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We'll look back to this moment and realize it was the start of the decline of WWE for good.

There is no way to defend it. There is no way for them explain the deaths backstage and why the camera people kept rolling and the production trucks kept broadcasting the feed.

This unironically is the biggest thing to eve expose the business as being fake. This is perhaps the worse thing ever in wrestling.
AEW lost to NXT two weeks in a row and got cancelled by WBD.
>There is no way to defend it. There is no way for them explain the deaths backstage and why the camera people kept rolling and the production trucks kept broadcasting the feed.
no one died. wyatts hijacked the production team like they've been doing for months. wow so hard
Its not our fault you allowed yourself to be tricked into chopping off your penis.
Take your falseflagfaggottry elsewhere
>t. gAyEW fanboy in shambles realizing that his dying fed will never draw a single milly ever again
kek, Howdy's running the hottest angle in pro wrestling while Tony's about to rope himself LMAOOOOO
You can explain it rather easily actually
No half milly?
502k you fucking tranny
Hey I remember this band from the old MuchMusic channel. Damn I'm becoming an old boomer...
This is Tony Khans super weapon. Just like Vinces retarded booking was his joker
Yea all those people in those mass shootings and terrorist attacks didnt video tape what was happening either.
Dude in las vegas was gunning down hundreds while people stood and video taped.
You are a retard
Seeing edrones try to defend this is pretty funny
Kek. AEW is dead so you're projecting and making up headcanon that umm akshually it's WWE that's in trouble.
>There is no way to defend it.
If it's a draw, which it appears to be, then literally nothing is wrong with it and there's no need to defend it.
even cornette couldn't defend this shit lol
cornette is one of the stupidest people alive
>got cancelled
no that's slopdown that you're thinking of
>piggies have turned on their master
you think wwe watchers think cornette is their master? what the fuck lol. my master is nick khan
>pigwheels coping and seething as per usual
The Wyatt Sick6 will always, and I mean ALWAYS, outdraw every AEW wrestler and show combined.
Holy shit you’re retarded
WWE got cancelled
But I’m watching it tomorrow
nope sorry, still got cancelled
But I’m watching it tomorrow
The Undertaker and Kane have been selling merch since the 90s. Spooky shit will always draw in wrestling, where things tend to be larger than life.
kek wwe watchers dont even know who corny is anymore, all of punk's references to him get no pop.
still cancelled
How is it cancelled if I’m watching it tomorrow?
Still watching
yeah we don’t care about your random e-celebs
still cancelled
Looks like Cornette is losing the drones. He better talk shit about AEW next week to get them on their good side again
i have shoot never watched cornette in my life, i watch simon millers ups and downs
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WWE is officially not canceled. Sorry lil bro.
Carter is the kind of fag who thinks spamming a short meme is winning, even if it's nonsensical and retarded. So ignore him or troll him with another short meme.
>Still cancelled / Still watching.
>SLOPDOWN was cancelled / AEW wasn't renewed.
Idk I’m watching it tomorrow so you’re clearly wrong
They obviously threatened production to play their shit or they did it out of loyalty to bray
Yeah we know you're watching tomorrow because you never go outside or have a job
>even cornette couldn't defend this shit lol
Literally every other reviewer said it was good. Cornette is just being contrarian and miscalculated
Who said it was good so I can block them
You’re this mad Lmaoooo
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I'm pretty sure everyone did except bryan and him
Everyone from what I saw. Cornette is the first one I've seen shitting on it. Even Trevor was praising it
WWE could have a segment where a guy opens up the show, eats shit in front of the camera in the middle of the ring, and because it got a lot of views on social media, drones would call it a win.
if this happened on aew everyone would just say, yeah we expected that honestly they do it every week
fraid so
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>Ratings don't matter.
>Views don't matter.
It's all about the bangers bruv!
you argue those are what’s important when aew has terrible ratings, but if ratings dont matter and social media engagement doesnt matter and poor attendance doesnt matter and negative criticism doesnt matter then what’s going to be your excuse when they get kicked off cable and tony folds/sells the company?

it all matters you brainless faggot, the things you like suck and nobody else likes them and because you have no life and nothing else to live for other than the things you give your government checks to you have to admit you suck and nobody likes you, the sooner youre honest about that the sooner the rest of us can resume shitposting about wrestling without your tryhard crying ruining our fun
sounds like a funny segment
Defend what, jabroni? It's a single plot point with nothing connected. All there is to cry about is what you think will happen.

The same idiots cry that there's too many Samoans when there's four of them on TV.
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This just proves that Uncle Trips would prefer to be Mr. Nice Boss rather than cunning and cutthroat boss. I'm certain af that Paul said yes to this shit because it's what Bo pushed as an homage to his brother. I thought we were over the spoopy shit. Hopefully they fix this shit up.
Hanging the bossman was worse.

Undertaker flying up to heaven was worse.

In fact, the entire undertaker gimmick was already as bad as this. Same papa Shango.
>There's only 4 Samoans on tv
>and 2 Tongans
>just this week alone
>with more on the horizon coming in
>ok so there's only like 8 or 10 Samoans on the roster plus a couple Tongans, there's over 100 white people, what's your point?
>Ok so most of the championships are once again being held by Samoans, they work hard and are over with the crowd, what is your point?
Which island are you from?
It doesn't work in HD with their Disney production. Ironic that it's their proudly flaunted production that makes shit like this look even faker and more pathetic.
name a single islander who holds a title right now
it worked great and has gotten universal praise
So did Daniel Bryan's run.
cool, this angle also popped a rating, did huge social media numbers and their shirt is the #1 seller so its a success from every dimes metric possible
>this angle also popped a rating
So did the Bucks showing the Punk tape.
>ignores everything else i posted
Rovert, when Dynamite gets cancelled you have to kill yourself. Post a picture of yourself with timestamp and then do your best Mac & Me impression.
Cornette hates everything except for a few stars and their angles like Punk
I was skipping ahead to what you'll be saying in a few months, Dunga Doo. Although Nia Jax did just win Queen of the Ring.
It's the wyatt sicks (6) ... that means the 6th person was holding the camera. Duh.
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...You think people don't know?
>ignores the fact the segment is shit
>has no argument to dispute the objective facts
I think the best part of this is the fact that when they walked thru gorilla HHH was no where to be seen. Which means HHH ran like bitch when he saw The Sicks and that's some kino cannon I can get behind.
>this angle also popped a rating
Two dogs fucking on the side of the road draws eyeballs too
>did huge social media numbers
Shout out to India
>the shirt is the #1 seller
Moving even more units than YEET??
wow you can smell the BO on this post
You're smelling your mouth.
But enough about your post
Seeing you trannykids make up insertions is even funnier
There being four Bloodline members is all we know. The Wyatt Sicks attacking people backstage is all we know. Drew attacking Punk is all we know.

I'm not saying you can't be mad about where you think it's headed. This board wouldn't exist otherwise. I'm saying nobody but you is responsible for your fantasy booking.
Joe gacy in a pig mask is a bigger draw than the entire aew roster
Orange cassidy exposes the business more than the wyatts tho
you may think this is dumb, but it's going to sell tons of merch. should get some interesting action figures out of this.
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It's all about collecting them yummy meltzer stars in your scrapbook so you can look at them when laying in the hospital after you sawdust yourself for a Collision match>>15021630
We knew Jacob Fatu was coming in to join the Bloodline story, now he's here. We knew the Guerillas were coming, there they are. We know Hikuleo is coming, he'll be here shortly. We know the Usos will get involved. We know Rock, Roman, and Solo will be involved. And there is virtually zero chance there won't be even more Islanders than those nine (9) I just mentioned who will be debuting over the next year. Just like we knew the Wyatt6 were coming long before they showed up, before there cryptic videos even started airing on tv. None of this is fantasy booking or clairvoyance. It's pro wrestling, there are very few surprises anymore. If you want to pretend you'll be surprised every time a new Samoan shows up, that's your choice to do so but nobody else will be.
Rovert, /pw/ forcibly took your child's hymen. Shitting and piss about WWE will not change that or raise Trannymite's ratings
>Murdoch told investors during FOX’s Q1 Earnings call that SmackDown was "not hitting the advertising numbers due to the audience of the WWE for our return on investment to be above the levels that we would accept". He then went on to admit that FOX "didn’t attribute enough significant retransmission revenue to the WWE either".
the Wyatt sicks debut drew more than all the aew shows

the Wyatt sicks debut did more youtube views this week than Mercedes, Okada and Osprey's debut combined since they became all elite. only Adam Copeland isn't beaten yet.

if you think wwe is finished by this, then what about aew bro?
A homeless guy walking on the freeway with a prolapsed anus would get a bunch of views too. What's your point
stop talking about children like that you sick pedophile
Honest to God this.
This was worse than WCW's finger poke of doom and that time when the the kliq hugged in madison square garden
so anything draws better than aew these days? KEK what a KWAB response
Back in the early 90s people said they hated WWE because it was too cartoonish. Those people are still right.
Why is it when I ctrl-F "bitchtits" there's zero results?
I thought your faggot ass was so committed to calling the ass-rapist/wheelchair/pedophile anon "bitchtits" and now you're not doing it?
You mad Rovert? Vicky's virginity is never coming back. Two /pw/ chads tore that cunny up.
you belong in prison pedotits
>no one died. wyatts hijacked the production team like they've been doing for months.
That's not good either
Yet everyone was saying how boring a champ Cody would be after he won at WM39. Planning who Rock's first opponent would be after he beat Roman at WM40. How boring the Cody vs. Solo would be as his first feud.

At best you know contract signings and expirations. Public knowledge. No clue when or where talent will appear, what role they'll play, or for how long. Tell me what Gacy is doing tomorrow. What's Roman doing right now?

Point is, we're marks and so are the dirtsheets. We have a hard enough time processing teasers and vignettes. And no clue where any of this is going. Speculate away, just don't expect WWE to ease self-inflicted paranoia.
>Point is,
You don't have one. Enjoy watching the Wyatts6 and the Samoans9, nobody else will be.
>bitchtits posting his pedo fantasies again
u mad kek
anyone watch any of the fan reaction videos to this debut? people are emotionally invested. This made worldstar hip hop and it was just a debut, it took Swerve slurping up Hangmans blood to get noticed, this is hitting the pop culture zeitgeist for all the right reasons. They try and use words like cinema or aura but this the KINO everyone here knows it to be.
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You clearly didn’t grow up with the Ministry of Darkness. WWF literally held a blood ritual to turn Phineas Godwin into Mideon
Extremely low quality bait, just rotten.
Uh dude the Undertaker would like, bolt up out of a casket from the dead
>There is no way for them explain the deaths backstage
How do you know they were dead?
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>Enjoy watching the Wyatts6 and the Samoans9, nobody else will be.
The Wyatts and the Samoans will be far, far more watched, enjoyed, and fondly remembered than AEW and its wet fart of a roster. Seethe.
>Deliberately missing the point
A bit on the nose. Enjoy e-fedding storylines simple enough for casuals.
>Los Boricuas and DOA will be far, far more watched, enjoyed, and fondly remembered than ECW and its wet fart of a roster. Seethe.
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>buried alive matches are ok though
>i know everything about wwe but i totally dont watch it bro!!!
>This is perhaps the worse thing ever in wrestling.
My point stands and there's nothing you can do but cry about it lil bro
>Not supernatural.
>One off promotional garbage.
vs this Howdy shit is gonna be a main fixture for months.
Are you saying serial killers with chainsaws is up there with Bigfoot?
And that Howdy shit is gonna mog AEW to death. Trannies know this and that's why they're seething.

Leatherface had a run in Japan and even participated in that King of the Deathmatch event that Cactus beat Terry in for the finale. The chainsaw wielding slasher villain was face.
Yep, it's why I want them to do more spooky stuff. More of this please! We'll teach those trannies!
Not for me. I will actually tune in again.
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Russo board, faget
honestly you can trace it back to what Bray was doing with the Fiend. Bray killed WWE
Y'know that explains his deep rooted hatred for christians.
>you can trace this Bray Wyatt tribute act back to Bray Wyatt
Smartest tranny
>Literally every other reviewer said it was good.
Kek the AEWcord didn't like how their thread turned out

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