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Those who watch the indies recognize that this will be the final nail for AEW. AEW dies if they make this signing because of the baggage, the package deal that comes with getting Mike Bailey.
Please do it. Bring everything
Nah, the worse baggage is the one that comes with Mei Suruga

If AEW survived Lana and Rusev, they'll survive Veda
i hate her so fucking much
Why would this no-name, no-physique, no-charisma looking shitter be different than any other 300 they have on the roster?
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they/them chud
there's at least ten guys on the roster already who are literally this guy fucking stop already
You are a lucky bastard who has never sat through his wife's commentary if you are asking this question, and he has only done like 3 or 4 indies shows in the last 5 years that didn't also involve her on commentary. He absolutely demands that she also be on the shows, and Tony is stupid enough to go for it. I am jealous of your ignorance.
you as well I am jealous of your ignorance.
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unaware faggots missing out on sexy Veda time
>flat ass
> lazy poses
Guarantee she sucks at blowing and she’s an awful lay who just does nothing
It's incredibly off putting watching him wrestle in kick pads and no shoes, it looks disgusting
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nah u
> guy who insists his wife comes to work with him
Tony already learned from Cody that you have to put your foot down on that stuff.
I don't recognize him, is this guy a druggie, shoot crazy, drama queen, or liability like 90s Shawn Michaels
She looks like a discount Meg Turney
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why couldn't it be austin and bey?
Imagine if Tony ponies up for Veda Scott to get Mike Bailey but wouldn't re-sign Brandi Rhodes to keep Cody.
he just has an annoying beyond belief they them wife who he insist does commentary every show he is on.
she's nowhere near as far as meg is now. Meg got huge.
has she been involved with tna at all since he's been there?
Shut up bitch. No one gives a shit about the indies. No one gives a shit about New WHOpan either. Stop pretending you watch anything other than WWE and AEW.

AEW is where the best wrestle. Mike Bailey MAY be one of the best manlet wrestlers in the world right now. That means he belongs with us.

WE are the final destination. WE are the promotion all these indie shitters work their asses for so that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE Tony notices them and invites them to AEW.

Mike Bailey is OUR toy now. Our fucking toy. In this free agent war, NOBODY can beat US. Because WE are AEW. And we fucking won. AGAIN.
I haven't kept up, I just meant her face/style.
Has a Thembie wife who insists on being on commentary for his matches
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>he just has an annoying beyond belief they them wife
He's actually a He/They himself. Great pickup, AEWtards.
This. Coupled with the skinnyfat body and the wierd shorts, guy just looks vile.
I fucking hate the boring dork. He ruins Impact whenever he appears
Turbo drama queen who has a dickhead wife who uses they/them pronouns and he himself sits there raging in his own instagram comment section whenever someone justifiably criticizes him every other day.
He also has a style that looks like RVD minus everything that made RVD cool as wel as a finishing move which rivals Swerve's "double foot stomp on someone sitting up waiting for you" move for worst finisher in the history of wrestling.
Please take this faggot from TNA. I'm sick of this shitter
>He also has a style that looks like RVD
He's a mix of RVD and Steamboat, sans the charisma
sucksballs mike gayly is the most overrated shitter in the history of overrated shitters
AEW needs to drop like 50 people man and they're courting more lmao

How can any young wrestler look at how AEW has handled their young guys (Action Andretti, Nick Wayne and Dante Martin most recently comes to mind) and think "yeah that's where I want to go)
>this will be the final nail for AEW
>says fat dronie for fifth consecutive year
Fuck you, E-drone.
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lose tits
Bringing in Ricochet as a top guy will be worse
if a tree falls in the forest... you know the rest. I am not even sure TNA actually exists.
because Nick, Action, Dante etc are probably making at minimum 3x what they are worth.
>Mike Bailey
Ding Dong Diddly Double Dimeless SHIT
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>AEW fans want this on their shows, then wonder why viewership is plummeting.
This is what pisses me off more than anything in wrestling.
Fucking sell. If you're not going to sell, then the two of you better be fucking hitting each other with everything you've got. And if your opponent refuses to sell for you, nail that cocksucker hard to remind him what his job is.
Because those are the choices. Sell or make it real. No one wants to watch a couple of grown men playing pattycake and slapass.
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Wowie, I can't wait to see Gay Retarded Johnny Yong Bosch and his ugly ass wife on AEW Dynamite
Cody and Punk were the only people saving us from Tony and the Bucks crap
>the most imposing guy in the match is the ref
>if you want Speedball you have to book Veda
>if you want Mei Suruga you have to book Baliyan Akki
>if you want Delilah Doom you have to book Eli Everfly
Any other instances of wrestlers who could have been more being held back by their dimeless ball and chains?
is this the n*gga who cartwheels?
LMAO he signs every fucking bum that can do a front lift.
Danhausen and the fucking linguini pizza nigga got a spot.
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Speedball does the same cringey, overly choreographed bullshit most of AEW's roster is already doing. Obviously, he's going to go with whoever pays him the most money, but I think he's better off as a big fish in a small pond in TNA rather than on AEW's roster where he's one of like 30 guys that wrestles the same overly choreographed, wink-wink-nudge-nudge style.
Ospreay and Alex Windsor are starting to head in that direction
Based Akki hater
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>Speedball, Mei Suruga, Delilah Doom
>wrestlers who could have been more
>being held back
Dude they couldn't even draw flies. Nobody's holding them back.
Ricochet is gonna come in with a hotshot to the title whether it be against Osprey or Swerve then he's gonna get locked into a feud with top flight against jericho and the learning tree for like 8 months
Mike is based and veda is hot
how does this anti draw fuck keep getting booked
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Emile, stay in your Instagram comments and stop posting here you dweeb.
He's worked for Impact/TNA now for awhile and she's not been forced on commentary.
There's not even anyone in this post named emile what are you going on about
>The mark's trying to work us.
TNA put Ace Austin's wife in the booth before they even breathed in Veda's general direction, and even she's a better commentator than Veda
And Josh Alexander's wife handles the interviews I think so they're not afraid of nepo hires lmao
Mei literally brings jizz to my cock hole, shut up bitch
TNA is a real company and not just a faction in NXT? had no fucking clue.
I love her thick southern accent.
She's been tainted by curry dick. Get a better waifu.
Seriously, even if they break up who the fuck wants to hit that
It's as the old saying goes, once you go curry...
...she's not worth the worry
this isn't wrestling its a bunch of dumb shit
Beautifully done!

I literally don't get the aversion to selling.
If you can't make it look real, then it had better actually be real. Even if it is real, sell a bit anyways. No-selling a weak kick doesn't make you look like a badass, it makes you look like a fucking shitter.
I fucking hate that "punch/swat the kick" counter like you wouldn't believe, just dodge or catch it
What the fuck is wrong with they?
Every time I think AEW has signed the most indierific indie geek on the planet, they bring in someone even worse
Every time I think a dronie has said the dumbest shit possible, you go and open your mouth.
Will is a former jr. And speedball is even lighter.
fucking perfect sequence, this on got the dronies sizzlin'
Oh look it's another final for real this time I'm totally serious guys nail in the coffin for AEW. You people are boring
TKD nerds are the worst
unlike you niggers I have no grand delusion that I will ever hit it, and looking at her and jerking off does not get me an diseases or smell of curry. Suck for you that you have to think about what men have been involved to get off to a woman.
>Suck for you
Look at that back she's spends a shit load of time just sitting down. The worst part? There's a lonely loser that pay money to see this shit.
I watch TNA. I love speedball. He has the same issue as the other signings. No casual knows who he is. He won't add viewership.
All Meltzer Wrestling
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These smark loving signings hurt AEW more than any Tony Khan tweet
>sign smark favorite to an already bloated roster
>even if he's good, he's not as good as your main eventers cause you already signed the best wrestlers in the world
>so you book smark favorite as a jobber/lower midcarder
>smarks whose favorite he is expect him to be a main eventer
>they are disappointed and think you fumbled this guy
>smark favorite probably disappointed too cause his smark fans keep telling him he'd be the next megastar if Tony Khan didnt fumble him
>both fans and this guy start seething
>backstage morale sinking
Tony Khan is such a retard. He's ruining AEW for me
he'll bring in veda with him and AEW commentary will become totally cringe and unwatchable, filled with feminist faggot bullshit
i don't get it, how are you guys going to pretend this isn't dope? there i athleticism, timing, hard strong strikes. it looks like a live action movie. this is something i would show my friends to show them that wrestling is cool these days. it's something that catches the eye. what do you old dorks like, chinlocks and slow punching? lame ass liars just trying to hate on today's workers.
>smark shitter who isn't worth what he is being paid now believes his potential is being wasted because smarks online have hyped him up
> tweets some passive aggressive shit on social media or says something off color in an interview
>rumor mill starts churning
>tiny has a meltdown on social media
>smark indie shitter is written off shows and left in the dark but continues to get a check in the mail every week
>>smark indie shitter is written off shows and left in the dark but continues to get a check in the mail every week
Headcanon. If anything having a public meltdown and shitting on AEW gets them a better position on the card
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>and looking at her and jerking off does not get me an diseases or smell of curry
>an diseases
>Suck for you
You already are curry bro. No wonder your standards are low enough to accept your fellow benchod's leftovers.
We fucking got him
He's right. You are a faggot. End of story
The lack of selling, for one.

But my issue with this whole stoic "face/heel trading the same blows without flinching" deal is that it reeks of anime. This is what wrestling has become and it's because the current generation of talent grew up on DBZ and Naruto. Show this webm to anyone who isn't into anime and they'll just chuckle to themselves.
ask someone to kick you straight on the face 5 times.
While you are laying in the hospital bed eating trough a tube you would hit that moment of clarity where you finally realize that wrestling spot you used to like is actually retarded.
>TNA realizes WWE will just poach their stars so now they come back to AEW (that will also poach their stars)
They're all trying to emulate the Kobashi/Sasaki chop battle from like 20 years ago.
Unfortunately that shit only works once and even then it was only because Kobashi and Sasaki were two big hefty cunts who look like they could handle a few smacks.
Watching two skinny 5'7 twinks doing meme shit taekwondo to each other and not sell looks fucking terrible by comparison.
>Obese mayo monkey sitting in basement getting jealous because his waifus are getting railed by curryjeets irl

You're the loser here faggot
>One simple gms post got him telling on himself.
You're too easy Raj.
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The no sella you, you no sella me spots I always thought made both guys weak. When someone punches or kicks and it doesn't hurt it just makes it look their strikes are too weak to hurt
My friends aren't into anime and would think this is cringe and gay.
she already did commentary for aew dark during covid for a couple episodes
No they aren't, what the fuck are you talking about? Many indie shitters try to do the chop battle but these two guy and this sequence is just anime counter and dodge shit, which has nothing to do with Kobashi and Sasaki. It's just that a lot of weeaboo wrestlers try to do both King's Road style shit and anime shit (and fail at the former) because it's all the same to them because they are stupid.
Hi Tony
>i don't get it, how are you guys going to pretend this isn't dope?
I didn't, it is dope.
nah you are
this not me dipshit, I was asleep. point still stands despite simple spelling errors, if you are thinking about who a girl has fucked when jerking off to them you are gay.

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