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Ok let’s get seriously /pw: so apply some critical thinking skills hypothetically I give YOU the AEW book what would you implement immediately to turn this shitshow around?
give darby the title, hotpocket between him, mjf and ospreay
i immediately start a show bible and make sure continuity is established and important. i employ 4 assistant bookers/writers and give them each a division to work with alongside another executive booker who is the go-between between the four teams.
Nothing i'd just try to milk Tony for as much cash as possible.
Invent a time machine and take CM Punk's side and fire the bucks
>give darby the title
I was thinking this when making the thread.
They need to do something with him, build the company around him. He's the only really cool guy they have that even WWE fans that are hardcore anti-AEW think is pretty cool and will go out of their way to watch the next crazy thing he does
>the best in the world
>also ospreay
>within milliseconds of defeat in every single match
I thought this week's dynamite was a much stronger mix of matches and backstage segments than they usually have. The creative isn't there yet but maybe the structure is at least getting better. Like I don't give a fuck about this ROH-tier joe/hook/premier athletes shit but at least the feud isn't taking place solely between run-ins and staredowns from the top of the ramp. The biggest problem is booking every match for 12-15 minutes and trying to make everyone look strong with a roster this fucking big. People need to rotate in and out. Tony needs to stop caring about hurting someone's feelings if he needs to cool them off or if someone else is just hotter. I guess literally anyone else having the book would solve that issue instantly.
and to add to this we need more Mark Briscoe and less of everyone else.
Create a big 5-6 main event scene of top guys people actually like & then book them in angles that would actually interest casual fans through either making them stick around week to week or be so fucking wacky people would be talking about it
>Jay White
With Christain & Darby at the upper midcard levels in case those guys get hurt. I probably axe collision & rampage too to save some extra cash too. Run Dark on YouTube with ROH as a developmental brand for newbies.
Kill ROH and release like 90% of the regulars on ROH, for starters.
live sex
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slowly but surely anon
This is a good start you strike me as someone with experience in managerial
/executive roles
There definitely needs to be a huge leap between main eventers going 50-50 with ROH shitters. Ospreay should be killing these dudes on Collision Brom breaker style. You’re absolutely right and it does seem that TK hired Will just for his own personal vanity project of creating good matches with everybody. We’re way beyond that being a selling point now. To me Ospreay is more Shawn Michaels than a real assassin type as he’s build as.
it all goes back to tony thinking his employees are his friends. big rich kid energy. they nailed the original stadium stampede and the build to hangman's coronation. if they could at least return to that level creatively speaking we'd be getting somewhere, but sometimes it feels like those are all the ideas they brought with them to the company and beyond that little else was planned.
I'm afraid AEW can't be saved at this point, probably just scrap everything and start over.

Get rid of:
>all titles except for main, midcard, tag-team, and one women's title

Rebrand Collision to be the main show, drop everything else to YouTube.
Darby willing the AEW title will be AEW's version of Austin Aries winning the TNA belt.
The build to Hangman's win was a mix of BTE/ALL of the Elite (GIGA AUTISM w/ Kenny anchoring the thing). and Tony listening and applying his knowledge. To me that was peak AEW and what I wanted wrestling to be not to sound to reddit obviously. You can blame CM Punk or whatever but the next step was to acquire these free agents to put over the brand to the next level but in doing so it lead us to a stupid fucking hostile takeover angle that nobody believes and one of the best wrestlers of all time (Okada) being a comedy sidekick for the Young Bucks.
It's actually unforgivable how this shit happened
I'm posting on my phone nigger but thanks for being a predictable shithead lmao
hangman won by default because nobody at the start of aew had a character and then he started drinking as a meme and that was literally how low the bar was
He's too small. But then again, they're gonna give either Garcia, Yuta, Cassidy, or Hook the belt anyway.
End the ospreay experiment asap
take me back brothers
Don't care. I'd still laugh at AEW
I can suspend my disbelief enough for Darby being the guy AEW promotes like WCW's Sting. He should be getting action figures, TV roles, red carpets. He can win the fucking belt and have hus coronation with Tony Hooks, blacks love that shit.
He has a license to print money and i'm sure someone like Paul Heyman sees that and must be cracking jokes on the inside knowing what Tony has in that guy.
Based Jericho
Tony Hawk*
Kek posting on your phone is a nightmare
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It's so fucking over it's unreal
How do you fumble this shit
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Kenny Omega is my favorite wrestler ever
He's already washed in the eyes of the audience bro he's just a trios guy and thats a shoot
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switchblade sucks
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ya just gotta
>replace the social media team with a group of people who are more savvy ("tapped in") and make sure they prioritize brand exposure and introducing the brand to more audiences
>hire a booking/creative team and prioritize having at least one engaging storyline/angle for upper, middle and lower card talent/matches respectively
>cancel Rampage, replace it with an hour-long best-of/recap/interview program meant for YouTube and/or Max
>end Ring of Honor's weekly TV and reboot it into quarterly PPVs where TK can book "dream matches" and crossover angles
>introduce a spiritual successor to AEW Dark by airing pre/post-Dynamite matches on YouTube and/or Max
>introduce some kind of reboot/civil war angle themed over "the heart and soul of AEW" elevating a handful of original talent and recent major hires
Nah, that fucker Tony Khan fumbled him to job to the fucking fag MJF. He (Jay) can easily be repaired in his image with a little effort from Tony.

All he’d have to do is 1st off have him PROPERLY beat MJF in a proper fued, then have him have a fued with his own bang bang gang, and have him beat all three of them in a 3 on 1 handicap match and show him hitting their lifeless bodies with a chair like Roman Reigns initially did to his cousins, so that the Bang Bang Gang would all “Fall in Line”. Then have him “Chad Gable” them all into helping himself get the main title and the rest of the group getting more meaningful belts as well, not just trios. Turn them into sort of a DGen X and Bloodline hybrid type faction. Then Have Switch Fued with Edge / Adam Cope. Then Have him Fued With Kenny Omega.

Then have The Bastard PAC become friends with him and officially part of Bullet Club Gold. Build on the Jay White and PAC Dynamic like they’re HHH and Shawn Michaels (basically like they’re 2006 DX return). Then extend Bullet Club Gold to include the rest of Death Triangle as members.

Then Have Bang Bang Gang defeat the Young Bucks and Jack Perry and the Jap. Have him get his revenge on Adam Cole and the undisputed kingdom (with bang bang gang). Have him beat Darby’s emo ass. Have him beat Swerve. Have him beat Mox.

Then he makes WWE References and takes jabs at TRIPLE H / Triple Gay. Prepare for invasion, with him taking the whole AEW Company into the angle. He invades RAW on an Army Tank.


a thread on /pw/ with actual discussion

in 2024?
This... is actually DAMN Good... If only Tony would do this... Fuck MJF, give Switch the push he deserves Tony
At this point I'd fire everyone and cancel it.
Fucking lost cause.
>revolve the main event scene around MJF,Swerve,Hangman,and Takeshita
>Keep vets like Kenny and Danielson around as special attractions and to manage the backstage, really only use them extensively in case main eventers start getting hurt
>Get rid of the excess belts like the Continental and Trios belts
>trim the fat and fire a lot of the lower card, get rid of Ospraey,Jungle Cuck,etc,, but keep people like Darby around only if they can listen to creative direction without complaint, otherwise they get nuked too
>change the tag champs, fire the Bucks before they create more problems
>cut all the extra shows, Dynamite and Collision stay the weekly shows with the 6 ppvs a year and a special tv every month there isnt a PPV
>cut half the roster
>scrap trios division
>put the AEW title on Christian, he is always good at legitimizing titles, which the world title has lost over the years
>write Jericho and the Young Bucks off for a couple of months
>build storylines instead of every star having 20 minute bangers with jobbers every week
AEW peaked here
Too bad Tina forgot how to build up storylines
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First of all, I fire Tony Khan. AEW can't be saved as long as he's at the helm so getting rid of him is the necessary first step. Second, I hire writers. Third, I fire the entire roster with the exception of
>Samoa Joe
>Darby Allin
>Satnam Sing
>Sonjay Dutt
>Double J
>Mark Briscoe
>Jay Lethal
Then, because my roster would desperately need young blood, I scour the globe looking for the best young prospect I can possibly find and sign them. All candidates must be at least 6 feet tall, charismatic, and built like brick walls. The women's division is shitcanned entirely. I prioritize storytelling and characters above all else. There will be no more yummy wummy dream matches. There will be no more cold matches unless they dovetail into storylines. I stop partnering with other promotions, fuck NJPW, fuck AAA, fuck CMLL, fuck all of them. Gymnastics are banned. Everyone in my version of AEW will do PRO WRESTLING. Talent can flip here and there but it has to be at appropriate moments and make sense. Guaranteed contracts are abolished, if wrestlers want to get paid then they have to pop ratings, sell merch, and draw houses. Anyone who fails to do this gets fired. Sink or swim, bitch. This is how to save AEW. And it'll never happen because step 1 is sadly impossible.
>Stop booking outside talent outside of high profile edge-cases
>Settle whatever bullshit Miro has going on that's preventing him from being on air
>Strap goes on Christian Cage asap, don't care what it takes to get there, the past few champs have done nothing but hurt that title and Christian did wonders for the TNT title.
>book less 50/50 matches between main eventers and literal whos, there needs to be clear stratification, main eventers should handedly defeat everyone outside of other main eventers, people much larger than them, and the occasional seasoned vet like Dustin or Jarrett
>nix the continental and international championships
>bring back dark, necessary for online exposure and giving people ways to hone their persona before being on television
>trios title can stay a thing but is almost exclusively on dark
>set a rule that TV matches are only allowed to go 20 in rare cases and never more than once a week
>get Danielson to stop putting everyone over
>disband the BCC
>main eventers are Danielson, Christian, Darby, Okada, and Hangman
>mid card staples are Dustin, Joe, Miro, Brody King, Jarrett, Copeland, Kingston, and Jericho

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