Am I alone in just not having a desire to buy anything? I don’t want all these luxury goods or the latest tech. I walked around a mall for a good while today and nothing appealed to me. I just want enough money for a cozy home and family
>>492023194you sound poor
>>492023194I think it's just you
>>492023194Only thing I want is friends but you cant buy that
>>492023194>I walked around a mall for a good while today and nothing appealed to me.That's (hopefully) because you're not an 81 IQ skinskin. Malls are NOT for white people. Not anymore.
>>492023194this is a non-npc trait, cherish it and protect it anon
>>492023194why do you hate america?
This is economic terrorism.
The left was right about consumerism.
>>492023194>I just want enough money for a cozy home and familySorry goy, no home for you, the non-shithole ones capable of supporting a family start at million dollars in your area.Don't worry, you can rent a shoebox from a jew for only half of your take-home pay instead
>>492023194i just want to keep buying nice ones
>>492023194We are literally destroying the planet for funko pops and magic the gathering cards. We unironically need to reduce the living standards by 90% and restrict the production of most things.
>>492023274the retard who made this art sells t-shirts of it and does work for major corporations lol
>>492023271Fuck off. It's eighter this or a billion slide threads about christianity and russia.
>>492023194>I walked around a mall for a good while today and nothing appealed to me.THERE WAS STUFF IN IT?! IT WAS OPEN?!
>>492023194Uhmm… you NEED to BUY and CONSUME.
>>492023969I think we need more luxary prducts, think about ithandcarving something like a table used to be a skill that took ages, but now you can make a thousand plastic tables with no second thought
I agree. I play a home made guitar all day and smoke my own weed. Doesn't get better than this. Let me tell ya.
>>492023194I only buy used books these days. And occasionally a rub and rub from a middle aged Chinese woman. I feel like I have mind, body and spirit in balance.
>>492023194all the shit that i like is expensive. instruments, vehicles, guns, etc. typical guy stuff. even my “cheap” hobbies (like skiing) i still drop like $900 a season on passes
>>492023194Why do people spend money so much? Maybe you need to buy clothes once a year and so on, but I have no idea why people spend tens of thousands of dollars on stuff that is not useful or anything. very weird
>>492023194I literally own one chair, my desk, my pc, and my truck. I don’t even have a bed. I’m not broke or anything. I just don’t have any desire to spend money. I don’t play the usury game so I don’t play so stocks and I don’t collect interest from any savings accounts or anything like that. I just go to work and my money accumulates.
>>492024614I think it’s just vanity from social media at the end of the day. People want to flaunt designer goods in to strangers on the internet and keep up appearances with their peers, especially women. It’s like the snobbery in American Psycho but less exaggerated
>>492023194It's targeted at women and niggers.
I'm looking forward to getting a kayak, a portable deer stand, and possibly another gun. Other than that, I don't care about anything else.
>>492023194cool it with the antisemitism
>>492023229Not really. People with money don't spend all their money on useless shit. Having money is nothing new to us I don't need to buy a new $4,000 PC just because I can. It's new money clowns who'll be broke in six years who blow their money on shit just because they're not used to being able to.
>>492023194You are not alone, Anon. I feel exactly the same way, I never buy any tech shit, fancy clothes or stuff like that. The money I spend is mostly on good food (ingredients), some quality tools for my workshop. I mostly want to be left the fuck alone, so I don't have any urge to try to impress people. A family dinner with good food and the night tinkering in my workshop is all the luxury I need in life.
I hate being called a consumer. Like who the fuck has the right to call me a human being a fucking consumer? You may as well call me cattle or slave at that point. At least then everybody in the world will except that you are being insulted and looked down on as something less than human. And that would make everyone fight back to reclaim there human dignity. But it just looks like being call a consumer is just not crossing the line enough that nobody other than me it seems sees that word as an insult.Like i would love nothing more than to be called something better and with more dignity than that. Like if i was called a patron or something else respectful i feel like i would return that respect in full. But in the end its just a near endless stream of barely hidden insults that i am told all the time are not so and i best not rock the boat if i know whats good for me.Is it so wrong to be called a human being with rights and dignity now a days?
>>492025998yeah good point>>492024910i guess so
>>492023194Things in stores are crap, I try to do as much research as I can before buying basically anything that I'd be using on a daily basis that isn't inherently disposable
>>492023271Kek, 10/10 jak
Are you keen on aesthetics? Once you are, you'll never wanna be poor again
>>492024206That table looks more like a desk of the Papal clerk back in the 19th Century or during the Middle Ages. It won't do for your everyman
>>492028770yeah but aesthetics is different from consumerism. often aesthetic things are expensive, but you don't find aesthetic things in malls. and, you can buy a well made aesthetic thing once and never again