Chechens went from being independent warriors who fought two brutal wars with Russia to proudly dying for Russia in the Ukraine war, how could they change so fast? Is Kadyrov leadership just simply that good?
>>492016603Ukraine has a chechen foreign legion. Just saying.
>>492016603By giving chechians independence. Moscow has less power in chechya than it does in most western capitals.
They get to have their own Islamic rules in that part, which is what they wanted anyway, while leaching off the prosperity of Russia.
>proudly dyingPutin uses them as Barrier troops because they have no qualms about murdering slavsthey've probably killed and raped more russians than ukranians in this war
>>492016603>to proudly dying for RussiaHAHAHAHAHAHA. They aren't, they are occupying guard posts and handle mobiks, they don't fight and mostly don't die
>>492016603> Chechens> proudly dying for Russia in the Ukraine warThings that never happened.>>492017745This anon knows what's up. They serve as anti-retreat forces and sometimes as clean-up squads. They probably shot more Russians that way.
>>492017969> they are occupying guard posts and handle mobiksThis is also true.>>492016603Anyway, they don't fight on the front lines.
>>492016603Crechen veteran warriors feel betrayed by having to endure a literal mongoloid as their ruler and they simply won't risk their lives on the whims of the current dictator. They will simply cosplay it, as they have been doing for the last 8 years
>>492018088>anti-retreat forcesThats a depressing thoughtIf you try to run you get shot?Does Ukraine have those?
>>492016603Putin getting Kadyrov on his side is quite possibly the most impressive thing he has done. Kadyrov was a massive thorn in Russias side for a long time. Now he is unironically one of putins most valuable allies
>>492018368Don't know, probably. I think every serious army has them. Especially those formed of conscripts.
>>492018368I recall one video of that happening
>>492018691 at 0:27
>>492018531Provided he gets paid and shown respect.> Now he is unironically one of putins most valuable alliesAnd likely one of the most expensive.
>>492016603Kadyrov is the lesser evil, but he isn't a magician. Russia had to make significant concessions to Checnya and Chechnya is the large reason why Russia has third world statusA lot of laws just aren't enforced there. Child marriages, rapes, kidnappings, all uninvestigated, ethnic Russian and Chechen girls are suffering. They need to be brought under the law as swiftly as possible
>>492019158>And likely one of the most expensive.You cannot put a price tags for the little girls they kidnap and rape in Chechnya and Kadyrov can't intervene because he has to act like a based and trad muslim. And Putin can't intervene because of internal stability. Very sad, evil in fact I would say that this is happening
>>492016603>let them run their shithole however they want so long as they dont fuck around outside of it, even giving russian support if they need>since theyre bloodthirsty savages promise them whenever you have conflicts they can be bussed to the frontlines to commit all the warcrimes their little hearts desireThat simple
>>492018531turkey is chipping away at Russiaturks got Syria and lybiaturks are relaunching their campaigns in kavkaz and Uzbekistanrussia is too weak to fight on all those fronts and Turks are exploiting this
>>492019819The stans are strongly secular, state atheist even, most radical muslims already left. So it is not likely that the same Turkish trick will work on them as it did in HTS/Syria
>>492019942Syria and lybia was also strongly secular
>>492019158I've seen some 4chan theories he might replace Putin in the future, do you think that's likely or just schizo thoughts?
>>492020052True, but they had massive pseudo taliban opposition inside and a good chunk of population was supporting the extremists. Also Lybia wasn't secular, for example alcohol was forbidden and hijab mandatory, they just had a softer ShariaBut the stans don't have these people as far as I know. Some were in a war with them and already won, killed all of them. some left naturally
>>492020057No, not likely. Maybe in 20-30 years, when Muslims will run politics in a sizeable number. And probably some Tatar would still be a more acceptable candidate.
>>492017519The pro-Russian Chechens (Kadyrov) fight for Russia.The Al-Qaeda Chechens fight for NATO.
>>492019942>The stans are strongly secular, state atheist evenOblivious to reality.That was during USSR times. It was 35 years ago. Today new gen grew up . Long ago i've seen migrant stan workers that liek your soviet citizens. Today ive seen migrants workers from stans who dont know Russian, their work gang is corralled by their chief who knows Russian and i saw some of them literally doing their Muslim prayers with kneeling like a clock around the day. Thing that i only saw in the movies before.Its new era and new gen, people project past but very many things changed since 1991.
>>492020057There is 1.5M Chechens and 25M muslims. Other muslims hate chechens, just like most muslims hate the taliban, they are too radical. It is unlikely and if he does by some chance, it will cause an uproar with the nationalists who have not been imprisoned yet. Maybe a mini civil war even
>>492016603We asians have united and will kill all wh*Tes and invade wh*Te lands across urals. In Ukraine, Poland we will attack and kill all you wh*Te dogs. Ukraine ain't gonna be the last we will destroy all of europe. We will strategically bomb USA & CAN with millions of pajeets.
>>492016603Turns out you can just find a bigger nigger and then just bribe them all the way down until the masses are under your thumb. Then you assign them to a social media battalion and never put them in any kind of danger
>>492020539Wasn't talking about migrants. Tajikistan literally is banning Hijab and closing down mosques, how is that not state atheismObviously the migrants are islamists because they are not welcome at home
>>492016603literally a generation ago. it doesn't take long for jew poison to take effect
>>492020733The US war on terror happened on all their neighbours, Central Asia has a growing young population and a lot of potential for the future and they probably know that they need to pull a turkey and massively westernize themselves if they want to become at least regional powers since Islam has given that region such a bad reputationTo be honest out of all the muslim world they might be the least devoted, the USSR already slowed down religion in there a lot and I doubt they will be hit hard by islam growing stale
>>492016603Putin out-brutalized them in 2000
>>492018368you always need soldiers in the backline with roadblocks and gathering places, for better security or if there's scattered friendlies cut of from their unit in the chaos of battle. it's necessary, else your army melts away after a defeat. it was a common practise in the Wehrmacht to throw these scattered forces together into ad-hoc units.but shooting them for not advancing is a typical Russian move. only fear and violence keep them disciplined
>>492016603It's the other way around. Chechnya buckbroke Russia so heavily that they made the Russian government collect Jizya tax from all the others within the federation, implemented laws making it punishable by death to criticize Chechens, forced state media, books, movies, videogames to portray them as valiant heroes and the best fighters in the entire federation. Gave them tax exemptions, funded every single they asked for, every mosque, luxury cars for every member of Kadyrovs cohort, you name it! Let them have their own law which supersedes the Russian Federations one, like in the case with the boy who was jailed for burning the holy Quran, but Kadyrov's son wasn't happy with that so he demanded Putin send him over so he could assfuck him infront of his dad to proove his manhood or whatever that symbolises in their caveman society.If American blacks saw how Russia treats their caucausians and the insane privilegies they've been granted their jaw would drop to the floor.
>>492023576>punishable by death to criticize ChechensSource
>>492023371Fortunately German soldiers never gave up as they carried photographs of their wives and their hung africanized bvlls with them at alle times, motivating them to keep fighting
>>492016603as any other islamic shithole they are divided into tribes and family clans. Putin just gave one of these clans free reign to overrule all other.
>>492016603In Chechnya you have 2 factions basically, one that wanted independence bcs they thought there are some resources there so they can line their pockets, probably CIA backed, you have Kadyrov whose father was with them but then turned on them and betrayed them and you have general population who went from living relatively civilized lives in SSSR and now are thrown into an Islamic shithole, they probably don't like either but Kadyrov is the current ruler so I suppose their resentment is turned towards him for the time being.Putin for some reason cucks to Kadyrov.
>>492016603Because money and power.Kadyrov and chechens are basically untouchable in russia especially in western orthodox regions where they can do pretty anything they want and low t slavic men are too afraid of them. Why fight a bloody for independence when you can literally subjugate russians by pretending to be their ally.
>>492023576>Chechnya won the independence war so heavily that they decided not to go independentPlease retard kill yourself
>>492024901It is you again
>>492025504So ?
>>492016603>fought two brutal wars with Russiathat's how
>>492018088>>492018562>>492018205hohol on VPN
>>492020057I mean, if a Georgian (Stalin) can become leader of Russia, then so can they!
>>492020057absolutely schizo.
>>492016603Kadyrov will have money and 10s of thousand trained troops at the end of this warKadyrov won
>>492016603I sure miss some good old chechen war combat footage. Now we have boring drone trench war, but IN FULL HD!!
>>492016603They are essentially an ethno-cucking paramilitary order that isn't meant to fight Ukrainians, but Russians should they step out of line.
>>492016603>Chechensthey learned the freedom and democracy brought to them by NATO and CIA, were shocked and decided: Nope.. we will better join Russians.
>>492016603Chechens get paid to rape Russians and film tiktoks
The answer is gibs. They get shit ton of money from Moscow not to chimp out. Chechens will sell their soul to the devil for money so makes sense that they're loyal for now since they're pacified by gibs.The real litmus test would be to stop giving Chechnya gibs and see what happens. My prediction is it will explode like a powder keg rather quickly. Basically it will turn into some warlord shithole like Somalia.
>>492019540what about the other places that that wars in the 90s like dagestan, ingushetia
>>492016603They are cannon fodder, nothing more, the Russian military hates them and sends them to the worst parts of the front.
>>492026555This screenshot, again. By you I meant you personally and the likes of you. Besides, I'm not a collectivist and rarely use we if at all. As for the original question, boomers and other turbo normies are easily triggered by Nazi larping which Ukrainians use out of spite. Also, Nazi tattoos were a thing in Soviet prisons as a form of protest. Though I guess some Ukrainians are actually unironically Nazis, like the Rusich types from Russian side.
>omg Russia is so heckin based for sending sand nigger orcs to murder and rape white Christians!
>>492026555>>492028554Same with LGBT, most likely. Though appeasement of the West may also be the reason.
>>492021386the US had valuable relationships with all the Central Asian post soviet states during the WAr on Terror. The Central Asians had no problem working together on Afghanistan related things, because the -stan's governments were all atheist dictators that hated the Taliban