The Jewish wire is crashing Ben Shapiro's own audience has turned on him
It's probably from getting rid of Brett Pooper
>>492017563It doesn't matter if it is truth or not , it is about emotion and branding awareness...If every one knows same lie it perceived as a truth
>>492017563The more that they do evil the harder it is for him to appear sane. He has his own people to blame.
>>492017563got too cocking... happens every single fucking time
>>492017563Conservative Amerilards really worship this manlet in a yarmulke :skull:
We know from the Tanakh that killing is not always murder, including war and assassination. In the court of law, killing can be considered justified if it prevents the death of innocent lives. And then of course Luigi as a patsy would make everything fake and gay as it is. What I mean is that a fake and entertaining lie is something people often choose over the cold, simple, brutal truth.
>>492017563Uh huh and we all were cyberpunk pagans
>>492018510King Eglon is a example.Sometimes, it is okay to kill your tyrants.
>>492017563no link>>492017577>no source, just a random picI am sad, because i want to believe you. But i do not trust random pics on the internet. No bump
>fire brett cooper>the entire zoomer audience immediately turns against him
>>492018637Für was brauchst du einen Link, brudi? Du kannst selbst nachschauen, pic rel sind die aktuellen Zahlen
This is actually hilarious because his golem audience are the dumbest bottom feeders on planet earth and even they are finally breaking the conditioning. Whitepill
The fact that any American citizen actually listens to this Shupiro guy is a clear proof of their nation's demise. The day Shapiro gets 0 views is the day we should be optimistic about America. I don't think you'll make it
>>492017563i cant believe candace won
>>492017563Look at that underhanded face. He is such a textbook jew.
>>492017563younger conservatives hate jews, especially the evangelicals. zoomers especially are redpilled af on the JQ.israel's support is about to die off. and this is what ukraine was all about, folks... Backup Israel for when the West kicks them the fuck out on their asses
>>492018747>golem audienceBut you're a brainwashed young poltard.
>>492017563kikes are on damage control, screaming muh right vs left false dychotomy to try and save their bosses
>>492017563This is happening at the same time as the Brett Cooper thing. She was very popular. The way they handled this whole thing was a fucking Disney-level, PR disaster. It looks like exactly what it probably is - a bunch of greedy jews, kvetching about paying a popular employee, what she's worth. Boering probably pulled his "you've gotta wageslave, for a few years" bullshit, again. Just like he tried with Crowder.
>>492019835kikes are always their own undoing. they are so fucking retarded it's insane.
>>492018747The story about the Golem of Prague actually warned of this. The rabbi in that story got complacent enough for the golem to break free of his control and it started fighting back.Of course Ben forgot this tale and got cocky.
>>492017563Jewish subversion does not care about your feelings.
>>492017577OK, what's actually happening here.It cannot possibly be that the goyim is noticing.
how anyone over the age of 18 can take this shrieking jew seriously is beyond me
>>492017563Totally organic!
>>492017563He could run this program for over a decade with only 1 viewer. Jews literally don't care. Its all monopoly money to them.
>>492021661You may think I'm joking, but there are actual American Christians that actually listen to this Shupiro dude. They do exist. It is uncanny
oh no, who will die for Israel now?
>>492017563Israel is in the middle of destroying Christian holy sites in Syria, bombing churches all over Palestine, and expanding their territory yet this idiot will have you believe they are victims. He then shits on the working class, says people shouldn't have the ability to retire, and tells people they don't deserve justice and wonders why his audience is bailing on him. Gee, I wonder...
>>492021713like your nightmares coming true:>
When even Mr. Feeny stops taking his calls, it's over.
>>492017563Ben is such a stereotypical slimy Jew lol.
>>492018737Gib doch einfach den link raus. Irgendwo musst du doch das Bild herhaben. Poste doch einfach den link. Und wenn du das nicht kannst, dann hast dus einfach nur von ner anderen Seite, die auch nicht den link bereitgestellt hat. Das bringt dich auf eine Stufe mit den NPCs. Sorry. Nach den letzten 4 Jahren ertrage ich solche küstlich antrainierte Dummheit/Faulheit einfach nicht mehr.
>>492022048We've had the whole "jews good" thing beaten into us, continuously, for about sixty years. Getting into the medical field was brilliant, because doctors used to be treated like gods, in this country. They'd tell new parents to cut the skin off their newborn's dick, for Medical Reasons and everyone would listen.
>>492017563Between the shit with Israel, Candace Owens, and this; yeah they’ve lost a lot of the good will they had built up by being so upfront about transfaggotry.
>>492017563That dislike count is not current.
To be fair, the murder of the CEO has really outed how widespread Communism is amongst Western youth. The same people purporting to abhor violence and guns are championing the violent shooting of someone. Down with the Jew and down with Commies.
>>492022048>You may think I'm joking, but there are actual American Christians that actually listen to this Shupiro dudeThe comments are a blood bath, everyone has disliked the video.
>>492023347>im a le right winger but I LOVED the death of this white male businessman !!!Ben's commenters were never "right wing". They were always surface level culture war slugs. No right wing individual could support this blatant sociopathic outburst against wealthy and useful members of society.
>>492021655I can't believe anyone who is old enough to have had their voice change listens to this squeaky little faggot. Manlet rage in castrato would be scary in a Lynch movie, but not from the littlest yarmulke
protect the oligarchy at all costs!
>>492023417>Ben's commenters were never "right wing".Oh okay kike. > No right wing individual could support this blatant sociopathic outburst against wealthy and useful members of society.I'm right wing and I do. They're all Freemason Luciferian scum bags. Billionaires without even opening an orphanage. Did nothing for society. Hoarded their devil gifted wealth. They should all be driven into the fucking sea and jews sent back to Israel.
>>492023671uh huh. >USE YOUR WEALTH FOR MY FUCKING KIDS!!! YOU *WILL* DO AS *I* COMMAND WITH YOUR WEALTH AND RESOURCES!!!!!!>IM A RIGHTWINGER NOT A DERANGED LEFTY BTW!!!!You're a subhuman fucking marxist pig. Cloak your ethos in shit like "luciferian" and "muh freemason" garbage all you want, the truth is the same: you resent those who have what you do not. You are a leftist. You are an envious, weak-willed, limp-wristed zoomer cuck LEFTOID who has no place in America. Fuck you.
>>492023854>shit like "luciferian" and "muh freemason" garbage all you want, the truth is the same: you resent those who have what you do notIf I had what they had I wouldn't. I'd open up orphanages and give to children starting my own charities until all I had left was a few million. Who needs billions? For what? Change the world with it. Make it better. But oh no when do billionaires ever? Having billions is a crime. There's no way they got that money through legit means the whole way. There's no way they didn't sell their souls along the path. I'm a Christian right winger. I know what they are. I don't care about money. In fact we could do without it especially with the coming robotic revolution. > You are a leftistWe right wingers and leftists are agreeing on more things all along. We both don't like Israel and we don't like Freemason Billionaire scum. Scared yet?
>>492017563watch literally any episode where a normal person phones in, Ben Shapiro how nothing but contempt for his every day mid western listeners. I will repeat that, Ben Shapiro despises his own audience and he always has done.
>>492021615It's the Socialblade for The Comment Section after Brett was replaced.
>>492017563oy vey is there any way to speed up repealing the first amendment?
>>492024183Tucker Carlson also feels nothing but loathing for his audience and hates Trump even more.
>>492017563I finally get it the wire is the eruv because he’s a dirty jew
>>492025570ONce a neocon propagandist always a neocon propagandist
the united states enemies would love nothing more than for this place to descend into murderous chaos, you're all dumbfucks
>>492017577A holocaust of followers
>>492023854Mammon-worshipping jew. Nobody gives a shit about your crapitalism the only thing people actually want is ethno-nationalist socialism
>>492017563>Ben Shapiro's own audience has turned on himgosylop psy op so he can join Trumps camp as an semite victim with polish roots..
>>492017577Anuudah shoah!
>>492022408it is worse than that those fuck do the same in Jewkraine..
>>492019397Denounce the Talmud
>>492025570He's damage control for global jewery.
>>492017563Mr. Feeny fucked me in my ass.
>>492025865The United States is already ruled by its enemy, the jew. How are we supposed to fix that problem?
>>492017563How did people trust this demonic jew to begin with? He barely seems human.