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Renovated Edition

>Past Thread


>Upcoming Shows

6.16-7.5 - New Japan Soul
6.21 - Fantastica Mania Mexico
7.13 - Fantastica Mania Lucha Libre USA
7.20-8.18 - G1 Climax 34
8.31 - Capital Collision
11.17 - Historic X-Over II
1.4.25 - Wrestle Kingdom 19


! New Japan Pro-Wrestling does not feature a weekly TV show like WWE, AEW, and TNA, instead relying on the streaming service of NJPW World for their shows.
! NJPW's major shows all feature a clear schedule, and feature in the same buildings—Wrestle Kingdom occurs on January 4th at the Tokyo Dome, Sakura Genesis generally occurs in early April at the Ryōgoku Kokugikan, Wrestling Dontaku is mainly around May 1st - 4th at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center, etc.
! NJPW Strong is the brand name for New Japan's American events. They carry their own belts, but the main NJPW belts can be defended in these shows as well.

>NJPW World Links

In-Browser: https://watch.njpwworld.com/
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/njpw-world/id6451441843
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvasahi.njpwworld
Fire TV: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CCS28SGS
Roku TV: https://channelstore.roku.com/details/2683188c1fe3c439b3e1109a0981febd/njpw-world
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kek what a dead general
How old is the child you're grooming for Tranny door?
Does Shota’s hip fracture heavily change his push going forward?
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>6.21 - Fantastica Mania Mexico
Will be nice for Hiromu and Ishimori to work in a hot fed for a change
ZSJ/Hechicero singles match is the next night btw
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run it back

shota umino fucking sucks
He'll get his push as soon as he's healthy
Hope he is injured. Unfair of New Japan to put Shota in the A block separate from the other three (Tsuji / Yuya / Narita Ren) which shows a bias
Almost certainly changed their plans for this year at least
>wonders why the general dies and nobody bumps it
No idea what the reason could be.
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Those are free bumps retard
Yes, I know they're your bumps. My point is that everyone left because of you -- you're the only fucking guy left with your shitty forced """memes""" and your endless repetition.
Kidani will tell us the companies are on equal footing then New Japan uploads this shit lmao
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Don't doubt them.
I think the Jeong Mosque Li guy is someone completely unrelated to the schizophrenic that we have in this general
t. the Jeong Mok guy
I've never doubted that Tsuji will be a star. I just think he needs Shota to be the clean babyface ace, so Tsuji can be the tweener, the anti-hero, the sort of Chono of the group which suits him better.

I don't know where Narita lands out of all of this. I really thought he'd be a long-running junior ace but too late for that now.
Narita needs a huge overhaul to his current gimmick before he inherits the throne of top heel from EVIL—he should lean more into the history professor aesthetic he gives off whenever he wears a suit (maybe keep the trademark House of Torture t-shirt as something under his blazer) and add more finishers to his kit rather than having the god damn X-Factor as his main finisher.
he's not going to change his finisher because some weirdos are obsessed with wwe
WWE is the only place where that shit move has ever gotten over. He dropped a clean, exciting finishing move and switch to the Bella Buster. It's worse than the Money Clip.
Maybe he switched finishes because Uemura's is too similar, but Togo has a million better-looking moves he can take from and use. SHO is doing Pimp Juice now so why the fucking facebuster
The top heel needs enough charisma to actually draw heat and Narita lacks that entirely. He draws the wrong type of heat: disinterest
He could never reach the kino heights of Ebiru or even the comedic stylings of SHO. They should've never turned him.
im happy that Umino is injured, now Tsuji will win G1, and rightfully so
No, It'll be SANADA
I wonder if the NJPW office are angry at Rocky for paralysing Shota?
Rocky controls the office now
Kino vtr from njpw as usual
This. Can confirm. Honestly we don't even need to have a general up at all times anyways, we had some decent G1 discussion in the last thread. Now to wait for the next shows. Spam bumping the thread is retarded.
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>random New Japan video gets recommended in my Youtube feed
>uhh fine i guess i will give it a shot
>is a video about Tanahashi's 10 points to save New Japan
>guy says he has been watching New Japan for the past 7 or 8 years
>says he was a big fan of New Japan in 2018 and 2019
>ok so he is another meltzer drone
>uhhh fine i still give it a shot
>arrives at the point about increasing the status and prominence of NJPW Hontai
>"I don't know what that means"
>"I'm not familiar with NJPW Hontai"
>starts googling what NJPW Hontai is in the video
>claims he has been watching New Japan for 7 years
>doesn't even know what Hontai is

this fucking NIGGER made me install a browser extension JUST to block his channel

holy fuck is there ANY good new japan content left out there? i should have appreciated guys like showbuckle more back in the day. where the fuck do i even go to get my new japan drug dose now? these threads are infested with the schizo, twitter and reddit have somehow managed to become even more of a dumpster, everywhere else is shit as well. do i really need to start learning the nippon moonrunes? I EVEN INSTALLED DISCORD AND JOINED A BUNCHA SERVERS BUT THEY ARE ALL FILLED WITH AEW HORSESHIT AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKK
Honestly one of the worst thing about Forbidden Door is that NJPW discussion now means discussing AEW too. It's fucking gay
Had a good laugh at this. There are some decent videos on Youtube covering New Japan and Puroresu history but I don't know any good channel that regularly covers the current events in NJPW or Puroresu. It makes sense when you think about it though, Youtube is all about getting views and generating money. AEW and WWE content will obviously get more overall views than anything NJPW. Moreover, New Japan often acts retarded with their copystrikes and takedown notices on fan content.

Are you the same guy who posted about that one podcast in the previous thread? Because they are no good podcasts for NJPW either, it's all AEW marks. Don't waste your time.

Your best bet is to just subscribe to the official NJPW channels on Youtube, there are like 3 of them. And yes, start learning Japanese. There are probably some great Youtube channels out there focusing on Puroresu but they could be completely in Japanese. You can even just use Invidious or Piped and set the region to JP.

Same goes for Twitter, just follow the official NJPW accounts and people involved in NJPW like Chris Charlton. You can just use Nitter for this if you are not a Twitter tranny.

There are no good English speaking communities which discuss NJPW anymore. The threads here used to be okay but the schizo ran everyone away over the last two years. Hardly anyone wants to post in these threads anymore because of his presence. Just look at the last few posts of thread before the last one. He is proudly going off on how he will never stop ruining these threads. "Better a dead thread than a tranny thread" and that's what we have now, dead threads. That retard is the one who keeps forcing his tranny memes in this general instead of just ignoring AEW completely.
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>Better a dead thread than a tranny thread
i hate this faggot so much its unreal
we have the rest of the /pw/ to shit on aew every day
dont need this shit constantly in every fucking /njpw/ general
Kek. Exactly. His memes are not funny and he makes the thread unpleasant. He legit just enjoys the retarded console warring. He keeps accusing us of being the "AEW-sama" poster and I never even know who or what the fuck is he talking about.
it was back in feb or march earlier this year
around the time ospreay and okada jumped to aew
some tranny was making fun of new japan and saying shit like bend over for aew-sama
haven't seen him since
nice to see droz is gettin himself back into shape
Kek, is that it? Some shitposter comes in to make fun of New Japan for losing Okada and Ospreay and he manages to live rent free in his head for months? This is sad, let's just not talk about this anymore.
Is NJPW poaching Jake Lee? Because that doesn't seem like a particularly great "get"
he's a handsome korean man and they are popular with women
he is as tall as okada
Cry harder little bitch shota umino indeed fucking sucks
and he's still somehow half as charismatic as okada was in his later years
Chono vs Kobashi is, surprisingly, on World. Kobashi vs Nagata isn't though, unfortunately. anyway check them both out if you're jonesing for something good
Not reading all that
why he has more 5 stars match than the other musketeers then huh
As long as Meltzer is alive, Will Ospreay could get a 5* out of anyone and anything, even a blow-up doll
He's carryable and that's what he coasts on
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>Shota needs to find himself and stop deriving his entire identity from other more popular wrestlers
>Tsuji needs to stop trying to wrestle like an underdog babyface and wrestle the more dominate style his moveset is made for (nobody wants to see the guy doing lucha shit and curbstomping sell shit and try to power up all match)
>Ren needs to be fired (or put on another excursion)
>It's that retard in that "why I quit watching New Japan" short YouTube keeps recommending me
Not surprised. You just know he's only watched like 6 shows a year and skipped the undercards.
shota already did that and the other two are retarded
I liked how dominant Tsuji looked against Goto
>still doing the Moxley entrance which doesn't make sense at all with the position he's being groomed for while also waving like a retard
>started doing Mercedes's fanfuck ritual dance every single time he's out there (he even did it while he was teaming with Makabe and fucking Nagata) just because it makes Ospreay laugh
No he hasnt. He's still the same clueless kid copying others, now he's also fat while doing it.
shota haters really care about the weirdest stuff, you could have a legitimate complaint that he hasn't changed his finisher yet but no you're mad that he's dancing and having fun with the fans before his matches (and the crowd loves it btw)
Go back
It's not hating to point out the most surface-level issues with his own presentation especially when everyone else can see it you whiny bitch. When he comes out and acts like does, he looks like a midcarder taking a bunch of things bigger stars do and trying to mix it all into this sloppy idea of a star. Hes Japanese ELP when he was in Bullet Club but not even being ironic about it.
Forgetting about the stripper dance because only western cultists pretend it's funny or care, the entrance was fine for what it was for a bit but it needs to go. Him being the next Hontai figurehead while coming out from the crowd every show like an outsider and slapping hands for 4 minutes as his partners either stand there waiting for him after sauntering in with no one noticing. He's trying too hard. Compare those grating 4 minutes to how Desperado or Tsuji come out and look more like stars than him by just walking to the ring. Fanservice is fine and giving the armbands with the kids is cute, but you can simplify stuff like that. Shota just has to realize that. If he wasn't groomed to be the ace, I wouldn't care as much.
Shota Umino fucking sucks
you faggots honestly ruined this general
I think Shooter sees himself as the guy who will bridge the gap between American and Japanese wrestling because in reality, he's kind of a sheltered, "aww shucks" kind of guy. He's naive, just look at his interactions on social media, how he's always talking about how people are too mean like he can fix it.

I think Shota is the kind of guy who believes anime shit is real. He thinks he can change the world being the way he is.
Shota is a dork and needs to level up his presentation to be a convincing ace. He is not enough of a self mark.
and you will dislike when goto gets his win back from tsuji in the g1
who cares about shota? his ass got fractured and he will miss the g1
>active debate about the next Ace of the company
>ruined general
The Dynamite thread is that way
>Shota is supposed to be the next ace
>still hasn't won anything
very intriguing indeed
I like Tsuji, but Curb stomps have go away heat with me. I wouldn't be mad if he started wrestling more like Cobb, but honestly I think he is mostly fine. He just needs to work on his wind and pacing when he is in control. I wouldn't mind seeing him break away from LIJ and make his own faction, but as the successor to Naito I'm not mad at it.
I hope Shota gets a clue during the 9 months he’s out due to that hip fracture of his, and I hope Rocky suffers some repercussions for letting Shota get the injury through a fucking RAMPAGE
Shota is going to try and wrestle through it from the sound of it. If he does he could saw dust himself before he turns 30 so hopefully someone in that company has a brain.
They'll put him in if the severity isn't that much in their eyes
zsj is live in aew
Sometimes I wonder if NJPW is hesitant to put the IWGP on ZSJ in fears of him leaving for AEW, despite his prior loyalty
He literally said he'll be committed to them if they commit to him so that would be really funny.
shingo takagi vs danielson in forbidden door
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fuck rocky
My ideal scenario aside from Tsuji or Umino winning the G1 would be Zack. Earlier in the year they were clearly pushing Zack as a singles guy. He got a bunch of special singles matches where he went over early in the year. The Riddle fiasco aside he has been kept strong only losing to Narita via chicanery. It feels like they were doing something with him.
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They will never have someone win both tournaments in the same year
He's fucked now so even if he was supposed to win they're going to hold off on it
He'll beat Finlay for the Global Championship at WK
If Shota gets taken out of the G1 before it starts instead of him having to quit and give +2 to his remaining challengers, who will he be replaced with?
Whoever runner-up in the tournament is, so at least Ishii makes it in
Who's winning the play in tournament lads?
This was the year to invite Hechicero, NJPW is really out of touch
What's that? You want MORE Jake Lee?
B block needs Tanahashi for both star power and for Takeshita to finish the story HARASHIMA couldn't.
I miss Reiwa Inoki
I miss Showa Inoki
he's better as a comedy guy, this shows that gedo really can't book for shit
For me it is the Heisei inoki
I miss Captain New Japan
Shingo and Zack will be all elite next year
I miss Heisei Inoki
Based Hashimoto bro
I miss Meiji Inoki
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he's going all the way bros
He said Meiji Inoki (an era in Japan), not Harold Meij. Faggot ass retard.
Who would be the Meiji Inoki?
The 10k yen man is the Meiji Inoki
sup harold
We Work Stiff have been the best I've heard and I was recommended from this thread. They used to be a bit heavy on the "positive community" tangents but toned it down. It's clear Josh is far more educated and capable as an analyst than most podcats where it's just people going off.
I miss Alex Coughlin :(
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More CMLL/NJPW matched
Templario vs Hiromu will probably end up being better than the big Mistico/Hiromu match kek
are the rumors about him true?
good to know rocky isnt even pretending to give a shit about njpw canon anymore
I feel like if you're on a CMLL show then the CMLL angles and canon probably matter a little more huh
CMLL has always been loose with other promotions' canon.
Just call it Relevos Increibles and you can get away with anything.
>zsj vs virus
pounds and pesos innit
10 days left for Tranny Door's closure
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thank you Tana-san
thank you Rocky-san
Who's more washed?
A dream match that's happening literally 20 years too late
It's looking more non-canon than ever. Tana's request for all singles matches has paid off.
>one is Bangerino doing the job in a match he really wanted
>one is an easy win for Zack
>one is Naito winning the belt back
zack isn't winning against orange lol
Yea if Zack beats Orange, then Tony has poached him
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What if Naito doesn't win the title back and Moxley really skips the G1?
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Then tranny door season continues
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O my crystal ball
Show the face of the man who will WIN the G1 Climax and SAVE New Japan
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should've been Sanada beating Moxley and it should've happened already
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we SHAN'T be watching the G1
No way Zack is jobbing to tangerine.
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i can't believe potus Tana fumbled the TNA partnership
They were fumbling it before Tana took office. Bring Ace into Bullet Club then only bring him back for 1 tour despite being over from the jump.
There's literally nobody valuable that they have except Josh, Bailey and Hendry
I hope we get to see JOYA again before Paul poached Hendry.
our based brother in Inoki-ism
You can tell Moxley is dropping the title because Tiny absolutely refuses to have him do anything on TV now
Insider here: Original plan was Moxley beating Naito at forbidden door and Umino who was suppose to win the G1 was going to lose to him in the co-main event. But because of Umino's injury plans are up in the air.
co-main event of what?
Jake Lee will be IWGP champion within three years I would guess.
One of the biggest victims of 2000s New Japan stupidity
I’ve never watched Fujita before his NOAH run, but that run from 2020 to 2023 was my favorite modern puro unironically. His feud with Shiozaki, him being an insane old man vs Nakajima and him being a pervert monster vs Kiyomiya, all with the Inoki theme remix as his entrance, shit was surreal and fun.
Wrestle Kingdom. Not sure what the plan for the main event was. But I have to imagine it was some big cross over match against Naito.
>Jake Lee (c) defeats Yuya Uemura (30:41)

How many stars, boys?
Assuming he is leaving Noah he will achieve the triple crown before 2026.
Politic your way to the Hebby Q, Shane
Which is fucking insane. Being tall in Japan gets you a lot I guess.
No shitter has ever gone further than Jake Lee
Some North Korean politician he's related to has got to be feeding cash into these places to push him. There's no way.
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Holy fucking dimes
I'd rather watch a fancam
Wait, so Shota would’ve lost to Moxley AGAIN, but this time in the Wrestle Kingdom main event??? Jesus, now I’m glad he got injured instead of having to deal with that
The prospect of Moxley dropping the belt to a long-haired football player who wins with Curb Stomps and Spears is intriguing. Imagine Charlton's commentary
>last edition started on sunday
>238 replies
shoulda been Take and let him go to Japan for like 6 months
Still waiting on him vs Ibushi in an ankle brace on a pole match
I was just ribbing I'm not shane.
Hillary Iost
>Okada vs UG bombed
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Gabros, it's already over
the fuck are you even referring to man

who is UG
what does 'bombed' mean in a wrestling context? it sucked?
>new render
Gabe making a duckface bros...
Fuck Rocky.
Calm down, tranny

i dont know what you meant in your post and was asking for clarification
what the fuck is a UG
ultimo guerrero
Oyabun is going to go into business for himself kek
Both of these men will be in AEW by the end of next year
If Tony R Khan poached the 87-year old Ultimo Guerro I would piss myself laughing
Callum beats Yujiro
Hashi beats Chase
Oleg beats Yano
TJP beats Kojima
did you watch the match?
Oleg is so tantalizing in a G1, I don't care how lacking he may be in some departments some of the moments I've been most invested in the last shows are Oleg being able to unload on non-dads and young lions. Let him eat pins and get bamboozled and get shit for points but just having him out there putting the fear into people would be worth it.
>Gabe teaming with Roderick Strong on Rampage

Ishii is gonna avenge his NJC loss against Chase, so poor YOSHIHASHI gotta lose
Only just got around to watching Soul. It was grim. Bring back Inokism.
Gabe was just playing hard to get with Tony ("notice me senpi")
How do we save New Japan? Obviously fire Gedo and end the AEW """partnership""" but what else? You really could get rid of about 30% of the roster and nobody would care. Get rid of the Bullet Club, stop the outside interference, get some non-shit English commentators...I think it might be unsavable tbqh.
>Get rid of the Bullet Club
What's your backup plan when merch sales drop from ending the most marketable faction merch worldwide?
People still buy that shit?
Inokism is the only way. Get rid of all the indy shitters. If every match didn't grind to a halt so that people could do long, boring forearm exchanges that would be nice too.
Also, ban thigh slappers.
give Kaito the belt
Inoki-ism. Send your wrestlers to RIZIN or let them do boxing and hope they win matches. That’s the only way to save NJPW.
Sign every single talented or with potential guy from the others promotions.
And change the young lion system to something more fluid
inokists needs to be hanged
Not even leg slaps and flips for ya?
not enough homoerotic angles for ya?
just go watch gleat if you want boring ass "shoot" fights
brother I don't think the le inokism posters are here to do anything other than laugh at their autistic shitposting ruining threads filled with a handful of people like the AEW-sama spergs, it's not even worth it
He’s talking to himself again
Nobody wants dimeless shit like GLEAT, anon. Just for New Japan to be actual Japanese wrestling and not bad American indy wrestling.
Kek. Just hide the whole chain.
and how does removing outside interferences makes it more japanese?
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>Kota Ibushi will be competing in a 5 minute exhibition match in GLEAT to celebrate his 20th wrestling anniversary!
Such a fall from grace for our 1st IWGP World Heavyweight Champion
Because outside interference, especially the relentless burying of the refs and the lack of DQs, is not something that commonly happened in Japanese wrestling until recently.
Well you have Tana's ten point plan that brings up limiting interference with EVIL and SHO losing their belts in recent months and potential for a feud with Tana himself with all this "President EVIL" stuff and Hontai saving El Desperado against SHO.

Yeah yeah the blurring of shoot and work with this stuff but the groundwork could be there to change HoT
Also the literal barring of HoT from ringside in that cage match as well even if they tried to get in
>and potential for a feud with Tana himself with all this "President EVIL" stuff
which sounds like the terrible, illogical sports entertainment shit that we're trying to avoid here, anon
How about they just are banned from ringside? Or suspended? Or any of the things that would have happened in the past to prevent this nonsense?
The point, if you take if from everything else pointed out, is the potential for ultimately changing HoT from it. Yeah, doing so in a flashy fashion could sound hypocritical but honestly it's a way to keep kayfabe and not just try to awkwardly stop a group that, whether people want to admit it or not, are fairly popular in their own right and sell a lot of merch. Bring down and change HoT in a spectacle.
I mean if you want to nitpick this shit has gone on in various degrees for a long time all the way back with NWO Japan and Chono. It's not 100% freshly squeezed puro of the past, you have to follow small niche companies if you want something more akin to that.
My internet smark takes

Focus more on Japanese talent. Stop worrying about the US right now.

Cut the amount of titles in half. Being a champion means less if there's more belts. Also stop hot potatoing the belts.

Turn HoT babyface and stop the interference. Though EVIL might be unsalvageable as a main event act.

Maybe try a trial run of all clean finishes for a few months.

New booker. Shuji Ishikawa did really good in All Japan recently, maybe try him out. Gedo is an all timer booker, but he's completely burnt out and washed right now. Take a couple years off at least.

New Japan's partnership with AEW is kind of a forced one. Either they play ball with Tony and get a bone thrown their way every now and then or he goes to war on them. New Japan will not be able to outbid Tony. They really have no choice in this partnership. He's going to get whoever he wants no matter what.
I don't think it needs all that much saving, just get the young Japanese guys something compelling to do and a couple of long term stories and it's golden
>Muh titles
Sure there's too many but who really cares
>Muh interference
Is a proven draw, much to smark tears
>Muh Bullet Club
It barely exists anyway
>Muh commentators
Name better ones, all WWE, AEW, TNA commentators are shit. Give Walker time and hire a permanent play-by-play guy and it's perfect
>Muh bloated roster
Is it really killing the company that Tenzan wrestles on the under card every third tour
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>Muh interference
>Is a proven draw
why are the buildings half empty?
>pretending to enjoy current New Japan
why are you doing this?
yeah bro japanese wrestling was all honorable fights between true samurais until bullet club happened, nwo japan didn't draw much more than all japoo 4 pillars shit, not at all
the concept of outside interference was introduced to Japan by Commodore Perry in 1854
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Before nWo Japan, there was the Ookami Gundan, who used to interfere in Inoki's matches in the 80s.
NJPW should just hire the best 20 Japanese wrestlers available.
Rocky Romero more like Cocky Cockmuncho
nips don't care for Jeong Mosque Li
Lol why are they sending Nagata to fucking Ice Ribbon?
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Safety Bump (for Dynamite's historic low)
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The Inoki curse is a shoot, brother.
so you didnt watch moxley vs evil?
that wasn't the draw brother also that being Evil's first good match is AEW propaganda
Fire Rocky. Drop AEW.
The Tokyo Budokan show with Despy/DOUKI and Naito & BUSHI's homecoming match is very close to selling out
>gets the jr belt off of a house of torture shitter
>it becomes a draw
funny how that works
SHO main evented the 2nd largest Ota Ward crowd since 2020. Cope.
[Fantastic News] Dynamite barely did 500,000 viewers!
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I'm starting to doubt him.
Surely after the BOSJ and Dominions slight increases over last year only the trolls are still doomposting about NOOMBERS
Shota Umino does not, in fact, have a slipped disc. The real story is much juicier and the office don't even know about this one. Instead, he was beaten up by Gabe Kidd for attempting to sleep with his girlfriend. Apparently hasn't told the office the truth due to the embarrassing nature.
Shota Umino got his broken hip after taking lessons from Tanahashi about how to deal with Tony Khan
this guy is sloppy and people overrate him because he does "impressive" moves
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>The best Reiwa Musketeer is still a shitter
I like Tsuji, but he is honestly Goto tier. We have no one else who is even remotely close to peak Tana, okwaba, or Naito.
Let's hope these three keep the ship afloat for a decade until hopefully better Young Lions come around and take over.
Tsuji is based he just needs to stop spending entire matches selling
I want to believe
Truth is that New Japan was always the most "western" Japanese wrestling promotion from day one. It's also the most popular.
>Inokism is the way
>we should revert to the lowest drawing philosophy of all time
Huh, really are some retards in here
fake because shota wouldn't care about something being embarassing
The hip fracture is the main thing keeping him from doing the G1, but the visual image of Gabe doing a shoot spinebuster on Shota is hilarious
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when you post a picture of yourself crying like a little twink ass bitch for the whole world to see, despite the company trying to make you their new ace, I think we'd know from the geek himself if got beat up by a shoot schizo
BTW the Inoki-fag hates Tsuji because he hates all "lucha ladyboy" wrestling

Hey didn't you get banned the other day, you massive retard? Don't you have some NXT to go watch?
This is probably the last Forbidden Door event. TK will use it as a scapegoat for the rating collapse. Bad news for NJPW, since sugardaddy Tony is one of the few things holding them up, and he's got his own problems
It’s better for NJPW if Tony cuts them off himself rather than if NJPW were to cut ties at least—I could imagine Tony going on a vendetta rampage and poaching basically everyone of importance if Tanahashi slighted him, and Tony backing off from Japan by himself at least assures that there’ll be a few years where NJPW is safe.
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¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Nobody said there was no interference, retard. Learn to read.
>the lowest drawing philosophy of all time
objectively untrue
go watch some NXT bitch
Just have Oleg come out in his delinquent coat and start heeming throwing niggas to the top with Yano and delinquent school girl Pieter in his corner, the dimes will fall
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They should do something similar to what Inoki did in the late 80s, secretly hire a huge foreign monster, let him interferes outta nowhere and squashes Tanahashi/Naito, feed him the new Musketeers, make him the champ, and finally make Umino Shota defeats him in a rematch and establish him as the face of the company.
they should have done this with jonah
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>huge foreign monster
>Bad news for NJPW
Sounds like great news to me kek
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the tranny door being closed forever?
can you imagine?
If only.
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>Bad news for NJPW
sez u
who do you think would be more fitting then, genius?
Go to downtown Kabukicho, look for a big black man, train him for some months and debut him.
He'll try and rape the Stardom players, though
>AEW dies
>New Japan scoops up tons of talent
what's the problem
Does New Japan have the most based retards in the business right now?
Finally Stardom can into the US market
I don't know, Kiyamiya from Noah is trying to Shibata himself on every show with those headbutts, Kenoh is a based retard

lots of based retards over there
tough market over here, AEW has tried to cut in but produces only retards
AEW ratings always drop before Forbidden Door. AEW is not dropping it. They need it to poach NJPW talent every year. The best we can hope for now is that Bushiroad looks at Marigold and NOAH working with WWE and realize that they should drop AEW and start working with WWE as well.
>The best we can hope for now is that Bushiroad looks at Marigold and NOAH working with WWE and realize that they should drop AEW and start working with WWE as well.
kek what a fucking mark

UFC doesn't pay its fighters, TKO is notoriously cheap.
I guarantee you WWE is paying NOAH mostly in exposure right now.
WWE cannot be milked the same way Tony Khan can be milked, so Bushiroad would be insane to cut off Tony for the sake of WWE.

WWE wants to expose the Japanese audience... to them, so they can eventually enter the market themselves. NOAH also needs exposure with the mainline Japanese audience so they're teaming up in that regard, most likely thanks to Mutoh. But the TKO jews will not part with their profits easily, nor will they share them with Japanese companies the way Tony does.
I just want AEW to suffer my man
AEW doesn't need anyone's help to suffer, it will kill itself off, or drive itself into irrelevancy thanks to Tony's retarded booking and decision making processes.

But AEW will have a giant life bar thanks to Tony's money, that's the real issue there. AEW definitely running a 60 Vigor build
You can't be a top guy in NOAH without being a based retard.
Best of luck to Hikuleo!
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bathroom break match
Imagine they start the show with this
Christ almighty
My dimes are flying back into my pockets, and are then being reduced to their base elements, and returning back to the earth in mineral form.
CMLL is the top promotion in the world right now.
And Mistico is the GOAT
I don't really care for the pure lucha style. I find it low-impact and boring.
Hiromu had his best match in forover

>GOK in the mma shorts again
Are they actually warming him up to be serious again?
Taka had to endure the BBC (Big Boltin Combat)
Ospreay Jr bros we did it!
not yet bros, we still got Kenta to worry about
chase owens has been compromised to a permanent end
go to bed Cena, the qualifiers are over
This arena and the way it's lit is kino
>YOSHIHASHI vs Ishii in Korakuen
holy dimes
>Newman as a pseudo-young lion has better and more coherent booking than any of the Frozen Musketeers
No one in the qualifies has a chance of winning G1 but I hope it’s Yoshi-Hashi and Taichi going through for match quality. A lot of people probably want Ishii but his matches are all the same.
in korakuen
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kek what a relentlessly charming man
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It's amazing to see how over Mistico is. Like the Mexican Naito. He really dragged Hiromu kicking and screaming to a great match
I'm excited for ZSJ vs Hechicero. I hope njpw sends guys to cmll more often
Menhera's like Shota can be successful, but only for a short period of time. Think Ibushi or Omega. However, I fear Shota may have already flown too close to the sun.
so who are house of torture facing at forbidden door?
These two new young lions. I feel like they are the ones.
jew napan
Tiny doesn't have the money or the cheeto fry to get EVIL to come back to America
Unironically just put the belt back on him
Those G1 qualifier matches were grim. Glad Gedo got rid of the shitters early.
this nigga willingly watched yujiro and chase owens matches lmaooo
Chase vs. Yoshi-hashi was very good

As usual, you can tell who the casuals are who just repeat social media/podcaster opinions like vomit.
Yeah, bro, we get it. "Tacos" sucks.
Now see yourself out of my thread.
nah Yoshi-Hashi does not suck, he was one of the best workers in the g1 last year, chase is just fucking dogshit
Chase is every bit as good as Yoshi-hashi. He's just fat and looks like shit. But Yoshi-hashi also looks like shit, so honestly there's little difference between them in my opinion.

It's just that one's Japanese and one isn't, so you're being a weeb contrarian.
Also, make a new thread NOW. That's an order, kid.
New thread when
I thought chase did well in this years NJC, but I have zero desire to him or Yoshi. Both are WOAT contenders for aesthetics. Thought the match between the two of them was not very good though.
Based YH is the most underrated wrestler of all time and Taichi is damn good…but I’m curious about Aswang in G1

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