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Why won't the Jews let me drink raw milk? What is it about it that makes them seeth so much? I've had to resort to drinking half & half or heavy cream because I don't trust regular store bought whole milk at all.
It's simple, they hate you
>for cats and dogs
because it is good for you
Milk is insanely nutritious, it makes you physically stronger and emotionally stronger. I beg my wife and my entire family to milk max every 2 hours a day. I have a year supply of frozen milk and shit. I even drink it when it expires.
Because Pasteurization is a good thing dork

enjoy your Listeria retard
buy a cow?
Didn’t they pass the balfort declaration simultaneously with mandatory pasteurization? Some Brit said this. Those were their two main most pressing things that they wanted to get done at that moment.
>schizo posting starts below
And it’s simple, the reason in secret behind the khazar milkers is to covertly supplement what the Europeans were getting adhoc
so you are telling me liberals are trying to save nazis from disease?

>I wanna get an infection and spread it to everyone waaaah you can't tell me what to do!

I fucking hate nu-/pol/.

Degenerates like you should be dragged into the street and shot
Pasteurization was dreamt up by the Fraud Louis Pasteur inspired by tales from the Jewish Talmud; wherein the Rabbis would treat rabies by killing the dog, cutting out it's liver, cutting off a piece and force feeding it raw to the patient allegedly suffering from the rabies.
There is really no scientific evidence to support it's usefulness or effectiveness, and there's plenty to show it's useless and counter to good human health.
However, it's is a scared cow of Jews, Jewish Mysticism inserted into scientific rational though, like vaccinations. Hence why it is so fiercely defended despite all the contradictory evidence to their effectiveness.
The Amish didn't lobby the FDA. It was only a matter of time before the mob responded
If they can go around, convincing children to cut their genitals off. I feel like they cannot hold argue with us. You want to save them too and 50% of them die. Not that many die drinking milk they’re just angry because it’s been hysterically labeled something that ‘the right wing does.’
Sorry for my spelling errors.
Lawsuits, americans are too retarded for raw milk. Imagine all the idiots storing it for more than 2 days and outside the fridge.
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>What is it about it that makes them seeth so much?
because you can, and they can't
what? you thought there was more to it? wrong, that's just how the jew is, they are that neurotic, and they will act on it

they're not called demons for nothing anon, no one else gets out of bed every day to just ruin things for everyone else like it's their mission in life but a jew
>Not living near a farm and buying raw milk directly from them tax free

You’re doing the post covid arc all wrong, anon.
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Why are modern conservatives so fucking dumb and contrarian for the sake of it? Raw milk can contain Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter jejuni or Listeria, any of which can put you in intensive care or kill you outright. These bacteria are found in 5-10% of raw milk samples, so your odds are not good of avoiding it if you are a regular raw milk consumer. Anti-science thinking that is infiltrating conservatism is pure unadulterated brainrot and will end up seriously hurting a lot of you.
Youll hurt yourself goy, now let me inject you with safely tested substances to protect you from yourself that you can never sue me for
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Wew that was an intense bot sperg
Thirdies like you on VPNs don't know that you can get raw milk locally with no problems at all, so they post threads like this trying to post semitic disinformation for free.

You aren't supposed to drink cow milk to begin with, are you a veal ?
Do you think you're going to climb up a scoring ladder of healthiness for drinking that? What is the point of sucking down dirty cow teat juice? Is someone depriving you of special nutrients and now you're going to get payback by chugging raw milk?
Fuck off, kike
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It is part of a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy to destroy you, your gut health directly impacts your mental health. Having a healthy microbiome is essential to having a healthy gut, milk also naturally comes with lactose eating bacteria.
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You should be more worried about not drinking microplastics, crazy to think about how far we have fallen in such a short time. Hormones in our water supply, frogs turning gay, microplastics in our balls and rampant mental illness.
Raw industrial milk is dangerous because they overstimulate the udders like a man strapped to a fleshlight would be. To the point where they are chaffed and raw. This causes puss and white bloodcells to enter the milk since the udder is raw. Like if you pick a scab and the clear yellowish fluid tries to seal it. If you owned a cow and drank raw milk for personal consumption it is fine. If you try to make that one cow provide for 100 families you can see why it needs disinfected.
You're a retard.
>>492018416 >>492018441 >>492018727 >>492020744 >>492022462 >>492023600 >>492023700 >>492024035 >>492024528 >>492024565
every single one of these people got the covid vax

When are people who got the vax supposed to all be dead again? 2023 right? let me mark my calendar... oh wait... maybe two more weeks?
the covid vax wasnt designed to kill people, it was instead designed to make everybody who took it permanently dependant on the medical system so they can never leave society
you literally have AIDs
>go to farm stand
>buy raw milk
they just don't sell it in supermarkets
>hehe more white people die when I promote vaccine hesitancy!

We're on to you, Schlomo
>youre a jew for not wanting to sell your soul to jews
you dont actually think im jewish, you just dont have anything to say
>Okay fine you can drink Raw Milk
>Everyone who drinks it dies
>Make it illegal again or w/e
>Nobody complains because anyone retarded enough to ask for this is dead
We're against things like these as a society why?
no refunds

I drink it literally everyday and have never had an issue. Your stats are meaningless.
>He thinks his onions milk is raw milk
The only white demographic that is actually reproducing are the Amish who take zero vaccines
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Blessed digits, you're half right, my retarded girlfriend got the vax so I no doubt have the nanoparticles inside me after putting my cock inside of her if you know what I mean.

She lost 90% function of her arm and had to take time off work for 6 months lol, still doesn't have full strength back, some sort of nerve damage. I tell her atleast once a week I'm ready to blow her brains out when she turns into a zombie, still love her though. She's apologized a ton, I tell her thanks for giving me an exit out of this shithole reality I don't want to survive into the brave new world anyway and there isn't any amount of ELF microwaves that can convince me otherwise.
Imagine being such a weak bitch that you get out in the hospital by milk

Bet you're afraid of raw eggs too
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i'm drinking raw egg nog right now. take that jews.
Isn’t kefir the same thing
>Raw milk can contain Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter jejuni or Listeria
so does your nu-vagina
been drinking it for a year and a half or more
>asking permission
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Lmao, unironically shilling for milk pasteurization is crazy, next you're going to tell me being injected with aborted fetus cells is the only reason i've lived beyond 30
Deaths were very common from consuming raw dairy products prior to pasteurization. Why do you think pasteurization became the standard?

>For example, between 1912 and 1937, some 65,000 people died of tuberculosis contracted from consuming milk in England and Wales alone
you could have saved yourself but instead you were too lazy to save your future children from the same fate
boohoo race traitor
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I don't care about pasteurized milk, I'm just annoyed by the effeminate attention-seeking histrionic whining people like you spew out over literal fucking nonsense.
Best source of it.
The most important antioxidant.
Bizarre and appalling post.
Clean your apartment and stop drinking out of date milk. Freezing whole milk ruins the texture and taste, should be used only for cooking.
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Mrs Adelson had it installed for $100 gorillion
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all I jew i zog
Boom Boom! Out go the lights.
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You must be new to /pol/, welcome newfren do you have a moment to talk about the jews and why (((they))) do not want you to have access to a well regulated supply of raw milk?

No thanks, have fun in the brave new world with brain science and man made horrors wielded by jews. I'm not coming.
You have female brain btw
Based and dairymaxxed
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>I beg my wife
>have fun in the brave new world with brain science and man made horrors wielded by jews
assuming that the white people who know whats happening arent going to live on homesteads in small communities
sorry, you wont be invited vaxtard
you made your choice and you fucked up
I force my wife*
Stupid autocorrect
you should trust store bought milk.
>hello fellow anti-semites!

Not fooling anyone
won't be laughing in 2025, fagggot
This. This is why farmers sons are always big guys and their daughters always have huge tits.
Bioactive Peptides in Milk and Dairy Products: A Review

Microphotography of Raw and Processed Milk
these anti raw milk vaxxoids are shillling for bovaer
Bovine milk immunoglobulins against microbial human diseases
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The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study
This is correct, but retards will say you're wrong.

Get raw milk from proper farms. Or even better... Own your own cow. I have a dairy cow and a bull. I let the bull out to other farmers for breeding.

The cow is for mine and my families consumption. (Milk, when she dies meat). I even let the calves suckle, since I don't require as much milk as she can produce.

Means I can also be selective with the calves. If they look good I'll sell them on. Otherwise... they'll be raised for meat and end up in my freezer.
>for cats and dogs
don't give raw milk to cats it will make them sick.
because raw milk has intact peptides
Except for the part where it lowers fertility rates. Also why the meme flag for this thread?
I think the funniest part about the raw milk debate is there is a 100% overlap between raw milk enjoyers and seed oil haters.
>Oh no no muh sneel oils, i only eat animal fat
there's hardly a difference. The omegas profile is different and animal fats are slightly better for you but most people wouldn't notice a difference.
>and muh heckin raw milk
besides the obvious dangers of food poisoning, any kind of cow's milk is loaded with cow hormones that, among other things, encourage increased appetite. Milk exists to fatten up babies and instead you're chugging your heckin raw milk and fattening yourself up.
this but unironically, but I also think you're a jew
Retard, factory farms pasteurize their milk because it’s the only way they could pass FDA regs. Most farms have voluntary milking machines, and especially raw milk farms are under a heavy lens from gov. You are just slow
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God damn these ghouls. Is just drinking store bought half & half or heavy cream any better at all?
eglin working overtime
>God damn these ghouls. Is just drinking store bought half & half or heavy cream any better at all?
I doubt it. Vat pasteurized products may be marginally better though.
>are you a veal ?
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>buy kefir grains
>buy store bought whole milk
>put grains in jar with milk
>shady milk is now health kefir
>drink up and observe the following benefits
>more energy
>cavities start to disappear
>you digest things better
>you no longer eat as much
>your skin looks purty
>poo does not stink so much
>muscle growth without even working out
>farts are louder, but not terribly stinky
Also try marmite, it's good

1. drink raw milk
2. your guts make a sound like bag pipes
3. horrible pain
4. you die
Raw milk is dangerous for the very young, the very old, & anyone with an organ transplant.
The first time some wagie accidentally mislabels a container of raw milk as pasteurized or similar mixup its going to kill some people.
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>You're going to live like it's 1999 in a small community un-molested.
You're huffing so much hopium you're delusional
>I made my choice.
Actually my woman went to take care of her rich grandparents whom gaslit her into taking it while I was out of town for work if you really must know. While there are people who deserve to die of vax aids my woman is not one of them.

Anyways, provided you are an actual Brit and not some fucking mutt invader, I love you bro.
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>farts are louder

I think they break the sound barrier.
>buy kefir grains
>>buy kefir grains
These are the best I've found. mrandmrskefir(dot)com
I got mine from amazon. When you get them you need to feed em milk for a few days before they get their strength back
>What is it about it that makes them seeth so much
Pasteurization and homogenization destroy almost all of the nutrients and vitamins in the milk. You can't even make cheese with it.

That's why they don't want to you to have it, read the ingredients of baby formula. They want you crippled from the day you're born
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>Why won't the Jews let me drink raw milk?
also, Pasteurization is all about extending the shelf life for the merchants. if the dairy is sanitary/humane then the risks of consuming raw milk are minimal. but if you run a jew-shop, you'll want to pasteurize because it allows you to cut all the corners for maximum profits and who cares about the loss of beneficial microbes etc
lmao I drink a gallon of raw milk per day
just had some moments ago
people in public look upon me as some sort of radiant warrior god, light of the world type of thing
Typical pilpul
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>Milk borne diseases drastically deline
>It's a jewish conspiracy to keep me from drinking the good stuff!

The only silver lining to racism and conspiracy theorists is they're often sorting themselves out such as you. Drink up!
Same reason why all the villains in jewish media drink milk: Milk makes the white man strong & powerful.
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Thank you
You're welcome. Enjoy.
so…the raw milk itself, that white humans have been consuming for untold thousands of years, isn’t bad unto itself, rather, abuse of the animals that produce it causes the diseases ascribed to itt? Oh vey, shut it down!!
>Why won't the Jews let me
Because you listen to what they tell you.

Guys I wanna go back
Do you not realize that the fact you think that all these people got the vax and are just fine is evidence you may have been wrong about it being a deadly jewish bioweapon?
They haven't stopped me from drinking it, but I also could not tell you the last time I saw a jew in real life.
*raises paw*
So it's not safe for humans, but is it safe for me? :3
Do the opposite of what jews tell you to do
Can I ask you this? Why is raw cow milk safe for cats and dogs, but suddenly if a human drinks it, they'll get AIDS, spread covid, and then shoot up a school?
>they'll get AIDS, spread covid, and then shoot up a school?
school shootings are unique to only jewish-american milk
They're lactose intolerant, that's why.
you sound vaccinated newfaggot
I ordered our sons baby formula from Ireland and it is pretty good stuff with no corn syrup solids or bullshit.
American baby formula is non dairy coffee creamer with some vitamins in it.
nigga you be on pol too much frr
So can you constantly reuse kefir grains like sourdough starter?

How do you preserve them.when you aren't using them

Industrial cow milking is animal abuse and stresses out the animal thus also reducing quality
Fuckin' right Anon.
>I want to drink and drive butter fuckin' Jews won't let me
Just find a dairy farm/er on Fagbook and ask you dweeb. You can get your raw milk. Might be able to suck the tit yourself if you pay extra.
>You can't even make cheese with it.
UHT & pasteurization are not the same thing. I buy raw milk and my wife slowly raises its temperature to 70°C (basically pasteurization), after that she makes both cheese and yoghurt with it without any issues. UHT is worthless though, and should only be used for other culinary applications.
this. Raw milk is great, as long as you or a close family member that you fully trust owns the cow.
I said homogenized, not ultra heated

They are both worthless, pasteurized and homogenized.
I drank raw milk for few years around 30 years ago. My grandma was milking cow, making butter and cottage cheese
Dairy creamer isn't even that bad
As with all jews its about money. Pasturised milk keeps longer so it last longer in the supply chain without having to be thrown out.
you know jews drink pasteurized milk, right?
This is very poor grade jew posting
Yes. Just strain them out of the newly made kefir and add them to fresh milk to make another batch. When you aren't using them you can put them in a container with a little milk and put them in the fridge. I've heard you can freeze them but I've never tried it. I've stored the grains for a few weeks just under refrigeration and they continue to work just fine.
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>when it expires
I pick up some raw milk from a local farmer each week. After a week, it starts to get a little lively, so ya gotta use it or lose it. Because life is happening in that bottle, things are moving to the next stage. Unlike pasteurized, where it's all already dead so it can sit there for weeks past the "expiration date" and still smell the same, no curdling, etc.
That pudendum looks TOO firm...
Oh, hey Mike.
My town in the Ozarks has had three families producing raw milk for like 40 years. The difference? They're actual white farmers with an unbroken tradition, and the most important one has the infrastructure of any producer that sells to a major dairy or ice cream maker.

Some lonely farmer trying to sell dairy or worse, trying to make the stockyard/factory farms abomination work with raw milk is actually satanic. It will cause sickness and death. But probably no more than American fruits and vegetables do when they're made by the spic-nig cycle and jewberg&Co is getting shareholder profits for doing nothing. I can't believe it's even an option to go buy this stuff in California grocery stores. Couldn't be me. I wouldn't touch spic-nig slop.
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Eventually you learn to live on prayer alone. The goyslop becomes a formality.
>Everyone who drinks it dies
Citation needed.
Victor Rothchild, one of the most vile jews to ever exist and enslave humanity through banking, only publicly campaigned for two things: the creation of the state of Israel and making raw milk illegal. That's all any one with a brain needs to know regardless of political affiliation.
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Pureblood. You lack reading comprehension. I was critiquing industrial milking practices for their unsanitary conditions. Not advocating against raw milk
My college roommate was a veternarian grad student who got to work on those research cows. Explained to me how they centrifuge a sample of raw milk and count the plasma pus blood cells. This is how USDA would inspect a batch. FDA is responsible for marketing labels.
>A frozen pepperoni pizza, because it contains meat, will go through three separate USDA inspections: At the slaughterhouse, at the pepperoni-making facility, and at the pizza factory. Meanwhile, a frozen cheese pizza usually only needs approval from the FDA once: when the pizza manufacturer adds a nutritional label.
Those cum and joke mines on mars are waiting for you elon.
i could have saved her
>Everyone who drinks it dies
I drink it and eat it as cheese, still alive
Diseases, parasites. Like brucellosis.

You might notnget them, because of high standarts of health and hygiene rerulated by the state's authorities for livestock animals.
But thre is always a chance.
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>just grow your own dairy cows!
That costs around 3500-5000 USD.
It is expensive. And you have to spend around a million to have the land, building , farm to keep it.
You are not allowed to grow ypurnown food, because this make you one consumer less. If many withdraw and stop besoming consumers, capitalism will suffer and cause another great depression.
Raw milk can contain pathogens such Salmonella, E Coli, Staph Aureus and even Avian Influenza (H5N1). If you want to put that in your body, be my guest.
No nutrients are completelly destroyed.
Heating milk is the same as chemical burn. It happens in your stomach with digestion.

Easy to test it. Try to raise a one week old kittens only on pasteurised milk.
But before that, after the cat gives birth, give her anti parasitendrug.

Because if you dont and she has parasites, even flees, it passes the larvae through the milk to its kittens and they die when the parasite grows, usually whe they get a month old of age.
So deparasite the cat, and after a week take away the kittens and start feedeing them with pasteurised milk.
See if they wil develop at all or not. If nutrients are desrroyed in the milk they will die out of malnutrition in less than 2 weeks.

I have tested this and they all grow fine on pasteurized milk.
antimilk shill thread, post is a pro vegan, pro buggs, pro worms eating post.
How brown are you abdul
try it white, boy!
Or is it too hard for you, whitie?
A real life experiment that proves everything.
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Just buy your own fucking cow and put it in your apartment, retard
No one is stopping you from owning a cow retard.
You are a lying sack of meme flag shit.
milk is completely unnecessary for a grown-up to drink in the first place you fucking retards
all the shills in the thread is very telling. i drink raw milk every day for the past 8 years

once you go raw you literally can't enjoy regular store bought milk anymore it's fucking disgusting tasting and powdery. if you believe raw milk is an issue you're fucking retarded and deserve to die and be triple vaxxed. go fuckyourself

tfw gavin newsome declares state of emergency with bird flu so i can't get raw milkies during christmas
You're a regular Ed Jenner
You can literally go to a farm and ask the guy to sell you some
Most cats get diarrhea from it, too.
Maybe less so when they're used to it. Same as with humans.
Probably they only declare it safe for cats and dogs because of less strict bullshit regulations for animal food. Doesn't mean it's bad for you if you get used to it.
But as others here said, industrial milking makes cows sick and likely makes their milk have more bacteria in them that you wouldn't want.
Get yourself a cow from a breed that has not been engineered into a Lovecraftian horror creature for industrial outut, and milk it yourself.
your throat and mouth probably soak in hormones from raw milk.
my cousin who lives on a farm is on carnivore and drinks raw cow's milk instead of water. she started it from age 3 since parents weren't able to force her to eat vegetables or starches.
now her tits and ass look unnatural and out of proportion but she ain't even chubby and she's 6'3. who's gonna take a rule34 monstrosity seriously?
Lots of things are unnecessary in this life. I'm sure if we went down the list of your own personal decisions we would uncover several unnecessary line items. Drink raw milk if you want, get fucked buddy!
not here, he will be too afraid of a lawsuit
I'm glad it's illegal to sell raw milk I'm glad it's heard it for you to get what you want.
the indo-euro yearns for the raw milk
You’re Jewish
I like 2% milk because it quinches the thirst well without drinking a milk shake
>rare milk Bourne diseases go down ONE TIME and in ONE PLACE
>all kinds of other diseases including diabetes and lactose intolerance explode
>vegetables are more likely to kill you
>still pasteurises milk
My god you mother fuckers are so bad at this.
Yeah but have you or any other retard who mentions this actually did your research? The dude was a zoologist and grew up in their family estate full of farms and homesteads raising animals. He was fully aware of what raw milk was doing to the population at the time. It's why he was able to be vocal about it.
Besides, raw milk had already been banned for 30 years in parts of the US before he even made that speech, which he made in the UK. Turns out even that speech didn't make much of a difference at all. You're still able to buy raw milk all over the UK.
I'm starting to think that raw milk is a meme for health gurus to find ways for you spend extra money on. All the chads in the early days of homogenized milk were masculine and healthy and drank the stuff no questions asked. Raw milk to me is like people who insist on eating raw meat. They are just trying to sell you some book or diet plan. If you want raw milk bad enough, get your own cow.

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