>492025784very, very nice. THANK YOU.how are you translating these scans btw?
>>492037092This is what I want to know so I can translate the Sun of Gnosis from Arabic.
>>492023097I hope russkie vodka addicts invade your fake gay countrry.
Good thread so far
>>492023097putin is a jew you fucking femboi retarded shit, his mother is a jew.
>>492036568Thirteen? Which bloodlines do you speak of?>>492037092>>492037146Google translate supports images and web pages. I was drunk and didn't realize OP was posting much higher quality edited images side by side with the same method.Either way it's good to have fully translated edited pages in addition to the original/translation side by side OP had. There is no wasted time against the Freemasons.
>>492037335Putin's mother's grave
>spirit of the ageI knew I heard that somewhere
>>492037478>Google translate supports images and web pages. I was drunk and didn't realize OP was posting much higher quality edited images side by side with the same method.>Either way it's good to have fully translated edited pages in addition to the original/translation side by side OP had. There is no wasted time against the Freemasons.thank you anon>>492037588nta anon but>jews can't convert to christianity or be crypto
>>492037588 So what? Half of the jews are crypto kikes. Her first name literally Shalom in slavic you snownigger.
>>492037691UHHHH I don't want to click cia.gov .pdf links.I'll at least mention the CIA says scalar wave tech is literally Tesla's lossless wireless energy transfer technology. They also recognize higher dimensions above the 3rd (space) and 4th (time.) The gateway process is possibly proof consciousness exists on higher dimensions than the material.>>492037829The Jew's biggest weapon is literally claiming "occultist" Christians who know their ways are Jews. There's some theological humor when the worst insult you can call your enemy, is yourself.
>>491986872>>491986933I'm already lost. Are you same?
>>492037833Go back to pissrael
>>491988028>Because they are not real jews! They were always goyim judaists convertsYou sound jewish.
>>492037839Hey norwegian spastic autist, nobody is gaslighting. Learn languages and combine 1+1, then talk to me you illiterate fuck. We literally deported like 50k kikes during WW2. On the other hand you were part of the Allies and probably have like 100x more jews than us. The chance of me being JIDF is lower than you by a lot, so gtfo with your copium.
>>492037839you know my plumber hit like 1/3 of this bingo card, he had an ulcer, divorced, too many kids, his knees hurt, he didn't like religious peoplei got what i paid for tho, so props to him
>>491986872There was also a high ranking French Mason who defected to Germany, he made a movie exposing Freemasonary. After the war the allies had him executed.
>>492038180Stop derailing thread, like seriously if you got nothing to contribute to the topic fuck off with your /uhg/ garbage, you faggots have an hourly containment thread for this reason, now get the fuck out
>>492038075Is Putin your best friend or sugardaddy? Why do you defend him so much without any argument? Throwing personal attacks towards me won't help femboi snownigger. Putin is a literall jew and you can't change that fact. Sorry that you are proven wrong, you are not the brightest crayon eater in the world. Don't make me hate Norway because of your stupidity.
>>492038293Oh so you are an american who loves sucking putin's dick and russia, without even being there?
>>492038356shills are shills. no reasoning with anyone who thinks [insert contemproray politician] is heckin' based
>>492038262So you agree with this statement?>they are not real jews! They were always goyim judaists convertsIt looks like a classic jewish mitosis.
>>492038455Everyone contributing to derailing thread topic over jewkraine or arguing about Putin are shills or just stupid pieces of shit that are the cancer that should kill themselves.Don't be that guy
>>49203845599.999% of them are vodka niggers with VPN, I am aware. Nobody from Norway is a fan of Russia or Putin. Only 'real' fans are degenerate hungarians and serbs due to the major pro russia propaganda there.
>>492038755You are not a vodka nigger, just a euronigger kike
"the illuminati" are just masons by another name, they claim they were infiltrated, but thats them trying to deceive people as to continue existing without being persecuted. they were behind the russian, french and american revolutions. and i believe the masons were ultimately operating out of europe. switzterland, rome, london. and revolution is how they destroyed the old systems to replace them with the new. enter Babylon 4.0 AKA the USA. brilliantly designed with even more mind fuckery and philosophy. a two party system and the illusion of self governance and freedom. to lock people in a "dream" that they won't try and wake from. masons were on both sides of the american civil war, they're always playing both political parties. the same people who started the KKK.. all that fun stuff. and theres been branches in russia as well, no doubt about it. im sure they have members all around the world, even in the arab world. that place is very significant, no less if not more so than Israel. theres no way these people who are all about being the masters of civilization don't have a hard on for the cradle of civilization. thats the home of their lords and gods.. "God".they've been setting up all these wars for a long time now. and its coming to a head now.. i dont think theres not many more chapters to go. i dont recall them having 4 world wars planned. it was all to come down to the leaders of political zionism being set against the leaders of the moslem arabic world and put into a zero sum game where they mutually destroy each other and the rest of the world is exhausted and pushed to the point of having to pick a side or just do nothing until they're all begging for the NWO to emerge.. they want to manifest the "luciferian doctrine" and thats what all these cabals have in common. Lucifer.. or this light. masons believe they receive or carry it when they are initiated. and the hewbrew language looking like flames. the burning bush. the ark of the covenant.
>>492038788My country deported all kikes during WW2 while we were part of the Axis, while your country is controlled by them in every major industry and aspect. Also you glorify niggers and some cities are literally controlled by them. Calling me a niigger kike is kinda rich comming from a burger. I am an Euro tho, but just that. Go live in Russia if you like it so much Jamal.
>>492038755ok, but nobody in the entire world is a fan of bulgaria
>>492038905the great news is that satan is prince of this world for only an age (the all seeing eye) and st michael and jesus send that kike to the crucible to be purified for an aeon. kikes and free masons are going to lose no matter what. i will always choose christ and his (orthodox) church.
>>492039008We have whole villages full of Brits for examples, our mountain and sea resorts are full of people all the time. People come here to study in our unis or to retire,wtf are you talking lol. Bulgaria is a hidden gem.Show your flag, 'Pirate'.
>>491986872Cool threads still exist. I don't even know what to do with this info. The system they built would kill billions if it ever toppled. People knowing this would defend it at all costs. I think it is beyond the realm of man, the beast rising from the sea and earth.
>>492039118so your country is a retirement home for british people?LMAO
>>492038905>but thats them trying to deceive people as to continue existing without being persecutedThis was explained in OPs translation of the NS article, but thank you for your input.
>>492039208I was just making a point you retard, we have Americans, Germans, tons of Russians, Greeks, Turks even Middle Easterners and Asians who come here to study/live or just retire.Show flag you dirty kike.
>>492033554some years ago when the queen was having some issues with her health she later emerged with a uniformed doctor next to her.ever heard of the comic book and movie called, "From Hell" ? it had johnny depp in it, blatant satanic and masonic actor with the various movies hes been in all about extremely satanic things. but that was another one of them, and it was about Jack the Ripper who turned out to be a master mason and a private physician for English royalty, and he was killing prostitutes to cover up the fact that the prince got a prostitute pregnant and also contracted syphilis and it was going to make him retarded and kill him. and the killer wasnt just killing them, he was eating them and drinking their blood.. adrenachrome. and in fear and loathing in las vegas depp's character drinks some on camera. he probably literally did it. and the other character with him talking about the missing woman, he was talking about how he was an attorney or something and a client of his was a pedophile. but he said even a werewolf should be set loose once and a while. he was later in the wolfman movie with other masonic / satanic actors like anthony hopkins who was obviously hannibal and ate people, and there was also and max von sydow whose has been in a lot of occult themed movies.they runt he media.. thats for sure. they run law enforcement.. just like george bush sr was head of the CIA but also in skull and bones and was obviously a mason as well. they're all masons.. Trump as well. theres no way hes not.. why would someone like him have a replica of the ark of the covenant?
>>492039008I am, sorry, faggot.
>>492039208Also we have tons of tourism, because of how nice and cheap is here. I've met many people from abroad randomly that love it. Use google and try search tourist videos, you would know kike. Stay in tel-aviv and get bombed by hamas.
>>492039310>>492039361https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0w7018L1twyou really sold me on thisi am retiring in bulgaria
>>492039455the essence of freemasonry is having my diapers changed in bulgaria
>>492039438Same for you bitch
>>492039438that song is 20 years old (number plates are before joining EU so you can tell) and is made in a dirty remote village on purpose. If I make a song in USA near some homeless and drug addicted community can I say everybody there is homlelss and drug addicted based on it?Remember, you have to be 18 to post on thiss board.
>>492039600a bulgarian knows everything about number plates lmao
>>492039438You are retiring by other means.
>>492039704im not retiringthe pension funds are bustand so is your asswiping job in bulgaria
>>492039656yea ,because they look now different than pre-joining the union you spastic fuck. there is a blue sign Infront of them after joining EU, before then there wasnt. It's not hard to spot,retard. All EU cars have blue sign before their numbers. You are either under 18 or a kike nigger.
>>492039817Thanks for the bumps and see you next time.Your job is futile.
>>492039830no i was implying that you are a gypsy thiefa freemason
>>492039903gypsy thief freemason, you have quite an imagination.
>>492038905Good post. The time comes when their evil manipulations stop working. IMO technological advancement is a big part of it. People won't pay 20% their paycheck for electricity if there are electric rocket ships that operate for 1% the cost lol.
>>492039963im sorry i just dont want to go to bulgariai know i knowi just dont
>>492039903you are a nigger loving latino drug smuggling tranny obese and dumb drug using asian low IQ debt owning excuse of a human being,you may be not,but by your logic, you are. (I could add more,,but I think thats enough).
>>492040227you are not needed, we have enough tourists
>>492040269at least romania has dracula like you can take an arthoe there
>>492040348We have Spartacus, fuck you.
>>492040586>Freemason Shriners wear red Fez hats named after Fez, Morocco where they are made. The red color symbolizes dying them in the blood of dead Christians. Freemason Shriners swear loyalty to Allah.
>>492040586are you the same retard from the other thread talking about Fez hats?
>>492040709Tell me the etymology of the Fez hat, and don't mention anywhere that includes genociding Christians.
>>492040586ALSO,that's clearly in the USA ,wtf is this pic supposed to show?
>>492040689meh they're all a bunch of turks down there
>>492040759:^) why won't you respond?
>>492040753Muslims from all social circles from lowest to highest just as tradition,nothing special. Original origin is not 100% confirmed ,why the fuck are you so obsessed with fucking bucket caps.
>>492040831You're a Freemason or Jew who won't talk about Hiram Abiff or the Fez cap.
>>492040772I did you autistic fuck. That's not photo taken in Bulgaria you retard, it's from the USA. One one of the guy's shirts even says Newington on the back, are you retarded or what. It's not even from Europe, it's from the USA.
>>492040859I told you about the Fez that is a fucking muslim cap that they use all the time from the most poor and low level to the highest, it's a tradition,wtf do you want more? Also I told you that I am a young Mason, stop being a schizo.
>>492041005being a bulgarian freemason you probably stole that shirt, the tinty car AND the fez
>>492040859Also, why should I talk about him, you ask me to denounce him like 100 times, I told you I am Christian Orthodox, he was a Jew, wtf do I have to do with him? He is part of jewish freemasonary,which is only for jews, jeasus you are dumb.
>>492041190the photo you posted is from the USA you autistic retard and it's clear
>>492041332you steal the cars of children or dwarfs, the hats from turks and joyride around Sophia pretending to be americans, as is the custom of freemasons
>>492041190KEK. Still 50/50 if he's fucking guys in the ass or taking it in the ass as a religious ceremony.>>492041241>still did not denounce himYou should denounce Osiris and Saturn while you're at it.