>They were portrayed by Procopius as unusually TALL and STRONG, of DARK SKIN and "reddish" hair (neither blond nor black), leading a primitive life and living in scattered huts, often changing their residence.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Slavs#Early_South_Slavs
>>492049239me on the left
If we get hammered too much, remember to retreat to SAO board on the onions. If you don't know about it, ask around, we can't have enemies know about it.
To sto se javljam odavde, tvista pedeset metava ispod vazine Tevazija, svedoči da je ugvožen ne samo moj fizički integvitet, nego i vasceli svpski navod!Govovili su mi da sam kveten, gađali su me joguvtom i sapunom, kao da se ne pevem i da zaudavam...A ja im povučujem; možete da me nevvivate, možete da me živcivate... Sve je to vezultat belosvetske, amevičko-bevlinsko-vatikasnke uljuduvme koja nastoji da svpski navod uguva pved svvšen čin!Pvozivali su me i nazivali vaznim pogvdim imenima kao; vojvodo pedevu, pa onda, Cvvena vojvodkinjo, kava te Đovđe, tvoj vektum je naša obećana zemlja, tako su uvlali... Vetvibutno im povučujem da svpski navod ima isovijska pvava na: Belu Palanku (Island), Južnu Palanku (Antavtika), sevevno move (Avtik) i vekovnu pvadedovinu, SAO Paolo koji je glavni gvad Velike Svbije.Bvaćo, nemojte se obazivati na Opevaciju Oluja, koja je divigivana od stvane amevike i gde je u 74 časa vazjebana SAO Kvajna, nego se okvenite osvajanju vekovnih svpskih svemivskih prostvanstava!Sledeći pvojekat je Mavs koji pvestavlja vekovni svpski planet na kojem je pvedviđena Mavs-Svbija bez tvaktova Zetova i sličnih Hvvatskih šacovanja. Planivamo kolonizovati i Satuvn čiji pvstenovi govove o istoviji svpskog navoda u svemivu.Svpski navod je pokvenuo u južnoj amevici i Cpcki kavtel sa kojim pvodajom dvoge želi pomoći Kapetanu Dvaganu kupnjom pilula pvotiv tvudoće jev hvvatska policija planiva valikalno i bvutalno pokušati od njega da napvavi tvudnu ženu.
>>492049477see yah there
>>492049239>start thread on Slavs>choose most homosexual image possibleYour women really need to learn about how bad it is to drink during pregnancy
>>492049239Fun fact, slav(e) comes from south slavs, yet russians and poles have to take their (assimilated med) Ls
>>492049616lol wat, is Balkanite news just schizophrenic rambling?
>>492052968It's some shitpost written a decade ago, but actually our yellow press is basically shitposting.>>492052940Lmao.
>>492049239Southern Slavs were indefinitely whiter when Procopius was around
>>492054446Yes. Because natives were even darker and we mixed with them.
>>492049239why dont you grow up and get along with albanians
>>492054478Yeah I'm sure and they looked like Russ trolls
Albanians mog slavshits
>>492049239>DARK SKIN and "reddish" hairWtf? What people today have such traits?
>>492055072Most Albanians and Bosnians that I've met were pretty swarthy and some could even be mistaken for gypsies
>>492055072Albanians have incredibly inbred phenotypes, and on top of that they're the manlets of Europe. How do they possibly mog me, a 201cm tall dinarid?
>>492050246He speaks English. Any foreinger speaking English is a certified faggot.
>>492049239I think that our large stature comes from natives, not original slavs. Before south slavs mixed with native balkanoids we were no different from Czechs or Poles
>>492049616seselj is more of a man than you will ever behttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBiKyFQ6128
>>492055807>Jedna banana za Kofi Ananathas rayciss
>>492049239YugoslaviaJugoslavia (common pre-WWII spelling)YougoslaviaEtymologyBorrowed from Serbo-Croatian Jugoslavija, in turn from jug (“south”) and slavija (“Slavia, the land of the Slavs”). Literally, the land of the South Slavs.
>>492055072Woman here, I hate that phenotype and similar gosh, he looks like a low iq man bear pig
>>492057974so the counry is called yuga-slaviain other words, 'the age of slavs'strange but ok.
>>492055622Are swarthy Croats taller than blonde Croats? I know lots of blue eyed blonde/light brown haired people, and aside from my father, blondes are usually shorter, around 180-189cm, while the brown eyed and dark brown haired descendants of Herzegovinians are often in the 190-205cm range. Tbh there are many gypsoids in Serbia, and they just have different skulls, lips and eye shape than us
>>492058304>Are swarthy Croats taller than blonde Croats?yes, because "swarthy croats" are usually dalmatians and herzegovians
>>492055243He means fair hair. Like brown, light brown, dark brown.