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Next shows
June 21st, "NEW BLOOD 13", New Pier Hall, Tokyo, 6:30PM JST (YT)
>NEW BLOOD Tag Team Championship Match: Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS/wing*gori) vs Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Mei Seira vs Rian
>Tomoka Inaba (JTO/God's Eye) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Saran (Ice Ribbon)
>Rina (Oedo Tai) & Azusa Inaba (JTO) vs Hina & Miyu Amasaki (Queen's Quest)

June 22nd, [Bloodsport Bushido] "Bloodsport Bushido", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo, 3:00PM JST
>Konami (STARDOM/God's Eye) vs Maya Fukuda (GLEAT)
>rest of card http://bloodsport.jp/sp/index.html

June 22nd, "STARDOM THE CONVERSION", Yoyogi National Stadium, Tokyo, 5:00PM JST (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Maika (E neXus V) vs Xena (E neXus V)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Mika Iwata (Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling)
>Goddess of Stardom Championship Match: Hazuki & Koguma (STARS/FWC) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS/wing*gori)
>Queen's Quest vs Oedo Tai Final Chapter: Saya Kamitani & AZM & Lady C & Miyu Amasaki & Hina (Queen's Quest) vs Natsuko Tora & Momo Watanabe & Thekla & Ruaka & Rina (Oedo Tai)
>Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (STARS) with Mayu Iwatani vs Syuri & Ami Sohrei (God's Eye)
>Starlight Kid vs Mei Seira
>Mina Shirakawa & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Tam Nakano & Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saki Kashima & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) & Tomoka Inaba (JTO/God's Eye)
>Rian vs Fukigen Death (Oedo Tai)

Previous >>14961311
Real shame that she’s sleeping around with the execs
kura feet countdown
Look at Dangly Labia Jones over here
I love Koguma so much and miss getting to see sexually charged pictures of her from assman at ringside. In fact I can pinpoint my interest in joshi tanking when Diana and that tranny Ari put a hit on assman
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I'm not an exec
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best i got
Look man I get it I really do
But on the real you know what they say about asians
For a fortune cookie they always charge you twice
Delivery is free, but not from me
It always cost a dollar fifty
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I just don't understand feetfags having the whole obaasan cake they really go straight to the soles.
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If momo is really doing that she's doing a terrible job just looking her current booking.
Maybe need some help from mina it seems she's ahead of the curve for all that gravure.
Obaasan pussy so bomb taro made her double champ and send her to america to work a main event angle.
Only tam enchanting the real big shit (kidani) is better than mina at fucking her way to the top.
que luchadora mas joven y bonita
More Hazuki/Koguma headcanon from the schizos

>Marigota welcomes real, hardcore wrestling, so Koguma and Hazuki are welcome, let's send them off.

>I think the Marigot group is anti-Hazuki. Julia and Hazuki left the group without even settling their grudge.

>Hazuki Koguma's evil alliance should be banned from the industry

>At the very least, I think Sakurai and MIRAI left because of Hazuki. Hazuki's pride would not have been able to accept that she and Koguma were used to elevate the two who couldn't wrestle or play on the microphone as much as they could, and after the official match she posted a complaint to MIRAI, so I think that caused her to become harsh towards the two and made them feel uncomfortable there. Sakurai in particular once made fun of her educational background on the microphone.
it is unfortunate that the pajeets who think copypasting makes them a reporter did not go to /marigroom/ in the divorce
Its not just jeets, scott and peps think it makes them journalists lmao
>Hazuki Koguma's evil alliance
>Recently, Stardom has also been interacting more with other promotions. That's why she said, "What I felt when I participated in Despertchi's event was that it's not right to be involved in everything. I have had many opportunities to appear in other promotions, so I would like to appear in many more! However, whether I'm doing it outside or inside, I think it's better to properly separate what is necessary for Stardom now from what is not. I think it would be exciting if we thought about it as a whole women's professional wrestling world. But even within that, I think Stardom's value shouldn't be lowered. I think it's the best promotion among women's wrestling, and this is my honest opinion as a member of the company."
Very very beautiful and fragrant smelling butthole
we need to poach saran
Nobody cares about some random jap opinion
you can poach eggs in saran wrap
Kitto is Korean
zainichi are japanese
don't be racist
As always, SLK is right.

We need to poach Utami
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Not random. Not a Jap either
Why is Kitto speaking up for Mayu, is she her lawyer or something
>Why is someone speaking up for their mentor and sister-like figure
She just wants to protect the brand
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STARS is looking a lot more appealing after spending a couple weeks with Tam
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Are we going to job but look cute doing it?
Okada should make an example out of SLK
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The IWGP belt is not a Stardom belt and thus does not devalue Stardom by not main eventing the show.
Why would Kitto go back to the faction that she left of her own volition?
SLK has another meeting with the Bushiroad lawyers scheduled.
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Are they really?
She didn't leave of her own volition, she opted not to return of her own volition
These are starting to become routine for her
Bad Tiger always sent to the principal’s office
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Tell me brothers.
does she looks like a bbw saya?
Maybe my coomer ass is getting out of hand.
Need Kid to take another pic with Fuka just to send the message
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holy cope
please kill yourself
She just has buck teeth
Get the fuck out of here
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>"No, you're supposed to have one opinion about something and then bullheadedly stick to it regardless of what happens!!!"
Absolute LOL at the anon in the last thread seething at people on twitter liking something and then not liking it because it got worse
The next person here who mentions people on Twitter is getting gang raped by a pack of you know whats
twitter tranny looking post
we need to poach miran
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This makes me think nene tanaka with glasses would be great
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If QQ loses I think Saya should take a month off, go to Turkey, and get hair replacement surgery.
Molting pheonix
Bushiroad picked the wrong side
What are you talking about
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her hapa children don't like their mother getting hurt at work all the time
If it weren’t foe that bikini bottom her pussy lips would be on he floor
Then I'm on the floor too
i coomed
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who is this beautiful creature?
Has to exfoliate the upper lip. Or is that dried cum?
This is Shelley Duvall
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Wow, so cute and creamy.
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Shes tight bro, there is plenty of proof
lips that look like a penis in your tights is not what I would call "tight"
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after all the IWGP Women's Championship is a midcard title
thats what your penis looks like?
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>I came here to see you
Maybe he has a vagina with ugly lips
yuuri and yuki mashiro being booked above mayu is a statement
without poaching Saran and Miran, Stardom has no future
ftc vs saran & miran should happen before 2025
Beautiful barbie player
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Sexy MILF and white cock hunter
Its pretty easy to forget that title even exists
Mai Sakari always reminded me of her actually
Yummola instant saveola
People really think marigolds awg shitters are better lol
aya is very beautiful
Very visual white belt game
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Rent free in your head
someone got a talking to from corporate
Kek what a punished bitch
What's the wild mouse article?
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>Book Hina and Miyu to win the NB tag belts and have rina and ruaka as challengers in NB15 main event
>two masked players get in the ring and injure ruaka and Miyu
>Hina vs masked players 2-on-1 Handicap Match at NB16 and she loses the belts >the new champions unmask themselves and they are saran and miran and start getting heat on Hina
>rina save her and taro shows up to book a match playa for the belts Main eventing NB17
>hina and rina win and let it roll for a while after some months (where ruaka can lose some weight and Miyu learn to work) >have rina turning against Hina and fight for the belts with their respective partners in NB18
I just booked from 6 months to a year worth of NB.
You're welcome my brother taro.
kek what a wild mouse
Wild Sausage
Is the 2nd or 3rd time?
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Third. When Rossy got fired she did one where she talked about leaving and going with him. Then after MG formed she did one about how maybe she should go to Marigold and work with Nanae. And then posted pics of her with Fuka and re-tweeted Nanae a bunch.
She is like a little Loose Cannon Brian Pillman
>I respect you, Tardo Man
>push me now and give me the white belt or I'm leaving later!
>okay, we'll just book you in comedy bullshit and make you a geek until your deal is up
Kitto is the dumbest politicker ever
Kitto fights for the purity of Stardom as a premium product. Ignore the dumpster belt
Kitto will be the Joshi pillman
we love our loose canon
loose cannon is also an alternative moniker for kitto's anus
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>It's only natural to bring your own organization's belt to the main event, so if it's about protecting the value of the Stardom brand, I'm sure you could have done something about it.

>So anyway, what I'm trying to say is I was sad.
It’s not even a Stardom belt so it’s more the IWGP brand
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Kitto is telling the truth. Stardom is diminishing its brand.
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Kitto needs to shut the fuck up for her own good, just be like zoomie and let thing flow have fun with your friends, make a ton of money and show your ass time to time for kenoh and daddy billy.
>have fun with your friends
She’s about to lose those
SLK comes from money so she's not motivated by that. On that Despe live stream she mentioned that she just spends money on whatever she wants and doesn't track anything. She loves attention and saying random shit like this gets her tons of it.
I cannot support Skank Like Korean
What a feisty little midget
Kitto is right, but she shouldn't say that, because these are things for the fans to say, not the player
That sounds disrespectful on several levels.
Poi all hopped up on caffeine sounds like a nightmare
I think they should both say fuck it and go to WWF
Punishing SLK for the type of shit that Naito would say without any pushback is not a good look
She ain’t Naito
the difference is that Naito is a top guy and Kitto is a midget jabroni
She's a top merch seller just like Naito. This is just Bushiroad's control of Stardom leaking out again. And that doesn't even mention the guys up and down New Japan that openly shit on what they're doing.
Kitto stayed in Stardom for a dumpster title. How embarrassing.
She has some clout for sure. She’s a top merch seller and they clearly view her as a type of mascot, using her on lots of the signage. But at the same time, I don’t think Stardom would be affected one bit if she were to leave.
That mascot is one of the very very few notable things they have left, it's ridiculous to claim Stardom at this moment won't be affected if she leaves.
I just feel like Taro doesn't have much control over the locker room. The builds to matches are a complete mess, everyone is doing and saying what they want. He has to pretend to be the "cool" boss and take part in their stupid tiktok videos, but he doesn't know what he's doing.
I compare him to Tony Khan he's like Tetsuya Koda if Koda's clownishness was a shoot.
Kitto has been the designated “NJPW” girl and is probably hoping for Mayus belt
It’s really not that notable.
They have Mayu, SLK, MAYBE Tam. What else?
rian looking awfully cute here
need some momo to-go
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she’s literally me
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Very beautiful woman
Name? Let me do more research before I hive you my opinion
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>Kamitani is beautiful and has a great figure, but she somehow lacks sex appeal. I think that's probably why she doesn't stand out so much, but will that change in their next match?

>I wonder if she's still a virgin. I feel like she'll be incredibly attractive if she gets a boyfriend.
are you talking in kayfabe or irl
>Kamitani is beautiful and has a great figure
face is alright, nothing special. Great figure is a joke, she's a lanklet woman.
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>Great figure is a joke, she's a lanklet woman.
Just say you're gay bro
brother their ceiling is ROH.
The best they could do is job in a random rampage.
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>Myyyy butt hole stinks!
>It really, really Stinks!
>I don't wipe very well, and I move so fast that
>My butt hole stinks.
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In anon's defense saya was kinda skinny at the beginning then she got fit and grew some muscles after taking the training seriously and currently she's bulking and finally starting to look like a real wrestler (or eating her depression away after her girlfriend left for an "all fans you can fuck buffet")
But at least her depression is going straight to her thighs
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>Today was another practice day!

>Sometimes I feel a little frustrated because she has many things that I don't have, and sometimes I feel down because of the comparison, but seeing Kurara always giving her all makes me feel positive! I am very happy to work with Kurara.

>I am very happy to be working with Kurara.

>Let's get the victory together on 6.21!
Suzu needs to stop doing her own makeup. She looks better here than she has on any Stardom show
Unironically Suzu looks way better without makeup.
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>The bench I happened to be sitting on was a heart bench and my friend was laughing Solo Heart

>(Tokyo, single, female, difficult)
>SLK comes from money
Shoot or kayfabe I can believe this.
You can tell which players came from money from their social media, just look at mina, slk, tam accounts and compare them with momo, zoomie and zooks.
More money = more attention needed

Momo is lowkey wife material
A new version of the Osaka show without the Wirecast logo has been uploaded
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Why did cagematch abandon us?
>Thank you for practicing today!

>I really respect Sakura, who practices at the dojo every day, works hard even when no one is watching, and always has a smile on her face.

>When I'm with her, I don't want to lose either and I can work harder than usual.

>Two people can be hundreds of times stronger than one.

>Be sure to wear a belt.
Fat smarks went to ride hatman's flaccid dick for their wrestling waifu iyo
Honestly this looks better than THAT photo of her (which shall be Saya's 'early Utami teeth' photo)
>She is like a little Loose Cannon Brian Pillman
Loose Cannon Kitto would be absolutely fucking Yen
>SLK comes from money
>Shoot or kayfabe I can believe this.
>You can tell which players came from money from their social media, just look at mina, slk, tam accounts
100% add KAIRI to this (and JunKyo on the other side).
with her small rounded and comical appearance maybe starlight kid should be the loose cannonball
STARDOM should bring back Tessa
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Stardom needs a player like this
is there a button on there that can blast them with a DEW from space? I heard Elon was working on that
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>Yoyogi is selling quite well. I'm glad.

>Tickets are really starting to sell out... I bet there will be a good turnout on Saturday!

Apologies to Okataro
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She's so bad now though
Theks should fuck Roki Sasaki player before he makes millions in mlb
do you think thekla knows the australian tjpw person
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They probably got their tit jobs at the same place
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Does Thekla know baseball is fake?
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buy Saya's weird new hat
The girl in TJPW is from Austria, completely different country
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Needs a little propeller on top to really complete the look
Excellent conversation starter apparel
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That's for Mei Seira
>phoenix splash
you mean that move she retired and will never ever use again?
i want this hat and i don't even support Kamitani
>no Queen's Quest logo
owari da
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wonder how much they set the stadium up for. can fit more than 3k in there but doubt they're doing that.

last Stardom shows here:
6/25/23 - 1715
4/15/23 - 1049
3/4/23 - 1919
>all fans you can fuck buffet
But enough about Sasha banks
1500 would be nice
love the cake on kebbin
need that 02line 03some
minions are funny
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the bear always makes me happy
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Happy Birthday Kurara!
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if there's a god, peps dies painfully
Nice pitussy
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Another reminder that Kitto goes to the barefoot gym and they still tell her to put them things away.
FUCK this cunt
>go to his IG
>Barefoot Ami, Hanan, Maika, Hanako
>Kitto with shoes
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do you labia hang low
do it wobble to the flo
If Zoomie and Kitto learned English they would do well in WWE
Both have shown she can talk and have charisma
without that they will just be 2 5ft midgets that can go fast in the ring
They would still be jobbing underdogs. Although allegedy by numbers, AZM is comparable size wise to Iyo/Kairi.
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Im betting her and Poi hangout
Alexa Bliss is only about 5ft tall and was pushed to the moon
in the WWE its all about can you get over
and you aren't getting over there if you can't talk.
Watching the undercard of the latest Marigold show right now makes me realize that the Stardom rookies aren't that bad after all.
Alexa hasn't been a relevant singles competitor in half a decade. The comparisons would be the rave midgets, Zelina, Thea, etc.
there is no one who believes that the current group of stardom rookies is bad
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Marigold post in the Marigold threads
The rookies, even the 2 that left, are obviously an overall better group than anything else recently, which was basically what, Lady C and Miyu?
Sometimes I'm a bit harsh on them because I feel they aren't improving fast enough, but watching Marigold really put things into perspective. The two tall chicks make Lady C look like Cesaro.
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02line 03some?
>4/15/23 - 1049
I was told Stardom was red hot back then
It was the Cinderella finals and the final 4 were MIRAI, Mai, Waka and Ami, not surprising the show bombed.
This was Midrai's second Conderella win, where she beat Mai Sakurai in the final.
This must have been when Rossy decided to start sabotaging the company. No booker would do that and think its a good idea.
>looks at Marigold
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
you VVIL clap
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lowest drawing white belt champion of all time
glad to be rid of her
Kouki is horrible and she doesnt even want to be a wrestler so what do you expect
A good attendance would be funny because the twitter trannies would have to switch sides again and also start claiming Maika's reign is great actually
She isnt going to have much of a choice
she wants to be an actress but she's too tall and finding roles when you are a woman even in America when you are a tall chick is hard
She's going to find out that wrestling is going to be her best option
Your life depends on what your twitter boyfriends think
Nobody is going to claim Maikas reign as great.
I'm sure she can get a role for a netflix original series about trannies in shinjuku or some shit
random mirai seethe kek
It hasn't stopped peps
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it is a day ending in 'y' after all, and everyone knows that thread activity skyrockets if Mirai becomes the center of conversation
Rossy was already trying to force his resignation by making this statement, this guy is a snake
It's all this general has left
Rossy derangement syndrome
Great? No
But if she draws a respectable number against Xena, then it's definitely successful
No matter what Hatman was doing, there isn’t any excuse for knowing he was at least retiring, then knowing he was leaving to do his own thing, and STILL not putting in place any backup booker to take over, which is someone they should have been thinking about a year ago
No it’s not. A “respectable”’number is just that. It doesn’t change the entire reign and certainly does not fucking loop all the way around to “successful”. Jesus Christ
Maikafags desperately trying to get a win somehow with her irrelevant ass reign. She can barely claim the main event
it's one guy here
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>>Hazuki's pride would not have been able to accept that she and Koguma were used to elevate the two who couldn't wrestle or play on the microphone as much as they could
Imagine thinking this doesn't just show how dumb Stardom is booked and Zookers is right to be mad about it (if legit)
>Booking an Ogre to be your champion
that is the booking of a madman
popped me
I would have stopped at 4 and got the free plate of Yakiniku
code for "she makes me insecure about my ugliness"
That was the start of everything bad that we’re still feeling the effects of
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What a Rossy card.
TLD in a meaningless match.
Stars jobbing to Nanae and the foreigner wrestler of the month.
Random tag main event
Zero title matches.
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>Are you ready?

>Let's have a great night!
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I will have a great night by gooning to chanmina instead of watching dynamite
It'll be great when she finally fucks off for good
After all, Stardom doesn't need pretty and charismatic players
Is she on AEW again? Does she fly back and forth every week now?
She flew in just for a contract signing lol. Hopefully they use her for ROH or what a waste of time.
kurara crooked broken nose is cute
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where is the evidence turkla got new tits, they look like shit so I think this has got to be the same guy saying it over and over
>I would have stopped at 4 and got the free plate of Yakiniku
Haha. I love her but no-one ever said Zooks was smart
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>Watching the undercard of the latest Marigold show right now makes me realize that the Stardom rookies aren't that bad after all.
Gochika is my Saki Akai in that she's bad but she's so hot I forgive her kek
saki akai might as well be misawa compared to failed hookers from shitwres
Miyu’s ass is really starting to develop and it’s going to put her over the top aesthetically
>Momo is lowkey wife material
There’s nothing low key about it, she’s very clearly the best option for settling down with
That’s what I’m saying, size doesn’t matter there like it used to. Otherwise they would have snatched up Megan and that blonde lady in NWA
I actively enjoy Ranna
There is still a limit, and Kitto is sub Zelina sized, and she is never booked that strong, even with the occasional title shot
Huh what does her booking in stardom have to do with anything. Are you calling Regal a mark retard?
only wrestler in current stardom who has a shot at going to the WWE one day is HANAKO
So you’re living in the 2000’s still, got it. You know Vince doesn’t like Asians, right?
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shut the fuck up you tedious retarded cunts
i watch NXT every week and i don't see the WWE being interested in anyone except HANAKO, Yuna Mizumori or Ami Sourei
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Thekla has naked sex with Clark
What? Dead?
Oh okay I see what you’re doing now, just trying to dump all our boring shitters
>HANAKO, Yuna Mizumori or Ami Sourei
they would have zero interest in all of those women, what are you on about?
shouts out Kasuga
Are you sure? Bozilla keeps yelling "size does matter" before doing her moves.
they are more fit for the wwe than azumi matsumoto or yuri who plays starlight kid
Midrai schizophrenic has no life outside spamming threads
What a sad mentally ill individual...
flop mike is fat
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I like both Maika and MIRAI players
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Lady C ass sweat
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not naked if you have to put a paper bag over her head
making lady c lady pregnant
get they pits raped
I would put my nose RIGHT where the crack forms
Thicc Miyu has been a wonderful development
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>thicc miyu
No. She already had c-cups and hips; weight threatens to ruin her tum
Fuck off homo
Tam the Masturbator
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All the marigold rookies (except yuzuki) make look lady C and miyu like Claudio and Danielson but let's be real here for a second anon...
Hatman is not getting wrestlers he's getting bodies and trying the same shit he pull with Io, literally signed gravure idols and not like mina who was a mark since the beginning.
I love this not so secret anymore cute lush.
Is Movie Mayu menhera?
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If she got carnied into the wrestling business.
Stinky old lady
>Regarding this, President Okada explained, "I don't think the order of the matches is important. At the recent 'ALL TOGETHER' (on the 15th in Sapporo), Kid and AZM's singles matches were the second, but I think they came back proudly saying, 'We worked the hardest at that tournament.' I think Kid proved that the order of the matches doesn't matter."

>Regarding the IWGP Women's Championship match being held by other organizations, she said, "I have no worries because I believe that Iwatani will do her best on the day, wherever she is. However, even if she loses to the main event, I do have the feeling that I want to tell Ice Ribbon, 'Don't regret it.'"

this nigga
>I think Kid proved that the order of the matches doesn't matter."

what a bastard kek
Okada slurping up whatever other companies tell him
>I don't think the order of the matches is important
Kitto should tell him to let her and Mei main event Conversion if thats the case
>At the press conference on June 11, the rules of the match were decided to be a "4-unit elimination match except for the final loser" due to the Oedo team's falsification of the contract. 19 days after the press conference, President Okada said, "I made the contract and I almost remembered the contents. I was so nervous that I couldn't think of anything while I was reading it out loud.

>He added, "You have to take care of the contract, and I had already put my stamp on it.... Bushiroad Fight's management system is in the middle of reform, and I apologize for that," he apologized.
Okada will kill Stardom faster than Rossy could've ever dreamed
make new
NEW >>14983740

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