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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Brown communist murders white father of 2.
He deserves the death penalty
so corporations that legally kill people by denying claims should not be punished?
youre not wrong
They cant deny medical services anon.
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denying insurance claims to fatties and niggers is based
>if you don't pay my bills you need to be killed
pay up then sucker
Need to kill more CEOs.
>be me
>attacked by a homeless man with a piece of rebar
>police don't care/assume I started it

>be CEO
>executed in a mostly humane way
>death penalty for a kid who may not have done it.

Idk I think Luigi should get points for killing like a civilized member of society instead of like a caveman.
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Your meme is leftist nazi. You probably don't understand. It's advanced memology, you should go to college and get a degree in it before you start selling your meme services. You will simply give yourself a bad name.
It's worse than that too. That company mandated and pushed the mRNA vaccine on employees and consumers. The Chairman of the company worked with the WHO to rush the vaccine.

You're falling into left vs. right tactics when the whole edifice is rotten to the core.

He wasn't a commie

He was an uncle Ted reading anti-parasitist. He probably took the vax though.
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>2022 United HealthCare Services
>Get protection against COVID-19. Get a $100 gift card.
>When you get vaccinated against COVID-19, you can earn a $100 Walmart® or CVS gift card. Here’s how:

Just lol

muh insurance. muh healthcare. Everyone is arguing how to rearrange furniture while the ship is sinking.
He does have ape features
>man bad because colors
>businesses that deny bullshit claims should not be punished?!?
Correct. You’re not entitled to any insurance claim.
Peak satire kek
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Reminder getting the covid vaccine was required for all United Healthcare Insurance employees.

>Employees were required to complete their COVID-19 vaccination series on or before November 30, 2021.

It's all a scam. Muh proper guidelines and carefully reviewing whether a procedure is necessary.

>insurance companies are run by idiots
>no one one knows what the hell they're doing
>AI is a clever scam
>even if there are intelligent people/actuaries working in these insurance companies, the execs are just in it for a quick buck

They may have inadvertently given billions of people prion or at the least amyloid disease

early life sisters...
Didn't the Supreme Court uphold Biden's OSHA vaccine mandate for healthcare companies? If they fell under that, they may not have had a choice in vax mandates.
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theres like 6 layers of irony here that im getting lost in
Luigi is white, the CEO deserved multiple death penalties, and Luigi gave him only one of them.
the guy on the left looks like an actual human being, the guy on the right looks like a square freak with sunken-in dead eyes, rat teeth and goblin ears
Yep white. Dont cope that the brown greaseball killed a fellow jew.
astroturfed bullshit go force this shit somewhere else you aids ridden faggot
the jew seething about this is unreal
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>he was (((white)))
>he was a father, he was just jogging
>le family man (divorced)
>le hard working parasite
>le shot in the back
>le he dindu nuffin, it was the doctors n shieet
>le Luigi is a communist (he read Mein Kampf)
>le Luigi is not white (whiter than you, DeShawn Goldberg)
You JIDF niggers really needs some new material. The same jewish subversive threads over and over again.
Whats astroturfed are threads everyday praising a brown commie who murdered a white man. Your 15 minutes have long expired.
Agreed. Fuck him. He killed him because he hurt his back surfing.
dumb seething poornigger
It's ok if corpo, jews and leftist do it, man.

Don't be racist.
You're defending a brown trust fund commie who has more wealth and jewish connections than the white man he murdered.
yeah keep licking the boot that's crushing your throat you literal faggot
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>He's valuable because he's white and this whole thing happened because he's white
This is a shitty bait spam thread.
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>may not have had a choice in vax mandates
Sir Andrew Witty, the CEO of UNH Group worked with WHO to speed up the vaccine.

>Sir Andrew Philip Witty is a British business executive and the chief executive officer of UnitedHealth Group.

>guard against unnecessary care
>accelerated development of covid vaccine
pick one


>may not have had a choice in vax mandates
All it would have taken for some of these senior insurance people would be to place a few phone calls to congress and they would have delayed. These are people that have ties to supernational organizations, that are unironically landed gentry. If they didn't want that shit mandated it wouldn't have happened.
Nice try jew, but we all know he wasn't.
>who has more wealth
So did the Gracchi brothers. So did Caesar. Am I supposed to dislike them because they were wealthy even though they fought and bled for their country and common man? I dislike Thompson because he was a parasitic jew, not because he was wealthy.
>jewish connections than the white man he murdered.
(((Thompson))) was literally a jewish CEO of one of the most jewish industries out there. Luigi, on the other hand, was a well read young man who identified the problem and did the world a favor. We need more people like Luigi.
You’re retarded.
The guy was just walking the streets of NYC, it's very realistic to believe had he not been killed a feral nigger would have beaten his brains in with a 2x4 to feast on the goo inside.
The man he killed wasnt crushing anyone. The wops family are politically connected elites tho. If youre into the whole class warfare bullshit then at least be honest.
They do that all the time. The only time this applies is at the ER.
When you go to your doctor and get prescribed something they go and put a code and worded reason in to the insurance company and then someone at the insurance company, who has no medical training, decides whether or not it's covered.
The vic was a drinker. Luigi's into buttsecs though. Stalemate. Running a giant ponzi scheme is unethical but it's not illegal. There must be something more to poor old Thom than representing UH: a decision, some monstrosity in his private life, perhaps a little human trafficking operation through a tunnel leading to his personal home. Anything?
Typical /pol/, shitting on elites by calling them (((elites))) but then when someone actually does something they hide behind the big corporations. Pathetic. We should slaughter all "elites", not just the jewish ones.
One single murder in New York does not deserve the death penalty. He is getting 6 years max. All the jurors and judges are on his side.
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>We should slaughter all "elites", not just the jewish ones.
fuck off commie
I prefer el-ites as elites seems like kosher whiteblaming
>reee they dont pay my bills they killed me
truly nigger tier thinking

A video of a man spraying bug spray on produce at a Walmart in Mesa is making its rounds on social media.

The original video, uploaded to Instagram and TikTok by a user known as Wolfie Kahletti
Yes he was a commie posting commie cope and commie arguments. He's not caesar or the grachis. He’s just a champagne socialist rilled up on marxist copium he picked up during his elite education. No thompson wasnt a jew and his company is t evil or whatever bullshit eurotrash seem to think when they ignorantly talk about american health insurance. Your well read young shitskin just posted a list of bioks he would like to read. Most of them being bullshit self help books because he fucked up his spine and while living a degenerate elite lifestyle and dispite the vast amount of medical care he did receive they couldnt repair his nerve damage. Why? Not because of lack of coverage. He rich enough to pay out of pocket. But because his lefty worldview proved false. He trusted the science to cure all ill but it turns out not everything can be healed. He’s a worthless shitskin and so is anyone defending this self absorbed crybaby.
>dennis hopper explains
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>muh free market
>muh money is the only purpose in life
>muh communists
>muh open borders to provide cheap labour
everyone is just evading the truth. The truth is he is brown. And brown people are terrorists.
No they dont. Thats not how things work anon. The insurance company cant tell a doctor to do anything. Funny how commies pretend Obamacare never happened and that virtually everything is covered now. Thats why insurance is so expensive.
>They do that all the time. The only time this applies is at the ER.
You're younger than 26, and have never dealt with it yourself. You never listened to mommy or daddy complain, not really, so you don't understand it.

A claims denial happens after the procedure, when the medical provider sends them a bill. You've already been treated. Quit being a commie, faggot. Nothing good ever comes from being a commie.
denying claims to fatass niggers
if you didn't know the victim was the chief executive officer of UnitedHealthcare
why so many evil CEOs bootlickers among mutts?
Is it the nigger blood in your veins that compel you to obey your master?
we're still discussing this story of the week bullshit?
Hold up this nigga was a fat blockhead? Now idk who to side with
How many people did the father of 2 murder with denied health care claims?
Yea i know. He was a hard working white man that made it big. Im sure he will be replaced by a diversity hire or jew now and the show will go on.
Probably none as hes the ceo and not a claims officer looking at every bill where some tranny filed for claims they have no insurance coverage for.
Its forced shilling. If it was organic it would be old news like that boygirl that shot up the school.
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>Yes he was a commie posting commie cope and commie arguments. He's not caesar or the grachis. He’s just a champagne socialist rilled up on marxist copium he picked up during his elite education. No thompson wasnt a jew and his company is t evil or whatever bullshit eurotrash seem to think when they ignorantly talk about american health insurance. Your well read young shitskin just posted a list of bioks he would like to read. Most of them being bullshit self help books because he fucked up his spine and while living a degenerate elite lifestyle and dispite the vast amount of medical care he did receive they couldnt repair his nerve damage. Why? Not because of lack of coverage. He rich enough to pay out of pocket. But because his lefty worldview proved false. He trusted the science to cure all ill but it turns out not everything can be healed. He’s a worthless shitskin and so is anyone defending this self absorbed crybaby.
Try better next time, Benjamin
I don't find much to disagree with in that remark.
They can refuse to pay and pressure the doctors to choose an alternative (read cheaper) method of treatment, and sometimes the alternative method isn't the actual solution so people end up dying or worse off.

But like ultimately you can just say fuck it I'll pay for it myself and then negotiate with the hospital who knows you can't pay a 6 gorillion dollar medical bill and they WILL treat you.
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I thought the death penalty was banned in NY? Oh they are making an exception this time because the victim was one of them
both are rats who lived off the State their entire lives
>why so many evil CEOs bootlickers among mutts?
>Is it the nigger blood in your veins that compel you to obey your master?
It's a shilling operation. They're probably posting from some JDF tier call center. They're pushing all of the same buttons and reducing the quality of the discussion. Notice how none of them responded to my posts? >>491993892 >>491992998

To Summarize
>The insurance companies were run by at best short-sighted individuals trying to make a quick buck, and at worst WHO-tier spooks
>They've failed in one of the key fundamental activities of insurance companies, to recognize and price risk -- they failed to calculate the risk of the covid vaccine at an individual, population, and species level
>They have little ability to determine whether a procedure is unsafe or unnecessary and will deny procedures even after a customer has paid tens of thousands in fees to an insurance company
>Healthcare fields like doctors/nurses and big pharma are filled with the same kind of people as these insurance companies -- they're cut from the same cloth so to speak -- look at the effectiveness of most chemotherapy drugs. Most kill more people than they save
>One of their Senior Execs of the parent company got killed off
>Some 3rd party call centers with minimum mcWage shills were recruited to shift public opinion about the insurance companies to divert attention from their rent seeking behavior
>Entire Healthcare and Insurance is just rent-seeking at this point

Another 0.2cents have been added to your shill account
>and they WILL treat you.
They have no obligation to treat you unless you are in the emergency room and bleeding out or something
Eh, Italian close enough
Nope lol, he was very right wing
>White father

Amazing how much someone can get wrong about a guy. I could care less about that literal demon getting ACKED in the middle of the street, but I also don't give a fuck that Luigi goes to jail for the rest of his life over murdering someone
Bingo. You can easily spot the shill posts, they follow the format
>op posts something
>first post counters
>a bunch of bots dogpile the first post
Usually this works on retards, but in this case it’s backfiring, because it’s allowing everyone to see the corporate shills for what they are. Everyone who is against Luigi is a shill, simple as
Why is it always anons from places with failed national healthcare schemes that seethe the most about this killing and celebrate the commie turdskin? Especially when they know nothing about american healthcare or private health insurance?
They do. If the doctor says you need 20 weeks of treatment, they haggle their way down to 15. Fucking Pawn Stars shit for medical care.
Don't get me wrong, 20 weeks of chemo was probably pointless for a cancer patient that was dying anyway, but now you're getting bullshitted by the doctor and the insurance company. Like we're told to respect the doctor opinion but the health insurance doesn't need to.
Everyone who support the brown commie wop is a shill.
No they dont. They literally cant by law.
so did the guy he murdered
Don’t worry they’re just being contrarian faggys - they would have suggested doing exactly what he did before he did. But he actually had the nuts to do it.
how many more times will you post, shill?
1/5th of the thread is your bullshit
No anon. Murder isnt ok because you want to troon out but your parents insurance doesn't cover transition surgery.
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So did the CEO actually enact some evil policy that tricked and killed people, or is he just guilty-by-association with the healthcare industry?
They both look brown.
He deserves worse than the death penalty.
Death penalty is reserved for white folk you retard
Life in a federal rape me in the ass prison is worse
You me the truth. As many times as needed while you spam lies. This brown commie faggot isnt some hero and he didnt change anything or hurt a jew in any way. The fact you feel the need to spam this nondescript every single day is gonna be called out everytime you do so.
Nah, he's a hero.
He implemented a algorithmic program to deny claims without a human being even looking at them. United has the highest rate of denials in the industry by far, it is the most evil of the health inaurance companies.
lol he wasn’t even close to being a communist. His interests transcended the political spectrum
This stupid meme was created by a Jew
They can literally make up whatever shit they want to cover or not. Even when you're in the middle of the treatment. I'm sorry but obviously you're one of the lucky ones that never had a family member go through cancer or other terminal diseases.
>The insurance company cant tell a doctor to do anything.
The insurance company can tell a doctor that X or Y isn't covered and they do it all the time.
Talk to actual medical staff. Your insurance is going to fuck you in the ass if they don't agree with the doctor's diagnosis.
He made the company a few extra billion (with a b) the first year he was ceo, and the company already had the highest denial rate. So he deserved his three bullets.
Yes he was a commie. How can you tell? Because weeks layer and lefty/pol/ is spamming how killing the rich is based while reddit is making him a saint. The only people that bitch this much about health insurance are commies because they still dream of a single payer system when everywhere else on earth national healthcare schemes are imploding.
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I am pro-death so lmao at both dying
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you guys must've paid a lot more shills than last week, why so eager to force a consensus here?
No they cant. Again why do commie retards pretend obamacare never happened? They cant deny medical care anon. They cant tell a doctor to do anything. All they can do is deny claims for procedures that aren't covered by the policy after the fact.
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>Especially when they know nothing about american healthcare or private health insurance?
I am dual US/Leaf citizen and file taxes to the IRS and the CRA. I leaf here because my wife is a leaf.
>Why is it always anons from places with failed national healthcare schemes that seethe the most about this killing and celebrate the commie turdskin?
It's all failed mein mcWagie shill. If it weren't you wouldn't be getting paid 0.2cents per post.
The CEO of that insurance company worked with the WHO to get jabs into arms. Did they calculate the risk of doing that? Nah they gave free gift cards to jabbies.

They don't give 2 shits about reducing risk or providing a good service to their customers. Neither does the leaf healthcare but guess what I haven't even had a regular check up in 20 years. I trust none of these rent seeking faggots (insurance companies, doctors, big pharma). They're all cut from the same cloth whether it's a private or public healthcare. They're all trying to make a quick buck on sick dying people while providing shit service in a defunct civilization bereft of any purpose other than making a quick buck.

pic related is a Pfizer VP with a Medical Degree that bragged about mutating covid.

If he is executed, the judge, jurors, prosecutor, cops who arrested him, and all the staff who carry out the executuon should also be killed. This should carry on until people are allowed to get away with it or every officer of the US government is dead.
Because things aren't covered sometimes. They cant tell a doctor what to do tho.
This, and fuck the leftypol wignats that simp for him, like women.
>yes he was a commie
>how can you tell?
>because commies online like him
Interesting argument..... for a nigger
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>17 pbtid all sucking parasite dick
>trying to make this a left vs right issue

chill out man, you'll still get paid if you take a break and astroturf another thread for a few minutes
>black hair
>dark skin
>nigger traits
The fact you posted unrelated cope proves what a fraud you are. The ceo didnt do anything wrong and the fact that the system isnt set up as you would like it to be isnt an excuse to raise the red banner and celibate some commie murderer. None of that bullshit you posted is related to the topic at hand.
Not real communism
intredasting the cop with gun and the cop behind luigi those 2 share same family genetics.
they must be brothers.
>how do i know?
schizo IQ levels can easily identify patterns and human traits that common people cannot perceive.
also the man behind with black glasses and red skin is most probably the father of those 2 i said before.
all just because of size and nose shape.
such things cannot be evaded.
the real overseer here is the guy with red tie, his tie tongled to the side, is a masonic secret sign, they push the tie to the side as to symbol the letter G, that is masonic key symbol, the way his eye brown and eye is directed he is paying close attention on how the sittuation is showing in whole image scenario.

Sorry anon but youre a commie if you support this shit. Dont lie to yourself.
Meanwhile 17 threads an hour celebrating this brown commie for weeks and you say nothing.
dylan roof got the death penalty i believe
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>He deserves the death penalty
>good goy kills good goy
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Kike detected

I got one roof and its not leaking. Have sex incell.
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Kys fag

Open borders for Israel.
if a jewish shill is pulling the "brown communist" card, you're doing something right.
Wignats are almost always right you goofy bitch
You should get your eyes checked anon. The brown commie is very brown.
Hes a commie and hes brown. Maybe you should got to one of the brown commie love threads. This is the kill the briwn commie subhuman thread. Read the OP again.

Whats up with your tooths tho? Thats pretty freaky bro. One might get the impression that you're evolutionary sidelined.

Whats your thoughts on this?
Jew puppet murders Jew puppet

Yeah but so are the capitalists and the conservatives. Whats your point?

Picrel is the average conservative american. Just saying.
well its my turn to post it
>As long as you are an attractive man you can literally do anything you want in life.
I am ugly but observant
this whole board is the brown commie lover board, kike

I feel so sry for that kid. Look at her shirt. It sais love. She wasnt made by love. She was made beause of judeo-christian values. She deserves love tho. I hope God have mercy on her because its not her fault.

She deserves your prayers.
They’re a laughing stock - like the childish police and mayor Lmao.

And why did they even try to solve this murder, when their usual lazy and corrupt modus operandi is “no foul play suspected”?
then why do i make bi-weekly payments on every paycheck?
Everything was related mein mcWagie shill. A non-incompetent Insurance company would calculate the risk and act accordingly, either preventing its adoption by the public. The CEO of the parent company of this Insurance company worked with the WHO to get the mRNA vaccines to market faster. Had they acted against the vaccines during the opportune moment, and taken time to understand the risk they posed, I would at least see some value in them as an institution. They aren't even able to identify unsafe products and price risk accordingly -- so what good are they?

> the system isnt set up as you would like it to be
There is no systemic solution to this. The system has run its course. The shills they're sending here are borderline retarded. Both goymmunism and gaypitalism are cut from the same cloth.

>oy vey you have to defend these worthless insurance companies that do nothing all day and work with the WHO or you're a goymmunist
These are the shills they're sending here folks.
The capitalist conservatives are brown commies? I dont think so maybe some are i guess.
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Brown commies are the foot solders of zog anon. If youre a brown commies then be honest about it. Dont post cope about how you are really a nazi or hate jews or anything else you think will make you fit in.
italians are white, the capitalist white elites are race-traitors.
No its not. Just like your seething insults while claiming to fight for mcwagies. You dont know anything about healthcare or america. You're just mad your retarded vision or how things should be isnt how they are and so everyone must die. You're the most pathetic anon of all itt. Typical leaf performance.
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Keep walking
The multi billion dollar company was left alone. Its processing claims for its millions of customers right now and denying claims that shitskins and trannies dont have any coverage for. Your brown commie didnt hurt the corporation. He just killed a white guy.
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If you work for the federal government and were required to take the vaccine you should be aware that the vaccine may have seeded amyloid/prion protein in different organ systems, a disease with a very long incubation time but is invariably fatal. We're already seeing white fibrous clots of amyloid in the jabbies.


>vCJD cases started appearing about 10 years later. This matches the usual incubation period (the time between exposure and symptoms) for other
>Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a fatal brain disorder caused by prions, which are abnormal proteins that trigger normal proteins to misfold
keep crying glownigger, now both the right and left snakes are lying in your grass

cope and seethe seetheliciously
*sings the Soviet anthem while throwing romans*
And now you have nothing but elaborate head cannon about me. You live in a world of self absorbed delusion.
Kinda strange that you think commies and jews arent the same thing. Lurk alot more.
You are almost quoting Friedrich Engels here, commie!
WTF I don't like him anymore
What is it with communists and sticking black cocks up their asses and down their throats in that order?
Why are Americans support him, despite knowing this? Did they turn communists all of a sudden? Did they all became gay? Eww!
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The jews are capitalism aswell.

Socialism are the White mans creation. We take care of and love each other. It dosnt matter who you are or how much you make. There will always be someone behind you.

Even the Chinks adopted it. The russians adopted it aswell. Everyone should adopt it.

Fuck commies. Fuck capitalism. Fuck america and a big fuck you to the jews.

Love your own and thy neighbour. Fuck kikes and fuck you too.
Listen anon. You arent fighting jews by shilling for a commie nigger in america who didnt hurt any jews at all. If jews are your concern then go find some jews in sweden and do what you think you need to do. Shilling commie cope on /pol/ isn't doing anything worthwhile.
Hello Elgin AFB!

Anyone portraying this as left vs right, racial matter or communism is a divide and conquer glownigger kike terrified that everyone is united against the elites

This place is like a vacation for me but you silly little goofers thinks im here to fight. Lmao.

Stay blessed bro.You gona need it.
everyone who is broke are niggers plain and simple
if you're poor you deserve death
real whites pay the medical bill with their own money they made, not depend on jewsurance
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I agree he’s nuts and misdirected his anger. CEO has to run a business it’s not a public service paid by taxpayers. Higher costs to cover claims mean they have to increase rates. If you can’t afford the rate then you get reduced coverage, it’s not complicated. Costs wouldn’t continuously increase without Jewish inflation. TKD
you will never be a millionaire
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He doesn't deserve the death penalty.
But you do.
Your elites can't protect you.
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>Brown communist murders white father
Nah, a WHITE MAN ended that kiked out faggot's "life" and the fed faggots pushed this obvious fake luigi pastapizza in his place since they couldn't find the WHITE MAN who did the shooting.
we capitalize White around here newfag and the White father of 2 got what he fucking deserved
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reminder: they just so happened to find wario mario there with the "murder weapon" a "manifesto" and 10k cash in a mcdonalds in the middle of nowhere eating a hash brown with a mask on.
If you believe this you're a fucking retard.
It’s funny how hard they are trying to divide and conquer public opinion on this hero

Feds mad
Trying to lie to people that some subhuman italian did the deed is the biggest sign they are running scared.
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The official timeline for the UHC CEO assassin is that;
Luigi took a bus from Atlanta --> NYC, shot the CEO, dropped off a backpack filled with Monopoly money in Central Park, transferred all of the incriminating evidence to a similar but different backpack, wandered around NYC for hours, changed into slightly different but similar clothing, grew a unibrow, lost a few inches in height, changed skin color, randomly decided to flirt with a secretary at a hostel revealing his entire face for the first time, took a bus from NYC --> Atlanta which was later changed to a train from NYC --> Philadelphia, then walked around for 5 days straight aimlessly with; a signed confession, the murder weapon, a silencer, 10 grand in cash, his real passport, a bunch of fake IDs including the one he used at the hostel, a manifesto which first line reads "I support the feds", and the clothes he wore the morning of the murder - Until 5 days later a McDonalds unpaid "volunteer" who is 85 years old, lives in a Nursing Home, has cataracts but also batman vision managed to ID Luigi from across the McDonalds in Altoona, PA.

Finally after being arrested the first words out of Luigis mouth that he screamed to reporters as he was being dragged into a detention center from a squad car:

>"This is clearly an abduction and an insult to the intelligence of the American people!"

PIC RELATED: The 85 year old "volunteer" Nancy Parker from McDonalds who ID'd Luigi.

>Your pic is AI
Yeah, that's the fucking point retard. Nancy Parker doesn't exist!
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Its Gavrillo Prinzip vs. Franz Ferdinand all over again, American Franz ist a little cuter though
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Luigi isn't the shooter
I hate Americans for making these Italo-Tunisians a thing.
a white hero put down a kike demon, he deserves 2 medals and 2 working guns to hunt down the rest
it's not a free market at all
Nah, put a medal on that boy's chest and let him walk.
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Thompson's marriage was ruined. UHC sacrifice. Wifey was living elsewhere.
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Never an ally. Deceit is their watchword. Blame chickens.
Good one
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A lot more people who were a lot better people died in Palestine because of the genocide. Lets deal with those 70,000 murders 1st and then arrest the pedophiles that raped children with Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy. After that let get all those ass holes who litter and then we can start worrying about the small stuff.
He didn't go far enough. These CEOs should be flayed alive and impaled in town squares for everyone to watch.
He isn't brown he's Italian you retard.

Explain difference.
You are literally a maghrebi moor
Luigi looks Tunisians like 80% of Italians.
go ahead make a martyr kike.

Luigi did nothing wrong ceo's have it coming
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Finally, a non-Ellis Islander wop.
it's a sad day for kikes when even a bulgarian can notice how jewish faggot op is
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His wife was trying to dump him.
Form what i see brown eyes brown hair guy killed green eyes blonde hair guy with two kids.

But, ah.... It's hard for me to really have opinion on this...

Is the ceo did any crime to get murdered? What he did that make people suffer? Was he really bad guy?

One thing i love about the ceo was that he grow in middle class (low middle class?) family and did hard work to become rich

Don't it sound based? What he did so wrong?

And can i ask who you think deserve to become millionaire? I'm against communism so i think I'm against the shooter?

But still, don't sure....

imagine fetishizing white people, you are brown on the inside
Shortly after Brian was shot, the Wall Street Journal reported that he and his wife had been LIVIN IN SEPARATE HOMES FOR YEARS. Brian purchased a $1 million home in 2018 in Maple Grove, Minnesota, close to where Paulette and their sons were living, according to WSJ.

However, it’s UNCLEAR if Brian and Paulette sought a divorce over the past several years.
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Mark Rosario... Mar Io
This guy made Nintendo real
not everything is sexual troonbro
they lived less than a mile apart, he saw his family every day
likely just lived separately because of all the death threats from brown commie shitheads to keep his family safe
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Nice try kike
>White man condems millions of whites to die by putting into place measures to deny them treatment and give preferential treatment to browns and blacks.
>BOO WHOO WHOO I should feel sad!

I dont care care
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>Socialism are the White mans creation.
Fuck off astroturfing kike. See pic rel
did he actually condemn them to die, or is that a melodramatic and gay conclusion drawn from weak commie mental gymnastics. like when you fags claim that "billions have died from capitalism"?
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>brown trust fund commie
Literally what retard. All American insurance/finance/banking/media CEOs are kikes and kike-adjacents. >>492008811
Every day is a sadder day for the kikes than the last.
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>>Socialism are the White mans creation.
>Fuck off astroturfing kike. See pic rel
No u
he was literally a trust fund commie tho
you trying to say whites are kike-adjacent, mountain nigger?
>Socialism are the White mans creation.
100%. It is the Spartans who created the first Socialist state. It is Aryan and Christian to the care of your kin infact you owe your people your blood and your sweat.
Those unable to understand that go into the woodchipper.
>>Brown communist
i don't care if Luigi was Stalin reincarnated
that greedy kike lover had to die
Seems a hell of a lot more logical than every man for himself. Where chaos and disorder live.
Maybe not the death penalty. Just the warm girth of Bubba's 9lb cock.
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>you trying to say whites are kike-adjacent
Yes, some Whites are indeed.
Shill recap
>Killing is just wrong!
>It's anti-white!
>You're just jealous!
>It's communist!
>But... it was AGAINST THE LAW!! Oh heavens me!
>Leftists support it! YOU MUST take the opposite side because that's the rules! You just have to ok?!
>CEO known for letting people die to save a few bucks gets smoked
kill Fauci next
>Don't take justice into your own hands that is what the courts (Bought and paid for) are for
Gov gave them DEI incentives to do so.
here i'll explain it for you retard, if you think someone who fucks over other white people is objectively good because they are white you are shutting down your mental faculties and ability and instead giving in to the white is inherently right fantasy. thompson acted like a kike i dont care if his skin is white.
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When the White man is born he owes two debts: One to God for making him, healthy, well-shaped, and with a vast soul; One to his folk, the distant ancestors of all his folk, for his excellence and superiority to other races.

This "I'm my own man and I owe nobody anything" is nothing but cowardly greed. Nobody exists in a vacuum, nobody is born of the void.
If you’re so weak that a denied claim kills you, it was just your time to go.
2 kinds of sociopath

pretty great image, one is easily understood as dangerous, the other, people think he's kindly.
>get into a car accident with a CEO-imported shitskin
>"you're just weak bro"
May you suffer such fate.
if then
said by a retarded little girl

i don't hate you retards.
it would be hilarious if you died that way
many parasites infect the nation.

The Spartans were a bunch of sissies that let women run their society into the ground and then extinction, jackass. They also left us jack-shit in regards to philosophy, science, or art. Go blow a homo behind the gym, read a book, I dunno.

We had 30 threads up at the same time for days on end on the CEO shooting. Yet it was mostly the same: provocative 1 post by this ID thread, first post 1pbtid: weak bait to strengthen the “argument” of the thread OP. Add 40 one liner bot posts throughout the thread. Have one agent ready to take over the bot IDs. This isn’t the first time that we got flooded with fake threads and bot posts. All of the psyops have some sort of objective. Disinformation, divide and conquer and demoralisation. But I think it is also noise.

Hate the women
Hate the men
Hate the zoomer
Hate the boomer
Hate the rich
Hate the poor
Hate the middle class
Hate the atheist
Hate the christcuck
Hate the Pagan
Blue team vs red team
Actually this Zionist will destroy zog
Trust this Zionist with your personal info
Le based judge black man
Le based rapper black man
Le based and sexy mutt woman
Le based candace
Oh look controlled e-celebs 1-999
Muh white identity
Only this tiny group is actually white
Everyone is white
You can’t be white if you act like this
Forget your ethnic identity
Le based zog east
Le based Middle Eastern dictator
Totally not a zog east vs zog west war
Muh aliens
Muh flat earth
Muh actually evolution is not real
Give up now!
Totally black pilled guys!
Actually we are really winning now
Zog is about to lose!
Two more weeks and this unimportant thing will happen!

You will very rarely see a thread about real steps towards fascism, MM, ethnic nationalism, exposing the fiat system or making any sort of anti-zog-propaganda.

Are these threads organic in an environment in which our people are facing replacement genocide?

I don’t think so.
This white father gave health care to non whites while denying health care to whites.
>Based white Italian kills a fat Amerimutt pig that sold his soul to the Big Jew killing houndreds of people for money
He deserves a medal
>capitalize pagan but not Christian
eat shit, tree-worshipping hippie
Is Kaiser the only company that actually does their job correctly?
Not a communist
>getting into a car with a shitskin or driving in the vicinity of them

Those who passed laws allowing it should be killed. Those who did not enforce laws limiting the unlawful actions should be killed. That motherfucker is a retard. He killed a middleman instead of those who are actually responsible.
You can fight Jews either worship them, not both.

No, they're still shit. Their billing system sucks and they keep telling people that they missed payments. They don't have to deny anything, they just won't treat you because they never got the payment.
It seems odd that the druids left us nothing, not even a prayer, isn't this right?
My mother had her medicare supplemental deny two basic things. An anti-cancer drug, was one. weird times, things about to go CRAZY in healthcare, underneath, apart from the fake official stats, the us healthcare system is crumbling.
Brain "The Denier" Thompson mastered the system, and this reality as a whole
then why did he get a killed by a rando in nyc of all places lmao master my ass hes dead
The pre-christkike gods represent either a family, tribe, ethnic group, race or a concept found within nature.

>In total, the Romans recorded almost 400 Celtic god names. Nonetheless, it seems that there were 4 or 5 'main gods' and the rest were associated with a particular Celtic tribe or 'tuath'. In early Irish literature this local loyalty can be seen in the oath 'I swear by the gods my people swear by.'

>Gothic religion was purely tribal in which polytheism, nature worship, and ancestor worship were one and the same.


“Each Roman home has its own protective deities, the Lar (plural Lares), protecting the household or family; the Penates, protecting the stores-cupboard or pantry (penus) in the inner part of the house; the Genius or guardian spirit of individual members of the household, especially the paterfamilias; and Vesta, goddess of the hearth. The shrine to the Lar, generally known as the lararium, was sometimes in the atrium, the more public part of the house near the entrance, but more commonly in the kitchen area. Just as the home had its tutelary deities, so too did the entire property [Warrior, Roman Religion at 28-29] …”

Consider the Lares Familiares and the Tutelary deity. The Hellenic Hekaterai. Consider consciousness, ego and the divine spark. It is created from trillions of cells working together. Is it far fetched to consider god as existing in a hierarchy of ever expanding groupings of consciousness from you to your family, to your clan, to your tribe, to your ethnic group to your race and later to all of life itself?

Does a nation not have a soul of its own? Does it not have a will and agency? As such is this not considered a higher form of existence beyond the individual. One that is from the human perspective immortal yet can be killed.

Look up the Chinese Kitchen God or the Japanese ancestral kami(kamidana) and tell me that there are no similarities in the concepts.
So if a hitman payed by someone shoot your mother he shouldn't be killed because it was not his idea but he did it just for money, according to your logic...
incentives for what? to kill people?
there that wasn't so hard. and you didn't type out a single condescending troon word. good for you.
You are a midwit retard who has no understanding of the illumaniti
On the other hand chriggery is very sus.

Jews in Alexandria played a crucial role in the political, economic, cultural and religious life of Hellenistic and Roman Alexandria, with Jews comprising about 35% of the city's population during the Roman Era.

Serapis was intended to be, in Plutarch’s words, "god of all peoples in common, even as Osiris is" and the fact that a Greek (Timotheus) and an Egyptian (Manetho) agreed on the statue’s identity was taken as a sign from the god that he would assume this role. Ptolemy I built a grand temple for his worship, the Serapeum, which came to house the statue from Sinope. With Serapis at the center of religious devotion, Ptolemy I began a rigorous building program which was continued by his son and successor Ptolemy II Philadelphus (r. 285-246 BCE) who had co-ruled with him since 285 BCE. The great Library at Alexandria, begun under Ptolemy I, was completed by Ptolemy II, who also added to the Serapeum. As he was linked with the afterlife and transformation, Serapis became known as a redeemer god and savior who granted believers eternal life.

Pentateuch was compiled around 270 BCE using Greek sources found at the Great Library of Alexandria

>Emperor Hadrian, who put down the Bar Kokhba Revolt in Jerusalem in the 130s and exiled all Jews from Jerusalem, said that Serapis worship and Christianity in Alexandria were identical and practiced in syncretism, adding that Serpais had contributed to Judaism and Samaritanism as well.

>Hadrian equated Serapis worship with Christianity, went on to found his own dying-and-rising mystery cult based on the strange death of his lover Antinous while undergoing special mystery rites on the Nile, making Antinous’ statue the third most common in antiquity after Augustus and Hadrian himself.
The early Church linked Jesus Christ to the Sun and referred to him as the 'Sun of Righteousness' (Sol Justitiae) prophesied by Malachi.

In 350, Pope Julius 1 decreed that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated
on the same date as all of the other solstice sun gods, Dec 25.

> deity of the Sun

Serapis, Greco-Egyptian deity of the Sun first encountered at Memphis, where his cult was celebrated in association with that of the sacred Egyptian bull Apis (who was called Osorapis when deceased).

The ancient festival in Rome was known as the Saturnalia. The emperor
Aurelian established an official holiday called “Sol Invicti”, meaning
“unconquered sun” in honor of the sun god. It was held Dec. 24 and
25 and established Dec. 25 as the official solstice. All the other religions
that worshipped sun gods also took Dec 25 as their fixed date for their

Mithras: In Roman mythology, Mithras was often celebrated around the time of the winter solstice, which falls close to December 25th. Mithraism, a mystery religion that became popular in the Roman Empire, celebrated the rebirth of Mithras on this date.
The first followers of Jesus were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people, and called from them his first followers. According to McGrath, Jewish Christians, as faithful religious Jews, "regarded their movement as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief – that Jesus was the Messiah."

Italy's Jews came directly from the Holy Land before the Diaspora, first arriving in Rome in the second century BC as esteemed envoys (hoping to establish business ties) and then, after Rome invaded Judaea in the first century AD, as POWs sold into slavery. These first Jews lived, like other foreigners, outside the city — across the river, in Trastevere.

"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers," - Marcus Tullius Cicero c. 106 BC - 43 BC

“Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put a certain Andreas at their head, and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would eat the flesh of their victims, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood and wear their skins for clothing; many they sawed in two, from the head downwards; others they gave to wild beasts, and still others they forced to fight as gladiators.” - Cassius Dio

Romans were unable to distinguish between Jews and Christians, and because the Jews hated the Christians. Even before the Great Fire of 64, imperial officials had already established a precedent of using the Jewish minority as scapegoats for problems that arose within the capital, and had expelled Jews from the city of Rome during the reigns of both Tiberius60 (r. 14-37) and Claudius61 (r. 41-54); both expulsions were carried out as blanket punishments against all Jews for reasons connected to individual Jews.
what a gay thread, imagine falling this psyop genjutsu, get a grip, niggers.
they can tell the doctor they're not gonna pay for it
I had to get a tooth pulled back in may. The dentist that would have done it refuse to accept my insurance because they don't get the full reimbursement.
it's not right that people without medical degrees can overrule people with medical degrees when it comes to medical decisions

>Occam's CEO
Nice fanfic you wrote, though.

Obamacare didn't fix anything. Made everything more expensive and made bureaucracy worse yet the Democrats will not do anything to fix it. It will get worse.
This is peak level cuckoldism.
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If you shit on the elites you out yourself as reddit. /pol/'s boogieman is da joos only.
I only see thruth here
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>made bureaucracy worse
That was one of the objectives.
>Brown communist murders white father of 2.
Meanwhile white father of 2 causes the deaths of countless people yearly. He deserves 10 million a year.

Yup, use bureaucracy as an impediment to delivery of care. Force desperate patients to go through emergency admittance to get care.
Anyone that is playing the race card on this is going for really low hanging fruit that doesn't understand how this board thinks. Not the shills, the actual anons.
Insurance companies all behave the same. He didn't do anything specifically to warrant an assassination. Those thousand deaths you made up because it sounds nicer.
That is what he deserves, but I am hoping for Jury Nullification so that people take the NY courts even less seriously
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Imagine supporting some Kikesurance, Jew by proxy CEO.

we? Nice memeflag faggot.
what do you think those words mean?
He will die for our sins
ITT: pol learns about leftism
Pogrom, purge, repeat
>murder is what jesus stood for
stop with this
100%, but you're really gonna see some shit when trump bans duo citizenship, stopping Americans from going back to their home countries for free healthcare
This whole story is bullshit on all sides and isn't adding up. For all we know, this CEO was about to blow the whistle and wanted to change things. All I know is we just lost another White in a position of wealth and power and Whites have been brainwashed into cheering for it. Like always. Also: Luigi Mangione is a plant / actor and was not the shooter. Story stinks!
>People pay you for a service
>Don't provide them that service because an ai algorithm said you'd lose a nickel
Shiiieeeett he a good boy he dindu nuthins he just on his way to da synagogue
>Insurance companies all behave the same.
Nope his specifically adopted AI to deny up to 30% of all claims.
>He didn't do anything specifically to warrant an assassination.
keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel safer.
>Those thousand deaths you made up because it sounds nicer.
Someone shot him for a reason champ.
They deserve each other. The end.
>father of 2.
you mean, a man who killed millions of people by refusing health care to them?
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Really neat discourse faggots
>Nope his specifically adopted AI to deny up to 30% of all claims.
Prove it in court or it's just he said she said. They denied that they did that. They said they used AI in an advisory roll. How would you like it if someone made up bullshit about you and used that as justification to shoot you?
they are trying every angle to take him down
>Prove it in court
What about we skip the part where billionaire companies win thanks to their gigapaid lawyers and corruption and instead they get gunned down?
>"b-but the evil conglomerate insurance company said they didn't!!"
fuck off shill
Humanizing? I think we've moved onto canonizing. That article is clearly out of date.
Death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent. In the years immediately after US states brought it back (1976), their respective homicide rates went through the roof. It's also the opposite of punishment. Only the dumbest of christcucks believe the being unalive is worse than rotting away in supermax for the rest of your life.
Saw a story earlier about a guy with cancer who was told by his doctor he'd need 35 rounds of chemo to successfully treat it. Insurance said they'll only cover 28 rounds. One round of chemo can cost up to $12,000, and it's probably more than that if you're paying out of pocket.

If you're gonna die or live in agony anyway, might as well seek retribution. Why the fuck not? Only immense faggots dislike revenge.
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FPBP, all the other fags seething over this post are FBI D&C shills.
Not an argument
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Post his other head shot, why should I care if a drug abusing, convicted criminal got killed in a drug deal gone wrong.
We care just as much for this white man as he cares for his white brothers.
shut up poo
Fuck you OP, you penny-pinching hebe.
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>Langley made him work on the weekend
imagine embracing a scum bag for no reason other than hes white. OP is unironically gay and retarded
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>loves Ted K
>open to reading MK
He's a normalfag, and using him as a barometer for the average normalfag is breddy scary for (((some)))
By law, if you have a serious medical problem a hospital must treat you regardless of your ability to pay.
Also what kind of retard are you, exactly? Do you think healthcare is like ordering a big mac? "Uhh... I'll have one chemotherapy and a kidney transplant" no you absolute reddit dipshit, you're billed after whatever treatment you get.
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He is a brown mediterranean that civilized the barbarian nords (in a quite bloody and brutal manner)
OP deserves the death penalty
No ones dying because an insurance company denied them weed or puberty blockers.
You absolute buffoon.
I mean, in fairness, Anglos have been trying to transfer the colonial crimes of their ancestors onto Catholic ethnics, so, y’know, the Dago had a point.
>white father of 2

You fags wouldn't say that if he was a commie.
This is the whole reason for the creation of this narrative. To cause confusion and endless pointless shitflinging
People who buy "insurance" deserve far worse than death.
Because you're a paypig. Australia's govt did a study of sending fake bills to people, more than 15% just pay without questioning.

a meaningless buzzword that you refuse to allow freedom of definition, you are spoon-fed by marxism and you should die.
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>>Brown communist murders white father of 2.

>white father of two 100 percent jewish boys
Number of people who go bankrupt yearly due to overwhelming medical bills:
Japan 0
China 0
Korea 0
Malaisia 0
Thailand 0
Portugal 0
Spain 0
France 0
Belgium 0
Netherlands 0
Denmark 0
Norway 0
Sweden 0
Finland 0
Germany 0
Italy 0
Russia 0
Greece 0
UK 0
Australia 0
New Zealand 0
Canada 0

USA - 643,000 .
He should be president and I voted trump
He deserves a statue and a pat on the back.
fifth post best post

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