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After the record low Dynamite rating and getting destroyed by NXTNA I'm sure Tony Khan will bounce back and give us a great Collision tonigh-ACK
No one will fix anything when they think everything their doing is “great”
>(wrestler) in action

this always cracks me up because that implies there's a level of shitters below people like premier athletes and jacked jameson they can't even be named on the card
holy fucking stacked card, can't wait to tune in :)
Jacked Jameson is dimes.
Half the locker room have their own schools for marks and a few students may be lucky enough to get a jobber spot once or twice a year.
Anyway, squashes are good to have as long as they're not one-two-finish.
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>No Shida
Other than that, it does look like a good card desu.
>everyone on the left wins
Which part looks good to you, and why? Be specific
every single match is predictable af, they're not even trying

No women's matches? Is Tony a shoot sexist?
No :)
Exactly what I thought, falseflagging BITCH
This is what actual slop looks like
No, I'm going to watch and enjoy Collision tonight. I'm just not going to waste effort trying to explain why good wrestling is entertaining to a fat, brainwashed E-drone like you.
nah that's RAW and Smackdown and NXT and every single WWE PPV.
>buddy ditching one of the worst collision cards to eat Rheas ass
I hate WWE and unlike AEW, I haven't watched any of that slop in years. Doesn't change the fact that this looks like a fucking terrible card to me.
No women on the card to take the blame for falling viewership maybe now the healing begins
>le both sides LARP
no one believes you, fatso
An awful show and so predictable. But I will watch the Samoa Joe match as he's one of my favorites today. Christian Cage because as a dad I understand the hell he's going through.
Bryan Keith needs to be buried, and Twook is gonna betray AEW, thanks to his carny dad.
I really like Joey Smoey, HOOK and Shibata's new "Quentin Tarentino dialogue before a beatdown" gimmick.
I've seem people blame the 500k on Tony not pushing enough women. lmao
>Everyone must pick a side in the Wrestling War and never admit when a B show card looks like shit
What an obese way to think and live, no wonder you couldn't bring yourself to try defending this thing. Genuinely hope you enjoy not watching AEW tonight & do something else with your time, it's worth more than these trios squash matches.
Cagebros, this is our night. I can feel it. The Machine is leaving with the International Championship.
This card is bad because Damien Priest isn't the main event, right E Wipe?
keep coping fatso, slopdown got cancelled and Vince is KWABOTY
That other anon's still in denial like the 2000 people left going to AEW shows.
Damien is better than swerve.
I swear to God that nigga in the iron savages that does all their promos could be a main eventer.
All the many people who used to watch AEW on tv & in person but no longer do were clearly just saboteur WWE fans all along, only watching something they hated so that when they gradually went away it would make AEW look bad, as if people were tuning out because there was something wrong with the product or something. After all who wouldn't want to see this card headlined by the Jobbing Machine Brian Cage? Only WWE drones who love Samoan theater and BBC addict Vince, there is no other possible explanation!!
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>A name wrestler vs some no one
>Tag matches

Just another Booker of the Year show by Tony Khan
Looks pretty based to me. I'll be watching.
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Tiny making it REALLY easy not to watch LMFAO, THANKS GUYS!
The Patriarchy gimmick is worn out.
The Learning Tree gimmick is so stupid that is sometimes gets a chuckle out of me but it's not built to last.
Ospreay is great at the style of wrestling he does but he wrestles the same match every time he.
HOB with another start/stop push.
Joe is cool so his match might be watchable.
>patriarchy gimmick
the inevitable luchasaurus turn being teased for like two years now with nothing happening certainly hasn't helped
shut the fuck up, sloppabrain
You can't possibly think that is a good card unless you just accept everything AEW does is amazing. It's objectively bad even for Collision.
What's supposed to happen? Top babyface Luchasaurus?
That's right. This is a dinosaur board.
Are you lost?
nah you just have shit taste
turn on christian, maybe go after heel jungle boy, reunite jurassic express? more likely team with cope against christian and wayne and draw this out even longer.

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