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i dont know what this is in reference to, this picture makes me feel like a pilgrim seeing aliens or something
leftist redditards have boards where they ragepost about our memes and infographics
but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
I think it's r/theleftcantmeme and r/therightcantmeme, who deface posted memes to make them non-repostable.
The whole rivalry is pretty pathetic desu
A sub like that has to be at least 50% troll posts. There's no way these people can't see how pathetic that is.
lmao how petty
Being Happy is Retarded and Gay.
They added another X ahahahahaha
said like a trve r*ddit nigger.
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>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
That's one of the most petty things I've ever heard of
This is beyond freedom fries
This guy really gives his 100% for the führer.
That's some sort of weird ritualism shit. The content is still there, everyone can see it, so putting the 'X' over it is like casting a binding spell on it. Leftoids are so cult-like it's unreal.
you don't hate predditors enough
It's the same kind of people that think they can trick God with a piece of string or a dead chicken
I assumed you were bullshitting, but it's actually true. Jesus...
No fkn way.
ive never seen this and i dont know what the fuck you're talking about
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If you post a right wing meme on rebbit then someone might accidentally laugh at it. But you know who else laughed at non-kosher memes? That's right: Hitler. You are just like Hitler if you laugh at a forbidden meme. If you laugh at a naughty joke then you are undermining democracy and the fascists will win. You have to prime the recipient such that they know to engage their doublethink in time. You need to dehumanise your enemies, and that means not laughing at their jokes even if they're funny. So a red X does the job.
It's sad to se a noble and selfless soldier of honesty in service to the copy write jew.
The goodest goy.
If you look up their older posts, you can find some good shit. R/forewardsfromklandma is a saltmine.
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Kikes have gone full kikel and reclaimed the cross.
This enrages the reddit faggot.
/pol/ wins again
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Gnostic propaganda.
link subreddit/thread or gtfo
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That's nuts!
This comic has grown on me, I started reading it last night. Here's a link for any anon whose wants to read it. https://www.valsalia.com/comic/prologue/01/
anybody have the screencap about how Africans never invented the chair and only got chairs after Europeans introduced them?
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kek, this is too meta.
>rectangular table bottom right
he had one job
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Holy shit, it's real, they're literally posting /pol/ tier stuff, kek
Redditors must be wiped out, no exceptions. I've been reading the comments for not even 5 minutes and I'm disgusted to my core, these """"""""""people"""""" are not human, what the actual fuck
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they like it really, deep down
>these """"""""""people"""""" are not human, what the actual fuck
Anon, you know that people can be paid and chatbots deployed
they are talking shit about us in the thread lol
redditors are beyond brain damaged. It got so much worse after they removed the ability to un-remove shadowbanned comments and recover histroy.
Site is literally a psy-op now.
The bots for the dems 2024 campaign were particularly blatant.
That's the worst part. Plebbit is mostly bots, but I cannot know whether someone is a bot or not because their opinions are so fucking retarded. They posted the meme about South America and racemixing, and all of the comments are saying it's US imperialism, I don't think there's a cure for mental retardation this bad
Yeah, that does seem racially motivated. It's not like the person who contributed that detail added if chairs were not used by native americans, indians, or japanese, so why leave that random bit about sub-saharan africa?
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yer supposed to put a cross on it, mate. Otherwise, people might use it for fun or something.
A. Nobody will give a shit if you steal memes from redditors.
B. Reverse image search is a thing
From now on i will do this too, including the link to their redd*t as well.
holy fucking shit we really are here bois
>high five
>hi five
>come on high five
>hi five please
>you asked for this, imma high five you good.
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OP pic caption: Overtime at Eglin
Sub saharan africans were the last people to "invent" dreadlocks.
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you can't outmeme us
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Honestly can't tell if this is someone from pol being hideously ironic or if it's genuine stupidity.
The world needs more funny ayyylmaos
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New meme.

What do you think?
>sheboons walking around with Asian people's hair strapped to dey head to LARP as a white peepo
either it's true or it's not. Maybe 'native' americans used chairs?
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>leftist redditards have boards where they ragepost about our memes and infographics
>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
How do we see them?
Is this going to be one of those things that is harder to get into than Monkey torture telegram pages?
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forgot to deface it, you bigot.
I agree with some of the points raised in that picture, including that the Catholic Church had massively lost its way and is probably not the way in to heaven.

But even still, isn't it pretty clear that the modern-day Catholic Church could not be the synagogue of Satan that is described in the Bible? Revelation 3:9 describes the synagogue of Satan as those "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie". It seems pretty explicit that the synagogue of Satan must consist of self-professed Jews. The exact terminology does matter given that this label ties the labeled in to specifics of Revelation.
>describes the synagogue of Satan as those "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie"
i always interpreted it as the 2000 year old middle eastern version of Biden's "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"
it's just a trick
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>find meme on leftyfag salt mine of based memes
>see giant red crudely drawn penis on meme
>go to archives, find original copy of meme that was stolen from here
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Do you think that person was shitposting and being an ironic retard? How is it possible to be that unaware of own's self and actions?
>It seems pretty explicit that the synagogue of Satan must consist of self-professed Jews.
The Catholic Church is ran by Jews.
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Imagine memeflagging and using snownigger spelling, then thinking you're better than a plebbitor.
This shit is demonic AF.
Gives me the creeps just looking at it.
Peter is Saul, a jewish hunter of christians, and he made up a story about being the rock, so that he could kill
More christians
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What's wrong anon?
That explains it when they "document" on X the statements by people they don't like, screenshot with texts/portraits crossed out in red. How silly, like a stupid ritual to keep away the evil spirits.
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how can you be so oblivious lmao
In reality they wouldn’t even have peanut butter
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>be on vr chat
>a bunch of fucking retards ask some literal child what the n word is.
>sorry I can't hear you
>sorry what?
>can you say that again for us?
>you can hear me!
>no but what was the n-word?
>confusion and laughter
>the kid's avatar stands there awkwardly as volume begins to grow from the microphone,
>there are sounds of a struggle, "no nono" come from the microphone
>"oh shit oh fuck" the retard pranksters are saying
>bare screams come from the microphone as the kid's spanking and screaming rendered by a parent or guardian are rendered into the virtual world at high volumes.
>third party observer is recording this entire charade, the decide to post it on social media.

This is the sound and video of an antisemetic neo-nazi being made in real time. The kid has, within their 6-10 year old mind, all of the evidence in front of them of the falsehood of society.

From the dishonest askers of questions, to their cheap trick they knew the result of before they began, to the fact that their parents, not only are complicit in the trick, but will actively enforce the perhaps incompletely considered "it's just a prank bro" tier will of these cruel and truth defying strangers. To add insult to injury, the entire episode is recorded distributed and monetized at the literal speed of light across the entire planet.

What shall this kid grow to understand?

Quite simply
1) that not even their own family can be trusted
2)that language is nothing but a trick
3)that only raw charisma and context, coupled with an ignorant audience can assure a social victory.
4)that liars and cheats hold the reigns of power.

These VR pranksters did not know with what devils they play. For they have in this sick sacrifice summoned a demon, that demon, the nazi. They will in their zeal, fail to see their own guilt in this matter. But they are the architects of the destruction of their own success. They should have been spanked.
Fuck off this can't be real
I thought I was the only one to notice that.
>that seems racially motivated
Everything will continue looking racially motivated until you admit to yourself that it's true. Have fun with your gas lamp of a brain.
>communists using a for-profit platform
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>they have to mark our propaganda with x
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Yeesh, those are bug-like eyes. She's been put through the Disney actress wringer, for sure.
See for yourselves
I dont even know er!
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the attacked the poor guy for speaking the truth
Do these niggers not understand that we don't go there?
Note that despite continuously adding rules to their hate-subreddit so it can’t slip away from them, they don’t mention all the additional auto-mod rules which seemingly get broken in every single post some way or another
Where are the demons anon
WTF blacks invented peanut butter?
Not bad.
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an X looks too much like a cross, its offensive.
A black dude invented several RECIPES using peanut butter
Peanut butter dates back to the aztecs
It's a common burger myth. A black dude is credited for having popularized it in America but like all these stories its a bit more complicated. He was actually a pretty cool dude though.
Did the Aztecs file a patent? I doubt black peanutbutter guy had any idea Aztecs made it. I'd say he mostly invented it, why all the cope over just one invention? Kinda sad.
>conservatives are stupid
hey xhe got something right
Looks like he invented it to me.
The actual story os much more interesting. In an ironic twist of fate the focus on the peanut butter stuff has ended up overshadowing his actual accomplishments.
Anon, you don't get it. He didn't invent peanut butter in the US nor patent it.
The earliest US patent for peanut butter is #306727, issued to Marcellus Gilmore.
It is a prime example of we wuzism.
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Marcellus Gilmore, this guy?
Maybe open the thread you're copying an image from before believing braindead redditors
That's Carver
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Well debunk this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efj5t10Qr-U
Never underestimate the pettiness of leftist redditors.
The very existence of 4chan mind broke them long ago, and they have spent years marinated in their bitterness and sorrow.
They are truly pitiful creatures at this point.
>Revelation 3:9 describes the synagogue of Satan as those "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie".

Do you know how many times I have heard a christian claim that christians are the new jews or the real jews without them having a single drop of jewish blood?

Marxism is a secular derivative of christianity for a new age where science has killed god. Its hardly suprising that neo christians return to their roots because they are recruited from the same group of dysgenic individuals that formed original christianity. An aryan can never be christian.
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>tfw this sub is real and not even bait
Do they... do they think we get our memes from plebbit? Not the other way around?

I'm genuinely convinced most redditors must be legitimately mentally retarded at this point. The only other groups of people so confidently dumb and delusional about their own intelligence are Indians, children and the mentally retarded. It has to be satire.
>they think we have internet points
this is hilarious, it is funny how neurotic and unhinged they are and how it spills over into everything they do
On the level of the banned books subreddit banning Mein Kampf, then banning any discussion as to why, then banning people referring to those discussions.
in a quite literal sense, they are cattle and don't even qualify as sub-human
I love this shit so much.
this one is kind of creative, but it looks like it's humping his head

Thank you, Christianity used to be exactly like Islam, destroying anything that preceded it, and completely eradicating pre-Christian religions. The only reason we know about some aspects of Germanic Polytheism is because the Icelanders kept the stories alive, us West Germanics don't even know what our ancestors believed in.
I'm having an extremely difficult time accepting that it isn't satire. Their responses, the way they think, the sub itself. Are they really like this?
how nice of you to help them out, on the other hand; are they allowed to post this now? the red cross originating here and all, quite the question
No. They would need to add another X, or else it would violate their rules. I'm not joking in the slightest.
There's no fucking way this group isn't satire.
when you see a pig rolling around in shit or a dog licking its asshole, you aren't shocked into disbelief as well are you? they are just following their literal cattle nature
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>entire subreddit dedicated to perusing our memes and seething over them
>some random anon browses reddit, finds this rule and makes a funny meme about it
>we laugh at it and it spreads in our meme network
>they eventually pick it up because we live in their heads rent free
>s.. see! they're throwing a toddler tantrum! they're seething! we're getting under their skin!
why do they lack self-awareness
Niggers even failed to invent the fucking chair? How can you be so lazy that you can't even invent a fucking chair to be lazy on?
Jesus Christ.
absolutely genious, someone should post it there with a throwaway and see/post what happens
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also why do leftists love to deface things so much
Like 90% of comments are legit
>We did it reddit!1
>See, it's working because they're mad
>they're seething SO hard
>10 paragraphs about how smart I am
>Fuck I hate dilating
>Don't forget to put another X over screenshots when reposting, comrade. Yes, I know it already has one. No, that doesn't count
Don't worry around 25-75% of them are bots. The thing you should really worry about are how many bots are here.
Why invent things to sit on when you can just sit in dirt?
We have just as many, if not more. We're simply not delusional faggots and actually understand they exist, call them out and don't actively deny or ban at the utterance the existence of shills.
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phew, good thing we are posting on this site filled with real human white supremacists, right fellow human?
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>Niggers failed
Stop there. There's no reason to go past that.
soijaks are jewish cancer
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Spare a thought for plebbit jannies. Between coping, seething and dilating, it's a busy life. A neverending struggle. A Sisyphean effort to keep the chuds at bay and stop le evil right wing facts and logic.

These are the unsung heroes of our age. One day, they will get the recognition they're due. Until that day, the battle rages on.
Egyptians and Romans used chairs as thrones and ceremonial objects. Ordinary people sat on the ground when they ate or worked.
Chairs as common furniture is a European phenomenon. The northern climate was cold and wet and you just couldn't sit on the muddy floor.
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>pic rel
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Wow, he owned the right with this one! They’re so smart because the heckin studies prove it!
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btw anyone who does this here is a troon or faggot lefty...it's so unfunny and gay
Is the reddit mascot a little robot that receives its thoughts and beliefs from the antenna on its head? The agenda hiding in plain sight is actually a bit poetic.
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>"Oh no, how shall I ever find the original image? Blast, my devilish plan has been foiled once again by those meddling redditors!"
This is definitely real, they definitely call their bot "shill-o-matic".

>you made this?
>I made this
If you can't find the original it would be trivial to load it into lama ai cleaner in inpaint, 5 seconds to remove the defacement.
Lmao the nuclearlevel cope in the comments is incredible. These people really think they're owning the chuds by crayon coloring memes on reddit
that's not snownigger spelling, that's jewish kikery
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>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
>Are they angry we are ruining their memes
>They are mad people from /pol/ can't use our reddit to get stuff that originates on /pol/, clearly
Is that all these people can think? That it's rage and anger? Instead of laughing at them?
More like pr*ddie propaganda
It's gay that you know this. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Wtf is that
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basedjack drawing the cross should have had a marvel tattoo or something
>it's not ridiculously petty because it works
lmao, one could say
Actual basedjak and chad dialogue.
The fact that you're this upset about it means that it's working though, lmao.
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They are so addicted to their good boy points that they cannot fathom a reason for posting without them.
It's actually shocking
Evil cannot create, it can only destroy
Why would i download memes from r3ddit?
These people have zero self awareness. The left has officially become the new Christianity.
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lol this thread is still up
Up dooted
Very good post good sir
I hope my leddit karma funds you well
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Fanatics looking for a religion.
when did they start putting job titles on their badges in the air force?
holy shit
This has to be trolls right
>mark something you don't like with a symbol
uhh.... are they nazis now?
Alrighty then what's is the nuclear family then?
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>Us leftists are really smart!
>Now let me tell you how importing a billion third-worlders is going to raise working-class wages, reduce housing costs, conserve water, reduce pollution, and improve our public schools all while sticking it to those billionaires!

reddit leftists become very deranged and detached due to living in their echochambers. Not everybody on the Right is a genius, but they tend to be more grounded because conservatives don't censor anybody who disagrees with us.
in a way they always were. it's not the methodology they object to so much as who it's applied to. their perfect world involves just as many death camps and gulags as ours does. it's simply a question of who is in them.
No.. kike.. just no.
This is so funny
>getting paid to Sieg Heil
fucking based
>it's not the methodology they object to so much as who it's applied to.
Nazi Germany had affirmative action in universities. They limited how many Jews could be accepted because Jews were over-represented. The Left believes everything the Nazis did, just about White people instead of Jews.
>want to make this image with the chink AI so it has movement
>stimated waiting: 1634 mninutes
oh well, maybe for other thread
You know they are only machine like with herd of the mentality, they follow and serve to duties that are civic of elites in systems, destroy everything are connected to the land.
Apathy is destruction and decay of honor, to the land, give the highers one to once loyalty more.
The joke is they will now not be able to post images with red scribbles on them because they would be considered original memes. This confuses the leftists.
Reddit tier memes are just that; reddit tier. They are forced and unfunny. And yes redditors are retarded. Midwit is a perfect descriptor of them. They think they are much smarter than they actually are. They can recite long diatribes of marxist text, because they think that rote memorization makes them smart. Just like chinks do. But they can not think on their feet. They can not think outside of their narrow worldview. They can not empathize at all. When pushed a redditor cracks. The redditor is the definition of the lesser man. He can not exist without the society built by greater men than him. The redditor would die without society's artificial safeguards keeping him alive. I truly believe that we should not just let the redditor die, but actively purge them from existence. For they are dangerous.
>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
This can't be real, that's conceptual exorcism. I can't even laugh at them, it's just sad at this point.
How pathetic. Not surprised though.
>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
That's like an academic citing a quote from some uppity nigger that includes the word "nigger" just to say "nigger", so when someone gets mad, he just says it's not his words, it's the nigger's
>objective reality hurts my fee fees
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>Sub saharan africans were the last people to "invent" dreadlocks.
Even Poles knew dreadlocks before them
fuck off and kill yourself redditor
they do it so people don't accidentally agree with the original content

which is so fucking funny desu
>juan from guatemala has yellow fever
> There's no way these people can't see how pathetic that is.
Kek welcome to the mindset of the average Redditor.
If it's true then why not add it. Truth can't be racist.
>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
this is so retarded and reddit like that i believe it put me in the screencap
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If you're sitting right now, you need to thank me
the question is, what is jewish blood? now they're saying jew blood isn't jew blood because they're khazars. if Europeans are the lost tribes, European blood is jewish blood, and khazar blood is demon blood. who's jewing who?
Lmao sneedful
>lost it's way
Read the fucking bible. Peter ignored Jesus's teachings and started the catholic church anyway. It's been corrupt since day 1. Jesus already fulfilled. There was to be no more prophets after Him.

Catholicism is inherently a jewish tool. Don't believe me? What is the media(jew) approved sect of Christianity that they portray more than any other sect? Which sect of Christianity gets the most "respect" from jews? Which sect worships the mother of our savior like Christianity is a matriarchal religion?
This is what I thought the meme was referencing
never seen such faggotry. its literally the bugman archetype personified
"anti-semitic racism"

Jews are a race?
That bot seems a bit paranoid
Cool it with the colonialist language there bucko
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They claim to be Christians but are the synagogue of satan. It's the same thing in a different coat or at least very similar.
>Jews are a race?
Yes. Dumbass.
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>good thing I'm not a stupid conserv-AAAK!!!
Said the proud leftoid, as the bullets cracked his skull in front of his screaming family. Smarter people will research the setup used by the beltway sniper niggers.
i honestly expected a red X to pop up
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"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
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here i defaced you are meem
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The funniest thing about the left is how they self sabotage by being cringey geriatrics over everything. They really are no fun allowed retards, they even made the Luigi shit cringier just by associating with it. Reddit does more harm to leftism than any right winger has kek.
Ok rabbi
I choose to believe this

They are so far behind irony line that for a normal person this looks ridiculous
those are slivers from magic the gathering
No need to sign your posts here
Baxxid actually
Both live in each other's head rent free
Yet one of them cost less
rofl I just realized this meme is also crossed over
>mongoloid is demeaning and offensive
but we called ourselves caucasoid
Redditors are far gone.
They seriously should spend a year or two in a monastery high up in the mountains, away from any and all electronic devices.
I love how they think
>we disagree!
>we think you're a joke!
is somehow an own. The lack of self-awareness is mind-blowing when they all look like that fat retarded slob in the zelda triforce teeshirt that gets posted here a lot.
It's like getting mad at a retard for having retard thoughts. Nobody with a brain does that.
So why would anybody care if the average libtard redditor dislikes them?
Man, these dweebs like to hear themselves talk IRL too, don't they?
Because memes only come from reddit, kek I almost feel sorry for these delusional fucks.
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yes but that was just our way to colonialize their victimhood and co-opt it for patriarchial and white supremlkajsdflj ehrpa herpa derpa liberal bullshit forever
It's the biggest pseud gathering on the planet. Every single one of them thinks they have the wittiest take, and the deepest thoughts.
If it were physically possible, they'd try to circlejerk themselves.
Yeah, about 1/3 of the sub is /ourguys/
The reposted version with the red x over it is even funnier than the original
Go back fag
Nobody cares about your webcomic. Go away.
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Cute rat birds
If the right can't meme, then why are there so many memes they need to deface. These memes come from rightwingers, so defacing serves no purpose if they can find the original.
Should add a panel where they praise other countries with policies that they would have a problem with if implemented here.
that's just sad.
>ITT: people taking normniggers too seriously
what a retard
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>but in order to feel better about platforming our propaganda, they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
For some reason that's hilarious.
>troon avatar
Checks out
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>the peanut butter
They are. Redditors are fake nice. They think voting Democrat means they're a good person. They'll tell you how great living in the big city is. How everyone outside the city is wrong. How they're more educated and far superior to those outside the city. They will do this all while simultaneously seething about people. "I fucking hate people! I just want to be left alone". cries the Redditor. For many a Redditor is an actor. They play the role of a conscientious cosmopolitan, but in reality they're a seething smug piece of shit with a massive ego. Hateful fuckers trying to monopolize social justice and empathy. Very dark people.
The defacement rule is to stop the spread of the hate, if there is hate
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They’re the kind of people that would updoot this tweet and see nothing wrong with it, aren’t they?
I don't know what this is in reference to
Why would I know? I don't use PLEBBIT or twatter.
OP, you have to go back..
Why are you on plebbit..?
This is why most people vote democrat. They believe it is a sufficient way to be a "good person". Most people have been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are the party of compassion and care. It actually shows just how bad and shallow a person they are. It's kinda sad really..
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Someone post this with red scribbles calling the BBC fascist lmao
>...the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, *where also our Lord was crucified.* Revelation 11:8
Whats the joke here? Cityslickers dont understand farming?
Funny little retards
Yep. They're so confident when it comes to talking down to people who live in the middle of the country. They love to point put how stupid and uneducated people are. Not having a college degree means you're subhuman to them. Of course they usually only directly say this about White people because they're cowards who don't want to be seen as racist. I don't know how anyone can take anything they say about social justice seriously. They despise everyone, but will perform gymnastics to not have to admit they see everyone that way. Assuming for a moment that they only feel this way toward Whites, then they're still just psychos.

There should be an actual study done on these types of Redditors. It wouldn't surprise if they truly have no empathy and are trying to compensate. Their obsession with violence and revenge. The level of fantasizing they do about defending non-White people. They're creeps. You can feel their energy. They pretend to be harmless. Social justice and progressive ideology is the perfect cover for a real dark piece of shit person. Redditors never make that connection.
>we download reddit memes and repost them on our sites
This shite is so many layers of stupid it transcends irrationality and becomes hilarious. Like, there's literally no point to specifically address, it's all stupid.
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Free speech platforms are usually right wing. Censored platforms are usually leftist. Now you see who really wants to control the narrative.
They want farming prohibited. It's bad for the environment. People should just get their food from the grocery store.
there is no joke, just ignorance. Most people think food comes from a grocery store
>they deface the memes with red X's before reposting them
that just makes it funnier lol
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he is right that you didn't read the rules so you don't understand
I wish to live in this fantasy land where things only exist for their singular expressed purpose
There’s no joke. Leftists literally do not know what farmland looks like, much less how it works and what it needs to function correctly. However sheltered from reality you think they are, it’s much, much worse
stop posting in hdg
>Ordinary people sat on the ground when they ate or worked.
Nah dawg. I watched HBO's Rome and the commoners had plenty of chairs. Get your shit straight. For Egyptians, I'd believe it, since they are dirty Arabs.
> nice throaway
They don't even comprehend that we don't give a shit about their Karma system, and need to create new accounts because their jannies keep banning us
making me want to lurk there and post their marked memes as an elaborate prank
based thread
Post (marked) screenshots of their own conversations. I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out why this would be a mindfuck
Is that where the flood of shitty edits of chuddah have been coming from
give me one battalion of fat retards with this level of commitment and I could steamroll DC
kys tranny
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>I'm smart because I study what people want me to think.
Their confidence is always shocking. Were they like this in Russia during the revolution? Insufferable.
a faggot from an echo chamber entirely focused on gaining internet fandom for their opinions and comments thinks it is us who do it for internetpoints.
Fucking Christ the delusion is delicious
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i love how leftists keep reinventing eugenics/phrenology to explain why others become conservative
This is dumb, we can just cross out their cross and then it won't work anymore.
Xir said on a subreddit dedicated to hateposting content.
>The red X? I got it from a reddit that reposts these memes en masse and thinks the red X absolves them of association. Lmao yeah that is pretty pathetic and deranged, huh?

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