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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's this a good or a bad thing?
It's good only if he does it before carter dies. I want all these old libs to see everything they pulled to be undone before they die.
It's a good thing. Niggers like Egypt and Panama don't deserve to manage such important shipping routes.
It's pathetic that we let such low bred shitskins push us around.
he should retake America from Israel next
Carter is a corpse already. The lights are on but there is no one upstairs.
Unless he intends to upgrade it, pointless
Based. A special military operation when these have historically never gone awry
And since it’s not a war like USA in Ukraine democrats still take the bloodlust crown
Obama also gave away the internet to the world. what is it with these liberals giving away other people's hard work?
Well we tried to do something about that but JewSA decided they'd rather have retarded brownoids control the Suez than white Europeans.
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Holy fucking based.
Trump is brainstorming again. Might as well take the Suez Canal too, just for the hell of it.
He would probably just give it to Israel
what really matters here:

1. panama becomes a US territory again, adding 5 million spics to america's population
2. new panama canal program is go, requiring the relocation of about a million people, which will likely occur at gunpoint
3. the gun pointing will be done by mobilized american conscripts, most of whom will be mexicans that hate centracas

trump will actually turn america into a hispanic majority, spanish speaking country


ok buddy gl with that.
How you feel he wants to Made realitys your schizo fantásy?
I have always felt that I don't need to do anything in life and my thoughts alone influence the behavior of others, and those others actually do things, and so as long as I have badass thoughts the world will be okay

>I think of invention
>a couple months or years later there it is

happens all the time, it doesn't make me angry, it makes me feel content

I do not have to do anything to change the world
Lol it'll be funny in a few months when he's firing staff and blaming them for his failures at doing the smallest things!
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It was a reminder not to get out of line and daddy USA was in charge post 1945
Trump should make Panama the 51st state, Canada the 52nd state, Greenland the 53rd state, and Australia the 54th state
>38K died
>from mosquitos
Wypipo complains about lack of civilization in South America, but they die building a canal
TIL the internet didn't exist before 2009.
this is so funny. i sincerely thank americans for electing a clown.
Ever been to Panama? Trump already owns it. Has done for over a decade.
When the war against the cartels starts, there will be so many Spic 5th columnists that it will spark a race war. America will be depopulated of non-white spics in about 5 years time. It will only take a few acts of terror and damage to civil infrastructure. What happened to Germans in 1917 onward and to the Japanese during WW2 will look like a joke.

They just don't want to join....perhaps you talking to Israel first.
How can you take the Canal when borders aren't real?
>makes enemies with Canada
>makes enemies with Mexico
>makes enemies with Panama
>not even in office yet

Do you think China will take over as global hegemon in the next 4 years?
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All of north America belongs to the USA
Beaufort to Carribean
>American caudillos in <50 years
china has no interest in becoming an hegemon. the US will simply lose the little remaining influence it has, and the new world will be multi-polar.
Yeah good job spending the next 50 years empowering niggers and faggots worldwide kikedick.
>China builds a megaport in Peru
>Soon after announces joint plans with Brazil to build a huge Transoceanic railroad going from the port in Peru to another mega port in Brazil, crossing the whole span of South America
Yeah, this is a response to China reducing the importance of the Panama canal, my guess is that Trump will try his best to kill this project, the next election in Brazil will be a very important one, it'll define if Brazil will sides with China and build this, or with the US and kill the project.
Burgerland is too broke to do anything cool like this anymore
im fine with it as long as we kill everything south of the US/Mexico border on the way there.
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its based, we should have never given it away. But he won't do shit.
You can cross the Panama canal in a day. How is offloading everything, moving it hundreds of miles through the Andes and Amazon, and then reloading it onto another ship in any way efficient?

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