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NXT Level Up
>Karmen Petrovic vs. Wren Sinclair
>Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs. Dion Lennox and Cutler James
>Shiloh Hill vs. Uriah Connors
I still think that instead of airing this show Fridays after SmackDown, they should air it on Saturday mornings. It's a very low stakes wrestling show.
so what is this like the development show for the development show?
Do we get a win tonight Wrenbros?
I love LVL UP but I'm not waking up early morning for the farm team. After Smack is the perfect time.
dreadlock nigga has rizz
Yeah. Or people who just didn't have a match on the main show that week.
>Cutler James
>Dion Lennox
kek these two are the most CAW looking dudes in NXT right now
I think they should upload it immediately after it airs so you can watch it whenever you want. It just always feels weird to go from a huge climactic moment to watching dark matches.
kill bill music
Is Cutler one of those dudes from the NXT reality show?
It's Sinclover, isn't it
yeah hes jonah niesenbaum
Kinda yeah. It's a stop-gap where PC talent can work "TV matches" without committing them to any programs on NXT proper. Or, if they're already on NXT TV, it's a way to get your reps in.
Thanks, anon.
>black nerd teams up with the white guy from the suburbs instead of his own people
just like real life
Not really. Everyone starts up jobbing on LVL UP and Wren's gimmick is the naive new girl
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Yes. Of the eight who got contracts, four of them have been cut. But he's still here, and the black girl has also had Lvl Up matches. The Ukrainian girl and Sexy BJ Ray are sometimes seen in backstage segments but they've not made it to Lvl Up yet.
Love Madi. Simple as.
If they did that it would be as meaningless as Main Event.
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that ukrainian girl has a unique look
Very interested to see what they do with her
cutler james is a NIL guy. i think he's the second one to debut behind oba femi
I'd like to see it before smackdown
I don't think many people watch it anyway.
Yup. Pretty much no stories just matches and the occasional short backstage promo.
Yeah this never made sense to me either. Is LVL UP basically lost media after it airs?
it stays on the network
Madibro for life
Sexy BJ Ray is dimeless so I hope he ends up getting cut, too.
I'd like to watch it before NXT honestly. It's filmed before NXT anyway
Is Kale still kill
No, it gets uploaded to Hulu like all the other WWE shows, and like a month later it'll get put on Peacock again. The Hulu version has highlights from that week's main roster shows like WWE Main Event does.
both these guys are better than jevon evans
Even better
this big black guy is pretty good
they already have oba though
It goes up on Peacock eventually it's just on the same delay that Raw and Smackdown are, even though NXT proper goes up next day.
I hate to shit on Je'Von so much, because I do think he has potential, but he's getting pushed way too soon.
thunder keck interview
his tooth grew back
Giant white guy has potential obviously
Thunder Keck sounds like a nice guy
Why doesn't he just go by Thunder Keck?
and he's actually good at it
that guy looked like a skinny bray
he got his tooth knocked out last week
Harder for WWE to get a cut of the merch and copyright
He bought a new one on the dark web
Better than Big Body Javi. He broke his foot.
kek this scrawny alien nigga should not have a trap entrance
I still can't believe this is Finlay's spawn
I think Riley hurt himself and Javi with that flip
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>electricity themed entrance and graphics and trunks
Thunder mogging
I appreciate that baby finlay looks like an evil thief from a final fantasy game
Fuck I can't unsee it
Urine either needs a new name or a completely new look
He looks like he should be helping Legolas shitting on the dwarves
wow this dude has crazy chops
yeah they need to book him to lose a hair vs hair match asap
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This nigga looks like Caitlin Clark
one more time chants are the only chants I like
i dont hate this skinny dude his moveset is good and he's weird looking
Where to watch anons?
WOW he won his first match ever
Our boy Thunder looks pretty good for someone who's so new to this
Is that Bud Murphy's finisher?
Uriah KWABers
Thunder Keck has potential
just google watch wrestling and you will have 10 billion options
Sword wife time
I hope Heatwave has an actual cookout and Cody brings baked beans
>big fight feel
lmao this commentator is funny
Wren board fen
Based sword entrance
based autistic swordfu
>he wives coalburners
lol okay bud that's your prerogative
Is this whore Croatian?
for why
Karmen has the, dare I say, aura
karmen is so beautiful...
Worse. Bosnian
Dante Chen and Natalya have both been called learning trees tonight.
This is way better than having the one full pantleg like she used to work in.
Cheers anon.
wren finally invested in new gear
Serbs are huge weebs
Why saddle Wren with such a dimeless gimmick? Is it just a test to see if she can get over with it? She had a money gimmick with the main character shit.
i miss the one legged sweatpants tights. they were legendarily dimeless
bruce lee isn't japanese
i don't usually make fun of people's appearances but madi is really hard to look at
all nxt gimmicks are retarded at first but then they evolve and become kino, like chase u or brinley reese
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>dun dun
>combat sports has more than one slavic weeb...
Her face looks better in motion

The point is that they like Asian shit
True. Maybe I should just trust the HBK plan.
who is byron saxton's source in the nxt women's locker room?
NXT gimmicks are basically screen tests. They are over the top to test your acting chops and how well you can play a character
stroking my shit to this match slowly
They haven't really given her much, when she's given a spotlight they'll dial it up to 11
Every NXT women's match involves a lot of screaming and panting
karmen is literally too pretty for wrestling
Love Madi. Simple as.
karmen needs to do a sling blade
Ain't it great?
Every newbie starts as "plucky babyface." It's just how you learn how to work and come up.
this match isn't very good
I miss blair davenport
Did everyone stop using the roundhouse? Lyra, Karmen, Lola, they all changed their finishers
>Domo arigato Madi-kun
>bows to her opponent
>battle of the coalburners
the absolute state of nxt trannies
karmen has sliced and diced her way into my heart lads
>Coal burners
But enough about Toni and Mina
there are too many bland white chicks in nxt, they should send some of them to marigorudo
I know the slav is, but is it confirmed for wren?
excited to see karmen at marigold
The WorldWide to NXT's Saturday Night
unfortunately she is. its some Indy nigga.
So if Karmen is inspired by Kill Bill, does that mean Tarrantino is going to get into the NXT studio and focus the show on her feet?
she's fucking some black guy from aew
Wow, wrenfrens really in the mud.
I like LVL UP. But those two were dropped awhile ago.
so they've just turned Madi into a permanent jobber?
he's royalty so I'll give her a pass on that one
does shawn control the booking for this too?
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I like Wren because when I bought merch from her she mailed it out like 24 hours later. Other wrestlers take like one month, sometimes two to mail out shit.
She cute
its part of nxt so yeah
weirdo simp

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