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>boomers fell for this
are you implying america wasn't capitalist at all until boomers
>meat stores all start selling rotten meat
>send their bribists to government to ensure it remains perfectly legal for them to do so
This kills the Jew Friedman.
any interaction between businesses and lobbyists must end with death penalty
>the store has every right to misrepresent its merchandise and shouldn't expect any retribution other than losing customers
Nevermind boomers, anarch related market ideology has existed for more than 200 years and it's always the same hypocritical bullshit:
>businessmen have every right to do whatever the fuck they want to further their interests, you have no right whatsoever to associate with your fellow men to further yours by squeezing the life out of antisocial businesses
They'll always pretend they're too stupid to understand that the state is the necessary consequence of a free market of force because they're just looking to scam you, they know they have no argument.
They're just as idealistic as outright communists
>Why would businesses ever collude or generally push towards a lowering of safety and quality standards that lower prices and raise profits?
While insisting
>it's a businesses duty to make as much profit as possible down to the last penny
>No you don't get it all it would take is one guy charging honest prices and treating workers well and he'd be able to steal all the customers and best employees
>They're just as idealistic as outright communists
Lmao no way, they are as idealistic as eco-retards.
Commies are human brained enough to be motivated by greed, laziness and envy.
Ancaps on the other hand are completely delusional fools following completely self-aware grifters.
Human brained? Commies aren't human at all.
Most people have accepted the bugs already, soon we will accept rotten meat if enough press articles talk about how healthy and sustainable it is.
Lookup Ford vs Dodge...
It's less the issue with rotten meat than the fact that some people live in a fantasy land where they think nanny government is capable of preventing that from happening.
History shows that it does. Governments are highly effective at performing their job in high IQ countries outside of lolsperg cherrypicking and misrepresentation of facts
Government has been involved in stopping businesses selling rotten meat since the middle ages. You are litterally stupider than a medieval peasant.
Limited government yes, big government starts working with companies to fleece the common citizen. That's the point...
>Quality of food vastly improved after the FDA was formed
Why are you drooling retards ignoring that we dont have a fucking free market?
Yeah, so it isn't a free market. Government interference.
>REAL capitalism has never been tried
Cope and seethe
>trannies, out of nowhere
That's almost literally what happened in the USSR except there were no bribists because the government was just that dysfunctional to not be able to fix the issue
Could the opiod crisis be avoided with libertarianism?
Well he was a free market guy so the government wouldn't have the power to be bribed and allow stores to do anything in his proposed system so your comment is pretty retarded. The fact that this happened in multiple communist countries just goes to show that he was right.
Before 1950 everything was free. You could walk into a store and take anything.
This can all be fixed by allowing dueling to be back.
If some store owner is selling you rotten meat, challenge him to a duel. Doesn't need to be to the death, but it helps.
>ah, no, see, actually my ideas rely on the world being absolutely perfect and human greed and flat out spite not existing
Where have I heard that before?
Simply dragging them to the town square and nailing their ears to a board that says what they did would be enough.
You don't actually work in the food industry, do you?
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Most people won't actually care if a store sells rotten meat, they'll buy shit anyways.
>da gubment sucks and cuts corners at their job (in spite of being paid to do it)
>therefore we must hand that responsibility to another group of powerful rich retards (totally not like a gubment) who stand to make a profit by cutting corners on the job
The problem is regulators are easily bribed and co-opted by big business, so they only serve to provide protection to big business and to outlaw competitors, while failing at their basic responsibilities.
>yfw you realize that Theodore Roosevelt created the FDA after reading a socialist's propaganda screed and said socialist was pissed about that because the point wasn't to demand regulation of the meat industry, it was to get the meat packing workers to rise up and overthrow capital
That's also based, here we call it "the people's love"
Bro, if you want to cut off your own penis or eat rotten meat then you have a full right to do so. I won't; but I will not pay for the gendarmes to stop you from going full retard either. In fact, you have my godspeed. (may I have your gear?)
america was keynesian instead of neoliberal before the 1980s and that's when everything snowballed into this shitty hellscape we have now.
The EU having such blatantly superior food quality to the USA (or even Canada and Australia for that matter) redeems Regulationfags. Seriously let's be fucking real, which berries would you rather eat: the ones picked in France or the ones picked in North America? Which chicken has less hormones? Which beef has less HGH?
>Da big government is making our meat dangerous!
Yeah sure, everyone knows how awful beef is in Japan and France, right? Lmao
And that made everyone outside of retarded commies, and cringy lolbertarians, much happier.
We had great food quality up until our agriculture became more globalised from the early 2000s onwards.
Now we export our best quality food and sell the shit quality stuff locally.
It's unirincally tied to population growth as well. Australia could sustain a higher quality of life for 20m people than it can for 30m people.
>Nigger jannies (who tongue my anus, for free) are giving out warnings for directing the thread AWAY from trannies.
This a great argument for weekly FDA inspections, not for the idea that the industry will self-regulate in its absence.
>tied to population growth
If the issue was population vs arable land then the best food quality would be in the US, followed by Australia, followed by the EU with countries like Poland in first and the Netherlands dead last, but we see the exact opposite.
It's a combination of globalisation and population growth. We export out best food to the higher priced asian markets and due to a larger local population there's more competition esulting in higher prices for poorer quality food. Also non-whites have a higher tolerance for shit food becuase they bomb it with spices.
It really wasn’t. It had something similar to the NSDAP for most of its history. It sought autarky and production backed wealth rather than gold and capital.
The US avoided the fate of the commonwealth because it rejected free market capitalism in favor of a protectionist economy. This is not to say all markets were high regulated, it is more so the United States prevented foreign merchants from undercutting Americans and creating trade asymmetries against us. We built up our economic power then levied as a form of soft power against others.
This is the ideal form of conquest in the world. Healthy competitive labor instead of bloodshed.
he says, in an argument about free market capitalism
meant to quote
>cope and seethe
>REAL free market capitalism has never been tried
Cope and seethe.
The US only really did Nazinomics during the FDR era. Before, it was Laissez Faire in a protected market, after that a managerial, interventionist system with free trade
Well played.
>This a great argument for weekly FDA inspections, not for the idea that the industry will self-regulate in its absence
No one said it would, just that the FDA is functionally worthless and food plants are not any better or more sanitary than they were in 1901.
It only works if everyone consumer is an expert on everything they consume and have the money to test it
They don't though
I'd rather delegate that task to government agencies through my tax dollars
I want the state to have a monopoly on food standards
There are free to use websites and consumer reviews which check quality of products, rank food producers according to them abiding by some arbitrary "vegan" or "organic" standards" (no matter if they're legally required or not); even look for scammers . Ever heard of Amazon reviews?
Gaberment agencies are extremely costly and encroaching substitutes for people just occasionally using their brain cells.
>bbut, without gaberment, who will stop me from drinking a gallon of soda daily!!!
no one will give a fuck because no one will be forced to pay for YOUR medical treatment
Those websites could publish anything they wanted, there is no guarantee that they're experts with the right technology and knowledge to do the testing themselves
Yes, there are independent websites available now but likely they are just relaying information that they got from government funded testing, not paying for the testing themselves or they're doing subjective evaluations of the quality or flavour of the products
It's for the public good that this testing be done, human nature makes it necessary
If you will read through the Constitution, you will notice the phrase "Congress shall have the power to create food safety regulations" is 404 not found.
Gaberments don't give you guarantees either, they only give you false sense of security. You _think_ that you are safe because some agency approved a product but you are not. They are known to be just as corruptible but in your system there is no competition to keep corruption in check.
Millions of people are being fooled by some "officially approved" "food pyramids" daily (regardless of them being regularly changed kek) - only to use websites like 4chan to actually share some valuable information about nutrition.
I think the problem with corruptibility only occurs in countries with a weak state or one which has given a monopoly to private companies to do the testing
Once you outsource testing and standards you have a problem because the suppliers and testing companies will be incentivised to cut corners and do deals, say claiming that a particular product is safe when in fact it's not
Having the testing be done by government agencies or perhaps public universities keeps the standards high when you have people in power with the willpower to ensure that standards are being met
>Millions of people are being fooled by some "officially approved" "food pyramids" daily
I think the food pyramid isn't as bad as people make it out to be
The problem is that it's easily misinterpreted and food companies with little regulation as far as nutrition is concerned are able to take advantage of the message it sells
Unfortunately the issue is that the vast majority of people are idiots and any public health policy needs to take that into account
For example, fat is bad therefore yogurt has to be 99.9% fat free but we'll fill it up with sugar so that customers are still satisfied and left feeling like they've made a decision for their future health when in fact it was likely less healthy than the original full fat yogurt
Anyway I see this issue as being slightly different from government agencies mandating that foods sold in the country cannot contain a certain level of contaminants or carcinogenic compounds or even that the nutrition information provided is accurate
According to the You're a Huge Sodomite Act of 1826, anyone who decides to use a pedantic interpretation of the Constitution to infringe upon life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a huge sodomite.
You don't need special regulations and separate bureaucracies to stop people from selling known (hidden) poisons or making false claims in their advertisements. The criminal law already covers that and it always has.
>ITT economically illiterate Marxists say retarded shit
Boomers fell for all kinds of kikery.
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It's insane that so many people really genuinely 100% believed a free market would naturally lead to a race to the top rather than a race to the bottom
Based on what logic
Just the ridiculous assumption that consumers will always go for the best product regardless of anything else?
Where are the incentives
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what do you mean by this

"Keynesianism" began in the 1930s, as >>491997883 points out, and government spending has since increased. It may not be "keynesian", however it remained a mixed economy with the government controlling about half the economy via taxes, inflationary spending and regulation. Neither was the US "anti-capitalist" or less capitalist just because it had tariffs in the 19th century, that's a huge stretch, before WW1 it would be considered to be extreme laissez faire by modern standards. If you have some offbeat definition of capitalist then elaborate on that, otherwise you are just plain incorrect.

I would also dispute the idea the US economy would still be based on furs and tobacco were it not for what were the ordinary tariffs of the time, the US possessed vast natural resources, a temperate climate like Europe and was deeply connected to Britain and its industrial revolution despite the bad blood with the monarchy, it could have industrialized accidentally by farting too loud.

you must have misread, they're the ones who seem to think america wasn't capitalist until boomers
your incredibly biased headcanon is not reality

>the ridiculous assumption that consumers will always go for the best product regardless of anything else
They do have some capacity to choose the best product and go to the most reliable vendors, yes. It is limited, but it is there. Their limited knowledge also affects other things like which politicians they support. If we were having a real debate we would be discussing the limits of both a free market and democracy, but you are an ideologue so that's not happening.
Of course they can choose
And what they choose is cheaper worse products there's no "biased headcanon" there it's just a fact
What economists foolishly assumed would happen did not happen at all they were just wrong
That's why only high trust societies can practice capitalism.
But since capitalists love shooting themselves in the foot by importing cheap labour that makes society less trustworthy. Capitalism is unsustainable, we will go back to feudal times and we will love it.
Then why is the food in countries like Japan so high quality? Why do the Japanese regularly eat raw eggs but discourage Americans from doing the same thing?

Oh right, it's because their government actually has very tight regulations when it comes to testing chickens for salmonella and keeping them in clean environments.

Even if the government can't 100% stop everyone they can seriously disincentivize the market from engaging in certain actions. No one wants an expensive lawsuit with a government agency. Otherwise under your own logic we should just have no laws, since hey, the government can't stop everyone from breaking them
The way it's fundamentally flawed is that there is no way for all consumers to know if a product is truly high quality or just marketed that way, a product may seem okay but then break down some time later because it was shoddily made, or because of bad luck, most people don't know enough about how the products they buy are produced to be able to make that kind of call

And it isn't reasonable for most people to have that knowledge, think of all the shit you buy and all the services you use, no one is going to do a deep dive into researching all of that, the majority of people simply don't have the time to do this
>"capitalism" is free market
>its so free that someone can get a bank lone of billions without any business plan or reassurance while the other 99% of people can barely get shit
>its so free that someone can use this bank lone to corrupt politicians and pass laws to reduce any attempt to compete against him
>its so free that even if someone is stupid enough to try creating/importing a product or service the IRS will be there to ruin his life, while ignoring the tycoon who bought half of the government
this is your "capitalism" literally a monarchy in disguise
A bunch of those websites are not reliable, some sites can just bot reviews or purchase testimonials, some of the people buying a product may say it's good but they only tried the product for like, a week and then it broke down 3 months later, some people engage in post-purchase rationalization, some of the reviews come from people who generally aren't reliable (ie they didn't use the product properly, they didn't read the instruction manual, they didn't maintain the product as expected), some people may rank a product 5 stars but only because the product is cheap when you want a product that's high quality and are willing to spend a little more for that (differing priorities), some people have personal biases (ie. they just flat out prefer one brand over another, regardless of the product's actual quality)
Limited Government/Big Government is a mythical dichotomy made by faggot lolbertardians. China is a totalitarian government and is highly effective.
By all objective metrics they are
Something like this would never happen in modern boomer (actually Jew) controlled America.
It’s kind of funny to think how lobertarians think that customers would be able to perfectly rate food safety directly from the prosucts they buy. Sure, you can tell whether the food is spoiled or not, and you can tell if you get sick by eating it. What you don’t know is what kinds of pesticides or pollutants they have, and because they cause long-term harm that is hard to trace to one source, good luck being the enlighrened customer there.

Same goes for additives, even if everyone listed them honestly on their packaging, LMAO at the idea that customers could ever be able to understand all the possible additives and their safe limits.
>just think of those poor ceos and shareholders
they pay you too much, AI can do your job better and cheaper
that's a bit harsh
life imprisonment with mandatory 40 hrs/week physical labor (whipping optional) would be more humane.
Foreign interests within the government is a state betrayal
dual citizenship = dual loyalty
(trade) with foreign nations should be tightly controlled by an elected council
>you're a Marxist if you acknowledge that businesses send bribists to government to bribe them for things they want that reduce standards for consumers and raise profits
Shouldn't a capitalist be cheering for this? Selling the worst possible product for the highest possible price?
The only thing that makes a human society run with honesty is the fear of God.
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>The government should be run like a business!
No, capitalists want the best possible product for the lowest possible price. You get that through competition, not through a monopoly. The DMV sucks because it's got a monopoly and no competition
That's how it works in white societies, because whites will actually stop buying from those traders and let others know not to buy from them, thus generating opportunity for other traders to come in. Maybe in the East it doesn't work like this.
Profit above all else. Quality or lack thereof is a means to an end for profit.
Whites invented McDonald's you fucking retard.
Stop seething, I am sure that they have a menu for you vegan trannies too.
see, no gaberment requires that but business oblige anyway. Market is always a step ahead.
i wonder what friedman thought about light bulb manufacturers colluding to lower the quality of the filament so they break regularly thus resulting in a consistent revenue stream, a practice which arguably has led to virtually every industry today engaging in this so-called "enshittification". this happened during his lifetime. surely he commented on it?
in the early 20th century incandescent bulbs lasted at least 50,000 hours of use. this meant sometimes a few decades without having to replace a bulb so manufacturers were going broke from lack of sales. they came to an agreement in the 1920s to standardize on a lifespan of 2,000 hours and any manufacturer who violated this agreement would have to pay a fine.
The auto industry would be a lot poorer if the Midwest wasn't full of road salt that destroys vehicles and forces you to buy new ones every 4 years.
if everyone went under for lack of light bulb sales a whole lot of people would be out of a job. you lefties don't want to put a good working man in the unemployment line, do you?
>just has to bring up trannies
Lmfao you retards are so pathetic. No one, and I mean no one, thinks about trannies as much as you closeted fags.
Those 50,000 hours light bulbs were as bright as a candle. Brighter ones have a shorter life-span but the customers preferred them anyway.
ITT: people who misses the point

government regulations don't work too good for the simple reason that Americans generally hate authority and being told what to do. maybe in Japan where they have collective society.
but i thought the free market was supposed to provide me with the best product?
rest assured that it's better and cheaper than anything that any gaberment has provided to you ever
notice how she can't address either of my questions in >>491997922 and >>491997929
and just screeches "muh leftists! muh gubbmint!"
We saw how planned economies worked (or didn't work) in communist countries. They didn't provide any kind of quality product or even much product at all unless you waited 2 years to buy a bicycle.
why wouldn't they work?
The point is to deincentivize behavior, not to prevent it 100% of the time. You're probably gonna sort out quality control issues with your meat packing business if the state keeps fining you millions of dollars per case of food poisoning. The question is to what extent are people willing to allow the state to exercise that kind of power?
>if the state keeps fining you millions of dollars per case of food poisoning.

Not when the food producer writes a few Congressmen a check it's not anyway.
>misses the point
ESLfag spotted
why are you talking about communism? we're talking about the free market. now answer my question.
Dude - NOTICE - that I have already answered your question:
Are you all leftards just bots that didn't learn to read yet? It seems so judging from all the "conversations" were are having with you.
>>REAL capitalism has never been tried
Unironically this until Argentina last year.
>that I have already answered your question:
no you didn't. you went "YEAH BUT GUBBMINT BAD" when i wasn't talking about them. you can't answer the question of what to do about cartels because you're too afraid to admit that government is necessary for a "free" market to operate.
Does this retard know that tens of thousands will die because of food poisoning so they won't be able adjust to the unregulated ''market''? I guess India must be this guy's libertarian paradise
Just checking anon, you're suggesting that Americans would slurp down rotten meat covered in slime and maggots, if the government told them it was bad to do so?
Why would they want the best possible product at the lowest price? If you can make the widget out of high grade plastic for $100 per unit or out of dogshit mixed with sawdust for $10 a unit, isn't it your duty as a capitalist to sell people widgets made of dogshit if they will buy them?
>trannies, out of nowhere
ok, now I will answer your SECOND question, about how to deal with cartels. Pay attention.
Cartels only exist if gaberments protect their agreements under the threat of legal penalty - and that because _breaking_ the agreement is highly profitable for the company which does that; it could literally capture the whole market and have all the profits ALONE - without any sharing with their competitors - but it doesn't happen because ALL firms quickly start to violate it too. There has been literally ONE example in history that a cartel (or monopoly) has lasted without gaberment corruption and "regulations"; that was De Beers diamonds. Meanwhile, hundreds of cartels benefit all the time from gaberments' interventions (a reminder that there is no patents in libertarianism even).
>no patents
>little guy has an idea
>puts the idea into production
>it's popular, starts to sell really well
>corporation sees the sales and starts making the product themselves, faster and cheaper
>corporation gets rich
>little guy can't compete

I trust libertarianisim also accounts for the little guy being allowed to turn up to the corporations board meeting and slaughter them all with a shotgun?
Stick your fake concern about small business in your ass. They do fine if (temporarily) firms aren't using gaberment services to shut them down - at the taxpayer's cost kek.

No but seriously, the screwed over little guy will be allowed to just straight up butcher the CEOs if they steal his idea and make millions, right?
You take a loan if you have a good business idea. Mind you that an idea alone is not yet a product/service delivered at a competitive price. Businessmen can do that; bureaucrats (or random internet anons) typically can't - their ineptitude is not market's fault and doesn't hurt the consumer if _someone else_ is able to finish the job.

>have idea
>take out a loan to fund the idea
>puts the idea into production
>it's popular, starts to sell really well
>corporation sees the sales and starts making the product themselves, faster and cheaper
>corporation gets rich
>little guy can't compete
>loses house where the bank calls in the loan

No. Seriously. Under libertarianism he would be able to tie up the CEO of the company and slice pieces of him off minutes by minute like an Iberian ham, right?
Have you considered meds?
Most of those corporations suck off the government massively or in the case of my balkan shithole, are owned by some guy in the parliament, especially for construction.
Have you considered answering the question?
And naturally, they're going to become upright, moral, hardworking citizens the movement libertarianism is implemented and they can do whatever they like.
according to tankie logic a planned Soviet economy should have produced the best and most abundant consumer goods, yet it somehow didn't
I have answered all you actual questions and provided a free advice about your mental problems. You girls are truly hard to satisfy.
they had some problems but did the best they could in spite of routine capitalistic embargoes of their countries and CIA sabotage
You have not. Under libertarianism, what recourse does the little guy have when a corporation steals his idea and mass produces his product on a scale he can compete with? Especially when he apparently also has a loan to cover to pay for the idea?
The fuck's that got to do with anything?
"I advertised extensively for men, wanted several thousand, and was never able to get over 700 or 800 white men at one time. We increased finally to 10,000. A large number of men would go on to the work under those advertisements; but they were unsteady men, unreliable. Some of them would stay a few days, and some would not go to work at all. Some would stay until pay-day, get a little money, get drunk, and clear out. Finally, we resorted to Chinamen. I was very much prejudiced against Chinese labor. I did not believe we could make a success of it. I believe Chinese labor in this country on that kind of work never had been made a success until we put them on there; but we did make a success of them. We worked a great many of them, and built the road virtually with Chinamen."

— James Strobridge, Central Pacific Railroad foreman, testifying before Congress in 1876
The idea of stealing the concept doesn't exist in libertarianism. If you steal something then the previous owner doesn't have it anymore; you can't steal an idea.
Humankind has developed by copying (not "stealing") concepts.
there was no food safety in communist countries. enjoy your moldy cheese with rat feces in it which you waited in line 3 hours to purchase.
Cool, so the little guy can just wait for the corporation to mass produce the idea for him, get his buddies together, go to the corporations warehouse, take all of their fully loaded trucks, drive it back home and sell the idea himself?
Corporations don't exist without gaberments.
If the "little guy" can't compete then he will fail. But competition is WAY easier WITHOUT FUCKING GABERMENTS protecting huge corporations.
Not a libertarian but I know enough about them that they'd be against your latter two points
>very rich people pooling their resources together to make even more money don't exist without spergoid deliberate spelling error.

Come now.
It goes both way - everybody could copy the ideas of big companies. No Apple's patent trolling anymore.
>just make an iPhone in your garage bro!
You know little about Apple and their patents.
Do they make iPhone in people's garages or not?
They don't make them anywhere. The Chinese do it for them.
See, you order an "iPhone" from a Chinese company and sell it from your garage, duh
Libertarianism: what if Aliexpress was a political and economy ideology?
China is crushing because they famously disregard patents. Among other things obviously.
What are some of the other things anon?
No labor rights for one. Because "labor rights" are just leftist scam which only benefit gaberment bureaucrats. Chinese workers get richer day by day _because_ workers rights are being protected by market competition there and not by their gaberment.
And there it is.
The Chinese (private) companies are literally brain-draining Western scientists as we speak by offering them three times higher wages. Still not enough for you leftist girls? Because no gaberment "guarantees"?
And their customers would stop showing up, that's the point
Where are they going to go when every other store sells rotten meat because it's not illegal thanks to the bribists?
Western scientists are building iPhones in Chinese garages?
They were starting in shacks, not garages.
why do lolbergs act like the only alternative to their ideology is soviet style communism?
Oh, it just shows what happens if gaberment bureaucrats stop just taking bribes (harmful all right but not deadly) and start seriously _doing_ something kek.
You raise your own cattle or you stop buying the meat and visitin the store, nta.
>stores are bribing the government to let them sell you literal slop?
>just open a cattle ranch bro!

This is your brain on retardededgelordism.
I have goats and chickens, I didn't say you should open a cattle ranch.
What was Friedman's personality like? You don't often meet academics who refuse to preface their theories with lots of caveats and nuance. Maybe that's more common in economics departments though.
>why do lolbergs act like the only alternative to their ideology is soviet style communism?
>that wasn't real gommunism guise next time we try it it will work honest
fuck off
Oh boy, can't wait to see which Israeli and or Chink IDs pop up now.
The start a non-rotten meat store to cash in
>non-rotten meat store is 10 times the price of the bribists store
>goes out of business instantly
He's right.
Walmart only exists because you won't stop shopping there.
I don't shop there at all anymore.
I also don't eat fast food
Or pay for health insurance.
Or buy games
These places continue to exist because you are plugged in.
boomers did okay for themselves, it's you who's paying the price
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there is a saying in sales.
>they paid, then complained. but they paid.
Governments will either be bribed or will be eclipsed by corporations who become the new government. Either way you get bad outcomes. Libertarianism is more utopian than Marxism.
You have confused your economists. It was Keynes (a leftist champion - when asked about economists to read they invariably recommend Marx and Keynes kek) who famously preached that we shouldn't care about "future generations" because "in the future we will all be dead" (sic).
Now, WE are those future generations which pay his price kek.
You’re dumb if you reject Friedman

No it’s the dumbest argument ever
Listen I get that your people lived under a communist dictatorship but that doesn’t give you a right to be a lolberg.
Wow look at all the high iq and thoughtful discussion thread, i wonder wh- oh it was moved onto /pol/
So no public police or protection for synagogues? Uhh based
Sell rotten meat that's been colored or deodorized. Laugh at inability to sue. Rub hands. Profit
So why is a banking monopoly not bad vs a bloated federal bureaucracy. Both are unelected. Please elucidate
Capitalism is most profitable when costs are lowest. Hence slave labor, outsourcing or quality diminishment
No venice did this for 900 years and it worked until the culture irreconcilable devolved. Lobbying is bribery
Now for the 2024 version
>Literal who makes a tweet
>"Very concerning that leftists are saying meat is bad for you, do you agree?"
>Gets retweeted by musk
>Every grifter in DC begins saying it's the left trying to stop people from consulting what they want
>Rfk jr says in gravely voice "actually, it's got more more healthy gut bacteria"
>Trump blames the loony leftists for taking away meat from America and feminizing them
>Politically neutral entrepreneur makes millions selling "MY MEAT, MY CHOICE" t shirts online
>Literal who on tok tok starts selling "raw meat sticks (with extra gut bacteria!)"through his Shopify store
>Tens of thousands of MIGAtards shit themselves to death eating tainted meat
>The survivors applaud this heroic move against the deep state
The world Unironically needs a AI philosopher king
You mean they could focus their efforts on new innovations that better everyone. I'm sure that's what you meant kike
>>boomers fell for this
Yes, it is a flawed argument. But it's more right than it is wrong.
No, the consumer dies and consumers continue dying because there is no government to shut the store down.
>Standard Oil

All preceded the regulation you retard
... unless a Mangione pops up very quickly, of course.
>People can't form invisious groups without government consent

>organized religions/cults/jews

This is how retarded you sound. The Fed is a private entity. Kys
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Once you see past the jewish economic thought processes preached by people like Friedman what this anon said is exactly what happens in reality. Guarentee you if you brought this scenario up to Milton Friedman he would stumble on himself especially since it is usually his fellow tribesmen selling the poisonous rotten products to the public for profit.

>Yeah, so it isn't a free market. Government interference.

There will always be government interference and in some ways government interference can be a good thing if a business is doing shady shit. Why do you think the free market is free of government interference because it has the word "free" in it. Has there ever been and economy completely free of government interference throughout all of human history?
Maybe the consumer finds out +10 years later that the product causes chronic illness like diabetes . . . because they put in cheaper diesel byproduct ingredients as preservatives just to make a 5% more profit and beat the competition that's doing their best to preserve your health.

Everyone can't go into a rabbit hole for every ingredient of every product. Shit if it wasn't for regulations food products wouldn't even list their ingredients.
Because childish thinking result in a childish dichotomy. The market is like any organism. Too much chaos and it leads to oligopolies or worse. Too little and stagnation ensues with regulatory capture. It's like like blood sugar or blood pressure an idea Spot exists. This is true in Nature even the Earth's particular habitable aspect because of its distance to the sun. Nuance is lost on idealogues.
>>rotten meat
>>add lots of spices
But then they invest in a marketing campaign that tries to convince the consumers that rotten meat won't actually kill you, then they pay the for-profit media to spread their campaign, and pay unscrupulous "professionals" to appear in it supporting their claims
>Rotten meat cartel buys up ranches or meat supply and charges new store exorbitant fees
What if every store is rotten meat besides one where you need a mortage to afford it?
This confirms my suspicions and I have been operating under the assumption that all food is handled by unwashed shit-stained hands. As such, I avoid any sort of restaurant food unless absolutely necessary.
As far as grocery stores, I try to only buy things that can be cooked, so meats and vegetables that are good roasted. A few years back I went on a massive Door Dash and Uber Eats binge, which stopped when I thought about how much brown spit and shit residue I must have been consuming.
Cooking your own food is a must for all white nationalists. Eating restaurant supports the cheap migrant labor industrial complex way more than buying your own groceries.
Boomers did nothing but profit from the destruction of WW2.
Don't forget

>market makes everyone equal. you can open a cozy little goods store next to MEGA MARKT 3000 and offer cheaper, better goods drawing consumers to you and succeeding in life. later you will also be able to open your own bank
you'd do the exact same if you could
This is basically what they did with vegetable oils and stuff like crisco. They were telling everyone butter and other fatty oils will cause a heart attack/clogged arteries but vegetable oils are heart healthy. The "professionals" also preached how healthy vegetable oils are. This lie goes on even to this very day even though it started back in the 1950s and 60s and it has already been proven vegetable oil is extremely inflammatory.
>how it could happen than one firm gets bigger than any other firm??? Shouldn't they all be exactly equal????
They can occupy the top stop indefinitely only because they bribe gaberment's bureaucrats to squash their competition by using YOUR OWN MONEY you imbecile.
Hundreds of fucking Microsoft developers would have started their own clone companies otherwise.
Try to explain this to boomers and they act like it's unfair to point out.
Google up what corporation is, then ask if you may speak.
It's cute people think we live in a free market system to begin with. No country with a Stock Market has a free market system because the whole point of the stock market is to manipulate the markets to maximize shares and profits. Anyone thinking you can have a free market and a stock market at the same time even though they are contradictory to each other plus have minimal government interference has a childish view of the economy and needs to come to terms with how things really work. Throw in businesses lobbying within the government and it just gets 100x worse.
History shows that an unregulated "free" market leads to mergers which lead to monopolies. That's because monopolies maximize profits. Corporations hate competition and love profits.
>REAL capitalism has never been tried
It is capitalism, just crony capitalism. Refer to: >>491997853
>Has there ever been and economy completely free of government interference throughout all of human history?
The republic of Cospaia survived 400 years without any interference whilst remaining reasonably peaceful. It pains me when I see Americans denigrating their liberty.
You are talking about an extremely small essentially something the size of a small county not even the size of a state. If you read on its history it was formed by tightly knit families that knew each other. You are using an extremely rare outlier that really isn't even a state but just a collection of families that knew each other. Come on now.

There are only 4 major meat producers, Cargill, Tyson, JBS, National Beef Packing Co

And they would easily get together to fuck you over, and any other meat industry would be bought up.

You get fucked over.
Unless you do away with the whole idea of stocks as a whole i.e. owning parts of a business you can't avoid stock markets. You can delay the centralisation towards one but you can't prevent such as just like any other market things will centralised to the fewest possible marketplaces for the most possible buyers with the most accurate prices.
This too. It's insane how the vast majorty if lolberts don't understand even basic things like economies of scale.
argumentum ad ignorantiam
Just because there's been no complete precedent, doesn't mean it won't be possible.

Reducing state interference is not only possible, but it's been the norm for as long as its influence was not strong enough to reach people in their homes; like in honor cultures. Honor cultures typically develop in pastoral societies, where livestock have to be guarded against theft, and where the state is too weak to enforce laws and protect private properties. In such societies, men are obliged to cultivate a fearsome reputation in order to deter predatory behavior, thus they are liable to respond to even minor insults with violence. Failure to do so is construed as weakness, and would entail the loss of face. But the threat of male violence, has a salutary effect on the culture at large. Since people take offense easily, the best strategy is to be polite to everyone, including strangers.

That tradition still stands today, as your parents taught you to "be polite to everyone" from your youth. What removing the state would imply is that we would simply be returning to some of the evolutionary practices that shaped us. We can return to those we like, and discard the rest. That's the appeal of anarcho capitalism, it uses the principles that have already been dominant historically.
> lolberts don't understand even basic things like economies of scale
Read about diseconomies of scale.
>argumentum ad ignorantiam
You are literally using a tiny tightly knit community masquerading as a state as an example and then treating it as a framework for other larger nations which when people talk about economies/government interfence that is what people are talking about not small communities. Of course government interference can be kept to an absolute minimum in small tightly knit areas but that is and entirely different argument all together. Everything else you said is irrelevant when you are already basing it all on an extreme outlier example that doesn't even really apply so you just come off as disingenuous with your argument.
Take a different approach to the argument.

A libertarian has no problem with collective ownership. Individuals can buy stock in a company and all own a "piece" of the company. Married couples can own a house together. Collective ownership is a real thing.
So why can't a group of people collectively own some land? They can insist that any company operating on *their* land abides by their rules. It's done through contract and everything, perfectly valid in a libertarian view.
Of course you can also have communities-within-communities. As you have local communities within a larger state. It's all done by contract, perfectly legitimate.
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"I'll say that based on my personal experiences the most corrupt industry there is is the food industry, because I was involved in it for a bit when creating the Dilburrito. And some people say 'Ah but the banks are evil.' Well some might be but I think many of them are ok people. I worked for the phone company and they were mostly just nice people doing their job. But the food and food distribution industry in my opinion is composed mostly of criminals.'
I prefer indentured servitude
Consumers already had a choice throughout all the capitalist implementations there were and they didn't care, rarely boycotted stuff.

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