Seems a bit suspicious.
I made a typo in my post. It is so fucking over.
>>492053207Whos the vtuber?I want to make nsfw ai sloppa of hers
>>492053207My gf is an AshkeNAZI KhazARYAN and she hates immigrants more than I do especially Muslims she is so based guys
>>492053255No idea but best of luck soldier.
>>492053836Is that her? Didn't she had the two tails avatar?
>>492053257jews have no home, thus she is an immigrant, and thus hates herself, and agrees that she should be deported.
>>492053207Ashkenazi is the heeb word for Goths/Germans. Nazi is an abbreviation of that word widely used as a slur for Germans, Austrians in WWI by Jews. Ashkenazi Jews were the Jews that lived among the Goths/Germans.
>>492056950Not only that, but in Jewish mythology, Ashkenaz was the descendant of Noah identified as the forefather of the Khazars.
Ashkenaz is the son of Gomer, son of Japheth, son of Noah
>>492053207Why is dooki a tomato
>>492054151She got a new one.
>>492053207Poles are hardly nazis, you stole the genes of rejected whites kek
>>492053255girl who got bullied into suicide by her corp, which cause massive drama
Fat chink bitch
>>492057244She's still around, you know.
>>492057244Doki ain't dead
>>492057429she went to the hospital and they said there was physical evidence on her body of an attempt, I guess she cut her wrists.Her corp took over her twitter account to hide any evidence it was happening
>>492057497Put attempted at least
>>492057497>bullied into suicidemeans she committed suicide, ESL-chama>bullied into suicide attemptmeans she lived.
>>492057624women can never finish the job, she was suicidal but her attempt failed