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This unironically kills the jeet
I feel like there is more to this story that is being left out
should be fined for animal cruelty
should be rewarded for pest extermination
all jeets are guilty until proven guilty again
>the altercation began when mr chud bumped into mr jeet
That'll surely teach him not to stand in the way next time
Why should a person get jail time for redeeming someone?
Hindu dindu?
>get punched
why are jeets so weak?
two punch man
I've been looking at what the jeets at my gym are lifting and it's like 20lbs-30lbs on the chest press, seated rows, lat pull down etc. There are a lot of them that are there consistently and they never seem to up the weight. Sometimes they are there with a jeetess and she lifts the same as them, I don't know what it is but they all seem so weak.
Why? Shouldn't it be a manslaughter? Don't you also love to brag everywhere how civilised you are and respect the rule of law as opposed to those pesky Russians.
His caste was too low
Sounds like a case of the "Door Pajeet".
Why would a man be jailed for doing a public service?
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>Sometimes they are there with a jeetess and she lifts the same as them, I don't know what it is but they all seem so weak.
See >>491859780
Do NOT redeem sir PLEASE
Ivan has a point
His punching license was up to date.
If it's brown, flush it down
No exceptions
Raperats have tiny eggshell skulls.Even Indian women can kill them with punches easily.
Wow how does this happen? Is this because they are vegans?
how can it be manslaughter if no man was slaughtered
Anonymous sources confirm this post.
More good news at 11 please.
he will have taken being bumped in to as some kind of mortal blow to his pride. In a attempt to save face in front of whoever he was with will have started shouting and moving aggressively toward Mr Coleman. Coleman will have punched him once downing Me Atkar. All events will have been on cctv and obviously seen as self defence. The press never ones to miss a race bating opportunity just report it with no details.
niggers human? since when?
Killing pajeets isn't an act of cruelty. Letting them live is an act of cruelty.
Nope, genetic. Researchers control for these things, I attached the study PDF to the OP.
Their diet of cow shit might exacerbate it, but it's certainly not the cause.
Also a reminder that another study found that 69.3% of poojeets had low bone mineral density, with 24.7% having osteoporosis and 44.6% having osteopenia. Poojeetas have 5–15% lower BMD than human women. At age 30 poos have lower peak bone mass than humans, lagging behind by 28–30%
Thomas Coleman the Tank Engine
Any Coleman I knew was as hard as nails
>The incident began when Thomas Coleman, a stranger on his first night out in the city, accidentally backed into Mr Atkar outside the club at around 1:20am on 31 July 2021.

>Witnesses then heard Mr Atkar call Mr Coleman a 'ginger t***' and 'Ed Sheeran' before saying: 'Hit me, hit me.'

>Mr Coleman responded by punching Mr Atkar in the face which made him to fall to the ground. Mr Atkar got back to his feet as bouncers restrained Mr Coleman, taking his wallet and hotel key before letting him go.

>As he walked away, Mr Atkar 'pursued' him and was heard on the phone saying 'he's here, come quick', the court heard. As a struggle ensued between the pair near Birmingham New Street station, he swung to punch Mr Coleman.

>Mr Atkar, a financial services officer from Oldbury, West Midlands, was then punched in the face a second time in a blow that proved fatal. He was found unresponsive near the entrance to the railway station on Stephenson Street and was rushed to hospital. Nothing could be done to save him and he was confirmed dead the same day.

Pajeet appears to have been a cunt.
Weak ass Indians
>A stranger
Add it to the white list

Lmao, white boys going up against India because they don't dare to go up against nigger

Fucking boring

I want to see nigger getting murder by white boys, i fucking want to see it

I'm not interested in Indian getting killer by white boys, i just really can't give myself power to give a shit about Indian
Thomas ""The Juggernaut" Coleman.

The jeet was the one fucking with him. Think about that, Moishe.
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Nice poojeet grammar, Suckdeep.

Yeah, seems like the two were drunk

Drunk guy killing another drunk guy, idk

So ah, i don't think there is big story here

If the court decide he not going to jail, than i believe they know more than you and me

Fuck, people who drink are low key sub humans

Drinking and smoking is disgusting
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The world is healing.
Alright, continue fucking with whitey if you want.
Maybe there won't be a pogrom this time, you never know!
Indians don't belong in UK
I hate jews so fucking much
>Hindu dindu?
How did Kamalatoe get into this topic?
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Notice how they give out names when whites do it but not other races
>I want to see nigger getting murder by white boys, i fucking want to see it
Typical trouble maker trying to stir racial violence.
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Is he called Hagrid?
The only way that happens is a clear cut case of self defense.
What niggers are you handling, kike? Maybe when you’re tired of bombing children?
No, it's genetics. I am a skinny Andean vegetarian who just started working out and I've been bench pressing 22 kilos.
Can happen to anyone, especially if you fall and hit the back of your head on stone
The punishment for Coleman is that they import 10,000 more Indians, and Coleman just can't punch that many.
There was that guy who protected the people on the subway.
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Based chavs

What Timmy gonna do saar ACK
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they should do a crotch kicking sport like this with those buddhist testicle monks
poo hands typed this post
Cope you little grape fruit skulled niggers are inferior to western males in every way. You should genuinely consider suicide.
that fucking sukhdeep knew it was over the moment his slap failed.
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Thomas did not McFucking like that.
Good news. Punch a jeet! Do it twice!
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That's probably one we'd lose

Ironically actual Israelis despise jeets even more than we do
But did he receive his reward?
Probably an over confident jeet who bumped shoulders a tad too hard with his flusher.
Why you bump into me saaaar, I know kara ACK
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>UK man
>Amarpal Atkar
Knew it was a muzzrat lol. Most protected caste in bongland for whatever reason.
Yes, so,? Not like it was intentional. The left are giving right-of center people 20 years to life for the slightest offense, it's just warfare at this point, give you're kind little to nothing if you're a judge. It's also incredibly de-motivational to your enemies, in the same way a brown immigrant raping 13 kids only getting 6 months in prison demotivates people.
Nice reading comprehension, retard. The British man is the chad Thomas Coleman who killed the poojeet. The poojeet isn't even a human let alone British.
He didn't bobble so good.
who won?
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Same as every other time in history
nah dude, people die all the time from taking single unaware hits
if you don't know that you're just ignorant
Now we just need 2.8 billion more punches.
Completely unsurprising.
Pretty much any average chav and probably even chav women can beat the living shit out of jeets.
Jeets are technically women, regardless of gender.
They're being abrasive and push boundaries without realizing that people don't push back due to simple pity.
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saaaaaaar how can you punch?
muslims and all their disgusting rapey, antichrist chaos, odor and aesthetics, serve as an alligator moat for the british managerial estate that is just as horrific as a islamist rape gang, the only difference is they eat their victims too.
Someone post that lunatic little jeet trying to get big in the store
Indophobia thread
Am I reading this right? Was Coleman mugged by the bouncers?
>Mr Atkar call Mr Coleman a 'ginger t***' and 'Ed Sheeran'
Before this I was expecting the Thomas Coleman guy to be black. This is kind of amazing, a white guy punches a brown guy and gets zero punishment? In the UK? What the fuck?
A violent criminal set free in the U.K.? Wow, what a complete non surprise. Now if Mr. Coleman had posted "I don't like curry, I just don't" on twitter, he would be under the jail.
>hit me hit me
So it was consenting.
Fuck lil pajeet gon do lmao?
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Yea Atkar was asking for it when he kept chasing after him. Fuck the malicious news for obfuscating further information.

lol pajeets die from punches hahahahahaha

like 2 white boxers in the history of boxing have died, and 1 nigger plus that other nigger that got all fucked up and almost died to Chris Eubank.

That is all the white dudes that have died to punches. And also all the niggers.

2 white guys and 1.5 niggers have died to punchces in boxing. ever.

pajeet can't take two from Ed Sheeran lol
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Dindu nothing. Jeets have a low DEI score. It's a minor offence for the chimp. Maybe he'll do some community service workshop.
I'm guessing after he was punched he fell to the floor head first and busted his skull
>receives no jail time
didn't happen
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So he had a jeet loicence?
i mean, if you call a dude a ginger cunt and also pursue him afterwards with your buddies, then you're just asking for it.
>single, unaware hits
>"hit me, hit me"
Poojeets are guilty for being.
>UK man
Add it to the list
>outside a birmingham bar
dont FUCK with the peaky fuckin blinders, jeets

Pajeets are so fragile these days....they getting broken if they fall.
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2 Punch Lad saving the bloody day again
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I guess you could say he knocked the shit out of him.
There seem to be quite a few details missing from that story.
thats how my dad died, got sucker punched and his head bounced off the pavement
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Let's be real, this "Coleman" was probably a nigger
>'ginger t***'
Why is this so funny
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I really don't get Pajeets lack of unawareness. Like they are demonstrated weak and yet they still actively try to cause trouble and act surprised when someone punches and kills them.

On /pol/ you have jeets unironically thinking people can't do shit to them on the streets.

What causes this thinking? Even some nigger from a mudhud village through instinct probably can detect when he is not a match and back off.
All the charisma and charm of a cold sore
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>What causes this thinking
How many times do we need to remind you that poojeets have no sapience, sentience, or self-awareness?
centuries of malnourishment and inbreeding combined with low quality dravidian genetics. the average height of jeetmales is like 5'4
They sell their daughters to their uncles in arranged marriages to afford shit biscuits. I don't know what you can expect of them.
If a muslim had died he would be seeing life in prison.
You can kill them all day but it's illegal to say you want them to stop being shipped over.
Did he ever get the poo smell off his hand?
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You Anon's are aware of the Juggernaut, aren't you?
To the poojeet it is considered heroic to ignore danger
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bahahaha when things get nasty in the west these next few decades pajeets will be very soft targets for even the frail and cowardly
British justice is so fucking weird as an outsider. Posted a racist meme? Jail for you. Beat a man to death? Off you go now.
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"no sar do not redee-ACK!"
revoked on the spot
now i have to investigate this sport
>birmingham bar
That place doesn't look like a bar
Is this some other unrelated event?
experts agree
the pajeet likely instigated the fight if there's no jail time at all
it'd only be manslaughter if the puncher instigated the fight

if you start a fight, get punched, and die, that's on you
Im the racist here again. right?
What the fuck is the rest of the story.
Dude punched jeet a second time for a reason.
My guess is the jeet was molesting man's girlfriend at the bar. MSM won't say it though.
This would literally have been the norm 100 years ago, before post-holocaust politics took over the west
If a white man kills a poo in the UK without being witch hunted, you know that the case was closed and shut with footage, witnesses, and flawless evidence that it was self defense.
>I've been looking at what the jeets at my gym are lifting and it's like 20lbs-30lbs on the chest press, seated rows, lat pull down etc.
What? I've got toothpicks for arms and can do way more than that.
Same at my gym. There are a couple fit ones, but all of them stare at everyone with their rape eyes and you can tell they aren't actually there to workout. They just want to see white women in slutty clothes
Jeets, built different.
pathetic. and you just found this out?
>Wow how does this happen?
Slave genetics. Strength costs resources that actually might get wasted when population numbers do just fine. If you can remove 20% of someone's full potential over a billion slaves, the free resources can make half a billion more slaves.

It's the zerg strategy. Low HP and high numbers, but you get no tech tree so all you're left with are zerglings.
>Be me. At Christmas party in hotel ballroom.
>Leaving. Carrying 1 year old daughter. Bump shoulders with Pajeet entering at the same time.
>He fucking explodes. Yelling shit at me. Hands flailing around.
>I am literally holding a baby.
>Hold on a second bud, let me find someone to look after my child for a minute and then I’ll come knock your fucking lights out.
>Situation rapidly dissolves and pajeet disappears into the building.
Shame. I wanted to be the hero in OPs headline. Also I fucking hate Indians so much it’s unreal.
yeah ok Timmy, I look like this (and bench 135lbs) so I can fuck your mom with my two foot pinus
You'll have your chance when the lights go out.
135... I could curl that at 13....
Somebody tap the sign
Youre right. Jeet was a demon nigger before hand.
You guys just realizing that freemasons don't get put in jail?
>pepe looking at you weirdly.jpg
shouldn't have said
>bloody bastard
I work out at home now but it was the exact same at the gym i used to go to.
This desu.
Sorry, little buddy. You have to be at least 18 to post here.
nobody wins in sport where everyone accumulates brain damage
Holy fuck that jeet's slap looked weak as shit.
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oh man his palm is probably full of warts after that
he doesn't get enough protein
haha nice dead shitskins
Merry Christmas
The jeet must have been completely insane and armed.
Damn I feel bad for the white guy. Imagine killing someone, it being the fault of the jeet retard and getting random panic attacks for the rest of your life thinking that maybe you could've done this or that differently.
If they're not White we don't care.
Vegetarian skull can't stand meat eaters blows, everyone knows that.
What likely happened was that the jeet acted super tough and aggressive against the guy who bumped into him. He likely first started shouting and the other guy tried to calm him down or told him to get lost. Upon which likely the jeet took it upon himself to get physical with the other guy. Then the jeet took 2 punches and died.

This is police state UK. It must've been an extremely clear case of one sided aggression from the pajeet for this to not get any prosecution.
Right no wonder so many of your vets commit suicide after realizing what their hands have wrought. Killing someone weighs on your conscience way more than anything else. I once almost killed some guy in a fight by slamming a door on his skull. Worst night of my life rushing to the hospital. Glad he lived. Never fought again in my life.
Geezer looks like a paki Indian
Paki calls his mates after getting punched the first time the little faggot deserved it
>Indian Origin

Of course he's from Birminghamistan
>pic of london
>Mr Atkar, a financial services officer from Oldbury

We will all reward him with our pride and admiration. Doing Gods work is its own reward.
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does this mean we can stand up to them?

Gay thugs are protected by the gay courts.
Based. Jeets hiding from bread lol
Yeah. That is literally the first time I have heard of one of us not having his life destroyed for lifting his hand to an invader.

"Oh wow, they are finally seeing our point of view"

Not likely.
>The altercation began when Coleman, on his first night out in the city, accidentally bumped into Atkar outside the smoking area of Be At One bar on July 31, 2021.
>Atkar was heard calling Coleman 'ginger t***' and 'Ed Sheeran' and then said 'hit me, hit me'.
>Coleman responded by punching him in the face, and Atkar fell to the ground.
>Atkar got back to his feet as bouncers restrained Coleman. They took his wallet and hotel key and let him go.
>As Coleman walked away, Atkar "pursued" him while talking to others on the phone 'He is here now, come quick' He punched Coleman again near Birmingham New Street station, the court heard.
>Coleman punched back at Atkar in the face for the second time and it proved fatal. He became unresponsive and was rushed to hospital, where he was confirmed dead
Retarded pajeet chased a white guy twice his size around the city assaulting him until he got his lights knocked out.
> b-but you beat niggers
Can you please drop that line of propaganda?
We haven't even thanked you properly for your part in propagandising the holohoax.
They only call them "Indian origin" when they're the victim
I will not shed a tear for a pajeet
>as bouncers restrained Mr Coleman, taking his wallet and hotel key before letting him go
Bouncers robbed him?
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And? So? So what? And?

A native kills an invader and that's your thought?
>Mr Atkar referring to him as a "ginger t***" and "Ed Sheeran" before saying to Mr Coleman: "Hit me, hit me,"
>Mr Atkar "pursued" him and was heard on the phone saying "he's here, come quick", the court heard
>Be At One's head doorman, Chace Cappellie described Mr Atkar as a club regular who was "known to be quite mouthy,"

Yep, the indian pajeet was an arrogant and cowardly cunt taunting the white guy while calling for backup because he couldn't fight himself.

Darwin award.

Nah, Whites don't care if we kill brownoids. I know many who have.
I thought you can't do anything to browns in the UK otherwise you get arrested? What's the cope for this man going free?
yeah, the Jewish media hoping that the white guy gets targetted and killed... the Jews must be seething that justice was actually done here.
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Who would've fucking thunk?
When will they learn?
Finally, some good news.
In past times when you defended your country from invaders you got a medal for killing them
Based Kung fu master
>who you think you is
A nigger and a jeet arguing online, I fucking hate low IQ people, sometimes I agree with the elites about the useless eaters bullshit
even the cat witnessed the beating
>>as bouncers restrained Mr Coleman, taking his wallet and hotel key before letting him go
>Bouncers robbed him?

Yeah sure looks like it. Britbongistan is scumbag central.
Heal faster, damn it!
>taking his wallet and hotel key before letting him go.
was this purely as a temporary measure to make sure he didn't fuck off before they'd sorted it out, or did they actually rob him?
Man ive been looking forward to another

>Karate Kid: Mr. Miyagi origin story
Oh just btw

*taps sign*
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Damn... No wonder their women dream about Big White Cock. All their "men" are pathetic weaklings who die from the slightest thing.

This Christmas time indian women everywhere are getting off to the idea of a White God breaking down her door, killing her arranged husband in a single blow and ravishing her over and over.
well, its already on the list
if you a big nigger with big hand then you can smasah a dog skull with 2 hits, some pajets have head almost as small as dogs head
Where is his cock?
>Thomas Coleman
>Tom Coalman
It was a nog, wasn't it? That's the joke?
Why do you assume that "Thomas Coalman" was white? You fucking KNOW it is media M.O. to imply whites are violent by hiding the brown skin of the perps.
Someone post the list webm, add "Thomas Coalman" to it if it turns out this news concerns a nigger.

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