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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Merica founding fathers were freemasons
>Akshually we are christian country
most people think theyre literate too
You're the one running MKUltra though.
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Not sure why Christians would immigrate to here, unless they simply didn't know.
They just say that to try to sound like they aren't fucking shabbo goyim losers. The founding father hated masonry and the depictions of them as masons are fabrications. They conveniently can't produce proof of presidents being masons once you enter the era of photographic evidence and rely on you believing ridiculous claims based on fake portraits
Rightwiggers are so adamant about America being a Christian country because they're insecure about it not being one. Mexicans don't have to go on about how Mexico is a Christian country; it's obvious and everybody knows it.
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>the president who just happened to firebomb (not nuke) the most Christian parts of Japan is wearing a hat that symbolizes Christian genocide
The red Fez comes from Fez, Morocco where 50,000 Christians were genocides by Muslims, and they dipped their hats in Christian blood. Shriners swear loyalty to Allah.
Yeah. He diverted the targets to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were the two largest Catholic populations in Japan were.
evil bastard.
How it would be different if he dropped nuke on other Japanese people? Either you agree dropping that nuke was wrong or you are as retarded as him dropping it on christians, categorically.
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You're a Freemason shill.
Oh, so you agree with killing japanese people, but when they are japanese christians its wrong. Nice logic there, mr jew.
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>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>it's the muslims!!!
kek. Yeah the muslims are ruling the world right now.
>the jew is ok with dropping nuke on japanese pagans

Nah, you are just jewish shill and argue in very dishonest fashion mutt. I just said it's categorically wrong to drop nukes on any people.
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Denounce the Talmud, Zohar, Hiram Abiff, praise the pope, and praise the monarch of Britain.
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I am denouncing whatever you listed, now denounce killing innocent pagans, mcdonalds and state of pissrael mutt.
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>innocent pagans
Oh you're a Mason that buys their "Jesus's lost years" and "Egyptian Osiris(Saturn/Satan)" worship.

It's not Satan worship, it's "European paganism." KEK
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Then why did they copy paste rule #1 from the Masonic code.
>random japanese pagans are evil we need to NUKE THEM.

You understand how deranged you are? You are the one struggling to denounce use of nuclear weapons against any japanese people. Filthy kike.
Freemasons are Christian
>inb4 an antique quote by a cherry picked freemason
>the pope is satanist so all catholics are satanist

The organised minority always wins against the disorganised majority. If you want power, start a conspiracy.
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You stick out like a sore thumb, Freemason.
>cherry picked quote
>from the leader of Washington DC Freemasonry, and American Freemasonry
Your logic is
>the US president is a pedophile so Americans are pedophiles
See, you still can't denounce killing innocent japanese pagans, but it's suddenly wrong if they dropped the nuke on japanese christians. You are the kike here, who takes pleasure when nuke is dropped on any kind of people. Either dropping nukes is categorically wrong, or it's not, you are very low IQ if you cannot comprehend this.
Original freemasonry excluded kikes. Let that sink in.
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Freemasons are pedophiles, yes.
freemasonry was 4chan before internet
America was founded when the Brits pushed back against the kikes.

Look it up.
In every country your decisions are made by an aristocratic elite. Whether by might or right, they rule you. They all have secret societies where they plot how better to enslave you, BECAUSE that is exactly what you are. No county is exempt, no people are immune. But sure, complain about Americans again, that'll definitely change your life situation.
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amerimuttland is a judeo masonic op to turn european folk against themselves
>here's your liberty bro
Lol you're an ignorant faggot that doesn't know the history of secret societies. Look up America's destiny by manly p Hall. This was all inspired by Francis Bacon's the New Atlantis. Baconian Freemasonry is a rabbit hole in itself. the mason's of today are far from what was envisioned. Read a book faggot/Christ cuck, a real book not some goy public school slop.
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Hi Zack!
MDE is obviously a freemason recruiting front for the younger generation
The vape store goons they picked up like Jet neptune & joeyy have soundclouds with the mason symbol on their albums
autistic boys money clan aka shadow wizard money gang
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But why are your elites a bunch of cryptokikes?
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The found fathers weren't masons just like Jesus wasn't. The lie just like jews calling famous figures masons so they can look powerful and lure in fools to join their gay little cult. The founding fathers fought against the Rothchild's banking regime by refusing to allow them to create the national bank in America until the Rothchild's lobbied the British government to start the war of 1812 destroying our economy and forcing us to accept jewish money. Not only were they not masons but they fought against the very core of masonry itself.
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Nice trailer Zack! https://files.catbox.moe/qjueqx.mp4
I have this book, it is filled with antisemitic, pro freemasonry ( christian) rhetoric.
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Islam is absolutely a part of this plot for the new world order and slaughtering Christians
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>Anti-semetic freemasons
Thats an oxymoron, like saying hot ice or cold fire.
You guys are fucking morons

free masonry is in the name FREE MASONRY. meaning free to build.

The symbols you just put up are protractor and ruler used for surveying fucking geography of the land. To BUILD!!!


At least do some fucking research before spouting nonsense
So why aren't free masonic books about architecture if this was the case, you imbecile, ROFLMAO?
Freemasons are antisemitic Christians they just practice the kabbalah and revere judaism its no big deal
>its just a religion about cutting rocks bro the organized crime is just a coincidence
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>We're just a buncha architects bro, don't worry about it.
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>pro tranny
>pro homosexuality
>promotes pedophiles
>pretends to be right wing
>huge degenerate
Sam Hyde checks all the boxes for being a Freemason.
Why is a shartynigger spamming a Freemason thread? Really makes you think.
No, they literally worship the Rothchild's and jews as a whole as kings of the world and are preparing the way for the rebuilding of the temple and coming of the anti-christ. They are obsessed with jrwish iconography and the highest ranking freemasons are almost always jews. Read the protocols of the elders of zion, the entire order was made as an epstein style control program for goyim society.
That post was sarcastic, yes they are shabbos goyim
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How are they different to a christian brown new world order, it's all the same, roflmao?
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Because they worship the devil and are literally trying to bring about the anti-christ and kill of the vast majority of humanity so they can hand the world over to jews, you fucking kike shill.
do you really think the modern vatican is Christian?
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Why is a sexpest drug addict living in a trailer and posting on 4chan all day every day?
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Why did he say he was going to leave Josie alone after she turned him down and the proceed to harass her for almost 2 years? Are Indians incapable of telling the truth? They are basically Jews but uglier
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Majority of humans are 99% brown shitskin apes, I don't give a shit if they all died lol? Sure, I'd be sad about 1% of Aryan whites and actual humans.
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It’s ironic that Zack aka badideas aka alwaysbadideas cares about white nationalism when he would be the first to get gassed for being a dysgenic shitskin
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>talk about freemasons
>shill spammers show up
my almonds are activating.
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You probably think it’s weird that one spaz keeps going on about Sam Hyde being a Freemason, why Sam Hyde? It’s literally because he’s connected to Josie and this pajeet got his brain broke when she turned him down
Different lodges, different lettering. Can you without looking up on Google, tell the difference between a 3 letter and a 4 letter lodge, or a blue lodge vs a non blue lodge?
But you're ok with the coming of the anti-christ and jews taking control of the world? Go figure, memeflag kike.
>tell the difference between a 3 letter and a 4 letter lodge, or a blue lodge vs a non blue lodge?
Nope, im not an initiated mason faggot
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My almonds active when a 5’6 dysgenic sexpest pajeet spends all day everyday posting on 4chan
Anyone, meaning all 3 , soul, spirit and body. All month Bryan's have just 1, sometimes 2, but never all 3.
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I bet Josie dried up reading that
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Very good work sliding sirs. This is a Freemasonry thread.
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> point proven. Fucking plebes.
MDE damage control shill has arrived to smear campaign some anon and deflect from their own degeneracy
They already control it, though? Why is america not white anymore, faggot?
why are secret societies ignored in political debates?
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itt we never mention yeshuas real name...
You say that the founders of the Jewnited States were freemasons, therefore America isn't le Christian?
Because atheism and similar ideologies are quite strong in muttland. Probably a reaction to the baptists and the evangelicals and so forth
>bound by oath on your life
>33 degree mason.

Degrees are measured through a protractor you moron

Here's the same symbol of the protractor and compass in the freemason symbol you can buy on Amazon for school dumbass

Enough with the conspiracies

Not anyone.
There is no point in differentiating blue lodges from non blue, its all the same.
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Why isn't Israel, kike?
It's not mkultra though, it's a much more advance version. The internet is essentially a sentiment reader. We can push out all this shit and fairly accurately understand what the general sentiment is and react to it. This only has drawbacks when our standing military numbers are in decline and we have to push propaganda in other directions.
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I am white european man, I don't give a shit about kikes, now fuck off mutt.
>Npc answer

Back to ler led dit tou incredible faggot.
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Mods will archive threads that talk about Freemasonry then allow sliding and spam in Freemason threads.

Really makes you think.
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Did you guys know 1 out of every 3 babies in Israel is born with brown skin?
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Why are you responding to yourself on a vpn?

>she said no simple as that

Why wasn’t it that simple?
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>I am white european man, I don't give a shit about kikes, now fuck off mutt
Yea sure, that's what the memeflags for right sholmo?
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Why are you acting like its not all the same? There is no difference between a master mason in a blue lodge kissing ass and a bunch of drunk shriners sucking each other off. Kill yourself
Kikes are already negroid octaroons, where do you think their negro curly nappy hair comes from, faggot? Now stop sliding my thread kike.
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>Hates jews but seethes at post making jews llok bad
Nah, keep seething son of satan.
Yea, I don't mind you posting about kikes, but this thread is about freemasonry keep it related, please.
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Sam Hyde fucked a 15 year old when he was 29. Quit spamming.
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It's free because Jews are cheap.
The Zionist are using it to build their temple. kYS shabbos low level mason goy
Lmao reminds me of fighting looters in Bannerlord
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Hows this?
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Hey Zack aka bad ideas akaalwaysbadideas how come you can’t stop harassing women? Is it because of your pajeet genetics?
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Or maybe this?
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sirs very good work sirs, 30 rupees has been deposited into your account. very good needful sirs.
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Yeah these shills doxxing this anon as a debunkerino against anti masonry are not sending their best
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When you recruit idiots and losers you're never going to have the best.
>hmm, I'm not fond of freemasonry
Hi Zack on a vpn!
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How about the Rothchild's masonic child rape resort?
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Yes, but that was already a natural conclusion to draw about 10 years ago, shit was getting obvious by 2016, out of hand by 2020, and now it can be readily confirmed. Your sentiment reader is being fucked with.
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1: yes, the founders were Christian
and we are a Christian Country according to the SCOTUS
despite the letter we sent to appease some muslim pirates (treaty of tripoli)
2: there's nothing stopping a Christian from being a Freemason, the only thing that comes close are the "bloody oaths," where masons essentially have to say something similar to a "if i lie, stick a needle in my eyes" children's game.
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Hey look it's one of pol's favorite guys!
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You can't make this shit up
Here’s evidence of Zack’s spam in the /ftl/ thread. Notice his ID keeps changing? Because he uses a VPN.

You can also visit the /bant/ archives and look at literally any /ftl/ thread from the past and he is in there spamming walls of text every day.
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What size panties do you think he wears?
Oops is Zack aka bad ideas aka alwaysbadideas getting exposed? Damn and it’s going in the /pol/ archives too!
>all anti mason posters are one anon on a vpn
Take your meds kike
Umad that in exposing you Zack aka bad ideas aka alwaysbadideas?
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Hamiltonian's were the Freemasons
Jeffersonian's were based and more or less modern day libertarians
Jefferson literally called them traitors and Monocrats who held close to their British roots and didn't want to let go

George Washington claimed to be neutral and to not support a side
But we all know he held secret Hamiltonian views
And was of course, a freemason

We could have been an Agrarian isolationist nation based around farming communities
Fuck you Freemasons
Enjoy clinging to life underground when the nukes start flying
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You arent exposing anyone, you are posting off topic spam thats irrelevant to this thread, and no one cares about what youre posting
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His dad probably fucks him while he sleeps.
I’ll see you in the next thread Zack and the next one and the next one
And the archives too!
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Zack aka bad ideas aka alwaysbadideas from /ftl/ - fishtank live general on /bant/
And /ftl/ on /tv/ as well!
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I know what your father is putting you through is terrible but that doesn't give you the right to be retarded ITT. get some help.
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You guyes ever wanna know what was really going on at chabad synagogue?
look into concret gate
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He likes the little ones so his bussy looks fat.
I am literally Zack and every single ID in this thread.
Curious the mods will archive Freemason discussion threads but not Sam Hyde spammers.
only facebook boomers and low iq narcissists whine about the freemasons. it's literally just a charity and networking fraternity
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Shill spotted
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>its just a charity, goy
>why dont you join the fraternity and make some connections?
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normal freemason things
>mason's of today are far from what was envisioned

The vast majority of masons are the "Johannite Freemasons" which are considered by the leading mason organisations like the Scottish Rite etc. as far inferior and just used to make money off and let them do charity work in the name of christianity to mask their hatred for christianity.
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what's up with the nipple shirts?
the fuck is wrong with these disgusting retards
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Who knows.
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It's no secret that Washington basically had no interest in the craft and had to be pressured into to join. He was threatened with the dissolution of the united states if he didn't join (but that's very hush hush).

People like Franklin were much more involved and used freemasonry to negotiate with the French leading Lafayette to be the one that ultimately convinced Washington to throw his hand in. This leading to things kicking off in Europe like the French revolution and the Italian unification. Once done the U.S. gaining the Louisiana purchase and drawing a line with Canada. Inevitably this kicked off things down south with the confederacy and Texas/Mexico.

Things were played out long in advance and taken into account for the ability to convince the colonies to rebel in the first place.

The America revolution was a fuse burnt at both ends.
York Rite is Christian Zionism with the weird Hiramic myth
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Doesn’t she do onlyfans and have videos of her vagina on the internet? How is she male?
Washington even had a Msonic burial. You are hilariously ignorant. They simply wanted a return to Roman Republic without the Vatican/Judaism shitting it up. Jews couldn't even join until the 1870s hence the Bnai Bith lounges. This board is full of illiterate. The top level York Rite (Knights Templar) is EXCLUSIVELY Christian
Doesn't show the vagina. I've heard there has been a couple slips and it doesn't look normal.
>Not sure why Christians would immigrate
There was some freaky shit going on.

>Between 1854 and 1929, the United States operated a unique system known as the Orphan Train Movement, also referred to as “placing out” or “orphan trains.” This program aimed to relocate approximately 200,000 homeless, abandoned, or orphaned children from crowded Eastern cities to rural areas, primarily in the Midwest and West, where they were placed with foster families or farmed out to work as laborers.
You know B'nai B'rith was founded because most lodges didn't accept Jews right? The Prussian lodges especially until the 20th century. Do you just regurgitate /pol memes?
All lodgs have blue lodge rites. It's just the first 3 levels
York right is the right practiced by most of the commonwealth, while Scottish right is practiced in the Southern U.S. and most of the continental if you can count that.
The apendant rights are a cop out to the ancients.
I'm checking her onlyfans on a mirror site and she never shows "her" pussy. It's all clothed or topless images. Who would pay for a girl to not even get naked?
Blue lodge is the first 3 degrees where they pretend it's a social club.
4th-29th they start pretending it's Egyptian Osiris worship (Saturn/Satan wink wink).
30th-33rd they are fully open about it being satan worship.
Kabbalah was Egyptian and kike Moses stole it
like most british masons that thought were the hottest shit out there without knowing that semites are brown and masons are brown supremacists.
brazilanon can you post what you said about
>they recruit incels so they can be tempted with sex
>they recruit homosexuals for blackmail
>they recruit trannies to let you know you're a eunuch slave
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Nah, you're ignorant.
You're correct, but ignorant on the little details.
It's his cope
So you have no realq
how about you adopted a religion that says you should not bend over to the semites?

it is almost as if it comes from the terms of acceptance that you'll be bitch slapped to death if you follow rabbi yeshua.
What is it with all these free mason posts popping up as soon as I'm tryna research a little bit about the masons? Oh well, seems like a well timed coincidence I reckon. I've been reading a bit about the Nazi repression of Freemasonry in occupied Europe during ww2. I must say that I have absolutely no idea about what the masons actually do, they only ever say what they aren't
>we aren't a religion
>we aren't controlling the world etc
the masons diddle you into a faggot which explains the neurotics, the homos and the eunuchs.

mansory is basically a slavement technicy where the semites diddle you while you're a toddler and you become a huge neurotic faggot where they offer one of the three solutions you mentioned.
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American revolution's biggest financer was a Judeo-Freemasonic banker and merchant Haym Salomon (who was agent of the Rothschilds).
American and French revolution were both work of Freemasons and Jewish bankers/merchants. French revolution was however more brutal and extreme.
masons are syncretic, they dissect all religions in search of truth, except maybe bhuddism since it's atheist, and they have a prerequisite of belief in god, hence why atheist are not allowed in
here masons were christians and muslims hence why commies were hunting them down
Maybe. Like I said here>>492003815
Things are complicated as I said here>>492004558

I think you or somebody else mentioned the Prussians but that's another thing. Pic rel.
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Yea its also why Henry ford was forced to pay reparations to the jewish people. That's one of the biggest points, the vast majority of masons on the lower levels will never be told the truth but at the end of the day the jews are their kings and the Rothschilds their lords, this is one of the biggest points in the protocols of the elders. Everything from their doctrine to beliefs to iconography exposes this fact, a fucking child could see it.
quite the paradox, huh
>christian group who believe something slightly different
>knights Templar are Christian’s!!!
>baphomet? Oh that’s just a metaphor
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see >>491994736
I believe bhuddism and even daoism are allowed in freemasonry. Really all you have to believe in is a "higher power" it's really up to the individual lodge to decide if a candidate actually believes in one.
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I pledge allegiance... to the gLutEn FrEe YoGuRrT??!

..Yes, people! Democrats really ARE this dumb!!
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>I pledge allegiance... to the gLutEn FrEe YoGuRrT??!
And for the avocado toast for which it stains.
One Starbucks.
Under studio loft.
In gentrification.
With liberalism and gender reassignment for all.
A woman.
Kys, canajeet nigger it was a mockery. Also, mcgoynalds is poison, not food.
>mcgoynalds is poison
Take that back! Mcgoynalds is a national treasure! Those fish filets are a life saver.
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Mormonism is Freemason Christianity. Mormons make up the majority of staff at 3 letter agencies. Over 70%.

Wow, like, relax, dude. Stop being so defensive. I barely even read your post before replying.
Notice the seething fagmasons replying that I don't believe in their cult nonsense. They offer no proof other than "omg you don't know history!1!"
Checked. Masons act superior and then call you a retard, and say the only way to not be retarded is to join.

Joke's on them. I prefer being retarded.
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The higher you ascend, more and more of their truths are shared. Ascension requires a heavy toll- usually compromising, so you're less likely to talk.
These faggots worship Satan (regardless of their pet kike names) and await Apollo.
Our founding fathers were aware of that, and consecrated DC, to this truth. Christian push back didn't occur until much later. Language on US currency and in our Constitution reflects this.
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Reminder that the worthy slain Master Mason can be patroned by the Valkyrie; choosers of the worthy slain.

Tit job?
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>You can worship any God.... or Goddess you want in Free Masonry.
You Sam Hyde spammers make it obvious he's a Freemason. It's like when you Freemasons come into the thread, ignore Albert Pike saying it's Lucifer worship, and post about how it's a social club for Christians.
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>The Goddess.... Free'ya.....

Well, that part is unironically true and redpilled. Do you guys expect retards like meself?
read about the history of masonry
it was a distinctly Christian brotherhood, when the Christian aspects started to be removed by sects in France it caused a massive fight between the two types of masons (the antients who were Jew-esque, and the Moderns who were ironically the traditionally minded masons)

you can read about this by googling “the great dissension, or the great schism of masonry”
you can also google letters between the founding fathers about this topic that offer immense clarity into the war that was going on, particularly the Jefferson letters on Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati and its relation to the great schism in masonry.)

This is real secret history that is very close to being memoryholed I believe, not many people know about this and soon the knowledge will die because sources on it are so sparse and actively being removed from the web
That's the biggest deception of them all. It's a trick to make you worship sin.
As long as that particular lodge is OK with it I guess.
>anon makes thread about freemasonry
>I post about freemasonry
>shills advertising sam hyde come into the thread to spam about some random retard, and they link to sam hyde's show threads on other boards
Why don't jannies do their job and ban/delete people advertising?

The very act of living, is a sin. Yet here we are, for reasons, still procreating. All of the real gnostics, stopped reproducing. Yet their annoying world hating cult still lives on, in the form of xtianity.
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Imagine a Lodge having the nerve to say that you can't worship the All Father, Odin, or/and by implication, Free'ya.


All hail Snek. Hail Snek. Hail Snek.
its not a christian country, constitution guarantees religious freedom, main christians here are shitskin illegal migrants and african slave descendents
the religion of nonwhites does not matter, this is the equivalent of bitching about allowing christian nigerians to live vs muslim nigerians, they both subhuman equally.
I reported bFdgPUQQ for spam. He seems to have stopped.
christcuck mindset, reminder the Christian U.S, U.K, France, Poland, Greece, etc fought Hitler's Germany, meanwhile Germany was responsible for the Clerical killings of 2500 priest
Most were not, Freemasons, in order to be able to claim to be better men, will state this. They are able to simply because those who were truly responsible for founding our country; died doing s.
You can worship the flying spaghetti monster if that's your thing. It's all about how you present yourself and your character to most people I imagine.
Freasonry is extremely expensive.
Even Franklin wrote about how hard it was for him to found a lodge because of the excessive cost associated with the regalia. My own local lodge made most of their regalia out of recycled tin cans when it was founded.
The York Rite is quite literally called the America Rite.
My point was it became subverted like any other American institution. Quite literally only white men who were ever allowed for until so
Founding fathers were racist and based. Most were Christian too. All this while Freemason.
Freemasons are mostly boomers but quite based these days actually. Those in London hate the ethnic replacement and fund the Reform Party. They also hated the BBC we wuz kangz shenaniggans.
Also, no jews in any lodge I've seen. It's a White man's thing.

t. Royal Arch Mason
Basically this. God could've destroyed this world if He so chose so
LOL retard. Are you going to start shilling Sam Hyde next?
see >>491996264
Unlike catholics, protestants can join freemasonry.
You can buy it online. It's still pricey just to Larp as some ancient philosopher but w/e
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Outside of America Maybe.
Ask somebody in the commonwealth about the Scottish right and they'll look at you like you just escaped the mental asylum.
Saudi is heavily liberalizing, they're complicit at the very least nowadays
you could join if you weren't a registered sex offender
What, is he a brother?
Back on the day some of that stuff was way out of reach for the average person in the 18th century. Most of the textiles would have cost a year's salary and where often times handed down through generations.
Most of the "working tools and drawing boards" were just drawn with chalk and taken from a local worksite.
Even now Most of the emblems are just made of cheap metals and cut glass and not the actual precious metals and rare gems they call for.
>The very act of living, is a sin
No it's not. Sin originates from the "liberation" they are tricking you into liking. Freedom from God isn't freedom.
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Catholics run most of the masonic bodies in my jurisdiction anyway.
Sam Hyde is a Freemason and his Freemason buddies have been harassing me for 2 years now. They tried to recruit me with romantic bait and when that didn't work they changed their strategy to sabotage, harassment, and lying about me.

It's really funny Sam Hyde's paid shill comes into Freemason threads to lie about me, because they are mad I talk about them being Freemasons.

Really disproving the allegations LMAO.
No they can't. Freemasonry directly goes against the Bible. Any freemason who claims to be Christian is either a liar or simply ignorant and unaware of how incompatible the 2 belief systems are. Freemasonry is it's own religion that worships freedom/liberation from God and elevating yourself to Godhood while Christianity is about worshiping God while lowering yourself through contrition and humility..
I probably would have joined if they were more subtle, but they immediately went into breaking into my house, breaking my shit, stealing from me, harassing me, and acting like crybullies if I ever point it out or hurt their fragile feelings.

They are weak loser psychopaths. Every Freemason is a criminal. Sam Hyde is a Freemason. He fucked a 15 year old when he was 29 and also fucks trannies.
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Not sure what point your making or what you're implying; brother.

>.....my life you might take..... but my integrity never.....
>The Valkyrie..... choosers of the worthy slain.

Yup. Every single Freemason website lists "the belief you can achieve immortality." You are required to take vain and sinful paths to join. Swearing loyalty to Hiram Abiff under penalty of death is a sin. Your only loyalty should be to God, not man.
Stop shitting up every anti-freemason thread with your e-celeb obsession. Sam hyde might be a freemason faggot but he wasn't the subject of this thread. You make fagmasons look good by looking schizo as fuck.
No. If Sam Hyde the Freemason is going to pay people to spread lies about me online (like he did Charls), and have his Freemason buddies harass me in real life, I will not shut up about it. Blame Sam paying people to lie about me online.

All Freemasons are criminals.
Like shit like this. If any of it was true I would have criminal charges, but I don't. Freemasons are criminals who conspire to lie about and harass people for political reasons, and never get charged because they embed themselves in the police.

Yesterday Sam paid people to lie about Charles. Today it's me. Tomorrow it will be you.
I stumbled in this thread and saw you faggot Freemasons spergging about me LMAO.

Rent free because I won't suck your cocks for wearing an apron.
Nice vpn swap nigger
Nope. Nice pilpul faggot. You retards are helping expose Sam Hyde as a Freemason by spergging about me.
It's called an imageboard faggot. People can right click and save images. You Freemasons are as stupid as you are criminal

I dislike freemasonry. The greatest weapon devised by the jew.
So you shit up threads and punish normal anons who have nothing to do with it?
They do phrase it in a way to hide behind the guise of Christianity. since one of the core tenets of Christianity is eternal life. But that is through God unlike the freemason version.
You're not helping the organized criminal conspiracy allegations.
>he just uses your images and posts exactly like you?
oh like you posting >>492010792 the same as >>491999026
You're accusing everyone else of what you are doing.
See how Jewish these fucks are? It's mind boggling.
The american WASPs were easy pickings for masonic-judaism to recruit from. They rejected papal decree so didn't outlaw masonic-judaism just to be contrarian. Plus what's a bit of new doctrine anyway when you're larping as the final authorityh on theology.
well yea, secret brotherhood of carpenters created Christianity, the herodian Jews, Alexandrian Jews and Flavian ROmans combined to create Judeo-christinaity, its a sun worship cult just like it was in egypt
the whole point of protestantism was to allow the Jews to practice usury so the German princes could make war upon their Christian neighbors and gain power and wealth by dealing with the Jewish devils.
King Charles the first forbid the jews from committing usury, and kicked them out.
The "puritan" devils took satan's money, murdered the Anglican king, and let the Jews back in.
This isn't a fishtank thread, go back to your containment board. Your advertising Sam's stupid show.
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Watch this
report this faggot for spamming fishtank
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They worship lucifer dumbass.
>now /pol/
Hey mods many fishtank threads does Sam get on 4chan?
You forgot /t/. He probably has 10+ threads up in total.
USA was built by criminals, outcasts and puritans. The brits (and other European countries) literally sent more than 100K criminals in the 18th centurary when only 250K lived there. Also puritans that was kicked out had an extremely important role, it is undeniable. So US is basically a psycho with a Bible. Through DNA testing I am house of Peter. Is it not ironic?
Templars were in America before Columbus and that's where they took and hid some of the so called Arks of the Covenant they found in Egypt. Columbus first tried to sail with the Portuguese but they were a Templar country and told him to fuck off. Spaniards were Church loyalists, but they used Templar insignia on their sails to fool the American natives. Then Anglo-Scots decided to intervene before the Church could get the artifacts.
Anyway, american protestantism is a slave/prisoner religion, reminiscent of old Christians that withdrew in catacombs, so they get their feel special points, as opposed to Roman tradition, which is even more retarded and full of lies.
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Freemasons in everyday life.
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>in a self defense situation
picrel. This shill has fully convinced me Sam Hyde is a Freemason.
KEK. true.
Keep going retard. The more you do this the more you convince everyone what they say about Sam is true.
The english used "criminal" as a justification for kidnapping people and sending them over to the Americas.
They weren't so much criminals because they did any crime as much as they were within arms length of the boat when it set sail. Most of the people who ended up in the "new world" worked just enough to afford a boat ride back to the old.
You Freemasons are fucking retarded holy shit.
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How many sheckels does Sam pay you to be his obedient little pig? Did he promise you fame? Secret Freemason knowledge? A handjob from the Lodge's Grand Master?
Anon we broke him. Sam shouldn't have outsourced delicate work to pillhead wiggers and jeets.
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Have you read this yet? There might be a quiz later in the fishtank threads.
I'm going to come inside your lodge and fart. It will reek so bad the paint will peel off the walls and cracks will appear in the floors. The smell of my fart will linger in the air for weeks, leaving you to abandon your child rape nest due to Defcon F, F for Fart. You have been warned.
Be careful anon! The Sam Hyde shill will report you to the FBI!
Every Freemason lodge site has a list of "past masters" aka previous leadership of the lodge. RA Lafferty is a famous Masonic author.
Alex you need to take your meds.
teaching stupid people to read and write was even worse than giving everybody iphones
Freemasonry isn't a religion.

Why are such dumb posts allowed on /pol/
Why did Albert Pike, leader of American Freemasonry call it a religion?
>/pol never discussed Freemasonry before Sam Hydenko ran 300 bombing runs in Ukraine

Please kys
Anon you missed about 50 posts of the Sam Hyde shill being schizo and claiming everyone is one person.
>It's not mkultra though, it's a much more advance version. The internet is essentially a sentiment reader.
This is true.
But its more than that.
Ive experienced: seeing/reading something on the internet that had me focus so intensely for a moment that it became my reality
I just refreshed and noticed all the deleted posts lol
Masonry is covert subliminal Christianity for people who think they're too good for Christianity
George Washington was a freemson. When he read Capt Morgans book on the secrets of freemasonry he quit.
>George Washington was a freemson. When he read Capt Morgans book on the secrets of freemasonry he quit.
Not really.
Desipte masonic lore, he was only an entered apprentice (1º) and only because masons insisted only masons could come inside the lodge at their meetings when he wanted to talk to them about breaking free from England.
Afterwards despite the many paintings of him doing masonic stuff he never set foot in a lodge again and even confided that he considered it a "waste of time", a phrase that subtly suggests he may have been in the Illuminati despite his public skepticism towards its agenda.
We don't need Catholicism 2
They are retards who think original sin is the spark of divine light/flame of prometheus. Not at all Christian.
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Freemasons are not some jewish evil circle. It's literally club guys to go out drink and eat with their buddies and get away from their wifes. Talking about bullshit like politics,business and where your planning your next vacation. It's not some demonic cult. Here we are all Christian Orthodox.Those threads always make me laugh. I am a member of The Red Cross, Rotary and a Freemason in my local lodge.
Will post picture of my masonic bible if you guys behave. I am 31 btw, youngest in my lodge, but I started in high school at the Red Cross, then at 18 I went to Rotary and then recruited by one of my local lodges.

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No it's Satanism like Albert Pike says.
Nobody here believes you.
You just know way less about freemasonry than those of us who know it's jewish. You are profane.
Yes,because everybody is a schizo living in his moms basement with no knowledge of reality. Everybody thinks freemasons are baby eating, world controlling demonic jewish organization. You can't put any sense in such people. It's like teaching a cat how to build a house.
>schizo living in his moms basement with no knowledge of reality.
change this to a shitty building trying to copy solomon (they think they are jews lol) and you described freemasonry
Good evening, may we know what’s your favorite dinosaur?
Denounce Hiram Abiff, the Talmud, and Zohar.
So in your humble opinion, there are no Christian frreemasons? Everybody is a jew? What if I've told you there are even Muslim freemasons? t
Ofcourse I denounce them lol, I am baptized Christian so are many many more,stop being a schizo.
We know you Freemason faggot. They wear red Fez caps symbolizing having been dyed in Christian blood and swear loyalty to Allah.

Say you denounce Hiram Abiff and he knows no secrets of Freemasonry.
Stegosaurs are pretty cool.
In Turkey many men wear red Fez you spastic autist and they are not freemasons. From village people to politicians, it's used as a cap by everybody, are you retarded?

Also, Hiram Abiff is part of jewish freemasonary , I don't engage in anything jewish related.
Different lodges have different 'ways'. Not all lodges are the same. Lodges in Egypt are different than lodges in the USA ,Japan or Europe. Stop being a schizo.
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>still won't denounce hiram abiff
>ignoring WHY Freemasons wear red Fez hats, symbolically dipped in the blood of Christians
>y-you're schizo
You're a Freemason and it's obvious to anyone reading the thread.
>shows a photo of a Fez that is not red and a photo of a drawing of red Fez.
>Ignores the fact that muslims use it as a traditional cap
>not a schizo

"The fez (Turkish: fes, Ottoman Turkish: فس, romanized: fes), also called tarboosh/tarboush (Arabic: طربوش, romanized: ṭarbūš), is a felt headdress in the shape of a short, cylindrical, peakless hat, usually red, typically with a black tassel attached to the top. The name "fez" may refer to the Moroccan city of Fez, where the dye to color the hat was extracted from crimson berries. However, its origins are disputed.

The fez (Turkish: fes, Ottoman Turkish: فس, romanized: fes), also called tarboosh/tarboush (Arabic: طربوش, romanized: ṭarbūš), is a felt headdress in the shape of a short, cylindrical, peakless hat, usually red, typically with a black tassel attached to the top. The name "fez" may refer to the Moroccan city of Fez, where the dye to color the hat was extracted from crimson berries. However, its origins are disputed."

If I put a baseball cap with freemason symbols, does that make baseball caps freemason item? Oh wait, cops in NA already do that. I guess if you have one, you are freemason as well. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.
>still didn't denounce hiram abiff
What did District Grand Master Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin, mean by putting "job well done" on his son's tombstone?
Why the fuck should I care. Maybe the kid was a part of psyop ,maybe it's a phrase that mattered to him, maybe the father was proud of what his son have achieved. People put random sayings on gravestones all the time, most of the time personal and private.
Denounce Hiram Abiff. Claim he has no secret knowledge.
Wasn't he killed exactly because of that? Why kill him if he had no secret knowledge. He was a jew, I told you that this is a jewish freemasonary and I am a Christian. I have no idea if he had the knowledge or not, how could I know for sure about that happened so long ago? Maybe he had, maybe he did not. Doesn't matter anyways. By now we have all the knowledge anyways , so it must be coming from somewhere. If he was not the source,maybe he was a patsy,can't be sure for stuff like that. Also,only jews care about him, some fairytale character that can not even be confirmed.
Start living in the real world, not stories from the past.
>still did not denounce Hiram Abiff
I literally said that I am in my first post you illiterate schizo. There are more freemasons that you can think of. What we do is not illegal and we all have normal lifes and jobs. We are from all religions and cultures around the world. We do more charity and help the poor and weak than any of you spastic schizo fucks on this board. People who 'control' the world are from other orders. Yes they may be masons as well, but they are not your average mason. You can be member of multiple lodges and orders and there are tons of them.
>still did not denounce Hiram Abiff
dang, paragraphs but no denouncing of him.
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they were here before the lucifer worshipping masons showed up and took over.. its why they left europe.. to get away from all the jewry and luciferianism and their zionist / imperialist bullshit.

once the europeans realized that North America was were they could go to be free from it all they risked everything they had to escape.. only to be followed by the evil fucks.

just go look around washington D.C. its a bunch of occult and pagan symbolism. they literally worhsip the devil, or Ham, who was known as Zeus as well as many other names. he was the "king of hte gods" and the one who created Babylon for his descendents to rule from. the devil's grandson was Nimrod, the first king of Babylon.

the founding fathers pulled a bunch of tricks and reverse psychology. they staged a revolution and claimed it to be a declaration of freedom and so on.. but their intentions were the opposite, it was to establish a system that seemed self governing but ultimately was still completely controlled by Europe... Rome / London.. id say Paris but their shits too weak to mention.

and thats because the USA is the forth beast in Daniels prophecy about Babylon.

masons are zionists.. volunteer jews.
spotted the mason.. that or you are truly retarded.
the second you said "Christ cuck" you blew it for yourself.

Christians are the only ones who've ever exposed them or the satanic jews.

you want to know how i alrady knew EVERYTHING you mentioned? i learned it from Christians. i also have a copy of the secret teachings of all ages. its a bunch of lies.
goddamn pirates i knew it they re stealing our booty
>manly p hall
You mean the guy 30th degree Freemasons swear loyalty too, after stabbing the symbolic skulls of a pope clement the 5th and king Philip the 5th?
so masons are just glorified construction workers?

masons always tell the same blatant lies. they try and play down how highly they think of themselves and history.. its called hidden knowledge for a reason. and you faggots HATE when people know your profound secrets. because in your mind we are the mundane and profane masses.

except i have more knowledge and wisdom than your average turdy turd degree. "free" mason. theres nothing free about them. they're all slaves playing at being masters. its pathetic. the fools dont realize it until they're in too DEEP. key word being deep, as in, descent, down.. into DARKNESS.. because they are not ascending upwards towards perfection and Godliness and the light.. its all trick and a sick evil joke.

shriners rape kids just like the jews do.

the square and compass represents not only solomons seal, but the measurements gave for the tabernacle. the illuminated eye and G represents Lucifer, their god who they believed sat on the mercy seat and lit the sky above the tabernacle... it was a battery and not any organic light of the true God.

and they mean to rebuild solomon's temple as well as reestablish the one world kingdom of Babylon. masons are zionists who serve the bloodlines that trace back to the builders of Babylon and Egypt.. the various Hamite nations and empire.

Ham = Ba'al = Moloch = Zeus etc. people sacrificed children to him. he ate babies. this is why these people sitll do these rituals today.

masons even have a ritual where they drink blood out of a human skull. they'll deny it, but they'll turn around and say its just symbolic and its not a real skull its plastic etc.. these people are the blood lickers, canaanites, amorites etc they are Amalekites, demons, children of the devil. they are not the true Jews and covenant of Abraham.
I still don't get it, if all those factions in ww3 kill each other, who really stays alive to preach some whatever esoteric luciferian religion?
Christcucks accepted jews back in 110 times
My bad went to le gym
Bro your cray. He said he was a Mason. Hiram is not the end all of Masonry. His story is about loyalty
There is no Canon B8blical literature where Ham engages in cannibalism. Zeus is not Cronos. Schizo. NEXT
>Fez, Morocco where 50,000 Christians were genocides by Muslims
The what now? When did this happen? And i’m pretty sure the Fez hat comes from Turkey, not Morocco.
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>Ham engages in cannibalism
why do hispanics seethe so much about based freemasons?
Christians have always been persecuted by Muslims in Morocco. The fez has always been a symbol of Islam and predated it being called a "Fez." The name Fez comes from Fez, Morocco where they are a popular place of manufacture.

Christianity has pretty much always been illegal in Morocco. The red color symbolizes dying the hat in the blood of Christians. This is why Freemason Shriners wear them. Freemason Shriners also swear loyalty to Allah.

This is sourced from this video, and historical fact agrees with it.

>picrel firebomed Christians in Japan (nukes are fake, a political fearmongering tool)
Judaism for non jews(aka goyim) is that simple. Now the question is: why would you wanna be part of this shit jewish show?
This doesn't make sense, jews worship YHWH and saturn? Freemasonry seems to be all bout the morning star /venus
>2 more weeks, the religion
Why don't you want to join?
Yep, they hate Catholics with passion. The only reason they allow protestants is because they are easily controlled and pay taxes.
You are a fucking schizo. The masonic Fez can have many colours, you proved it in your own post when posting a picture that you posted, moron. Also, Moroccans and Turks are muslim, not jewish. How is the Fez related to your imaginary jewish secret society that controls the world you dumb fuck?Go to Turkey and you will be amazed how many freemasons they have. From your average begger,breadmaker,saleseman to your biggest politician or businessman. You are so fucking stupid my brain hurts.
You never denounced Hiram Abiff.

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