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Kikes are fine with white nationalists and neo-nazis as long as they're not antisemitic. most modern nazis are actually pro-israeli therefore kikes support them. but what they fear the most is a proletariat uprising since people will not be busy hating each other based on race and everyone will be in common agreement that the jewish capitalists are the problem. Im starting to think the judeo-bolshevism myth is pushed by kikes themselves to prevent a class war, since opposing the elites is "jewish" now
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You're an idiot if you think Jews love Nazis. German nazis tried to holocaust the Jews and killed millions of them for no reason. You're retarded.
>What jews fear the most is class war, not race war

If that was the case they'd deplatform people talking about it like they did with the online racists on every major platform but they let people like Hasan for example to amass a huge audience and were fine with him until he started talking about Israel.
>white nationalists and neo-nazis
not really, they are ok with "far-right" who are not white nationalists or neo-nazis but are seen far right by media/npcs.
Ukraine is not some nazi country as well since the ideological nazis got removed from power early on. There have only some people
left who like to cosplay as WW2 soldier but even this is questionable.
>judeo-bolshevism myth
Because jews are supremacists, they simply used bolshevism as fake opposition to their leadership and to destroy old world order and get their plans done but they did not invest enough into it to control it for long time.
lmao even
>most modern nazis are actually pro-israeli
which means they aren't nazis. You are calling them nazis because they jews told you to. You dumb fucking brown person.
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>for no reason
What jews fear the most is strong unity and understanding as they can't drive a wedge and control you.
Both class war and race wars are conflicts they can profit and create further conflict from.
>if you think Jews love Nazis
>for no reason
dumbest faggot on this board
jews always meddle into everything and try to cause disarray, the nazi party was no different, even today we have jews who love hitler
Israel is a nazi state. The only one that exist in the modern world.
Yeah no SHIT
If you were on this board the day that buisnessman got clapped, you saw first hand how they posted constantly, around the clock, that
>only liberal fucknuts celebrate when absolute bottomfeeders get hurt
But if you were indeed here, you also remember how they couldn't push that idea with any success and got DOGGED in every single thread. They did the same on every major platform, taking great care to eliminate or defame any avenues to separate groups of people working together a la ows. They were scared shitless. Probably still are.
Feminism is the biggest cause of class divide by far. Women have devalued men's labor by 50 fucking %, and given themselves make-work office jobs that leech from every bit of the economy they can touch.
>glowniggers, eliminate feminism and solve the problem, otherwise you WILL be looking at a class uprising since women ALSO want men to be able to provide. Why don't you ever work so much overtime doing that, elgin-niggers?
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>american edjewcation
they didnt try hard enough apparently
Father of nazism - Adolf Hitler - established Israel.
Look at Azov and how Ukrainian government has nothing against it and vive-versa - how they have nothing against having Jewish president ruling over them.
I still won't fuck your sister, subhuman.
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They have not banned usury, they have not created a classless society, and they are ruled by a committee

None of those things are NatSoc
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We don’t give a fuck what jews are fine with. I’ve never met a peer that’s pro israel. We know what they fear. Our workers are aware the issues don’t magically cancel out one or the other, so they will still hate you.
Those are not breasts, those are zits.
>hitler wrote balfour declaration
moron, it was the rothchilds , uk basically. hitler only had agreement with zionists that jews will fuck off to israel.
>Kikes are fine with white nationalists and neo-nazis as long as they're not antisemitic. most modern nazis are actually pro-israeli therefore kikes support them. but what they fear the most is a proletariat uprising since people will not be busy hating each other based on race and everyone will be in common agreement that the jewish capitalists are the problem. Im starting to think the judeo-bolshevism myth is pushed by kikes themselves to prevent a class war, since opposing the elites is "jewish" now
I think you're right, Alba-anon.
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The Balfour declaration was issued in 1917, while Hitler was still a corporal
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>If that was the case they'd deplatform people talking about it
but that's exactly what they did, you incontrovertible moron
you can tell this junior slutwhore is destined for multiple black abortions
from multiple black males
How can you be a neo nazi and not anti semitic
Nazism is just Judaism with Aryans as the Chosen Race and Jews as the Parasites.
Delete anti-Semitism from the equation and Jews love Nazism
Cease this boomer shit immediately.
Kek abortion would be a blessing, she’s lucky if she doesn’t get sex trafficked to some island for rich serial killers.
the collapse of the pharisees, the space alien worship cult, AND judaism, will begin in a very hard serious way in February.

Remember. Even 'reverse alien vehicles' PROVE that there are aliens which proves that the jews lie, and are not monotheistic, and that they worship the ELohim who ARE space aliens and NOT 'gods', in spite of their claims to the jews.
>Read the OP
>"most modern nazis are actually pro-israeli"
>Read the second response
>"German nazis tried to holocaust the Jews and killed millions of them"

I remember why I don't come to this fucking retarded board anymore
>How can you be a neo nazi and not anti semitic
Just accept the Nazi thinking but without the anti-Semitism/ Supremacism, militarism, aggressiveness, fanaticism etc.
Hitler was the one who originally proposed giving the jewish people their own zionist ethno nation-state. It was originally going to be Madagascar. I genuinely believe Hitler on some level was involved in a jewish plot. I think the original plan was to seize to what is now Israel from the Palestinians a lot sooner than now but the plans fell through when jews in America ruined the whole thing by "coming to the rescue" of the ashkeniggers in Europe.
So not national socialism at all? Kek
/pol/ doesn't really hate billionaire CEOs for example, it is fine with them as long as they're tribally aligned with /pol/, their policies can continue fucking over the little guy as long as they're 'based' on twitter etc
Russians know the "Nazi mentality" better than anyone else does, since Russia lost 25 million people, a sixth of their population, when Hitler invaded the USSR.
Russians can identify a Nazi easily. A Nazi is a person who thinks a certain way -- loves supremacism, militarism, aggressiveness, hyper-manliness etc. -- regardless of the particulars of the ideology.
You just need a Chosen Race and a Parasite Race in your Nazi ideology, and any races can fit the bill.
See >>492078011
You can't have a coherent understanding of class conflict without recognizing that Jews are a strongly identified ethnic group of merchants who have a dominant, if not exclusive, share in the ruling elite. They are alienated from the white majority and therefore they promote cultural values and social / economic policies that either intentionally harm the white majority (mass immigration, multiculturalism, racial equity, focusing modern politics on historical grievances, etc) or see the interests of the white majority as irrelevant (outsourcing, economic immigration, financialization of the economy at the expense of productive industries, etc)

Otherwise if you just go after "the rich" they can just dissimulate into the background while having their own people in leadership positions in the left. The capitalist jews are vulnerable because they have an economic oligarchy but not military dictatorship. The Marxist Jews want a military dictatorship because then the goyim will fear for their lives rather than just their incomes, like in the early Soviet Union
Communism was literally started by several hundred Russian Jews. Why the fuck would that scare them? They knew their like almost always ends up in favorable positions in communist societies.
Nationalism, yes, which goes with the supremacism criterion.
Butt the original Nazis were never socialists. That word was put into the name of the party just to appeal to workers, but the Nazis were brutal to German blue collar workers and worked them like slaves.
Kek ok whatever you say anon
Fascism is in itself pretty jewish concept. Its a merging power of state and big business, I couldn't think of anything more nightmarish in 2024. Imagine being outfitted to war by McDonald's. Your rifle comes from Macintosh and your ammo from home depot and your rifle sights and targeting apparatusses will be all provided by Microsoft. Fascism would bequeth jews with even more power and capital.
>balfour declaration
Words on a piece of paper.
Hitler's actions turned them into reality.
if the classes goto war they will just crawl in their understanding and chemical biological Electromagnetic attack us. Then send out drones and robots to clean up the rest. your only escape will be one of these.
How is that any different from modern America?
This is nonsense, even Jewish historians recognize the German economic miracle. It took the combined power of the Soviet Union and the capitalist oligarchies to take down National Socialism, that would not have been possible if they abused their own workers. The Germans would have needed press gangs to shoot fleeing soldiers in the back like the Soviets did
Shut the fuck up looting commie faggot. You're not going to magically end up in charge when a different government is in control of everything
That doesn't address, at all, the absolutely retarded assertions I highlighted.
The Balfour declaration opened up Jewish mass immigration into Palestine, Israel was an inevitability at that point regardless of whether the Germans lost or not
Hitler was literally jew and let the jews escape
There is nothing wrong with there being a jewish state where jews can live in. The problem with Israel is diaspora jews using their financial capital and influence in Western politics to have foreign governments meddle in Middle Eastern politics for the sole benefit of Israel in which trillions of dollars are spent and hundreds of thousands of white lives have been lost. Hitler's goal was to deport the jews out of Europe into a new founded Israel state where they can stop being tribalistic wanderers that meddle in European politics.

Unfortunately, the jewish state part was achieved. But the extreme zionist jews still remained in Europe and the US using their financial influence to the detriment of the goyim. They only sent their puppets to colonize.

Retard, Hitler speaks about Palestine here:

Balfour Declaration was literally free real estate colonization of Palestine. The end goal, by Balfour and Rothschild himself was always stated as the replacement of palestinians with jews and the establishment of a jewish state
>Addressed to Lord Rothschild, King of kike finance himself
>”words on a piece of paper”
You ain’t really that stupid nigga, are you?
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Are you saying the English had no role whatsoever in the creation of israel?
they didn't, you can go any major social media platform and find or spout your commie gobbledygook and nothing will happen to you, taking the idpol bait is entirely on dum-dums who comprised the bulk of the movement
Kikes would only promote such a thing to undermine Trump's second term. That is all that would motivate them to do such a thing.
As if Trump’s first term devastated them.
now it's going to come true
Enslaving your working class indeed leads to economic miracles.
The economy is going to boom when Trump eliminates worker protections and rights.
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honkaloids simps will act like this sort of clothing is acceptable for white women but will also argue that brown men are bad for raping them
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a good example of how most of what you find on 4chan is the opposite of the truth. 4chan is useful to see what lies the kikes are currently pushing, but not much else. in common practice you can take what you read here, negate it, do a sanity check, and then go off of what you end up with as a working assumption about the topic
checked one can only hope
How did the Germans enslave their working class

Let's see some actual proofs and not post hoc leftoid snotrags that had to come up with copes for why the white working class rejected Marxist globalism for National Socialism
>but what they fear the most is a proletariat uprising since people will not be busy hating each other based on race and everyone will be in common agreement that the jewish capitalists are the problem.

Not really any form of globalism will favor the jews. Proletariat will end up being enslaved by jewish buerocrats.
Jews oppose nationalism closed borders and self sufficiency more than anything.

Also poor jews will always screw over poor goys even if they gain nothing from it.
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Holy shit, that perfect A cup. Gets my dick mega hard.
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>get car
>get house
>get wife
>can switch professions
>can switch cities
>can recieve benefits
>don't need to switch unions
>don't need to take out loans
>don't need to jump through bureaucracy
How exactly is that 'enslaved'
hello newfag
>Kikes are fine with white nationalists and neo-nazis as long as they're not antisemitic.
So they're not fine with WN and Neo-Nazis.
Why are all journalists fanning flames of class war and silencing all things about race war, then?
They were the brain.
Hitler was the enforcer.

And a serious one at that - killed tens of millions of white people.
Forced European Jews to move to Israel even if they never would consider doing so by themselves (it's a lame desert shithole).
His actions enabled creation and gave credence to the foundational Holocaust myth.
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>no you can't fight the jews
>that's what they want
What's your alternative then, if not NatSoc
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Stalin and the Soviet Union created the state of Israel. Stalin's USSR was first in the world to grant diplomatic recognition to the state of Israel, after Soviet/Communist bloc provided almost all the arms to Zionist terrorists to take over the land in the first place.
The founding fathers/mothers of Israel were Marxist-Leninist Bolsheviks.
I don't know if Hitler was conscious of what he was doing or just a dumb stooge.
Results speak for themselves.

And yes - I agree CCCP was created and ruled (initially) by the Jews.
Russians are the best at propaganda.
They're the ones that created the Holocaust myth (look up where "death camps" were discovered -curiously all the camps liberated by western allies were just concentration camps, only the ones liberated by soviets were "death camps").
Only after the war western and eastern Jews joined forces and started pushing the Holocaust myth to everyone (mostly American evangelicals for whom it fits really well due to their desire to bring Jesus back and start the biblically-predicted Apocalypse).

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