Maybe the racists were right all along, instead of the jewish thinktanks putting blame on islam?
>>205850109do you have bad vision?
>>205850109>arab reading comprehension
>>205850109smartest arab
>>492021720Obviously we need to send muslims and arabs back
>>205850109The first truck of peace was piloted by a Muslim
>>205850109To sum up your low iq:ARR ROOK THE SAME
>>205850109Did you even read?Also>immediately makes threats of violencetopkek
>>205850109What a retard
>>205850109Him not being Muslim makes the situation worse for non Muslims browns in Europe, like meSo thanks for that, appreciate my one place where I feel like a human being turned into this
>>205850109Let me guess. He is a zainichi dalit murtard
>>205850109>subhuman can't read Imagine my shock.
>mudslime can't even readnot his fault anons, after all they're inbred desu
>>205850109The point.This nigga's head.
>>205850109Is arab seething just a kneejerk reaction at this point?
>>205850109*obscene racial slurs*
>>492021720Am glad timmies finally realize its not the religion thats the problem, its the race. No blue eyed blonde muslim bosnian ever caused any trouble, any MENA will cause trauble regardless of his religion
>>205850109GEG>>492021739Saudi arabian
>>205850109kek what a retard
>he deleted it
>when the embarrassment kicks inRefrain from posting anymore, retarded arab>>492021738TRVKE
>>492021720In my experience, people only have that much hate for the thing they desperately want to become.
>he deleted his post
What. What did he say
lmao the mudslime deleted his retarded post kwab
>>492021743Yesterday, misinfo was spread about a Libyan being the perpetrator, because he was the 1st name to come up when people googled Arab doctors in the citySo yeah, cooked, sorry for you bro
>>492021747https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/205849987/#q205850109saudis just can't stop taking the L
>>492021750Lol what a loser
Why did he delet
>>492021752Probably deleted by jannies
>>492021752Kek fucking pussy
>>492021720>germs dieI am content
>>205850109>least retarded sandnigger on 4chan
this situation still makes absolutely zero sense to me
>>492021752he's literally right lmaoyou retards are still somehow blaming Islam for this, you're beyond hope. you will blame Islam for your problems until the end of time but your countries will still end up brown
>>492021758Read the op's pic again
>>492021758>another one that cannot read
>>492021759yeah i did and then i opened twitter see countless jews, europeans and right-wingers continue to insist that the guy is a secret jihadi muslim
>>492021758>you retards are still somehow blaming Islam for thisNo I blame browns.
>>492021758No chuds here are blaming Arabs as a race rn
>>492021758>american reading comprehension
>>492021761Geee I wonder what possible motivation Jews and crypto-Jews would have for blaming Islam and insisting that mass migration is still good actually.
>>492021763here's another brown person in berlin fooling your people into believing he was a secret muslim sleeper cell agent practicing "taqiya." literally all of your beliefs are just deflection, a jew whispers in your ear to point fingers at someone for your problems and you fall for it. it must be their religion, it must be a foreign invasion, it must be a grand strategy for conquering the west, surely it's not because our own policies let these brown people outbreed us
>>492021761Then talk to the guys on twitter, not us.
>>492021758>a kike talking about taqqiyaJust nuke the middle east and ban abrahamic religions 2bh.
>>492021765Uhhh anon actually is hamas o algo.Indian, african and not muslim arab migrants in europe are still ok...
>>492021766>«you’re probably Shia innit» - Jewish edition
>>492021768Isnt taqqiya some african american food or name?
>>492021766Yeah but whatever Xitter celebrities say, more hostility is directed against his race than religionIt's actually worse since the sentiment before was more like >the problem with Arabs is Islam, but there are some good onesto >the problem with Arabs is Arabs, there are no good ones
>>492021771its islamic tradition to lie to get where you want to be but you can only use this tactic agaisnt the west otherwise is haram.
>>492021720Notice Muslims are too afraid to riot in China because Chinese would put them all in concentration camps. White people lack too much Genghis Khan DNA to buck break Muslims like the Mongolians did.
>>492021752Racism obviously. Mod deleted
>>492021771Takis is spic food, basically overseasoned tortilla
>>492021766I wonder what kind of motivation she might have to try to blame shia muslims.
>>492021777this is the incredible part, all of this shit is intra-brown warfare. they're acting out their own ethnic and religious conflicts in our conflicts at the expense of our native people and we just tolerate it. all these twitter people are paid off by israeli agents and neocons
>>492021757There is no sense, the guy was just a nut job. Not everything is some precisely orchestrated psy-op, sometimes people just go crazy.
>>492021777>Atheist Zionist radical Shia Muslim who supports Hamas and ISIS as well as total Muslim death, Israeli expanionism and white supremacism, who believed the German government killed Socrates as well as gangstalking him by stealing USBs from his mailbox Real schizo kino
>Reports suggested the German authorities had been warned about the suspected attacker. He allegedly supports the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is currently in second place in opinion polls.lol I'm gonna need to see proof on this
>>492021780Yeah everything that is unflattering to chuds is just a big misunderstanding. Everything that aligns with chuds grievances is proof of globohomo pedo cabals
>>492021782The proof is one tweet saying he and the AfD were fighting the same battle
>>492021782Someone found his twitter the other day where he supposedly had a couple of posts seemingly supporting AfD, it was a nothingburger.
>>492021785Would it be insane to think that he did it on purpose so afd can win?
Both the far right and the far left are nuts.
>>492021787I don't think he had a clear plan for anything, he was clearly delusional and just had a schizo chimp out, was apparently on drugs too
>>492021720Yes you finally figured it out white trash? It’s never been a religious matter we just want you out of our world
>>492021752its unlikely he deleted it himself, probably a mod
>>492021758>>492021761>>492021766sounds like your terrible reading comprehension got exposed and now you're desperately pointing fingers at twitter of all places to save face.
ISIS and MAGA are 2 sides of the exact same schizo coin. (AFD = German version of MAGA). IDF is another side as well.Both discriminate against women and LGBTQ.Both live in the rural areas Both believe in coups when the votes don't go their way.Both love guns, big cars and glamorizing violenceBoth refuse to wear a mask during a pandemicBoth hate "outsiders" or "foreigners"Both have twisted versions of religion to control othersThe ONLY difference is one worships Allah and the other worships Elon Musk.
>>492021758>berg>star of david in the nameLmao classy
>>492021758>you will blame Islam for your problemsThe Islamic invasion is literally the cause of most problems in Europe retard. It doesn't matter that this guy was mentally ill, he was still born and raised in an Islamic nation and ended up doing what muslims do.
>>492021795The problem is not religion thoughIf it was non-muslim niggers the issues would persist
>>492021793>Both discriminate against women and LGBTQ.not true for IDF thoughthey managed to chuddify lgbts and women pretty wellultimately we need corporations like Apple to build their own standing armythis is the only way to save our way of life from these ideological freaks
>>492021720quit promoting your xitter account here. also who cares about euros getting fucked by arabs
>>492021796The problem is the invasion in general, but it would be dumb to pretend most terrorist acts aren't orchestrated and executed by muslims or people who come from those countries, just because this schizo is an outlier. Italian security services constantly arrest and expel nafris who pled allegiance to ISIS but are stopped before they rent a car to run over people attending an event. These happenings don't make international news because they're prevented.And it's not just terrorism. In Italy foreigners are less than 10% of the population but somehow commit like half the rapes. It's the same across all of Europe. Kick out the depraved muslim mass and you get rid of most shit from rapes to drug trafficking to terrorism. Kick out the rest of the rest of the brown/nigger invaders and it all turns into Switzerland.
>>205850109based retarded
>>492021720Wow. It wasn't cultural/religion and just racial after all. Who knew?!
>>492021757It's extremely easy to make sense of, the terror attacks are aimed at whites as a race. The religion is just an excuse or drivel meant to make it sound more nobel. Both the islamic and atheistic terrorists are motivated by the same racial resentment, which is why jews and leftists like it.
>>205850109I say this
>>492021720Both are good
Why did he do it?
>>492021809What a schizo.
>>492021781Holy based
>>492021809The countries that take in the most Arab refugees are always the ones being blamed the most by Arabs for being cruel. They always call out Sweden and Germany as enemy states while countries like Poland and Hungary that don't want to take any refugees goes free.Just another reason to not let these orcs in.
>>492021730This made me sad.
>>492021738Centuries of inbreeding is disastrous, of course. In France, 60% of people with schizophrenia are nafri
>>492021720I shit on muslims a lot but the real problem has always been sandniggers, semitic or not.
It's not their religion it's their race.
>>492021781So did his mind melt on account of his oxymoronic existence?
>>492021743Well you are an actual refugee, unlike most others.
>>492021758he was a pro-zionist arabsomething something secret kike saudi bloodline
>>492021730He pretended to be anti muslim to gain entry and refugee status before citizenship.It was all a ruse