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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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America finished Spain off. Spain was cucked by the continent. I stand with my New World brothers.
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Left can't meme
Spain should have genocided instead of cooming and everything would be fine.
promoted racemixing killed the spanish empire
No, actually Ottoman silver did.
yes and promoted race mixing. instead of conquering like the white settlers in the colonies, they created a whole new race of shitskins.
>be british puritan
>Disembark in land with no urbanism and scattered hunter gatherer tribes
>bring wife and children
>give small pox to indios

>be conquistador, six months at sea, no women
>disembark on massive urban realities with kingdoms, city states, agriculture and taxation systems
barely 200 men stormed the Aztec capital and effectively ended an empire in one "battle" that was more akin to a massacre and sacking. Sure the mesoamericans were more advanced than the north americans, but they were still in the stone-age even compared to 16th century Conquistadors.
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arguably, it was napoleon who put an end to the spanish america
kek I like that Mexico looks like an Indian feather
Tens of thousands of natives attacked the Aztecs, the Spaniards were just a drop in the bucket
>barely 200 men stormed the Aztec capital

Did you forget the 300.000 Tlaxcalans and other Mexica peoples siding with Cortés over the Aztecs?

The Spanish conquest was like the British conquest in India.
A colonial naval power blockading and taking over a massive swathe of agriculturalists.

Thats it.
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>We beat you
Literally the first Balkanization sponsored by the Anglojews.
It was revenge for Spain helping with America getting independent.

British agents also caused the French Revolution because of their support of the American question.

Its not like the Anglo wasnt responding to aggression.

Tit for tat.
>Did you forget the 300.000 Tlaxcalans and other Mexica peoples siding with Cortés over the Aztecs?
Do you understand now how it wasnt as simple as your nonsense about race-mixing muh spaniards this and that?

The Spaniards found people that had huge cities and templar structures. Similar to Mesopotamia.

You found eskimoes on tupi tents.
I figure this is a good thread to ask. I've always wondered, why are the SA former Spanish colonies so niggerish while Spain is (relatively) civilised?
The spanish economic model killed its empire. Backwards and practically medieval in some aspects.

>Everything in spain is expensive, except for the silver

only dominican replublic mexico and 1 or 2 other countrys actually fought spain.
Spain is Balkanic level civilization. And is fast becoming a western Romania.

Catholic parochialism ended both France and Spain.
They just couldnt compete with the Protestant powers.

Proof of this is in Japan and India.
The Jesuits got their asses kicked and the Portuguese got ousted really quickly for trying to evangelize.

Anglican Brits and Calvinist Dutch only cared about trade. So they were allowed to stay.
You forget about Bolivar and his Freemasonic troop.
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I know, its all geopolitical, you hit me I hit you, even right now the term "latino" is a geopolitical weapon to erase Spain from the memory, the shame is that the criollos bought the masonic propaganda to turn a giant empire into mini states easy to control and the fact that USA were such traitors when even their name was given by Bernardo de Galvez
Spain never had colonies all of these territories were Spain, what you think of Spain today is just a part of such territory that after the break down decided to keep the name of the Empire
Niggers, tard
Spanish empire would have collapsed a century earlier if the French hadn't propped it up.
>the term "latino" is a geopolitical weapon to erase Spain from the memory

Latin America was literally a term created by the Napoleonic nigger government.

And they never include Quebec.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
Britain also fell. Nothing lasts forever.
Why no mention of New Hindustan??
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>Central America
lol lmao
>inb4 mutt
whiter than you, gonzalez
Wrong, the ones who turned against Spain were the white citizens of the colonies, fueled by the Anglo Scum after losing US because the french and the spaniards help the US in their Independence War. Spain was the most protective country to their mutts and native population, who they got fucked over by white colonials. And now the mutts and indio shits are against Spain while white colonials feel better about this country, what a things we live in.
>while white colonials feel better about this country, what a things we live in.

There are no more criollos/godos in the new world.
They all got mobbed by the incessant capitanias fighting each other and post-colonial pogroms.
They expelled the jews
in spanish football league, they still throw bananas at black/dark skinnes players
so i expect spain to be a not-so-inclusive society
many people forget, but spain was ruled by a military dictatorship and fascist government until a few decades ago
south korea was also ruled by a military dictatorship and fascist government, so i know about it
Fuck you, go back to Licester
Napoleon detonated the bomb, but the continent tried to get independence way before him and Spain would last only a few decades more if it was not for him
Thanks goodness we didn't be your vassals during your chaotic 19th century
Check my country gringe, we are the uberwolks compared to you
The XIXth century was chaotic everywhere.
1848 killed Europe.
Thanks goodness we suffer alone and not subjected to the Iberian novo-africans
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Can she make Spain great again?
A Bourbon can only negrify.

>suffer alone

Not with your American masters and the Monroe Doctrine.
Spain, Portugal and Turkey all started to fall behind in the 18th century, and by the 19th they were no longer first rate powers. All of them came to rely on stronger states for defense of their territory.
The Printing Press did wonders to you Protestants.
>while Spain is (relatively) civilised?

It's not
When we tried to civilize them in the early 19th century, they pulled a third-world tier chimp out and showed everyone they're not Europeans
beat us at what?
We just hate your cheese smelling ass
Napoleon didn't trust the Borbons, who he thought would stab him in the back, so he invaded Spain to overthrow them.
If he was smarter he would have married a Spanish princess. This would have made him popular in Spain and might also have reconciled French monarchists to him.
But he saw himself as another Charlemagne and so was obsessed with Germany, and so insisted on marrying an Austrian (who later betrayed him.)
Spain fucked themselves. Half their population left the homeland to go impregnate big titty jungle bunnies and create a bunch of disloyal Mexican mutts
Indios were in the early stages of societal collapse and starvation. Whatever else the Spanish did, they halted that collapse to everyone's dismay. If they'd arrived even 6 months later we'd be talking about the Americas as white continents.
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But they're doing reasonably ok. Not everything needs to be a huge empire.
The conquistadors were like some alien bros that showed up during covid and January 6th. You could straight up make an action comedy trilogy about it.

Some serious right place in the right time shit going on.
>Spain never had colonies
That was true until the Bourbons took the Crown of Spain, then everything changed for the worse. "I'm the state" and all that bullshit was the antithesis of the Spanish empire. Fucking french faggots, should be hung by the balls.
Sure but you let the smelly french fags take the crown... And after that you let your generals and soldiers become puppets and conspirators
People have pretty much forgotten this but Cortez actually suffered several losses against the aztecs where the Spaniards in mexico were almost wiped out. It wasn’t the steamrolling right out the gate that people picture in their mind, it took a while for Cortez to rally enough support from other natives to be able to effectively challenge the Aztecs.

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