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Get in here owlchads!
>PCO & Steph De Lander go on a date
holy based
PCO vs Eddy Thorpe plz
Dango back on TV as part of the system ok then
Dango is alright
wash yo mouth santino
This bullseye pro commercial is longer than most of the matches on Impact.
both these teams suck tna
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rough finish
>You out your hands on the mother of my CHIDRUN
is Rosemary still around or did they finally replace her
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Based frog poster
na she was on the show last week in the rafters stalking ash
that was the most normal promo from matt in tna i've seen
kushida is in tna?
reby vs alisha will be a match for the ages
has been for a while yes
NXT Rookie Kaz
I just started watching, I know most of the roster but that slipped under the radar somehow
Watching TNA for the first time because of NXT
What the fuck am I in for?
Kazarian vs Cm Punks friend
great stuff TNA
punk highlights haha
Kaz looks like tall Chad Gable
wtf this ace steel vs frank the khazarian or whatever match is actually pretty based
Frankenstein is going on a date
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i love the as seen on tv ads so much
Santino is the GM of TNA? So, are we going to see Arianna Grace in TNA?
Feels good to see you fags still using OwlChad after I’ve been gone so long. Need a new big titty knockout for WATCH TNA posting
They let him compete in new japan when they need him and i believe he was recently in the super juniors
ngl I'd drink a glass of the water that dripped down her buttcrack
Who took the pic???
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She's not like that
So how are they going to fit McIntyre in that Slammiversary match?
Drew is gonna come out right now and lynch Ace Steel as revenge
Ace Steel is in great shape at least
I never considered that, that would be too based for an $11.99er like Drew to be a part of
Moose Tonfa Ali finally gets to do his Clinton gimmick now? Good for him
Wasn't he a cop in his city during the peak of it's downfall? He should be in prison.
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Is Steph De Lander going to give PCO pity sex?
To be fair if you lock up everyone involved in the downfall of Chicago, you might as well fence off the state of Illinois
Was PCO Jean-Pierre Lafitte?
she will take his BMC
They're having a date in the ring? lol ok
That matt hardy promo was embarrassing. Matt dropping his "broken" accent every other word, Jeff staring at the sky, random cars passing the crack alley they are standing in, reby speaking.
This looks based. Thank you anon
BIG COOM, them titties not Taya levels though
These five clap chants need to end
Was that PCO growling or did he call her a whore kek
What the fuck am i watching
Is TNA just live action shitposting now
a lucky girl
Always has been.
>Forking on the first date
>TNA can't even afford cuffs
You know, if TNA is treated as the edgy alternative, where NXT and other WWE people can go and do edgier matches and all that I could support it 100%
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It never stops feeling weird seeing all these WWE guys with new names
PCO vs Top dolla is not something i expected
You know i think she made that segment work
He's banned from diving
PCO is a lucky man
This jobber girl is Alexa sized
Negative batty but still would
She looks way less bogged without the Glam Squad and their makeup shotgun, wow it's night and day
This jobber girl looks like a rejected clone from NXT's blonde factory
cute jobber
Ash by Dana's finisher is a swanton now?
grace needs to goldberg squash this
need the steph & pco update segment
Fandango looks rough
>Dango/Ryan Nemeth
wwe mainevent match
Is anyone else getting this weird stuttering in the feed kek
Recently multiple jobbers have been way better looking and more interesting than the knockouts they are forced to wrestle. Its getting annoying.
Nah I'm watching some dork's twitch stream. You have to listen to him too but it's more tolerable than stuttering
Didn't Eric Young get shived
He died in the mind prison not in real life. This is super eric. Mind prison eric merged with him recently.
Just like Mickie James died on the railroad tracks and was reborn.
Fuck yeah Don West, pour one out for the homie.
where the heck is hammerstone
Josh wins
I am shocked
That was an ok impact. Needs more Jake Something. Sad that a bunch of these contenders matches are guys I would want in for the most part. I like how Moose found it amusing that he was going to be in a multiman match. That sunnamagun.
The fake reds bore me to shit kill them pls tna.
Was joe hendry on this show?
Well that was a weird segment
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Yes but Steph looked fine as hell she should keep the look
Sadly Hammerstone and Something were MIA from chicago
Jake Something is based. Feel like he could be a top dude if they pushed him right.
Hammerstone is out temporarily while recovering.
Him getting back with Deaner is a good start.
afraid not
another great episode... we're so back owlchads
You never watched an episode of TNA before this year. Hang yourself while watching some aew or wwe slop.
is that tranny still on the show? also I heard MCMG left too which is unfortunate
Its good since they were just doing the "will they won't they, nope nevermind heres a title push" on repeat and it was getting REALLY FUCKING OLD. For the last 1-2 years every tag team has been breaking up constantly while somehow not breaking up. I get there are only so many angles but at one point it was 3-4 teams at once.
ok cool but is Giselle still on the show?
Sadly yes they are setting up a main event push for the dude. Gail Kim went off in the woods to bring him back.

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