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Meanwhile, on Stardom, even worse shit than AEW...
I fucking adore Saki.
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might as well have a tall saki thread
Imagine hate watching stardom only to make a post mocking aew for the 2 autistic edrones here
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it's a sexy saki thread, nothing yikes about it
she's doing her best
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it worked out because now we have a Saki thread
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what she's doing is adding to the sexy lore of Saki
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spapapapanbros... not like this
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I'm not surprised you can't recognize character work... you watch AEW, after all
Aew has unironically better character work than wwe atm
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this guy gets it
WWE isn't what's being compared here, anyways it's a saki thread so fuck off with your console war faggotry.
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she wrestled with her toes out, gotta love her
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You chose the losing side bitch now wallow in shit with Tony.
Rossy won.
Bro, Mayu tag match was great and fun. Doesn't mean I have to like the other worthless trash with random boring shitters no one cares about on that show. Which is why I skipped through it, and not actually watched the 4hrs+, but still caught that dumb finish.
post the pic of her barefoot at the fan meet
Yes, "character work" is selling a kick for 5min, almost getting up then reconsidering cause a finish pin has to happen.
Mayu is always good.
But standards seem to be slipping since Rossy left. Even worse, for a company that claims to be "working on" the subtitles problem, they sure don't seem to be doing much about it.
I love Stardom but I'm getting close to cancelling my subscription.
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Saki is my Waifu. There shall be none other before her.
Sonny and Rossy the Winning Side Nah but fuck Aew
True Ace of Stardom Thread
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marigold just had a TLD main event extended into a 5 min tld. rossy lost
Crying about subtitles when you can see 95 % of the matches right away now stfu
On back to back cards. Both main events.
They're all on the English twitter. Hope sonny didn't ban you before he left.
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Luv skelly
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rossyslurpers will happily accept this slop and then shit on stardom lol
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OP's plan had one fatal flaw, we love skelly
>This is what Aewtists actually believe
I know they are, but hunting them down on the feed and watching them post by post is very inconvenient and sort of sucks.
I hope it's just a stop-gap measure. My concern is that the company will decide that's "good enough" and implement a real solution.
Stop being a lazy prick
Yeah, I don't have a problem when Stardom does it either. The fact that things can end in time limit draw adds urgency to matches and would be expected in a sport with actual time limits.
My bigger problem with Stardom is the subtitle thing. Yes, I get that they're on Twitter but I'm only going to put up with that for so long and I worry that it's the type of temporary solution that becomes a permanent one.
Go fuck yourself dude.
Seriously, piss the fuck off with that bullshit.
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the elusive pro wrestler sole shots. love saki.
Honestly I hope you take your advice nobody cares about you and your subtitle cry baby shit
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both of you niggers shut up, Saki threads are peaceful. Go argue your fag shit somewhere else.
Seriously, what the fuck is your problem dickhead.
it's pretty easy too get the gist of things without subs. odd complaint imo
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>are they booked for Saturday?
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seriously can't imagine arguing about anything in a fucking skelly thread, how shit does your life have to be to argue in the presence of skelly?
I love making trannys seethings
Holy shit
no wonder MARIGOLD is killing them
Yes, I too love it when a company that can afford to do better makes me jump through extra hoops just to enjoy their product!
I can tell, sir
Killing them and what exactly? It's not good wrestling and attendance that's for sure
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no, Tony doesn't understand a thing about Stardom, he has no clue who he should be bringing in.
that's awesome but there's been almost no talk about AEW all thread, all you did was help Saki fans get a little thread going. For that I thank you because everyone loves Skelly and I hope you make many trannys seethe in the coming days
I get the gist just fine.
But the wrestlers have personalities. The words express their personalities. It's not wrong to want to know exactly what people are saying.
We're not all watching for the storyless bangers.
ice ribbon outsold marigold thanks too mayu lol. rossy lost
I watched Stardom around the time Meltzer gave one of their matches 5 stars and save for the main event, the majority of the women moved like they were underwater and their matches were filled with comedy shit
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stop console warring about Joshi you turbo faggot.
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any love for the other tall Saki? I miss her.
You retarded faggot This Thread started as a console war thread
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>some other guy was fucking retarded so I have to be as well, I just have to be
this is why you're a nigger
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And this is why you never got laid and jerk off the anime
Jesus Christ take it down a notch.
Not every conversation needs to be an epic battle to show how big of a dick you are.
You don't come off as smart or superior. You just sound like a total jackass.
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this shit rules I love Marigold and Stardom, half the fun of Joshi is watching if they die. Marigold has professional Jobber Zayda Steel
damn console war fags even get worked when you shit on their stupid console warring hobby. What a sad fucking existence.
Kashima Saki has a remarkable ass for a stick thin Asian woman
I'm the one doing the working homo
I don't care about the console warring.
You're just being a dick and it's fucking obnoxious. It makes doing anything around here just that much less fun.
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this is Mercedes next finisher.
funny how there keeps being back to back responses to my post, I couldn't imagine using two devices to reply like this, but have fun.
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Need ambiguous gender sex with Utami right NOW
>wah don't be mean on 4channel
ohnononono. Adam Copeland has joined 4chan.org
People want to swear Stardom is good because the people watching it are weebos who want to jerk off to Asian insects and cover for it. Stardom has always been shit as almost all of women's wrestling is.
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Which Utami?
Why would anybody use two devices for you lol you must really think highly of yourself huh
He's his own biggest fan.
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I want to eat off her tummy and then lick it clean
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nah u.
suspiciously now only one reply and he waited to do it after getting called on, interesting how that changed.
How many were in attendance to that show?
Bro get over yourself you're retarded as fuck lol. But like I said I like making the tranny seething
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console war fag is now shocked at the idea of anyone not hating themselves. You can not make this shit up. I get it, normal people on here fucking hate you fags as well.
at least 3. Attendance fags get the rope, please.
NTA - I was the other one responding to him. I just decided to ignore him.
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>I like making the tranny seething
Console Wars fags crying about console war fags lmao can't make this shit up
it's very obvious your a edrone who's never watched a single match and only know of joshi because of ghoul
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I am just here to post Joshi feet bro, I don't console war because feet are feet regardless of the logo on the mat.
Nice of you to pull out this picture from your masturbate collection from 2016
Based feets poster
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imagine getting her drunk and forcefully tickling her feet setting off her childhood PTSD.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that was nigerus
That's why she's no nigeru now.
It's fine if anyone else does it.
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Quick better ward them off
Poi is damaged by whiskey
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nah u
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I am excited for the next X over. Kinda wild that that's the show Kenny Omega challenge Ospreay on announcing his return to NJPW. They should make that the gimmick, every time something oddly big happens at X over.
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Rossy claims for that attendance: 985
Ice Ribbons claim: 1,088

Definitely looks like a 103 person difference.
I’m serious. She is weak with alcohol
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I'm serious, nah u.
What is Stardom’s budget compared to AEW?
Guess what, whatever side you're on, it will never win unless you fight for it.
Stardoms yearly revenue during their best year ever was ~10 million US with a ~1.4 million profit. When Rossy sold the company in 2019 they were 2-3 million dollars in debt. This is when they weren't paying most of the players [they got paid off of merch they sold only].

For example - if Rossy sells out Shinkiba 1st Ring (~300 people) after renting costs his profit is $5,000 or so. That is before paying the players, transportation, etc. There is no money in Joshi. Stardom can survive because of their association with Bushiroad that can land them sponsorship deals and access to things.
Yup, this is why it's nearly all uggos and runaway, mental issues delinquents that couldn't get over in other body focused industries.
Nah, our fights here affect nothing.
It pretty much all boils down to who (((they))) want to win.
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>You got me brother
>somebody get my wife and kids on the phone
Retard take
my side, as I have already stated is posting Joshi feet. That side is doing pretty fucking good.
based thread
dude really thought invoking the joshi fans would lead to console warring, of course they would just post pics and spaz out.
Theres internal joshi console wars that take precedent over western AEW wars except it's more autistic because of how few people watch
I Dont watch AEW or WWE to give two fucks about either of them
you cant make me console war against them because i don't care or know wtf is even going on in any of them
Fucking barely it’s still proxy shit. Marigold is just being used by WWE fans on here. Actual fans of the company like myself aren’t really fighting against stardom fans we just don’t fucking care. What does has literally no impact on marigold shows. I watch both and TJPW. The smaller shit like Sendai Oz pure j AWG And whatever else there’s literally just not enough people for it to happen if anybody mentions one of those it’s normally to make fun of how small or shitty the company is and nobody runs to the companies defense either because nobody on here watches those. Overall no real Joshi fans console war.
i unironically give it a pass since its womemes shit
expecting women to actually know how to work is a massive stretch
only reason to tune in to female .atches is to jack off in all reality
this is not Akai
skelly pin
skelly win
Yeah you are a fucking retard, probably a shitskin too
love kashima saki
no u
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Well Akai retired so title of Tall Saki is now on Kashima
imagine being this late to the thread and still making the dumb ass obvious joke. You missed the boat but still tried to get on and just walked in the water like a fool.

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