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Gable re-signing this past week
MJF (the re-sign)
Hammerstone signing with MLW
WWE getting carnied by Maria
Colt Cabana for AEW
aew signing ibushi even though he is injured
No Wolfy?

How? Cabana got the deal of his life
I shoot think Ibushi finally settling down with a company is what lead to the current NJPW dark age we're in so I'll have to say that.
Bad signing for AEW I meant.
every time lio rush was given a contract
Ethan Page
>it's not Phil's fault he's an unstable lunatic
It's not your fault he left.
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For how much money on how little return, probably Okada. Then Edge. Then Ospreay. It's hard to compete with how much Tony pays and how little he gets out of them.
Chad Steveson
Phil has nothing to do with it, Colt just brings absolutely no value to any company but PWTees.
The problem isn't the signing but Tony doesn't know how to get ROI. He books all his top signings like strong for the first 6 weeks then they get lost in the shuffle.
Ospreay to AEW. I get why he went to AEW in the end tho
AEW and NJPW both signing Mercedes. Got carnied hard into giving her big money and she's been not only an anti-draw but fucked up the Bushiroad wrestling numbers so badly that Kidani got told to cut costs by the board which is possibly part of why they lost Switchchannel, Midkada and Bruv.
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WWE Gable Steveson - most wasted resources on a unlikable charisma vacuum with a hanging allegation of struggle snuggle pushed as a face with actual Kurt Angle showing up to prop this cosplayer up. Easy to see when it happened that it wasn't gonna work with the direction they were trying to push him and that camera didn't love him at all.
Already possessing an inability to assert himself enough in matches to get any of his pushes to stick, lack of ring awareness and no connection with the audience, some reports claim he was unmotivated and difficult to work with to boot.
>Honorable mentions:
>Konosuke Takeshita
- most duped player in terms of talent and utilization. Modern day Ricky Steamboat potential signed for better money and initial hype to AEW only to be severely neglected and misused in every turn, now watching lesser guys with more name recognition sign double pay for superhero flips. Stay safe out there Takeshita, wash your back.
>Will Ospreay
- dumbest person to sign a contract for bigger money than competitor offered to a struggling brand and not shut about it, but hey at least he's a favorite toy right now and getting those sawdust's in like he wanted and can see his wife's son every weekend
>Chris Jericho
- all though a certified legend and being a genuine asset to wrestlers, there is nothing to show that Jericho in 2021-2024 is worth half the pay of 7 figures and screen time he gets in terms of viewership. It's not what he can bring, it's how much you pay and use them too
- This woman averages about 3 matches a year, how she dodged 2-3 mass firings after being resigned should be studied as a miracle. In comparison Odyssey Jones, another WWE long time hide n seek champion has had 10 dark and house show matches this year alone.
He gets what he wants though. He gets ti hang out with his childhood heroes and favorite wrestlers. It's a win in his mind
my boy Edge signing with AEW just made him look bad and it kinda ruined his legacy.
this the horse must be the most overpaid antidraw ever
Yeah, there isn't much you get in return for Sasha/Monee, it's essentially a former WWE star grift without any gains for anyone who hires them
Sashit working a money mark out of ten million dollars is both hilarious and sad, mostly because it creates a benchmark for what women wrestlers think they deserve to be paid to just be eye candy.
Edge or Okada
Legacy tarnishing moves
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They gave millions to this guy and paid for multiple surgeries for him so he can barely stand around and do nothing.
>Hammerstone signing with MLW
How do you figure?
WWE wouldn't take him, and AEW wouldn't have used him properly. He built enough of a name for himself that allowed him to get his bag at TNA with new management. Or did you think it was bad for MLW? That I'm also not sure makes sense.
Does that matter though when AEW's financials are of no consequence? As long as TK has the purse strings, he can afford to doll this out, and I don't think Okada nor Ospreay have actively detracted. Even Cope has been okay overall.
all things considered it has to be cm punk. his run started out well and he drew some great interest and ratings but as soon as he won the title it all went to shit. even now after he left tony is still seething he sent edge out to cut that im having fun promo after punk trashed aew. its just so much bad press that came with the last year of punk being there and it continues to this day. aew and tony come off looking terrible
hes in his 50s what do you expect. worse than him though would be keith lee. only late 30s but seems to have deteriorated terribly as soon as he signed with aew. hair turned gray gained a shit-ton of weight always injured. career seems to be over
Punk being injury prone or tough to work with in the former company is still worth more of his money than most guys in any roster. He's the best in the world in stirring shit, creating buzz and selling the same shirt - Everytime he's on he creates viewership spikes online and on ratings. Literally one of the most talked about guys in WWE and AEW.
That's why you can't really say he's a bad signing even if he'd be in a wheelchair half his contract time.
Punk to WWE
Even more so than Punk to AEW.
Punk went to AEW after a 7 year hiatus. They should have never hired him after he didn’t do the first all in just to do a WWE Talk show, but the assumption was that he’d still be a valuable in-ring commodity.

WWE picked up Punk despite him being a proven injury prone failure in the main event scene twice already. The result is a CM Punk that has fucked up the main event scene 4 times in a row between 2 different companies.
>Punk to WWE
>Punk still making millions in merch sales despite being injured
>Punk still drawing ratings with every segment he's in despite being injured
>Punk still being the hottest and most talked about thing in wrestling on the entire internet whenever he does something despite being injured
>all of that without even wrestling
>a failure
Punk is beyond just matches at this point, the matches are just an extra and you faggots will be rent free about it forever
Tony could have his own top 10
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I know he probably didn't cost a lot and he's not there anymore, but I will never understand how Parker Boudreaux made it to AEW (other than JR loving football players).
Eva Marie rehire. For what purpose
>Punk is making money.
Good for punk.
He did nothing for either company.
People were shitting on Punk in AEW for months even before injury, how he was a terrible signing and one of the worst in history, how he was doing nothing for the company etc.
Punk is ACTUALLY doing nothing for WWE. The only thing he did was injure himself in the easiest match of the year as one of the most opportune entrants.
He has done literally nothing since November and what time he did have back saw him delivering the most vanilla chat GPT promos imaginable.

He offers nothing to anyone but his tarnished name.
At least he did commentary for Elevation and he got pretty good at it. At this point, I don’t get why you wouldn’t just stick him for commentary on Rampage and give Tony some slack.
Nah, Punk is making the fed a bunch of money too. You're just bitter.
Jeff Hardy to AEW. Had predictable character issues that unsurprisingly resurfaced, was damaging to the booking since the geriatric was booked to go over the likes of Darby when it was clear he couldn't work anymore, and it was likely an extremely pricey contract because TK is one of the biggest moneymarks of all time, not to mention having to pay for all his various treatments because he's a junkie loser. The subsequent pushing him down the card also destroyed the relationship with his already-employed brother, removing the possibility of doing one of the few remaining money matches in the pipeline with Edge and Christian. A complete disaster that nobody involved benefited from.
I’m not even a Punk mark but his first run in AEW pre-injury was kino enough that it was worth signing him in the first place. They should have immediately cut him loose after Brawl Out and call it a day.
Aew signing CM Punk
Now type that without crying.
Cody is making WWE a bunch of money.
Celebrity involvement is making WWE a bunch of money.
Punk has done nothing but ruin plans 4 times in a row.
He has the top merch and they’ve done super business in Chicago every time. Stop being a retard
I agree.
I actually fell off the Punk train after he did the WWE Talk Show and always knew his AEW run was just his break glass in case of emergency. I could never get into him. I don’t think he should have ever been hired but as long as he was, he should have definitely been fired after brawl out.
right punk was a good signing for the first year in aew. then things got so bad during his last year that he became much more of a negative signing for aew

punk was a good signing for the wwe because of the reasons you stated. im not saying hes a bad signing now even if he cant wrestle anymore just a bad signing for aew
Mercedes Monke
Yawn Spears, Alexis Queen and Whothan Page
Chicago is always business because it’s a big wrestle city. Chicago has showcased both Pro and Anti Punk sentiment.
>top merch
Unironically means nothing. See 2004-2005 Christian and 2011-12 Ryder. Cody moves more, Reigns moves more, LA Knight moves more. Pretty sure one of the Usos moves more.
>Jeff Hardy to AEW
close but i would say predictable at this point in his career. both the hardys are pretty old and broken down at this point so even if he wasnt arrested their run wasnt going to last very long. they could have been used sparingly but if you remember even before his troubles tony was booking them on dark or some show nobody watched. lol
Gable Steveson bar none
In a bowl of salted
Cody and Punk in WWE have been total busts. Probably the biggest flops in wrestling history. They draw no dimes, move zero merch and always come out to crickets. Couple of antidraw shitters if you ask me
>From the promotion's perspective
I still think it's AEW signing the Hardys, they soaked up a shitton of TV time and never did anything remotely useful.
>From the wrestler's perspective
Dragon Lee signing in WWE sure is looking pretty shit for him.
I would say Andrade but I just think that dude is unhappy literally wherever he goes.
Any ex WWE name in AEW has carnied Tony into doing less work and letting themselves go physically.
Sasha Banks in AEW
Gable Stevenson in WWE
Mercedes and it's not even close
Forgot about the young bucks and them having the biggest tag team contract in history
Yeah, Dragon Lee's brother is doing so much better than him in AEW. Night and day.
WWE signing Gable Stevenson
>Appears at Summerslam, August 21, 2021
>Drafted to Raw, October 22, 2021
>First appearance doing wrestling spots at WrestleMania 38, April 3, 2022
>Next as a cameo for Kurt Angle's birthday, Smackdown, December 9, 2022
>Next cameo at NXT's Gold Rush, June 20, 2023
>First actual wrestling match at NXT The Great American Bash, July 30, 2023
>Removed from NXT roster in September 2023 (HBK says it's due to scheduling issues)
>Second wrestling match Smackdown dark match, January 5, 2024
>Released from contract May 3, 2024
Have to say Mox or MJF reupping with the sinking ship. Triple H would let Moxley do whatever retarded gimmick he wanted as long as he gets a shield reunion out of him. MJF signed his career away.
I didn't feel like writing everybody in, nor do I think they are as big of a loss like Jericho.. or Sasha whom I actually forgot since she is such a useless character in AEW.
In terms of amount investment and returns, Bucks are indeed at least in the Jericho category of wasting everyone's time but also active members of the show in some form and involved in the ongoing AEW story from the beginning.
Neither can anyone say they necessarily lost momentum or credibility working with them-something Jericho does to other talent younger talent. It's more of a loss to the one writing the checks (based on speculation on viewership and online viewership: I say that without seeing a single financial paper from AEW) than everyone else and the viewers
Probably wants to avoid travel with his crooked limping ass
Definitely Omega and Hangman resigning to AEW. They could have had Mania matches instead of whatever the fuck they're doing.
Maria carnied the fuck out of WWE. Just getting knocked up and having WWE foot the bill for Mike's rehab. What a giga Stacy.

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