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My oh my
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He meant the Cagematch ratings you dumb faggot.
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>still hasn't happened(or even came close to happening)once
oh dear
AEW beats out WWE in the F4W/WON and Caged Match ratings long time ago
How exactly do hardcore AEW rationalize the show going from like 1.1 million viewers to 502k?
This isn't even trolling here, the decline is absolutely staggering
>going from like 1.1 million viewers to 502k?
Losing your two biggest draws do be like that
It was Juneteenth...
There's nothing to rationalize piggy. Cord cutting and WWE leaking the fast nationals hurt Dynamite's ratings. Plus 500K is still above expectations according to acclaimed industry analyst Dave Meltzer: https://x.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1803572286974468220
They were until Tony went off the deep end and hired a bunch of NXT guys
In 2021 Dynamite was doing 1.2m after doing 1m for a while, and Raw was doing 1.6m after doing 1.9m. they were trending in opposite directions. Tony fucked up by falling for Vince's "drown them in shit" strategy when Tony hired a bunch of Exfed guys
Losing 26% of your viewers in a week is practically unheard of outside of debuting shows
The smart ones already came back to WWE and don't care. The few fans left just say they became too much like WWE or some other cope
Please explain how fast nationals affects AEW in any way other than Tony's ego
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where did it all go so wrong?
Vince really got Tony to not only pay Keith Lee six figures but make him a champion in AEW. Every one of those KWABOTY awards were well deserved.
Cope. The Elite, Mjf, Swerve and others are featured more than ex-NXT guys.
Kendrick concert, rEtard.
Lapsed AEW fan here, I regrettably went back to watching WWE because the low fast national ratings being reported by WWE industry plant Alfred "Cold Cuts" Konuwa every week made me feel like there must be something deeply wrong with me if so many other people weren't also watching the cable wrestling show I liked. I miss AEW, God knows I miss it bad, but unless and until the ratings go back up to something respectably close to say a million people a week, I just can't bring myself to tune back in. I hope Tony understands.
>killing humans is a human right
College softball was on Edrone.
this isnt just a happen in one day sort of thing
originally the majority people didnt want a different promotion they just wanted wwe to no be bad. but since wwe was dogshit they were willing to check out aew because it wasnt dogshit and it was a way to get their wrestling fix. aew couldnt do anything wrong because the alternative is unwatchable and it was decent. now that wwe is getting back to not being trash, it makes the previous fine to bad stuff in aew look much worse, which drives fans away. and plus aew has like 40 shows a week and theyve all become missable while previously you didnt know what to expect. then funnily enough the longer aew has gone, the more they start to look like a wwe show which again drives off fans who dont want to watch wwe. its also like a branding thing too - like an us vs. them mentality where some random retard like me cant say anything bad against aew without a million people in the company responding; its soooooo desperate. the booking has gone down a drain and tonikan along the way has made 10 bad decisions for every 1 he has.
>now that wwe is getting back to not being trash, it makes the previous fine to bad stuff in aew look much worse
This is so important. A lot of the flaws in AEW where there from the very start. People were just willing to forgive it since main roster WWE was so terrible at the time. And there was also the belief that AEW would learn from their mistakes and get better overtime. That clearly didn't happen.

>like an us vs. them mentality where some random retard like me cant say anything bad against aew without a million people in the company responding
This is also huge. Tony Khan is the one who inspired all of this tribalism. But if you come for the king, you best not miss.
WWE lost over 30 million viewers in less time.
Lies detected: none
Raw is being relegated to streaming with a rating of 0 every week
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>"The few fans left just say they became too much like WWE or some other cope"
Those are the ones who left, you dumb Sicilian cunt. If they thought it was too much like WWE, which they hate, they wouldn't still be watching would they.
why are you so mad lmao
I feel the same except I would go back to watching AEW if Alfred posted the final ratings instead of the misleading fast nationals. Although the final ratings come out before the next episodes of Rampage and Collision, it just takes me too long to recover, so I end up not watching again.
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And you, sir, are fat!
That will never happen to AEW.
Nielsen tracks streaming numbers and includes it in their reports. By your faggot logic, Super Bowl viewership should be half of what it was in 2019 and it's not.
>Losing your two biggest draws

Sheldon and who is the other?
By the way I just want to say it really annoys me when people say that switching from cable to YouTubeTV is cutting the cord. You're still paying for a package of TV channels that you mostly won't watch at a huge price. Just because it's a different way of delivering it to your TV, I wouldn't call it cord cutting. That would be dropping USA and TNT and switching to Netflix, Peacock, Max, Hulu, and so on.
Did this retard Tranquillo Club kill himself? I never see him anymore.
Vince is a retard, but Vince outright said that part of the reason he all those people in like 2021 was so AEW would sign them and bloat their roster.
This makes Rovert cry, and the tears get on his wheels and rust them, therefore PigTrevor is even LESS likeky to leave his house, and post even more here. We all have to suffer because one Crippled Irish Bitch cant stop crying and being crippled.

Shit is not fair bros.
There was something about dinosaurs on the discovery channel, PiggiE.
Dynamite beat Raw back in December and Slopdown in November. No wonder both shiws got cancelled
If AEW can maintain their 500k viewers and WWE continues to bleed viewers every year, eventually AEW will take over.
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>wwe was dogshit
>willing to check out aew because it wasnt dogshit
AEW was always dogshit. It just took years of shitty payoffs for the cultists who weren't spite-watching to get a clue. But that's what you get from a guy who thought it was a good idea to build his company around the Elite and absolute indie shitters.
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Fucking cope.
Almost every single guy TK signed from WWE were guys that fans were clamoring for. Adam Cole was propped up as the absolute best worker in WWE who was underutilized by Vince who wanted to make him a manager. All of these guys, Miro, Malakai Black, Keith Lee, etc. were all supposed to be booked so much better than they were in the Fed, according to the fans. And who the fuck did TK end up pushing out in favor of these guys? Joey Janella? Sonny Kiss?
TNA fans at least had a point back in the day when complaining since ex-WWE guys would literally debut in title shots or number one contender matches, but cultists are just being retarded with this narrative.
Keithly was the tipping point for me, pun definitely intended
7 AEW world champs so far and 4 of them Exfed. TNT title was just traded back and forth for 2 years between Exfed guys. Women's titles held by Exfed. Tag titles just help hostage for 9 months by Exfed. Owen Cup winners Exfed. Adam Cole pushed to the moon despite crashing ratings. 3/4 of the last PPV was NXT/WWE guys. All since 2022. The company went from a super indie to a Diet Coke WWE in a year.

Tldr- shut up, retard
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>7 AEW world champs so far and 4 of them Exfed
Stopped reading there.
There's been 8, and and only 3 haven't been in WWE: Omega, Hangman, and MJF. Are you saying that Moxley hasn't been a core part of AEW's DNA? Are you saying that Jericho hasn't? Are you saying that AEW fans didn't want Punk? That they didn't ever want Samoa Joe?
You're missing the entire fucking point of the post. Yes, there's ex-WWE guys on the roster (as if WWE wasn't the absolute biggest promotion the past 20 years who has had nearly everyone underneath the sun at least try out for them), but AEW fans WANTED these guys. The narrative before they all got signed is that they would do so, so much better in AEW and realize the potential they always had. Claudio, for example, was a guy AEW fans said should've always have had a run with the WWE championship. They wanted him in a prominent role. So guess what, a bunch of guys there were in the WWE got hired and got that pushed. Tony Khan unironically listened to his fans. And anyone bitching about it just has to lie in the bed they made for themselves with their anti-Vince rhetoric.
kek underrated
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>shut up, retard
So I presume you stopped watching AEW day one since the inaugural champ was an exfed guy, right?
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I didn't read your post because it was written by a retard
That's fine. Just remember not to ever praise a Bryan Danielson MOTY contender ever again, because he's an exfed guy, after all.
he only tweets about soccer now lmfao
>Netflix shows can't get ratings
KEK, is this true? Does he just pretend he never watched AEW?
500k has been the real number for a while, without the Bazinga bump Dynashit's ratings would be 500k every week.

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