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Tonikan is shaking right now.
Muta vs Nakamura
Utami vs Shirai
AJ returns to Japan
Bushiroad has gotten so bad all the New Japan and Stardom stories have to be done outside of New Japan and Stardom
he probably thinks this is dope and is pissed at the same time kek
holy BASED
kek what a scandalous partnership
will it outdraw all together?
depends on the rest of the card
All this does is piss me off that Omega has only worked 1 (one) match in Japan since the New Japan partnership began. He wanted to do so much more when he was US champ again but Tony cockblocked him
>That twitch stream where he said he was supposed to fight Kenoh in NOAH before the diverticulitis took him out
Guess that won't be happening now either
if he cared so much about working in Japan he shouldn't have left in the first place.
Kenny wanted to have his cake and eat it, he deserves the pain that he's in.
We're in a brave new world. It could still happen. Maybe in NJPW on neutral ground.
Holy shit
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Kino incoming
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>he shouldn't have left in the first place.
I spend more time thinking about his hypothetical 2019 in New Japan than any other what-if in wrestling
>gedo had booked him to beat tanahashi at WK13, becoming the first gaijin to win the Wrestle Kingdom main event
>would’ve headlined MSG with okada
>was meant to have jay white’s spot in the gold double dash
>would’ve worked an actual feud with naito that wasn’t centered around the G1
>would’ve gotten the big Wrestle Kingdom match with Ibushi that he’d always wanted
All he had to do was stick around for one more year. Fuck.
nice abandonment issues
AJ is gonna steal the show AGAIN

How did Tony botch this guy worse than Punk?
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redpill me on NOAH. is this bases or cring
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the gay community might not like it but for the rest of us yeah I'm thinking this is based
>It could still happen
Honestly the Kenoh thing doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as all the New Japan stuff he still hasn't gotten to do. And when he does finally recover all he's going to do is more jobs after everyone said that was only a precaution in case he had decided to leave AEW during contract negotiations last year
this is how you do a partnership
ok now this is epic
Cody vs Shiozaki next
tony sent over blake christian doe lmao
and willlow nightingale lol
Rock vs Muto
Marufuji vs Cena
Cody vs Shiozaki
Shinsuke vs Kaito
Punk vs Kenoh
Randy vs Sugiura
REAL vs Alpha Academy and Creed Bros
Judgement Day vs GLG
>WWE sends AJ and Io to Noah and Marigold to help boost ticket sales
>AEW poaches all of NJPW's top talent and sends a fat shitter no one cares about to Stardom to beat one of their top stars
Fuck Tony Khan
He made the right decision though.. He's pushing 40, was clearly gassed and broken down. ATM Tony offered him a huge paycheck, more than he has ever made in his life, and I'm sure he got equity in the company as an EVP. Fuck fake fighting, pay me.
Between Vince and TK, who's shaking harder watching this crossover?
Kenny wanted to have his cake and eat it, he deserves the pain that he's in.
Have you seen the G1?
NJPW already bury themselves
Tonikan is currently shoot suicide diving
>singles match
>AJ is married
wow explain this
They made Moxley their top guy, it doesn't get any worse than that
I feel sorry for Moxley, he wants to be le badass hardcore legend shooter but the only thing he does that anyone reacts to is shield references
>Largest promotion in the west partners with 2nd largest promotion in the east
>2nd largest promotion in the west partners with largest promotion in the east
WWE will win this battle. Because they don’t shoehorn this shit into the main shows and have jackoff sessions with Tanahashi
There is no battle, NJPW got so big in the past decade than no one cared about WWE or any other promotion, its like if WWE got less popular so would AEW and all other american promotions. The AEW partnership was very bad but i don't believe a partnership with WWE would have been a lot better, NJPW simply couldn't afford having their talent losing against talent from other companies.
NOAH and Marigold all air on Wrestle Universe, which is owned by CyberFight/Abema, who air WWE in Japan, expect this to happen a lot more
Builds hype for WWE's house shows, WWE talent get to wrestle workrate matches like they've been wanting to do and NXT rookies can go on excursion to learn how to work.
WWE is going to tour Japan soon and they probably want to increase company's presence in that country in order to hold a PPV event in Japan later on.
Asia is one of the few markets WWE hasn’t made a major impact on
Crazy to think that if he went to WWE and stuck through the Vince era he would probably be a star now, healthy, working in Japan, able to bring in joshi, maybe even have a role in making a decent game, and be able to make a real change.
*East Asia
Too bad Maru moves like Tana now
nobody even knows what hes saying hes speaking in japanese kek
Cord won't like this one
Get ready to fly, ladies and gentlemen!
>WWE does something interesting
>immediately think about AEW
This is like Liverpool or Newcastle making a signing and then rushing to mock Everton or Sunderland. No WWE fans will make effort to watch this match and it'll be forgotten quicker than when Nakamura went over last year
TK, Vince has worked with NJPW before.
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Nah, Mox gets no fucking sympathy from me. The dude was literally crying about he's the "most overlooked, disrespected, forgotten" wrestler in history. This is something he said right around winning the IWGP championship, which isn't even his greatest accolade considering he's been world champ in WWE and AEW as well. Dude shit all over Punk, but has proven time and time again that he's just as fragile.
>Tonikan shaking
>Noah airs on Abema
>WWE stuff airs on Abema
>WWE gets giga shit numbers on Abema and struggles on their house shows in Japan.
>Abema asks WWE for help they send AJ Styles
You are here.
Why would Big Tone care about minor league partnerships when he rules the wrestling busines?
only on youtube
most pajeets couldn't even afford to pay for the wwe network
He could’ve gotten all of that a year later
Gook Shit
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ah yes, the famous wrestling crazy countries Philippines, Korea and Thailand
The $11.99 golem will NOT be happy about this
not in Japan?
it's about ABEMA's distribution network
This isn't even true, it's available in Japan, those are just the territories with English commentary
I doubt that healthy part. If your intestines are fucked, they are fucked, nothing you can do about it. Still I hope he recovers fully but im pretty sure he will jump back to action too soon and fuck it all up
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help me! Paul-sama!
send me AJ now!
So what's the problem? That is all that matters. Don't tell me...you are STILL a Eurofag?! OH NONONONONONO. Your ancestors started migrating to the New World 500 years ago. How are you STILL stuck there? What a fucking loser, lmao! AMERICAN CHADS FUCKING WIN AGAIN
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Hmm..Any chance Japan gets a Raw and SmackDown episode?
last time they had one was in 2005. Not sure if they can do that a few years down the road.
eurochads have a brain they can use and thus always find a point of access
Take me back...
This. Instead we got some garbage match with Moxley.
isn't Marufuji the guy assplay stole his entire moveset from?
what's the story
Get help and get better taste in wrestlers.
All Together drew like 2.5K people.
Dream match
classic episode LOL
What other matches are on the card?
>Labeled as airing from Tokyo
>Actually in Saitama
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solid card for a ppv
AJ looks so majestic here
meanwhile Tony Khan sends Blake Christian, Jungle Boy, and Edkin
Gooks don’t want none
>f*ck the hard cam
kek what a thin-skinned fake ass bitch
bottom left trio looks like straight out of a yakuza game
>every other country in the world is Europe

Do Americucks really?
fraid so
What do our 5ch brothers think of this?
he baptizes himself before working out
>NJPW got so big in the past decade than no one cared about WWE
Holy delulu
After being forced to quit WWE, AJ is fighting THE GAY COMMUNITY in foreign lands.
What kind of forbidden partnership is this????
kek some retard got his posts nuked hahahaha
That's actually a great card.
This isn't your diary lil bro
Kek this got the discord in flames
This only makes me like Tony in a weird way since it means WWE is having to actually leave their bubble and start working with people to kill the only appeal AEW has to wrestlers who want to work Japan and Mexico
Best card they made this year so far.
How does big bible big brow AJ have smaller eyes than Marafuji
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Remember how he used to bleed every match, then he just stopped?
Who's Noah?
kaiba's brother from that filler arc
bumpola fuck the discord
they still have the local indies
same with WCW and they had a more established relationship with NJPW. In fact, NJPW's Antonio Inoki was responsible for organizing WCW's trip to North Korea.
Nobody cares about WWE in Japan. Raw does less views than a random clip of Evil. NOAH is a distant 4th in Japan and struggles to fill seats. This AJ match will do nothing for NOAH.
he will finish the haiku
Why are there no AEW talent on this card?
>Why are there no AEW talent
fraid so
aj's gonna be real surprised when he shows up and realizes it's not a bible-based promotion
Isnt Jake Lee the guy that almost killed the company or something.
my wife Maika singlehandedly carrying Bushiroad on her back
kino card desu
AEW is literally irrelevant
2000s nostalgia the match
>they do this now when aj change his theme
I get why it Marufuji was chosen but anyone who actually follows Japanese wrestling knows that he's so washed and has been for like 10 years now, hoping for AJ to pull something watchable out of him, the last match between Kenta & Marufuji was the biggest disappointment ever so not an optimist

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