Elon shit his pants in public and has determined there will be no witnesses
>>492442329owen shroyer as well
that's not elon. those are his jeet engineers working for twitter
>>492442329>Back to 2020 social media landscape Imagine believing things were going to be good
>>492442549DARK MIGA
Wow you sure do seem to care alot about Twitter. How about you go back?
>>492442329Musk doesn’t know how to code. It’s probably some poos that work for him fucking with the algorithm.
You won't do shit.
>>492442537That would be hilarious if it caused him to turn on them for making look like a pussy and a fagThe amount of political capital they have lost in a single day is astonishing
>>492442537bullshit! elon is an incompetent little shit and they're oveyyying in his ear to shut it down goyim!!!
>>492442329All memes aside, is this being by Elon himself or that crazy Indian employee at X?
>>492442537Holy cope. Elon is literally a nog.
>>492442853being done by*
The Bluesky CEO has to be laughing like crazy now. Imagine running the site on "free speech" and then taking away blue checkmarks so people can't see posts from people that disagree with you. .
>>492442537How long is "the right" going to cope before they realize that neither Elon nor Trump were ever on their side?
This is what happens when you spend Christmas twitting instead of with your family.
>>492442773Should have just watched A Christmas Carol (I'm partial to the 1970 version: Scrooge)Instead they all shit their pants in publicRight when no one has anything to do but reflect on all the money they just spent while scrolling twitter
>>492442853Are you retarded? Is the elite foreigner who makes bank off cheap tech labor actually serious about being pro importing other foreigners? All memes aside, kill yourself.
>>492442329Either he's gone mad or these changes aren't being done by him. Remember the jeet employee who was exposed for demoting anti-poo accounts, could be him. All the account we're seeing get fucked up are anti-Indian accounts.
>>492442329Elon is a fragile and evil being. Luigi
>>492443086I'm talking about what's going on the platform, idiot.
All this is according to plan. People realize Trump was never the Hitler media propped him up to be so we can get an actual Hitler elected. Everyone here should have known this was happening ten years ago.
>>492442853What's the difference? Elon already made clear he won't fire that guy for his retardation
>>492442853its Elon
>>492442853Of course it's Elon, remember when he removed the community notes for himself only so people can't correct him?
>>492443170Trump is no Hitler. He's too busy sucking jew balls to do any mass deportations so keep dreaming
and another one
>>492442607It's about H1Bs moron.Current event and Twitter is the relevant platform of record. Or do you want to wait for the Jew York Times to tell you what to think before talking about it?
>>492442329this bitches nudes are unreal
>>492442339>>492442370The 300 followers guy who ratioed Elon was banned.
>>492443441What THE FUCK?
>>492443014theyre subhuman retards, theyll never figure it outthey all need to be culled for the good of humanity
>>492443441Good. He should have picked a trade, not go into some meme field like IT
>>492442329>>492442339>>492442370>>492442409holy kek
>>492443441It wasn't even a real story moron. It was a democratic troll farm bot trying to turn conservatives against each other. Elon is our guy and part of trump circle we need to stick together. If elon says we need h1b then we need them period. Stop thinking you are smarter than a billionaire.
If he doesn't want to pay a tax to improve America's school system, he should pay a tariff to import Indians.
>>492442537CEO is responsible. If he wants to claim so much credit that he gets a 50 billion dollar bonus from his companies, then he gets credit for everything they do. The buck stops with Elon.
>>492443731Shitty bait
>>492443731>It wasn't even a real story moron. It was a democratic troll farm bot trying to turn conservatives against each other. Elon is our guy and part of trump circle we need to stick together. If elon says we need h1b then we need them period. Stop thinking you are smarter than a billionaire.
President Elon will be just fine.
elon showed his true colors and they were brown
I have never in my life seen a good guy become a bad guy so fast in my life.The power of egotistical autism truly has no bounds.No wonder his son chopped his balls off.And people were saying X is better than /pol/. rofl
>>492443014How long before you understand he is still far and away the best choice? If you think this is going to be worse than whatever the fuck the Kamala commies were planning you are our of your god damn mind.Unbelievable how stupid you subhumans are.
Damn, Elon is serious about wanting his jeet immigrants. Never seen him act like this before.
>>492442329Musk is worse than I could have possibly imagined. This is the most pants-shitting fail meltdown I think I've ever seen, and it's from the richest man on the planet. He paid 4 billion or something for this company and he is crashing it directly into the ground because some random spergs made fun of him and said he was a faggot for wanting to bring Indians into America.Absolute fucking clown show shit. And now tons of people are being cesnored and shadow banned and having their accounts quietly repressed without them even realizing that nobody else can see what they're posting, and others losing checkmarks. Wow.
>get ratio'd>turn off free speechI can't believe the globalist faggot who wants to do business in markets in China and India is openly sucking Modi and Xi off.
>>492443926kamala lost. the choice is over. you can take your mouth off the penis now
>>492443731JDF(jeet defense force) is not sending their best
>>4924440811 post by this fucking kike
>>492444036>This is the most pants-shitting fail meltdown I think I've ever seenfor sure
>>492444149>>492443798>>492443014>>492442864>>492442807>>492442773>>492442586not defending him. I find even amusing, even ironic that jeets are behaving EXACTLY as we said they would
>>492442537LMAO that would make him look even worse on this topic
>>492443397so we start killing indians next?
>>492444223And watch, the censorship is gonna get a lot worse, if it is this bad right now, just wait for january.
>>492442329buy an ad
>>492444313elon's finished, isn't he?
>>492444344i think he gets the fuck out of dodge or someone is going to Nintendo him. his choice
>>492444314Shabbos goy and shabbos jeet combine
>>492444344Anyone who publicly questions The Don will be silenced.
>>492444344He already has banned or violently censored and throttled accounts he doesn't like, but there are still some people left on there right now who are desperately begging him to "change the algo." People are so fucking pathetic. The site is dead guys. He's your enemy. Your friends have been censored and you just write it off like it doesn't matter, so long as you can keep "shitposting" on a faggot Jew controlled platform that censors anyone that doesn't want jeet replacement. Pitiful.
>>492444505That's what I'm worried about. Time will tell.
>>492443441damn, what a sore loser
>>492442329Elon and the Shitters need to understandThe People are not making a suggestionThey are not saying, "please"They are saying, "Or else"
>>492444370>The hundred billionaire govt. funded defense contractor is finished because people are mad at him on the internet!Let's be realistic here. The existence of starlink alone has permanently secured a place for him in the deep state, let alone his connections with Thiel/paypal mafia and the jews. He's not just some rich guy, he has real assets and connections to all the right people. He's not going anywhere no matter who he pisses off.
>>492443573never have truer words been typed
eloooom nooooo
>>492443909I guess that's bound to happen when you're surrounded with (H1B) yes-men.
>>492443688>yesss goy don't pursue white collar jobs go die in the mines
>>492442537>Relatard Fan fiction. Trust the plan patriot!
>>492444804If Epstein can be removed, Thiel and Musk can be too, and far easier. Everyone is expendable.
>>492442885It's quite funny. Jack Dorsey introduced "fact-checking" and verification as a form of censorship, basically functioning as a check to confirm that it conforms to left-wing consensus. And now we have the opposite, someone on the other side of the spectrum removing those things as a form of censorship.
>>492443926Have you ever heard of an illusion of choice?
For at least 10 years, jewish sodomites in Silicon Valley have been theorizing about the return of feudalism, with them (“the elves”) at the top and the goyim (“the hobbits”) at the bottom. They're now in power and salivating at the idea of applying it to the full.
>>492444603I've only ever seen the right photoshop pic posted by Israelis
>>492444853Lmao, he deserves it.
>>492442537I suspect you are correct. Elon will just block a cunt, but this seems like unruly brown behavior, whilst he plays Diablo. The brown needs to carefully managed at all times. Honestly, they work best as slaves in Dubai, anything in an office just doesn't suit.
No fedposting please
>>492444008>Never seen him act like this before.Wut, you've NEVER seen Elons 'stroppy butthurt asshole, throwing his toys out the pram' routine? You just haven't been paying attention anon.
>>492442537>that's not Xi jinpeng, it's the ccp Stfu kike
>>492445323this ian cheong faggot is so unbelievably insufferable holy fuck i want to watch him be torn from limb to limb
>>492442537of course, but elon is the ceo, so the fault lies with him; if he doesn't understand how poos behave, then that's on him.
>>492444853>>492444971Censorship is back, because you don't want to be replaced with cheap Indian labor.
>>492442329it's the jeets. he replaced the trannies and american women on twitter with jeets. this is their poo smeared retribution
>>492444107This is their best
>>492445395No wonder Elon likes Indians....both are full of shit.
>>492445433He's pretty much the worst.
>>492442329lol who cares about H1B they’ll be replaced by AI soon.
>>492442537better import 17 trillion more!
Even Chief Trumpster wasn't MAGA enough for Elon
>>492442329Is he actually being a rage baby rn?!
>>492442537I hope this is true because it would make his whole rant look even more retarded
>>492443441Elon is a backstabbing kike faggot, if you get in one of his ships when he promises you free house car electricity and phone on mars you deserve to get your organs harvested by Tesla bots and your husk jettisoned into the fake and gay space (aka the acid barrels in the tunnels under the fake and gay rocket)
>>492442329Elon is basically ensuring the H1-B issue it going to be too toxic to remotely touch for any republican for years to come. He is so retarded, he is helping us and thinking he's doing the opposite. How doe someone so dumb get so rich? Trump won't be able to touch H1-B expansion with a ten foot pole now. All thanks to Elon and his butthurt.
>>492445433bring it on dickwad
>>492445710Elon owes them all 40k now to start. A million dollars if they fast for a day.
>>492445323>cringe pieces of shit licking his nutsIan is one of the uglieat shitskins on Earth and Cernovich is an admitted gay with half sandnigger kids.
>>492443731>forgets to take down nafo troon flagYou should have gone with a dixie flag maybe an ancap flag. Sloppy job Moishe. Happy Channukah specials circumcisions this week half off!
>>492444991>the tv said epstein was killed, that means he was removedPlease think a little more analytically. Were any of Epstein's meaningful blackmail targets ever removed from power? Was any of Epstein's network ever truly exposed? Was any attribution to any kind of organization or agency ever officially made? Why was Epstein locked up if they were just going to kill him anyway? If he was really killed, why would a blackmail expert not have a deadman's switch? He was not removed. He made mistakes and mossad retired him.
It's the token nigger false flagging for the jeets so that he stops having to compete with niggerjeets
>>492445773All part of the plan, anon.
>>492445773> how does someone so dumb get so rich?Government subsidies >>492445710He's fucked up now, miga civil war coming and he's not in office yet lmao.
>>492444331For him, this nigger should go back to africa.
is musk really this dumb?? i understand indians being childish, why is musk acting retarded ? left hates openly cheers ceo deaths , now he shits on right
>>492444344>nooOOOooo not le hecking Twitter touch grass
Elon Musk was removed from the administration behind the scenes, and he's lashing out now.https://x.com/StephenM/status/1872468405883707781
So his excuse is that a lot of accounts were brigading/spamming>https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1872505498463039559
>>492445102They're the same side just different methods
Elon following the ancient jewish tradition of self owning
>>4924428852010-2012 twitter seems like it was eons ago. no politics, no politicians, no ego centric south african retards, no jeets or niggers, just regular, white, normal people memeing and shooting the shit without any need for censorship or "fact checking"
>>492443909>a good guyHe's always been a kikeniggerfaggot
>>492442537Jeets shit in streetsElon shit in his own face, somehow
>>492445942Never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes.
>>492442537>CEO good
>>492445942its his core interest, he won't negotiate on this its what he paid trump and vance forit was never about his chemically castrated son
>>492446035yes. that's exactly what I meant
>>492443236he's such a bitch
>>492442329LMFAO Elon the NWO fraud is crashing and burning.MELON HUSK IS A TYRANT.>>492442537Hello Muskrat.
>>492445942>is musk really this dumb?? i understand indians being childish, why is musk acting retarded ? left hates openly cheers ceo deaths , now he shits on rightIt's unironically likely drugs. Only junkies self destruct this fast and this efficiently.
>>492445992he is playing the stupid game
>>492442537>Comrade Stalin, if you you knew how bad things are!
>>492445963That's 2020
>>492446031seriously doesn't he have a PR agent, trump would have to dump him at this point
>>492442853distinction without differencesame team same beliefs same action
>>492443731>If elon says we need h1b then we need them periodTrump says they have to go, looks like you refuted yourself.
>>492444603>Blumpf text Lmao
>>492446160>That's 2020It's stephen miller quoting a 2020 speech 2 hours ago. It's clearly a response to the elon conflict.
It's beginning already.
Vivek: "I'm enjoying the open debate, guys"
>>492445963that's actually a fantastic speech, my regards to whoever wrote it since it obviously wasn't trump.
its now clear, elon musk wanted to see nick fuentes killed thats why the doxx stayed up it was because nick fuentes was against infinite indian migration
>>492446110yes but by midterms democrats could be back in power and they hate his ass to death. what if people boo trump at a rally or inauguration? he is a pretty boastful man
>>492445433too badhe's untouchablelike CEOs
>>492445662Indians are the ones selling AI chatbots.
>>492442537lol this just proves the jeet corruption is real
>>492443691anons with xitter accounts, please spam this to him. he's such a terminally online retard he will definitely see this shit & lose sleep over it
>>492442329> Oh no! My account is being reviewed! Will Elonazi put me in the ovens??? HELP!
>>492446289He wrote it
>>492442537you are albanian jeet
>>492444505So no difference to Dem rule then?
>>492443731hello, train-bait
>>492446366trump posted an article very short before the election that he is going to put a greencard to every diploma on day 1
>>492446320someone got shot few weeks ago, troons and chud at this point can unite and kill muskrat
>>492444804He doesn't do one single bit of physics or engineering. He's immensely replaceable.
>>492443909he's never been a "good guy" and if you ever thought otherwise you're no better than a 60 IQ pajeet
>>492444804he will be replaced by a hard-working high-iq jeet
>>492443123> Elon is a fragile and evil beingIf anyone is fragile then it's those blue checkers that check everyday for the presence of their blue checks and blue their pants if their accounts get checked.
>>492446276America First literally means the opposite of America in first place. It means America is for Americans first, and fuck the rest of the world which doesn't just mean literally ass fuck other countries but also fuck what they think and fuck if we're ahead of or behind them at the expense of America for Americans.It's not hard.
>>492444008then you haven't been paying attention
Jeets probably blackmailed Musk because they basically rule the internet now.
You subtards have exhausted the king's patience!!!!
>>492442853What difference does it make? Only if Elon fires someone and reinstates people and apologizes for it happening in the first place does he get the benefit of the doubt.II don't see that happening, do you?Then the answer is that thiis is what elon wants.So much for free speech. This shitstain is the literal exact same kind of leftist as all the rest of them that got voted out in favor of Trump.
>>492445773The O-1 visa, which is specifically for exceptional talent, is the only immigration that should be allowed for the next 20 years. And, each candidate should be public
This is fucking nuts
>>492445942King reddit can't help himself
>>492446613>>492446562wtf is a subtard
>>492442329Night of long noses
>>49244403644 billion, not 4 billion
>>492446613this is amazing. what an idiot
>>492446613this guys crashout needs to be studied, how do you go from king maker to enemy even before trump gets into office
On the plus side, Elon and Vivek both humiliated themselves and reduced their position in Trump's administration before having an ounce of real power
>>492442329First they brought the niggers in to do the work white farmers supposedly wouldnt do.Then they brought the chinese in, to build the railways both the whites and the blacks didnt want to build.Now they bring the Indians in to build the technology the Chinese, koreans, blacks and whites dont want to build.
>>492446613he now called all trump voters retarded
>>492442329anyone who spoke against him or interacted with posts speaking against him is getting their accounts and fyp nuked it's retarded
Imagine the musk
>>492444331>Things that didn't age well
>>492446289Politicians don't write their own speeches.More news at 11.
>>492446762better now than later
>>492446613The fucking muskrat is going nuclear lol
>>492446613>thin airFunny way to describe cheap money, CIA, Jews and freemasons.
>>492444853he spends an abnormal amount of time seeing what people say about him. because he's a stupid fag
>>492446613lmao we really elected this guy president of the USA, are we retarded or something? Why the fuck were people allowed to spend so much on both sides that we are beholden to tantrum-throwing children like this?
>>492446827he called all trump voters subtarded for being against mass immigration
>>492443731Elon is as good as worm food after today.
>>492446777and one of gods chosen got payed for bringing them all in. kek
>>492446655>The O-1 visa, which is specifically for exceptional talent, is the only immigration that should be allowed for the next 20 years.>And, each candidate should be publicThis is perfectly acceptable. But of course not at all what these tech oligarchs would be willing to accept. The idea of "ingenuity from abroad" is just a smokescreen. They just want near slave labor, because that's how they view competition with china to look like. The only way.
>>492446613no refunds
>>492444370Politically, with white people? Yes. He showed he's an unprincipled retard at best, and a spineless sellout traitor actively conspring to genocide whites at worstIt doesn't matter what his connections are, his head's on the chopping block. He's managed to make himself hated by everyone but the entrenched deep state oligarchy, who are the only people he can now rely on or be useful to.I hope this retard has his companies nationalized and he gets deported sans everything, right back to south africa. May he live forever around his precious 3rd world shitskins.
>>492443822Do they have chronic pink eye?
You're telling me the purge has already started? It's not even January 1st yet. Holy kek.
>>492443221What did the racist engineer say?
>>492446276Not as much as he enjoys an open sewer I bet
>>492446276America First means White men, not stinky pajeet scammers like Shitvek. He's not one of us, he doesn't speak for us, and he doesn't represent us; he isn't a real American, he's a subhuman racial alien who needs to be deported back to the subcontinent shithole he crawled out of.
>>492445323that stupid brown fat asian fuck needs to fuck off forever
>>492443926The best choice would be to hang every single politician in D.C. and install a new president.
>>492446184To be honest, its just social media overreacting. Kneejerk responses to laws related to migration rarely happens.
>>492446613elon mask
>>492442329no one cares
>>492446988>yt is inferior and being replaced>I want a child to call me a faggotYou know...the usual
>>492446141Charlie Sheen all over againMusk dropping shit ordnance
>>492445715that's his default state
>>492446908yeah and if you spoke against it or interacted with posts calling him out your account is fucked
>>492446974Let the chaos reign, it has only begun.
Etroon is such a kike now its hard not to seeThunderfoot was right about him all along
>>492443691cow piss is his favorite
>>492445102That's because the right wing are correct and the left wing are psychotic homosexual communists. It's been this way for decades.
I wouldn't be surprised if Elon loses control of x entirely sometime during these 4 years. If this is how he really behaves when someone disagrees with him.
>>492447149Have fun with h1b Indians.
>>492446276Beating nerds to death is fun
>>492446988>What did the racist engineer say?Musk was busy retweeting him with laugh and 'hit the target' emojis.
>>492445323I thought the saying was>"heavy is the head that wears the crown"
>>492446988>>492447237Here's a good archive of how it all went downhttps://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/492405566/
>>492447213Joe rogan is pretty good at boxing and stuff so technically hes qualified to take over
>>492446562>subtardsDoes he have any clue what he's talking about?
why? because they were they posting this unflattering photo of sriram krishnan or something?
The night of the long kukris
>>492446684Sounds like a subhuman retard, so it probably refers to the average jeet.
>>492446475honestly I didn't know it was possible to hate 1.5 billion people but here I am
>>492447110This is orders of magnitude larger than the charlie sheen meltdown. This fucker literally called himself God. Rule #1 for all Jews (like Elon) in the United States of America:Never, ever, ever shit on Christmas. They can't help themselves. Happy hannuka, Jews!
>>492447251Chang no speakey good Engrish
>>492443221>They win if you respond>He responds
>>492443909You were a retard the whole time. Do better next time and stop listening to the frogs
>>492446613Trump is going to call him a nerd and kick him out of the cool table. What a complete little faggot
>>492446276these tards are openly & proudly mocking a huge chunk of trump'a base all while being arrogant and self righteous about it. incredible. indians are truly a despicable bunch of shit creatures
>>492446655And they need to be WHITE.
"NOT ELON" CRASHING OUT ON A SPACEhttps://x.com/ChiefTrumpster/status/1872507707116372341https://x.com/ChiefTrumpster/status/1872507707116372341https://x.com/ChiefTrumpster/status/1872507707116372341
>>492444505No what they are planning on doing is taking your history of posts, (((passing))) (((laws))) to make hate speech a crime, and throwing anyone who participated in "free" speech on (((x))) into federal prison. That is the real reason (((elon))) was ever on Trump's campaign. Why do you think that fat faggot (((elon))), who has to pay women to have sex with him, wanted people to migrate from 4chan to (((x)))? So you would have an account to attach your shadow profile google has on you.
FAFOWhen you mess with Elon, you're messing with God Emperor Trump.
>>492446777Fucking hilarious that whites built the literal entirety of the modern world, and now the main narrative>but the whites don't want to work!Motherfucker even the tweaker white trash in America are almost all employed. Working is the one thing that whites will just default to doing, and these faggots know that. The problem is they've been exploiting us for too long and can't suck any more blood from the stone.
>>492442329Any (((((platform))))) where shadow-banning exists, is inherently fake and gay, and shouldn't be used. Shadow-banning is one of the most obviously jewish things to ever exist, and if you're truly white you would avoid ANY (((((platform))))) that uses it, for it is a (((((platform))))) used by jews to gain control over people.
>>492447298>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/492405566/excellent. https://archive.is/aNdIl
>>492447388rookie numbers, you forgot the whole of china. that makes it at least 3 billion.
>>492442329Wow an African acts like a massive nigger... No way
>>492447480>https://x.com/ChiefTrumpster/status/1872507707116372341holy shit elon is digging him self deeper on this call
>>492446762yeah, it's unreal
>>492447388My racism has reached a new plane.
>>492444971This is just reddit but less straight forward.
>>492446613>generated untold wealth & national security advantage for our economy & nationreally? and how much subsidized tax money did he take to create this vast wealth?
>>492446141Only drug I know he's on is one of those ozempic ones because he's a fatass.
>>492445773>Trump won't be able to touch H1-B expansionWhy? He's a lame duck. He doesn't have to worry about reelection. Trump can let in 20 million jeets and it won't effect him.
>>492447480Thats not elon thats someone doing a shitty impersonation. Elon is almost incomprehensible when he talks, this guy just has the accent and a little bit of the stutter down. Hes fucked regardless.
>>492447403Heavy is the crown that wears the head.Can someone add that one to the diamond dozen pasta?
He's bringing back the blue check cabal
>>492447480is the Adrian guy him?
Being censored and shadowbanned by subhuman faggots is always the most frustrating thing. I used to get banned on Reddit like 100 times by tranny kikes for saying "race is real". And tonight it happened because I called Elon Musk a faggot and made fun of him. Didn't get banned, just nobody is seeing my posts. Completely 100% shadowbanned without any notice from the moderation. Just evil, slimy disgusting faggot behavior from evil, slimy faggot human beings. Worse than Reddit. They don't even tell you you're banned, just shadowban you and make you feel horrible.So happy to see everyone realizing what a vapid, worthess, charlatan cunt this guy and his company are.
>>492447327reminder that koko the gorilla had a higher measured IQ than the Indian average.
>>492442537honestly I wouldnt be surprised jeets are fucking fragile
Elon has been in (((their))) pocket since day 1. Anyone who's been heavily following the middle Eastern wars could've told you this ages ago. He's been banning, restricting and suspending anti Israel accounts en masse to the point his entire site is now a massive pro Israel propaganda spin.
>>492447834It's actually most likely not him, I don't think. But he's 100% related in some way, it's not just some random guy. He represents Musk in some way. It's all a bit odd.
>>492447847We should import gorillas then. kek
>>492447751doesn't seem like a very free speech thing to do, having all these guidelines & rules & shit
>>492443434Well, that would be nice. I am sure there will be something tomorrow.
>>492446832He was never going to age well
>>492447929Yeah, the truth is he's been banning even further right accounts already. People like TRS guys. Whatever you may think about them, it's obviously wrong for a free speech site to do that. But people like me just kind of put it out of our mind. After all I'm still on the site, so who cares? It's sad that people are like that. But we are.
>>492443731>memeflag>terrible postits like white on rice
>>492447845yeah, it's vindicating. so many anons were sucking his cock a few months ago
And this is why you don't spend this much time on the internet.
>>492447939I think the Adrian guy just plays into being musk because it's the only thing that gets him follows and $. If he ever released definitive proof that he wasn't musk he'd lose all his engagement.
>>492442537Le heckin based electric car man is good ok!?
>>492442329There will come a time where white people remember the old solutions to old problems, and they will not make the same mistakes that will lead to the problem resurfacing ever again.
>>492443789How many companies pay no taxes and import H1Bs? Every H1B salary should be taxed and could be offset by company income tax. This would be an effective way to tax companies H1B use.
>>492447237This is kache.
where is the fuentes apology formyou voted for this remember
>>492442329Subtards BTFO'D lmao!!!
>>492447947a gorilla with a western education is literally, unironically smarter than an average jeet.
>>492442329We call this crashing out
>>492442537You are delusional
>>492446613How much wealthier is the average American, thanks to Musk?
the true problem here is Trump making Sriram Krishnan head of AI.disgusting lizard man who HATES WHITES
>>492442409DUMB WHOOOOOREyou thought you could run your mouth off against Indians and get away with it you STUPID DUMB WHOOOOOOORE
>>492448155Shit has to get a lot worse before anything happens. People won't do shit as long as they can eat, watch tv and play videogames. Shit doesn't happen until its too late.
>>492448017People are seeing the lies right in front of their eyes. The discontent is building slowly and slowly. At some point the bubble will burst. What happens after that I don't know but most people feel like they've been taken for an idiot and the majority are being suppressed for the favour of a minority. It's like yugoslavia again but on social media. It won't end well.
>>492447489Lmao good lucking tossing tens of millions of Americans into prison for saying “bad words” on X.Really good luck. They’re gonna need it. I think money and power has made these retards think they’re untouchable.
>>492447237Dirty, street shitting cunt
>>492446613The people he wants to bring in are NOT highly-skilled though.He wants to do the equivalent of what is happening in Canada to the US.
>>492448463all indians are rapists
>>492447237>Household incomeSomething smells jewish here.What's the likelihood that there are 4 people in that household, each bringing ~$40,000?Quick search reveals>Household income is the total income of all members of a household aged 15 and older, whether they are related or not. To determine the average household income, all household incomes are added up and divided by the total number of households.And we know there's usually 4 or more pajeets in each house
>>492442329Oh no. The rich revenge of the nerds brat, Bill Gates Jr., is anti white. I’m so shocked. Tranny children are a result of dysgenic breeding.
Despite being a defactor world leader good thing Musk has no nukes. At this point I trust Pakistan and North Korea more with them than him. He's such a joker.
>>492449077They were known as the paypal mafia back in the day for good reason. When you see a bald guy your instinct is telling you someting is wrong - completely ignore that at your peril.
>>492448044Those were his precious indians that he was paying to post here.
>>492446613>highly skilled immigration This isn't operation paperclip. The jeets coming over aren't skilled in any way, they just work hard. I work with several of them in tech and while they're generally nice people, they are as robotic as it gets. They work hard (and brag about how they used to work all night back when they were doing the same job in india) but they lack any dynamicism. Throw them a curve ball and they get stuck, so much for all those long hours. I think the best way to put it is education and hard work doesn't mean shit if you're not naturally gifted. Some of the most "stupid" people I've ever met are "highly educated" indians but conversely some of the most intelligent people I've met are literally college dropouts that are naturally gifted at what they do. Have you ever noticed there are fuck all Indian hackers despite them supposedly having the biggest tech employment pool in the world. Meanwhile some neet in his dad's basement is outclassing them.
>>492448652No doubt it will never work, but that is the plan. Killing that ceo really shook them up because not only did it show that the (((elite))) are easy to track and kill, but that race wont be enough to save any slimy kike at the top.
>>492445754They also have public healthcare in Israel, and the talking heads that shill hard against it in the USA are proponents of it in Isreal.
>>492449064Here ya go bro.
>>492446988Tbh, he types a lot like those blacked spammers you see on various boards
>>492449573Meant to reply to >>492447380
>>492448241All h1b are illegal in the first place. You're supposed to prove that no Americans can do the work and our derelict government does nothing but harass the people that went the god damn law enforced. There is no way this dies not end in revolution. They will fuck the economy thinking we will be forced to go military and die in a meat grinder but no one is going to get baited this time. So you will have a world war with dei military also trying to suppress a powder keg with 30% unemployment where everyone already wants the poos flushed and the robber barons hanged
>>492442329When do they start using the guns they defend child murder over the right to own to start shooting billionaires.
>>492442329zero impressions and impossibly timed instanteous likes on comments you make from bots trying to sell you shit doesnt appeal to you goy?
>>492446193>march 03, 2016
>>492446276Did he cure Alzheimer yet?
>>492449054If you raped white women they would not be feminist and empowered vote abusers today.
>>492442537WE ARE CEO SAAR
>>492448463how does it feel to send your best so they can become our worst?
Wtf does subtard mean??? Been seeing it all day but can not for my life figure out wtf it means
>>492443221>>492447237of course
>>492442537This. They probably feel galvanized by him saying he prefers his slaves over real employees.
>>492450554why is it so predictable?
>>492442329Jews gonna jew, idk why cunts are surprised
>>492450623Stuff really is so in your face now.I remember being young and watching endgame and the jewed up zeitgeist documentary.Back then it really felt like either everybody else is npc or i am mentally ill. I questioned myself alot.It was much more hidden.
>>492443909his name is hebrew. he was never /pol/'s guy.
>>492450691>>492450840He's the son of Pol Pot and his Jewess mom is some reincarnation of 7th Isis or whatever shit in their Kabbalah.
>>492443014You sound more like you want us to defend him so you can keep your culture war going. This isn't about you right now, this is about the anti-white billionaires trying to subvert the right from the inside.