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Nobody here is brave enough to say this
I'm white and I say this.
NXT is up because Shawn Michaels made it his own personal ass factory.

AEW just continues to suck because none of it is consequential due to lack of creative and direction. AEW is college football compared to the NFL. There's no reason to get invested in a Texas A&M vs Bucknell game on a Saturday night because its almost meaningless. The market is oversaturated with teams and the players are interchangeable year to year.
>urban culture
>value of black viewership

it's fucked up that aewtists talk about everything besides the show or the stories lol
internet black wrestling smarks are worse than black weabs
don't looks at the quarters or that will shatter your reality
Kendrick didn't start till 9:30. What a retarded excuse
>another black who talking about muh black NXT
I feel like this is all an opp to get people to hate NXT.
>start reading the off topic twitter post since im curious why someone is posting off topic posts on here
>get to the black viewership line
>realize its an off topic troll post and op was trying to be le funny le witty off topic post man le ha ha.
>close and hide off topic thread along with laughing at ops subhuman retard attempts to troll outside of /b/
you arent funny op and your post is dumb and you are dumb and off topic
So Trick Williams and Sasha Banks aren't current black champions in AEW?
>WWE = Jewish owned company with a focus on black culture
>AEW = Muslim owned company with a focus on white culture

wtf im a tranny now
hiding your gay raceb8 thread now :)
is Kendrick Lamar still a thing? He literally looks like an AEW wrestler (5'4", beer gut), so I guess there must be some crossover there.
>who choice
Good morning DeShawn
Can any black anons explain to me why all these people say "WE WUZ DEY CULTURE N SHIEET"? Its annoying
All of modern wrestling is shit dude. Not one of those those anything better than the other.
Blacks lived in shit huts and couldn’t invent the wheel or anything meaningful while living on a continent full of resources. They are inferior and have DNA that matches the other race of humans on a damn near single digit level, as such they have to co-opt everything to pretend they matter and always be the victim to help explain their constant inferiority
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TNA has Juff so they will get all the black viewers, right?
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Nobody cares about niggers just like nobody cares about the worthless thoughts of a twitter subhuman you utterly retarded nigger
>blacks win in wrestling
>blacks lose in wrestling
it's so tiresome

The aew champ is black and trying his hardest to be le hood rapper so that's not the edge nxt has over aew
1000% fuck niggers and fuck the Jews for unleashing their golem on the west. They can all burn and die. WWE, AEW, all companies I don’t want to see niggers. I don’t want to see butch women and I sure as fuck don’t want to see faggots.
Solid promo.
You did that on purpose.
I literally wrote and performed a rap about this years ago.
I have both said that ratings didn’t matter AND that professional wrestling is actually looking for a black face of the industry and has been since like the 90s
>doesn’t embrace urban culture
AEW made Rick Ross a recurring character, these people are utterly insane
You can really tell how bothered AEW fan is by credible accusations of racism because they come in with this /pol/ faggot false-flag act to derail every conversation about it.

Always remember
>The ends justify the means
Communists will say anything to get their way, including the most despicable racist, transphobic, anti-LGBT, anti-Muslim, etc things they pretend to care about when they aren't hiding behind a keyboard
>the value of black viewership
3/5ths as much as white viewership.
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The whole other diatribe aside
>because it should mean nothing to fans
This really isn't true. It's ultimately fine if you don't care, but if you do actually care about something you're enjoying doing well, or something you dislike doing poorly, then things like ratings absolutely matter and are worth discussing.
NXT is actually the best example because it's actually fine if it does dogshit ratings in terms of still existing, because WWE will run their developmental at a loss. They've proven this in the past, and any money they've made off of it is a bonus. However, I've been loving NXT and I'm happy to see it growing in ratings and getting better deals. I want more people to see the show and why it's so good, and then being able to discuss it with my fellow NXT marks.
I feel like this line, in this context, is just a serious cope.
>You can really tell how bothered AEW fan is by credible accusations of racism
Speak English raj you retarded brown motherfucker fuck off my board nigger
>Please get into a flame war with me instead of discussing the pervasive racism in AEW
kek /pol/tards do be like dat
the fucking world champ is black
so is the tbs champ, a belt held by 3 black women out of five
black talent is constantly featured
wtf more do they need to do to be satisfied
Maybe not be threatened with death and violence on the merchandise of other wrestlers?
>Trick Williams and Swerve are the same
I know you're trolling anon, but how fucking spineless does somebody have to be to get pissy over that in the context of a combat sport. Like, even if it's scripted, you're going out and watching men enact violence.
You do care about us. You love saying N-word because it gives you power.
But call em a cracker and suddenly they lose their minds! Who understands some people?
Preach brotha
It's working

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