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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I could probably overcome a flentinyal addiction with my free will alone

There's only an epidemic of weak minded people

jews will *SNAP*
Same here.
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I want to put my ftent into your nyal.
fentanyl doesn't even seem appealing. drugs are gross and make you feel like shit.
t.can't leave this board
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If I only had 15k I could fix my life.
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But you can't have sex. Interesting.
test it out
I don't like opiates
They make me feel itchy and nauseous then I get constipation.
I've only ever tried prescription codeine and oxy but they're just weaker forms of heroin.

Addiction is a hell of a battle to face. My partner died of an accidental fentanyl overdose last year. I never knew he was into opioids like that. Hurt like hell. I knew my partner had a problem with drugs in the past being in and out of rehab 3 times. But never did I think he would risk his own life by inhaling an unknown substance he got off the streets. It ended up killing him and putting a hole in my heart. Losing someone to an overdose fucking sucks. I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy.

It's tough, I get it. I've struggled with marijuana and alcohol for sometime. Been to rehab once and seen the effects drugs have on people. But when you graduate to a serious drug like opioids, pain killers, heroine, fentanyl etc. that shit is beyond me. I just wish there was more appropriate resources with people who suffer serious addictions like that other than 12 step programs and sober homes.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion
jews push it on teenagers and make it "cool" or whatever. A teenager is more likely to develop a network of friends if they do drugs. The other option is church. So if you aren't going to church and you aren't doing drugs you are likely an outcast. Jews make it this way on purpose.
Have you ever tried fentanyl?
I have. It's really, REALLY good. Like a warm blanket that makes you forget all your problems.
Opiods give me terrible nausea though. That's probably why I never got addicted to them like all the kids I was popping pills with in high school.
The substance you vibe with depends on your baseline mental state.
When I was young and happy I enjoyed weed.
When I was a bit more depressed but still ok I enjoyed opiates and uppers.
When I was clinically depressed I enjoyed alcohol and uppers.
When I was at rock bottom I enjoyed gabapentinoids and alcohol and uppers.
Oh wait that’s right now.
Crack felt like a warm blanket but it’s completely useless because it only lasts for a few minutes and you’re digging around all over your room at sunrise for the tiniest rock that may have fallen.
Never bought it again.
Once i'm terminally ill, I'm going to start a career in daily intravenous heroin infusions
Danny Trejo said something about heroin but it probably applies to crack and meth too- He said it takes away all your problems but now your main problem is getting more of it
That's probably how a lot of addicts feel. They don't even care that normal normalfags see them as subhuman
It must get really boring being uncontrollably obsessed with the same thing for so long.
you can do it
>gabapentinoids are rock bottom
>as my lyrica prescription sits comfortably in my bedside dresser
Fuck. At least it’s not a benzo. Even just a 0.5mg klonopin made me feel better than any human has a right to.
When I am addicted to something I find it soothing to have a purpose. Each substance has its agenda. Alcohol for example puts me in a routine of fasting all day, drinking, then eating a lot. Which requires planning. After work you have to find food that is easy to cook or reheat. You have to find just the right scotch or wine that is expensive and tastes good to drink for hours.
For things like pills, it’s a routine of doctor appointments to trick them into prescribing, then the pharmacy pickups, the counting the remaining pills, and planning your day around your mood as you’ll be high and over time how long you can be high gets shorter as you get older. What I mean is that no matter the substance, I can only feel high for about 45min within 24 hours these days.
Gabapentin/lyrica is my favorite drug of all time. I was too lazy to make an appointment with my doctor to get more refills so I haven’t had any in months. But there’s also phenibut which am ok replacement.
Klonopin never did anything for me, I think it just made me sleepy, it then again I never had a supply of my own to really bond with it.
Not really, otherwise you and all the strong minded people of /pol/ would have overcome your cooming addiction years ago.
give it a try, bro.
Low dose benzos give me incredible clear-headedness on top of nuking anxiety. Higher therapeutic potential vs pregabalin for major spergs like me but of course doctors are hesitant to give it out. Lyrica is much more recreational, does it almost feel comparable to weed to you?
Literally every addict says this once they’ve lost control of their addiction. You’re basically at the denial phase that you have a serious problem.
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we need to go back to pure, uncut and unedited heroin. Make that shit like it was back in ww2.
Weed used to make me feel great, but now it feels like a mushroom trip.
Lyrica makes me feel normal and social. A bit manic. Awful comedowns.
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>I could probably overcome a flentinyal addiction
You can't even overcome a 4chan addiction
I worked with someone who had a pills addiction
She took between 5-15 pills per day
When she was in her 30s her kidneys started to fail
She knew she was not ok
She was very pretty and her boyfriend was a charlatan
I remember how she ask me how to quit the addiction
I just though someone must be so afraid about her condition to ask someone who's just her coworker
She decided to quit and moved to her parents house out of the city
She spent days of nightmares getting her body clean of the addiction
Allegedly she got clean. She never came back to the city
She's been working in her father business and I've only know about her when I travel to visit the place
TLDR: You can't quit alone. You need a social network to clean your body and stay away of drugs
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I've been posting here for 18 hours straight today I think I have one.

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