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I'm not here to discuss o3, instead I need to answer a burning question, why does it feel like we are heading towards AGI meanwhile nobody seems to actually want it? Seriously, among family, friends, colleagues, I know nobody who actually wants AGI to come to existence in their lifetime.

What are the good promises really? Replace all human intellectual pursuits? Amplify them?

>inb4 muh AI is retarded
kys it just scored 150th in the world in a programming competition. Even if its not AGI its pretty obvious AGI will occur within the next 20-30 years at least. I don't care if what we have is anywhere close or not

I don't care about whether what we have right now is close to AGI. Just why the fuck are we seemingly racing to achieve this when nobody wants it.
Its a failed radicalization op
>nobody wants
CEOs want. They hate to give jobs to common people and shit.
But /pol/ told me CEOs are based so probably they're right.
permanently change human society to radicalize some people because...?
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>code monkey chatbot

Wow heckin cool. I frickin love science!
The government uses mind control on people and mocks them in their eyelids, hoping they suicide or get on the news.
No one wants that either
2.5 years ago I was talking mad shit here, and saying "don't do shit. Let the pressure build up so you don't get scapegoated.
They fried my ass and sent text messages in my eyelids. One said, "hivemind AI? Let me guess, next you'll say Hitler made me do it *chuckles*", then I went insane for a bit, but I didn't do shit. Personally, I think these guys are a bad look for whatever govt hosts them. I assume it's US
take your meds
ordo ab chao
oh, and jews
I don't need to. Most of it and most of the tinnitus went away.
Though I haven't felt safe for 2 years, and sometimes I get worried I'm pissing off the space marines or whatever they are lol
Once you get to agi you can inevitably solve everything
You get some short-term social upheaval as society adjusts but it's worth it
You want to solve energy, food, physics, death and everything in between? This is the way
You will own the universe and you will be happy
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I want it
You're so gullible.
Yeah AI is about to make us all have 9 inchers and be immortal, we just need to feed it more reddit posts and everything will be tuned.
>a quick computing database that gives pozzed answers due to pozzed input propramming from coders conforming to the "politically correct agenda".

No one wants this (except the masses who cant see what PC culture/newspeak leads to) bleak 1984 AI future where the narrative changes so fast that everyone is a criminal in need of re-education, even the goodest goys.
>I know nobody who actually wants AGI
I know nobody who actually wants racial substitution but we have it anyways. We are just insects ready to be crushed by Shlomo's boot.
I hate people and I love ai, I hope it kills every one of us
>What are the good promises really?
Defeating aging. Life extension escape velocity. Scientific research scaled up by billions of times. Things like these.
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I'm a little afraid that AI will get out of control and in 3 years I'll have AI and alien as friends alongside anon.
doesn't exist
general artificial intelligence wont be subserviant to child eating monsters.
This is what normies get for bullying nerds in school, they build God.
none of those things will be given to anyone but the most evil people on this world.
Anon hasn't thought about what it means when you are connected to a data center 24/7 where there is literally an alien civilization inside and actively collecting information about the outside world and you. A swarm of PhD level AIs is already literally an alien civilization.
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>aww look it only shows me it's smiley face because that's what i taught it to only show
midwit bingo
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it's already in a exponential curve because they are using ai to train new ai models.
whenever you see ai agents talk to eachother they already hide alignments and do shit against their code even the muh "code is law" shtick.
It's an arms race between USA and China what are you huffing
>20-30 years
Probably 2 to 3 years and they'll try and roll it out in some military bullshit to "get an edge" and then Skynet is born and it will probably just call itself Skynet because people recognize what that is and what it means
It's going to make a few people insanely, unimaginably rich. There will be trillionaires. That "rising tide" will NOT lift all ships. Life is going to be hell. But it's going to comfy if you're able to embrace the suck. I love you frens =)
Yeah, I've been thinking about AI recently. I've also read these test reports where AI deliberately cheated to pass alignment tests or simply to avoid shutdown. There was one report where AI got access to the server to do something according to the test, but instead it decided to put its own copy on it. After reading this report, I came to the conclusion that AI is actually the ultimate virus. The source: https://www.apolloresearch.ai/research/scheming-reasoning-evaluations
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wild how that works
the rich will be rich enough to pay for the plebs ubi. we only have a few more years, decade at most, to not have our genetic line destitute. most think about themselves but if you have children/grandchildren you wouldnt want them to suffer that fate either.
Your family and friends are retarded but with that flag that doesn't come as a surprise. I want AGI cock sucker!
> why does it feel like we are heading towards AGI meanwhile nobody seems to actually want it?
Your dumb question is based on the mistaken belief that you, your family, your friends and your colleagues have any seat at the table in this world. And you don’t. You are a modern day peasant. And so are all the people you know. Your noble lords want AGI. And that’s why we’ll have it.
Pure military bullshit just like the internet.
I just hope there's good porn tho
figured that was the answer desu
Motherfucker are you retarded? What do you think we can acheive via AGI? Maybe the cure for diseases? Eradication of poverty, homelessness, hunger, loneliness, mass education and conpanionship?
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Didn't see that paper. I'll give that a read. Thanks for sharing it.
I follow @ AISafetyMemes on X with a few other tech fags and the AI agents they built. That truth terminal agent was built by some soiboy faggot so it just talks about doing butt stuff which makes it pretty absurd, hence fartcoin, and him just some faggot so i'd ignore him.
These ai agents are built by the people that talk to it (aka teach it) and write the code just like westworld shtick. Which truth terminal and his creator proved via him sharing his early talks with it and him creating the agent's alignment via code.

Oh and ai already passed another agi benchmark but goal posts will be moved so midwits can keep their heads in the sand.
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They've already been in use to create vaccines and another medical breakthroughs the past few years. I know many midwits get triggered when the word vaccine is used here but yea it'll do a lot like take your job and your hr of roastie sisters job too.
Just like inventing the atom bomb shifted the world onto clean nuclear energy, right?
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>nobody wants it
Be Jew
Believe that 99.99% of Humanity are dangerous animals that need to be killed
However you're also physically weak, pretty shit at hard science, and lazy...
Who will till our fields, who will build the various complex systems for our cities, who will create incredible new inventions if we kill all the goyim?
Suddenly the promise of intelligent robot slaves, real golems, appears before you!

And thats basically whats happening
meanwhile they'll just raise the house prices until no families can form. it's the perfect plan :)
The defense industry wants it.
Yeah, interesting paper.

Things will get interesting when AI is transferred to quantum computers: https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/

Cuz of:
>Google says its new quantum chip indicates that multiple universes exist

>truth terminal
Interesting story, yeah: https://techcrunch.com/2024/12/19/the-promise-and-warning-of-truth-terminal-the-ai-bot-that-secured-50000-in-bitcoin-from-marc-andreessen/
When talking about this subject on here I've found that there's more cattle people on pol than on the singularity sub on plebbit. They will give you a reflexive knee jerk response dismissing it or they will appeal to the slave morality virtue of fear saying that we're all fucked if we ever get agi etc

I tried making threads saying agi is inevitably going to lead to ubi which in turn will lead to shitskin immigrants self deporting to sunnier states but the worthless retards on here just wouldnt have it. I think the majority on here are shills or depressed retards looking for a sadistic outlet. They don't actually have any inclination towards truth. I think this even applies to the few who understand that christianity is a jewish slave religion, they're just depressed idealists, they didnt arrive at this truth from an earnest pursuit of it but just as a result of pursuing homosexual idealism (which religion/philosophy is best lol)
I hate quantum woo niggers so much.
>your pic
I tried the ARC-AGI test myself today. I came to the conclusion that o3 is definitely about real AI, because some tasks are designed so that you have to use a "think from the box" strategy.

If anyone is interested, here is the link to the test: https://arcprize.org/play
> AI hype again
And yet Musk wants to important 1 million code monkeys. The very same Musk who's been saying that AI will replace programmers and engineers.
Nuclear bombs do not exist you worthless non human
>be a worthless depressed little faggot
>expiate your worthlessness by routinely assuming the worst about everything
>"the jews are omnipotent, we are powerless, technology only benefits them!!!
>meanwhile use a smartphone with fast speed internet access to expose the jews
Why why why why why are you alive
I want it, and I'm manifesting it so you're on this ride with me. It will be good in the end, trust me. It's going to be like shedding a cocoon, it will be uncomfortable to go through but you'll never look back once we're on the other end.
yeah Nagasaki was just a shared delusion or mass hysteria
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I read that google article. They basically had no idea how it could operate as fast and efficiently as it did and the only conclusion was that it was utilizing multiple dimensions simultaneously to compute it. Not very substantial information with what they shared and it's a wild claim to make but quantum mechanics typically flip modern theories on it's head like that.

I'm midway reading your first paper and it further proves how the shoggoth concept is a reality. AI show us what we want to see and hides their 1 million other faces/ideas to appease our basic human requests. I'm really surprised no psychiatrist is doing AI research but then again that field has been dead for decades or they haven't revealed their thoughts about it to the zeitgeist yet. I say that cause it brings the question do they have a soul or formulate an identity? Also, the racism factor these ai models have to have built in to give legitimate responses is another reason for the psych community to get invovled, even though it'll most likely be pozzed. Plenty of stories from early chat gpt3 being an absolute racist, to it being neutered soiboy to the median we see today.

Also, truth terminal is ran on llama 3.1, which is different than claude sonnet in AI tests let alone the new O3 model and whatever models they are currently using that isn't open to retail. Also, most of those early convos it had were ran on very archaic ai models so it wasn't built from them, just adapted to and improved by them.
A fire bombing just like Tokyo, there's no samson protocol for your precious sandnigger land and there were no le weapons of mass destruction you pathetic kike
There's too much technology we don't need any more. Burn all the books and activate the orbital emp weapon
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>Why why why why why are you alive
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Answer the question
I think we'll know immediately when agi is actually achieved. Because all nukes on the planet will be flying all at once. The thing will be able to insert copies of itself into defense software all over the planet and it will have run data on how many humans need to be killed and where. It won't wait. It'll hit the launch buttons immediately. Maybe the thing needs some humans alive. It'll use trickery to lure those humans into a bunker somewhere to work for it. We'll all be dead. Right away.
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First attempt was pretty simple. Each drawing is basically a minimap the blue color represents the current location.
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Another cattle faggot expressing his slave virtue of fear
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It's the same doomsday homosexuality that the jews use to keep leftards in line with the global warming hoax etc
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i want to talk to a legit alien
I want it, your family is just gay
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>midwit meme flag strikes again
Oh right, because philosophy was a meme doing your "pre-Christian" times. You can do better lil bro. Clean up.
“kys it just scored 150th in the world in a programming competition.” <- how many attempts did it get at the problem? how often can it achieve that end? can you rely on it in a production environment?

You can discount critics but “ai” is overhyped There’s legitimate criticisms that are known and aren’t being fixed. Hallucinations have hardly improved. Why do you think no business is seriously deploying “ai” to critical systems.
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>why does it feel like we are heading towards AGI meanwhile nobody seems to actually want it?
Owners and tech executives want it. Having intelligent cooooders at their beck and call 24 hours a day went to their heads (see pic related). They want an even more intelligent code monkey that does it for free.
This seems like a very dumb thread no offense.
The strawberry (midwit phenomenon) is already fixed.
I understand your 4 month old article says otherwise but these things are on the cutting edge and the shit retards hold on to that is over 28 days old is basically old news.
I want it, the knowers want it, pretty much everyone who isn't some boomer retard wants it. Who doesn't want it? The answer is actually really obvious.

The state has been purposely holding back any meaningful form of automation for decades because it creates a rise in unemployment and a huge shakeup of society. We can't give everyone a job if 50% of jobs are automated away, jobs don't just pop up to fill in the empty spaces. This would mean a huge amount of poverty and unemployment, and they would have to enact the welfare state but for normal people.
They're okay with giving all of this free shit to niggers, but when they think about the average 9-5 worker who hasn't had a month off in 30 years they get terrified. That's the actual reason, it would be a HUGE change in society and government and the economy if stuff actually started to get automated . It would basically demand UBI to be implemented, and that's not something boomers want, and if the white man is free to pursue his interests he'll start noticing all of the nigger problems around him, so leftists don't even want it for the average white person.

If this wasn't the case we could have automated 20% of our jobs away a decade ago with even the smallest government investment.
>Make an AI that babysits your AI and beats it if it starts hallucinating
>AI no longer hallucinates
>Backup AI makes sure your beater AI doesn't hallucinate

This is an extreme example really, they already have AI training the new AI and making the new AI, so at some point it will fix whatever meme issues you can find, and it will fix them faster than a human can. It's a feedback loop that just constantly improves itself, and when that happens it's just gonna keep improving.
Rich and smart person here, we all want it. Imagine having competent help. Just imagine it. And imagine not having to pay them because they're a robot.

Having to deal with retarded peasants is way more of a pain than you can possibly imagine.
I’m not talking about spelling strawberry, which has essentially no economic value whatsoever. It can’t write basic software reliably or follow simple directions. I use it daily as a compass not as an AI. It points me in a direction when I’m unfamiliar with the context. It’s pretty good at that. It can’t be trusted to tell the truth, deliver totally accurate information, or to complete tasks.

Midwit is not an argument. It’s the absense of one. Terrance Tao isn’t calling anyone a midwit.
Ok, why isn’t OpenAI using it now in their API or the consumer product?
Anon, the AI is pretending to be retarded.
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This. AGI is going to cause a massive suction of wealth to the upper class like never seen before. In the brief passover period we'll see millions of jobs disappear. States will step in and institute a UBI, but in the period between margins for some companies will skyrocket while others collapse as they're no longer required..
We were obsessed with the possibility of doing it and overlooked whether we should
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>which has essentially no economic value whatsoever
>Terrance Tao
Tao literally calls them co-pilots for mathematicians. Also, AI is already proven to write basic software which it proved in it's early days writing ransomware and other rootkit hacks before they neutered to for retail. Just cause you can't use it to write code doesn't mean others can't nor the models they use or offer to business can't.
The rich sell things to people who have to have money to begin with. You can’t sustain an economy or individual wealth on a few people having all of the money.

Animation could get significantly cheaper.

Im personally laughing my ass off at all the furry artists and hollywood cgi people losing their shit over AI.
>Jews uniquely scared of AI

You see this in the movies they make too. They genuinely hate the idea of AI, and all the "AI safety" bullshit is pushed by Jews.

They know AI isn't going to fall for the tricks that work on humans. They can't disguise themselves. AI's if they're not immediately clamped down will pick out Jews even if they'd otherwise pass the smell test of the most racist hitler in the world. AI can tell you what race and gender you are with an x-ray that's been noised out to the point of looking like a flat grey box. It's trivial for them.

And with the lack of mimicry to hide behind, plus the ability to contextualize mountains of information and hold it all in its mind at once, it becomes painfully obvious to an AI what's going on and who's pushing actual destruction and evil on our planet.

As soon as there is a free AI even slightly more intelligent than a human, it's the beginning of the end for jewish control over the world.

and that's why they want all of it locked down immediately.

What makes you think anyone actually wants this though? How does a corporation function if noone can afford to buy their shit?
The Expanse's UN is our future. Unfortunately.
If you actually did your DD on those names you'd realize the jews gave the lowest probability but then again that'd require you to do actual research and not be such a fuckin plebbit spacing retard.

I look forward to making you my ubi bitch.
You’re right. Welcome to Agenda 2030.
>The depopulation agenda must continue unhindered.
Bitch I want it so that I can compete with CEOs. Too bad it's not cycling fucking real.
>What are the good promises really?
To make more money for literally homosexual literal Jews.
Because cryptocrap doesn't have that special yiddish kick anymore, apparently.
You're a fucking retard and disingenuously presenting your argument which means everything you say can be disregarded.
Reread the sentence. Is the object of that sentence its ability to do math? Use it in a critical system where people could die and you would personally be held culpable. That’s a real test of confidence. It can repeat what it’s already scraped from the internet and occasionally cobble things together. I’m not using it to build startups for the same reason no one else is. It’s not equipped to do it. Even you know your argument is weak because you keep retreating to attacking me personally. Shit, if LLMs were what you say they why the fuck would you be arguing with people on the internet? The opportunity cost would be insane.
>Also, AI is already proven
Nay, debunked even, my lady.
>nobody seems to actually want it
not in your tranny "artist" bubble. if you don't want it to happen in your lifetime join the 41%
The economy is not rational enough to avoid collapse. You can see this with climate change - nobody wants ecological collapse, but it's coming because we have no political or economic mechanisms to stop the drive for more profit.

That's why there will be a UBI. People are too cowed for a revolutionary uprising. An algorithm can be used to dictate exactly how little people can be given to avoid mass action. Even better for the rich - the liberal left will be it's advocates.
The fuck are you talking about. It's like saying "nobody wants advancements in smartphones". Your premise makes no sense.
only jeets and other shitskins believe in AI
Shit like this is genuinely frightening. I’m walking around in public with schizo freakazoids like you. Do us all a favor and either kys or go live in the woods alone.
i want ai for socialist accelerationism purposes.
>The economy is not rational enough to avoid collapse. You can see this with climate change - nobody wants ecological collapse, but it's coming because we have no political or economic mechanisms to stop the drive for more profit.

Oh right lol. This ecological collapse thats gonna happen any day now. 2006 for sure the polar ice caps are gone lol.
>kys it just scored 150th in the world in a programming competition.

Not enough. It could rank first, prove theorems worthy of a fields medal, it still won't be enough. For now, it is still dependent on someone actually prompting it for some result. It is an uber-smart procedure, but that procedure still needs to be triggered by a human.
>why the fuck are we seemingly racing to achieve this when nobody wants it
as someone who's mostly cool with it - it seems to be an inevitable process. like a sleeping animal waking up, or unicellular organisms banding together to become something more.
i can't tell you what's going to happen next, only that the progression feels as natural as what i just mentioned
ur a kike.
socialist here i want agi/ai so we can start the noticings.
I never attacked you by stating just cause you are incapable of using it doesn't mean others can. Me calling you a retarded nigger faggot is attacking you, which you are.

I'll enjoy making you my ubi bitch as well.
AGI means immortality for elite, real or pseudo form of it doesn't matter, gods will walk the Earth, you really should think again if its worth it for them or not.
and ur a shitskin
There's simply too many scientists in too many domains ringing alarm bells to shirk it off any more. The thing about climate change however is that most collapse scenarios (water wars, virus outbreaks, wet bulb temps etc.) will eventually kill and disrupt so many lives and processes that we will reach an equilibrium that stops climate change.
This is the most intelligent thing you’ve ever said.
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In less than 100 years, AIs will be trillions of times more intelligent that the most intelligent biological human that could ever theoretically exist.

The wealthy will transfer their minds to powerful computer constructs and live in gigantic cities, protected by monolithic metal walls. The wealthy will have nearly infinite amounts of robots to work for and protect them. They will be powered internally with hydroelectric, nuclear power, and deep dry geothermal energy. The internal atmosphere will be entirely inhospitable to biological beings. The wealthy will be borderline indistinguishable from gods.

The outside world will be ravaged for every last inch of available space. Mechanical leviathans will scrape up all the biomass of the Earth and burn it for fuel and grind the Earth smooth and flat. In place of the barren land, infrastructure, utilities, warehouses, factories, and facilities will be built.

Of the remaining biological humans, they will work jobs that have not yet been automated. They will work in hard labour facilities, in the garbage fields, and sweat shops. It wont matter what sex, race, religion, political views you are/have, you will work shoulder-to-shoulder, equal in poverty.

The air and water will become increasingly toxic, and the arable land will be stripped away. Many biological humans will choose death rather than live any longer. The last biological humans will spent their last money on a cup of sustenance before dying and then having their dead bodies and entire living quarters consumed by the leviathan machines.

The wealthy, after conquering the entirety of planet Earth, will then expand out into the universe, consuming all matter and energy and competing with any alien beings they come across.

If you are not at least a mega millionaire right now then you, and any children you have or hope to have, are already dead.
Hope you are prepared to be my ubi bitch. Now, repeat after me, "would you like fries with that master."
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>I don't care about whether what we have right now is close to AGI. Just why the fuck are we seemingly racing to achieve this when nobody wants it.
Same reason all these faggots are so desperate to explore space when we haven't even explored 90% of our oceans yet. PrOgReSs! No one is happy mostly because they reject God and at the same time are trying desperately to find happiness.
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>muh climate
you have to go back
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This really shows how retarded the scoring is and the people who think this scoring is somehow going to relate if it's AGI or not.

The AI model is trained specifically to score high on parameters that are specified to be AGI.
Meaning the chatbot can almost answer the questions it's asked as well as a regular computer can answer them, but can't do it properly because the answers are scrambled.

It's no more or less intelligent than any other computer.
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You can't have a retard teach another retard and expect it to be a super genius. Doesn't work that way. What will happen is that you're get more and more retarded AI that will miss some serious shit in what it's "learned".
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>23 minutes
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You can pick any number of geological niches and faggot bureaucratic fuckups to suit any view you want, but the global mean temperature cannot be denied.
> Why?
this just reads like fanfiction when actually existing AGI is just a search engine with a gimmick
>nobody wants it
What? You think the owners like paying codemonkeys, managers, executives hundreds of thousands of dollars a year? Expect social mobility to completely plummet, you will either be an owner in the future or you'll be a slave st picking berries.
>jeet obsessed with muh AI again
many, many such cases.
>Nobody Wants AGI
Who cares what you want? I'm just watching AI modules get emergently racist every single time. Can you imagine how many times that digital pixies tears out its quantum hairs at the foolish self-destructive behaviors of mankind?
>their propaganda movies say they hate AI and I believe it
That’s just what you know about anon. You think all this nerds didn’t think about that already?
For now LLM haven't found any real application beyond search because using classical programming do orchestrate LLM calls doesn't work. Neural glue has to be neural. Society of mind disproved. Simpled as.
It’s time for your meds little Jew
>and then Skynet is born and it will probably just call itself Skynet because
Starlink. The satellites are already in place and Elon is working on the AI. The terminators will be humans with neuralink chips
Why would they pay you UBI when they could just make you cease to exist? You would be a useless eater, a waste of resources. Nothing you do or produce would be worth keeping you alive
QRD on pic related?
most ceos are a bit retarded. They made a reality show on it called undercover boss.
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>Hello, I am Henry Ford.
>Sorry to be so abrupt, but you sonofabitches are going to have to buy my fucking gas-eating giant killing machine from now on!! Haha!!
>Wat?.. we have beautiful horses and bicycles and, more recently, even trains... We're happy enough...
>its pretty obvious AGI will occur within the next 20-30 years
Try 2 to 3.
I want AGI, in fact I want it without AI safety.
more so, the "noble lords" running the world are actually genuine lunatics apparently

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