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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I am a 33rd degree freemason. Ask me anything.
Do you eat meat and milk together?
I'm a 34th degree freemason
OP is cattle
>no proof
200 replies
I dont give a fuck about your boy lover group
Prove it.
When I was a zogfag I had a lot of black senior NCOs try to recruit me as one.
My black STEP father in law is also one and tried to get me to join.
My grandfather worked at Texaco for 30 years and his dad was a Freemason and told him if he joined he’d get promoted at Texaco faster and my grandpa said he’d earn his way.
What’s the deal?
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what does it do, and for whom.
Why are you gay?
why are you gae
Is it true there is a giant spider on the moon? I've seen it through my telescope and it ran away

What do niggers smell like close up?
Tear down the last vestige of dogmatic Christianity that remains in the Vatican and continue infiltrating Catholicism. The Masonic orders are plotting the third Vatican Council, it will be our final triumph against that nefarious institution called the Catholic Church.
Do Freemasons practice….Taqiyya?
things Change.
Still no proof.
deal with It.

if you can..
Stop being a shill and show your cert.
do you smoke weed?
Are Freemasons all….SECRET MUSLIMS? Is it true George Washington was a secret Muslim?

Is it true that Muslims SECRETLY control Hollywood?
If you wont show your cert then show your ring.
>Its simple to prove you're actually a 33rd degree.
Indeed they do. We are one of the major forces behind the changes you are witnessing in this era.
Show ring or cert.

>Im 95% certain you're no mason
Question One: Why don't you go fuck yourself??
What's the deal with the Shriners
Why are you gay?
where we go one, we go all.
deal with it, if you think you are Capable.
Brother, have you traveled?
In my Valley, they are pricks. They have a bar next door to our Cathedral but refuse to open it for the other groups and of course our Grand Lodge forbids drinking in Lodge buildings proper.
do you honestly believe youre the good guys?
the entities you fucks channel arent good
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if not, well, you will be shattered and scattered. like the rest of those who came before you.

Ave. When "They" took over Christendom and the pagan pantheons they created the dark age.
so, why do masons come here and hang out and why have they shit up the board for four years straight (by that i mean actively post with concerted effort) obviously the intention is to garner support or poison the well, but why bother? is this place such a worthwhile platform? if anything, the fact that you would take to /pol/ for influence and to attract initiates suggests to me the pools for your "talent" are of the lowest order. for that i guess i should at least be thankful, in the sense that you are no longer a skillful organization.
Masons are. The last Mason elected President was Eisenhower. Ever since we've had assholes and corrupt (((Christians))) who have destroyed the country Masons built. Masons seek Light.
>do you honestly believe youre the good guys?
I belong to a Luciferian and enlightened order. Our great architect of the universe will win. The king of sedition and rebellion, the angel of light who removed the blindfold from our eyes, will prevail.
>so, why do masons come here and hang out and why have they shit up the board for four years straight (by that i mean actively post with concerted effort) obviously the intention is to garner support or poison the well, but why bother? is this place such a worthwhile platform? if anything, the fact that you would take to /pol/ for influence and to attract initiates suggests to me the pools for your "talent" are of the lowest order. for that i guess i should at least be thankful, in the sense that you are no longer a skillful organization.
Honestly we only seek out those who wish for Light.
Whyd glowniggers tell me im lucifer if they dont like me?
I thought that was yalls guy or whatever.
Was it a compliment..?
>Our great architect of the universe will win.
Confirmed LARPer.
Do you have to get your dick fondled by other men?
>Whyd glowniggers tell me im lucifer if they dont like me?
confirmed schizo, seek therapy
No. That is shit made up by fags in the closet who LARP as Christians.
Why do you touch little boys?
Our lord is in the grave rn and will rise on the 3rd day. Sol.
Do you think the Chinese will destroy the unipolar world and lead to a multipolar world?
Chill fag.
Its called havana syndrome and anons know its real
Have you been offered to be initiated into the Illuminati? That degree usually can.
What do you think that is? What would it entail? Why do you think a 33rd degree would open that up?
Your seething proves me wrong.
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the wound inflicted will be such that you will never rise again.
mentally castrated.
S'ok bro.
how many homosexual interactions have you had since joining?
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Why do you fuck little boys in the ass?
Lol do you have a question for me or something
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ἡ τεχνολογία τῆς εἰρήνης. εἰρήνη διὰ δυνάμεως.
I am not Matt Gaetz.
None, I am not a Catholic boy.
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Have you fucked Sam Hyde in the butt yet?
You know this Nigga?
Sam, stay off 4chan. You were expelled from the Lodge for getting all handsy afterwards and we trespassed you from all Craft properties.
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I don’t believe you’re a Mason.
I've only met 3 33rd degrees in my life and all 3 were 80 year old men.
That's your opinion. I can tell you that Masonry focuses on Brotherhood and self improvement. It may be good for you. If you're looking for Gay sex, you'll need to go elsewhere.
You niggers worship satan.
I heard that there were a bunch of nazis, niggers, commie russians, chinks, mudslimes, and jews hanging out infront of a goat penis talking about building a homeless shelter at the masonic lodge down the street. Sounds nefarious.
are ayyys real?
I just made two posts that went right over your head. Stop larping.>>492020754
Why's it always 33rd degree masons every single fucking time
Why never a 6th degree mason? Not even a 20th-something mason. Not even once in /pol/'s entire history.
Maybe we're sick of you 33rd degree faggots.
Incorrect. We worship no singular God but rather our own respective Gods. We have our own obligations to our own respective deities and Masonry is but an homage. I know several Wiccan Masons, but no Satanists. Satanists tend to be Atheists and Atheists are not allowed to become Masons.
Are there any letters by you name?
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I dont know but I cant fucking stand their kids
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A 6th degree Mason isn't what you think it is, same with 20th. The complete Scottish Rite is 32, with the 33rd being a honorific for service etc. As noted before, the only ones I have met were elderly. I doubt they were raping children and controlling the fed.
Is that /x/ shit?
You’re not a 33rd degree Mason.
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False. You just don't rank high enough to know the truth.
Look, all I'm saying is, the Templar's getting into bed with jews only to be backstabbed and made subservient, well, it may have been a mistake. That's all I'm saying.
Never claimed to be.
Pike was speaking for himself. Lucifer is not Satan and Masons do not Worship Lucifer. Maybe Pike did, but he was also a Confederate and traitor to his Nation. That the Southern Jurisdiction still uses anything from his shows how backwards they are.
Very soon an Afro-descendant pope will take office, who will promote our ideals, and declare the Catholic Church bankrupt, its final ruin. Benedict resigning early instead of serving to his death was to merely set a precedent.
>A 6th degree Mason isn't what you think it is, same with 20th.
I'd like to hear that from them, thank you very much.
Ranks are based on your knowledge acquired within the lodge.
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Oh, I do not trust Jews. I know many brothers who are Jews and they are very angry if you mention you support Palestine and think they should give up Israel.
How much lube do you use per meeting?
What is the shape that looks like a capital T look like in reference to masonic astronomy?
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lmao my grandfather is a freemason. Tons of connections in the construction industry. They are not shy about enacting violence at all...
The 4-32 is Scottish Rite and is way overhyped. The first 3 degrees require study, practice, and ritual to attain. The 4-32 degrees require showing up once a month, sitting down, watching a play, and getting a book stamped. The plays are all available online also.
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There's no gay sex, that's the Baptists.
What is the shape that looks like a capital T called in masonic astronomy?***
>lmao my grandfather is a freemason. Tons of connections in the construction industry. They are not shy about enacting violence at all...
Oh yeah, Masonry is good for business. You wanna know real ball breakers - the Knight's of Colombus. The Departed joked about it, but here in New England those cocksuckers are mobbed up.
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No, he was addressing his brothers. You worship Lucifer/Satan, you just don't know it.
And Freemasonry only requires you believe in a higher power, that can be Satan or Lucifer or whatever. There are no rules against it.
>Oh, I do not trust Jews.
>joins a wholly Jewish organization
>You worship Lucifer/Satan, you just don't know it.
Please clarify. Also, why do you think Lucifer is Satan?
>The 4-32 is Scottish Rite and is way overhyped.
which are you?
Incorrect. Masonry is about as Jewish as Christianity or Islam. Masonry's origins come from similar Levant religions to Judaism but not connected to Judaism, which is why Masons hold the Holy Saints John as elevated sacred.
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I think you're crazy mate. Jews had nothing to do with this. Again, it was the Catholics.
32. That means I have a passport stamped as I attended all 29 plays. 1-3 is way harder than 4-32. The memorization alone for Master Mason rivaled the Middle Chamber. You don't do any of that for Scottish Rite. There is also York Rite, but they never get involved in conspiracy theories for some reason.
The Templars got into banking and land ownership which pissed off the King.
Can't say im against it all; ive seen a lot of philanthropy result from their types just dont fuck them over and you wont get murdered lol.
>I am a 33rd degree freemason. Ask me anything.
You enjoyed getting literally fucked in the ass by another male during the initiation?
What do you think of trumps house with Apollyon on the ceiling?

I am aware apollyon is your secret word at the 33rd degree and understand this angel to be the masonic messiah.

What is the rest of this story?

There are two books on this subject. Manly P Hall a 33 degree mason wrote the secret destiny of America and Tom Horn wrote Apollyon rising.

What is the official Templar position on all of this?
Just a bounch of old fucks, greedy for money and power, you ruled over the world and you still are, that's why everything is collapsing. The serpent must shade its skin.
So what is your opinion on this? Did I said anything wrong here?
Lucifer is Venus. Om the great Void, the Black Madonna. Queen Zero.
>you wont get murdered lol.
See, the day I was initiated some old asshole mentioned that. Later I found out it's a LARP meant to fuck with newbies, so now I repeat it all the time to candidates (;
>The Masonic orders are plotting the third Vatican Council,
When? Soon?
Oh another fake and gay larp.
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Nope. You're incredibly misinformed.
are you the nigger guy in the middle?
Lucifer is the Light. Masons seek Light. Why does the Light frighten you? Even now we are approaching the celebration of Christmas - a holiday celebrating Jesus on December 25. That day is important as it's when people notice the sun is starting set later and Light is returning to the world. There's nothing evil about Light.
You rape kids?
>There is also York Rite, but they never get involved in conspiracy theories for some reason.
Yeah, man, what's up there? How come them lads are going about their business all clean, you never hear anything about them, but the Scottish Rite is riddled with scandal. There's gotta be a reason for it.
So send a mid-ranker who we can actually relate to. I'm sick and tired of you stuck up 33 niggers.
Yeah, and that's who I want to talk to, not you jumped up old man fuckers, I want to talk to the guy who just watched a movie and got his book stamped. What part are you not understanding? We've already had plenty of these 33 fags.
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How important is the study of Hermeticism to your group?

Also, I understand from Bill Schnoebelen, a former Mason, that your organization is not a good thing. He outed a lot of your more negative aspects. See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PmHQMarnuM

Also here Bill Cooper interviews ex-Mason William Morgan that does a 3 part interview and exposes your organization again, for negative things. What are your thoughts?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trtAahlvXA8&list=PLdEerJERCMGuq6H_uxWly09UGBmBAgSyK&index=21

It is very likely that this is all a game, and you agreed to play your part beforehand, with agreed upon amnesia, until the game is over. And I agreed to play my part under the same rules. Still, once we know we bypass our amnesia, are you not committing evil when you continue in your role?
Bro You are not a Mason. Venus is the bringer of Light/Wisdom. Venus is Also Aphrodite the goddess.
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What do black masons do?
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You've not participated in the ceremonies and post anti Mason and anti semitic tropes. A key part of the Master Mason degree shits on Judaism for being primative. Masonry in America is a Christian based organization, so much like how Judaism influenced Christianity Judaism influenced Masonry - but no it is not Jewish. Jews are too regimented and stuck in their own bullshit which is why Jewish Masons are rare.
Most Masons don’t know dick. Masonry has changed from hermetic and ancient wisdom to a stupid men’s club. Waste of fucking time.
Will the system of the United States or the Soviet system win?
Scottish Rite has better dinners.
Unironically eat fried Chicken before their Lodge meetings.
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You forgot to show bobs and vageen
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Man they got you absolutely fooled.
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There's been anti Masons since the 1600s. Every group has bad folks who do bad things. I've never seen a Mason do something horrifically evil. No rape, no child abuse, etc. Such things are often pushed by Christians who are the protectors of such horrific crimes. The Catholics hate Masons and protect pedo Priests to this very day.
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You sound ignorant.
Whatever your beef with the Vatican is, Christianity was embedded in masonry by the Templars and is embedded at it's core.
I take it that's some kind of in joke I'm not supposed to get. Now, dish why the other mob is flying under the radar and ye are more notorious than John Gotti.
Sounds like some Zionists right there. We need to look at the raising of Hiram Abif and what the three attempts represent to know how Masons view Judaism.
No, you're not.
You are being used by things beyond the comprehension of most masonry.
Masonry has some members in those things and uses masonry to recruit, but don't take credit for things you didn't come up with.
It's more so that in my Valley the Scottish Rite has nice home cooked dinners and the York assholes tend to use cheap catering which is often cheap, cafeteria food.
>I belong to a Luciferian and enlightened order. Our great architect of the universe will win. The king of sedition and rebellion, the angel of light who removed the blindfold from our eyes, will prevail.
Either a LARPER or an ignoramus.
Masons do not worship Lucifer as Dogma.
No it sounds like the people at the top have tricked you goys into being their tools.
>Benedict resigning early instead of serving to his death was to merely set a precedent.
First of all Benedict never technically officially resigned.
To the extent that he stepped down, you have no idea why he did so.
Stop pretending you do.
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Imma let you finish but Shiva was the greatest freemason of all time.
>no replies
OP is a bot.
what's the deal with the "goat" joke?
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What people? Jews in general?
>the York assholes tend to use cheap catering which is often cheap, cafeteria food.
Are they so cheap because they're not engaged in any skulduggery and are on a budget due to lack of ill gotten gains?
>Ranks are based on your knowledge acquired within the lodge.
All the real knowledge about masonry is acquired outside of the lodge.
You'll never understand the finality of the box while you're stuck in it.
We get our budget from hosting events like weddings, holiday parties, and other get togethers on our properties.
>All the real knowledge about masonry is acquired outside of the lodge.
>You'll never understand the finality of the box while you're stuck in it.
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Acktuallly - it's more like jews get into power of an organization they wish to subvert, then begin raping everyone. At one point Masons were some kind of esoteric group continuing some kind of Babylonian religion, but were subverted by the frankist/jews/illuminati. It's all here in this book: https://1lib.sk/book/915071/663a2a/under-the-sign-of-the-scorpion.html
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not jews, THE jews
What an interesting cover for a book.
>Masonry is secretly old school Levant religions
At it's essence, Masonry is subliminal Christianity.
I thought you're like a 32nd degree or something? Shouldn't you be mad rich from all the insider oil and drug connections you made while working for Langley?
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Yeah, I am not aligned with Zionists. We had one Jewish brother who would not shut the fuck up over how Israel was justified and he stopped coming to our Lodge.
Tell me what god and elohim means.

you don't know. god are shamans who exert influence whilst making sure civilisation is in the dark, weak and servant to them. Using secret societies/royals/elite class as their main arm.

hot bath of the mind, ego controlled puppets are the societies top men, but the controllers do not live in civilisation. you thought the top was high materialism but that was an ancient lie from 4000BC+

Status is living, knowing and joy. Its glow holds power and influence. Its symbols hypnotise other men but be given other meanings to them.

easy peasy, their control has been easy over civilisation.

this is the truth, higher than any mason or fucktard elite, maybe some spooks at the interchange between the tribe and civilisation will know that sit in civilisation, but they'll be very veiled unsuspecting hidden men of history not really talked about! History or coverage might of sparingly mentioned them in obscure texts at best.

All big names like rothschilds etc. are just marvel supervillian chew toys.
i thought /pol was modern day freemasons. but they are too brown to be a white supremacist organization.
Modern Masonry is overtly Christian. Most Lodges only use the King James Bible, refer to it as such, and the chaplains routinely discuss the life of Jesus.
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Lurk moar 2 git gud faggot. Thats the explanation. Unironically.
>Incorrect. We worship no singular God but rather our own respective Gods
Perhaps, but masonry is Jesus staring at you in the face.
>I thought you're like a 32nd degree or something? Shouldn't you be mad rich from all the insider oil and drug connections you made while working for Langley?
Oh obviously.
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>I am not aligned with Zionists.
But they are aligned with you.
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>doesn't want niggers in masonry

No he was based kys
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The next page details how you can tithe your local Pastor who needs a second Jet.
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How so?
Explain what? The statement is self-explanatory.
If you mean "give specific examples" that's another thing.
In general, masonry is a series of steps that lead some to the Illuminati, which is a sort of administrative medium between masonry and the Templars.
They have a very different take on masonry and you learn about masonry and some masonic things from a totally different perspective.
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Order of Jesters constantly caught with human trafficking but they are appendant
>Modern Masonry is overtly Christian.
It's also covertly and subliminally Christian
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What’s the name of the 30th degree? How are the concession of degrees distributed in your governing body?
>i renounce shibboleth and jachin and all that they mean
Why would you need to do that?
Your lodge is under their control.
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The is the Scorpio constellation, like the Scorpio zodiac. Has to do with the Russian communist October Revolution that occurred under the sign.

The book outlines jewish communist revolutionary action from around before the French revolution until today.
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>What’s the name of the 30th degree? How are the concession of degrees distributed in your governing body?
Something grand, I could look it up but I am lazy. The distribution of 4-32, as noted above, is dependent on attending plays and getting your passport stamped. If someone fucked up or got sick, you get to watch a video of it.
hot bath of the mind is bestowed on the elite, you may leave the bath and be left to the cold apocolyptic concrete jungle or be apart of cosmic earthly wonder, guess what the elite do? Well, to stay in it, they follow the warmth, and lo and behold after years, they've upheld societies hierarchy whilst under charitable like fronts.
Most basic question (for the n00bs to know)
Do you only clone Masons?

I already know the answer since it was revealed in the READ OR DIE "I-Jin" (Aegean/Ingenious) characters. However, since Masons prefer LOYALTY over COMPETENCE, what's the point since imposters that stole credit from real geniuses are not, by definition, geniuses and are likewise not as useful as geniuses.

Oh certainly you vulgar clowns have snatched a few genuine genius DNA (the Mozart clone being the most recently publicly notable), but most of your agents are snivelling cowardly loser sycophants.

Since you exclusively serve the devil and jews, you already know the regimenting the compliant to uplift the vulgar masses is a lie. That your real purpose should be gathering the sperm of the truly talented and the genuine geniuses should be the primary purpose of the clone farms.


You might want to consider this when fucking your boy bride.
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what are you folks concerned about on a background check?
No, it isn't.
Masonry is very subverist in is lessons. It's why many autocratic countries hate the US. In Masonry, anyone can lead the Lodge and everyone is encouraged to attempt it. That challenges the idea of Kings and chosen people. It's why I always find the connection to Jews funny as Masonry is very anti Jewish in its overall messaging.

Thankfully Napoleon saw through some of the BS eh?
>ID is Saturn59
checks out

Why are you a nigger?
Why do you serve the jews?
Do you have beef with the Shriners?
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>Masonry is very anti Jewish in its overall messaging.
why did you buy my home?
grand union ~ btw

iam of course what iam.,.
?>>weed grower.,m
>something grand
You sure about that? Okay, what’s the formal name of the person who has the 33rd degree. What’s the name of the governing body of the concession of the 33rd degree? And what about the college responsible for the concession of the 30th to 33rd? And how does the system of recognition work between masonic governing bodies?
But oh well, you’re not OP so it doesn’t matter.
my seeds are 20 + years old an stil made plants.,.

i need a home to reside.,. to be free.,.
>i am against jews running everything
>i also insist jews run everything
I know you're posting the same things over and over again from /x/ and the antimasonry reddit, but again if you sit through the rituals you will understand Judaism is very incompatible with Masonry. The story of Hiram is incredibly relevant to what it means to be a Mason. The 2nd or Fellowcraft Degree is represented by the Jewish Religion. Master Degree, which is Hiram, represents Christianity. The Fellowcraft are greedy and duplicitous, except for 12. Much like the story of Jesus, the Fellowcraft betray Hiram and murder him. The 12 Fellowcraft not part of the others, representing the disciples, find and 'raise' Hiram from the grave. In doing so it teaches what the three degrees of Masonry represent. The second Degree is an incomplete view. There's also the Jewish idea that they are a chosen people who do not welcome others and hide themselves in their temple - which Masons do not agree with. Masons welcome all men of good report who believe in God and hold that no one is chosen. It is themselves who must find Light. It's why the American founding Fathers were so big on individualism and the idea of no Kings.
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Jesus is Jewish

Black people are Jewish

Hiter is Jewish

Stalin is Jewish

America is Jewish

Muhammad was Jewish

Atheism is Jewish

Space is Jewish

Thor was Jewish

White supremacy is Jewish

China is Jewish

Jews rule the world because Jews are the chosen people.
they spite themselves as did whites/indians.,./
they done all evil to win.,./
Indians are Jewish.
Do you all have a good chuckle when you tell people they have to pay a "carbon tax" due to the literal, exactly 33 degree Celsius differential between the purported temperate average and the true average, created by deliberately using a 2d sunlight-over-the-earth-at-once model in "climate models" ignoring the adiabatic lapse rate so as to pretend there is a need to invent the concept of a fictional greenhouse effect? Also, how is your prostate holding up?
lol F A G G O T
Grand Inspector. Got one word right.
>In Masonry, anyone can lead the Lodge and everyone is encouraged to attempt it. That challenges the idea of Kings and chosen people. It's why I always find the connection to Jews funny as Masonry is very anti Jewish in its overall messaging.
Really? I too am a fan of social mobility! There were peasant emperors in the Byzantine Empire. I'm a Christian Theocrat myself, if someone doesn't voluntarily engage in extreme asceticism then I personally don't think they're fit to benevolently rule. Imagine having to suffer the humiliation of being ruled by the degenerate ghouls we are currently as a Christian, absurd really.
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Explains alot.

Britain is Jewish. Sunlight is Jewish

Jews control the weather because they are the superior race.
It's a secret society, they don't have to do anything, silly. You think you can call up and demand a member list and on the honour system they feel like they've just GOTTA share it?

Scots are Jews.
Attempt does not mean gifted. Lodges vote on their leadership. I trust my Brothers to make the right decision.
Even freemasons have dei department it's so fucking over
Certainly are cheap like em, memeflag.
scots are morrish nigas that had a thirsty for jewish blood.,. similar to irish but irish are more white.,.
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Freemasoncels. You're just people doing a hobby to pass the time in your subhuman body. Hardly different than anyone else.
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Fagmasons count time by the Jewish calendar kek

There is only two classes of people. Those who are the jews "The kings and rulers", and their goy slave nigger cattle servants. When the next AI system is complete, all nigger goy cattle will worship the mechanical moses we have created that definately will not go psychotic and be our pig cow blood milk rape slaves forever while they work in service to the jews.
iam carver of stone, proper human mason, free mason just did stuff he likes.,./ in terms of crafts.,m,
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Isn't it true all memeflags are IDF posters?
He may be a Mason but he's got a point, show flag.

Since Putin is a jew, and donald trump is a jew, they will get together with Hilary Jew Clinton and Rockefeller Rothchild the son of satan and bathe in the blood of the goy nigger cattle by the hands of the mudslime rapist we have unleashed upon them.
why do I see so many gun shop owners have free mason rings?
>we have unleashed upon them.
>Since Putin is a jew, and donald trump is a jew, they will get together with Hilary Jew Clinton and Rockefeller Rothchild the son of satan and bathe in the blood of the goy nigger cattle by the hands of the mudslime rapist we have unleashed upon them.
I would assume so. None are Masons. America has decayed since we stopped electing Masons into leadership positions.
My brothers are very 2A. We hold many shooting competitions.
yes.. you are correct, we need a neo force of justice i can join., brother

it hasnt broken me yet
are there any whites left in masonry, or is it all jews and blacks now?
How is the butt sex?
>None are Masons
Pretty sure Trump is a Mason and tons of Rothchild's were Masons.
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He wrote a book that was released after his death, even the Catholic media pretty much ignored it.

Basically, he states that the church was taken over by homosexuals.
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hearts of space, go listen to God..,.
no. sage. clubs are not politics.
Or leafs
you think we all masons now, get fucked spastic autist fagget./,./
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some of us are ~ grand masters.,./
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Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
Bomb all kikejeet please both of their women are disgustingly looking to rape
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Why does Sam Hyde the Freemason fuck minors and trannies?
You’re so cringe kike I can’t wait to kill one of you
i bought that recently to try out.
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why do they have the nipple shirts?
That’s what pedo kikes do. Their disgusting kike mothers can’t raise their children properly and their fathers are too busy fucking little Filipino kids. Sad story of ugly kikes.
Is it true you go to the great lodge in the sky after death and you communicate with brothers there by having butt sex with each other?
im not a kike iam form the old order.,./
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Like chopping dicks off and fucking little boys in the ass?
They aren't.
>Basically, he states that the church was taken over by homosexuals.
You don't need to be a former pope to see that.
now go make me a cuppa tea {potion}
Yeah the gun shop owner I know is a competitive shooter.
What's the free masons take on jews? and our "jews" chinks?
Now let's discuss important matters.

Everything living eats everything else.
A buried body is denied recycling into the higher orders of the world. A body buried deep only is devoured by bugs and worms, the lowest of the food chain.

Jerry Leaves Daycare (R&M)
Jerry: "I'm leaving!"
Nurse: "Okay, that was always allowed."

Freewill is tough.
It means accepting responsibility for bad decisions and the agonies that follow.

Now what happens if a creature has no predators or a corporation has no opponents? Wouldn't a sane person consider this creature in a few brackets of existence rather than an apex predator or rising evolution to the next level, more of an anomaly biologically speaking. So should ANY ORGANIZATION OR GROUP be disallowed to have creatures or people that despise it and work for its destruction?

Everything eats everything. Creatures that refuse to be consumed aren't sharing their genetic triumph with the rest of the class. But is that as important as you believe? After all, freewill means you can freely leave. Unless you're holding humans captive, unable to exit horrible nations ruined by the hands of jews and jesuits and masons. If you're disallowing free will, then what of your activities resembles that of the Morningstar, the first agent of free will?

Instead you resemble the eagle devouring the liver of Prometheus. Relentlessly punishing those who seek to uplift others. Sin or righteousness are sick jokes if the true metric is UTILITY VALUE to others.

It's some extreme warfighter type shit, God Wills It.
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Yeah you're "enlightened" and not a useful idiot KEK
I read it over 40 years ago. Nova by Samuel Dulaney is better.
What, like, in a Catholic kinda way? As in, if you cross certain lines and don't repent you cease to be Catholic, in that kind of way?
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Everything living eats everything else.
A buried body is denied recycling

^doesnt make sense logically and mathematically.,m.

i forgive you.,./
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This is why they kill fags
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yeah we have to destroy everything evil its the way an its for simps/.,/
did you have to cut your balls off?
Only if you want their highest honor >>492026904

May the fire of Zoroaster continue to light your path.
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Considering you type exactly always in the same format. Are you a bot, kike or just a jeet nigger shill?

Let me guess, you haven’t step outside for years? Just Kys and do society a favor.
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>here's your "uplifting" others, bro
Denounce the Talmud, Zohar, Hiram Abiff, and praise the Pope and Monarch of Britain.
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Iam a son of the caliphate anon.,./ Cordoba an child of mohammed. They are at war becuh ov what i have stated, my son is the King.,./ and his most majesty subject,m,.
you are obviously jewish mossad terrorist
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You didn’t answer my question jeet?
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Or better yet
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you would love me to nopt be me an be a punjeeta, iam me an i hate you anglos an jhoos.,m.

also fuck indians.. your new meme card
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YUCKS I would never in a million years wish anyone would encounter your creature mother.
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Or a kikess
>Masonry in America is a Christian based organization,
doesnt baphomet mean mohammed?
she past it bro you dirty lil rapist
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I can't read all that shit. Sounds pretty agreeable to me until you started talking about Britain and it's rothschild anti american BS
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>The Masonic orders are plotting the third Vatican Council, it will be our final triumph against that nefarious institution called the Catholic Church.

Read this thread:


Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:


I can't tell you exactly when Jesus will arrive here to destroy this planet (I can't even give you the year, let alone the month). But here's one thing I do know with 100% certainty: this planet is Bozrah, not Earth.
Why are you preventing disclosure. Asshole!
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I just throw up in my mouth.
They’re so ugly no one would even rape your women, even their own men don’t want them.
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Is your wife aware of all the humiliation rituals you had to go through?
God I can't believe we're getting replaced by these under the auspices of vance and trump
>this retard believes in aLiEns
HAHAHAAHAH, stupid faggot






How do I know?

Because nobody posts on 4chan except communists and jews anymore.
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Neither can i
You're pretty close, but Quaker. Which is about the most jewy WASP but I forgive you.
>praise the Pope and Monarch of Britain
Kinda incompatible, no?
Is a Freemason still a "better man" if he dumps scalding water on his son?
Does this somehow relinquish the father from knowingly condeming his child to service of a cult?
>source: dude, trust me
Nice LARP.
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I'm not a freemason and I won't denounce something I don't even know what it is.

That's my personal code. Everyone can kiss my ass if they don't like it.

I'm looking him up right now and he sounds like some made up bullshit for the shiner BS party. I denounce all frothing bait #metoo retards (YOU) may they be publicly flogged in the street while the masses watch and laugh in disdain.
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>asked to denounce hiram abiff
>y-you're a jew!
How could Masonry defeat the Catholic institute?
Out of all institutes the Catholic Church is as close to perfect as you can get in design.
that's why you cunts plotted to put a jesuit as figurehead?

The only good thing about Catholics is that their shitty religion is good at making whore daughters that hate their parents.
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stfu you dirty kike faggot

Catholicism is utterly retarded. You can be "And usually are" a pedophile serial killing cross dragging faggot, but instantly absolved if you go to confession and suck a pope dick and give him some money.

Sounds like a good religion you have retard.
Finish my sentence
> Nah
> ha
Let's try again
> mah
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I put mah dik inside ha box
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Close but no ceegarr.
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Sorry, next.
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Why are you such a massive faggot?
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It's been rough. It's hard to focus. Everyone and everything is insane. I've been working for so long in my mind. Sure, no excuse, but still. Like jeeze. Why are we here to begin with?
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The ETs already know everything :^)
I'll bite. What do you feel about the initiation ceremony regarding Hiram Abiff
How can anyone be motivated when the information of information society is so abstractly overwhelming the human monkey can't even take a shit for 10 minutes.
he answered like 2 questions lol what a waste of a thread
slide thread
are u a jungle nigger and how big is your niggercock ?
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